Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019.
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ANALYSIS OF PARENTS' SATISFACTION WITH PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN UZBEKISTAN[Full-Text ] Sharopova Nafosat RadjabovnaThe article analyzes indicators of satisfaction with the quality of preschool education in Uzbekistan. On the basis of an econometric analysis, factors were identified that influence parents' satisfaction with the quality of preschool education.
Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium podophyllum) and Mexican Turnip (Pachyrhizus erosus) in Ilocano Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Communities[Full-Text ] Dr. Solita Evangeline S. BañezTo the Ilocano people, hardship in life is never a hindrance to victory. They strive hard to make for a living. Challenges and trials can easily be overcome because they believe in the value of hard work; thus, every Ilocano finds ways to improve life for the better. Hence this study emerged. The investigation compared the effectiveness of Arrowhead vine (Syngonium podophyllum) and Mexican Turnip (Pachyrhizus erosus) against ants.
Bellier Turbidity Temperature Test (BTTT) as a tool for assessing the purity of cottonseed oil available in markets of India[Full-Text ] Dr. Shashikant PardeshiIn this study an attempt has been made to investigate the applicability of BTTT to cottonseed oils obtained from different parts of India and thereby examine the influence of geographical variations on BTTT. In the present work, the cottonseed oils used for analysis, such as refined cotton seed oil (Rct, Jagdish), refined cottonseed oil(Rct1,Sarthi),refined cottonseed oil (Rct2,Sidhbali) and cottonseed oil (Rct3,Narayan) exhibited BTT in the range of 19.6 to 20.4 0C.
TWENTY FIRST CENTURY IT GOVERNANCE IMPLEMENTATION[Full-Text ] ADENIYI AKANNICenturies have come and gone yet not without leaving a mark that distinguishes each age. Noticeable is the much effect of technology in recent years. The world has not so much felt the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as in this century, 21st. This century otherwise known as Digital Age has brought so many innovative ideas to ease job schedules, increase output with lesser effort and new products to meet the need of mankind
EXPERIENCE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES TO USE THE GARDEN PRODUCTS CLUSTER REVIEW[Full-Text ] Akbarov Husan UzbekhonovichThe article deals with the clustering of the fruit and vegetable industry. In particular, the author has revealed the essence of the concept of cluster and clustering. In addition, foreign experience was studied and, at the end of the article, suggestions were made on the organization and development of clusters.
E-learning models are proposed for various education-level of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohshina Sultana, Habiba Sultana, Professor Dr. Md. Abul KashemInstitutional education is necessary for every human being. Proper environment for teaching and learning is required. In our traditional system, it does not fulfill the requirement. If we change our traditional system into another sophisticated one such as e-learning, then proper environment may be given in every institution. E-learning means electronic learning where using different types of media; a student can learn anything from his teacher. The institutions are proposed different types of e-learning model for various education levels. Proper implementation of those models may bring a fruitful impact on education system.
A COLOR ENHANCEMENT USING HISTOGRAM MODIFICATION OF COLOR AND DEPTH IMAGES[Full-Text ] Dr.H S Mohana, Satheesh M KImage enhancement is a process of improving the quality of1image by improving its feature. Image contrast enrichment techniques have been largely studied in the past decades. The histogram change in frame of the color and depth image histograms are first distribute into subintervals using the Gaussian mixture model. Contrast enhancement1increases the total contrast of an image by makin light colors lighter and dark colors darker at the same time. Image enhancement is the process of1applying these techniques to facilitate the development of1a solution to a computer imaging problem.
Teachers’ Gender and Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counselling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Muraguri Wangui Rose, Barasa Enos, Mbuthia NgunjiriKenya is a signatory to International and Regional Conventions and Declarations which protect the child from brutality, cruelty and inhuman treatments. Teachers' gender and their perception on effects of guidance and counselling services is more likely to have high expressive qualities when in a relationship with a client compared to male counsellors. Female counsellors are more able in dealing with clients than male counsellors and this is due to their motherhood nature.
QUANTIFICATION OF VARIABLES AFFECTING AUDITORY LATE LATENCY RESPONSES[Full-Text ] AKHILA ARAVIND, MASLPBrain responses reflect more than just activity evoked by a sensory stimulus, hence the term “event related potentials” emerged (Coles and Rugg, 1995). ERPs are brain responses that are time locked to some specified event. The “event” may occur within a sensory modality or across modalities. The event may be a physical stimulus (such as an auditory tone), a change in a train of stimuli (such as a series of 1000-Hz tones changing to a 2000 Hz tones), a missing stimulus (such as one tone omitted from a sequence of tones), or a stimulus that has been designated as a target stimulus. Indeed, the “event” may be the result of the psychological demands of the situation (Donchin et. al., 1978) and little related to the specific sensory stimuli.
FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT: IN CASE UKRAINE[Full-Text ] Xudayarova Zuhra YuldashevnaThe article studies the main directions of the development of fishing on the example of Ukraine. In the framework of assessing the current state of the fishing industry in Ukraine, the author presents a generalized analysis of literary, practical, legislative materials, scientific and technical information relating to the functioning of the fishing country.
THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL TOURISM[Full-Text ] Pulatova Surayyo YuldashevnaIn this article, the theoretical foundations of the development of cultural tourism are studied, the author has done a polemic on the concept of "cultural tourism". Based on the study of a number of foreign literature, relevant conclusions are drawn.
Remediation of arsenic from water by utilizing waste of Jatropha seed cake as low cost and ecofriendly bio-adsorbent[Full-Text ] Anil R. Gupta, Vipin Chandra Joshi, and Saroj SharmaA low- cost, eco-friendly and highly efficient activated bio-adsorbent (AC-JSC) is prepared by carbonization of waste Jatropha seed cake. The prepared AC-JSC bio-adsorbent has been utilized for the removal of arsenic from contaminated water without any chemical modification. Various experimental parameters, including adsorbent dose, initial arsenic concentration, contact time and pH of the medium, were investigated to evaluate the performance efficiency.
MODERN ORGANIZATIONAL FORMS OF FINANCING INNOVATION[Full-Text ] Rakhmankulov Sobir BaxtiyorovichIn this paper were studied modern organizational forms of financing innovation. Author considers that innovation as a key factor in the development of enterprises and given organizing innovative activities. Besides this, analyzed concept as the financing of innovative activities, as well as sources, methods and tools of financing. In the end of the artoclr were presented costs of organizations engaged in innovative activities.
Plant hormones synthesized by microorganisms[Full-Text ] 222Preetanshika TracyHormones can be defined as compounds that are produced in a certain tissue in small amounts that control and regulate various functions related to growth. Hormones produced by plants are known as Phytohormones. They are also termed as plant hormones. These are naturally occurring small organic molecules or substances that influence physiological processes in plants at very low concentrations (Davies, 2004). Phytohormones can also act as chemical messengers that coordinate cellular activities of plants (Fleet and Williams, 2011).
EVALUATION OF RADIOPROTECTIVE POTENCY OF LYCOPERSI C ON ESCU LENT U M (LE) ON RADIATION-INDUCED CYTOLYSIS IN ALBINO RATS[Full-Text ] JIMMY TAMBARI, K. K. AGWU and J. O. URAMARadiation is the energy that travels through space or matter. There are two basic types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Non-ionizing radiation is not energetic enough to ionize atoms and interact with materials in ways that create different hazards like ionizing radiation. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include microwaves, visible light, radio waves etc (Ng 2003). Ionizing radiation consists of both particles and electromagnetic (EM) radiation. The eventual discovery of X-rays in 1895 and radioactivity in 1896 generated the biological effects that were observed afterward.
Efficiency Enhancement of IC Engines using Thermo-electric Technology[Full-Text ] Ismam Bin HasnatThis paper represents a potential approach for recovering wasted thermal energy from IC engines (internal combustion) such as Diesel engine and Gas engine generators. The wasted thermal energy recovery and turning it into usable electric energy is the main target of this paper. This potential or possibilities have been shown by using basic calculations of the state of the art Thermo-electric generator’s efficiency and geometric parameters. A comparison of efficiencies in cases of diesel engine and gas engine shown here as well. Afterwards, the practical parameter consideration has been done to estimate its potential efficiency and application.
Risk Profile and Risk Perception of Cardiovascular Diseases of Adults in Calabar South Local Government Area[Full-Text ] Akpan, I. C, Anarado, A.NCardiovascular diseases (CVD) is a major cause of disability and sudden death worldwide and contribute to medical admissions in Nigeria. The purpose of this study was to investigate respondents' risk profile and risk perception for cardiovascular disease among adults in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria.
Application of Burnt Glass Powder as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete [Full-Text ] John A.TrustGod, Charles Kennedy, Branly Eric YabefaWaste glass creates broad environmental difficulties, because of unpredictability of waste glass streams. With growing environmental trauma to reduce waste glass and to recycle to the minimal, the construction industry had embraced number of procedures to achieve this goal. To achieve study objectives, waste glass was pulverized into powder form and burnt at a temperature of 200, 400, and 6000C respectively.
Mechanical Properties Behavior of Corroded and Coated Reinforced Concrete structures in Coastal Marine Environment[Full-Text ] Daso Dokibo, Kanee Sorbari, Charles KennedyThe presence of chloride in sufficient concentration at steel concrete interface causes damage to reinforcement by attacking the passive layer and cut short expected life span of concrete structures. The experimental work utilizes an environmentally friendly inorganic product of artocarpus altilis exudates / resins in curbing the trend of corrosion attack on reinforcing steel embedded in concrete. Evaluation of surface changes of non-coated and coated reinforcement with varying thicknesses, embedded in concrete, immersed in harsh corrosive environment for 150 days.
Reinforcing Steel and Concrete Bond Behavior of Corroded and Coated Members Embedded in Reinforced Concrete Structures[Full-Text ] Charles Kennedy, Gede Tariebibo Enai, Toscanini Dein SeimodeiThe effect of load transfer between steel and concrete originates from weak bonds between steel and hardened cement, expanding its volume and creating stress in the surrounding concrete and reduces the effective cross-sectional area of reinforcing bars and weakens the bond between reinforcement and concrete.
Electrochemical Corrosion Measurement of Non-Inhibited and Inhibited Reinforcement Mechanical Properties Embedded in Concrete[Full-Text ] Petaba Lemii Donaldson, Charles Kennedy, Kanee SorbariEnvironmental concerns globally are increasing and are likely to influence the choice of corrosion inhibitors in the future due to hazardous properties of some organic inhibitors. The research work evaluated the application of environmentally friendly inorganic extracts of natural origin of trees. Olibanum exudates / resins direct application on reinforcing steel of varying thicknesses, embedded in concrete slab, ponded in corrosive environment for 150 days accelerated stage with constant current for polarization potential test of -200 mV through 1200mV, with a scan rate of 1mV/s.Results of potential Ecorr corroded values of percentile averaged value 319.7249% and percentile variation of 219.7249% against -68.7231% and -65.0698% of control and coated specimens. Concrete resistivity ?, kOcm percentile averaged value of 61.72032% and percentile difference -38.2797% against 62.02119% and 76.27475% of control and coated specimens.
ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP QUALITY WITH GENERAL HEALTH AMONG MEDICAL STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Dr. Syeda Sadia Raza, Dr. Taha Ahmed Khan, Dr. Seemab Mughal, Dr. Mubarak Muhammad Ali, Dr. Muhammad Tahir Aslam, Dr. Yumna Ilyas, Dr. Nazia HozaifaDetermine the association of sleep quality with general health among medical students. 200 Undergraduate medical students were included from different universities of Karachi. Study design was cross sectional. Convenient non probability technique was used. Sleep quality and general health questionnaires were dis-turbed among the students to analyze the data. Descriptive statistical and chi square was applied.Informed consent were disturbed for their permission then sleep quality questionnaire and general health question-naire were distributed among the students to analyze their sleep quality and their effect on general health.
Modal Analysis and Performance Charecteristics of a Typical Quadcopter Propeller[Full-Text ] Debojeet Chatterjee, Garima SharmaThe project aims at performing modal analysis of a quad-copter propeller and to find out its performance characteristics. Quadcopters are classified as rotorcraft, unlike to fixed wing aircraft as their lift is generated by a set of rotors which are vertically oriented.The propeller will be designed using the dimensions of a typical propeller model with Onera HOR07 airfoils at various offset planes,on designing soft-ware(Solidworks).
FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION ON CUSTOMERS’ RANDOM PURCHASE AT CO.OPMART SUPERMARKET IN HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM[Full-Text ] Dr. Phan Quan VietIn the current trends, consumers have formed habits of buying at supermarkets. In addition to the purpose of buying goods according to the determined demand, customers who go to supermarkets also relax and entertain themselves out of the modern supermarkets. A restaurant system and play area, even cinemas are also built in the supermarket area. Therefore, many customers will appear their random purchase behavior when they are in the supermarket with many different causes.
Non-linear effects of investment in road infrastructure on the structural competitiveness of the economy: the case of Burkina Faso[Full-Text ] SIGUE Moussa and SIRPE Gnanderman This paper assesses the non-linear effects of road infrastructure investment on the structural competitiveness of Burkina Faso's economy. After retaining the period from 1980 to 2015, the quadratic and spline estimation revealed a non-linearity between the structural economy competitiveness and investment in road infrastructure.
Research on the Customer Behavior and the Frequency of MEIZU Company’s Customers[Full-Text ] GUO NYUHUANThis passage starts the research for a Chinese homegrown technology brand Meizu through analyzing Meizu’s marketing strategy and the overseas market development in the last few years, including the marketing environment, SWOT analysis, 4Ps analysis, STP analysis and the basic develop situation in overseas market, in the meantime put forward some existed problems and solutions.
PHTHALATE CONTENT IN CHILDREN´S TOYS IN FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA[Full-Text ] Amir Cauševic, Daniel Maestro , Arzija PašalicPhthalates are compounds of synthetic origin, most commonly used as additives for various plastic masses to improve their mechanical properties, especially softness, flexibility, transparency, stretch and durability. From public health point of view, the most important toy safety asspect is in toys intended for children aged up to three years old, that are mostly made of plastic. Phthalates from plastic masses can affect the reproductive gland, whose disorder can lead to early puberty of girls and feminization of boys.
Influence of Job Characteristics on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance - The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in Malaysian Call Centres[Full-Text ] Mohamed Ali Burmad The debate related to work outcomes like job performance and satisfaction continues in the management literature. Regardless of many years of research on job characteristics, there is an absence of generalizability of research discoveries concerning their applica-tion to job satisfaction and performance in the administration examines writing. Since employees contrast in compensation, status, and working conditions, all things considered, they would be fulfilled particularly in an organization.
Ethics as Aesthetics: Foucault's Critique of Moralization of Ethics[Full-Text ] Erwin A. MalloWhenever a person is involved in any action, questions are being asked. Why does he or she do it? Is it ethical or not? An act cannot be separated from man's self since it is part of his whole being or existence. We put much emphasis on the act because it is a representation of the person. The identity of the person is reflected by his action. In philosophy, this human act is studied in the concept of ethics.