Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019.
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Physicochemical properties, FTIR spectra, scanning electron microscopy and functional properties of protein isolate produced from wild apricot kernel press cake[Full-Text ] Abhishek Thakur, Devina Vaidya, Manisha Kaushal, Anil Gupta and Anil Verma Protein isolates were obtained from defatted wild apricot press cake by isoelectric precipitation. The physico-chemical and functional properties of wild apricot protein isolate was significantly different. The wild apricot protein isolate had moisture content 12.67 per cent, ash content 5.84 per cent, crude protein 90.15 per cent, soluble per cent 14.65 per cent, crude fibre 0.21 per cent and crude fat 0.95 per cent. Whereas, colour lightness (L *) value 22.01, redness (a*) value 6.45 and yellowness (b*) value 17.85, respectively.
Applications of Artificial Neural Network in Image Processing: A Survey[Full-Text ] Poorva Arya, Dr. Uma Shankar ModaniImage processing using artificial neuronal networks (ANN) has been successfully used in various fields of activity such as in quality control, sign language recognition, human computer interaction, transport, remote sensing, civil engineering and many more others. Image processing is not a single step process, it contains multiple processes in it those are image pre processing, segmentation, image recognition, image classification.ANN can be applied at various such processes of image processing.
Ground Improvement By Grouting[Full-Text ] myothandarwin, kyawhtun, khinsoemoeGrout curtains are constructed by means of drilling and injecting grout into one or more rows of holes. Consolidation grout holes typically are relatively shallow (5 to 10 m deep) and are grouted in a single stage. is defined as the injection of fluidized materials into voids of the ground or spaces between the ground and adjacent structures, generally through boreholes and under pressure. In foundation investigation, drill holes were drilled to characterize the foundation condition.
GROUNDWATER QUALITY AND ITS CONTAMINATION[Full-Text ] Ei Ei MarMost groundwater originates as meteoric water from precipitation in the form of rain or snow. If it is not lost by evaporation, transpiration or to stream runoff, water from these sources may infiltrate into the ground. The porosity and structure of the ground determine the type of aquifer and underground circulation. On the earth, approximately 3% of the total water is fresh water. Of this groundwater comprise 95%, surface 3.5% and soil moisture 1.5%.
Design and Development of A Formalin Detection System Using IoT[Full-Text ] Md. Ashraf Kamal, Nafiza Nusrat, Nowrin Siddique DolaWe designed and develop of a detector that can sense the presence of formaldehyde in air which is measured in Parts Per Million (ppm). The prototype used a storage device (SD) technology to save real time data and an android application so that the user can be sent message along with the location. The objective of the study was to design and develop a system that can detect formaldehyde concentration and indicate if the reading is below or above the permissible level of formaldehyde.
Moving Object Tracking and Detection Based on Deep Learning[Full-Text ] Mohammad Sanaul Haque, Beiji zou, Ishtiak Al MamoonObject tracking is a key step in computer vision for video surveillance, public safety, and traffic analysis. Object detection and tracking are the two correlated components of Video Surveillance. Object detection in videos is the first step before performing complicated tasks such as tracking. Deep learning neural networks is a powerful programming paradigm which learns multiple levels of representation and abstraction of data such as images, sound, and text.
FACTORS AFFECTING LECTURERS' KNOWLEDGE SHARING ACTIVITIES IN UNIVERSITIES IN HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM[Full-Text ] Tran Duc TaiThe study is aiming to determine the factors affecting the knowledge sharing of lecturers employing in universities in HCM City. With the analytical tool of SPSS 22.0 with Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis by Ordinal Least Squares – OLS, 350 samples were used in the study to understand that the knowledge sharing of lecturers includes Trust, Teamwork, Communication among Staff, Leadership Support, Commitment, Organizational Rewards, and Information Technology.
AN EFFICIENT MODEL FOR FRAGMENT ALLOCATION IN A FILE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] F.E. Onuodu, B. O. Eke, Esther IkilighiOn a Wide Area Network (WAN), fragment allocation is a major issue in file system since it concerns the overall performance of distributed database systems. the existing system does not minimize the memory space causing it to fill-up easily. In this work, we developed an efficient model for frag-ment Allocation in a file system. The methodology used is the Object-oriented (OOM) in this approach. We implemented with C# programming lan-guage using Mark-Compack Algorithm.
Creep Failure in a Piston[Full-Text ] Subhrangsu Bose and Souvik MukherjeeEngines are subjected to many kinds of mechanical stresses which include fatigue, creep and so on. Due to the pre and post combustion of fuel in engine, knocking and mechanical damage to engine parts occur frequently. This further leads to engine malfunction and hence reduces working life as well as efficiency. Among many other factors leading to engine damage, this research work specifically focuses on CREEP FAILURE in piston and engine parts.3
EFFECT OF GROUND PALM KERNEL SHELL (GPKS) FINES CONTENT ON COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CELLULAR MASONRY BLOCKS[Full-Text ] Quaynor, T. A. and Acheampong, A.The paper assesses how partial replacement of sand with Ground Palm Kernel Shells (GPKS) affect physical and mechanical properties of masonry units. The mix ratio of 1:8 (cement: sand) was selected for the moulding of the control samples (0% GPKS aggregate replacement content) while a water/cement ratio of 0.50 was used in the study. The fine aggregate (sand) was replaced with GPKS aggregate from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. GPKS cellular masonry units were moulded in five (5) different mix percentages and were cured for 7, 14 and 28 days respectively. Each mix percentage comprises of eighteen (18) cellular masonry units.
THERMAL RADIATION AND CHEMICAL REACTION EFFECTS ON MHD MIXED CONVECTION FLOW OF A MICROPOLAR FLUID PAST A CONTINUOUS SURFACE IN A PARALLEL MOVING STEAM WITH VISCOUS DISSIPATION[Full-Text ] P. Roja , T. Sankar Reddy, M. Gnaneswara ReddyIn this paper, the effects of thermal radiation and chemical reaction MHD mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a continuously moving flat plate placed in a parallel moving stream with viscous dissipation has been investigated. The Rosseland approximation has been used to describe the radiative heat flux in energy equation.
Assessment and Evaluation of Enhanced Levels of Naturally Occurring Radionuclides Materials due to Gold Mining in Soil Samples obtained from Iperindo, Osun State, Southwestern, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Isola G. A., Akinloye M. K., Amuda D. B., Ayanlola P. S., and Fajuyigbe AyodejiTwo set of soil samples from Iperindo due to gold mining activities have been subjected to radiological investigation using a well calibrated NaI(Tl) detector. The first sets of soil samples were collected where the mining activities are taking place, the second sets of soil samples were collected where farming activities takes place.
Cocoyam Processing: Food Uses and Industrial Benefits[Full-Text ] James Abiodun Adeyanju, Grace Oluwakemi Babarinde, Adekanmi Olusegun Abioye, Ajekigbe Sola Olajire, Ifeoluwa Damilola BolarinwaCocoyam (Colocasia spp) is one of the major five tuber crops produced in Nigeria for local consumption alongside yam, cassava, Irish potato, and sweet potato. In many developing countries, roots and tubers such as cassava, sweet potato, yam, and cocoyam are important household food security and income crops.
Design and Development of a Smart Kitchen Chimney for Energy Saving: A Conceptual Review[Full-Text ] Zubairkhan Kittur, Dr. Piyush JaiswalThe branch of ventilation that specializes in the treatment of air from kitchens is called as kitchen ventilation. The problems of grease, smoke and odors not usually found in other ventilation are solved by Kitchen ventilation. An extractor hood or canopy and a filtering system are used in the equipment used in kitchen ventilation. The fan which is used in the ventilation system may be fixed within the kitchen or in the duct system nearby whichever is convenient. In the present research work, academic contributions in the field of kitchen hoods are acknowledged and based on these contributions, research gaps and objectives of new research are presented.
Performance Evaluation of Tree Based and Chain Based Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] A. Mahesh, D. Sreenivasa RaoWireless sensor networks are expected to find wide applicability and increasing deployment in the near future. Advances in wireless networks technology have enabled small and low-cost sensors with the capability of sensing various types of physical, environmental conditions, data processing and wireless communication.
General Overview of Rickets: A Review Article[Full-Text ] Abba Musa AbdullahiRickets is a disease of growing bone that is unique to children and adolescents and when occurs in adults, it is referred to as Osteomalacia. It is mainly caused by a failure of osteod (organic bone matrix) to calcify/mineralize in a growing person (Steven et al., 2017).
An Efficient Perturbation and Observation of Maximum Power Point Tracking in Wind energy Conversion System based DFIG[Full-Text ] Essam.H.Abdou ,Abdel-Raheem Youssef , Salah Kamel, Mohamed M. AlyIn this paper anew adaptive perturb and observe (AD-PO) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) to avoid demerits of the traditional PO MPPT.The proposed algorithm AD-PO reach the maximum power with small time to reach maximum power point (MPP) and low fluctuation around the MPP compared to traditional PO. This algorithm is mainly depending the adaptive step-size by comparing the optimal mechanical power and the actual mechanical power.
Ethnobotanical survey on the nutritional importance of Momordica cabrae (Cogn.) C.Jeffrey seeds of a spontaneous plant consumed in the “Gôh” region (West Center) of Côte d’Ivoire[Full-Text ] Oupoh Bada Bedos, N’dri Yao Denis, Tchumou Messou and Yao Konan Spontaneous species are very important for population in developing countries. In Côte d’Ivoire, these plants are spreaded throughout the territory. Many species producing Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) deserve to be valued. It is with this in mind that this study proposes to study the different uses of Momordica cabrae (Cogn.) C. Jeffrey (Cucurbitaceae) still present in the Gôh region (Center West of Côte d’Ivoire)
EFFICIENCY ENHANCEMENT OF IC ENGINE BY USING EXHAUST GASES TO PREHEAT INCOMING AIR TO ENGINE BY MOUNTING HEAT EXCHANGER[Full-Text ] Zeeshan Bashir, Sajid Waqar, Ahmed Wisal, M ArifeenExhaust gas that results from combustion in an engine are wasted without being utilized .Energy provided to engine is transformed into useful work in a very little margin and wasted energy is more compared to that which produces useful work thus resulting in lower fuel economy. Thermal efficiency of IC engines usually ranges from 15% to 35% percent which is quite inefficient.
Modeling and Construction of a Two-Axis Sun Tracking System for a Mobile Solar Cell Panel[Full-Text ] Khalid Elias Hammo, Dr. Zakariya Yahya MohammadIn this work, a mobile sun tracking system has been investigated both, theoretically and experimentally. The system deals with direct sun beams while it is attached to a moving vehicle. The system is designed to rotate in azimuth and altitude directions, using two permanent magnate D.C motors. Altitude and azimuth rotational disturbances are produced by the profile of the road on which the vehicle is driven
CSR activities, greenmarket awareness, attitude and Green WOM effects on Green Purchase Intentions, A study of FMGC in Karachi, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Mehwash FatimaPurpose - The purpose of this paper to the study consumer’s ‘green purchase intentions’, the relationship between the variable firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR), green market attitude and green market awareness and green WOM (word of mouth).
Blockchain Technology- How it can transform the Voting system[Full-Text ] Medhavi GuptaThe shift from ballot paper voting system to e-voting using EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) has had fundamental benefits such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. However, this system is not completely immune from real world problems and there still remain challenges especially with respect to improving resilience against potential faults and alleged frauds. Blockchain technology holds the potential to completely reform the way elections are being held in the present day and improve the overall resilience of e-voting system.
HYBRID AQUA SILENCER[Full-Text ] TESHOME KUMSA KURSEVehicles are a major source of environmental pollution after industries. Air contamination is serious issue from the public health point of view. Polluted air causes unexpected physical and physiological effects on human health. Air pollution can be defined as addition of unwanted material to our atmosphere, which will have a speedy effect on life of living things upon our planet. The main pollutants contributed by engine exhaust are carbon monoxide (CO), un-burnt hydrocarbon (UBHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and Lead.
A review on Body in White materials[Full-Text ] Sohan Puninchitaya Kudlu, Padmaraj N HAutomotive weight reduction is very important and highly demand in the present scenario, because leads to increasing energy saving and reduction in emissions. The conventional material steel is replaced with high grade steels, aluminum, Magnesium and composites gradually for the Body in White structure. Light weighting of Body in white, the mechanical properties and crash worthiness are retained. For the mechanical joining process of multi material system new technologies are presented.
REDUCING LEARNING DIFFICULTIES IN SENIOR SECONDARY ONE (SSI GEOMETRY USING 5E- LEARNING CYCLE MODEL (L.C.M.)[Full-Text ] DR. CHINYERE FRANCISCA OKAFORMathematics skills are necessary for the success in primary, higher level and everyday life of every individual. It remains an indispensable tool that enhances technological development, though students still perform poorly in mathematics. The study observed that prominent among the causes of poor students’ achievement in mathematics in external examinations is their inability to attempt questions in geometry. This was based on reports from Chief examiners of mathematics to that effect.
Design and Development of Plc Based Drowsiness Alert and Control System for Driver Safety[Full-Text ] G.M.Pradeep,B.Dravida Chozhan, Shaik Sukruth,M.Thangaraj,S.Shankar,V.AkashNowadays the count of vehicles is increasing dramatically due to an increase in populations as the count increases the road accidents rate is also growing day by day. I have an idea to control road accidents and to save the lives of people. Most of the accidents are happening in the highways; the reason may be many, but one among the main reason is Driver's drowsiness. In my idea, I am using the pulse detect sensor and the eyelids monitoring camera.
Analysis of ring spun yarn quality on the basis of spindle speed[Full-Text ] G. M. FaysalSupima cotton fibre used to produce fine count 70Ne and 90Ne yarn in different spindle speed at ring frame where all parameter of Blowroom to Ringframe were same. The produced yarns were analyzed in Uster Tester 4 for assessing the quality of yarn. Yarn Unevenness %, IPI, Hairiness and yarn strength were monitored with the variation of spindle speed.
The Role of Village Court for Local Dispute Resolution: A Study on Mullapur and Tukerbazar Union[Full-Text ] Parvin Begum, Mst Nazmin Akther ,Mr Fakhrul Islam Village Court is a statutory formal court under the provision of Village Court Act 2006. It is quasi-formal justice system and constituted for the easy and speedy trial of certain cases and disputes, under each union of the country. This study examines the role of Village Court for local dispute resolution and reveals that the activities of the existing village court are challenged by the lack of fund allocation for village court, the shortage of personnel.
Comparative Study of Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Modules in Kebbi State Environment[Full-Text ] Abubakar Ohinoyi Musa, Adamu Bala IsahThe power output of PV modules in general depends on the metrological parameters like irradiance, temperature and humidity applied on each module. However the modules are rated at the standard test conditions (STC) of 1000W/m2, AM 1.5 and a module temperature of 25?C, but these conditions do not represent what is typically experienced under outdoor operation. Solar cells with the same efficiency measured in the lab can generate a significantly different amount of electricity when exposed outdoors. For these reasons, there are many regional based studies conducted in the world.
ANGIOGENIC EFFECTS OF PEGFILGRASTIM; A HALLMARK IN THE FIELD OF NANO CHEOTHERAPEUTIC[Full-Text ] Khalil Ahmad, Muhammad Waqas, Habib-ur-Rehman Shah, Imran Nazir, Muhammad Amir, Muhammad Ashfaq, Maria Fareed Siddiqui, Murtaza HasanThe technology of nano drugs has brought a big revolution in the field of therapeutics and has given a better approach to deal with oncogenic proteins and destructing them by site specific payload drug. Now it is easy to treat small cancerous molecules which are lethal due to their capability of potential growth and detrimental effects on human health. Nano technology and nano particle drug delivery system have a better approach over the conventional treatment approaches.
Intitulé de l’Article[Full-Text ] Mme Naoual MHENNA Doctorante à L’ENCG Tanger This article aims to detect the results of the qualitative exploratory study conducted as part of a doctoral research and to question the role of resilient behavior among managers in the Moroccan context. Indeed, the study focuses on the analysis of this concept and its antecedents of self-efficacy, positive thinking, altruism and goal setting as drivers of resilience among managers.
Test of simulation of discharges from an ungauged basin in the South-West Côte d’Ivoire in equatorial climate[Full-Text ] FADIKA Vamoryba, DAO Amidou, SORO Gneneyougo Emile, GOULA Bi Tié Albert, SAVANE IssiakaBeing able to estimate discharges in an ungauged basin would facilitate knowledge and planning of water resources in certain areas. The conceptual hydrological modeling of a basin simulates these discharges. This work aims to determine the discharges of an ungauged basin by simulating discharges from basins in the area. Thus, flows simulations based on the hypothesis of the similarity of the hydrological behavior allowed the determination of the mean monthly discharges of the Nero, Dodo and San Pedro rivers in the South-West Côte d’Ivoire
Larvicidal activities of crude and purified lectins from the stem bark of Ordeal Tree (Erythrophleum suaveolens) on Culex quinquefasciatus larvae[Full-Text ] Esew, O , Abe, A.S, Odeke, E.H, Idio,U, Okezie, V and Otori, MLectins from the saline extract of Erythrophleum suaveolens stem bark were partially purified and evaluated in terms of their larvicidal properties against Culex quinquefasciatus. A series of nine concentrations of the extracts ranging from 0.0001 mg/L, 0.001 mg/L, 0.01 mg/L, 0.1 mg/L, 1mg/L, 5mg/L, 10 mg/L, 50 mg/L and 100mg/L were tested against the third instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus and their percentage mortalities and LC50 values were obtained.
Evaluation of tourist location pattern in Abuja municipal using Geospatial Techniques[Full-Text ] Blessing Kakushia NwadikeThere is an increasing need to diversify the Nigerian economy from oil based to other viable sectors due to high population growth rate and growing unemployment. One of the segments that have great potentials to replace oil is tourism and recreation. The activity of people visiting places outside their usual environments for a period of time, for leisure, business, and other purposes is generally referred to as tourism (Adeleke, 2009).
ADSORPTION CHARACTERISTICS OF Cu (II), Fe (II), Cd (II) and Cr (III) IONS IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION USING MANGO LEAF AS BIOSORBENTS[Full-Text ] Mihretu Mechoro AburoIn new era of science and technology, the world has seen major transformations in numerous aspects of life. At the heart of this tremendous advancement lies the rapid industrialization takes place at various parts of the globe. Even though the world having many distinguished benefits for mankind, this kind of revolution has also caused significant degradation to the environment, and leading to detrimental effects to human and animal life.