Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018.
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Design of a computerized aquaponic system harnessed with renewable energy[Full-Text ] Aquaponics is a combination of aquaculture (cultivating fish) and hydroponics (growing plants in water without soil). The eco-innovative technology behind the concept is a combination of the two production systems into one. This Computerized aquaponics powered by solar system employs engineering and computing principles. This integrates aquaculture, hydroponics an precision engineering into a single specialized system termed aquaponics for the production of local and high value non genetically modified plant (vegetable, fruits) and non- genetically modified animals (fishes, snails) for human consumption.
Prevalence of Irritable bowel syndrome among medical students in Jeddah city[Full-Text ] Feras A. Alghamdi, Rehab A. Omran, Maram N. Gari, Asmahan M. AlghamdiIrritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal tract disease, of unknown etiology. However, several factors were thought to associate with its development including stress and hypersensitivity. It is clinically diagnosed and there is no marker for its detection. The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome varies among different nations.
A study to assess the knowledge and practice of breast feeding among nursing mothers admitted in a Zonal Military Hospital, Secunderabad[Full-Text ] LT COL SUBHA SAdequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure the growth, health, and development of children to their full potential. Poor nutrition increases the risk of illness, and is responsible, directly or indirectly, for one third of the estimated 9.5 million deaths that occurred in 2006 in children less than 5years of age. Inappropriate nutrition can also lead to childhood obesity which is an increasing public health problem in many countries.
Relationship of Job Performance and Emotional Intelligence between Subject Specialists at Higher Secondary Level[Full-Text ] Noman HafeezSystem of Education has speedily changes, having fluctuate experiences, and reforms due to influential role of the job performance of the teacher in all about of the world. In spite of these changes, the performances of teachers are still a burning topic in any educational environment. This present research study highlights the breach in the reviews by previous studies at the role of emotional intelligence in job performance of teachers. This investigating study also examinations the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) which having four proportions i.e. self-regulations, self-awareness, self motivation and social skill and job performances.
The Impact of Horizontal Integration on Mediterranean Container Port Competitiveness[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr.MohiEldien Elsaih, Khaled Mohamed SalemSeaport management has been suffering for decades to keep pace the rapid changes in maritime development, specially shipping lines and container, as freight market power moves toward Fast, Reliable, Secure transport . Global port operators have played a significant role in the dynamics of container port terminals to provide terminal operation facilities that meet their shipper and shipping line requirements. Meanwhile shipping industry already dominated by larger vessels, mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances, to meet their customer requirements, on the other hand container ports need to improve its services in order to compete and increase efficiency and its competitiveness position.
Improvement of waiting time for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (cabg) in king abdulaziz university hospital [Full-Text ] Abdulhadi M.Nabil Alama, Mohammed Qutub, MohamedNabil Alama, Shadi Alkhayyat, Kuljit Singh, Abdulelah Khuraybah, Ammar Abu GhararahBackground: Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world. When treating coronary artery disease, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is done in some severe cases. Unfortunately, some of the patients spend a long time on a waiting list for CABG procedure, some of them are readmitted for other types of intervention during there waiting period.
Mediating effect on Trust to Commitment and Behavior Loyalty: The Moderating Effect of Personality Trait[Full-Text ] SinarwatyIndustrial world in Indonesia is already developed vastly, it causes condition of business competency in business world becomes tight. Each company is demanded to make effort to create competitive excellence which continues in facing more new player appeared which moves in same industry. One of industries appeared which is mentioned above is cellular card operator, including in one of product services.
Comparison of Flexsim and Delmia simulation software to reduce current manufacturing layout planning problem[Full-Text ] Gandhi Mathi Nathan Chidambaram, Subitcha shunmugarajanToday, volume uncertainty and customer requirements are more dynamic due to reduced product lifecycle in manufacturing. Managing uncertain market demand and rapid introduction of new product development are the key focus areas for manufacturers. This adaptability can be achieved only if a manufacturing industry adopts a flexible manufacturing system. The layout planning is an important factor that influences adopting flexible manufacturing system. Since achieving competitive advantage in the uncertain market demand is the focus of many manufacturers, layout modifications should not be a constraint. Thus, the scope of the project is to understand the current problems in layout modification and how the manufacturers can eliminate them using 3D simulation software.
Interval Estimation for Indonesia Democracy Index (IDI) Model Using Multivariables Spline Truncated[Full-Text ] SupraptoA Good democratic performance is a fundamental target of national development in the field of politics that can be measured through IDI. If IDI is modeled by using multiple linear regression yielding model with determination coefficient of 42,30% with none of significant regression parameter if tested individually by using t-test statistic, but the best IDI modeling using multivariables spline truncated regression analysis on factors influencing it having three knots (3,3,3,3,3,3) with determination coefficient (R^2 ) is 97,04%, with only one variable having no effect on the IDI of the six variables in the model. Interval estimation of IDI score is formed in pessimistic estimation point of view indicates Yogyakarta, Kalimantan Timur, and Kalimantan Utara experiencing degradation of democracy performance from high to moderate category, Maluku Utara is degraded from moderate to bad, while Papua Barat and Papua still in the bad category.
MODELLING AND SIMULATION OF 3-DOF MASS SPRING SYSTEM EQUIVALENT OF 3-STOREY BUILDING BY USING ANSYS 18.1[Full-Text ] Mr. Dinesh Sen, Anosh KujurThe purpose of the work is to obtain Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of 3- storey building by an equivalent mass- spring system, and demonstrate the modeling and simulation of this MDOF mass- spring system to obtain its first 3 natural frequencies and mode shape. In whole procedure ANSYS 18.1 has been used. The analytical analysis of natural frequencies was used to compare the numerical results obtained by ANSYS 18.1 to validate the results.
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced High Strength Concrete Corbels With and Without Steel Fiber and Shear Reinforcement[Full-Text ] Assist.Prof.Dr. Aqeel H. Chkheiwer , Mustafa A. k. Essa This research presents a nonlinear finite element investigation on the behavior of high strength reinforced concrete corbels by using ANSYS program. A theoretical study using the finite element method is presented in the current work on fifty four corbels specimens divided into three series. Series one divides into two parts , The first part contained six specimens for comparing with the experimental results .The main parameters in this part are type of concrete (high strength concrete HSC and normal strength concrete NSC), compressive strength and shear span to effective depth ratio without steel fiber.
The Dwelling Space Value Of Muna Tribe Gunung Jati Region of Kendari City[Full-Text ] Alim Bahri, Irma Nurjannah, Sachrul RamadhanThe history of Muna tribe’s settlement in GunungJati has intensively been influenced by the public policies of the Local Government of Southeast Celebes Province to relocate forcefully the Muna tribe’s settlement in the areas of Gunung Jati. On the one hand, the relocation is done to provide protection over the areas of conservation forests as catchment areas. On the other hand, the protection policies have caused severe traumas for local community because they felt to be forcefully separatedfrom boththeir social spaceand source of livelihood.
A Mathematical Model on the Biological Control of Malaria Transmission using Wolbachia[Full-Text ] Netochukwu Onyiaji, Sunday I. Onah, Godwin C.E. MbahThis study shows that the transmission of malaria via mosquitoes to humans can be interrupted by injecting a strain of the bacteria, Wolbachia in the insects. Wolbachia acts as a vaccine of sorts for mosquitoes that would protect them from malaria parasites.
Effect of partial replacement of refined wheat flour with varying levels Cycas flour (Cycas circinalis. L) On Physico-chemical and Sensory attributes of cookies[Full-Text ] Noora Beevi K.P, Dr. Narayanasamy Sangeetha, Dr. K.V.SunoojA composite flour cookies were prepared by partially replacing (0-30%) refined wheat flour with Cycas flour (cycas circinalis. L). Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the flour composition as well as the baking conditions (temperature and time). The incorporation of cycas flour has significantly affected the physical, chemical and sensorial properties of the cookies. The cookies prepared with composite flour had significantly higher (P <= 0.05) amount of protein, fat, fiber and ash. The physical analysis revealed that thickness and spread ratio decreased with in-crease in addition of cycas flour. The hardness values of cookies made from Cycas flour and control found to be 1.01 N and 4.77 N respectively.
Javed’s Idea of Energy, Matter and Life[Full-Text ] Javed Iqbal S/o Abdul AzizAt the time of birth the whole universe was filled with very small capacitors like energy packets. These packets started to combine with one another in series as well as in parallel circuits. Let us suppose a series circuit between two capacitors was made and an equivalent capacitor of low capacitance and energy was formed. Due to its low energy the other capacitors of high energy were attracted towards it and started to combine in long series chains and overall energy of the system started to reduce to more and more low value.
Lesson Plan Development in the Mother Tongue- Based Multilingual Education[Full-Text ] Eden A. BuenoThis is a qualitative study on the MTB-MLE in the conduct of the lesson plan development for the BEED students in the University Northern Philippines, College of Teacher Education in response to the K to 12 curriculum in the Philippines. The scope of the study dealt with the actual demonstration teaching in the subject Principles of Teaching 2 as to the pedagogic principles and techniques as applied in the collaborative learnings inside the classroom.
MODIFICATION OF A NATURAL GAS DEHYDRATION PLANT FOR IMPROVED PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] Akingbemila Olufemi and Emeka OkaforUpstream natural gas which consists of light hydrocarbons including methane, ethane, and propane; acid gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide; water; and other impurities, must be conditioned and/or purified to produce gas of marketable quality. The present work focuses on the modification of a real natural gas adsorption and regeneration system located in Western Delta, Nigeria which might be forced to flares over 15 MMSCF of gas valued at over 30,000 US Dollars per day or resort to occasional plant shutdown with corresponding loss of over 80 MMSCFD of gas valued at over 197,000 US dollars per day when the regeneration compressor fails.
ARMSS: Adaptive Reconfigurable Multi-core Scheduling System[Full-Text ] Samar Nour, Shahira Mahmoud, Mohamed SalehA multi-core processor is a single computing component with two or more independent actual processing ele-ments (called ”cores”), which are able to read and execute program instructions. Nowadays Multi-core processors are widely used in many application domains, including general-purpose, embedded systems, network, digital signal processing (DSP), and graphics processing unit (GPU).
Climate Change Induced Architectural Practice: Responsive Technological Integration for Sustainable Design Solutions[Full-Text ] S.A. Olaniyan, O.O. Soyebo, J.O. OyadokunIncreasing urbanisation arising from continuous population and economic growths translate to additional infrastructure, facilities and buildings, to accommodate the emerging needs of the people. However, this is not without its attendant adverse climate change induced anthropogenic effects, largely due to increasing carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Thus, Architects who design such structures need to be weary of the impacts of their products on the environment, and evolve sustainable design solutions to combat any potential undesirable effects. Through literature review, with reference to specific pragmatic cases for illustrations, this paper therefore examines how climate change challenges have influenced architectural practice particularly, integration of emerging technologies, to evolve sustainable design solutions for a healthy environment.
Urban Land Conflict Affecting Talai Squatter Settlement in Kericho County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Kathryn Chepkemoi Langat, Prof. Pontian Godfrey Okoth, Prof. Crispinuos IteyoLand is a pressing concern globally; neither states nor markets provide suitable land for all users. In the context of urban growth and inequality, acute competition for land and the regulatory failures of states often result in conflict, which is sometimes violent, affecting urban authorities and residents. Conflicts are often mentioned in analyses of urban land, but rarely examined in depth. In order to explore the drivers, dynamics and outcomes of urban land conflicts, diverse disciplinary perspectives are discussed, including environmental security, political ecology, legal anthropology, land governance, conflict analysis and management, and urban conflict and violence.
Prototype Design for Multi-Face Gearbox with Multiple Forward and Reverse Speed Gears[Full-Text ] Akash Agarwal, Sandeep Kumar SahooA gear box has been design with additional reverse speed gears to the existing gear box and corresponding to new gear motion has been developed. The gearbox has been design in such a way that it will result in minimal change in current commercial vehicle for its modification and fixation. The mechanism of right angle spiral bevel gear drive has been used in the gear box by replacing the conventional gearbox mechanism in which only helical gear pairs are used .Complete Gear box has been designed beginning with spiral bevel gears as output gear and input as helical gears.
STRENGTHENING RESEARCH CULTURE THROUGH PRAISE[Full-Text ] Francisco D. Lopez, Gloria D. Tuzon & Remely A. SanidadState universities and colleges (SUCs) like the Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC) are mandated to perform along the four-fold functions: instruction, research, extension and production. Anchored on the Maslow’s Theory of Motivation, ISPSC proposed a program for awards and incentives in Research, Development and Extension to address the very limited research outputs and number of faculty doing research. The RDE PRAISE as approved, aimed to provide cash incentives to faculty researchers who has presented an output in local, regional, national and international research fora and more for winning papers, presentations and publications.
IMPACT OF MONETARY POLICY ON THE GROWTH OF THE NIGERIAN MANUFACTURING SECTOR (1980-2016)[Full-Text ] Egbulonu, K. Godslove, Ukwuoma, Christian ChibuikeThis research studied the impact of monetary policy on the growth of the manufacturing sector in Nigeria from 1980-2016. Secondary data were used for the study and were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin 2016 edition. Manufacturing sector’s output was used as the dependent variable while Money Supply, Exchange rate and Interest rate were the independent variables.
Towards Reviving Lime-Based Mortar Utilisation as a Sustainable Building Material: An Imperative for Review of the Existing Building Standards[Full-Text ] S.A. Olaniyan Prior to the beginning of this century, lime-based mortar dominance as a building material was incontrovertible as reminiscence of this is reflected in many buildings of historic references which stand till date.
Inter-linkage between foreign exchange reserve and consumer price index: Evidence from Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Shahanawaz Sharif, Syeda Sumaiya HabibUnlike most developing countries Bangladesh has experienced a huge boost up in foreign exchange reserve, but with similarity in consumer price index. This paper aims at investigating the relationship between the consumer price index and foreign exchange reserve in the context of Bangladesh.
Text Mining using Deep Learning Article Review[Full-Text ] Nehad Mohamed IbrahimDeep Learning has efficient and accurate methods of learning which come back to the research area again after rapidly developments in the hardware, Also the text learning either supervised or unsupervised open area for the research. This paper aims to provide the researcher in (deep learning for text learning supervised or unsupervised) domain by comprehensive knowledge in this domain, it represents an overview of important articles over the last five years and discus methods that used and the conclusion. This article conducted to address relevant researches about the deep learning use in text mining by using the Google Scholar to define the period (issued between 2013 and 2018).
L’efficacité de l’aide publique au développement face a la question de la transparence[Full-Text ] Brahim Sabri, Hajar HajjamiThe effectiveness of official development assistance has been in the crosshairs of the international community (economists, activists, academics…) for several years. The debate around this issue has often concluded that ODA is inefficient and harmful for the development of poor and developing countries.
Interactive Web-Based Learning(e-learning)[Full-Text ] Rajesh Kumar, Shahbaz Wahab, Amna Shaikh, Arshad Arain, Kapeel Dev Web based education growing very rapidly. With the development there are some advantages in education field. This paper discusses how web mining technology can be helpful to the distance education system their techniques and usefulness also This paper tends to the situation of what teachers do to guarantee that the capability of the web is utilized viably to bolster both their own learning and that of their understudies? As the upsides of electronic learning (WBL) in higher training incorporate conquering hindrances of separation and time, economies of scale, and novel instructional techniques, while hindrances incorporate social detachment, in advance expenses, and specialized issues. The web is progressively utilized both as a learning device to help formal projects and as a method for conveying web-based learning programs.
Implication of vegetation removal on coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) in Chepkoo River, Kenya[Full-Text ] E. J. Chepsoo, C. M. M’Erimba, and G.M. OgendiClearing forests at catchment levels is known to affect the rivers’ ability to provide vital ecological functions such as coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) input as well as maintenance of water quality. This study was carried between April and June 2017 at Chepkoo River, in Elgeyo-Marakwet County to establish the effect of vegetation clearance on coarse particulate organic matter and riparian vegetation composition and diversity at three sites differing in extent of canopy cover (upstream-0-35%; midstream-0-5% and downstream- 0-10%).
Alignment Methods For Parallel Texts[Full-Text ] Naoual BOUHRIM, Lahbib ZENKOUARThis paper aims to present a review of the methods and techniques used to align parallel texts. The alignment methods included in this paper are exposed to three categories; sentences alignments, words Alignment, and Phrase-based alignment. The main purpose is to establish a benchmarking between the different methods using the phrase-based alignment, the result of this work will help us in the next researches to choose the right approach for the Automatic Language Translation (French / Amazighe).
User Feedback: An Essential Interface Design Strategy for Developing Easy-to-use Banking ATM System Interfaces in Nigeria[Full-Text ] FELIX. C. AGUBOSHIM, GAIL S. MILESBanking automated teller machine (ATM) technological innovations in Nigeria have significant importance and benefits. However, illiterate and semiliterate Nigerians, representing about 40.33%, do not perceive them as useful or easy-to-use. ATM user interface systems design processes failed to center on knowledge and understanding of user-feedback or around the users’ cultural backgrounds and literacy levels. The purpose of this case study was to identify the role user feedback plays in the development process of creating easy-to-use banking ATM system interfaces in Nigeria.
THE MANAGEMENT OF GUIDELINES TECHNIQUE KNOWN AS BIMTEK OF REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE DURING THE PERIOD 2009-2014[Full-Text ] Sri Praptono; Sri Suwitri; Hardi Warsono; Budi Setiyono This research aims to: (1) Describing, analyzing and interpreting management technical guidance of Regional Representative of Central Java Provincial during the period 2009-2014; (2) Identifying and analyzing what are the aspects that support and hinder the management of technical guidance of Regional Representative of Central Java Provincial during the period 2009-2014; (3) Formulating management model of technical guidance of Regional Representative of Central Java province are effective and in accordance with their necessities. This research used the qualitative approach with descriptive analysis.
Research and proposal some solutions in optimization for warehouse at inland container depot (ICD) in Vietnam[Full-Text ] LAM Quoc-DatIn the context of strong economic growth of the major economies in the world, logisitics service provider of Vietnam is also developing, the demand for import and export of goods to overseas increasingly, it contributes a small proportion to Vietnam's GDP (6).
COMPARATIVE STUDY OF HISTORY CAUSES AND RISK OF FALL AMONG ELDERLY PEOPLE AND PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON’S DISEASE[Full-Text ] Dr. Rameeta Kumari, Dr. Muhammad Saad Khan, Dr. Muhammad AsifThis cross sectional survey research compares history causes and risk of fall among normal ambulatory elderly people and people with Parkinson’s disease aged above 50 years old, during last one year. The secondary objective of this research was to establish the preventable measures for individual who are at risk of fall.
Risk factors of neck pain in females -a case control study[Full-Text ] Sadia iftikhar , Ajaz Ali, Dr. Muhammad Asif, Asim RazaBackground: Neck pain is a typical and real health issue in our general public. Neck pain is considered to be complex for its cause suggesting that a number of risk factors may promote its development.
Design and Simulation of Voice and Critical Data apriority Queue (VCDPQ) Scheduler for Constrained-Bandwidth VoIP Networks[Full-Text ] J. N. Dike, C. I. AniVoIP technology entails the transmission of digitized voice conversations across a packet-switched network such as the Internet. It promises to integrate the data and voice networks into a single network. However, there remain some very significant quality of service (QoS) impairments (such as latency, packet loss, echo and jitter) surrounding this technology, which degrade voice quality.
RBMD: Reward Based Malicious Detection in Mobile Ad hoc Network[Full-Text ] R. Preethi and Dr. M. SughasinyIn Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), the mobile node transmits message directly to another node or via some intermediate nodes. In order to broadcast the messages, the nodes are interconnected to each other using some routing protocols. The communication medium may be not safe and the transmitted data over the nodes can fall into malicious activity. Compared to wired networks, Wireless networks are not secure. The mobile node has limited resources like limited battery power.
Ecological Knowledge of Pollination Services among Different Agro-ecosystems in Chitwan, Nepal[Full-Text ] Shiva Prasad. Rijal, Resham B. Thapa, Moha D. Sharma, Shrawan K. Sah, Yubak D. GC and Milan SubediA survey was conducted to assess the knowledge of farmers about bee pollinators and their management practices randomly sampling 50 farmers from each agro-ecosystem: semi-natural (Megauli VDC), organic (Fulbari VDC) and intensive agriculture (Jutpani VDC) agro-ecosystems of Chitwan in 2013. It was found that agro-ecosystems, education, gender and age were determining factor for knowledge of farmers respectively.