Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 .
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RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRINCIPALS’ INSTRUCTIONAL SUPERVISION AND STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN SCIENCES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS[Full-Text ] Naomi N. Makau, Alexander Ronoh, Edward TanuiThe role of the school principal is to promote academic excellence of their students by focusing on teaching and learning in terms of measurable students’ progress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between principals’ instructional supervision and their students’ academic achievement in Sciences. Academic achievement was measured in terms of grades obtained in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE). Descriptive research design was adopted for this study.
TOURISM AS PANACEA OF NIGERIAN ECONOMIC DIVERSIFICATION[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Rafindadi AbdulrahmanNigeria is facing serious economic predicament, desiring diversification in order to achieve the desired development, especially with the change in government that is posed to fight corruption and bring rancor to common man. As a matter of priority, Nigeria government must encourage the diversification of its economy. It is the only viable way to survive the current global economic uncertainty with the volatility of oil price. Nigerian economy is mono-economy, depending on oil, it is crucial that the government should not believe oil can provide an endless source of revenue.
Performance Evaluation of Multi-Antenna Techniques in Long Term Evolution (LTE) Networks[Full-Text ] Gerald C. Eze, Longinus S. Ezema, and Haris O. Orah, Emeka OnuekwusiLong Term Evolution (LTE) is the final release of third generation (3G) leading to the fourth generation (4G) network. The demand for a very high speed network connection is the driving force for this mobile network evolution. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) are strong multiple access scheme candidates for the downlink and uplink of the LTE and LTE-Advanced Networks with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) being adopted by third generation partnership project (3GPP) as the standard for modulation technique used in transmission of high data rate in LTE Networks. In this research, a Matlab and Simulink software package were used to model and design an LTE downlink physical layer simulator according to 3GPP specifications. The simulation was carried out for the single downlink, from one eNodeB to User Equipment (UE). The performance of different multi-antenna techniques (transmission modes) was exploited in Diversity scheme and mobility environment with the aim of maximizing LTE performance using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Optimization. However, the result show that MIMO spatial multiplexing offers the best capacity gains at high SNR and Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing (OLSM) is more robust at high SNR followed by CLSM because of their ability to support high data throughput as well as multi-stream transmission. This research strengthens the belief that performance of different multi-antenna scheme configurations is better than single antenna scheme and that multi-stream transmission will be a practical method for improving the data throughput in LTE Networks than single stream transmission .
Waste Treatment in Cities Using "Plasma Gasification “as an Environmentally Friendly Technology[Full-Text ] Dr. BUSHRA ABDULRAHIM YASS, Prof. Dr. TALAL ABDALRAHIM YASThe reduction of the environmental pollution is one of the important challenges faced by the city planning process, especially waste disposal hazardous kinds of them and non-hazardous and which have a significant role in polluting the environment additional to the costs. The problem of the research is the limited effectiveness of the traditional methods used in waste collection and disposal that some of which is had been scrapped environmentally. The research aims to put modern technological methods to get rid of waste in cities out of the traditional methods to enforce the use of the Plasma Reactor in the treatment of all kinds of solid and gaseous and liquid waste without sorting, which saves sorting costs and time required for that, and leads to getting rid of all harmful compounds of the waste and get benefit from the outputs completely. The Plasma Reactor can reprocess sanitary landfills which had been existed many years ago and treatment of Waste water and the results of the backfill such as the toxic gases.
Waste Heat Recovery on IC Engines Using Organic Rankine Cycle[Full-Text ] Mr. Shashank Shetty, Dr. Sanjay Bokade. Ms. Amruta GokhaleOrganic Rankine Cycle is now-a-days rising as a new solution to the heat recovery system. By using this technology to recover the heat from the diesel engine will also help in reducing the fuel consumption. Dry or isentropic fluids can be used in the organic rankine cycles because of their operating ranges and critical temperature. In our research, R134a and R22 will be used as the working fluids. By comparing the results at different pressure and temperatures, the fluid to be used in the experimentation is decided. Available diesel engine from the college laboratory setup is subjected to the heat recovery. Analytically, R134a shows better performance when compared with R22 in same operation conditions. This efficiency indicates the amount of heat recovered out of the total available exhaust heat.
Effects of QO-STBC Coded DWT Based MIMO CDMA Wireless Communication System under Different Equalization Technique[Full-Text ] Md Matiqul Islam, Md. Mazedur RahmanThis paper incorporates a comprehensive BER simulation study undertaken on the effectiveness of a Quasi Orthogonal Space time block code (QO-STBC) encoded DWT Based MIMO CDMA wireless communication system. The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a promising technique for high bit rate transmission in wireless communications systems.
Shortlisting Candidates for Job using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Yash Shah, Rajiv Ramanathan, Rahil PatelIn today’s age of global competition, for industries it is very important to have human resources. In order to keep up with the dynamic nature of the current market it is important to select the right person for a particular post. Although many big industries have professional HR management team, shortlisting few candidates from hundreds of profiles is a tedious process and also the human decisions are not always precise. Therefore, by implementing this project we intend to develop a model which would help to make shortlisting the candidates easier. We have used fuzzy logic to implement the project. We have implemented fuzzy logic using fuzzy toolbox available in the MATLAB software.
Application of Adaptive Over Current Protection for Distributed Generation[Full-Text ] Nauman Ali, Waquar Ahmed, Abdul Khalique, Raja Zuhaib, Jamila NaumanThis paper focuses to realize the needs of a special and time variant system like, distribution grids with DG penetration by evolving methodology that permits a protection system. Adaptive protection approaches some of the shortcomings of traditional protection by adapting the obligation of nature of fault, numerous deviations in topology configuration, and operational state of power system. By calculate and modifying the setting values based on the sort of fault and the system impedance. Adaptive over current protection system is capable to react to system variations automatically, to ensure quick response during fault incidents and reliable protection action. The basic philosophy and verification rules of adaptive current protection are presented. Results of mathematically verification and simulation analysis indicate that this system has a large protection zone as compared to conventional system and feature of rapid setting speed and prevailing adaptive capability. The selectivity and sensitivity of protective relays, the reliability and safety of power supply can be advanced improved its application.
Comparison of Physical Properties, Proximate Composition and Milling Quality of Rice Grains from Different Branches within a Panicle[Full-Text ] Rizky Tirta Adhiguna, Sutrisno, Sugiyono, Ridwan Thahir The physical properties, proximate compositions and milling quality of rice grain from different branches within a panicle were compared. Two rice varieties, Sintanur (medium grain) and IPB-4S (long grain) were cultivated. At full maturity, the physical properties, proximate compositions and milling quality of rice grains from different branches within a panicle were studied. There were significant differences in grain dimensions, volume, thousand grain mass, bulk density, moisture, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, head rice yield, broken rice yield (large and small broken) and grain hardness of the rice grains among primary and secondary branch within a panicle for all two varieties, but no differences were found for shape, ash and grain whiteness. Bulk density, moisture, broken rice yield and whiteness tended to be lower in the rice grains from primary branch than in those from the secondary branch, and the other parameters showed the opposite trend for all two varieties. The differences of physical properties, proximate composition and milling quality studied in this papers are necessary information used in processing operations of rice grainand will provide a guide to geneticist and breeders seeking to develop varieties of rice.
Semantic Web and Intelligent Mobile Agent Based Architecture for Intelligent e-Learning System[Full-Text ] Gopal Sakarkar,Dr.S. P. Deshpande,Dr.V. M. Thakaree-Learning is an in-demand area of educational society. To provide the user friendly and personalize learning content is challenging task for such application. Semantic web is next step of web technology which provides interoperability and re-usability of content. Software Agent is an entity which is an advances version of object oriented programming’s paradigm. Agent has an ability to read and understand the content of web which is till date understood by human only. It helps to make a communication between machine to machine with an effective manner. The main focus of this paper to propose an innovative architecture of e-Learning system with the help of Semantic web technology and Mobile Agent based system and discuses the performance of proposed semantic web and mobile agent based approach.
Low Cost Gesture Detector Using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Nikita Sharma, AishwaryaNambiar, ShivamChakoo, TanmayDinde,Sreedevi NairIn today’s day to day life, there are many situations where one might want to control devices with the help of gestures. For example, let's say you're listening to music and your mom calls. You need to turn the sound down quickly while answering the phone. All you have to do is to make a simple wave and you can adjust the volume immediately. With natural hand gestures, you can also change the song, stop and pause the same. Similarly, while presenting a topic to the colleagues one can flip through the slides in the same way, too. This is where the concept of Gesture recognition plays a vital role and help you work with ease & independence. There are some products available in the market that do this job. But those are costly and not affordable by the common man. Thus we are planning to develop a device that will be compact and cost-effective. So our objective is to design and develop a low cost gesture detector using neural network.
Design and Development of a Cost Effective Standalone PV System for a Residential Building in Pabna, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Raquibul Hasan, Md. Saiful Islam, Md. Akram Hossain, Umera Sarjana, Md. Rashedul HasanThe aim of this paper is to present a detailed design of standalone photovoltaic power system for uninterrupted power supply of a residential building in a typical urban area of Pabna, Bangladesh. Photovoltaic power system involves designing, selecting and determining the specifications of the different components employed in the system. In this study, direct current (DC) appliances and alternative current (AC) appliances were considered. The results show that the average daily load requirement of the selected residential unit is 31.5 kWh/day. For functioning this load in off-grid necessary components are chosen and also a system design has been proposed. Installation and maintenance cost analysis of this PV system also been estimated. Therefore, for sustainability, reliability and accessibility of power, the use of stand-alone solar photovoltaic technology is recommended.
Cloud Adoption in Enterprise[Full-Text ] Sandeep kaur, Rydhm Beri, Satbir SinghIn the competitive world, organization have to move fast and have to adapt new technologies to compete other organizations. Cloud computing is a marvelous technology has been proved for an enterprise as it reduces the overall initial capital investment and offers several benefits to clients as well as service providers. Cloud hosts numerous services that are beneficial to the enterprise by reducing cost and increasing profit. An enterprise can use the services provides by cloud on pay-per-use basis. Moreover, cloud services also offers the scalability features and working of people in enterprise in a collaborative and effective way.
PEDAGOGICAL JOURNEY OF NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS: STORIES TO TELL[Full-Text ] MARITES C. FACIOLAN, DR. EUGENIO S. GUHAO JR.The purpose of this study was to describe the stories of the newly hired teachers on their pedagogical journey towards achieving excellence in their chosen profession. Phenomenological approach was employed to 20 newly hired teachers of the secondary schools of South Cotabato Division in the School Year 2015-2016. To gather data, in depth interview and focus group discussion were conducted. The results of the interview were transcribed, translated and coded to produce themes. As regards to the experiences of newly hired teachers in the Public Secondary Schools, the following were the themes: stress anxiety, work overload, relationship struggles, and sense of satisfaction. As look upon to their challenges to ensure effective teaching, the themes were created: diligence, ingenuity and resourcefulness, openness and respect, support system, training and development. As to their insights, the themes were generated: time tested values, reflections and realizations, hopes and aspirations, vision and guiding principles.
THE DYNAMICS OF PEER INFLUENCE IN THE ACADEMIC LIFE OF COLLEGE STUDENTS: A PHENOMENOLOGY[Full-Text ] CESAR D. TELEN, DR. GERALDINE D. RODRIGUEZThe purpose of this study was to describe the dynamics of peer relationships and the extent they were experienced that influenced the academic lives of the college students; how they coped with the challenges in mingling with peers and the insights to peer statuses and relationships. Phenomenological approach was utilized with 17 college students from Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges of General Santos City, Philippines for School Year 2015-2016 who were picked to undergo in depth interview and focused group discussion. The results of the interview were transcribed, translated and coded to produce themes. As regards to college students’ experiences on dynamic peer influence, the following were the themes: sense of belonging and acceptance, anchorage and refuge, collaboration, connivance and negative influence. As look upon to their challenges in mingling with peers, the themes were created: blending in, being candid and open, and imposing boundaries. As to their insights, the themes were generated: social support and influence, kinship and camaraderie, and commitment.
CFD Simulation Comparison of Regular Wavy Viscous Flow Model with Different Reynolds Number around Cylinders[Full-Text ] Arindam Mandal, Rajesh MondalThis paper focus on a simulation comparison of regular wavy flow with different Reynolds number (Re) around multiple cylinders. Fluid flow phenomenon is generally chaotic with different viscosity and small change of shape, surface roughness. This phenomenon can be simulated using two different Reynolds number on the CFD model incorporated with volume of fluid method (VOF) in Fluent Software.
Lipid profile variables and prediction of the severity of coronary artery disease in Tunisian type 2 diabetic patients[Full-Text ] Nadia BOUZIDI, Latifa KHLIFI, Sondes SAHLI, Hejer GRAIET, Faouzi MAATOUK, Habib GAMRA, Salima FERCHICHIDM is characterized by insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, in particular, high levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL, and low levels of HDL-C, wich confer increased risk for CAD. Our study aimed to evaluate lipid profile in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) in Tunisian population. Plasma levels of lipid profile variables, were determined in 148 CAD patients with T2DM and in 159 patients with only CAD. Severity of CAD was quantified according to the prevalence of multivessel disease and the degree of coronary stenosis.
Water adsorption/desorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of African mussels[Full-Text ] Brahim Boudinar, Hind Mouhanni, Ali Idlimam, Abdelkader Lamharrar, Abdelaziz BendouThis study is focused in adsorption isotherms for African mussels determined in the range of 303.15 to 323.15 K through the static gravimetric method. The balance was obtained after 15 days for desorption and 12 days for adsorption. The thermal hysteresis effect is negligible in the range of temperatures tested. For the modeling of sorption isotherms, and for predicting the hygroscopic behavior during storage or drying of African mussels, four mathematical models were used; the models of GAB, LESPAM, Peleg and Enderby, and best adjustments were found for GAB and Peleg models with and no pattern distribution of residual plots. Compensation theory was confirmed, with linear relationship between enthalpy and entropy show that water adsorption was considered driven by enthalpy, clarifying the mechanisms of water vapor sorption in African mussels .
Hybrid Tesla Pelton Wheel Turbine[Full-Text ] Keya N Joshi, Meet N Sanghvi, Tirth D DaveHybrid Tesla-Pelton wheel turbine works on the principle of boundary layer flow of tesla turbine and the impulse force of Pelton Wheel turbine It’s primary objective is to minimize the mechanical losses and achieve better efficiency. Attaining high efficiency in Tesla turbine poses many complications like high head and, inadequate torque. On the contrary, hybrid tesla turbine produces higher torque and can run on more practical condition. Simulation and analysis shows similar results.
Fabrication and Characterizationof Jute-Glass FiberReinforced PolyesterHybrid Composites[Full-Text ] Mazharul Islam, K. M. Faridul Hasan, Md. MahmudulAlamSarker, Md. Saiful Islam Bhuiyan, Ji-Hong WuThe potentiality of natural fiber-plastic composites using wood, jute, sisal, coir, or hemp, etc., as reinforcing fiber in a thermosetting resin matrix has received considerable attention from scientists all over the world. In polymer composite fabrication system, hybridization of jute fibers with synthetic fibers is one of the techniques adopted to overcome some of the limitations (poor mechanical properties and moisture resistance) that have been identified for jute fiber reinforced composites. In the present study, the effect of hybridization on mechanical properties of jute and glass mat reinforced polyester composites has been evaluated experimentally. The development of composite materials based on the reinforcement of two or more fiber types in a matrix leads to the production of hybrid composites. In the present work, hessian jute cloth, non-woven E-glass and polyester resin were used to prepare jute/polyester, glass/polyester and jute-glass hybrid polyester composites by hand lay-up and heat press molding techniques and their mechanical properties were evaluated for different stacking sequences. In Jute/polyester and glass/polyester composites, mechanical properties such as tensile properties, bending properties and impact strength increase with the increases of stacking sequences. In case of jute-glass hybrid composites, the composites which content more glass layer than that of jute layer shows the higher mechanical properties. Water uptake(%) of these composites demonstrate that water absorption rate is initially higher for jute/polyester composite and at a stage it become steady (31.11%), but in case of glass/polyester and jute-glass hybrid composites the absorption rate is very low which is almost less than 1% due to the hydrophobic nature of glass fiber and polyester resin. Soil degradation test of all types of composites were evaluated and the deterioration of the mechanical properties revealed for all the composites where jute/polyester composites showed the higher degree but E-glass/polyeste
Analytical and Numerical Study on Behavior of Concrete Filled Steel Tabular Columns Subjected To Axial Compression Loads[Full-Text ] Faisal HafizIt has been established that CFST columns have much higher strength and other structural behavioral qualities much superior than conventional R.C.C columns and other composite columns. Owing to their superior structural qualities they have gained booming importance in construction industry across the globe especially in developed countries. Various codes deal with design specifications of the concrete filled steel tabular columns like Eurocode-4, ACI, AISC-LRFD,CECS 28:90, however Eurocode-4 and CECS 28:90 incorporates confinement effect of concrete due to steel tube in evaluating the axial compressive strength of CFST columns. In Eurocode-4 the confinement effect is related to slenderness ratio ( ) and eccentricity (e) of the applied loading. In CESE 28:90 slenderness ratio and load eccentricity are taken as independent parameters governing the ultimate strength of concrete filled steel tabular columns. This paper represents an analytical and numerical study on behavior of CFST columns under axial compression loading. For this purpose the axial strength of CFST columns and their corresponding confinement factors have been evaluated using Eurocode-4 design mechanism and CESC 28:90 design mechanism. Numerical analysis has been done using three dimensional non-linear finite element software ABAQUS 6.13. The proposed finite element model is validated by comparing its results with those of corresponding experimental specimens. The analytical and numerical results obtained are compared with each other. For this study 12 circular CFST specimen having steel tubes of different thickness and in filled with different grades of concrete are chosen from the literature.
Appraisal of Paper Egg Tray Usage in Southwestern Nigeria[Full-Text ] K. Amoo, M.A. Onilude, T.E. OmoniyiChallenges of quality and quantity of Paper Egg Tray (PET) in south western Nigeria called for attention. Though the region holds 60% of Nigeria’s industrial capacity, yet, the pattern of usage and preferences in paper egg trays by its numerous users in the region were still unknown due largely to communication gap between the manufacturers and the users. Therefore, there was need to appraise the usage pattern and preferences in P.E.T by its several users in the region.
Chemical Incidents Impact in the Psychological Risks of Firefighters. An Analysis of the Findings for the Stress Factors in the Personnel of Hellenic Fire Corps[Full-Text ] Christina PATITSA, Michail CHALARISNowadays, chemical incidents are very common and they tend to increase worldwide. Any person or emergency responders that may be harmed by chemicals may also experience severe psychological stress. In the present study, 540 professional firefighter’s participants rated and ranked the stressfulness of 17 duty-related incident stressors. Among the findings, 46,70% of firefighters evaluated chemical and biological incidents third in ranking as the most stressful situation among others daily-stressors incidents. Moreover, approximately 88 % of the total of the responders reported that the unpredictable situation, which is a characteristic feature of this type of incidents, evoke to them extreme psychological pressure.
An Efficient Spectral Leakage Suppression in OFDM based Physical Layer[Full-Text ] Mr. B.Maheswara Rao, Dr. V.J.K.Kishor SontiOrthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been widely adopted for modern wireless standards and become a key enabling technology for cognitive radios. However, one of its main drawbacks is significant spectral leakage due to the accumulation of multiple sinc-shaped subcarriers. In this paper, we present a novel pulse shaping scheme for efficient spectral leakage suppression in OFDM based physical layer of IEEE 802.11af standard. With conventional pulse shaping filters such as a raised-cosine filter, vestigial symmetry can be used to reduce spectral leakage very effectively. However, these pulse shaping filters require long guard interval, i.e., cyclic prefix in an OFDM system, to avoid inter-symbol interference (ISI), resulting in a loss of spectral efficiency. The proposed pulse shaping method based on asymmetric pulse shaping achieves better spectral leakage suppression and decreases ISI caused by filtering as compared to conventional pulse shaping filters.