Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 9, September 2019.
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Cardiac Masses Preoperative Diagnosis Using Echocardiographic Imaging Approach In Patients Admitted To Cardiac Surgery Through 2013-2014 Cardiac Center-TMGH in Yemen[Full-Text ] Aljaber et al. Nouradden N. Aljaber, Manal Al-Hakeem, Nabeel Al-jadabee, Abozaid Al-Kendi, and Ali Ahmed Al-ZaazaaiCardiac masses can cause significant morbidity and mortality. Cardiac masses are either being or malignant, (primary or secondary). Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of intra-cardiac masses in all admitted patient to cardiac surgery during the period of study.
Fabrication of Manually Operated De-Feathering Machine for Rural Areas in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Oladiji A. O., Jimo K. A., Ohijeagbon I. O., Asafa T. B., Timothy S. O.In chicken processing, it has been found that the de-feathering operation is the most laborious and time consuming operation which has a limiting effect on the rate of production of ready-to-cook chicken meat This problem has been solved by various inventions of electrically operated de-feathering machine, however, the erratic power supply in many urban areas and unavailabilty of power supply in rural areas in Nigeria has limited the distribution of these machines especially in rural areas.
Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils and Sugarcane around Cement Factories of Ewekoro Area, South West Nigeria[Full-Text ] Smart M.O., Fawole O.A., Adesida O.A.,Olunloyo A.AThe concentration of heavy metals in soils and sugarcane around cement factories of Ewekoro area were assessed to determine the rate of contamination and pollution (if any), on soil and sugarcane on the study area. Nine bulked soil samples and six sugarcane crop samples were collected transversely and randomly in the sugarcane plantation.
Inventory Ratios Optimization in SAP Implemented Companies[Full-Text ] Kuruganty Seetha Ram Babu, Dr. A.V. Satyanarayana, Dr. A. Prabhu KumarEfficient management of inventory will allow the organizations to compete in the competitive environment and generate profits not only in the global but also in the local markets. International organizations depend more on the Information Technology for gaining strategic ad-vantage. SAP systems are being used for realization of goals, since these systems are centralized and integrate all the business processes.
A collaborative filtering-based recommender system alleviating cold start problem[Full-Text ] Ishan Rathi, Manoj SethiRecommender systems are making their presence felt in a number of domains, be it for ecommerce or education, social networking etc. With huge growth in number of consumers and items in recent years, recommender systems face some key challenges. These are: producing high quality recommendations and performing many recommendations per second for millions of consumers and items.
BLACK HOLE ENERGY DEFICIENCY EQUAL, PARTICLE ENERGY WHO ESCAPED FROM THE BLACK HOLE EVENT HORIZON[Full-Text ] APURBA SAMANTAAccording to quantum entanglement theory, particle and antiparticle entangle in black hole event horizon, so assume that when the particle escaped from the black hole as a radiation which called hawking radiation this time some energy deficiency is held and entangle particle gain some energy. This process we calculate the how much energy is deficient in Black hole also we measured gaining energy of particle who can escape from the black hole.
Effect of Total Quality Management in Resources Management of Egyptian Public Sector[Full-Text ] Amal A. Elsayed, Araby I. Mahdi , Azza F. BaraktThis paper aimed to study the impact of Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation on resources management and its relationship with the satisfaction level and investigate the factors affect the institution performance.
Comparative study on: Attitudes of family towards Participation of male and females in Sport; in Nekemte city, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Tarekegn Girma Purpose of this research was to compare the attitude of family towards participation of male and females in sport; in Nekemte city, Ethiopia. To conduct this study descriptive survey research design were employed. Totally, one hundred thirty five (135) subjects, in which 45 female, 45 male and 45 families of the children are selected for the study. Researcher purposively selected both male and females subjects from the same family.
FACTORS AFFECTING THE ACHIEVEMENT OF SUSTAINABLE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT: THE CASE OF FIVE FEDERAL PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS[Full-Text ] TAREKEGN WONDIMAGEGN TESSEMAThe study has been undertaken with the primary objective of identifying the “factors affecting the achievement of sustainable public procurement”. The research covers five major topics of introduction; literature review; methodology of the study; data presentation, analysis and interpretation; and conclusions and recommendations. Concerning sampling procedure, purposive sampling has been applied due to data availability from selected five government institutions.
Zeppelin Server: A Novel Approach to Data Sharing and Digital Identity Management[Full-Text ] Ishan Joshi, Ameya Mahabaleshwarkar, Sudheendra Katikar, Sujay Mahadik Personal data has gained paramount importance with the emergence of data driven technologies that can reveal trends and patterns which help businesses optimize their operations for better quality results and create personalized experiences for customers. In a scenario where every major business is chasing personal data, users are rendered vulnerable to privacy invasion and information misuse.
EVALUATION OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AS A TOOL FOR COST CONTROL IN NIGERIA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] Mbakwe C. C.; Nze, C.O.N and Nnadi E.O.EConstruction participants spend larger parts of their time either in an interpersonal, intergroup, intra-group organizational on external level. It is thus no surprise to find that at the root of a large number of construction problems is poor communication. Moreover, effective communication has been described as an essential component of organizational success.
COGNITIVE FUNCTION FOR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Zulfakar, FahruddinUnderstanding children’s cognitive development lays the foundation for child education. The recent advancement in cognitive development challenges some of the conventional views of how children learn and how they succeed in school. This article highlights the contributions of cognitive development research to child education in three areas.
Evaluation of Hospital Performance with Balanced Scorecard Approach: Case Study in National Brain Center Hospital[Full-Text ] Tety HerawatyIn strategic management, the Balanced Scorecard is used as a performance metric to measure internal business functions and external results that can be used to measure feedback to organizations, whether for profit or non-profit organizations (public sector). This study aims to evaluate the results of the performance of the National Brain Center hospital which is one of the public sector organizations using the Balanced Scorecard approach in achieving organizational goals.
Comparative Study of the Nutritional Benefits and Potential Health Risk Assessment of Selected Heavy Metals in Cat Fish Cultured in Earthen and Plastic Ponds[Full-Text ] Adebowale B. Adegola, Tolulope O. Oyewumi.Cat fish (Clarias gariepinus) is an important stable food in most homes in Nigeria. It is consumed for it taste, flavour and nutritional benefit. Apart from being a source of protein, fish is known to be a source of essential fatty acids and minerals. Thus, it becomes imperative to investigate the nutritional benefits. In this study, an attempt is made to investigate the comparative nutritional benefit as well as health risk of trace metals accumulated in both cat fish cultured in earthen and plastic ponds.
Vulnerability and impact of the climate change assessment on the pastoralist community in south central Somalia based on gender and level of education[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. MohamedClimate change is considered one of the global challenges that threatens the future existence of mankind. Some of the world problems that have been associated with climate change include: food and nutrition insecurity, scarcity of water, starvation and internal conflicts. Factors such as gender and level of education has been found to play a role especially in the third world countries like Somalia, where the women have been tasked with greater responsibility of taking care of the house chores, the children and walk long distances in search of water.
Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Recognition of Isolated Dari Characters[Full-Text ] Abdus Saboor AhmadResearchers have been working on patterns recognition systems around the globe. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) is one of the advance techniques for pattern recognition systems. In this article we have used ANN for the recognition of scripts of Dari language, which is spoken in Afghanistan.
Value Relevance of Accounting Information: A Comparison between Manufacturing Sector and Hotels & Travels Sector in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Weerawickrama.V.L.The term “value relevance” can be defined as the ability of information disclosed by financial statements to capture and summarize the firm value. Investors and other interest parties of accounting make use of financial statements and disclosures, among other publically obtainable information, to assess the risk and value of firm when taking the investment decisions.
Customer Awareness of Environmental-Friendly Products and Green Marketing Practices in UAE[Full-Text ] Aysha Abdul Razak, Dr. Vincent L. Salas, Dr. Arbela Grace B. EspinaThis research study was to measure the extent of awareness amongst customers about environmental-friendly products and businesses that practice green marketing. The study focused on environmental-friendly products used in the UAE market and how it affected the customer’s lifestyle. Manufacturing environmental-friendly products and practicing green marketing is an innovative idea that has been implemented by many businesses not only because it increased their competitive advantage but more so because there was an existing demand from cus-tomer group and civic societies.
E-business impact on Business Association[Full-Text ] Khan ImdadullahThe stated research paper includes an investigation of the effect of Electronic Trade on Business. The examination consider has featured the Administration Data Frameworks, Fund and Bookkeeping, Advertising and PC Sciences of Web-based business on Business. Online business is a method for directing business over the Web. In spite of the fact that it is a generally new idea, it can possibly adjust the customary type of financial exercises.
Effect of Different Weeding Frequency on the Growth and Yield of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorus)[Full-Text ] Adesida O. A, Olunloyo A.A, Smart M.O, Yusuf A.A The study examined the effect of different weeding frequency on the growth and yield of Corchorus olitorus within the experimental plot of the Federal College of Forestry, the experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four (4) treatments replicated three (3) times as follows: Weed free plot, 2 days weeding interval, 5 days weeding interval and Non weeded plot.
ROBOTIC ARM USING HAPTIC INTELLIGENCE- A REVIEW[Full-Text ] Kripa Anna BinnyA robotic arm is a manipulator based system that operates based on the assigned degrees of freedom. In this paper, we study and inspect the various technologies that our modern manipulators are moulded from and conclude what we learn from the data that we collected.
COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF ACCESS ROADS FOR HOUSING ESTATES USING GENERATED TRAFFIC DATA: THE AFRICAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/ BRIDGE ESTATE, ABUJA, NIGERIA, AS A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Dr. Donatus Mbaezue, Francis SundayThe proposed Access Roads which will connect the Airport Road to the main gate of the African University of Science and Technology, Abuja, Nigeria and the proposed Bridge Housing Estate when constructed will foster broader community goals by promoting business activities within and around the University environment. Topographic data were taken, traffic count/ speed study and traffic volume forecast where carried out; minimum curve radii, curve lengths were calculated.
A GIS Based Approach to Identify Potential Zones for Natural Groundwater Recharge in the Capital City of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] M.T. Islam, M.A. Islam, A.H. ImranDhaka is one of the world's largest groundwater-dependent cities relies on groundwater from Plio-Pleistocene fluvio-deltaic sands of the Dupi Tila formation is facing severe declination of groundwater table in spite of receiving around 2000mm/year annual rainfall. Unplanned urban development due to rapid population growth has been the cause of encroachment on retention and natural drainage areas.
Loss Analysis of Market Available Solar Cells and Possible Solutions[Full-Text ] Ashrafun Nushra Oishi, Meer Shadman Shafkat Tanjim, M. Tanseer Ali The Sun is the pure power source, by which we can theoretically satisfy the entire electricity demand of the whole earth. Due to the limitation of our solar cell technology, harnessing solar power in full efficient way is still on progress. On commercial basis, it is also promising but not up to the mark.
A Study on Financial Performance Analysis of Dabur India Limited[Full-Text ] Dr. Seema ThakurFinancial Performance Analysis of Dabur India Limited talks about accounting analysis and financial analysis and to assessment of the viability, reliability and profitability of a business. The main indication behind this study is to investigate the financial functioning position of the Dabur India Limited. This investigation is done with help of secondary data which is collected from the Annual Report of the Dabur India Limited.
Cowong Speech Case Study On The Realization Of Language Courage In Students[Full-Text ] Uyung Amilul UlumThe politeness of the language is very important to be considered by the actors of communication (communicators and communicants). This is increasingly felt the urgency when associated with language behavior among the younger generation, especially adolescents who incidentally, generally are still in junior and senior high school levels (SMA / MA and SMK).
The Thinking KH. Hasyim Asy�ari and KH. Ahmad Dahlan About Objectives and Educational Materials (Study Comparative Analysis)[Full-Text ] Eman SupriatnaEducation in the broader sense can be defined as a process of learning to students in an effort to educate and mature learners. In order to educate and mature learners must not be separated from the role of an educator. Due to the rise of a competent learner can not be separated from the expertise of an educator in educating learners.
Neural Extended Kalman Filter Based Angle-Only Target Tracking for Cruise Missiles[Full-Text ] Gorkem EssizThe main issue in the angle only target tracking is to estimate the states of a target by using noise corrupted measurement of elevation and azimuth. The tracking cruise missile is specified as a sea skimming anti-ship missile (SS-ASM) equipped with an active RF seeker. Although an active seeker gives the information of relative range to the target together with the line of side (LOS) angle and the LOS rate of elevation and azimuth, it cannot sense the relative range when the missile is jammed yet can still measure the LOS angles and LOS rates.
Experimental and Analytical Behavior of HSC Columns Reinforced with Basalt FRP Bars[Full-Text ] Abeer M. Erfan, Yasser A. Algash, Taha A. El-SayedThis paper investigates the structural behavior of composite HSC columns reinforced longitudinally and transversely with BFRP bars under centrically axial loads. five full-scale concrete columns with a 200�200mm cross section and 2000mm in height were tested under axial monotonic loading. The Influence of the type of the reinforcement (steel and BFRP) and the concrete strength under concentric loading on the performance of the specimens was investigated.
Hypoglycemia Induced by Arabic Gum. A Case Report[Full-Text ] Malak Jamaan Alzahrani, Abdulrahman Shaker Alruwished, Dunya Nasrallah AlFarajNowadays, the traditional medicine begins to use frequently as a preventative method or even as treatment worldwide and one of the most used plant is Arabic Gum which is a fibrous product made of the natural hardened sap of two types of wild Acacia trees. One of the Arabic gum�s side effect is the hypoglycemic effect.
Phytochemical Screening of Garcinia kola Crude Extract and its Sensitivity Testing against Anopheles mosquito larva[Full-Text ] CHEA, Sampson K. P.; DONZO, Kalilu and MULBAH, EdmundGarcina kola is a dicotyledonous plant found predominately in the tropical rain forests and swamps, and it grows as a medium sized tree up to a height of about 12m high. It belongs to the Guttiferae Family, and it has a distinct bitter taste. It is believed to possess important source of new chemical substances with potential therapeutic benefits.
Early Presentation and Surgery in Emphysematous Cholecystitis with Pneumobilia improve survival[Full-Text ] Waheeb R Al-Kubati, and Faiez DaoudWe report a 56-year-old man presented to the emergency department at Queen Rania Hospital with a 12-hours history of Rt. upper quadrant abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever, and relatively stable condition. He had a history of type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension, ischemic heart disease and bronchial asthma on regular treatment.
Olanzapine overdose in an elderly man in south-east Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr Ezeme Mark SundayBackground: Olanzapine is a commonly used, relatively safe antipsychotics but in overdose, its adverse effect may be remarkable, especially in elderly.
Anatomical variations of the sphenoid sinus on multislice computed tomography and the clinical significance[Full-Text ] Suada Hasanovic Vuckovic, Lejla Milišic, Sandra Vegar-Zubovic, Adi Behmen, Haris Bekteševic, Merim JusufbegovicSphenoid sinus is a cavity filled with air, located in the body of the sphenoid bone. A thin bone lamella divides it in two parts, the right and the left, which are usually unequal in size. MSCT is the most precise method of evaluating the sphenoid sinus and provides the best visualization of detailed sinus anatomy, its relationship with surrounding neurovascular struc-tures and bone cavities.
Effect of Enzymatic Modification on Galactomnnan Gums and their Rheological properties[Full-Text ] M. A. Ibrahim, A.A.Ragheb, J.I Abd- EL Thalouth, A.A.-EL Aty, E.E.EL SayedGalactomannan gums represents valuable and sustainable alternative to traditional Synthetic polymers and increasingly applied in growing number of industrial fields In their native and chemically modified and bio modified form.
Thermal Performance Investigation of Horizontal Spiral Coiled Tube for Design & Process Parameters Using CFD & DOE Techniques[Full-Text ] Lokesh Singh, Dr. A. K. RaghavIn present research work the effect of process and design parameters of the horizontal spirally coiled flow tube, are investigated using CFD simulation and DOE techniques. In this research work total, six parameters are selected which are mass flow rate of water flow in the tube, water inlet temperature, heating surface temperature which is made of copper tube, tube inner diameter having 3 mm thickness, curvature ratio of tube and pitch of tube.
International Business: Expansion of Starbucks to Pakistan[Full-Text ] Mr. Krishna Suresh DaymaThe following is extensive research acting as a member of the ‘Global Strategy Team’ in Starbucks. Starbucks is a global coffee chain that currently owns almost 29,039 stores around the world. The aim of the report is to shed light on the international expansion of Starbucks in Pakistan. The study investigates motives of internationalization, extensive analysis of environment scanning and assessing its prospectus.
Potential Pollutants Emitted From a Petrochemical Plant in Malaysia[Full-Text ] Mohd Faizal Madrim, Aznida Mohamad Zaki, Mohd Hasni JaafarMalaysia is one of the country that having industrial revolution involving petrochemical activity. With the advantage of petroleum crude oil and natural gas availability and capacity, Malaysia transformed from an importing country to an exporting country dealing with petrochemical arena.