IJSER Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2012 Edition

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An Efficient Heuristic Algorithm For Fast Clock Mesh Realization[Full-Text] [References] pp 288-292P.Saranya, A.Sridevi
The application of multiple clocking domains with dedicated clock buffer will be implemented. In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for determining the minimum number of clock domains to be used for multi domain clock skew scheduling. Non-tree based distributions provides a high tolerance towards process variations. The clock mesh constraints are overcome by two processes. First a simultaneous buffer placement and sizing is done which satisfies the signal slew constraints while minimizing the total buffer size by heuristic algorithm. The second one reduces the mesh by deleting certain edges, thereby trading off skew tolerance for low power dissipation by post processing techniques. Thus comparisons of wire length, power dissipation, nominal skew and variation skews using H-SPICE software for various sized benchmark circuits are performed
Factors Affecting Acceptance of HIV Counsel-ing & Testing Among Antenatal Care Atten-dants: With Emphasis on Role of Male Partners[Full-Text] [References] pp 293-303Addisu Belachew, Abebe G.Mariam
VCT is an entry point for Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV infection. To increase uptake of Prevention of mother to child transmission interventions and to benefit more generally from HIV testing, the greater role of men is important. Facility based cross-sectional by design, conducted from March1 to April 1, 2011. The sample size was 422 and study subjects were selected by systematic random sampling. Acceptance of HIV testing among the interviewed pregnant women was (72.0%). Husband reaction, fear of rejection by the community and fear of positive test result were reasons reported that impede acceptance of HIV testing.
Renewable Energy Financing: Towards a Financing Mechanism for Overcoming Pre-Commercialization Barriers of Renewable Energy Financing System in Nigeria [Full-Text] [References] pp 304-311Kaisan Muhammad Usman, Aminu Haruna Isa, and Johnson Oluyemi Ojosu
Nigeria is exploiting a new way of boosting its energy supply by utilizing all its available renewable energy resources. As a way of tackling the persisting energy crises in the country, renewable energy technology is being introduced into the nation's energy supply mix. However, the utilization of renewable energy technology innovation process is influenced at different stages by technology-push and market-pull forces that need to be managed and balanced by technology innovators, governments, financiers and eventually end-users. The problem today in Nigeria is the pre-commercialization financing gap that plaques new technology utilization developments and the financing mechanism needed to overcome these problems. Such financing gap is as a result of the quality of financing intermediation, debtor information, cost to banks and financing needs of renewable energy technology firms. In solving this problem, we considered three financing aspects of renewable energy technology that target the enhancement of the financing sector performance, such as sources of financing, policies for mitigating financing barriers and financing mechanism. The result shows that the development of renewable energy technology to sustainable use depends on financing mechanism that targets the pre-commercialization financing gap
Change in the Concept of Equilibriums and Reformulation for Newton's Second Law in Presence and in Absence of Gravitational Field [Full-Text] [References] pp 312-319Bishal Banjara
Newton's second law which deals with measurement of force that acted on a body by change in velocity upon time taken or rate of change of the linear momentum with time represented mathematically by F=ma, is a way to measure force acted on that body in absence of external force or external force exerting field. But this formula can't measure force completely in presence and in absence of external force exerting field such as in Gravitational field, although instead of F=ma there it is replaced by F=mg. So, a complete way to measure force acted on a body is of common essence. For the purpose I have intended forward to formulate a complete way to measure force acted on a body in such Gravitational field and in absence of such field. It is denoted by formula F=mgsin?+mV0Vf /R in presence of Gravitational field and F=ka in absence such field where, letters have their usual meanings.
Dropwise and filmwise condensation[Full-Text] [References] pp 320-324Saurabh pandey
The paper reviews progress in dropwise condensation research from 1930 to the present. Particular attention is given to heat transfer measurements, theory, effect the presence of air in the condenser has on the heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient.. This experiment would be used in any industry which is trying to increase the efficiency of heat transfer. Subsequently, more accurate measurements have shown good consistency and the theory of the dropwise and filmwise condensation have become better unders-tood.. The balance of evidence suggests that dropwise condensation is a more effective method of heat transfer than filmwise condensation, and the presence of air insteam vapour significantly reduces the heat transfer..The paper contains the experimental steps invove in performning the experiment precautions and final result of the experiment. The exact reading and values of heat transfer coefficient in both type of condensation is still not fully understood.
Fuzzy Logic Based Gray Image Extraction and Segmentation[Full-Text] [References] pp 325-338Koushik Mondal, Paramartha Dutta, Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
Image segmentation and subsequent extraction from a noise-affected background, has all along remained a challenging task in the field of image processing. There are various methods reported in the literature to this effect. These methods include various Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models (primarily supervised in nature), Genetic Algorithm (GA) based techniques, intensity histogram based methods etc. Providing an extraction solution working in unsupervised mode happens to be even more interesting a problem. Fuzzy systems concern fundamental methodology to represent and process uncertainty and imprecision in the linguistic information. The fuzzy systems that use fuzzy rules to represent the domain knowledge of the problem are known as Fuzzy Rule Base Systems (FRBS). Literature suggests that effort in this respect appears to be quite rudimentary. In the present article, we propose a fuzzy rule guided novel technique that is functional devoid of any external intervention during execution. Experimental results suggest that this approach is an efficient one in comparison to different other techniques extensively addressed in literature. In order to justify the supremacy of performance of our proposed technique in respect of its competitors, we take recourse to effective metrices like Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR).
Effects of Tool Rake Angle on Tool Life in Turning Tools[Full-Text] [References] pp 339-344Engr. Kaisan Muhammad Usman
In this work, the effect of tool rake angles on tool life was studied, the rake angles of 00, 50, 100, 150, and 200 and a constant clearance (Relief angle) of 80 were used to turn bright mild steel on the lathe machine, with a high speed steel of 18mm side as cutting tool and soluble oil was used as coolant. This is all in order to explore the energy savings opportunities during regrinding of tools, useful production time and energy is being wasted due to regrinding or re-sharpening of tools when cutting tools got worn or blunt, selection of the best rake angle which elongates tool life goes a long way in saving these time and energy. It was observed that, the rake angle of 200 gave the longest tool life as well as the best surface finish and yielded continuous chips formation
Detecting Pornography on Web to Prevent Child Abuse – A Computer Vision Approach[Full-Text] [References] pp 345-347Nilesh J.Uke, Dr. Ravindra C. Thool
This paper explores the sensitive area from social, ethical and technical perspective and discuss an automated computer vision system for identifying whether there is a human nude present in a video which is browsed on the internet. Pornography is neglected problem in the society and in researchers due to its sensitive issue. But it cannot be ignored due to Internet reaching every child in the society. Current methods are not sufficient and enough to track child pornography. Proposed system consists of three phases. Segmentation phase accept the input video stream and extract the key frames which are candidates for nude images detection. Amount of nudity will be detected from rapid moving object detection phase. In classification phases segregation of objectionable video will be marked porn or non-porn depending upon the judgment criteria, decided on multiple the audio and video features
Double Sampling Product-Cum-Dual to Ratio Es-timators for Finite Population Mean in Sample Surveys[Full-Text] [References] pp 348-354B. K. Singh, Sanjib Choudhury
This paper considers a class of product-cum- dual to ratio estimators for estimating finite population mean of the study variate in double sampling. The bias and mean square errors (MSEs) of the proposed estimator have been obtained in two different cases. The asymptotically optimum estimators (AOEs) of the class are identified along with their bias and MSEs. Theoretical and empirical studies have been done to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed estimators over other estimators. An attempt has been made to find optimum sample sizes under a known fixed cost function
Design and Implementation of Environmental Teaching System of University[Full-Text] [References] pp 355-359Shuangchun Yang, Yi Pan, Jinhui Zhang, Xiaoyang Geng, Xiaozhen Wang
The traditional education model has many shortcomings of low teaching efficiency, poor quality of education in China. By the promotion of continuous improvement of the computer application technology, I innovative Environmental Teaching System (ETS) was put forward. In this paper, ETS teaching system consists of three subsystems: Environmental Lecture sub-System (ELsS), Environmental Assignment sub-System (EAsS), and Environmental Test sub-System (ETsS). The ETS also have five functions, which are Environmental Classroom Assessment, Environmental Classroom Records, Email-Based Assignment Management Model, Environmental Correcting Examination Paper and Online Examination Records. ETS has many advantages than traditional education model in the teaching process, such as convenient and efficient, data intact, saving resources and so on
Development and Application of Oil Sand[Full-Text] [References] pp 360-363Xiaoming Zhang, Yi Pan
The oil sands is one kind of sand-like unconventional ore resources depositing of crude oil, it is made up of asphalt, minerals, clay and water in a way of conjuncting with each other. Oil and natural gas are important energy and chemical raw materials, its resources are gradually reduced. With the rapid development of the global economy, the conventional oil resources can't meet the rapid growth of oil demand, people began turning to unconventional oil resources, one of which is the oil sands. Oil sands is unconventional oil resources, if its proven reserves are converted into oil, it will be much larger than the world's proven oil reserves. Canadian oil sands reserves stand ahead in the world, followed by the former Soviet Union, Venezuela, the United States and China. However, due to its special properties, different mining and processing technology, and higher mining costs compared with conventional oil, the research of oil sands makes slow progress. At present, due to the rising of world oil price, oil sands mining technology have attracted more and more attention, and have developed a lot
Power Distribution of Wind Diesel Generator in Isolated Network[Full-Text] [References] pp 364-369Prashant Bawaney, B. Sridhar
Recent research and development of alternative energy sources have shown excellent potential to complement the contribution to conventional power generation systems. In order to meet sustained load demands during varying natural conditions, different energy sources and converters need to be integrated with each other for extended usage of alternative energy. This paper focuses on the combination of Wind Turbine and Diesel Generator systems for sustained power generation. As the wind turbine output power varies with the wind speed: a DG system can be integrated with the wind turbine to ensure that the system performs under all conditions. This paper presents Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of a Wind/DG Hybrid Power Generation System with power flow controllers.
FitzGerald's Approach to Translation[Full-Text] [References] pp 370-384Habibollah Mashhady, Mahbube Noura
The present paper attempts to explore FitzGerald's overall approach to translation by examining his translated works and particularly by focusing on his translation of Khayyam's Rubaiyat. Khayyam Rubaiyat is selected as the text to gather data and it is compared to its English translation by FitzGerald in order to identify the strategies he used in translating it into English. In order to do so, first this paper traces translation theories common in Victorian era and the extent FitzGerald adheres to them. Second it discusses translation of poetry and potential obstacles inherent in it according to form, meaning, culture-specific terms and the role of interpretation in poetry translation. Then it focuses on Khayyam Rubaiyat translation and identifies strategies used in its translation which ranged from addition, selection, omission, domestication to foreignization, all of which transformed Khayyam into a Epicurean western- poet philosopher. It further concludes that FitzGerald has employed the same strategies and theory in all of his translated works. In addition to Persian language and literature, It is useful to examine his approach to translation in his non-Persian translated works like Greek literature and make a comparison among Persian and non-Persian translations.
Investigate to Substitute Large Inertia by a Combination of Very Small Inertia Driven by v/f Controlled Drive[Full-Text] [References] pp 385-389M. V. Palandurkar, J. P. Modak, S. G Tarnekar
Process machines for fluctuating load torque use large flywheels with high moment of inertia. They suffer from the disadvantages of bulky systems prone to reduced acceleration. As a result these are harder to start and are likely to have frequent mechanical breakdowns. A method is suggested here to effectively work with much smaller flywheels. Suitably monitored VVVf drives and low moment of inertia offer a much better alternative. The system behavior is drastically improved. This paper deals with effective energy transactions in conventional systems to compare the same in case of the proposed system. The method is verified here with MATLAB simulation, based on which it is reported that good choice of frequency to suit the nature of load torque fluctuations resulted into optimum system performance
Overview of Optical Interconnect Technology[Full-Text] [References] pp 390-396Sumita Mishra, Naresh K Chaudhary, Kalyan Singh
Optical interconnect is seen as a potential solution to meet the performance requirements of current and future generation of data processors. Optical interconnects have negligible frequency dependent loss, low cross talk and high band width. Optical interconnects are not much used commercially since optical interconnects technology is incompatible with manufacturing processes and assembly methods that are currently used in the semiconductor industry. There are many promising optical interconnect technologies and this paper presents a brief analysis of current state of optical interconnect technology.
Comparison Analysis Of Different Controllers For Pwm Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet Brushless Dc Motor[Full-Text] [References] pp 397-401P.Elangovan, Dr.C.Kumar
This paper presents the performance evaluation of the fuzzy and Proportional and Integral control system applied to Permanent-Magnet Brushless DC Motor (PMBLDCM) with different Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) techniques. At first the comparison analysis is made between Sinusoidal PWM and Space Vector PWM inverter fed Permanent-Magnet Brushless DC Motor with the implementation of Proportional and Integral controller. From the analysis of Total harmonic distortion (THD) in the inverter current, Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) technique was found to be better than Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation(SPWM) technique. However, the PI controller has some disadvantages such as: high starting overshoot, sensitivity to controller gains and sluggish response due to sudden load disturbance. Hence the Fuzzy logic controller is implemented in the feedback for SVPWM inverter fed PMBLDCM. Simulation result are presented and analyzed for both fuzzy and PI controllers. It is observed that fuzzy logic based controller gives better responses than traditional Proportional and Integral controller for the speed control of dc motor drives.
Modulation Error as QoS Trigger for Optimum Vertical Handover : Analysis for Adhoc Network[Full-Text] [References] pp 402-406Reena Sharma, Kuldeep Singh
Next generation network is envisaged to be a heterogeneous network with integration of different radio access network (RAN) technology (4G) i.e circuit switched and IP centric. To maintain a better Quality of Service (QoS) during a seamless transfer of a session from one RAN to another is termed as Vertical Handover. One of the key wireless network is Adhoc network which is a decentralized wireless network. This paper proposes a Measurement report comprising of minimum signal power (Eb/No) for different frames at different sublayers of PHY and MAC Layer. Here Error Vector Measurement (EVM rms %) at the receiver point is obtained which is exposed to hostile environment i.e impaired with AWGN channel with frequency offset and non-linear propagation (George) model. Measurement suggests De/authentication and RTS frames needs to be transmitted at higher SNR for achieving better QoS (i.e Zero FCS-error).
Association Rule in Web Usage mining[Full-Text] [References] pp 407-410Marathe Dagadu Mitharam
Association Rule is a fundamental of Data mining task. Its objective to find all co-occurrence relationship called, Association among data item. Let I ={i1, i2, …, im} be a set of items. Let T = (t1, t2, …, tn) be a set of transactions
Slotted Plus Shape Microstrip Antenna with enhanced bandwidth[Full-Text] [References] pp 411-414Jagadeesha.S, Vani R.M, P.V. Hunagund
In this paper a concept of broadband slotted plus shape microstrip antenna with open end meandering slots in the ground plane is presented. Three identical narrow open end meandering slots were embedded in the antenna ground plane parallel to plus shaped radiating edge and study is made. This antenna is radiating at dual resonant frequencies This covers part of wibro(2300-2390), full band of ISM (2400-2484MHz),Full band of satellite DMB(2605-2655MHz) and overall bandwidth of 474 MHz(19.1%) are achieved. The slotted plus shaped microstrip antenna is simulated using the method of moments based commercial software (IE3D) and was found to perform well in terms of bandwidth and , radiation patterns.
Analysis and Behavioral Study of Substrate Noise Coupling in Silicon Integrated Circuits[Full-Text] [References] pp 415-419Mandeep Kaur, Rajesh Mehra
In this paper the behavioral study is presented on uniformly doped silicon substrate. Resistivity and thickness of substrate is varied and analyzed. It is observed that with the increase in resistivity and decrease in thickness of substrate, crosstalk problem existing in mixed circuits is reduced. FEM technology is used and HFSS simulation is done for S parameter extraction for 1000*1000*tµm² sized substrate with two square contacts of size 50*50µm², where't' refers to thickness of substrate.
Pseudo Elastic Behaviour Of Liquid Binary Alloys[Full-Text] [References] pp 420-423Dr. A. K. Pandey, Dr. N. Alam, Dr. A. Kumar
The trend in the elastic constants of simple and transition elemental cube metals are explained in terms of a uniform electron gas theory. Previously this new model was used to show that the cohesive energies of the elemental transition metals depend primarily on the bonding valence and the average electron density at the boundary of the unit cell. In the present work we shall study the pseudo elastic behavior of liquid binary alloys using pseudo potential model based on the density functional theory with both the local density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange correlation function. Here we use a slight modification of the same model to show that the elastic constants of the elemental cubic metal depend primarily on the bonding valance, the density at the cell boundary and the symmetry of the lattice
Programmer Ranker Algorithm (PRA) for Evaluating Programmer Effort in the Context of Pair Programming[Full-Text] [References] pp 427-429Manisha Giri, Meeta Dewangan
Pair programming is a style of programming in which two programmers work side-by-side at one computer, continuously collaborating on the same design, algorithm, code, or test. In industry, the practice of pair programming has been shown to improve product quality, improve team spirit, aid in knowledge management, and reduce product risk. In education, pair programming also improves student morale, helps students to be more successful, and improves student retention in an information technology major. Project efficiency of pairs in program design tasks is identified by using pair programming concept. Pair programming involves two developers simultaneously collaborating with each other on the same programming task to design and code a solution. Programming aptitude tests (PATs) have been shown to correlate with programming performance. In this paper we will measure time productivity using pair programming, in two important ways: One is elapsed time to complete the task and the other is the total effort/time of the programmers completing the task. Using Programmer Ranker Algorithm (PRA) we will generate pair and Rank will be provided to each pair of Junior, Senior of industry. After providing rank the best pair is allocated to Embedded Software project type, Semi detached Software project type and Organic Software project type respectively.
Lpcm Controller For Transformer Less Dc–dc Converter With High Step-up Voltage Gain[Full-Text] [References] pp 430-434P.Venkatesh, K. Ranganayakulu
Conventional dc-dc boost converters are unable to provide high step-up voltage gains due to the effect of power switches, rectifier diodes, and the equivalent series resistance of inductors and capacitors. In this paper a Linear Peak Current Mode Controller (LPCM) for a transformerless dc-dc converters is proposed to achieve high step-up voltage gain without an extremely high duty ratio. In the proposed converter, two inductors with same level of inductance are charged in parallel during the switch-on period and are discharged in series during the switch-off period. The structures of the proposed converter and controller are very simple. Only one power stage is used. Moreover, the steady-state analyses of voltage gains and boundary operating conditions are discussed in detail
Real Time Patient Tele-monitoring System Using LabVIEW[Full-Text] [References] pp 435-445Mr. Bhavin Mehta, Ms.Divya Rengarajan, Mr. Ankit Prasad
Patient tele-monitoring is remotely monitoring the vital parameters of patient and providing them to the doctor at remote location than the patient thus ensuring mobility of both patient and the doctor. In the present paper the physiological parameters such as Electrocardiogram, Heart rate, SPO2, Phonocardiogram and Temperature are obtained processed and displayed in a graphical user interface, then provided dynamically to a web page in real time to be viewed by an authorized doctor, if anyone of the vital parameter go out of normal range than an alert file is generated by the system.Finally alerts will be given in twoways, firstly on the doctor's mobile about the vital signs of the patient using Android application and secondlyalert given by an email notification. All the three objectives have been implemented using LabVIEW
Auditory Assessment Based On EEG[Full-Text] [References] pp 446-451Ms. Divya Rengarajan, Mr. Bhavin Mehta, Ms. P. Vinupritha
Auditory assessment is based on the determination of hearing threshold of the subject. The hearing threshold is minimum sound power level (dB) of the stimulus audible to subject. The subject's response to the stimulus is present in the electroencephalogram (EEG) as auditory evoked potential (AEP) once the stimulus is loud enough to excite the auditory system. The present paper reviews a real time auditory assessment method by plotting an audiogram on the basis of AEP using LabVIEW
Evaluation of Feature Extraction and Classification Techniques on Special Symbols[Full-Text] [References] pp 452-456Sanjay S. Gharde, Vidya A. Nemade, K. P. Adhiya
The Symbol recognition is a significant area in computer vision that involves the recognition of symbols in an image or video. Symbol recognition is used in a large number of different applications like converting the text document into other electronic document formats, forming mathematical expression, maps, musical notations etc. When someone copies the data from any text document like any PDF file instead of that original characters or special symbols, garbage value would be copied at some places. So identification of special symbols requires higher accuracy at the time of recognition. This paper describes the analytical study of various techniques which will be useful for implementation of the system. Some existing techniques of feature extraction, classification and recognition of symbols and characters are compared in this paper
Frequent Item set Generation by Parallel Preprocessing on Generalized Dataset[Full-Text] [References] pp 457-462Gurudatta Verma, Vinti Nanda
One of the important problems in data mining is discovering association rules from databases of transactions where each transaction consists of a set of items. Many industries are interested in developing the association rules from their databases due to continuous retrieval and storage of huge amount of data. The discovery of interesting association relationship among business transaction records in many business decision making process such as catalog decision, cross-marketing, and loss-leader analysis. The most time consuming operation in this discovery process is the computation of the frequency of interesting subset of items (called candidates) in the database of transactions. Hence, it is has become vital to develop a method that may avoid or reduce candidate generation and test and utilize some novel data structures to reduce the cost in frequent pattern mining. In this paper, We have proposed An Integrated approach of Parallel Computing and ARM for mining Association Rules in Generalized data set that is fundamentally different from all the previous algorithms in that it uses database in transposed form and database transposition is done using Parallel transposition algorithm (Mesh Transpose) so to generate all significant association rules number of passes required is reduced. We will compare proposed algorithm with Apriori algorithm for frequent item sets generation. The CPU and I/O overhead can be reduced in our proposed algorithm and it is much faster than other Association Rule Mining algorithms
An SVD Based Approach for the Removal of Artifacts from the Images Compressed by BDCT[Full-Text] [References] pp 463-474Shanty Chacko, Greeshma K.S, J.Jayakumar
Blocking artifacts continue to be among the most serious defects that occur in images and video streams compressed to low bit rates using block discrete cosine transform (BDCT) (e.g., JPEG, MPEG and H.263). In the proposed scheme a signal adaptive, space invariant & nonlinear filter is used to smoothen the DC sub image. The compressed image is divided into monotone & edge blocks based on the ac components present in each block. Then a Singular Value Decomposition filter is applied to the non edge blocks to remove the artifacts in the block. In the edge blocks the proposed filter is not applied since the artifacts in the blocks are not sensitive to human visual system. As a result real edges in the blocks are preserved. Finally corner outlier is detected and removed using an algorithm. This paper focuses to remove the blocking artifacts while preserving the real edges. In this paper new evaluation parameter DMSD is proposed. Experimental results shows that this proposed method is an efficient one to remove the blocking artifacts &to improve the quality of the image.
Artifacts Removal and Edge Detection of Digitally Compressed Images[Full-Text] [References] pp 475-480Shanty Chacko, Lijo T Joseph, J Jayakumar
Block discrete cosine transform compressed image exhibits visually annoying compression artifacts. In this paper a method for reducing the compression artifacts and to increase the visual quality of image is been presented. The compressed image is filtered using Gaussian filter to reduce the amount of artifacts. In order to reproduce the high frequency coefficients a differential image is been obtained. From the differential image the artifact contents are removed and smoothened edge parts are retained. The edge detected image is added with the filtered image to improve the sharpness of the image. Results show that the image thus restored achieves perceivable image quality.
Optimum Ranges For Data Transmission In Mobile Communications[Full-Text] [References] pp 481-489Fazlay Rabby Reza
Mobile communications are the fastest growing communications technology in history. In the field of data transmission, Optimum data transmission is a key factor for mobile communication which can be easily defined from Throughput, means the number of bits per second correctly received. Mobile communication allows transmission of voice and multimedia data via a mobile device using wired and wireless links; here these data are represented by bits. The throughput of a data communications system depends on a number of variables including packet size, transmission rate, the number of overhead bits in each packet, received signal power, received noise power spectral density, Signal to noise ratio. The purpose of this work is to find out the optimum ranges by observing certain changing parameter such as transmission rate, packet length, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with throughput depending on the very nature of the channels(AWGN & Rayleigh fading Channel). Here I ignore Rician fading channel because this occurs one of the paths, typically a line of sight signal, is much stronger so error occurring possibilities are less than others
Secured Communication through Fibonacci Numbers and Unicode Symbols[Full-Text] [References] pp 490-494A. Joseph Raphael, Dr. V. Sundaram
The objective of cryptography is to make it feasible for two persons to exchange a message in such a way that other persons cannot understand. There is no end to the number of ways this can be done, but here the proposed method will be more concerned with a technique of encoding the text in such a way that the recipient can only discover the original message. The original message usually called plain text is converted into cipher text by finding each character in the message and replacing it with another character based on the Fibonacci number generated. Further cipher text is converted into Unicode symbols, which avoid suspicion from the third party when send through an unsecured communication channel. There are two levels in the proposed method; (i) converting plain text to cipher text and (ii) converting cipher text to Unicode symbols. In each level, security key is used to encode the original message which provides two levels of security from intruders. On the other end, the extraction algorithm is designed in such a way that the process converts the Unicode symbols into cipher text and then cipher text to plain text. This encoding and decoding scheme of the proposed method is significantly different as compared to the traditional methods.
An approach for image noise identification using minimum distance classifier[Full-Text] [References] pp 495-498Raina , Shamik Tiwari ,Deepa Kumari ,Deepika Gupta
This paper deals with the problem of identifying the nature of noise in order to apply the most appropriate algorithm for de-noising. The key idea involves isolation of some representative noise samples and extraction of their features for noise identification. The isolation of the noise samples is achieved through application of filters. Statistical features are extracted and the minimum distance classifier is applied for identification of the noise type present
Home Automation Indian Scenario: A survey of Architectures and Technologies [Full-Text] [References] pp 499-502Nagaraj Shet M.N.and Dr Shreesha Chokkadi
Home automation is the automatically controlling the day today activities of the home. Home automation involves the controlling of various devices of the home, taking care of the well being of the occupants, providing security to the occupants, monitoring health of the occupants Home automation network involves wireless embedded sensors and actuators which monitor various devices used for home management. One of the most critical aspects in home automation is communication and network technology. In this article a discussion done about the Indian needs, challenges faced as per the Indian requirements and shortage of resources in India. The already available home automation technology can be tuned to be cheaper and widely acceptable even at the remote areas
Comparison between EOR methods(Gas Injec-tion,Water injection and WAG Processes) in One of Iranian Fractured Oil Reservoirs[Full-Text] [References] pp 503-507Maliheh Alsadat Mousavifar , Riyaz Kharrat, Ashkan Parchizadeh, Sedigheh Mahdavi
In the common enhanced oil recovery methods, unsuitable mobility ratio within the injected fluid and the oil in the reservoir, leads to reduction of sweep efficiency especially in fractured reservoirs. In this work, gas injection, water flooding and WAG processes were applied in well configuration which called Dual-Five spot. Because this sector model was selected from a highly fracture reservoir. Dual-Five spot with 38.889% oil recoveries are the best EOR plans for this sector model. The main important point in using WAG process in this sector model is that the cycle of injected gas should be less than injected water.
Implementation Of Data Encryption / Decryption For The Safer+ Algorithm Using Verilog Hdl [Full-Text] [References] pp 508-512J.Umesh rao
A VLSI implementation for the SAFER+ encryption algorithm is presented. The combination of security, and high speed implementation, makes SAFER+ a very good choice for wireless systems. The SAFER+ algorithm is a basic component in the authentication Bluetooth mechanism. The relation between the algorithm properties and the VLSI architecture are described. The whole design was captured entirely in VHDL language Using a bottom-up design and verification methodology. FPGA device was used for the hardware implementation Of the algorithm. The proposed VLSI implementation of The SAFER+ algorithm reduces the covered area about 25 percent, and achieves a data throughput up to 320 Mbit/sec at a clock frequency of 20 MHz
The Impact Of Gas Flaring And Power Plant Emission On The Socio Economic Environment Of Niger Delta Region In Nigeria[Full-Text] [References] pp 513-519Atoyebi, Kehinde .O, Akinde, Jubril Olatunbosun
Nigeria the 6th largest OPEC producer, flares 17.3 billion m3 annually from the crude oil exploration in the Niger Delta. This gas flaring expends huge amount of energy and causes environmental degradation and disease. The relationship between oil exploration and exploitation processes and attendant environmental, health and social problems in oil producing communities are not well known. This study therefore examines the effect of gas flaring on the livelihood of during of the local communities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
Juridical Mass for Protection of Waters from Pollutants – Heavy Metals in Water of Lake Ohrid and in Fish Species[Full-Text] [References] pp 520-524Agni Aliu, Suzana Aliu
Metals occur in different forms: as ions dissolved in water, as vapours, or as salts or minerals in rock, sand and soil. They can also be bound in organic or inorganic molecules, or attached to particles in the air. Both natural anthropogenic processes and sources emit metals into air and water. The effects of metals in the environment depend to a large extent on whether they occur in forms that can be taken up by plants or animals. Uptake of metals in an animal involves metal ions crossing a cell membrane. The aim of this paper was analysis and determination of heavy metals like Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in water samples of different prophiles from Ohrid Lake. Studied water samples were taken in different locations and different depths (0m, 20m, 40m, 75m, 100m and 150m). The presence of toxic heavy metals in food chain was studied in fish species – Klein (Leuciscus Cephallus albus Bp Bonaparte).Determination of analysed heavy metals was done using Atomic Absorphion spectroscophy using a Perkin Elmer 370 A and 370 flames – aer acetylene and AAS Peyunicam 926 model.
A New Approach to Mechanochemically Synthesizing Al2O3/Cu-Cr Nanocomposites[Full-Text] [References] pp 525-531Elahe Hosseini Nezhad, Alireza Heidari, Niloofar Heidari, and Mohammadali Ghorbani
In this study, through the mechanochemical synthesis, the nanocomposite Al2O3/Cu-Cr was fabricated from a primary mixture of CuO, Al, Cu, and Cr2O3 with different percentages by means of the energetic milling. The fabrication of this nanocomposite was based on the regenerative reactions. Such that, the chromium oxide and the copper oxide are regenerated by the aluminum oxide during the process and the final product is a metal matrix composite including the supersaturated chromium solution in copper as the base and the aluminum oxide as the booster phase. Using the extra metallic copper in the primary mixture as the diluent provides the possibility of controlling the adiabatic temperature and the reaction rate. The results of the computation of the lattice parameter based on the XRD data indicate that, for the copper, this parameter changes during the milling process. These changes in the lattice constant are related to the dissolution phenomenon of the chromium and the formation of the supersaturated chromium solution in the copper. Also, the results of the XRD show that, as the primary composition of the powdery mixture and consequently, the adiabatic temperature of the tested samples are changed, the progress of the reactions rate changes. The SEM results demonstrate that, over a 30-to-48-hour period of milling, the fragmentation phenomenon of particles (the shrinking of particles) predominates in comparison to the surface welding of particles (the agglomeration phenomenon of particles). After 48 hours of milling, a nanocomposite containing particles with the approximate size of 30 nm is achieved
Responsibility On Environmental Damage With A View In The Republic Of Macedonia[Full-Text] [References] pp 532-537PhD.Adnan Jashari
The rapid technical and technological development in this century has created many environment harming sources. By hazarding the environment, to a great extent there is an encroachment of human lives, their corporal integrity, their wealth, etc. All of this can result in progeniture of perils for the existence of mankind itself, having in mind that a human being can't develop with a polluted air and water, with waste and hazardous materials all around, etc.
Rare Association Rule Mining using Improved FPGrowth algorithm[Full-Text] [References] pp 538-545T. Ravi Kumar, K. Raghava Rao
Rare association rule refers to an association rule forming between frequent and rare items or among rare items. CFPgrowth approach is used to mine frequent patterns using multiple minimum support (minsup) values. This approach is an extension of FP-growth approach to multiple minsup values. This approach involves construction of MIS-tree and generating frequent patterns from the MIS-tree. The issue in CFP-growth is constructing the compact MIStree because CFP-growth considers certain items, which will generate neither frequent patterns nor rules. In this paper, we propose an efficient approach for constructing the compact MIS-tree. To do so, the proposed approach explores the notions "least minimum support" and "infrequent child node pruning". The proposed approach improves the performance over CFP-growth approach.
ECG Signal Compression Techniques for Data Storage and Qualitative Analysis[Full-Text] [References] pp 546-550Nikhil Dhawan, Saurabh Gupta, Ravi Sadrani, Swati Sanghvi
ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. The information obtained from an electrocardiogram can be used to discover different types of heart disease. It may be useful to see how well the patient is responding to treatment. An ECG trace is a digitized version of a continuous signal. To reduce the loss in ECG signal we have used some efficient techniques in our project. Various techniques can be used for compression like the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) etc. ECG signal being used in a wide variety of biomedical applications requires accurate results, less power requirements, faster results and low cost maintenance. Therefore compression plays a very important role in acquiring these purposes without losing the original information. In general, most of the introduced ECG compression techniques have inaccuracy and random behavior of error. Hence a new technique was proposed called as Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Also from the results and computations that we have performed in our project we come to a conclusion that DWT is a better compression technique than DCT since it has better accuracy and also it correlates very well with the subjective tests
A new method for quantitative evaluation of diamond wheel sharpness in EDDG of advanced cutting tool material[Full-Text] [References] pp 551-562Siddharth Choudhary, Pratik Jain and Dr. S.K. Jha
In this paper authors propose a probability statistic based method for evaluating metal bonded diamond grinding wheel sharpness quantitatively. Grinding performances are decided by wheel sharpness and the conditions under which it is sharpened. It is also characterized grinding forces, cutting zone temperatures, power consumption and surface finish of components. Many times, in shop floors, the diamond wheels are used in a very inefficient manner due to lack of proper information about the wheel sharpness.
The Determinants of Migration and Remittances in Albania[Full-Text] [References] pp 563-570Esmeralda Shehaj
This paper uses the recent Albanian Living Standards Measurement Survey 2008 to analyze the determinants of migration and remittances in Albania. It addresses one of the main limitations of the literature on migration and remittances, namely their separate study, and analyzes the determinants of these two phenomena jointly. The analysis is focused on the household, and the migration decision process is made by the household as a whole, seeking to maximize expected future utility, which is achieved through remittances sent by the migrant. In terms of determinants of migration and remittances the study shows that migration and the receipt of remittances are selective processes strongly affected by household characteristics. We do not find evidence for the existence of a 'migration hump' with respect to per capita expenditures and/or household wealth, and the brain drain does not seem to be an issue. The probability to migrate and remit of at least one household member is found to be influenced mainly by household characteristics number of adults and number of children, gender ratio and location. Unlike many other studies we control for relative deprivation, and find evidence in favour of the relative deprivation theory of migration
Hydraulic Regenerative Braking System[Full-Text] [References] pp 571-582Er. AMITESH KUMAR
Hydraulic regenerative braking system is an important branch of hybrid technology, which has the advantage of high power density and the ability to accept the high rates/high frequencies of charging and discharging, therefore hydraulic regenerative braking technology is well suited for off-road vehicles and heavy-duty trucks. Relatively lower energy density and complicated coordinating operation between two power sources require a special energy control strategy to maximize the fuel saving potential. This paper presents a new configuration of parallel hydraulic regenerative vehicle (PHRBV) to improve the braking energy regenerated potential and engine work efficiency. Based on the analysis of optimal energy distribution for the proposed PHRBV over a representative urban driving cycle, a fuzzy torque control strategy based on the vehicle load changes is developed to real-time control the energy distribution for the proposed PHRBV. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed PHRBV with torque control strategy takes advantage of the high power density and efficiency characteristics of the hydraulic regenerative braking system minimizes the disadvantages of low energy density and effectively improves the fuel economy of PHRBV
A FPGA Implementation of Adaptive PPM Modulation Schemes for Wireless Optical Communication[Full-Text] [References] pp 583-587Nirubama , Vijayakumar
Wireless optical communication is the current research topic in high data rate data communication area.It is under research to utilize in under water sensor network communication and free space optical communication. Mainly PPM modulation scheme is used in FSO because of it high power efficiency ,transmission efficiency and strong anti jamming capability. One of the key difficulties of implementing PPM technique is that the receiver must be properly synchronized to align the local clock with the beginning of each symbol. Therefore, it is often implemented differentially as differential pulse-position modulation. In this paper various PPM modulation schemes like single pulse position modulation, multi pulse position modulation, diffential pulse position mod-ulation schemes are going to implemented in FPGA and its space requirement, time complexity and power consumption are going to analyzed. This implementation is also concern with an adaptive selection of modulation scheme based on channel condition ,for this feed back received from receiver based on bit error rate
An Improvement of PSNR by Wavelet based True Compression of SAR Images[Full-Text] [References] pp 588-593Senthilkumar.C and Dr.R.K.Gnanamurthy
In Image Compression, the main intend is to shrink the number of bits required to represent an image by removing the spatial and spectral redundancies. The discrete wavelet transform has emerged as a popular technique for image compression, the result of the compression ratio changes as per the basis and type of wavelet used. In this paper focuses the selection of mother wavelet on the basis of nature of images by improve the quality as well as compression ratio extremely. We suggest the new technique, which is based on co-efficient thresholding; this method reduces the time complexity of wavelet packets decomposition. The proposed algorithm selects the sub-bands, which include significant information based on threshold entropy. The improved encoding technique of Huffman coding is suggested to provide better results than existing compression methods
Low Power Soc Communication Using Steiner Graph AMBA Architecture[Full-Text] [References] pp 594-599Krishna Kumar.S
Reduction in size of a chip leads to more sophisticated design, but the system components must be designed to operate with considerably low power. Altering the data and control path in a design will reduce the power dissipation in a chip to a greater extent. The limitation of an normal bus design is that data or control values will be transmitted to all the Soc components invariably, thus the chip select control lies within the components, either single or many circuit will be activated with the reference to control signal but the transmission cost is high due to the unnecessary passage of signal in the bus path. Steiner graph method of predicting the best bus routing path combined with Gated clock tree structure, which will further make the design more flexible. The bus implementation is done by using AHB Bus protocol for its robust and flexible design in nature. Thus a low power operating Soc can be designed and implemented without modifying the structure of component but by altering bus path structure. The level of power consumption can be further reduced by modifying the structure of the components too
Geo-processing using Oracle Spatial Geo Database[Full-Text] [References] pp 600-606Manoj Pandya, Pooja Nair, Parthi Gandhi, Shubhada Pareek, Dr. Bijendra Agarwal
In the last two decades, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has been widely developed and is applied to various fields, which include resources management, environment management, prevention of disaster, planning area, education and national defense etc in many sections and subjects. However traditional GIS application systems can't interact with each other and was considered as an isolated island of information facing problem of interoperability. This is because of different data models adopted by different GIS applications. The spatial data interoperability concept brought forward a huge amount of geospatial information for efficacious management, sharing and increase in value usage. OGC standards are developed in a unique consensus process supported by the OGC's industry, government and academic members to enable geo-processing technologies to interoperate, or "plug and play"
BER Performance of Linear Multi-user Detectors in DS-CDMA[Full-Text] [References] pp 607-611D.Swathi, J.Ravindrababu, B. Alekya, Dr.E.V.Krishna Rao
This paper examines the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of Linear Multi-user Detectors in Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) system. Multiple access interference (MAI) limits the capacity of Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) systems. In CDMA systems MAI is considered as additive noise and a matched filter bank is employed. Multiuser detectors are classified as optimal and suboptimal. The main drawback of the optimal multi-user detection is complexity so that suboptimal approaches are being sought. Much of the present research is aimed at finding an appropriate tradeoff between complexity and performance. These suboptimal techniques have linear and non-linear algorithms. In this paper, introduce linear Multi-user Detectors in Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) system. Analysis is to be carried out and simulations to be done.
DSS for Library Management System Implementing RFID[Full-Text] [References] pp 612-619Sanjay Waykar, Amruta Shelar, Sushant Zanjure, Sayali Vibhute, Abhishek Singh
Radio frequency based identification (RFID) based library management using decision support system(DSS) is the most rare and uniquely found integration of two cutting edge technologies that is RFID and DSS, which has led to tremendous increase in the speed , efficiency and accuracy of the library. RFID is a new generation of Auto Identification and Data collection technology which helps to automate business processes and allows identification of large number of tagged objects like books using radio waves. This system is based on UHF RFID readers, supported with antennas at gate and transaction sections, and library cards containing RFID-transponders which are able to electronically store information that can be read / written even without the physical contact with the help of radio medium RFID would allow fast transaction flow for the library and will prove immediate and long term benefits to library in traceability and security. In addition to it, we are providing decision support system for library to make it easier for customer to decide and locate their requirements without manual intervention. DSS is implemented using various data mining techniques for arranging the dispersed information of books, customer, administrators etc in a systematic manner. This unique combination of RFID and DSS is expected to enhance the services offered by the library to a great extent.
A Reduced Flooding Algorithm and Comparative Study of Grid Fisheye State Routing Protocol for MANET[Full-Text] [References] pp 620-629S. Nithya Rekha and Dr. C.Chandrasekar
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is the self organizing collection of mobile nodes. The communication in MANET is done via a wireless media. Ad hoc wireless networks have massive commercial and military potential because of their mobility support. Due to demanding real time multimedia applications, Quality of Services (QoS) support in such infrastructure less networks have become essential. QoS routing in mobile Ad-Hoc networks is challenging due to rapid change in network topology. In this paper, we focused to reduce flooding performance of the Fisheye State Routing (FSR) protocol in Grid using ns-2 network simulator under different performance metrics scenario in respect to number of Nodes and Speed. A Comparative study of FSR and GFSR is made in Speed with metrics .For example, the connection establishment is costly in terms of time and resource where the network is mostly affected by connection request flooding. The proposed approach presents a way to reduce flooding in MANETs. Flooding is dictated by the propagation of connection-request packets from the source to its neighborhood nodes. The proposed architecture embarks on the concept of sharing neighborhood information. The proposed approach focuses on exposing its neighborhood peer to another node that is referred to as its friend-node, which had requested/forwarded connection request. If there is a high probability for the friend node to communicate through the exposed routes, this could improve the efficacy of bandwidth utilization by reducing flooding, as the routes have been acquired, without any broadcasts. Friendship between nodes is quantized based on empirical computations and heuristic algorithms. The nodes store the neighborhood information in their cache that is periodically verified for consistency. Simulation results show the performance of this proposed method.
Unsteady MHD flow of a Couple Stress Fluid Through a Porous Medium Between Parallel Plates Under the Influence of Pulsation of Pressure Gradient[Full-Text] [References] pp 630-635M.Syamala Sarojini, M.Veera Krishna and C.Uma Shankar
In this chapter, we discuss an analytical study of unsteady magneto hydro dynamic flow of an incompressible electrically conducting couple stress fluid through a porous medium between parallel plates, taking into account pulsation of the pressure gradient effect and under the influence of a uniform inclined magnetic field of strength Ho inclined at an angle of inclination with the normal to the boundaries. The solution of the problem is obtained with the help of perturbation technique. Analytical expression is given for the velocity field and the effects of the various governing parameters entering into the problem are discussed with the help of graphs. The shear stresses on the boundaries and the discharge between the plates are also obtained analytically and their behaviour computationally discussed with different variations in the governing parameters in detail
Innovative Launch Vehicle For Space Exploration[Full-Text] [References] pp 636-639Achal Awasthi
This paper presents various techniques to improve a space vehicle by using efficient means and procedures. The procedures aim at increasing the thrust, improving take off, design and landing, and using more efficient fuel in a space vehicle for better results
Introducing P2p In Cloud Computing[Full-Text] [References] pp 641-645B.S Sarada
Cloud computing platform is a set of scalable largescale data server clusters, it provides computing and storage services to customers. The basic study about the architecture of current cloud computing system shows that it's a central structured one; i.e. All the data nodes are indexed by a master server, but when the number requests increases it may become bottle neck of the system. This research paper is about a cloud storage architecture based on P2P with fault tolerance. Here the central entity is removed and all servers are interconnected to form a ring structure. When one of the servers fails, the work will be taken over by any of the best performing servers. The confidentiality and integrity of data passed in between the servers is also maintained using MAC algorithm.
Assessment of environmental impact of Rain Catching and Controllable Irrigation regime in paddy field for sustainable agriculture in Nanjing, China[Full-Text] [References] pp 646-656Guo Xiangping, Bougourou Soulemane, Zhang Zhanyu
In a healthy farm system, agriculture works in harmony with the natural environment. This begins with healthy soil that stores water, nutrients and provides a stable base to support plant roots. In a sustainable agriculture system, soil is kept in balance. To assess environmental impacts of Rain Catching and Controllable Irrigation on a paddy ?eld, a study on the experimental ?eld was performed during the growing season over a 2-year period. The plots were separated according to controllable irrigation schedule T2 (High dry low flooding) and T3 (High dry High flooding) rather than conventional irrigation regime T1 (Shallow and frequent irrigation). The mechanism of RCCI model showed its ability to reduce the water supply irrigation by 36% for T3 and 21% for T2, while T1 treatment provided to the rice plants 100% of its water requirements. The maximum use of rainfall by reducing surface drainage and percolation on the plots was the issue of the RCCI model. The results showed that T3 treatment got roots highest activities (285 µg/g.h), T2 treatment take the medium level of roots activities (247.26 µg/g.h), whereas T1 was the last one (226.66 µg/g.h) during the same rice growth period. The T3 treatment had present the half of nitrogen lost (9.17kg/ha) of the T1 treatment (20.28kg/ha). The RCCI model also reduces at least half phosphorus losses by reducing the volume of drainage water from 150.25mm (T1) to 84.14mm (T3). T3 treatment had a higher actual rice grain yield (7.56 T/Ha), and was a beneficial treatment with less environmental pollution. Pests in the paddy field were more important in 2011 than 2010. The weeds Echinochloa pyramidalis increased from 4plants/m2 to 9.5 plants/ m2. The rice yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas attacks were earlier and sterner in 2011 and caused a huge economic loss P= 10.39%.
Performance Analysis of Broadcasting Methods in Geocast Region for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text] [References] pp 657-662Sanjoy Das, D.K. Lobiyal
In this paper, performance analysis of different broadcasting methods i.e. flooding or blind broadcast and probabilistic broadcasting inside the geocast region has been done. Our objective is to provide a comparative analysis between flooding and probabilistic methods with varying number of nodes in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks. Simulations have been conducted using the NS-2 simulator. For result analysis, we have used awk programming and Matlab. Different values of probability for probabilistic broadcast method have been considered to investigate an appropriate value that may give best results. The results show that probabilistic broadcasting method achieves maximum packet delivery ratio is 83.5 % when number of node is 196. In, sparsely populated network the packet delivery ratio for all cases is low. The minimum value of PDR obtained for sparsely populated network is 14.95%. From the result, it has also been observed that for better delivery ratio, message broadcasting should be done with minimum value of p for both the sparse and dense network
The Influence of Roughness on the Wear and Fric-tion Coefficient under dry and lubricated sliding[Full-Text] [References] pp 663-668Riyadh A. Al-Samarai,?,Haftirman,Khiarel Rafzi Ahmad,Y. Al-Douri
The aim of the present research was to the effect of surface roughness of aluminum-silicon casting alloy on the friction and wear is inves-tigated. Various surface roughness average (Ra) of different degrees were verified via different grades of grinding, polishing and have been evaluated using a pin-on-disc as well as three different loads 10, 20 and 30 N, speeds 200, 300 and 400 rpm and relative humidity 70%. Different surface preparation techniques are resulted in different surface roughness of (Ra) = (4,6) µm .The monitor effects on the friction coefficient and wear are through the test dry and lubricated sliding. It was noted that the weighted and volumetric wear rate decreases as degree of roughness decreases, as well as coefficient of friction is considered as a function of the stability state. This paper attempts to bridge the gap between the damage mode, sliding conditions and surface roughness to provide an approach to evaluate the surface finishing as a factor in friction and wear damage processes.
Critical Factors Facing Implementation of Power Quality Program Framework: Case Study-Libyan Electrical Distribution Networks[Full-Text] [References] pp 669-681S. S. Sultan, M. K. Darwish
Researches and concerns in power quality (PQ) gained significant momentum in the field of power electronics systems over the last two decades globally. This sudden increase in the number of concerns over power quality problems is a result of the huge increase in the use of non-linear loads. The purpose of this paper is to present a statistical analysis of power quality surveys conducted in Libyan Distribution Networks. It is also to explore the obstructions faced by Libyan distribution networks in implementing a power quality program (PQP) as well as to state the benefits, which would accrue by implementing a PQP, which would make a major impact on the distribution networks. In order to achieve these objectives, an extensive literature review was conducted to understand the barriers and benefits of implementing a PQP, followed by a power quality survey questionnaire and interviews. Data were collected from Libyan distribution networks (LDNs), both from departments and individual staff members. Both SPSS 15.1 and Nvivo 9 were used in performing the analysis. The results revealed that no power quality program exists. Out of 16 barriers, 12 were statistically significant different since the P value <0.05), which indicated that Libya distribution systems have already surmounted a few of the barriers to implementing a PQP effectively. The overall benefits of PQP implementation, which would have a positive impact on LDNs, are 11 benefits. The analysis also shows the level of awareness of power quality issues with the aim of generating a power quality framework which can be used as guidelines in the field of power quality. The findings of this paper are applied to build a PQP framework guideline to be implemented in LDNs. The PQP framework is consisted three essential phases. Phase one designed to increase the awareness level. Phase two is involved in preparation of PQP, which contains seven crucial requirements. Phase three is designed to prevent the outstanding problems from phase 1 and 2 of not reoccurring again to determine both the weaknesses and obstacles facing the implementation. The progress of this framework and moving through from phase to other will be depended on the level of awareness, knowledge, skills gained respectively after each phase performed.
Case Study on JAVA based IDS [Full-Text] [References] pp 682-685Dr. Sameer Shrivastava
Hacking and intrusion incidents are growing terrifyingly every year with the roll out of new technology. Nothing can hide in today's digitally connected world. One can be traced on DNS, NSlookup, Newsgroups, web site trawling, e-mail properties etc. In our project, we tried our hand on designing of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that shall implement pre-defined algorithms for identification of attacks over a network. Java programming language has been used for the development, JPCap shall be used to provide access to the winpcap. Online capture of packets shall be done on the network i.e., the one coming on the interface of the network. The systems that are directly or indirectly connected on the Internet can be secured by using the IDS designed.
Analysis and Future Approach of Ultra Wideband Technology[Full-Text] [References] pp 686-690Manu Bali
Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology is a revolutionary wireless technology used to transmit large amounts of digital data short distances (up to 230 feet) over a very wide bandwidth (from 1 gigahertz [GHz] up to 10 GHz [17]) and at very low power levels (less than 0.5 milliwatt). Unlike typical radio frequency broadcasts that use continuous sine waves to transmit data, UWB uses precisely positioned pulses at specific time intervals to transmit the signals across a wide spectrum. Ultra-Wideband (UWB) wireless is a rapidly growing technology that promises to revolutionize low power, short-range wireless applications. UWB has quickly emerged as the leading technology for applications like wireless Universal Serial Bus (USB) and short-range ground penetrating radars. UWB radios differ from conventional narrow-band radios, with a variety of specialized test demands. Enormous signal bandwidths, short duration pulses and transmit Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) [1] near the thermal noise floor, make UWB testing difficult. Fortunately, leading instruments like the Tektronix Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), RFXpress waveform creation software and Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPO) with UWB measurement software offer solid solutions to UWB test challenges. In this Technical note we explain the concepts behind UWB technology, its unique hardware and software architectures, and future applications
Performance of botanical pesticides to control post-harvest fungi in citrus[Full-Text] [References] pp 691-694H. Singh
Three alcoholic extracts from Cerbera odollam L.(Suicide tree) , Syzygium aromaticum L. (Clove) and Swietenia macrophyllai L. ( Mahogany) at concentrations of 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 2000ppm and 3000ppm, were tested for antifungal activity in vitro on Penicillium digitatum, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium sp isolated from naturally infected citrus fruit. The water extracts served as control. Results show the alcoholic extract concentrations were more effective than the water extract control in showing antifungal activity (P<0.05) against test pathogens. All 3000ppm concentration from Cerbera odollam L. showed a 90% inhibition zone for all the three fungi. The inhibition zone of Syzygium aromaticum L .and Swietenia macrophyllai L. were 40% and 60% respectively, at the same 3000 ppm concentration. Plant extracts are viable alternatives to chemical pesticides; they are readily available non-pollutive, cost effective, non-hazardous, and they do not disturb ecological balance. Moreover, Investigation are to test the efficacy of these extracts practical application
Stabilization Assessment Of Aggregates In Asphalt Concrete Mixtures[Full-Text] [References] pp 695-699I. Akiije and G. L. Oyekan
Aggregates particle size and gradation assessment of asphalt concrete mixtures produced in the south-western part of Nigeria have been investigated for mechanical stabilization. Samples of asphalt concrete produced were collected from three selected asphalt plants (A, B, and C) all located in the south-western part of Nigeria. Bitumen Extraction and Aggregates Sieve Analysis were carried out on the collected samples. The result of the investigation has shown that from each of the asphalt plant, the maximum aggregate size used in the production of asphalt concrete was 12.5 mm while the nominal size was 9.5 mm. However, the asphalt concrete paving materials investigated were of a dense mixture because of the presence of mineral materials that retained on sieve openings 2.36 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm and 0.075 mm. Sample from asphalt plant A was with aggregates gradings approaching the maximum amount permitted to pass the 2.36 mm sieve openings and this will result in pavement surfaces having comparatively fine texture. While samples from asphalt plants B and C were with aggregates gradings approaching the minimum amount passing the 2.36 mm sieve openings which will result in surfaces with comparatively coarse texture
An Improved Approach for Spatial Domain Lossless Image Data Compression Method by Reducing Overhead Bits[Full-Text] [References] pp 700-703Mahmud Hasan, Kamruddin Md. Nur
Lossless image compression techniques are used in digital imaging where large amount of data is to be stored without compromising the image quality. The volume of data that can be compressed using lossless image compression schemes is usually much lesser than that of its lossy compression counterparts. Yet, however, lossless compression algorithms are popular in a number of particular image data storage sectors. To meet the increasing demand of large amount of high quality image data storing, numerous algorithms were developed during last few decades featuring lossless image compression and covering various aspects of data compression approaches. Spatial domain lossless image compression methods are popular in most respects since their computational time is comparatively much lesser. In this paper, we focus on a spatial domain image compression technique that uses simple arithmetic operations in order to achieve the specified goal. We revealed that the mentioned algorithm is not always as advantageous as other spatial domain compression systems and often suffers from overhead transmission of unnecessary image data. The thorough investigation over the technique is reported along with the discovered mathematical bound at which the algorithm of interest is failed to achieve the desired target. Finally, to reduce the overhead obtained as a result of algorithmic trouble, an improved mechanism is suggested so that both the transmission time and storage space requirements using this method is facilitated
A Comprehensive Study of Version Control System in Open Source Software[Full-Text] [References] pp 704-707Nindya Kotwal, Vineeta Bassi
The Focus of this paper is to present review about Open Source Software (OSS), Open Source Software Development (OSSD) and how the version control tools are used in OSSD. This paper describes the use of Version Control System (VCS) to coordinate the evolution of open source software projects which mainly includes to manage the communication among various members of a project and to control the hierarchy of the code being developed. The control of the code includes version control and the organization of the team who develops each project
Fuzzy Logic solution for Unit Commitment[Full-Text] [References] pp 708-713Mr.Rudresh.B.Magadum, Smt.G.Suchitra, Dr.S.H.Jangamshetti
This paper presents fuzzy logic solution to unit commitment and economic dispatch. Unit commitment is aimed to a proper generator commitment schedule for a power system over a period of one day to one week. The main objective of unit commitment is to minimize the total production cost over the study period and to satisfy the constraints imposed on the system such as power generation-load balance, spinning reserve, operating constraints, minimum up time and minimum down time, etc. In this, fuzzy logic approach is described which achieves a logical and feasible economic cost of operation of power system without the need of exact mathematical formulation
Design and development of a C-Band frequency up-converter system[Full-Text] [References] pp 714-720Anupam Bhardwaj, G.Boopalan
In this paper a broadband up-converter system has been designed and realized using ADS simulation and designing tool. It is a Radio Frequency transmitter block up-converting the Input Frequency in two stages to reach to the desired frequency level and then transmit it to the antenna port. It contains of oscillators, amplifiers, step attenuators, isolators, filters, and mixer blocks. The input frequency (IF) band is (100 + 10) MHz and the output frequency band (RF) is (5500 + 100) MHz. The attenuators are used to increase the dynamic range of the circuit. It is a two stage up-conversion circuit i.e. mixing the IF band at two stages to give the specified RF range. Here two phase locked oscillators are used at the LO port of the mixers, one giving a single frequency and the other one is a programmable frequency synthesizer providing 10 equally spaced frequency channels within S-Band. The frequency synthesizers are designed and simulated using ADS tool and loop filter components are realized using the MATLAB tool. Key Words: Broadband, phase locked loop, frequency synthesizers, voltage controlled oscillators, mixer conversion loss, frequency divider
Power System Economic Dispatch Using Traditional and Neural Networks Programs[Full-Text] [References] pp 721-725Draidi Abdellah, Labed Djamel.
The introduction of techniques of artificial intelligence in software of control and decision is an essential element in research and development of tomorrow's power systems. Neural networks are among the techniques most used in the field of artificial intelligence. The economic dispatch is a key sector in the electricity networks, where it must generate less energy for the same demand with good economic operation reducing repartition grid losses to have the least cost of kWh possible. In this paper, we will opt for a quicker economic dispatch; we will program a mesh network of 8 buses including 3 generation units using traditional program then backpropagation learning neural network program, finally, we will compare the two programs in terms of speed and reliability.
Review on Twisted Tapes Heat Transfer Enhancement[Full-Text] [References] pp 726-734C.Nithiyesh Kumar, P.Murugesan
Heat transfer augmentation techniques refer to different method used to increase rate of heat transfer without affecting much the overall performance of the system. These techniques are used in heat exchangers. Some of the applications of heat exchangers are in process industries, thermal power plant, air conditioning equipment, refrigerators, radars for space vehicles, automobiles etc. In the past decade, several studies on the passive techniques of heat transfer augmentation have reported. The present paper review mainly focus on the twisted tape heat transfer enhancement and its design modification towards the enhancement of heat transfer and saving pumping power.
Attrition Issues and Retention Challenges of Employees[Full-Text] [References] pp 735-740Brijesh Kishore Goswami, Sushmita Jha
In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, success hinges much on the retention of employees. In a knowledge driven economy, it is the people who are emerging as key competitive differentiators and retaining the talent has become a matter of paramount importance. But swelling attrition levels across the businesses are strait-jacketing the distraught HR practitioner's ability to come out with good retention strategies. Willy-nilly, attrition is here to stay and is not a fringe concern for the companies any more. The trick lies in having sound human resource practices in place that can effectively combat the scourge of attrition. This article would provide an insight into the various issues surrounding the problem of attrition and what major challenges are being faced in retaining the employees. Acquiring skilled workforce is not just enough in today's changing economy; instead a lot needs to be done to retain them. Losing knowledgeable and trained employees can cause serious damage to the company's progress and performance in the market