Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020
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Using Rayleigh waves to extract the shear wave velocity in the soil deposits[Full-Text ] Melvina Collie, Dr. Darlington PS DavidThe application of using Rayleigh (Surface) waves to extract the shear wave velocity in soil and rock formation have increased recently in seismic geotechnical engineering as well as environmental engineering. The shear wave velocity (Vs), is a soil mechanical property that can be advantageously measure in both the field and laboratory under real and controlled conditions.
Role of E-Learning in the areas that is suffering from terrorism[Full-Text ] Nagham Mumtaz Kudhair, Baida’a Abdul-Qader KhudorThe purpose of this study is to clarify the impact of terrorism on society, especially the age groups that remain in school. The research provides a study of the reality taken from the Iraqi model, which was dominated by terrorism of all kinds. The research focused on explaining terrorism in modern times and how to tackling the suffering of students to obtain a certain level of education.
An Ingenious Remote Health Monitoring System to Prevent Maternal Mortality due to Covid-19 in Rural Areas - India[Full-Text ] Roshini PraveenIndia contributes to 15 percent of the global maternal death toll. About 44,000 Indian women die each year due to complications arising during childbirth. Over 80 per cent of maternal deaths in India are due to six medical causes, including haemorrhage, eclampsia, obstructed labour, sepsis, unsafe abortion and pre-existing conditions, such as anaemia and malaria.
Learning by doing: : an innovative method of teaching management disciplines in a higher business school[Full-Text ] Salma ECHCHARQYThe purpose of this article is to present and discuss through an experience the contribution of learning by doing method in teaching management discipline and particularly Strategic Management in a constantly changing context.
Influence of High Pressure EGR System in reducing Nitrogen Oxide[Full-Text ] Akash LadhaHigh Pressure Exhaust gas recirculation (HPL EGR) is an emission control technology which can significantly reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission in gasoline and diesel engines, from light-duty engines through medium- and heavy-duty engine applications and right up to low-speed, two-stroke marine engines.
Negative Impact on Academic Performance, Anxiety and Insomnia Due to Excessive Use of Social Media among University Students of Lahore (Pakistan)[Full-Text ] Dr. Amna Shahid, Muhammad Zubair Awan, Waqas Siddique, Hafiza Taneeza Nadeem, Maham ChaudharyNow a day, social networking sites are most commonly used among all age groups. But the use of internet is significantly increasing among students Social networking sites has thousands of its positive outcome but it depends on its usage. People are using them without any limitation and this overuse or overload of social networking sites giving adverse outcomes on young adults. Social media now become mode of communication among youth.
RFID Based Cyber Secured Library Management System[Full-Text ] Shah Zaib, Dr. Salman Ahmed, Sher BahaderRFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Based library management system is one of the more important system using in now a day in modern libraries and warehouses. The libraries, warehouses, shopping malls, industries, using RFID system to secure their items for purpose of theft control, Ease of accessibility and traceability, each available item in store, library or warehouses. are properly tagged with RFID tags, and programmed with its item basic info like serial number, stack info, author, barcode number etc. after this programming the items status changed to secured in RFID field, now whenever anyone pass this item from the RFID based security gates it will give alarms to librarians or system owner.
The effect of Angioteinsin II receptor type 1 and type 2, in Mediated Overproduction of Reactive Oxygen Species, Pro-inflammatory, and Pro-fibrotic actions in cardiovascular cells, Leukocytes, and Monocyte and as a Potential Modulatory in Thrombosis, Cancer and Autoimmunity Treatment and Prevention [Full-Text ] By Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Dr. Martha Fekadu RahmethoRenin Angiotensin system (RAS) regulates multiple physiological, pharmacological and pathological functions throughout the body by interacting with angioteinsinII (AngII) receptor type 1 (AT1R) and Ang II receptor type 2 (AT2R).
Assessing determinants of Performance of Students’ Towards Applied Mathematics I in the Case of Mettu University, Oromia, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Adugna Gadisa GeletaThe study was conducted in Mettu University. For this study data were collected by using questionnaires. So, the researcher was used primary data collection method. In this study, the researcher applied simple random sampling and stratified sampling technique which is used to select samples from the target population and the sample size used in the study was 2800 observations.
Immunizations during Hajj is it effective: Coverage and Barrie[Full-Text ] Reem AlQahtani, Khalid Abduldaem, Ayman Sayed, Safiah Alenezi, Tahani alsarrani, Zeidan ZeidanProlonged stays at hajj sites; crowdedness, extreme heat, and physical exhaustion accommodation encourage disease transmission. A part of Hajj rituals also is the animal slaughter, which can increase the risk of exposure to zoonotic diseases. Head shaving for men is another Hajj ritual increasing a health risk to blood borne infections including HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Immunization is a great success of preventive medicine
Inclusion of children with disabilities in primary schools in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Robina Naqvi Inclusion and participation are essential to human dignity and the exercise of human right (UNESCO, 1994, P.11).Although the government of Pakistan is committed to provide access to education for all children with disabilities, it is being hard to fulfil the commitment due to many barriers. People’s negative attitude towards disabilities may be the major barrier of inclusion of these children in primary schools. Many people have discriminatory attitudes towards disabilities.
Impact of Covid-19 on road traffic Accidents[Full-Text ] Saman HamidThe coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a viral disease that has caused an outbreak of respiratory illness. This disease, originally originated in Wuhan, China, has now become a worldwide pandemic. The coronavirus belongs to a family of viruses that may cause various symptoms such as pneumonia, fever, breathing difficulty, and lung infection, etc. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 as a Pandemic, and said that it is likely to spread across all countries on the globe. In a matter of a few months, the Coronavirus has affected 216 countries across the globe, with 11,125,245 cases worldwide and taking the lives of 528,204 people.
Mechanicals Behavior of RC Columns Strengthened with GFRP and Subjected to Cyclic Temperatures[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Abdel-Latif YousefEgypt is one of the countries with a hot climate and degree of temperature reaches to 45 °C in Summer and the solar radiation can increase the degree of temperature for out-door surface to 70 °C. During the two decades ago, the use the technique of strengthening and rehabilitation of RC structures by externally bonded Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) became widespread all over the world.
A case series of Extraosseous Ewing's Sarcoma[Full-Text ] Jeganniwas Kannan, bhargavi Ilangovan, janarthinakani Murugesan, Ganapathi RamanJeganniwas Kannan, bhargavi Ilangovan, janarthinakani Murugesan, Ganapathi Raman
Choosing Appropriate Audit and Management Strategies for Disasters Case Study on the Management of Aceh Disaster[Full-Text ] Achmad Djazuli, Bahrullah Akbar, Joni Setiawan,Memed SuebIndonesia is an archipelagic nation that occupies a highly strategic geographical position, both economically and politically. The country is located between the two tectonic plates of Asia and Australia. Indonesia also straddles three other plates, namely, the Eurasian plate, the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate. This means that the country is highly susceptible to geological movements, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and landslides. Major disasters, such as floods, storms, earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis, regularly cause significant damage, both to the economic sector and the social environment (Sanny, 2006).
Decision Review System in Cricket[Full-Text ] Akhil RanaThe current Decision review system (DRS) protocol implemented by the International Cricket Council (ICC) allows a player to request a review of dismissal decisions taken by the on-field umpires. Reviews on various uncertainties may refer different technological components including hawk-eye/virtual-eye, hot-spot and snickometer/ultra-edge. The accuracy of the ball tracking system comes into play on practical usage, defining the overall error rate of the used technology along with the human error.
Assessing geochemical and biological characteristics of Nummulitic Limestone formation from ITSZ for paleoenvironment interpretation, hinting on the possibility of a PETM boundary[Full-Text ] Ananyaa DeepakThe Cretaceous Eocene successions of the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ) are the manifestations of the collision between Indian and Asian plate also marking the global Greenhouse warming event at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary.
Pure Bending Analysis of Thin Rectangular Flat Plate with All Edges Clamped Carrying Uniformly Distributed Load Using Euler-Bernoulli Residual Force Approach[Full-Text ] Ibearugbulem O. M, Anyaogu L, Christopher G. OThis study investigates pure bending analysis of thin rectangular flat plate with all edge clamped carrying uniformly distributed load using Euler-Bernoulli residual force equilibrium equation. The analysis was accomplished by carrying out direct differentiation of total potential energy functional of a rectangular flat plate with respect to the displacement function, w (x, y) to obtain the general Euler-Bernoulli residual force equilibrium equation for the plate.
COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE FUEL AND HANDLING PROPERTIES OF SORGHUM AND MILLET BIOMASS BRIQUETTES PRODUCED USING LOW-PRESSURE DENSIFICATION (LPD) TECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] M. A. Suleiman, C. N. AnyanwuThe fuel properties, bulk density and compressive strength of sorghum and millet biomass briquettes were studied and compared under low-pressure densification process. Effect of the binder concentration on the properties was also evaluated. The optimum calorific values of sorghum and millet biomass briquettes were 28.5MJ/kg and 27.8MJ/kg, respectively.
Intrusion Detection Systems Using K-Means And Random Forest Algorithms[Full-Text ] Marwa Ali Khaddor, Dr.Basel Al-Khattib Many researches nowadays working on increase the ability of the intrusion detection systems IDS, which depend on data mining techniques in their mechanism.
IoT Air Quality Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Fathima Shifana N S, Jensi Jahfar, Mubeena M J, Najiya Shafi, Asmin M K, Shamna A RInternet of Things (IoT) is an increasingly popular technology that enables physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, etc. to communicate and even inter-operate with one another. Air pollution in India is estimated to kill about 1.5 million people every year; it is the fifth largest killer in India.
Knowledge and practice about family planning methods among women of reproductive age (Samundri Faisalabad)[Full-Text ] Rakhshanda Bano , Asima ParveenTo assess the knowledge and practice of women between the ages of 15 to 35 year a descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on 50 women who came in Usman clinic Samundri Faisalabad to get information about the level of education on family planning and its use. In this study 74% women have sufficient knowledge about the family planning methods and 26% have insufficient knowledge while 50% were practicing family planning methods and 50% were not using any method of birth spacing.
Permeability Alteration Due to Nanoparticles Retention in the Porous Media during Nanotechnology Assisted Enhanced Oil Recovery Process[Full-Text ] Odo, J. E., Odoh, S. I., Idika, U.U., Nwosu, C.J.Nanofluid flooding has been proposed to be a ground breaking technique for the recovery of the inaccessible oil in place in the reservoir after primary and secondary production methods. It is said to have the ability to overcome problems faced by traditional EOR methods. These fluids are prepared with the use nanoparticles, which due to their small sizes possess some unique properties and can easily pass through reservoir pore spaces that other substances cannot reach, resulting in the adsorption of the nanoparticles in the reservoir, leading to positive changes in reservoir microscopic properties and a corresponding increase in oil recovery.
The Emergence of Modern Presidency in the United States of America: Presidential Power and Constitutional Shift[Full-Text ] Godlove Aka BindaSince the emergence of the modern presidency in the United States of America, the office of the president has become so powerful beyond the expectation of the founding fathers. The founding fathers created a constitution that sets a mechanism where the different branches of government are expected to work independently but complementary from each other with limited powers, but the modern presidency has distorted this principle of separation of powers with president becoming very powerful.
How Visual Management can help in improving Productivity in Manufacturing Operation[Full-Text ] Abhay U DabholkarThis paper will review the benefits of using Visual Controls in production operation which will result in productivity in manufacturing operation. Visual Management concept all this year has evolved and has been effectively employed in different manufacturing and service organizations for a last so many years.
An Intelligent Crime Prediction System Using Artificial Neural Network And Geographical Information System[Full-Text ] P. B. Fajemiseye, C. Ugwu, L. N. Onyejegbu Crime is a social problem that has eaten deep into the society. The rate at which innocent blood is wasted on a daily basis and the display of bottled-up frustration by the citizens remains a cause for concern. Many have lost their loved ones, investment and absence of safety in most parts of the country. The aim of this study is to develop and implement a model that embedded Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for the analysis of observed data to predict crimes.
An UL Multi-user FDD Massive MIMO scheme with efficient lossless Feedback Compression[Full-Text ] Papis NDIAYE, Moussa DIALLOQuantized feedback overhead compression is considered in this paper. In fact, FDD multi-user Massive MIMO OFDM can be considered as the promising technique for providing unprecedented spectral efficiency. However, due to the large number of antennas, it requires excessive feedback overhead, and this constitute a real handicap.
Pyrolysis Of Waste Rubber Tyre Products Using Information and Communication Technology Depending On The Reactor Type[Full-Text ] Nabil Salih, Khalid Omran, Abdelkader AsweiThis paper examines the current uses of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in various pyrolysis reactors, their design and working patterns in relation to the main results of the product for recycling tire waste pyrolysis. Regardless of whether it is more or less profitable or, unfortunately, due to the additional cost of reusing used tires, it is the supply of pyrolysis products, their range and market costs.
How significant is E-commerce business in Covid19[Full-Text ] Dr. Nishtha Tyagi PachouriCoronavirus has brought about more purchasers shopping on the web. Presently, it is not yet clear how the internet business industry meets the desires for the 'new ordinary'.
Factors that affect the effective teaching and learning methodologies of technical drawing in technical and vocational schools (in the case of East Gojjam zone technical and vocational schools)[Full-Text ] Mulatu Mengistayehu WorkieThis study was conducted to identify the challenges of effective teaching and learning of technical drawing in technical and vocational schools. The study adopted descriptive survey research design guided by four research questions which were formulated to guide the study and used for data collection. The population size was selected randomly. Also seventy two (72) questionnaire instruments were administered to the respondents who formed the population of the study.
A STUDY ON THE IMPORTANCE OF TESTING IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING[Full-Text ] Muzammil H MohammedGlass distributed the primary report on the evaluation of frameworks and software engineering researchers and establishments two decades prior. The progressing, yearly overview of distributions in this field gives subsidize administrators, youthful researchers, graduate understudies, and so on with helpful data for various purposes. Be that as it may, the examinations have been addressed by certain commentators on account of a couple of weaknesses of the assessment technique.
AUGMENTATION OF LOW DOSE ANTIPSYCHOTICS REDUCED HOSPITAL STAY IN MILD TO MODERATE DEPRESSION[Full-Text ] Depression is the most common mental disorder in the world today affecting 34 crore people in the world. 1:4 women and 1:10 men will develop depression sometime in their life time. 50% of cases are unrecognized. This is sad because depression is one of the most treatable mental illnesses.
Assessing the impact of isolation and testing e ect on the transmission dynamics of COVID-19[Full-Text ] Sunday AkpurugoThe global e ect of Covid19 and inadquacy of literature dealing with deterministic mathematical model on preventive measures on the transmisson dynamics of the disease is an exuding factor of endemicity in human population.