Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 .
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Behavior of Ethylene glycol Addition on the Physico-Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Alkali Activated Slag and its Resistivity to Sulfate[Full-Text ] Ahmed A. Amer, Mohamed ArifThis paper reports the results of investigation on the influence of ethylene glycol (EG) addition on the physico-chemical and mechanical properties of alkali-activated slag (AAS) pastes as well as its resistivity to 5 % MgSO4 solution. Granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) was activated by 6 wt., % NaOH (SH) or mixture of liquid sodium silicate (LSS) and SH (3% SH : 3 % LSS) with/without 5 wt., % EG. The results show that, the setting times of M0-SH/LSS paste elongate with the addition of EG, A significant increase of the chemically combined water content of AAS paste with EG. The addition of EG to activated GBFS-SH system has a positive effect on the compressive strength, while its addition to GBFS-SH/LSS has a negative effect. EG reduces the drying shrinkage by ≈ 34 and 32 % for GBFS activated by SH or SH/LSS, respectively. It can be concluded that AAS is more durable in MgSO4 solution than SRC paste. Moreover, some selected samples were investigated by using TG, DTG, FTIR and SEM techniques analyses.
Semi-Empirical Study Drug antiparkinsonian bromocriptine Using the Parametric Method 7: MESP, HOMO, LUMO and Analysis Population of Mulliken[Full-Text ] Aurineide Ribeiro Lima, Jacilene Silva, Márcia Machado Marinho, Emmanuel Silva MarinhoParkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder caused by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, which ends up causing the loss of control of many motor functions. This is consisting of an idiopathic and still incurable disease, however there are few therapeutic procedures that are used in order to alleviate and control the symptoms cause the same, as is the case of drug treatment, and, among antiparkinsonian drugs used in this treatment against bromocriptine, marketed under the name Parlodel®. This drug acts in the body by stimulating dopamine receptors, collaborating in the production of dopamine and restore the neurochemical balance, making it effective in all stages of the disease. However, despite its efficacy, it causes some aversive effects in its users, there is therefore a need to review and refine this drug. In this perspective, this study aimed to characterize the antiparkisonian drug Bromocriptine through molecular modeling, using the semi-empirical method Parametric Method 7 (PM7). Aiming, view and identify the nucleophilic and electrophilic sites of this molecule, seeking likewise optimize their geometry in order to obtain the most stable conformation for this drug, targeting an improvement of its effectiveness as well, its mechanism of action. Initially, we used the ChemSpider repository, where it was possible to obtain the molecular structure and some important properties of the Bromocriptine; It was then used MOPAC2016 program configured to operate in accordance with the semi-empirical method PM7 (Parametric Method 7) through it gave the most stable conformation to Bromocriptine molecule with a total energy eV and equal to -6554.36967 heat of formation equal to 1 kcal mol 775.06413; the Mulliken atomic charges which highlighted the values of the charges of atoms: (O2) (O3) (O 4) (O 5) (C 11) (C16) (C17) (C 22) (C 27) (C 28) (C 32) (C 37) (C 38) (C 39) (C 40); and potential surface map electrostatic (MESP) the highlighting atoms (O2) (O3) (O 4) (O 5) (C 11) (C16) (C17) (C 22) (C 27) (C 28) (C 32) (C 37) (C 38) (C 39) (C 40), these being the nucleophilic sites in this molecule, places where biological attacks are more favorable; It was obtained even energies of the HOMO and LUMO frontier orbitals, which are equal (-8700 eV) and (-2437 eV), respectively. Thus, in silico analysis in which the molecule has undergone Bromocriptine was conducted satisfactorily, and these data are used for future virtual screening studies.
Mathematical Analysis of the curve assumed by LED string lights when in static equilibrium[Full-Text ] Priyanka Priyadarshini MishraBeautiful LED String lights are used around the world during festivals, celebrations, get together etc. However, its aesthetic nature comes with critical hazards. To avoid such dangers and minimize expenses, this essay explores the topic “Mathematical Analysis of the curve assumed by LED string lights when in static equilibrium†using Calculus of Variations, specifically Euler Lagrange Equation and Beltrami Identity.
Advantage & Issues of Various Techniques of Facial Expression: A Survey[Full-Text ] Prashant Singh Baghel, Shirish Dixit, Shiv Kumar SahuAs peoples use a huge amount of their time familiar with computers of one kind or a different way. In contrast, computers are expressively unsighted and uninterested to the emotional circumstances of their customers. Human communicate with computer which does not think emotions take no notice of a whole control of existing information.
Smoothing control of load frequency fluctuation using frequency controlled pitch controller[Full-Text ] A.H.M Iftekharul Ferdous, M. R. I. Sheikh, Md.Asaduzzaman Shobug, Tonmoy GhoshAmong many energy resources present on the earth, wind is the most vital source can be used for the generation of the electricity. But frequency fluctuation is the main concern for the power grid companies due to their adverse effect on industrial applications and with the random varying wind speed, fluctuation of the frequency occurs. For this reason many pitch controller have been used, however they decreases the energy generation. This paper focuses on designing a new pitch controller which is designed with rotor speed and frequency for controlling the wind generator output power fluctuation and minimizes the frequency fluctuations. The whole simulation analysis have been performed by using PSCAD/EMTDC [6] and real wind speed data is used for this analysis.
Thermophysical modeling of drying kinetics of Taliouine Saffron irrigated by the porous system[Full-Text ] H. Mouhanni, A. Idlimam, A. Bendou, A. LamharrarOur study focuses on the drying process of saffron from Taliouine (Southern Morocco), a spice derived from the flower of a crocus (Crocus sativus L.) of the Iridaceae family, after drying of its three red stigmas. This plant attracts the interest of researchers, farmers and exporters at the national and international scale. In this regard, optimizing the drying of saffron in the region seems imperative for quality improvement and the expansion of the marketing system.
Neodymium Nitrate and Yttrium Nitrate as Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Inhibitors for Carbon Steel Used in Petroleum Equipments[Full-Text ] A. M. El-desoky, A. S. Fouda, and D. M. EidNeodymium nitrate and Yttrium nitrate as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel used in Petroleum Equipments using electrochemical techniques [potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and electrochemical frequency modulation]. The adsorption of these compounds on carbon steel surface was found to be of neither a typical physisorption nor a typical chemisorption mode. Increase in temperature increases corrosion rate but decreases inhibition efficiency. The thermodynamic functions of activation have been evaluated. The polarization measurements indicated that the inhibitors are of mixed type. The adsorption of these compounds was found to obey Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm. The analysis of SEM and EDS confirmed the formation of precipitates of these compounds on Carbon steel surface, which reduced the overall corrosion reaction.
Strengtheningof Reinforced ConcreteSolid Slabswith CFRP Products[Full-Text ] Muslim Abdul- AmeerKhudhair Al-kannoon and HaiderWafy AliCarbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRB) has been effectively utilized in structural engineering; particularly in strengthening structural members.The current study addressesthe utilization of CFRP in one way strips concrete slabs subjected to a two line static loading system. Two different CFRP techniqueshave been used: externally strengthening and near surface mounted (NSM) techniques. Four samples of one way reinforced concrete strips slabs strengthened byseveral CFRP systems have been tested. Analysis results indicated that the laminate plate CFRP system is more efficient than other techniques.The maximum load carrying capacity of a 1500mm reinforced concrete slab with 0.314 steel ratio has been increased largely by 671%. This technique of strengthening has resulted in a decrease in the RCS maximum deflection by about 21%. In addition, the stiffness of RCS has increased and failure due to deflection occurred at 1.75% of the span length.
Fish Counting from Underwater Video Sequences by Using Color and Texture[Full-Text ] Suman Sharma, Aman Shakya, Sanjeeb Prasad PandayFish population estimation and classification of fish species have been an integral part of marine science. These tasks are important for the assessment of fish abundance, distribution and diversity in marine environments. Underwater video measurement systems are used widely for counting and measuring fish in aquaculture, fisheries and conservation management. This paper is presented the techniques used for the detection, identification, and counting of fish in underwater video image sequences, including consideration of the changing body shape, color and texture of fish. It presented simple method of counting fish as blob counting, which automatically using image processing techniques. The detection algorithm, canny edge detection algorithm is used. Coral-blackening process is used to distinct fish and the background. A video sequence was taken from Sesnarayan Pond and its every frame is processed singly and independently. Finally each Zernike moment is calculated for each blob with the template of three different types of fish, the blobs is counted the number of different template of fish for the blobs whose amplitude moment is near about zero and the average number of type fish over the frame is recorded. Finally template is matched with the blob by using color and texture of three different types of template.
Comparison of in silico Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Analysis Tools[Full-Text ] Hemani Sharma, Sushma Jha, Sunita Jain and Sudhir KumarA Quantitative trait loci (QTL) is the location of a gene that affects a trait that is measured on a quantitative scale. QTL analysis has become an important tool to dissect the genetics of complex characters especially in molecular breeding and human disease diagnosis. A large numbers of software are available for analysis of QTL. Decision about which tools to use is one of the important problems, especially for the non-specialist users. Therefore, a comparison of different QTL analysis software is necessary to interpret the biological data correctly. In current study, three free software were chosen namely WIN QTL Cartographer, QTL Mapper and QTL Network to detect QTLs for Plant height, Panicle no./effective tiller and yield components in a RIL population of rice. Study revealed marked difference in the type and number of analysis, data type they support, methodology on which software are based and their graphical interface. WIN QTL Cartographer is based on single marker analysis, interval mapping, composite interval mapping, Bayesian interval mapping, multiple interval mapping, multiple trait analysis and categorical trait analysis. It represents the result graphically and provide information regarding additive, dominant, R2 traits. QTL Mapper is based on mixed linear model approach whereas QTL Network is based on mixed model composite interval mapping. Our results shows WIN QTL Cartographer to be the best for general QTL finding as it uses both CIM and MQM approaches. QTL Network, however, can be used for specific epistatic estimation and QTL environmental interaction effects.
Crystallization Behaviour of Selected Metal Transition Oxides on Glazes[Full-Text ] Carvalho Madivate, Alcides Sitoe, Arão ManhiqueAlthough the formation of crystals in glazes is well developed, little attention has been apparently paid to the characterization of crystal formation in glazes. As a contribution for and based on compositions used by ceramic artists in the production of crystalline glazes, we studied hereby the effect of zinc, titanium, chromium, cerium, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, yttrium and zirconium (elements belonging to the transition metals group) in the crystallization of selected glaze matrixes. For that aim selected compositions were milled, homogenized and melted in platinum crucibles. After cooling, the amorphous samples were submitted to a heat treatment at crystallization temperature in order to promote crystallization. The crystalline phases formed during heat treatment were identified by XRD. Results obtained show that the effect of added oxides on crystallization of glazes does not follow a regular behavior even for titanium and zirconium; chromium and molybdenum, which are located in the same group of the periodic table. Zinc and zirconium crystallize in the form of silicates, while titanium and molybdenum crystallize, under certain conditions, as CaTiSiO5 and CaMoO4 or Na2Mo2O7 respectively. When added individually, chromium, manganese, vanadium and cerium recrystallize the oxide introduced. Iron crystallizes in the form of Fe3O4. Yttrium forms CaY4(SiO4)3O but when combined with vanadium crystallizes in the form of YVO4. In samples where two crystallizing agents were combined, the expected formation of a double silicate between the two components was not observed but titanium and yttrium form with calcium double salts [CaTiSiO5 and CaY4(SiO4)3O]. Inversion of the amounts of the major and minor components with an effect on crystallization does not lead necessarily to an inversion of crystallizing phases or their amounts.
Organic Acrylate Binder Synthesis through Emulsion Polymerization to ensure the best Mechanical Properties on Applicable Substrates[Full-Text ] Muhammad Abu Taher, K. M. Faridul Hasan, Shamim Al Azad, Mst. Zakia Sultana, Md. Abdul Mueeid, Muhammad Ashfaq JahangirEmulsions used as pigment binders in formulations have to cope with the challenge to assure an outstanding film configuration and exterior as well as good mechanical properties. One strategy to fulfil this contradictory requirement is the employment of pure poly (acrylate) resins synthesized by emulsion polymerization. For the production of Poly-Acrylate Binder, homo and copolymers were synthesized by emulsion polymerization using methyl acrylate (MA), ethyl acrylate (EA), butyl acrylate (BA) Acrylic Acid, and 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate monomers. In accordance with recipe calculation and preparation method our sample shows pretty good tensile and tear strengths, good abrasion resistance and stiffness, excellent chemical resistance and water repellence as well as air permeability.
Effect of Grain Size on Orange Peel in Oxygen Free Copper Wire Produced by Upcast[Full-Text ] Nabil R.Shihab, Tawakol A. Enab, Ahmed M. Galal, Magdy S. GatasAn experimental study was carried out to investigate the solidification on a copper rods manufactured by continuous casting process into two types UPCAST and CAST & ROLL technologies. Continuous casting parameters, low yield stress, SEM inspections and grain size calculations has been experimentally studied to ensure the effect of orange peel defect which appear directly after applying the cold formation on the copper rod. There is no orange peel defect appears on the copper rod produced by sequential continuous casting-hot formation processes.
GENDER BASED CORRELATION OF INFLAMMATORY MARKERS IN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS[Full-Text ] Aruna Bhatia, Harmandeep Kaur Sekhon, Jaspreet Kaur, Manjeet SinghRheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease with uncontrolled damage of synovial tissues. Nearly one percent of world population is known to be affected by RA. Clinical testing and imaging studies of joints help in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. This disease is more prevalent in females but literature lacks the comparative study showing biochemical changes leading to more damaging effect of this pathophysiological condition in females in comparison to males. Study was planned to report correlation of RA with physiological and biochemical changes in females. To achieve the aim both male and female subjects attending OPD at local hospitals were selected and their blood samples were tested for inflammatory markers: free radicals estimation, levels of RA factor (RF) and C- reactive proteins (CRP). In addition disease activity score was also measured. A distinct difference in the levels of all the parameters in males and females was observed which could be correlated with inflammatory markers. It could be concluded that DAS and studied parameters can be employed to assess the progression of RA.
MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF XANTHOMONASAXONOPODIS PV.MALVACEARUM(XAM) ASSOCIATED WITH BACTERAL BLIGHT OF COTTON[Full-Text ] WASEEM WARIS, M. ASLAM KHAN, M. MUBIN AND AMIR SAJJADCotton (GossypiumhirsutumL.) is crucial fiber and cash crop in world including Pakistan and responsible for the fifth most cultivated area in the world. It is the backbone of national economy and major source of foreign currency earning in Pakistan. Bacterial blight of cotton, caused by Xanthomonasaxonopodispv. malvacearumis a severe disease of cotton worldwide, which is the main source of qualitative and quantitative losses in several cotton growing vicinity of the world and also in Pakistan. Twenty advance varieties/lines names are F.H-312, F.H-941, F.H-118, F.H-114, MNH-886, F.H-942 (non BT), LalaZar, F.H-142, MS-71, MNH-882, MS- 289, CM-595, FH-682, FH-900, Z-31, CA-12, Ali Akbar-703, Huma-15, Ali Akbar-703-905 and N-112 of cotton were grown under field conditions in research area of Department. The resistance capability was recorded according to the disease rating scale. These varieties/lines were tested against Xam, for its isolation and purification. Out of twenty varieties twelve were moderately resistant, three were moderately susceptible, three were susceptible, and two were highly susceptible. Gram staining, 3% KOH and artificially inoculation tests were used as pathogenicity. For the isolation of DNA and its molecular detection was done through PCR by using BOXIR Primer and also checked its diversity analysis rep-PCR. Xam showed the DNA size 300bp-1.5kb compared with 1.5kb ladder or marker. The bacterial titer which was assessed through PCR and its value was equated with the visually observed symptoms to evaluate the plant response.
Design of An Effective, Low Power and less complex 6 bit flash ADC using CMOS[Full-Text ] K.Rahul Reddy and Simran KhokhaDifferent electronic devices such as mobile phones, DSPs, etc., are designed by using VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) technology. In VLSI dynamic CMOS logic circuits are concentrating on the reducing the Power consumption, Area (portability of the system), and increasing the Speed by reducing the delay. In this paper , a new design for flash ADC is discussed . The architecture enables power reduction using CMOS technology .Digital signals play phenomenal role in effective power utilization .Designs like Wilkinson type ADC, Counter ADC exist , and they do not have power efficiency .Here tools like Mentor Graphics Tanner , Microwind are used .
Trends and Drivers of Affordable Housing Delivery in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Rafindadi AbdulrahmanNigeria is a country of 140million inhabitants, with a per capita income that does not exceed three hundred US dollars per annum, and a high birth rate. Nigeria suffers from a chronic housing deficit that forces many low-income families to live in cramped unhygienic conditions. The distribution of Nigeria’s population is shaped, to a great extent, by rapid urbanization. The proportion of urban dwellers as a percentage of the overall population rose from 28.6 percent in 1980 to 46.2 percent in 2005, while the country’s urban population now grows at a rate of 3.78 percent per year. In comparison, Sub-Saharan Africa’s urban population growth rate of 3.67 percent falls short of this, as does its 2005 percentage of urban dwellers (35 percent). With more large cities (i.e., those with over one million people) than any other country in Africa, in addition to such a large and quickly growing urban population, Nigeria is facing different and perhaps greater challenges in dealing with rapid urbanization than its neighbours. This paper reviews the effort toward providing affordable housing through the effort of government and development partners by mirroring the trends and drivers of affordable housing delivery in Nigeria.
TAKHT-I-SULAIMAN/ S0L0M0N’S THRONE[Full-Text ] Irfan Ullah & Bakht MuhammadThe main objective of this study is to highlight and the existence of takht e suliman with Quranic details. Takht-e Sulaiman, or Takht-i Suleiman (Throne of Solomon) is a building complex, consisting of the Palace, a fire temple and fortifications from the late period of the Sassanid. The first investigation was carried out of the ruins in 1937 by an American research group under AU Pope. The explorations of Eurasia the German Archaeological Institute were carried out by Rudolf Naumann, Hans Henning von der Osten, D. Huff, W. Kleiss and U. Harb in the years 1959-1966 and 1968-1975. The extensive documentation of the excavation is kept in the Eurasian Department in Berlin. Archaeological excavations have revealed traces of a 5th-century BC occupation during the Achaemenid period, as well as later Parthian settlements in the citadel.
Emergence and Re-emergence of Surface Lakes in the Kalambaina Formation Sokoto Basin, Northwest Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr Sheikh D. Abubakar, Dr Murtala Abubakar Gada, Dr Nathaniel B. EniolorundaThe Kalambaina formation is part of a series of sediment deposits that forms the Sokoto sedimentary basin. The formation is mainly limestone deposit characterised by caves and caverns in some locations within the sub-surface and numerous springs around the valley side of river Rima during rainy seasons. Several literature show that these springs sustained the river Rima flow during dry seasons but ceases after the rains. Recently there are evidences of springs emerging and surface lakes formed on this formation. This research investigate, explore and confirmed the lakes and the sources of their water to see if they are new or re-emerging water bodies. Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) of 13/01/2003 and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager Thermal Infrared Sensor (OLI-TIRS) of 19/01/2014 and 22/01/2015 were combined with standard algorithms to map water areas and perform change detection. The research found that there is an evidence of emergence of lakes that are actually being formed from the new springs emerging and some old springs re-emerging. Results obtained was in agreement with our hypothesis that gradual tectonic movement and hydro-geomorphological processes are responsible for the probable collapse of the caves containing huge water storage within the Kalambaina formation.
An Efficient Self Testing Cryptographic Systems For Low Power Applications[Full-Text ] M.K KISHORE, P.YAMINI DURGA, K.BABURAO, Mrs.K.NITYAToday security is very important parameter to communicate between other peoples. Now a days we observe sometimes hacking the information like passwords, bank account numbers etc. so, we provide security between end to end process. This security can be achieved by using of testing methods. The traditional testing methods are good at detects only random faults, but they do not good to secure all types of attacks. In this paper design an Logic Built In Self Test (LBIST) to detect the faults. Here, we use feedback shift register based cryptographic system. Cryptographic systems are used to secure the confidential information between end to end communication by using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES Crypto Core ) algorithm. Linear feedback shift register is used to generate all the possible test patterns and patterns are verified by LBIST. This project can be extended to replace the linear feedback shift register by Bit Swapping LFSR(BS LFSR). In BS LFSR, uses Multiplexer(MUX) circuit to generate the test patterns simply by swap the bits depends on selection line. This BS LFSR technique decreases power consumption by 25 to 50%.
A Review on Crosstalk in On-Chip High Speed VLSI Interconnects[Full-Text ] Hitlendra Pratap Singh, Dr. G.S. VirdiAs process technologies scale into deep submicrometer wiring in this environment introduces resistive, capacitive, and inductive parasitics. When the operating clock frequency is used beyond GHz in on-chip environment then Crosstalk, crosstalk delay, speed, energy consumption, signal integrity, and reliability affects due to these parasitics. On-chip signal crosstalk is a function of switching activity pattern, coupling parasitics, and signal timing.
Factorial analysis of correspondences Application to phytoecological Study in the Tazekka National Park (Morocco)[Full-Text ] Taoufik AMINI, Fatima Zahra BELLAGHMOUCH, El Hassan Elharchli and Khalid DERRAZOur work concerned a protected area, formerly created. It was concerned the study of the vegetation in the National park of Tazekka, situated in the Eastern Middle Atlas. Concerning this park spread on an area of 13737 hectares, knowledge of the vegetation remained quite incomplete. Therefore, the target is, the knowledge of the current state of the vegetation on the one hand, and highlighted its potential state on the other hand. About sixty made floral statements are handled by the Factorial Analysis of Correspondence. The interpretation of the results enabled to identify four forest vegetal groupings (one of which contains two sub-groupings) according to the influence of altitude, soil profundity, and bioclimatic terracing; and a pre-forest vegetal grouping. The mapping of these vegetal groupings in cartographic layers is also approached.
Phytoecological characterization of groupings plants in the Bab Azhar’s cork oak forest (Morocco)[Full-Text ] Fatima Zahra BELLAGHMOUCH, Taoufik AMINI, El Hassan Elharchli and Khalid DERRAZThe objective assigned to this research work is the description of the State of the place, through the joint study of the factors of the environment, of the parameters of the settlement and vegetation, to determine the responsible ecological descriptors of the distribution of the vegetation at the level of the Bab Azhar montado. The treated aspects concern, the study and mapping of vegetation based on numerical analysis (factorial correspondences analysis). 201releves has been made by a stratified sampling guided, according to three types of descriptors: topoclimatics, substrate, and stand types. The results show that the Bab Azharmontado presents a significant floristic wealth. Indeed, the analysis helped to identify six vegetation (containing 77 species) which are distinguished by their floristic composition. The spatial distribution of these units is based on the nature of soil (texture, depth and soil moisture), topography (exposure, altitude) and the degree of openness of the over story.
Effect of Fertilizer rates and Soil Series on Root Morphological Traits and Root:shoot Ratio of Immature Natural Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)[Full-Text ] Monsuru Adekunle Salisu, Noordin Wan DaudReport of this research emphasized the importance of roots morphological traits and root: shoot ratio (RSR) of selected clones of Hevea brasiliensis in nutrients utilization for the production of high vigor planting materials. Quantitative traits of root were examined with WinRHIZO image analysis; different from many previous similar studies on natural rubber. The study was conducted to determine the influence of fertilizer rates and soil series on three selected clones of natural rubber. It was observed that the fertilizer rates influenced root morphological traits such as root length, average diameter, surface area and root volume and root: shoot ratio (RSR). The root increases as fertilizer rates increase. Optimum level recommended for growth was 150% (234gm-2). The control had poor performance followed by 50% (78g m-2), and 100% (156g m-2). Holyrood (Ultisols) soil series promotes roots morphological traits when compared to Munchong (Oxisols) soil series. A high significant difference (p<0.5) was observed among the clones and RRIM 3001 had the best performance followed by RRIM 2001 while RRIM 2025 recorded least performance. Holyrood soil series (Ultisol) noticeably support root morphological traits of Hevea seedlings with fertilizer rate at 150%. Munchong (Oxisol) significayly support root: shoot ratio (RSR) at the same fertilizer rate. Both soils are suggested when considering the interaction between roots and shoot and the overral root morphology of the plant. The fertilizer rate is considered optimum for the rubber seedlings especially where RRIM 3001 is selected as planting material to be planted on any of the soils, Oxisols and Ultisols.
Medical Image Fusion Methods- A Comparative Analysis[Full-Text ] Sumit Narayan Jarholiya, Dr. ShachiAwasthiImage fusion is defined as the process by which several images of the same scene, or some of their features are combined together to form a single Image. In this paper we present a several fusion techniques to increase the information content of the fused image. It helps to diagnose the diseases like tumor, cancer, fracture in bones, ulcer and stones in the body etc effectively. The goal of image fusion (IF) is to integrate complementary multisensory, multitemporal and/or multiview information into one new image containing information the quality of which cannot be achieved otherwise. Various fusion applications have appeared in medical imaging like simultaneous evaluation of CT, MRI, and / or PET images.
Measurement of Visceral Fat Using Bio-Impedance Analysis[Full-Text ] Shweta S. Borikar, Pranali P. Malawade, Manasi S. Sawant, Jyoti A. Pande, Nishant B. Patil, Sadhana A. Mandlik Visceral fat is intra-abdominal fat stored around a number of important internal organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines. A battery operated system is proposed in the paper for the estimation of visceral fat. Estimation of visceral fat is based on principle of bio-impedance where small alternating current (below 1 mA) of constant amplitude and high frequency of 250 kHz, 50 kHz and 6.25 kHz are injected into the body through a pair of current electrodes and the voltage is picked up using through a pair of sensing electrode. Bio-impedance analysis technique measures body impedance from the subjects. Electrodes are placed in tetrapolar configuration. Bio-impedance analysis (BIA) is a noninvasive, low cost and a commonly used approach for body composition measurements. Estimating visceral fat can be useful for diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (high blood glucose level), heart disease, cancer etc. The purpose of this study is to validate BIA equation for estimation of visceral fat area (VFA) against commercialized instrument InBody 720 (Biospace, Korea).
Assessing Crop Water Demand of Wheat Crop in a Canal Command using SEBAL Model[Full-Text ] Mamta Rana , D.S. Bundela and R.S. HoodaCrop Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa) represents crop water demand and one of the most useful indicators of the amount of water required at different growth periods for its satisfactory growth and optimum production. The overarching goal of this paper was the spatial estimate of water demand of wheat crop in the Hansi Branch Canal Command using high spatial resolution Remote Sensing data. The study used Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) Model to estimate ET spatially from a LANDSAT 7ETM+ image of March 2002. The SEBAL estimated daily ETa varies from 0.05 to 3.48 mm/day over the study area. The obtained results for ETa were comparable with Pan Evaporation and Penman-Monteith Method estimated ET value. On comparison it is found that the model predicted ETa is 15.1% and 50.2% less than ETc from the Pan Evaporation Method and Penman-Monteith, respectively.
Wear Resistance and Wear Pressure of Natural Reinforced Composites[Full-Text ] S.C. Nwigbo, C.F. OnyeanusiThis paper provides the results of wear resistance, wear pressure as well as the wear track of natural reinforced composites. The dicotyledonous composite produced from castor oil beans seed shell and oil beans seed shells were tested. The wear rates were compared to determine optimal wear resistance. To evaluate wear resistance of the materials, the dry wear tests were then performed using a pin-on-disk test rig under different operating conditions. The results show that the volume losses predicted by the numerical analysis are in good agreement with the experimental data. The results showed that castor oil bean seed shell composite reached the maximum wear resistance at wear pressure of 3N against the oil bean seed shell and pure polythene composites. At an average speed of 130 rpm, 2N load, under dry condition the wear track was simulated. The state of wear scar on the plane was a condition established along the mean diameter of the scar away from the contact point using the COSMOSxpress.
DENORMALIZATION TO ENHANCE EFFCIENCY IN DATA MINING[Full-Text ] Rabia Saleem, Sania ShaukatIn this exploration, we surviving a commonsense perspective of denormalization, and convey fundamental rules for coordinating denormalization. We have recommended, utilizing denormalization as a middle of the road venture amongst sensible and physical displaying to be utilized as a logical method for the outline of the applications necessities criteria. Social variable based math and inquiry trees are utilized to review the impact on the execution of social frameworks. The rules and system introduced are sufficiently broad, and they can be relevant to generally databases. It is determined that denormalization can upgrade question execution when it is set with a full comprehension of utilization prerequisites. What's more, it won't shrinkage framework execution with powerful strategies. This plan finds the learning that a methodology creation utilization of database execution change strategies can diminish I/O (info/yield operations) and enhance question preparing time in a data framework intended for reporting.
A Comparison of LXD, Docker and Virtual Machine[Full-Text ] Sapan Gupta, Deepanshu GeraIn the virtualization industry, the container-based virtualization has recently seen a sudden spurt in interest, thanks to the unprecedented popularity of Docker, a container management technology. LXD was introduced right after the appearance of Docker, as a lightweight hypervisor for Linux containers. In this paper, we present the results of an experimental study that analyzes the performance of a LXD container when compared to that of a Docker container and a Virtual Machine in a VMware ESX environment. Our results show that Docker containers perform better than LXD in almost all cases with a plain virtual machine performance as a baseline. We further discuss how LXD complements the Docker technology as a container management suite.
Managing Car Sharing for Better Urban Mobility through Information Systems[Full-Text ] Caio M. C. Vale, Cloves A. Rocha, Alande Amorim, Izabelly S. MoraisThis work brings a consistent analysis based on a systematic review of the literature and using quantitative techniques about that car sharing management (Car Sharing), a trend in the United States and Europe, is capable of promoting a greater sustainable urban mobility in places that use or intend to use this automotive sharing solution, and prove that it is possible and feasible to enhance their functions when managed by information systems, thus being able to reduce passenger travel time, carbon emissions, resulting in a better quality of life in large urban centers. The goal will be exposed through a systematic review about the car sharing with the advent of information systems, and how to bring these trending solutions in other countries to the reality of our country.
Overview of IPv4, IPv6, Networking and Designing a Network Based on IPv4 in Shariatpur Polytechnic Institute’s Campus[Full-Text ] Rajib Bosu, Samiran Kumar Mondal, Sujan Kumar Talukdar, Md. Abu ZahedAt the present time IPv4 is the most and widely used networking protocol. Now-a-days IPv4 is in a critical situation for huge of demand. That’s why the networking world introduces IPv6. This paper tries to present the overview of IPv4, IPv6 and networking concepts. It also presents an entire network design based on IPv4 on Shariatpur Polytechnic Institute Campus.
Advancement in Physical Properties of Hypo Sludge Concrete[Full-Text ] Dr.Ram Kishore Manchiryal, Kiran Kumar Poloju, Chiranjeevi Rahul RHypo Sludge is an alternate binder which has been used in concrete by partially replacing cement. Hypo sludge utilization minimizes the production of cement which directly reduces emission of carbon dioxideand other toxic gases. The properties of Hypo sludge concrete (HSC) has investigated in detail to check its suitability as a replacement to cement. In this study, mechanical & durability properties of hypo sludge concrete is investigated and compared. The research was mainly focused on compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength, sorptivity and acid effect tests of concrete. The test results total of 12 prisms, 72 cubes, 12 cylinders for M20 grade hypo sludge concrete as well as for conventional concrete (Ordinary Portland Cement) are presented in this paper. The test results indicate that the compressive strength & flexural strength of HSC is about 33.69 & 13.09% are more than conventional concrete and Percentage mass loss is less when immersed in H2SO4 & HCL when compared to conventional concrete.
Socialized task of cataract operation in Angiang province, Vietnam: Developing in output and outcome for over 2 decades[Full-Text ] Duong DieuPurpose: 1. To launche the mobile cataract surgery camps (MCS) from Provincial Ophthalmic Deparment of a southern province where the population with 2 million.