Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017.
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Modulation of Metabolic and Contractile Dysfunctions of Soleus Muscle in Type 1 Diabetic Rats by Stevia Rebaudiana Bert. Extracts and Some of Its Derivatives: Comparative Experimental Study[Full-Text ] Amani M.D. El-Mousalamy, Abdelaziz M. Hussein, Seham A. Mahmoud, Khalid M. ElAzabThis study was carried out to evaluate effect of stevia extracts and some of its derivatives (chlorogenic acid, CGA and stevioside, S) on metabolic dysfunctions and contractile functions of soleus muscle and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression in STZ-induced type 1 diabetic rats. Forty-eight male Sprague Dawely rats were divided into 6 equal groups 1) normal control (NC) group; normal rats received 0.75 ml normal saline, 2) DM groups; diabetic rats received 0.75 ml normal saline, 3) DM+ I(insulin); as DM group but rats received 1.0 IU mixtard insulin/100 g, 4) DM + MSE group; as DM but rats received 200 mg/ kg of methanolic extract of stevia, 5) DM+ S as DM but rats received 2 mg /kg of pure stevioside and 6) DM+ CGA as DM but rats received 10 mg / kg of pure chlorogenic acid.
Prevalence of Low Back Pain Among Physiotherapist of Lahore[Full-Text ] Sania Saifullah, Rabiya Noor, Salman Bashir, Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Amir GilaniThe main objective of this study was to indicate the prevalence of low back pain and level of disability in physiotherapists. A questionnaire based survey was undertaken to detect the prevalence of low back pain and level of disability in 351 physiotherapist ( 23- 35 years old) by using Oswestry and VAS scale. Collected data treated statistically by SPSS. Total physiotherapist are 351 ,with equal ratio of males (51%) and females(49%) . 29 year old and above 30 year physiotherapist were more prone to develop low back pain, 53 physiotherapist among 351 having 71% low back pain in age of 29 .distribution of pain among 351 physiotherapist in VAS 33(9.40%) female having severe low back pain and 28(7.98%) are males with severe low back pain. Physiotherapist are majorly at high risk of Low back pain and level of disability .It is associated with heavy load shifting, job requirements, environmental and occupational conditions and work for long duration without any rest . Low back pain is also related with age, gender, BMI, and socio-demographic data of physiotherapist .
WILFRED OWEN’S POETRY : A STUDY[Full-Text ] P. Moby Samuel, Jeeva Michael RajThis paper focus on the Wilfred owen’s poetry is against the war and more especially the ill effects caused by the war on the body and more importantly on the mind of the soldiers. The body on the wounds never stop there – it makes them impotent, immobilizes them, makes them bed ridden, eventually they get bored in the hospital bed – this creates mental illness as well – More than seventy percent of the war wounded soldiers face depression at some point in their life.
EFFECT OF OPERATIONAL TEMPERATURES IN EFFICIENCY OF SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER[Full-Text ] Kamala Priya BThe most common application of Shell and tube heat exchangers are nuclear power plants, surface condensers and hydraulic power packs. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of various operational temperatures for finding out the heat transfer rate at particular temperatures. By using the reference dimensions published in the grab cad, shell and tube heat exchanger is modeled and numerical analysis is done using Autodesk Software Attempts were made to investigate the heat transfer rate by varying the temperatures namely 10o, 20o, 25o& 30o.The results are observed to be that hot outlet temperatures of Shell and tube heat exchangers has given a converged solution for the formulated expression.
REVIEW OF AGILE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] AgwiUche Celestine and Ogwueleka Francisca NonyelumSoftware development methodology refers to one or more techniques for building software. Agile software development describes a set of principles and practices that support adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement of the software product, which encourages rapid and flexible response to change. This paper is a review of agile software development methodologies. Several literature materials on software development methodologies were reviewed. The paper provides an overview of agile methodology, types, strengths, weaknesses, and applications of agile development methodologies in software development projects.
Modeling of Gross Regional Domestic Product in Central Java, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Lydia Mirna Wening Handayani, Anik Djuraidah, Utami Dyah SyafitriGross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at constant prices is the main indicator to measure the region's economic growth. Java Island still contributes the largest of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Central Java is one of the three largest provinces in Java Island, but the GRDP average of Central Java is still far behind the other two others. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the factors affecting GRDP in Central Java. The addition of time elements in this data as consequence of the GRDP were measured every year. The analysis used was panel data regression analysis. This aims of this paper was to investigate the factors which affected GRDP by panel data regression analysis in Central Java. The observed data were recorded from 2011-2015. The results showed that the factors which were affecting the GRDP were original local goverment revenue, regional minimum wage, and human development index.
On Certain results involving bilateral basic Hypergeometric Functions and ratio of infinite products[Full-Text ] Neera A. Herbert, Mr. Akash Kumar SrivastavSome bilateral basic hypergeometric functions can be expressed in the form of ratio of infinite products. In this paper, an attempt has been made to establish the results involving two bilateral basic hypergeometric functions and ratio of infinite products. We have also established the results involving three bilateral basic hypergeometric functions and ratio of infinite products by using suitable identities and changing the parameters in well known results involving bilateral basic hypergeometric functions.
BRT(Bits Rotation Technique)[Full-Text ] Mirza Mehran BaigIn data communication when we send data from on side to another then due to some impairments the data corrupts and couldn’t receive the same. it is due to noise heat and some other errors. As the data converts in 0 and 1 form before transmission and during transmission some 0 changes from 0 to 1 and vice versa. many techniques available but we purpose a method BRT.
The Impact of Climate Change on Solar Radiation and Energy in Some Parts of Oyo State, South West, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Aogo O.A, Oyewola O.MThis study was carried out to investigate the impact of climate change on solar radiation and energy in South West Nigeria, using 10 years meteorological data of Ibadan (longitude 3.9° E, latitude 7.43° N), Iseyin (longitude 3.6 ° E, latitude 7.97° N) and Shaki (longitude 3.47° E, latitude 8.35° N) as a case study. Both the monthly and annual mean data for the three locations were analyzed statistically using excel spreadsheet and SPSS software. The analyses used to investigate the impact of climate change on solar radiation and energy includes trend, scenario, correlation, regression, comparative and impact analysis. The study suggests that when designing solar PV systems for these areas, at least 8%, 15% and 25% reduction in projected Solar PV output (for Ibadan, Iseyin and Shaki respectively) should be considered in addition to the usual provisions in designing such systems to provide for the future impact of climate change on the solar radiation and Solar PV output.
Blood Culture:Study and Statistics[Full-Text ] Zairah WasimBlood culture test is done in the laboratory in which blood is taken from the patient which is then inoculated into bottles containing culture media to find whether infection causing micro- organisms (bacteria or fungi) have conquered the patient’s bloodstream. The complete process of blood culture consists of- collecting the sample correctly, detecting and identifying micro-organisms causing bloodstream infections and providing an antibiotic susceptibility test result for the clinician. Sepsis is considered as one of the challenges in critical care, and early diagnosis of the same is one of the most decisive factors in determining outcome of the patient.
The problem of traffic congestion in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Waleed Y KhawagiThe emergence of traffic and subsequently traffic congestion in urban road networks are increasing worldwide with the growing number of vehicles, which results in excess delays, and reduced safety. The aim of this paper is to use many GIS functions (network analyst, shortest path) in evaluating traffic congestions point during working day hours according to roads directions. The study area is a residential area of Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. A geo-database is designed that includes the road network with their directions that located in Jeddah city. Several GIS functions are used in this paper including network analyst and overlay analysis using ArcGIS 10.2. The priority results are utilized in evaluating congestion points according to roads direction, which can help planner in re- assigning roads directions to mitigate congestion points at all parts of Jeddah city.
Phytochemical Analysis & Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Abrus precatorius[Full-Text ] Tania Tabassum, Muhammad Afaz Uddin, Abdullah Humayun Chowdury, Selim Muhammad Rezaul KarimAbrus precatorius belonging to the Fabaceae family, is an effective medicinal herb. The present study was designed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of methanolic extract of Abrus precatorius plants. We also did the phytochemical investigation of the plant extract. The methanolic extract of plant contains many bioactive chemical constituents like alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, carbohydrate and gums etc. Antioxidant activity was determined by using 1, 1-diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assays. The IC50value for Abrus precatorius was found to be 14.87μg/ml. The result indicates a strong antioxidant activity.
Performance Efficiency in Research of the Departments of College of Arts and Sciences: Basis for a Research Capability Training Program[Full-Text ] Eduard M. Albay, Ralph Vincent E. Alambra, Delia M. Imperial, and Dan Vergel M. MasiongThe aim of this study is to determine the performance efficiency in research of the four departments of the College of Arts and Sciences in DMMMSU-SLUC using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Solver during the years 2015 and 2016. It also determined the: (1) performance efficiency level of the departments in research; (2) peer groups and weights of the departments; (3) virtual inputs and virtual outputs or potential improvements of the departments; (4) research capability building training program that can be developed based on the results. Findings of the study showed that: 50% of the departments are fully efficient while the other 50% are inefficient in research. The fully efficient departments, BPSD and MADD, serve as models for improvement in research of the inefficient departments, LD and HSSD, to be in the efficient frontier. The BPSD and MADD serve as peers for the inefficient HSSD and LD, respectively, with different weights to consider. Fully efficient departments do not have virtual inputs and virtual outputs. Only HSSD and LD posted virtual inputs and virtual outputs in the research input and output indicator. Based on the results, a CAS Capability Building Training Series was developed to sustain the performance in research of the College of Arts and Sciences and to achieve a better research performance for all the college’s departments.
Extent of Implementation and Level of Students’ Satisfaction on Student Services Programs of DMMMSU[Full-Text ] Delia V. EismaThe main thrust of the study is to determine the extent of implementation of the student services programs of the College and the University as a whole as perceived by the students of the College of Arts and Sciences and the level of satisfaction of the students on the implementation of these student services programs. The study includes the following student services programs of DMMMSU: Student Welfare Services - These are basic services and programs that promote and ensure students’ well-being. They include the following services: Guidance and Counseling, Scholarship and Financial Assistance, Mutual Aid, Career and Placement, Alumni Relations, Student Housing, Admission and Records, Medical and Dental, Food and Library Services. Student Development Programs and Services -These are designed for the exploration, enhancement, and development of the student’s full potential for personal development, leadership, and social responsibility through various institutions and student-initiated activities. They include the following services: Student Government and Council, Student Organizations and Activities, Student Publication, Spiritual, Cultural, and Sports Development. In general, the students rated the Cultural Development program as the highest with a descriptive rating of “Very Highly Implemented” while all the other student services programs are rated as “Highly Implemented”. The students are also highly satisfied in the implementation of all these student welfare and student development programs and services.
Feature Point Extraction by Adaptive Over-Segmentation and Feature Point Matching for Effective Digital Image Forgery Detection[Full-Text ] Ms. Tabassum Sultana, Dr. Uma N Dulhare, Mr. Shaik RasoolThe invention of the web has introduced the incredible growth and developments within the noted analysis fields like medication, satellite imaging, processing of image, security, biometrics, and biological science. The algorithms applied in the twenty 21st century has created the human life easier and secure, but the security is a major concern in the digital image processing domain. A new study is presented in this paper to detect forgery using the adaptive over-segmentation and feature point matching. Both block based and key point based forgery detection methods is integrated here. Adaptive over segmentation algorithm is used to segment the host image into non -overlapping and irregular blocks adaptively. Feature points are extracted from every block as block features and the block features are matched with one another to locate suspected forgery region. The feature points are gradually replaced by super pixels in the proposed Forgery Region Extraction algorithm and then neighboring blocks that have similar local color features are merged into the feature blocks to form merged regions; finally, morphological operation is applied to the regions which shows the detected forgery regions. The proposed forgery detection algorithm achieves much better detection results even under various challenging conditions than earlier methods in all aspects.
Environmental Impacts on Groundwater of Wadi Bani Malik, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Hassan M. Saleem, Ali M. Subyani, Amro ElfekiGroundwater resources are precious everywhere for agriculture and human activities, especiallly where no rivers or surface water. Groundwater may be subject to contamination through the natural impact of the quality of the water bearing formation or human activities. Wadi Bani Malik, located in Jeddah city of Saudi Arabia, is exposed to environmental degradation as a result of the dumping of waste and sewage for more than 20 years. This study aims to detect the contaminants movement and to find the environmental impact of groundwater of the study area. The degree of pollution is recognized from the analysis of the toxic and trace elements of groundwater in the basin. The results show that sulfur, boron, arsenic, lithium, and barium analysis are in high concentration that exceeds the maximum acceptable level due to the disposal of sewage dumping in the basin.