Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2021
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CHARACTERIZATION OF FUTURE CLIMATE VARIABILITY IN OROMIA SPECIAL ZONE, NORTH EASTERN ETHIOPIA[Full-Text ] Yimer Mohammed, Gashaw Bimrew & Lisanwork NigatuThis study was undertaken in Oromia special zone of nort eastern Ethiopia to analyze future climate variability. Downscale future rainfall and temperature data from ensemble of three GCMs by RCP4.5 emission scenario using a web based software tool (Marksim GCM). Standard statistical descriptors and statistical software like Instat V3.37, MAKESENS, XLSTAT 2014 and Arc GIS 10.1 were employed for the analysis data.
The Effect of Work Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Or-ganizational Support on Nurse Performance at Bahteramas General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province[Full-Text ] Asrullah Mekuo, Murdjani Kamaludin, Muh. NurThis study aims to understand and explain: 1). The effect of work stress on the performance of nurses. 2) The influence of emotional intelli-gence on the performance of nurses. 3). Organizational support for nurse performance. 4). The effect of work stress, emotional intelligence, and organizational support on nurse performance. The sample size in this study was 75 respondents who were nurses at the Bahteramas General Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province.
Automated Coal Crushing and Conveyor System Using PLC and HMI[Full-Text ] Asst.Prof.V. Hari Vamsi, G. Sivanvitha, Abdul.MateenThe main idea of our project is implementation of modern PLC and HMI technology in coal transportation area where coal level detection is an important aspect to improve coal handling system in thermal power plants and coal mining areas. For this real time operation of coal handling and coal level detection in storage tanks, we use the modern PLC technology which uses wide range feedback sensors and performs automatic operation in respective areas.
Context Aware GAN for sequence text generation in tensor-flow lite for android AI chat application[Full-Text ] Prashant kaushik, Sunil PrasadA Novel model and technique to train the generative adversarial networks (GAN) that uses a generator based model by feedback operation through discriminator with contexture-1 and contexture-2 to give impressive success in the context of text generation for android tensor-flow lite applications. In this paper we are adding two contextures for generating the more context oriented results to get desirable text while measuring for the confidence score.
Application of well log data analysis for enhancing the shaly gas reservoir performance of El-Wastani Formation, Main sand body, Sequoia field, Offshore West Nile Delta, Egypt[Full-Text ] A.L.Alattar , M. A. Alhazzaa, M. L. Al-MoafaGas reservoir represents a special case, it affects the various well log curve shapes in varying ways. The neutron (ΦN) and density (ï²b) logs represent the most logs affected by the presence of gas, hence it has very low hydrogen index (HI) and low density. This can led to extremely low neutron porosity and high density porosity (i.e. gas crossover). The presence of shale will complicates the situation, as the effect of shale on the well log data is in the opposite direction of that of gas.
Comparative analysis of the positioning accuracy through GNSS static and kinematic methods[Full-Text ] Bilbil NurçeDue to the ease of use of GNSS technologies, as well as the rapid processing of surveys, GNSS surveys find application in almost all areas of geodesy. The choice of GNSS survey technique for the realization of a geodetic service depends on the required accuracy, the time available for the completion of the project, the available equipment, etc.
Egg Parasitoid Species and Rates of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) in UÅŸak Provience[Full-Text ] Gizem Arslan, Åžener TarlaThe study was carried out in forest areas in the center and districts of UÅŸak Province in 2019 and 2020. The aim of the study is to determine the egg parasitoids and their presence of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.) (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), which is harmful in pine and larch forests. For this purpose, egg batches belonging to the pest were collected from October 2019 until November 2020.
Evaluation of Biscuit wafer waste mean as replacement for maize on growth, carcass and economic performance of weaner rabbits[Full-Text ] Olugbenga A J Anjola, Peter F Agbaye, Murisiku A Onigemo, Khadijah K Agbalaya, Olawale, J Ishola, Lateef A Tijani, Mutiat T, James. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth responses, carcass characteristics and economy of production of rabbit fed Biscuit wafer waste meal (BWWM) as replacement for maize. Thirty-six grower rabbit were allocated according to randomised completely blocked design (RCBD) to three treatments and were replicated thrice. Each replicate having four (4) rabbits balanced by weight were subjected to feeding trial for the duration of eight (8) weeks. Three (3) experimental grower rabbit rations (diets) were formulated with diet 1 as the control. Diets 1, 2, and 3 were formulated to contain BWWM at 0, 50 and 100 % replacement for maize.
The removal mechanism for methylene blue dye onto mango biosorbents[Full-Text ] Elhossein A. Moawed, Seham E. Abu Ahmed, Suad A. Alshiteewi , Seif N. AyyadIn this paper, the new sorbents for wastewater treatment were examined. The mango biosorbents were prepared from three types of mango trees and then were tested for the removal of methylene blue dye from wastewater through an adsorption process. The effects of various parameters e.g. methylene blue dye concentration, solution temperature, and contact time were studied. The kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamics models were tested for methylene blue adsorption data. The mango biosorbents were found highly efficient for the removal of methylene blue dye (100%) at pH 7 within a period of 3–5 min.
HEPATITIS B AWARENESS IN INDIAN PUBLIC - A CROSS SECTIONAL SURVEY[Full-Text ] Dr Rukmini Singh ,Dr Anshika Yadav,Dr Radhika SinghHepatitis B is a worldwide cause of concern due to its transmissibility and lack of knowledge in general public . It is caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV)which can spread by percutaneous or mucosal exposure to infective blood or body fluids. The complications include liver failure ,hepatic cancer and other related morbidity.
Generation Gap and Its Impact in Urban Society in the Context of Nepal[Full-Text ] Tara Kumari KarkiThe paper entitled on Generation Gap and Its Impact in Urban Society in the Context of Nepal is an innovative and original study. The major objective of this study is to identify the domestic effect due to the generation gap in the urban area of Nepal. The method of this study is based on both primary and secondary sources of information and various kinds of literature are reviewed from academic journals and books.
The Implications of Incessant Political Defections by Nigerian Legislators on the Country’s Democracy and the urgent need to address it[Full-Text ] Livinus A. NANDI, Hassana A. IBRAHIM and Lucky A. TONGSPolitical parties represent a vital element of the contemporary democratic tradition. This is so because in the absence of political parties, democratic rule would be practically impossible (Danjibo & Ashindorbe 2018). However, the alarming rate at which political parties now witness defections of elected members from one party to another appears to have become a norm in party politics in Nigeria. Although it is not novel to Nigeria. Akpambang & Akpambang (2020) posit that, politics of defection in the country can be traced down to 1951, when some members of the defunct National Council of Nigeria and Cameroons (NCNC) cross defected to the Action Group (AG) to enable Chief Obafemi Awolowo to become the Premier of the Western. Nonetheless, the current trend of defection of elected legislators in recent time has become very worrisome and could impose serious implications for our nascent democracy (Katherine, 2016).
IMPACT OF VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT ON SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUTION PROJECT DELIVERY DURING THE COVID19 PANDEMIC[Full-Text ] Enyinna Gregory Chimere, Okwara Ihuoma Deborah, Avwenayeri Sonia OghenetegaThe of virtual project Management on Project delivery during COVID 19, was researched on to evaluate and verify the possibilities of escaping from situations of project abandonment and delays in project delivery during emergency situations that may require global, regional or local lock down/restriction of movement. This research considered a theoretical development with a concept of phase- to- phase relationship that gives way to proper segmentation of different project phases to allow complete concentration on each of the phases of the project in allocating time, resources and quality of construction project. In an attempt contribute to knowledge, the concept of road construction project life circle was expanded, from its usual stages of project conception phase, project planning phase, contractor selection phase, project mobilization stage, project execution and project completion/commissioning phase to environmental Impact assessment phase, risk assessment phase, project evaluation and audit phase as well as project report writing and presentation phase between contractor and client, for proper documentation and reference purposes.
Application of Environmental Management plan on Impact Assessment of Gas Plant Development Project (GPDP)[Full-Text ] Enyinna Gregory. C,Nkemdirim Victor UGas plant development project has several environmental impact that were assessed through methodological investigative approaches that considered potential environmental, economic and social precondition evaluation that x-rayed their pre-existing condition prior to gas plant development project start point. Environmental management plan (EMP) was adopted to help us deliver mitigation measure for the impact of gas plant development project during impact assessment process.
Flexural Behavior of beams reinforced with Hybrid of bars from (GFRP) and (CFRP) bars[Full-Text ] Mohaseb Ahmed Abozied, Mamdouh Sayed Abdelbaqi, Mohamed Ahmed Saifeldeen, Hossameldeen Mohamed, Omar Ahmed Farghal, Abd El Rahman Megahid AhmedSteel has been used for RC elements since decades, showing adequate behaviour. However, extreme environmental conditions lead to high deterioration in RC structure due to steel corrosion. Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars have emerged recently as a powerful potential alternative to steel for RC elements subjected to those extreme environmental conditions due to their high corrosion resistance. In the same context, this paper investigates the flexural behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with hybrid bar under static loads through theoretical and experimental analyses.
Monothetic Analysis and Optimization of Improved Soap Stamping and Tableting Machine[Full-Text ] Egwuagu M. Onyekachi, Nwankwojike B. NdukaThis study involves performance characterization and optimization of an improved soap stamping and tabulating machine using monothetic analysis method foster its improvement for economic viability. The parameters evaluated include conveying and stamping/tabulating speeds as factors while throughput, efficiency and specific energy constitute the performance indicators (responses) of this machine.
Happiness perception of UG students in Kottayam and Ernakulam districts[Full-Text ] Dr.Lekshmy S.Background and objectives: Happiness is the experience of joy, contentment and a sense of wellbeing. Gratitude is the thankful appreciation of what we have. This study was conducted to ascertain the relationship between happiness and gratitude. Also to determine the socio demographic and socio economic factors that are affecting and boosting the happiness of UG students in Kottayam and Ernakulam districts.
HAPPINESS PERCEPTION OF UG STUDENTS IN KOTTAYAM AND ERNAKULAM DISTRICTS[Full-Text ] Background and objectives: Happiness is the experience of joy, contentment and a sense of wellbeing. Gratitude is the thankful appreciation of what we have. This study was conducted to ascertain the relationship between happiness and gratitude. Also to determine the socio demographic and socio economic factors that are affecting and boosting the happiness of UG students in Kottayam and Ernakulam districts.
Determination of Natural Frequencies for Multi-Layered Printed Circuit Boards using FEA Simulation[Full-Text ] A.H.M.E. Rahman, D.J.L. GonzalezThe goal of this project was to determine natural frequencies for several multi-layered Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designs using Modal analysis in Ansys Workbench. When a material is subjected to a vibrational frequency higher than its natural frequency, it can experience resonance, which in turn can cause deformation, malfunction or failure of a part, even if the stress it experiences is lower than its ultimate strength.
Crypto Currency: Altcoins[Full-Text ] Deshak BhatnagarThe concept of Crypto Currency is an application of Cryptography, which is simply termed as secret code writing whereas Crypto-currency is termed as secret money transfer tool. A Crypto-currency is nothing but an electronic or we can say a digital tool built to cater as a medium or way for secure transactions. Plus, Altcoins commonly known as Alternative Coins is a group of such currencies or is simply called a blend. Bitcoin is one of the most popular type of Crypto-currency and is heavily used now by people.
Air Mixtures in Automotive Engines: Adding Hydrogen and Oxygen with Petrol in SI engine[Full-Text ] Khaled N Alrefaei, Saad A A Ahmad In this study, a mixture of gas, composed of hydrogen and oxygen (HHO), was added to an engine as an addition to the fuel in a real-life test. HHO was produced through an electrolyser and the vehicle used had a 4-stroke spark-ignition engine with no modifications added. The procedure was carried out on the vehicle rather than having a lab test done on an engine model. The HHO electrolyser produced a constant amount of a mixed gas of hydrogen and oxygen on demand. Tests on the vehicle, both with the use of HHO mixed gas from the electrolyser and without the use of HHO, were taken and compared. The results showed that there was no damage to the engine and that fuel consumption was reduced by 10%.
Review on Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)Technology in Wastewater Treatment[Full-Text ] Manan AroraMembrane bioreactor (MBR) is the membrane process that includes ultrafiltration with a biological wastewater treatment process and activated sludge process. The membranes are used to separate the solid/liquid mixture. The membranes allow the clear water solution to pass through blocking the solid mass that needs to be discharged from the waster water. Microfiltration (100 to 1000 nm), ultrafiltration (5 to 100 nm), nanofiltration (1 to 5 nm), reverse osmosis (0.1 to 1 nm), electrodialysis (ED), and electro deionization (EDI) are the most commonly used membrane separation methods.
Accelerating solar system and its effects on the revolutational path of the planets around the sun[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar GuptaAll the natural system of the universe was formed by the condensation of fundamental tiny particles. These fundamental particles were formed by the condensation of energy which was formed by the Big Bang theory of infinitely dense point mass. All the systems in the universe are moving in free space and some of them radiate energy in the form of heat and light, these are called luminous bodies like sun and stars while rest of systems are absorbing energy in the form of light as well as heat energy and these are called non-luminous body like planets and meteorites. In general, most of non-luminous body move around the luminous body in open imaginary circular or elliptical path.
The shadow economy and unemployment in Tunisia: Main recommendations[Full-Text ] GHRISSI ElkamelThe objective of this article is to demonstrate the relationship between the unemployment rate in Tunisia and the development of the informal sector, to subsequently propose recommendations capable of reducing this massive development of the parallel sector. Our study based on the MIMIC model, shows that high unemployment is the main cause of the development of the black economy in Tunisia, moreover the estimate of the size of the black economy shows that this sector is in full expansion to reach 43.59% of GDP in 2017.
The Effects of Social Media on Students’ Performance by Applying Binary Regression: Case Study Soran University[Full-Text ] Dr. Åžakir Ä°ÅŸleyen, Zozik Sabah RASOOL, Dr. Yıldırım DEMÄ°RSocial media demonstrates the method for collaboration between individuals wherein they make, offer, and trade data and thoughts on virtual networks. The motivation behind this article is to examine the effect of social media on students at Soran University. Decreased science execution is perhaps the main result of person to person communication abuse for students.
Application of Activated Awiss Mango biosorbent for Dye Industrial Wastewater Treatment[Full-Text ] Elhossein A. Moawed, Suad A. Alshiteewi, Seif N. Ayyad, Seham E. Abu AhmedIn this paper, the new activated biosorbent with excellent properties for the removal of basic dye e.g. methylene blue from wastewater was prepared. Alo, this paper focused on the synthesis of a novel biosorbent from mango seed then activated using HCl. NaOH and ZnCl2. The activated mango bio-sorbent was characterized using infrared spectra. The activated mango biosorbent was tested for re-moving of the methylene blue dye (MBD) from wastewater; the various parameters like MBD con-centration, temperature and shaking time were studied to optimize the best condition for removing of MBD from aqueous solution.
Psychosocial and Behavioral Risk Factors of Early Onset of Ischemic Heart Disease among the Patients Presenting at a Tertiary Care Hospital[Full-Text ] Shaheen Nazakat ,Dr Muhammad Sajid This study investigate the psychological, behavioral, anthropometric, and social factors that may cause a possible early onset of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) at a tertiary care hospital. Case-control research design was used in the present study. The present study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Lahore city, Punjab, Pakistan. Patients in the cardiology ward of a tertiary care hospital in Lahore City aged between 35-55 years were included in the study.
Bandwidth Enhancement, Bit Error Rate (BER) Improvement & Power Budget Evaluation for a Bidirectional CWDM-Passive Optical Networks[Full-Text ] Engr. Imran Ullah Khan, Dr. Shahzada Alamgir KhanThe novel approach was preferred by the Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) that has proven itself to improve the bandwidth of the optical networks and offers them rather quicker and easier installation. It also lowers the overall cost. The electrical power of the Passive CWDM does not require at all and are believed much consistent and robust to install in the extremely difficult atmosphere. It has been proven by various studies and experiments that the Passive Optical Networks (PON) shows a great impact while using CWDM technology to improve the data rate up to the much achievable limit. This present study demonstrates and studies that how the data rate and transmission be able to enhance by way of reducing the Bit Error Rate (BER), and properly calculating power optical budget. The system output results describe that its bandwidth enhanced carrying capacity reaches to 40 Gbps with maximum 46kms and minimum 3kms transmission distances. The simulations are designed in such a manner that it can hold a total of 128 customers with 64 uplink customers and 64 downlink customers with a minimum BER value and less Power Optical Budget.
Tensile mechanical properties of basalt fiber reinforced polymer composite[Full-Text ] Abd El-Rahem Tarek Mohammed, Omar Ahmed Farghal, Mohamed Zakaria Abdelhamid, Zakaria Hameed AwadallahBasalt fiber-reinforced polymer (BFRP) composites are becoming increasingly popular as a low-cost, ecologically acceptable raw material. FRP composites must resist severe conditions such as chloride ions in coastal marine environments and salt deicing in freezing regions. The resistance of FRPs exposed to the above conditions is important for the safe design and usage of BFRP composites. To utilize BFRP in actual engineering in a reasonable and scientific method it is necessary to understand its mechanical characteristics thoroughly, as described in this work.
Concrete Reinforced with Human Hair Fibers[Full-Text ] Hussein El-Nouby Nasser, Mohamed Zakaria Abdelhamid, Zakaria Hameed Awadallah, Osama Al-heweiryThe use of fibers is not a new idea in this case. According to some reports, straw, horsehair, and cotton fibers were used in ancient mud and mortars. These fibers can then increase workability and minimize shrinkage cracks in concrete mixtures. The nano cross-section of hair and its correct tensile strength make this project feasible. Experiments are being carried out to see how it can be used to reduce concrete shrinkage. Concrete tubes, balls, and prisms with different percentages of human hair fibers were used in the experiments.
Predictive Model of Undrained Shear Strength Based on Random Field Theory[Full-Text ] Temple Njoku, Samuel EjezieA model for estimating the undrained shear strength is developed for a mangrove swamp near-shore site in Niger Delta Nigeria. The site is underlain by an upper layer of sensitive soil mixed with organic matter followed by alternating layers of clay and sand. The development of the model is based on the random field theory using cone penetration test (CPT) data from the geotechnical site investigation report. Data from 16 CPTs, arranged in a 4x4 grid and spaced at 50m between test holes, were selected for the study with intermediate CPT data simulated between adjacent test holes using a pseudo-averaging technique to reduce the spacing to 12.5m.
CUBE TEST TO MEASURE WHETHER QUBISM 3D MODELING TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPS SPATIAL VISUALIZATION IN THE STUDY OF ORTHOGONAL PROJECTIONS[Full-Text ] C. Helena Chivai, A.A. Soares, P. CatarinoIn Mozambique teachers still teach in a traditional way without the aid of technological resources such as computers, data show and much less the cell phone, which hinders the implementation of new technological methodologies that can facilitate the spatial visualization (VE) and the recognition of the graphical representations of orthogonal projections (OP) of a given object. The aim of the research is to use the Cube Test (CT) to assess the learning of students subjected to a teaching-learning process based on the use of the digital technology Qubism 3D Modeling (Q3DM) adapted for smartphone, in order to facilitate VE in students of the General Secondary Education of Mozambique.
IMPACT OF EROSION ON SUSTAINABLE ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Gregory C. Enyinna, Ihuoma D. Okwara,Odike PreciousSoil erosion is the wearing away of the top layer of the earth by natural forces of water and wind or through forces associated with the activities of man. Soil erosion depletes compacted soil, thereby causing loss of soil structure, with resultant effect of soil debasement. These forms of soil debasement, genuinely add to accelerating soil disintegration.
Expert Systems in Manufacturing[Full-Text ] Matthew N. O. Sadiku, Kazeem B. Olanrewaju, and Sarhan M. MusaExpect systems are a product of artificial intelligence, the branch of computer scienceconcerned with developing programs that exhibit intelligent behavior. An expert system is a computer program that uses the knowledge underlying human expertise to solve problems. Expert’s knowledge is stored inside the program and users can call upon the computer for specific advice, help, diagnosis and rectification as needed. This paper provides an introduction to the applications of expert systems in manufacturing.
DRONES IN AGRICULTURE[Full-Text ] Matthew N. O. Sadiku1, Kazeem B. Olanrewaju1, Sunday S. Adekunte2, and Sarhan M. Musa1The agriculture industry has embraced drones as indispensable tools for farmers around the world. Farmers can use drones for everything from pest control to plant health monitoring. Drones allow farmers to constantly monitor crop and livestock conditions by air. They are also helping farmers to optimize agriculture operations, increase productivity, increase crop production, monitor crop growth, reduce pollution, reduce wastage, and reduce time spent in the field. This paper provides a brief introduction on the use of drones in agriculture.
COVID-19 E ects on SDGs in Bangladesh: A Systematic Literature Review[Full-Text ] RAFI, MD. RAKIBUL HASAN, KAMRAN, MD. SAIFULLA, and TARIF SADMANCovid-19 pandemic is a global issue nowa-days. Community transmission of Covid-19 is also frequent in Bangladesh. The article focuses on critical aspects of the pandemic situation and how it creates a massive challenge to achieve all 17 agendas of SDGs by 2030. Mainly, it is a systematic qualitative analysis of irreparable damages to people's lives caused by the pandemic. Increasing poverty, lack of good health facilities, interruption in quality education, gender inequality, scarcity of decent work, economic hamper, a slowdown in vital infrastructures or sustainable cities, etc.
Impact of disruptive education on nursing intervention targeting mothers of newborns in the context of COVID epidemic-19[Full-Text ] Maria Apagueno, Marlene Hinostroza, Maria Jacinto, Mario Chauca Describe the effect of results of the nursing intervention in tele-guidance received by mothers with new-borns exposed to COVID-19. In this context, it is necessary to take important measures that allow the maintenance of people's health, especially newborns, the health of the newborn will be directly linked to the health of their mothers and other members of the family.
Design of an FIR Digital Filter for a Mobile Robot Navigation Sensors[Full-Text ] Abubakar Surajo Imam, Lawal Salisu, Dele Zacheaus YanmidaMobile robot navigation involves accurately ascertaining the robot's position and planning and following a route to a target. Successful mobile robot navigation requires precision navigation sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and GPS. However, the great challenge in such applications is limiting the signal chain noise. However, noise in the signal great impedes such applications.
Investigating Organizational Commitment of Employees and its Impact on Work Performance in Telecommunication sector of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Khuram Rashid, Dr. Irfan ZafarIn this study we determine the impact of two fundamental variables and their relationships i.e.; work performance (WP) and organizational commitment (OC). Further we tried to explain the problem statement which aim is carry out the impact and determine the behavior aspect of variable in the theoretical frame work. It has been observed by the researchers that commitment with organization have positive impact over work performance and productivity provided that two assumptions have been fulfilled. This research will further break down the effect of OC on performance of work of an employee in telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Moreover, the findings of the study will propose that associations must concentrate on methodology of OC to pick up favorable circumstances. OC can improve both quality and quantity of workers.
VUCA World to Going Phygital - Indian Perspective[Full-Text ] Dr. Suman DeyVUCA is an acronym (artificial word), first used in 1987 and based on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, and stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It was the response of the US Army War College to the collapse of the USSR in the early 1990s. Suddenly, there was no longer the only enemy, resulting in new ways of seeing and reacting.
Integrated Architectural Design Module as a means of evolving people centered mass housing in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Miriam Ijeoma Chukwuma-UchegbuThree basic approaches have been identified in the teaching of architecture designs in Nigeria namely: theory and project approach meth-od, studio module method, and the integrated module. This paper takes a critical look at the gains of the integrated module whose aim is to bring about an architectural education that evolves from and is expressive of its environmental identity and how it can positively influence the practice of architecture in Nigeria.