Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2017.
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LHRH Receptor Monoclonal Antibody 4F3B10 Induces Apoptosis of HeLa Cells[Full-Text ] Xin Deng, Peipei Zhang, Guoli ZhangBackground: Cellular receptors that overexpressed in the tumor tissues are effective targets for the development of specific targeting agents for cancer cells. These drugs have high specificity for target organs and reduced side effects in patients. Overexpression of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone receptor (LHRHR) has been reported in some solid tumors. Here, we investigated the effect and mechanism of the LHRHR monoclonal antibody 4F3B10 on HeLa cells.
Consultant’s Level of Interaction and Referral to Physical Therapist[Full-Text ] Muhammad HaiderUllah Khan, Ashfaq Ahmad, Syed Ijaz Ahmed Burq, Syed Amir Gilani, Muhammad Abdullah KhanThe main objective of this study was to investigate theconsultant’s level of interaction and referral to physical therapist. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on the consultants of different health care facilities located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Descriptive statistics were applied. Results revealed that out of two sixty five participants that were recruited for this study, 83.8% of the participants had interacted with physical therapist in their life time. While 16.2% revealed that they never interacted with physical therapist.94.3% of the participants referred patients to the physical therapist. While 5.7% didn’t refer at all. This studyconcluded that there is high interaction and referral rate among different specialties of consultants.
Microbiological and Physico-chemical Characteristics of the soils of Waste Collection Sites in Umunneochi Local Government Area of Abia State Southeast Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ochuba C.O,Ememe N.M,Nwangwu B.C,and Ironua C.SSoils from waste collection sites in umunneochi local government area of Abia state Nigeria were sampled to determine the physico-chemical qualities and microbial densities before waste products are discarded into their appropriate dumpsites. Standard analytical methods were utilized in the study. A high microbial density in the range of 2.1 x 104 to 1.2 x 106 cfu/g was observed in the samples. Total fungal count was generally less than the bacterial population. The physico-chemical qualities of the soil appear to be above acceptable standards. Temperature ranged from 24. 5 to 28 while pH was between 3. 2 to 7.1.The value for Organic matter was 2. 08% which was found to be conducive for chelate development, and could allow leachates from the decomposed waste to invade the ground water table.
Integrated Solid Waste Management and Development of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for Collection and Transportation In Kandahar city, Afghanistan[Full-Text ] Fida Mohammad SahilThis paper assessed current situation of solid waste management system in Kandahar city, Afghanistan which is one of the south Asian developing countries, whose economic growth and changing life style have increased in recent years, so these changes have significantly increased the quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW), which can causes air, surface and ground water pollution. AHP model was applied to compare different alternatives base on collection and transportation methods, of the waste generation per capita per day. Kandahar city population generate 937 tonnen of solid wastes every day, on an average 59% of the waste is collected and transfer to open dump disposal site. The remaining waste go through open ignore therefore, the (AHP) model will provide a sustainable collection and transportation services, safe and healthy environment with increased quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW). The numbering issue is that all types of municipal solid waste are dumped in one landfill that is located 8 km far away from the city center, in Haji-Amirlalai villages, but it is operated as a dump site.
Bioluminescent bacteria in a closed environment an approach for a biolight source[Full-Text ] Serag A.M, Higazy A. M, Abdelhadi A. A, Biomy Energy problem is the trap of modern sociality where light costs much, in efficient and causes pollution. In this approach closed Eco-spheres were utilized to support life for Vibrio azasii a light-emitting bacterium using simple, recycled and cheep supplies. The light produced by the system is not bright yet usable in terms of lighting the streets, ornamental and night signs. Considering its low production price, long life span expectancy, Eco-friendly and it is sustainable only by day light as an energy source. During this study new opportunities arose regarding the use of V. azasii bacterium as a biodetector for heavy metal pollution in water and soil and production of omega-three essential fatty acid by means of fermentation. Finally the use of the closed ecosystems itself as a “Noah's ark” representative for the microbiome flora of its sampling zone for post-catastrophe bio-remediation.
Production Methods, Economics and Effects of Spirulina Food Supplementation on Malnourished Children[Full-Text ] Serag A.M, Higazy A.M, Basir M, Mappiratu H, Nilawati J , Rahman N, Bohari, BurhanuddinThe world demand for food and energy is ever exponentially growing. According to the UN we will need 50% more food by the year 2050. Therefore. exploiting new resources is urgent. Experiments on Spirulina as a dietary supplement, economic comparison with Spirulina recording on FM medium about 68% protein in dry weight 15~18g*m-2week-1(differs with temperature and sunlight exposure), .The Algae showed environmental and economic viability compared to other comparable products and for unit of value product in since of 1g protein for Spirulina vs. soy bean was 0.7:0.9 cents and land use of 17:1 g*m-2 year-1(according to National Soybean Research Laboratory. Retrieved 2015-10-14. estimate), also it is hypo-allergic compared to beans and nuts generally . A human supplementation experiment was done on malnutrition effected individuals ageing from 20 month to 5y old to compare the Spirulina protein to a placebo and whey protein showing significant superiority of Spirulina . Dosage of 2.5 g/day Spirulina gave similar effects to 7.5 g of whey, yet higher dosages showed some adverse effects, causing significant muscular growth but over all weight staggering.
The Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Medicine[Full-Text ] Bashair S. AlhubaishiBackground:Non-communicable diseases management such as cancers often represent a difficult situation. Discoveries of nanotechnology in physics and chemistry were extensively introduced for application in the biomedical field. Nanoparticles imply multimodal uses in bio-detection, drug delivery and diagnostic imaging due to their surfaces ability to interact and interfere effectively with biological environment and targeting cell-surface receptors.
Simulation of Hydrodynamic Parameters of Dhaka Peripheral River System of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Rezwana Binte Hafiz, Afeefa Rahman, Dr. Anika YunusDhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh is surrounded by a peripheral river network of about 111 km which includes Turag, Buriganga, Dhaleshwari, Shitalakhya and Balu involving one major khal named as Tongi canal. The water quality in this river network is deteriorating gradually by domestic and industrial activities leading the contamination to such a devastating level that is hampering the ecological balance. Therefore the study on the detailed assessment of flow availability in the river network is of immense importance. The objective of this study is designed to assess the hydrodynamic parameters including water level, discharge and flow field along the peripheral river system of Dhaka. For assessing the hydrodynamic condition, a 1D numerical model has been developed and simulated in HEC-RAS for the year 2016. The model simulated stage hydrographs have been compared with observed stage hydrographs at station Tongi of Tongi canal and Dhaka Mill Barrack of Buriganga river to calibrate and validate the model using Manning's roughness, n as the tuning parameter. Time series plots on the hydrodynamic parameters have been generated to assess the variation along the peripheral network. Eventually, scenarios have been developed by changing the flow at the upstream boundaries to see the plausible impact of water reduction on river hydrodynamics. It is hoped that the study will be helpful to assess hydrodynamic parameters and pollution scenario of other rivers.
Technical Efficiency of Catfish and Nile Tilapia Farming in Bangka Tengah Regency: A Stochastic Frontier Production Approach[Full-Text ] Nades Triyani, Farit Mochamad Afendi, Budi WaryantoCatfish and nile tilapia are food commodities which are important in fulfilling the need for nutrient consumption of most Indonesian people. In addition to domestic requirement, there is challenge of competitiveness at the level of ASEAN, namely the estabilishment of a free-market of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). To increase the competitiveness, the quality of fishery product, particularly from catfish and nile tilapia farming, need to be improved. One effort to be performed is through the improvement of fingerlings and broodstock quality, as well as improvement in human resource and technology. Based on these reasons, research has been done and the purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting catfish and nile tilapia production and to measure the level of technical efficiency.
Cooperative Model Predictive Control for Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems using Dynamic Matrix Control[Full-Text ] Aishwarya Shinde In this paper, we examine a cooperative model predictive control for distributed photovoltaic (PV) power generation systems using Dynamic Matrix control(DMC). The proposed control strategy not only makes all the distributed PV generators converge and operate at the same ratio of the available power, but also regulates the total power output of all the PV generators to ensure the stability of the distributed power generation systems. Simulation results on case study of the 4-machine 14-bus distributed power generation test system are provided to verify the validness and effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
The Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and Its Impact on Quality of Life among Taibah University Students[Full-Text ] Kenana Owaidah , Maryam Alshanqiti , Abdulrahman Alquliti, Sahal Arabi , , Asmaa Aloufi , Eman NaguibObjectives : to estimate the prevalence of GERD among Taibah University students , Al-madinah –KSA and detection of its risk factors and its impaction on the quality of their lives. Methods : a cross-sectional descriptive study on 501 students using the Gastroesophageal reflux disease questionnaire (GerdQ) for diagnoses, and GERD impact scale (GIS) questionnaire for risk factors and its overall impact on quality of life .The risk factors assessed included age, obesity (BMI), alcohol and tobacco consumption, bronchial asthma, as well as the presence of other co-morbid diseases such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. statistical analysis done by SPSS version 22.0 . Results : sample included 68.06% females . 13% previously diagnosed with GERD , 3% which diagnosed through endoscopy. with duration extends up to 7 years . most treatment used among these patients were PPIs . 1.6% have persistent symptoms despite treatment .commonest GERD symptoms were heartburn (45.9%), regurgitation (45.7%), epigastric pain (43.3%), nausea and vomiting (41.9%), sleep disturbance (36.3%) food intolerance (28.7%), decreased productivity (24.8%) and last the need for relieving medications (20.2%).in terms of risk factors significant relations were found between Body mass index and heartburn (P.value = 0.039) , Drinking alcohol and GERD (P.value = 0.017) . Type of food and heartburn (P.value = 0.036). Conclusion : in our study GERD found to be prevalent in young adults and the presence of Heartburn was significantly associated with obesity .
Employers’ Feedback on Graduates of Pangasinan State University (PSU), Philippines[Full-Text ] Rosanna D.Gonzales, Reynaldo T. Gelido, Adonis S. Bautista, Sally A. Jarin, Catherine N. LumantaGraduates are considered to be the most significant factor in determining whether institutions are successful in inculcat-ing and developing the appropriate knowledge, attitudes, skills, habits and values (KASHV) expected from them once able to enter the world of work. Hence, the employers are identified as the best partner in gathering feedbacks on how the graduates that they hired perform. The study is anchored in characterization theory and descriptive survey method was used. Results revealed that most of the graduates are females; belong to the age bracket of 20-27, in their early adulthood; holding the Teacher 1 position; most are single; recently employed in their present employers with Masteral units and license holders of the teachers’ eligibility. They had a wait time period of less than a year in landing their first job employment and had 1 year to less than 2 years before becoming permanent. The topmost reason of employers in hiring them is being a License holder and the least reason is being a recipient of pre-service honors/awards. Performance wise, they are rated “very satisfactory” on instructional competence; project development/management and leadership skills, “satisfactory” on research output; and “fair” on publication. They received “desirable” feedbacks from their employers.
AN APPROACH TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF LOW HEIGHT GRAVITY DAM[Full-Text ] Anupam Kumar Pandey, Rohit RaiThe development of any country like India depends upon infrastructure required to facilitate the requirement of irrigation because India is an eminent producers of agriculture products. India is a tropical country, where at some parts of it rain is fallen so much as flooded the area and while some parts has no rains. In these situations, The construction of dam at suitable site is needed on those rivers which carry huge amount of rain water. By constructing dams fair distribution of water is possible along with to provide facility of irrigation to crops. The dams also help in to protect areas flooded frequently by retaining flood water on upstream of dam, forming reservoir.
Cost Analysis for Irrigation Projects Using Solar Energy in Egypt[Full-Text ] Ahmed W. Soliman, Ayman H. Nassar, Ahmed M. SattarLocal and global, general and specific photovoltaic irrigation projects are introduced. Brief information about solar panels, their different types, their manufacturing, functionality, efficiency, and design processes are also presented. Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) is also described thoroughly, which is a brand new technology in the field of solar energy, and its possibility to be introduced to the Egyptian market, replacing flat plate c-Si Photovoltaic and conventional diesel generated power systems. A previous case study is introduced for a project operated in an area that has a similar Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) to that of Egypt. Furthermore, a composed case study is discussed in detail for a project to be implemented in the area of Alexandria, Egypt. Last but not least, a detailed cost analysis is then conducted for this exact project to demonstrate the economical difference between all the previously mentioned powering systems. Where Low Concentrated Photovoltaic (LCPV) was found to be the best alternative in terms of present and future value.
Measurement of Magnetic Field Emitted From Electrical Equipments in CSE Laboratories of Daffodil International University Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Quamruzzaman, Shahina Haque, Munima HaqueThe aim of this survey is to investigate whether the Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) emitted from various air conditioners and lab equipments affect the students, faculties and employees. There is a standard threshold value recommended by WHO for both electric and magnetic fields. Electro-Magnetic Field also named Non Ionizing Radiation is emitted from high power transmission lines, computer monitor/video display unit, radio waves of different frequencies, telecommunication, satellite, radar etc. which causes health hazards to living system and environment. There has not been much study performed in Bangladesh. The data were collected from Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department lab at Daffodil International University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Both threshold values of Electric and Magnetic fields were measured for various lab equipments and electric appliances. The maximum value of the magnetic field results showed that in some cases the magnetic field radiated from the different sources are greater than the threshold limit.
Evil’s body and body’s Evil: Data analysis[Full-Text ] Soukaina Hamdioui & Adriano CannafarinaA classic idea of violence is that it is attached to Evil, a malevolent act that we must eradicate to help a violent patient to be a reinserted into society. Lately, it has been reworked, violence is more and more seen as a defensive mechanism that expresses itself the most spectacularly in acting outs. But that, as far as it goes, is an explanation of violence and its destructive aspect. Yet it is still seen as a negative act in all dimensions, when it could be considered as the psychological violence that is being shored on the body, as a sign of great mental resilience against psychosis and a violent context. So destroying that strength is the same as wrecking patient’s defensive shell and vitality. The main objective is an analysis of the Evil’s predominance in violent behaviors, considering the psychomotor, neuropsychological and psychological dimensions of the violence. Conclusion: These considerations aim to detach Evil from violence, but don’t destroy the strength of it. What we call ‘violence’ would be a spring of strength that is being used to deconstruct, mentally and physically, instead of building.
To evaluate the effect of bike riding on posture and the associated deformities[Full-Text ] Dr.Abdul Rashad, Dr.Asad Ahmed, Dr.Mubarak Ali, Dr.Kiran Amir Ali, Dr.Alisha Noreen, Dr.Saman Habib Objective:To evaluate the effect of bike riding on posture and the associated deformities.
Study on Some Soil Physical and Chemical Properties on the Aroma of Jasmine Rice by Geographic Information System in Tung Kula Rong Hai Area[Full-Text ] Whadcharee Saetung and Vidhaya Trelo-gesJasmine Rice in Thailand is likely to export growth and rising demand in the world market because rice is good taste and smell like pandanus. The aroma of rice caused by a combination of many essential nutrients but the smell is caused by a substance found in rice of 2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline (2AP), a substance found in plant leaves (Pandonus amaryllifolins Rokb). The concentration of 2AP have been used as a benchmark to determine the price of rice, for example, aromatic jasmine rice in Tung Kula Rong Hai accuracy required dose of 0.1 micrograms per gram in 2AP up. For this reason, the study of some soil properties affecting the aroma of jasmine rice is necessary for consumers in order to obtain background information for use as a guide to decide selection jasmine rice quality further.
SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE CYSTAL METHYL 3,5-BIS(ETHYNYLOXY)BENZOATE[Full-Text ] Sivaranjani.T, Sakthimurugesan.K, JothilingamSathyaSavithri, Perumal Rajkumar, AaminaNaaz.YIn the title compound, C14 H13 O4, the benzene ring is surrounded by two Oxygen atoms and a Carbon atom. In the crystal, molecules are linked by C-H… π interactions. The chains are linked by offset π – π interactions [intercentroid distance = 3.9702(11) A ], forming sheets lying parallel to (011).
RISK MANAGEMENT AND PATIENT SAFETY CULTURE ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] SURBHI SAXENAPatient Safety is an important aspect of health care and is an issue of high concern nationally and globally, The Patient safety culture is defined as the integration of safety thinking and practices into clinical activities. Health care organization becoming aware of safety culture improvement and assessment has grown-up in parallel with increasing focus on different aspects of safety performance through providing a well-managed patient safety and Risk Management system.
Economic Losses and Implications of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Resurgence in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ayi Vandi Kwaghe, Columba Teru Vakuru, Mwapu Dika Ndahi, Salome Yakubu Tafida, Mairo Gujba Kachalla, Bitrus Ewa Elias, Zainab Abdulkareem, Gideon Mbursa Mshelbwala,Gidado Muhammed Madaki and Adamu Abdu EL-OjiHighly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus of the H5N1 subtype is a disease that has devastating effect on the poultry industry. So far, over 3.7 million birds have been culled and over 4million birds exposed in the current resurgence of the virus in Nigeria which was officially confirmed in the country on the 2nd of January 2015. H5N1 was first detected in the country in February 2006, in chickens at a commercial poultry farm in Kaduna state, Northern Nigeria and over 1.2 million birds were culled in the outbreaks that occurred from 2006 to 2008. This has led to the implementation of this study to estimate the losses due to the current resurgence in the country.
Geoelectrical Investigation of the Reservoir Aquifer Potential in RONIZ Plain, South East of Fars, Iran[Full-Text ] Sara Ghalamkari, Abdolmajid Asadi, Mohsen PourkermaniWater is one of the most valuable natural resources. This source provides about 40 percent of the power plantand finally we can say is very important for health and the economy. This water is the largest availablewater source and since has been stored in the basement, called groundwater. In developing countries Groundwater is one of the key issues for water supply in urban and rural areas. Therefore, fundamental studies and subsurface geophysical exploration was done in Roniz plain by using geoelectrical methods (electrical resistivity).Measurement involving vertical electrical sounding (VES) using Schlumberger array was taken along ninety seven (97) traverses using the PASI-Earth (16GL-N) Resistivity meter a maximum distance of 600m current electrode spread was adopted for this survey.
A small unmanned flapping airvehicle “Ornithopter”[Full-Text ] Ishant Dubey,Mohd.Amir,G.sai keerthanaThe analysis of the flight of insects, birds and ornithopters is difficult because there is limited aerodynamic theory applicable for the large amplitude unsteady wing motions. Furthermore, the complex wing shapes and wing motions encountered in insect and bird flight entails complex aerodynamic interactions. A systematic theoretical and experimental study has been pursued by the senior author for the past several years to gain a better understanding of the aerodynamic, dynamic and mechanical problems of flapping wing flight. The primary intent has been to establish a strong technical base necessary for the development of the ornithopter as an alternative to the helicopter. The helicopter is best suited for hovering flight and suffers greatly reduced efficiency as forward speed is increased. On the other hand, the ornithopter can achieve hovering flight, albeit with much more mechanical complexity, but promises high efficiency in forward flight. The method of attack for this study of the ornithopter has been to depart gradually from the conventional aircraft configuration so that the large body of knowledge accumulated in the development of the airplane could be applied to the study of the ornithopter. In this paper the results of the aerodynamic studies are presented because of their applicability to the modeling of insect and bird flight.
Comparative-study of Compressive-strengths and Densities of Concrete Produced with Different Brands of Ordinary Portland Cement in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Osagie Ibhadode, Taofiq Bello, A. E. Asuquo, F. W. Idris, F. A. Okougha, I. I. Umanah, M. C. Ugonna, D. N. Nwaigwe In this research paper, each of six (6) commonly-used brands [‘Dangote’, ‘Eagle’, ‘Ibeto’, ‘Lafarge’, ‘Purechem’ and ‘Unicem’] of Ordinary Portland Cement in Nigeria; were used to produce eighteen (18) cylindrical test-samples of ‘grade M10 normal-weight Concrete’ and another eighteen (18) cylindrical test-samples of ‘grade M15 normal-weight Concrete’ in accordance with ASTM C 192/C 192M Standard—which amounted to the casting and consequent testing of a total number of two hundred and sixteen (216) cylindrical concrete test-samples in all, i.e. thirty six (36) concrete test-samples per cement-brand.
Parallel Mobile Cloud Computing Platform Strategy[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Dhuha Basheer Abdullah, Basma Basil ZubairThe concept of cloud computing became famous in the last years due to the fast development in computing technology. The cloud computing means the capability of providing service of storing, processing, managing programs, and data over the network such as “Internet”. Mobile Cloud Computing is a new paradigm that appeared due to the increased usage of mobile devices. It provides cloud services for mobile devices, so it reduces resource and energy consuming that mobile device needs to store data or execute applications locally. Mobile cloud computing eliminates the problems that result from mobile device resource limitations. In this paper, a new platform was designed called Parallel Mobile Cloud Computing Platform (PMCCP). The platform is responsible for providing parallel cloud services for mobile and laptop devices. Microsoft cloud solution, i.e., System Center was utilized to build a private cloud. A prototype implementation for the environment was done by the design and analysis of two parallel services as web applications using ASP.NET and C#. These parallel web applications have been deployed on the private cloud. The parallel services were accomplished on cloud-based VM with two cores and on cloud-based VM with four cores. As well the results revealed that the platform is efficient and dependable.
A Case Study on Ground Improvement Techniques And Its Applications[Full-Text ] Shanko AyeleIt is due to rapid growth of population, fast urbanization and more development of infrastructures like build-ings, highways , railways and other struc-tures in recent past years has resulted in re-duction of availability of good quality of land.
Improving the Performance of Pre-service Teachers in Genetics through an Interactive Software[Full-Text ] Maria Cristina B. BandarlipeThis research aimed to improve the performance of pre-service teachers in Genetics and develop their TPACK confidence level using an interactive software. One-group pretest-posttest experimental design was used to examine the Pre-service teachers’ TPACK and to test the effectiveness of a validated interactive software in the perspective of the pre-service teachers. Twenty-seven pre-service teachers served as the respondents for the study.
Analysis of a Duct for Performance Improvement[Full-Text ] Bheesham Kumar Dewangan and S. S. K. DeepakThis paper gives basic description about a duct. Ducts are broadly classified along with their applications, advantages and their limitations. Also, major geometries of ducts along with their classification and their applications are described. This paper will serve as a reference for improving the performance of a duct by incorporating suitable changes.
Design and Implementation of ISAKMP Cryptographic Technique on an Educational Institution[Full-Text ] Tasniya Ahmed, Israt Jahan and Liton Jude RozarioThe purpose of this paper is to describe how to design a network for an educational institution where cryptographic ISAKMP policy is applied for ensuring the security of the network. Confidential papers like question papers are sometimes sent from one department to other. If the necessary security is not involved there, third party will steal the papers which can cause a disaster in the education system. This paper discusses the ISAKMP cryptographic policy and provides step by step instructions to avoid third party’s interruption in the educational institution.
Physicochemical and Microbiological Variations in Rivers on the Foothills of Mount Meru, Tanzania[Full-Text ] A. J. Kitalika, R. L. Machunda, H. C. Komakech, K. N. NjauLittle is known on the physicochemical and microbiological changes in Nduruma, Tengeru and Maji ya Chai Rivers. Such important variations were studied during wet and dry seasons in 2015. Water samples from various predetermined points of the rivers were analyzed for major physicochemical and microbial contents using APHA standard methods. Pollution levels in Tengeru River were lower than those of Nduruma and Maji ya Chai Rivers. The fecal coliforms were found in all water samples whereas other parameters were found to be within the WHO maximum permissible limits in most samples. Few samples had BOD, nitrates and total soluble phosphates levels higher than the WHO of 10 mg/l, 50 mg/l and 0.1 mg/l, respectively. Most areas in wet season recorded COD levels higher than the WHO recommended values of 10 mg/l. Few areas in the dry season had EC of up to 1722 µS/cm which is above the WHO maximum recommended level of 500-1500 µS/cm. The stable isotopes studies in water samples revealed sources of DOC in Nduruma River was from plant materials and soil composite with its nitrates being mainly from urea fertilizers applied by farmers. Ground water was the main source of DOC in headwater of Tengeru while manure was its main source in the floodplain with its nitrates originating from animal manure.DOC in Maji ya Chai River originated from plant materials whereas the nitrates was from wild animal manure. The observed severe degradations of the riparian environment of the rivers call upon immediate rehabilitation measures.
The Role of Probiotics in Celiac Disease and their Potential Effect on Immunological and Clinical Markers of The Disease[Full-Text ] Ghaidaa AM. Abdullah; Nidham M. Jamalludeen; Abbas A. MansourDevelopment an adjuvant therapies to gluten free diet in celiac disease (CD) is essential. Intestinal microbiota may have a task in celiac disease pathogenesis, a lower count of Lactobacillus has been noticed in the feces of CD patients on a gluten-free diet when was compared with healthy patients. On the other hand, enterobacteria have been shown to be increased, the imbalance that characterizes the gut microbiota of celiac patients may be restored by administration and usage of probiotics. There are very limited clinical studies assessing the hypotheses of probiotics effect on celiac disease patients. This study was designed to investigate the effect of probiotics on CD patients.
An Evaluation on Household Dietary Diversity, Food Security & Nutritional Status among the Tribal Households at ModhupurUpazilla in Tangail District, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Shariful Islam, Morshada Khatun, Kamalesh Chandra DeyA cross sectional study was carried out among the selected tribal households of ModhupurUpazilla in Tangail district to evaluate household dietary diversity, food security and hygienic condition. In this study we also assess the nutritional status of the respondents. Among 530 households we purposively selected 98 households for our study. Nutritional status was measured by BMI. In this study all of the 98 respondents were Garo and Koch. Among them 72 respondents were Garo who were Christian and 26 respondents were Koch who were Hindu. Among the respondents 27.6% were male and 72.4% were female.
Demographic Analysis and Identification of E-Commerce Spending Tendencies[Full-Text ] Naeem Th.YousirE-commerce websites provide customers with a wide variety of navigational options and actions: users can freely move through different product categories, follow multiple navigational paths to visit a specific product or use different mechanisms to buy products, the user activities are stored in the web server log file. The Temporal Logic and model checking techniques are as a different to data mining techniques. These techniques have produced their applicability for open systems. The goal is to analyze the usage of e-commerce websites and to discover customers’ complex behavioral patterns by means of checking temporal logic formulas describing such behaviors against the log model. At the beginning, web server logs are preprocessed to extract the detailed traces. When a user visits a product category or product sub category page, when a user adds a product to the wish list, when the search engine is used, etc. The business analyst can be used to the temporal logic patterns to formulate queries that could help users to discover and understand the way user use the website. Considering the website structure and contents as well as the different types of user’s actions, these queries can check the existence of complex causality relationships between events contained in the user’s sessions.
Comparative bio efficacy of Bioulmin-K and some other plant growth regulators on onion (Allium cepa ) under field conditions[Full-Text ] Dr LakshmiKanta GangulyPlant growth regulators (PGR) or bio stimulants always play a vital role in plant health management. There are different types of PGRs, among them humic acid, amino acid, n-tricontanol were taken to study their effect on onion crop in Madhya Pradesh, India during rabi season in the year 2015. One PGR Bioulmin - K, supplied by Envosol Global Limited (ScriptFert International Group, New Zealand) with four different dosages along with three other PGRs (humic acid, amino acid and n-tricontanol) collected from local market were tried for comparative bio-efficacy testing on onion crop as foliar spray and soil application with their standard dosage. Although all the treatments showed very good effect on shoot length, bulb diameter, bulb weight and yield of onion, Bioulmin-K at 1250 ml/acre showed significantly higher effect on plant health and finally yield.
OPTIMISATION OF THE COST OF LATERITIC SOIL STABILIZED WITH QUARRY DUST[Full-Text ] Dr. M. E. ONYIAThis paper proposes a model for optimising the production cost of loose lateritic soil stabilized with quarry dust using Scheffe’s experimental design techniques on simplex lattice. The developed model uses a polynomial of second degree to express the behaviour of the components of the mixture in a simplex lattice. Weights of different components of the mixture generated from Scheffe’s theory were used in arriving at the resulting cost model. The cost optimisation is based on current market prices of the mixture components, with a provision for future price fluctuation. A computer program for the cost optimisation based on the model is also developed. The cheapest mix proportion obtained by the model is 1:3:0.14 (Lateritic soil : Quarry dust : Water) with a total cost of 1768.26 Naira/m3. The model predictions were compared with the analytical results and found to be adequate at 5% significance level.
Magnetic treatment of culture medium enhance growth and minerals uptake of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in Fe deficiency conditions[Full-Text ] Houda TAIMOURYA, Mohamed OUSSIBLE, Lahoussaine BAAMAL, Abderrahmane EL HARIF, El Houcine ZAID, Abdelkrim GUEDIRA, Abdelaziz SMOUNIThe global climate change and competing water demands have put enormous pressure on water resources. Therefore, the optimal water management is essential to avoid risk to future water supplies and play a critical role in the sustainable development of agriculture. Magnetic treatment of water is a physical factors that improves water productivity and stimulates plant growth and development. This methods is getting more popular due to the harmless influence on the environment. The present study aims at gaining more insight on the effect of magnetic treatment of culture medium on growth and development of strawberry and tomato plants, and its effect on plants development and iron uptakes in a Fe deficiency condition. 5 weeks plants were cultivated for 3 weeks on BD liquid medium under four different treatments. Our results showed that the magnetic treatment lead to a significant increase in the number of leaves, the shoot length, the shoot fresh weight, the root length, the root fresh weight, and the Mg, Ca, Fe, K, P, and Na uptake. The use of magnetic treatment in Fe-deficiency condition represents a significant increase in all aforementioned growth parameters and in the ratio shoot-to-root. Also, plants irrigated with magnetic treated water have a higher photosynthetic pigments (ch a and ch b) than those observed in the control plants. These results suggest that magnetic treatment of culture medium improves plant growth and Fe uptakes which can be an interesting evolutionary solution to problems inherent in the calcareous soil.
World Trade Organization Accession impact on Iran’s Economy[Full-Text ] Afifa Jabbar, Fahad BashirThe study aim is to find the world trade organization accession impacts on economy of Iran. Is the world trade organization accession boast or depress the economy?To fulfill the aim of the study, data is taken from World Bank official website during the time period from 1990 to 2014. To measure the effect of world trade organization accession on economy, least square regression, and Langrage Multiplier used.It found that this world trade organization membership is not good for economy of Iran. It has a negative impact on Iran economy growth. Country should make some sound and basic steps to better deal with country level issues like political and strategic stability in Iran, justice with all region, and better implementation of policies, which are major reasons depressing its economy.A key limitation of this study is that, it used annual database because monthly, quarterly and semiannually data of all indicators were not available for every client.