Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2021
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Lateral acceleration due to gravity variation from equator to pole[Full-Text ] Anil kumar Gupta & Kalpana RathodAcceleration due to gravity of the Eearth depends on the mass and its distance of object from the centre of mass of the earth. Since the upper crustal mass distribution on earth is not uniform. Even its distance from the centre of the Earth varies from place to place. Though our earth is considered as a spherical body but it is not exactly like this. Our earth is in ellipsoidal shape so that the distances of the surfaces from the centre varies. Since acceleration due to gravity depends on distance of surface from the centre consequently acceleration due to gravity varies from one place to another place. Earth is considered as an ellipsoidal body which is having two horizontal axes (x-axis and z-axis) is equal but third vertical axis (y-axis) is different. Along the third axis (y-axis) acceleration due to gravity is having maximum value and it is because of shortest distance of the surface from the centre of mass of the earth. Here it is tried to solve the gravity variation throughout the equator to pole and also tried to find out the rate of change of acceleration due to gravity variation with respect to distance, latitudinal, height and depth from the mean sea level of the earth.
Relationship of Prospective Teachers’ Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills at University Level[Full-Text ] Sonia Kanwal, Dr. Ahmed Sher AwanCognitive process can be accelerated and accomplished only through critical thinking and problem solving skills. These skills are assumed to the necessary ingredients of a competent teacher. Science teachers are particular assumed to learn about these skills and how it can be promoted in their learning methods. Present study was conducted to explore the relationship between critical thinking and problem solving skills of prospective teachers at university level in district Lahore. This study by method was quantitative. Multistage random sampling technique was used to draw the sample of 510 prospective teachers from 7 universities in district Lahore.
Electrical Conductivity and Structural characterization of Unhydrated 4-dimethylaminobenzylidenemalononitrile[Full-Text ] G. F. Salem, E.A.A. El-Shazly, N. A. Elsayed, Magdy A. Ibrahim, K.F. Abd El RahmanX-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns revealed that the powder material of 4 dimethylaminobenzylidenemalononitrile (DBM) has a polycrystalline structure. The analysis indicated that DBM molecule has monoclinic crystal structure with lattice parameters of a = 16.992nm, b = 3.910nm, c = 9.391nm, α = 90.00â—¦, β = 123.72â—¦ and γ = 90.00â—¦. Thermal evaporation was used to prepare the thin films of DBM and led to crystalline films with preferred orientation to (520) plane. The calculations of XRD of as-deposited DBM thin film shows a nanocrystalline structure with crystallite size ranging from 59.22 nm to 71.94 nm. The crystallite size slightly increases with increasing film thickness and with increasing annealing temperatures of the films. The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity of DBM films showed that the dark electrical resistivity decreases as temperature of film increase and there are two conduction mechanisms through a thermally activated process. The average values of activation energies are ∆E_1= 0.34 eV and ∆E_2= 1.19 eV for extrinsic and intrinsic conduction mechanisms, respectively. The extrinsic to intrinsic conduction was attributed to the effect of ambient gases on the material.
AN INTELLIGENT AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM FOR EMERGENCY LANDING SCHEDULING USING BAYESIAN REGULARIZED NEURAL NETWORK[Full-Text ] Okoye, C. I., Onyeyili T. I., Azubogu, A.C.O.Flight plans are manually created from the radar controller’s position and flight data processing manually inputted from the submitted flight plan for each aircraft. This manual system is prone to errors while handling emergency landing requests. This necessitates the need to have automated and reliable control systems that can support fast system identification. This paper presents a Bayesian Regularized Neural Network (BRNN) model for aircraft identification to be inculcated into the existing aircraft identification and squawk code allocation system (based on Aircraft Classification Number) at the secondary surveillance radar end where an Air Traffic Controller can use it for identifying and scheduling of aircrafts for emergency landing at the aerodrome.
A COMPARITIVE STUDY ON DIFFERENT METHODS USED FOR BUILDING 3-DIMENSIONAL MODELS OF PROTEIN[Full-Text ] Ananya Anurag AnandThe concept of protein modelling or building of three-dimensional models of proteins using various methods is increasingly gaining sight of the researchers because of the various benefits derived from it that include not only identifying the type but also the function of the protein based on the model predicted. There are two types of methods, template-based methods and non-template-based methods used for modelling the protein structure using various logics.
A Simple Approach for Selecting the Best Machine Learning Algorithm[Full-Text ] Achshah R M, Dr.T.Ruban Deva Prakash Machine learning algorithm is the soul of artificial intelligence. There are various machine learning algorithms, programmers choose the algorithm that is tailor made for their problem based on performance, pros and cons. This paper discuss the pros and cons of the commonly used ML algorithms: linear regression, logistic regression, k-nearest neighbor, decision tree, random forest, naive bayes, artificial neural network, convolution neural network, support vector machine and XG-Boost. It compares the above supervised learning algorithms explaining the fundamental concepts, thus, making it easy for beginners to understand and choose the right algorithm for their problem.