Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018.
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Experimental Study on Confiscation of Lead Pb(II) From Wastewater Using Animal Dungs[Full-Text ] I.M. Jideofor, D.I. EzekielToxic mineral elements which are harmful to humans, animals, the sequester environment and construction practices occur naturally in the environment as a result of natural causes, as well as industrial and agricultural practices. Among existing toxic mineral, investigation was carried out on the removal of Pb(II) using a cheap and easy process known as “adsorption”. The wastewater was collected from a Lead mining industry discharging point located at Ikwo L.G.A, Ebonyi State.
Effect of social-economic factors on profitability of soya bean in Rwanda[Full-Text ] Munezero Modeste, Patrick Mulyungi, Fredah N. Wanzala, Ntaganira Eric, Nsengiyumva AimableThe economic benefits from the soya bean production help scaling up the livelihood standard status of the common people. However, the economic benefits derived from soya bean production remains low. This study intends to identify the effect of socio-economic factors that influence the profitability among small hold soya bean producers/farmers.
INFLUENCE OF DIRECT INSTRUCTIONAL TRAINING MODEL ON KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF AGE WOMEN ABOUT THE SIGNIFICANT BREAST SPEEDING (BSE) IN THE WORKING REGION OF THE HEALTHY PUSKESMAS PADANG CITY[Full-Text ] Rita SyuriantiBreast cancer cases in women every year an increase. According to WHO 8-9 percent of women have breast cancer. In Indonesia RISKESDAS survey results in 2013 of 1.4 per 1000 people suffer from breast cancer. While in the working area of Pauh health center in 2014 occurred 12 cases, in 2015 there were 15 cases and in 2016 increased again to 19 cases and in January and February 2017 there were 8 new breast cancer sufferers. One attempt to detect early incidence of breast cancer cases is to perform Breast Self Examination (BSE).
Lifetime optimization in Multi- Sink Environment using the Hybrid PSO based LEACH algorithm in WSN's[Full-Text ] Satyanarayana.Mummana,Prof. Kuda.Nageswara RaoWSN is a large network consists of a group of spatially distributed autonomous sensors interconnected by means of wireless communication channels to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. To decrease the delay in data transmission and to minimize the energy consumption, clustering is mainly used in multi sinks environment in WSNs.
Thymol as a Novel Reagent in Spectrophotometric Determination of Chloramphenicol[Full-Text ] Sudad R. Jamal, Nabeel S. OthmanA simple, accurate and sensitive indirect spectrophotometric method for the determination of chloramphenicol (CAP) in various formulations has been suggested. The method is based on the coupling of the diazotized of reduced CAP (DR-CAP) with Thymol in alkaline medium to yield a colored product showed maximum absorbance at 459 nm. . Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range of 1 – 12.5 µg.ml-1 .
To be successful, organizations should operate with a well thought and developed corporate strategy which is implemented through different business unit level strategies all working towards the overall organizational level corporate strategy. Of the various strategic options available, diversification has proved to be a very popular strategy for organizations seeking growth, higher profitability and stability hence a competitive advantage. However researchers continue to find conflicting effects of diversification on performance of diversified organizations. Organizations apply different methods to realize diversification including Greenfield entry, acquisitions, and mergers and partnerships and alliances.
Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility in Oil and Gas Sector of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Amina Manzoor, Ms. Javaria Qais JoiyaThe primary aim of this study is to examine whether corporate governance affects the corporate social responsibility reporting level of oil and gas sector in Pakistan. Current study based on secondary data analysis. To analyze the impact of corporate governance determinants such as board size, foreign directors, independent directors, women directors, ownership concentration, firm size and firm leverage on corporate social responsibility collect data from the annual reports published by the companies from the time period 2007 to 2016.
Reusing Crafted Fabric and Zero Waste Fashion Approaches[Full-Text ] Kamrun Nahar Naznin, Rayed BarkatWaste material is one of the major reasons for pollution today because environmental awareness is increasing day by day. Considerable amount of fabric is wasted when making garments. Clothing and apparel wastes cause pollution seriously. In many countries, there is no rational recycling sector that belongs to clothing sector. The waste textile materials don’t need to damage the people and environment while burning, storing, languishing or destroying of those waste materials. Beside this type of textile waste, our daily life fashion wastage is also responsible for the pollution which is taking place due to fast fashion.
A study on an analytic solution 1D heat equation of a parabolic partial differential equation and implement in computer programming[Full-Text ] Abdulla - Al - Mamun, Md. Shajib Ali, Md. Munnu MiahIn this paper, we investigate second order parabolic partial differential equation of a 1D heat equation. In this paper, we discuss the derivation of heat equation, analytical solution uses by separation of variables, Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform. Finally, we consider a problem of heat equation and the solution of this problem implement in computer programming.
Pedestrian Detection and the Effect of Diverse Benchmarks[Full-Text ] Nagi OULD TALEB, Adil CHERGUI, Mohamed, Larbi BEN MAATI, Mohamedade Farouk NANNE, Mohamed O.M. Khelifa, Aicha Mint Aboubekrine Pedestrian detection is a popular research topic in computer vision community, with several applications including robotics, surveillance and automotive safety. It is a particularly difficult subject, in particular because of the great variability of appearances and possible situations.
Environmentally Effective Biodegradable and Antimicrobial Properties of Biowaste Chitosan- Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogel Composite Film[Full-Text ] Aung Than HtweIn the present investigation an ecofriendly approach and a simple homogeneous solution casting method led to the development of biodegradable chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel composites. Various ratio of CS-PVA blended films are prepared and characterized by its physicomechnical properties, water uptake ability, swelling property and thermal analysis. As a physicomechnical result of good tensile strength and elongation at break of chitosan have been largely improved by adding PVA.
Bus Clamped DTC of Induction Motor with Four Level Hysteresis band Torque Controller[Full-Text ] Naresh B, Durga Devi KConventional method of direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor suffers from high torque and flux ripple. Smaller hysteresis band tolerances were not desirably reduce ripple content, thereby higher order hysteresis band control is desired. The application of bus clamping to inverter improves performance of DTC in the aspects of quick response and less distortion. In this paper four level hysteresis band toque control is proposed for bus clamped direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor.
NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC CONTAMINANTS IN DUG WELLS ALONG PAMPA RIVER BANK[Full-Text ] Jeffi Selvan, Deleep Packia Raj and MuruganSeasonal distribution of groundwater and river water quality along a 40 km Chengannur-Maramon stretch of Pampa river,central Kerala was studied. Natural and anthropogenicinfluence in water quality was studied during 2015-2017 period. After detailed observation in selected areas with particular reference to physiography, subsurface lithologic characteristics, three wells and a corresponding riverine spot were selected each in four locations such as Edanad, Arattupuzha, Thottappuzhassery and Maramon for water sample collection.
DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGY TO STUDY THE EFFECTS OF ELECTRONIC WORD OF MOUTH MARKETING ON BRAND CREA-TION, SUSTENANCE& BRAND MANAGE-MENT[Full-Text ] Komal Jamal, Dr. Muhammad Umer, Nida HussainInternet and social media have brought a revolutionary change in the marketing strategy of various companies. Nowadays consumers want to know reviews regarding products and they opt for the platform that is easily accessible to them and where multiple reviews can be obtained. The electronic word of mouth marketing (eWOM) has gained significant value over the years. The aim of the research work is to investigate impact of brand loyalty, C2C know-how and brand image on eWOM. The research work is carried out in the context of people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province in Pakistan. Quantitative research study is carried out in the research work. Data collection is carried out through distributing questionnaires amongst the target population. 229 questionnaires were distributed and the data was analyzed using SPSS. The results indicate that a positive relation exists between eWom and brand image, eWOM and brand loyalty and eWOM and C2C know-how exchange.
DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION OF LORA BASED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM IN PROCESS INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] MANAS DASThe paper explores development and application of low cost,low power wireless comminication system and its application in process industry.The paper shows the diffulicy of laying and maintaining of conventional instrumentation cable in different areas of Refinery and Petrochemical.The paper outlines complete implementation technique of proposed wireless communication technique and hook up with standard PLC and DCS..At the same time the paper provides datas and trends of practical application in a Coal Handling System of DCU .The next section of the paper deals with advantages of this solution with conventional solution.
Development of innovative sensors for oil and gas sensing based on optical fibers[Full-Text ] NABIL Y. M. SALIHThis research tries to establish how optical fiber sensors can be improved to detect anomalies in the oil and gas transmission. Different improvements have been used to ensure there is incorporation of technology in measuring different physical parameters associated with oil and gas. Though various improvements have been pointed out, pressure has been the parameter that has been considered under this study. Results obtained from the different researches indicate that some of the optical fiber sensor systems are incomplete, while others are complete. Therefore, there is need to ensure that technology is incorporated something that has been clearly pointed in this study. Through the researches that have been undertaken, there are advantages that are associated with optical fiber sensors hence an indication of an encouraging future. A strong conclusion has been obtained in the study in regard to measurement of pressure in relation to oil and gas.
Solution of Multi-objective Optimal Power Flow using Earthworm Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ishita GhoshNow-a-days economy of electricity generation, quality of the generated and supplied electricity and emission of greenhouse gases from power plants are the main concern in power system operation. Good quality of electricity is to be produced with reduced cost and emission of greenhouse gases is to be controlled at the same time. These objectives can be achieved through solution of optimal power flow (OPF) problem.
A STUDY ON INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION[Full-Text ] Dr. V Marimuthu, MSAcute intestinal obstruction persists to be most common surgical emergency. In our study a total number of 12,233 patients were admitted in the surgery department form March 2016 to December 2017. A total number of 228 patients presented with features of acute bowel obstruction. Among these 50 of the operated patients were randomly selected for the study.
Increasing Of HIV / AIDS Prevention And Drugs Through Whatsapp Based Training And Assistance In Adolescents In Batang Kuis Deli Serdang District[Full-Text ] Roni Gunawan, Muchti Yuda Pratama, Sulaiman, Anggriani, Fitriani Pramita GurningThe development of the era in the digital era in addition to having a positive impact both on the development of adolescents, it also in-creased exposure to drugs and HIV / AIDS for adolescents. As a result, the adolescents phase which is famous for the trial and error phase can easily absorb the exposure and be trapped in negative behaviors that lead to a deviation in the use of drugs and free sex which increases the incidence of HIV / AIDS. Therefore, through digital sophistication through whats app messages, teenagers need to be trained and assisted in improving HIV / AIDS and Drugs prevention behavior.
Potential of Next Generation Recommender Systems: A Survey on the State of the Art Developments and Possible Expansions[Full-Text ] Chandra Sekhar Kolli , Dr.T. Uma DeviIn recent years, as a matter of fact, Recommender Systems (RS) have changed the way of interaction significantly between the netizens and the World Wide Web. These systems are developed by carefully observing, studying and analyzing the walkthrough of the netizens such as implicit feedback (user clicks), explicit feedback (ratings, opinions on various trending issues or topics, reviews and other options).
Performance Analysis of Preliminary Taperless Small HAWT Design[Full-Text ] Abdul Goffar Al MubarokWind energy potential in Indonesia is relatively small, because it lies in the equator. More studies are necessary to be conducted for advance development of wind turbine technology in Indonesia. This study aims to propose a preliminary design of a small three blade taperless horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) which is feasible with wind energy potential from the previous study. In the current study, NACA 4418 airfoil was used to design the 3D model of the blade with 0.9 m radius of the blade.
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)—A Case Study and Review of Literature[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Etmont Celiku, Dr. Drini Shehi, Suzana Mukaj, Earta GegaFamilial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a syndrome characteristically having numerous (hundreds to thousands) polyps in the epithelium of the large intestines with an autosomal dominant inheritance caused by germ line mutations in adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene in chromosome 5q21. Most FAP patients have a family history of colorectal polyps and cancer but 25-30% of them are "de novo", without any clinical or genetic evidence of FAP in family members. Prophylactic proctocolectomy is required in almost all patients since all affected patients inevitably develop cancer. We report a case of a 24-year-old girl who presented with recurrent bleeding per rectum, which on evaluation as found to have multiple colorectal polyps and underwent a prophylactic proctocolectomy with end continent ileostomy. In conclusion, patients with FAP may present with vague abdominal complaints and without any family history, hence need to be carefully evaluated. Good patient compliance is of prime importance in deciding the treatment and surveillance modality subsequently determining the prognosis of patients with FAP.
Association Rule Mining based on a Modified Apriori Algorithm in Heart Disease Prediction[Full-Text ] Anirudh Batra, Mohanasundaram R, Rishin HaldarHeart diseases is the principal source of death in numerous nations. To limit this amount of deaths can be a tedious task since it will involve a significant change in our lifestyles, and in some cases, it may occur due to circumstances beyond our control. Nevertheless, this number can be reduced by using an efficient detection technique. This is where data mining comes in.
Eating disorders, Etiology and treatment method: Review[Full-Text ] Sara Mohammed Alshahrani, Ahmad Atea Alharthy, Mohammed Fahad Alharthi, Ozoof Sami JabaliEating disorder is serious psychological problem with not exact etiology. Early recognition can improve treatment and prevent serious complications. In this review we will discuss background, etiology and treatment methods of Eating Disorders. Electronic databases, including the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Scopus were searched for published studies concerning eating disorder up to July 2018.
PRINCIPLES TO MAINTAIN PHYSICAL FITNESS IN ISLAM[Full-Text ] QUTAB NISARHuman life has two aspects one of them is spiritual , which is related to the soul and the other is physical, which is concerned with human body. Both should be fit to maintain human health. Physical fitness of the body is also necessary for human soul . Because, if the body is healthy ,Man will get spiritual bliss Worshiping Allah in an excellent manner And he will be able to follow completely manner/the way of worship ordered by Allah.
Design and Construction of an Automatic Security System of a Door Using RFID Technology[Full-Text ] Syed Mamun R Rasid, Fazlur Rashid, Md. Ali Ahsan Sabri, Md. Rakibul IslamAccess control is the process of verifying a user's claimed identity and giving or denying the access. The aim of the proposed system is to construct a secure access control system to control the entry of various items through a door or a passage using RFID technology. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems will become pervasive in our daily lives due to their low cost and easy to use characteristics. At the very simplest level, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies allow the transmission of a unique serial number wirelessly, using radio waves. The two key parts of the system that are needed to do this are the RFID 'tag' and the 'Reader'.
PERCEPTION STUDY OF TEACHERS AND STUDENTS REGARDING THE FUNCTIONALITY OF SEMESTER SYSTEM IN AGRICULTURE[Full-Text ] N.Pokharel, M. Jaishi and S.SubediThe study was conducted in two constituents and two affiliated colleges of Tribhuvan University with objective to study the perception of students and teachers towards curriculum, syllabus and regularity of classes, and teaching method. Self-structured questionnaire was administered for the collection of data and collected data was analyzed through using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY OF RIVERS STATE SHORELINE TO OIL SPILL USING FUZZY LOGIC[Full-Text ] Olerum Vivan Akunna, Lawal O., Ogoro M., Chiweike V NRivers state shoreline is a crucial area because of its economic and environmental parameters, so determining its sensitivity to an oil spill is very important. In this research, physical (landform, slope, soil, land cover) and human (population) resources where utilized. These parameters where chosen as they show the possibility and ease of cleanup and remediation. In order to create a spatially explicit model of environmental sensitivity across Rivers state shoreline, these data (landform, slope, soil, land cover and population) were collated and processed in GIS environment.
An Empirical Review of Blockchain Algorithms for Cryptocurrency Mining[Full-Text ] Jiangda ZhaoBlockchain and its first implementation Bitcoin have gained widespread attention in the past few years, and the blockchain system today is comparable to the internet in its early years. Blockchain has many similarities to the internet: both are decentralized networks, without a single point of control. For example, in the Bitcoin system, anyone can download a Bitcoin program and start participating in the system–no authentication needed. Additionally, both are emergent technologies, with companies investing heavily in the technologies’ initial years of development: Ethereum has been endorsed by over thirty large firms. [5] Lastly, both have the potential for a myriad number of uses.
Ups And Downs between Pak-Us Relation and Challenges for Pakistan 2000-2010[Full-Text ] Liaqat Ali Chandio, Amir Ahmed KhuhroThe 20th century is for liberal democracy, liberty, equality, democracy, moderation and human rights, globalization of economy, peace, multi-literalism, and arms control, conflict resolution, political norms, peace and security which unified world community against war of terrorism. After 9/11, the ups and downs took placed due to three main turning points, disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, US became champion for global as well as regional security, the terrorist attack. Therefore war against terrorism envisaged a new connection between America and Pakistan, during that Pakistan faced difficulties and became important friend for American in South Asia against the war on terror.
ECOFRIENDLY MANAGEMENT OF CABBAGE APHID, Brevicoryne brassicae L. ON CABBAGE IN FARMER’S FIELD, DHADING, NEPAL[Full-Text ] Samsher Basnet, R. B. Thapa, Rajendra Regmi and S. M. ShresthaCabbage is important vegetable among crucifers, cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on cabbage significantly reduces the yield in terms of quality and quantity. A field experiment was conducted using treatments namely, i) Spinosad @0.25ml/lit, ii) Spinosad @0.5 ml/lit, iii) Spinosad @0.725 ml/lit, iv) Margosom @2.50 ml/lit, v) Margosom @5ml/lit, vi) Margosom @7.5ml/lit, vii) Beauveria bassiana @1ml/lit, viii) Beauveria bassiana @2ml/lit, ix) Beauveria bassiana @3ml/lit and x) control.
On the Multiple Access Technique for 5G Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] M. Saber, A. Nader, Mohamed E. NasrThe next generation of wireless networks (5G) aims to provide a high capacity, high data rate, while the available spectrum will remain the same, so it is important to search for a modulation technique capable of achieving the 5G requirements. Although, orthogonal division multiple access (OFDM) is the signaling method in (4G) provides a good performance it has many limitations make it not suitable for (5G) specifications.
The Affect of Socio-Economic & Political Living Conditions on Human Behavior and Human Relations At the local and international level-Palestine as the case study[Full-Text ] Basem H.QashouThis study aimed at examining the affect of Socio-Economic and political Living conditions on human behavior and human relations - Among people at the local and international level - Palestine as the case study.
Optimization and Prediction of Effect of Turning Parameters on Tool Wear Rate and Surface Roughness using Response Surface Methodology[Full-Text ] Erameh, A.A., Achebo, J.I., and Osarenmwinda, J.OThis present study tackled an optimization and prediction problem by the application of Response Surface Methodology Approach through a case study in straight turning of EN8 mild steel bar using HSS cutting tool. The study aimed at evaluating the best process environment which could simultaneously satisfy requirements of quality of turned components. The predicted optimal setting ensured minimization of the rate of cutting tool wear (TWR) and surface roughness (Ra), through CCD using version 7.0 of Design Expert software.
A Proposed Model of IoT Security Management System Based on A study of Internet of Things (IoT) Security[Full-Text ] Samah Osama M. Kamel, Nadia H. HegaziThe Internet of things (IoT) is a new intelligent communications in the world which provides many applications such as industry, communications, agriculture, business and etc. All researches and many organizations concentrate on the development of IoT to present many services and develop our life.
Globalisation - Poverty Reduction Nexus: The Case of the ASEAN[Full-Text ] Chanhsy SamavongThe paper aims to examine the globalization-poverty reduction nexus in ASEAN countries. The Human Development Index (HDI) and Gross Domestic Product per capita (PGDP) are two key variables that measure welfare or poverty reduction. These variables used to explain the impact of globalization on welfare which are foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and international trade.
Organic Photovoltaic Device Characterization for Binary P3HT- PCBM and Ternary P3HT-P3OT-PCBM Blends[Full-Text ] Defaru Negera, Prof.Teketel YohannesOrganic photovoltaic devices using P3HT: PCBM, P3HT:P3OT: PCBM as an active layer on ITO coated glass substrates were made-up and characterized. Different devices were produced of the same sample in the same conditions and the characteristics were compared with that of a standard thin film polycrystalline silicon solar cell. It was found that the device fabricated from the samples prepared improves the short circuit current (Isc) compared to the silicon solar cell. The Open circuit voltages for the binary devices were also high. But the open circuit voltages (Voc) for the ternary devices and the efficiency were lowest for the Samples.
A lossy source coding algorithm using the least significant bits[Full-Text ] B.Purna KumariEnhanced radiometric and geometric specifications of the sensors, on-board remote sensing satellites, result in large volumes of data that has to be downlinked. Several compression techniques like JPEG, JPEG 2000, with different encoding, are being employed to compress the data. Here a simple lossy source coding algorithm, using the least significant bits (LSBs), is being proposed to reduce the number of bits to be transmitted. The maximum loss in information of the digital number count will be one-fourth the maximum value of the number of the LSBs. Some of the advantages of the algorithm are good compression with minimal loss in information, conducive for acquiring high bit data, simple and inexpensive compression logic and the algorithm does not introduce artifacts.
Comparison between Traditional Approach and Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) Approach in Teaching College Algebra[Full-Text ] Joan L. IsipThe study focused on the comparison between Traditional approach and Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach in teaching College Algebra among BEEd students of College of Teacher Education of President Ramon Magsaysay State University A.Y. 2017-2018. Quasi-experimental research design was utilized in the study with formative test as the main instrument for data gathering.