IJSER Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2012 Edition

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Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Based on PSO to Reduce Non linear effect for 802.11a High Speed Network[Full-Text] [References] pp 741-747Er. Sahibinder Singh, Er. Devesh Mahor
A high speed network 802.11a (OFDM) has emerged as very popular wireless transmission technique in which digital data bits are transmitted at a high speed in a radio environment. But non linear effect (PAPR) is challenge of high speed based communication that has recently drawn much attention. Non linear effect in 802.11a causes nonlinear distortions after amplified by power amplifier. Many methods proposed to reduce PAPR. In this article, we introduce a low-complexity partial transmit sequence (PTS) based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is presented for the low computation complexity and the reduction of the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of an 802.11a wireless standard. In this paper, we work around potentially computational intractability; the proposed PSO scheme exploits heuristics to search the optimal combination of Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) with low complexity. Simulation results show that the new technique can effectively reduce the computation complexity and PAPR reduction
Enhanced VoIP Based Virtual PC Troubleshooting[Full-Text] [References] pp 748-753U.K.D.S.N. Dayananda, W.N.K.L. Abeyrathna, S.M.C.D. Samarakoon, K.B.M.S. Jayawickrama, M. Kalyanapala, M.N. Wijesundara
According to the businesses and marketing strategies, customer relationship management and call center outsourcing are becoming major concerns since customer satisfaction is considered as the ultimate goal of any kind of business organization. This paper discusses how the VoIP technology can be used in an automated remote PC troubleshooting environment along with Interactive Voice Response and remote desktop assistance, for the purpose of creating ultimate software based PC troubleshooting solution capable of operating with reduced human involvement in order to provide optimum availability, reliability and cost-effectiveness for PC related business organizations. In this solution, a call processing engine pre-processes incoming calls and redirects them into the Interactive voice response engine which is enforced with a built-in PC troubleshooting knowledge base capable of guiding the caller to a solution with voice commands. If the knowledge base fails to provide a reasonable solution, the remote assistance enables real-time interaction between the caller and a human trouble-shooter. This approach minimizes the current drawbacks of traditional PC troubleshooting and increases the productivity and the efficiency
Maximizing Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network Using HEF [Full-Text] [References] pp 754-758P.Ponmegala, R.Karthik
Finding lifetime of sensor network is an essential part while using sensors for operation. Predicting the total lifetime of the network by Schedulability analysis and improving the network lifetime. In this paper we introduce a clustering algorithm for maximizing the lifetime of network called HEF algorithm and also adding an extra relay station to base station for effective transmission of packets. So we are avoiding the packet loss which results in saving energy for network to lead the activities to some time extend.
Graph Applications to Fluid Mechanics[Full-Text] [References] pp 759-763V. Manjula
Fluid mechanics is an important subject which has been given equal weight age in Mechanical, civil, Chemical Engineering curriculum. It deals with the flow of fluids. This paper designed to explain the fundamentals of fluid mechanics in the areas of properties of fluids. And its applications to graphs A general graph approach for computational fluid dynamics is presented. Density, velocity and entropy per unit volume are used as independent variables for a single-phase, single-component flow. As a result of a combination of graph concepts with elements of Fluid mechanics, a new approach was developed principles and concepts of Fluid mechanics presented in simple and clear terms. The paper has an easy to read style and is going to benefit the readers. Important findings are a fluid is a substance which can
Data Mining Techniques for Real Time Intrusion Detection Systems[Full-Text] [References] pp 764-770Monali Shetty, Prof. N.M.Shekokar
Due to the widespread proliferation of computer networks, attacks on computer systems are increasing day by day. Preventive measures can stop these attacks to some extent, but they are not very effective due to various reasons. This lead to the development of intrusion detection as a second line of defense. In Information Security, intrusion detection is the act of detecting actions that attempt to compromise the confidentiality, integrity or availability of a resource. Intrusion detection does not, in general, include prevention of intrusions. In this paper, we are focused on data mining techniques that are being used for such purposes. We debate on the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques. Finally we present a new idea on how data mining can aid IDSs in real time. In this paper, we present an overview of real time data mining-based intrusion detection system (IDSs). We focus on issues related to deploying a data mining -based IDS in a real time environment. New intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are based on sophisticated algorithms rather than current signature-base detections are in demand. In this paper, we propose a new real time data-mining based technique for intrusion detection using an ensemble of binary classifiers with feature selection and multiboosting simultaneously.
Aerothermal Energy[Full-Text] [References] pp 771-773Jitul Moran
The wind energy and solar energy are the future energy sources but both are not capitalized efficiently. This theory throws a light on the tremendous potential of both these energies when utilized in combination known as "AEROTHERMAL ENERGY". This energy can produce a greater amount of power with minimum input. This energy also has the potential to produce power even in the absence of wind energy
Significant Wavelet Hierarchical Approach Using Even Odd Method for Watermarking[Full-Text] [References] pp 774-777S.Maruthuperumal, B.Vijayakumar, Dr.V.Vijayakumar
Watermarking application requires flexibility to alter the cover image in order to embed the hidden information and makes the watermark more robust to attacks. These constraints are effectively achieved, in the present paper using SWH approach for digital watermark. In the proposed Significant Wavelet Hierarchical (SWH) approach, the selected subband of wavelet transform is divided in to non overlapped Hierarchical Regions (HR), each with sizes of B×B rows and columns. The HR is then divided into Significant Hierarchical Regions (SHR) of size (B-i) × (B-i) rows and columns. The SHR is used to represent the watermark. In the present approach watermark is inserted only in the SHR by a novel approach called REO Method. The unused row(s) and column(s) of HR are named as Unused Hierarchical Region (UHR). The UHR maintains the next level of hierarchy. This makes the present method as more efficient in terms of maintaining the hierarchy, security, authenticity, and in resisting various attacks. The experimental results with various attacks prove the efficacy of the proposed SWH approach
Analysis of Internet Security Measures Surrounding the World[Full-Text] [References] pp 778-783Amit Kumar Jain, Yashpal Singh,K.K Pandey, Sachin Upadhyay
The objective of this paper is to estimate the statistics surrounding the most common security threats faced by Internet users. There is an estimated of more than two billion Internet users worldwide, therefore it is important to know what security threats your computer may be vulnerable to while using the Internet. Threats discussed in this paper will include spam, phishing, computer viruses, hackers, and spyware/malware. The current percentage of Incidents as they are related to different regions of the world discusses the severity of each threat, by using suitable statistical techniques. Due to the large number of Internet users, it is probable that many of them are unaware of these threats and what they can and should be doing to protect themselves. Most importantly this paper will discuss about threats. A user can take to defend themselves against these threats and known vulnerabilities. With identity theft on the rise, it is imperative to understand Internet security threats now more than ever.
Dynamic Filtering Points Based Skyline Query Processing In Distributed Data Sites[Full-Text] [References] pp 784-789M.AMUTHAVALLI, P.S.BALAMURUGAN
The Skyline query used in a large number of unstructured distributed databases located at different data sites, it extracts the data from, where relevant data are distributed among geographically scattered sites. Constrained skyline query is attached with constraints on specific dimensions. A constraint on a dimension is a range specifying the user's interest. Given a skyline query with constraints, all relevant sites are partitioned into incomparable groups, among which the query can be executed in parallel based on partition algorithm. We then give a parallel distributed skyline algorithm to estimate the overall query response time. We have used some filtering points in distributed query processing such that the amount of data to be transmitted via the network connection is reduced. In this paper we propose dynamic filtering points to reduce the large number of filtering points used in a same data sites and get a good accurate result. In previous we used skyline only in centralized approach, now we are used skyline in distributed environment at larger network. The results of an extensive experimental study demonstrate that our proposals are effective and efficient.
Minimization of Leakage Current in VLSI Design[Full-Text] [References] pp 790-794Kanika Kaur, Arti Noor
To meet the ever-increasing demand of high performance systems, more and more functions are integrated into single chip by scaling down the size of device. Leakage current is becoming an increasingly important fraction of total power dissipation of integrated circuits. As technology scales leakage current grows exponentially and become and increasingly large component of total power dissipation. An important area of research is developing the circuit techniques to reduce the subthreshold leakage current in both active and standby mode to minimize the total power consumption. The power dissipation due to subthreshold leakage current becomes comparable to switching or dynamic power component and is a serious concern for circuit designing in deep submicron region. This paper describes the need to consider gate leakage current while determining the sleep state pattern is explained. Circuit reorganization and sleep state assignment techniques demonstrated for gate and subthreshold minimization of static and dynamic circuits. The MTCMOS technology for the minimization of gate and subthreshold leakage current is also explained for the low power circuits.
Design For Temperature-controlled Solar Heated Chick Brooder[Full-Text] [References] pp 795-800Okolie paul chukwulozie,Okafor Emeka Christian, Chinwuko Emmanuel Chuka, Ubani Nelson Obinna, Okenwa Ugochukwu
Brooding is the care of the chicks from a day old to six weeks. The current design consists primarily of the provision of modulated heat against the background of natural and artificial brooding system of brooding that is prone to fire hazard. This work therefore presents a design for a brooder that makes uses of solar as source of the required heat in the housing. The overall heat transfer coefficient of the door was determined as 3.846W/m20C and transmission heat loss through door (Qd) results to 30.15W. Then the heat transfer coefficient is 1.780 such that the total heat of 80.63W is loss through the walls. Based on the results, it was recommended that if there are several chicks, the temperature can usually be a little lower as the chicks keep each other warm and single chicks have fewer options to self-regulate; In many cases the heating can be moderated once the temperature was regulated down to 21 degrees Celsius
Critically Analyzing the Behavior of Fuzzy Flip Flops and Searching for Better Solutions[Full-Text] [References] pp 801-806SABYASACHI CHAKRABORTY
Sequential circuits are the important components of a computer system as they process binary data and buffers binary output for the next period.. Sequential circuits are the interconnection of logic gates and Flip Flops and the buffering of binary output for the next period is carried out by the Flip Flops by their inherent feedback mechanism. Sequential circuits basically process binary data sequentially with an automated method of state transition which is solely driven by the Flip Flops. Among the different Flip Flops J-K Flip-Flop is the major one and the most elementary and general unit of the sequential digital circuits. In this paper the J-K Flip Flops driven by Fuzzy rules are viewed as an improvised form of the Flip Flops based on the Boolean rules and the various operative aspects of them are examined . Firstly the detailed comparison between Fuzzy logic and Boolean axiomatic properties are carried out ,then the Fuzzy logic driven Flip Flops with non associative properties are studied and the input-output relationships as well as the expressions of outputs in the next period are derived considering different combinations of the outputs in current period and inputs in the next period . At last the rules of output and different input conditions are analyzed and derived. The later part of the paper deals with the unstable situation of Fuzzy J-K Flip Flops over the different states and provides with some measure to avoid the same. Thus this paper deals with the formulation of fuzzy operational rules for the J-K Flip Flop on the one hand and attempts to find a concrete solution to the problem of unstable states of J-K fuzzy Flip Flops on the other.
Security Attacks in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text} [References] pp 807-812Prachi Bansal, Beenu Yadav, Sonika Gill, Harsh Verma
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) use small nodes with constrained capabilities to sense, collect, and disseminate information in many types of applications. One of the major challenges wireless sensor networks face today is security Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an emerging technology and have great potential to be employed in critical situations like battlefields and commercial applications such as building, traffic surveillance, habitat monitoring and smart homes and many more scenarios. One of the major challenges wireless sensor networks face today is security. In this paper we present a introduction to wireless sensor networks, its usage in every environment followed by a brief overview of characteristics and requirements for deploying such a network. The different attacks on these networks are discussed. For each of these attacks, counter measures are presented if applicable.
Insight of Lectins- A review[Full-Text] [References] pp 813-821Himansha Singh, Sai Partha Sarathi
Lectins are the carbohydrate-binding proteins and are known for their toxic relevance. History provides various evidences for their toxicity profile and initially, it was thought that lectins are associated solely with toxic content. However, recent research shows a remarkable development in lectin science and their use in studying glycoprotein biosynthesis, investigating carbohydrates on cells/cell-organelles, mapping neuronal pathways, anti-cancer therapies and in mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes is well documented. Even though lectins have intrigued current researchers for the investigation of their therapeutic values, not enough studies have been conducted so far and knowledge about lectins is limited to certain plants or animal sources and further research is important to identify lectins and their importance in as many sources as possible. This review is a comprehensive account of lectins starting from their initial discovery, their purification, biological role and also presents an outline of their toxic effects and therapeutic contribution. In the search for their functions, the end may not be in sight but, at last, it is conceivably around the corner. Lectins could be the next generation medicines if efficient research is contributed in their understanding
Voltage Stability Improvement using Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) based on Lmn and VCPI Stability Indices[Full-Text] [References] pp 822-826Venu Yarlagadda, Dr.B.V.Sankar Ram, Dr.K.R.M.Rao
Reactive power control is the basic requirement for maintaining the voltage levels thereby the stability of the interconnected power system. Voltage variations can be stabilized and controlled by providing required reactive power. These low voltages may also reduce the power Transfer through the transmission lines and may lead to Instability Hence FACTS Controllers are widely used in Interconnected Power Systems to control the voltage levels within the tolerable limits. FACTS Controllers are used to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability. Among the FACTS devices, the TCSC controller has given the best results in terms of performance and flexibility. An IEEE 9 bus system is programmed in MATLAB and assessed the voltage stability using L and VCPI Stability Indices. Finally the voltage stability has been improved using TCSC
Quality Enhancement of Watermarking System Using Discrete Cosine Transform [Full-Text] [References] pp 827-830Priyanka Sharma
The growth of networking boosted the use of information technology to a greater coverage and this leads to the comprehensive over-view of current digital watermarking techniques. The purpose of this review paper is to present a new-fragile and non-blind watermarking insertion technique is defined using the DCT domain and a mathematical model is proposed using simulink.
Performance Evaluation Of Extended Visual Cryptography Schemes With Embedded Extended Visual Cryptographic Scheme[Full-Text] [References] pp 831-835Miss. Asha S.N., Dr.Shreedhara, Smt. Anitha G
Visual cryptography scheme (VCS) is a kind of secret sharing scheme which allows the encoding of a secret image into ?? shares that distributed to ?? participants. The beauty of such scheme is that a set of qualified participants is able to recover the secret image without any cryptographic knowledge and computation devices. Extended visual cryptography scheme (EVCS) is a kind of VCS which consists of meaningful shares (compared to the random shares of traditional VCS). Intent of this paper is the study and construction of EVCS which is realized by embedding random shares into meaningful covering shares, and we call it the embedded extended visual cryptography scheme (embedded EVCS). Experimental results compare some of the well-known EVCS's proposed in recent years systematically, and show that the proposed embedded EVCS has competitive visual quality compared with many of the well-known EVCS's in the literature. Besides, it has many specific advantages against these well-known EVCS's respectively.
Design, Modeling And Analysis Of Double Acting Reciprocating Compressor Components[Full-Text] [References] pp 836-838P.K.Jadhao , K.K. Jadhao, S. S. Bhagwat
The present day concept of automation has increased the use of compressed air in every field of industrial life. An attempt has been made to design double acting air compressor with an intention to provide the operating pressure required for pneumatic tools within less time taken by single acting compressor to generate the same pressure of 9 kg/cm2 at 925 rpm of compressor for piston displacement of 21.4 cfm. Basic component of double acting reciprocating air compressor are designed. The modeling, and analysis of double acting reciprocating air compressor were done by using CATIAV5R10 software. Theoretically, all the components are found to work within safe stress limits
Wavelet Filter Banks Modeling of Human Auditory System for Robust Speech Enhancement[Full-Text] [References] pp 839-843Ranganadh Narayanam,Hilmi Dajani and Sos Agaian
In this research we have developed a novel perceptual wavelet filter bank architecture & wavelet filter banking coefficients for a versatile speech enhancement method based on the human auditory model. In this paper the implementation of these wavelet filer banking coefficients for a speech enhancement scheme are being described which meets the demand for quality noise reduction algorithms which are capable of operating at a very low signal to noise ratio. This is a generalized time frequency subtraction algorithm which advantageously exploits the wavelet multi-rate signal representation to preserve the critical transient information. This wavelet filer banking may be able in reducing noise in applications with little speech degradation in diverse noise environments by reducing the residual noise and improve the intelligibility of speech. MATLAB routines are developed for performing this research.
Service-Oriented Channel Allocation For Maximum Reliability [Full-Text] [References] pp 844-849S.SATISH KUMAR
Mobile computing involves bulk data transmission over the transmission media. To achieve highly reliable data transmission, wireless mobile networks require efficient reliable link connectivity, regardless of terminal mobility and, thus, a reliable traffic performance. Mobile networks consist of mobile hosts, base stations, links, etc. that are often vulnerable to failure. It is desirable to design a reliable network, in terms of services of both the base stations and the communication channels of the network, for the reliable transmission of the data. The objective of this study is to design an appropriate reliability-based model for channel allocation that retains the overall system reliability with acceptable system performance. The system may achieve acceptable performance not only during normal operations but also under various component failures. A genetic algorithm, which is a search procedure based on evolutionary computation, is suited to solve a class of complex optimization problems. The potential of the genetic algorithm is used, in this paper, to improve the reliability of the mobile communication system. The proposed model designs a reliable mobile communication system, irrespective of the mobile hosts that change their position due to mobility. A simulation experiment to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm is conducted, and results reveal the effectiveness of this model.
Mathematical Model for Performance Rating in Software industry- A study using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text] [References] pp 853-853E.Manokaran, S.Senthilvel, S.Subhashini, Dr.R.Muruganandham, Dr.K.Ravichandran
Multi-criteria decision making has been one of the fastest growing areas during the last decades depending on the changing's in the business sector. Decision maker(s) need a decision aid to decide alternatives and mainly excel less preferable alternatives fast. With the help of computers the decision making methods have found great acceptance in all areas of the decision making processes. Since multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) has found acceptance in areas of operation research and management science, the discipline has created several methodologies. It is difficult to find the performance of employees by considering the factors. In these paper employees performance level is analyzed and ranked by TOPSIS and SAW methods. Obtained results are validated using ANN and the results were compared. Even the problem with both the objective function is complex by solving MCDM. Hence Optimization Method of approach to a problem is analyzed and further comparison is made.
Wireless Systems "Advanced 4G Technology"[Full-Text] [References] pp 854-858D.HariPrashanth
The recent revolution created by 3G technology paved the world to enter into a new fastest communication and fully flexible environment of internet at high speed. Now its time for even advanced technology for future generations called as the 4G technology. The components of 4G Technology, advanced materials used in it, mode of communication, upgraded versions of previously used components in 3G, and also the advantages of the 4G systems were about to be discussed.
An Expert System For Seismic Data Interpretation Using Visual And Analytical Tools[Full-Text] [References] pp 859-871Neelu Jyothi Ahuja, Parag Diwan
Seismic images are extensively used by petroleum geologists to delineate subsurface geological structures. This interpretation is dependent on interpreter's individual skills, and expertise causing a complex seismic image to be interpreted differently by different seismologists. To overcome this uncertainty a prototype expert system SeisExpert, has been developed in which the experience and heuristic knowledge of the experts have been incorporated in the form of a set of rules. Over 120 rules have been built into a commercially available expert system shell, 'Flex' (from Logic Programming Associates, UK). Information received from the user is chained through these rules to interpret the seismic images. Additionally, analytical procedures have been provided to refine the interpretation in case of complex subsurface structures. These include statistical cross-correlation across the seismic traces and secondary attributes such as instantaneous phase and reflection strength. Using this system, several horizons were successfully tracked across seismic traces in four different seismic images containing field data from existing oil fields. Discontinuities such as faults, wherever present, were also correctly identified.
Co-Ordinate Load control and Load shedding Balance by using Microcontroller [Full-Text] [References] pp 872-876Md. Rashidul Islam, Md.Masud Kaisar Khan, Abu Ishaque Md. Forhad
Energy is the basic necessity for the economic development of a country. Energy production is more costly which is impossible for us, so we should distribute the energy as maximum user's right. Now a day's load-shedding is a common buzzword in our country, for this reason the industry doesn't continue the production, the aim of our research is to continue power flow in industry and load-shed the user as a balance condition. Hence, the load shedding control system, which was earlier done manually, now-a-days, is controlled by a computer based system, developed to some more extent to direct the society to a more convenient life. This paper focuses on developing a microcontroller based procedure for controlling the load-shedding system where manual work will be minimized by selecting the feeder, substation and duration of shedding time by the user, easy to detect fault using microcontroller, To continue industrial power for effective manufacturing, over load cut for Transmission line safety.
Analysis on Adaptive Moving Objects via Robot Vision Implementations by Detection Techniques[Full-Text] [References] pp 877-880Deepa Kumari, Shamik Tiwari, Deepika Gupta, Raina
Building a robot is not only a passion but also a dream for most budding engineers. It is essential to make the concept of visual sensor system used in the field of robotics for identification and tracking of the objects. Identifying moving objects from a video sequence is a fundamental and critical task in many robot-vision applications. A common approach is to perform background subtraction, which identifies moving objects from the portion of a video frame that differs significantly from a background model. There are many challenges in developing a good background subtraction algorithm. First, it must be robust against changes in illumination. Second, it should avoid detecting non-stationary background objects such as moving leaves, rain, snow, and shadows cast by moving objects. Finally, its internal background model should react quickly to changes in background such as starting and stopping of vehicles.
Theoretical Study of Molecular Ordering in Nematogens:4-(4propoxy benzilidine amino) benzoic acid[Full-Text] [References] pp 881-886Shraddha,Navneet Chaturvedia,M.K.Dwivedi,S.N.Tiwari
The peculiar changes-characteristics of mesomorphic behaviour, which occur at phase transitions, are primarily governed by intermolecular interactions acting between sides, planes and terminals of a pair of liquid crystalline molecules. In view of this fact, intermolecular interactions between a pair of 4-(4-propoxybenzilidineamino) (3BABA) molecules have been evaluated using modified second order perturbation treatment along with multicentred- multipole expansion method. Using the results of stacking, in-plane and terminal interaction energy studies, probability calculations at varied angular and positional configurations in a molecular pair of 3 BABA have been carried out employing Maxwell-Boltzmann formula. An attempt has been made to elucidate the nematogenic behaviour of 3 BABA molecules in terms of translational freedom, orientational flexibility etc.
Performance Characteristics of CI Engine Fuelled with Biodiesel and its Blends by Simulation[Full-Text] [References] pp 887-892Sanjay Patil, Dr. M.M.Akarte
In order to overcome the scarcity of hydrocarbon and its depletion, bio-diesel is used as a substitute for diesel or with its blend. In this paper an effort is made to develop a zero dimensional single zone thermodynamic model for compression ignition (CI) engine cycle simulation. Single Wiebe function is used to fit the experimental Mass Fraction Burned (MFB) profile to model heat released due to combustion. Heat transfer and variable specific heats are also considered. The authors of this paper have used a model to compute the performance of the CI engine powered by diesel, palm oil methyl ester (POME) and it blends with diesel. The affect of compression ratio and relative air-fuel ratio on the engine performance is analyzed. The predicted performance parameters like cumulative heat release for diesel and brake thermal efficiency with diesel, POME and various blends at 17.5:1 compression ratio are validated by comparing them with experimental results.
Setting CPU Affinity in Windows Based SMP Systems Using Java[Full-Text] [References] pp 893-900Bala Dhandayuthapani Veerasamy, Dr. G.M. Nasira
Multithreaded program involves multiple threads of control within a single program on single or multiple environments. In multithreaded programming model, a single process can have multiple, concurrent execution paths on CPUs. Thread affinity benefit a thread to run on a specific subset of processors. Multithreaded programming is written in many programming languages with an improvement of setting an affinity to threads. Java supports to develop multithreaded programming, while it does not contain any method to set an affinity for threads on CPU. This paper articulates the method to setting CPU affinity for threads in windows based SMP systems using Java.
Beam forming in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text] [References] pp 901-905Jasmine K.S, Sumithradevi K.A
Wireless interconnection is now considered a defining feature for sensor networks. The sensors are visualized as miniature bat-tery-driven computing devices; because of energy constraints, all computing, storage/retrieval, and especially communication operations are considered expensive. Scalability and robustness (to sensor failures) are considered essential features for a sensor network. The limitations of sensor devices is that they have small batteries with small amounts of available power; thus limiting the lifespan of the sensors. An attractive solution to making the wireless sensors more energy efficient is to use cooperative beamforming. Implementing cooperative beamforming clearly comes with power and time overhead for the data sharing among the collaborative sensors. Implementing cooperative beamforming is a multi-variable optimization problem. In this paper various beamforming techniques along with a special emphasis on cooperative beamforming in acoustics with the help of Antenna technology is discussed which can save energy over sensosr transmissions.
Law And Economics: Environmental Costs And Benefits[Full-Text] [References] pp 906-915Clifford D. Fisher
In an increasingly litigious society the courts are forced to entertain a myriad of topics. One of the most muddled and polluted involves environmental law. When our legislative branch of government is hesitant to act against polluters on their own free will, environmentalists and victims turn to the courts to resolve their problems. The courts are attempting to meet this influx with the principles and guidelines that have sufficed for centuries in tort law. Why will this same process not satisfy environmental litigation today? A combination of politicians, the public, businesses, economists, and scientists pollute this tradition, in a web of technicalities, complications in causation, and unknown answers.
Developing Online Weather Monitoring System Using OGC SWE [Full-Text] [References] pp 916-918Aijaz Reshi, Shabana Shafi, Dr. M. Sridhar, Dr. M. Rajani
This paper explores the potential of Sensor Web Enablement for weather monitoring and process control, illustrated by a weather monitoring prototype [1]. The online weather monitoring system monitors various weather conditions, especially temperature, humidity and rain fall. The weather monitoring system consists of the sensors, 8051 micro controller chips, analog to digital converters, the transmission module, a dedicated computer unit via RS232 interface and web application. The sensors include temperature sensor ,humidity sensor and rain gauge. The task of measuring and interpreting environmental data is becoming increasingly large and complex. Many proprietary and open technologies are in use for observing, communicating, analyzing and reporting the environmental data. Several international initiatives are focusing on interoperability among these systems at technical, organizational, semantic and political levels. Examples include the Open Geospatial Consortium's (OsGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative and the Semantic Web.
Lean Manufacturing: A Panacea to Meet Global Competition[Full-Text] [References] pp 919-942Aman Sharan , Animesh Pratap Singh ,Priyanka Mahendru,Prof. D.V.Mahindru
The "Lean Manufacturing" is production of a product to meet demand on daily basis with minimum lead time and nonvalue added activities eliminated and minimized. Tracing the history and evolution of lean, it goes back to the period of " Craft Manufacturing" before 1850, production of "Interchangeable parts" by Eli Whiney, drawing conventions, tolerances and modern machine tools development after the American Civil war. In the year 1900, Fredrice Taylor and Frank Gilberth introduced standardized work time study, Process Charts and motion study. During World War -I, Henry Ford, developed Assembly lines, flow lines and manufacturing strategy...