Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 .
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Effect of Die Cavity Configuration on the Stress Distribution in Tube Hydroforming Process with and without Rubber[Full-Text ] Hani Aziz Ameen ,KadhimMijbelMashloosh, Rusul Abdel Kareem SalmanIn this work three dies (square, cosine and conical) are considered to investigate the effect of media either hydraulic fluid or rubber on hydroforming material applied in tube bulging using ANSYS code. Ansys APDL is used to simulate the bulging process and to observe the effect of media of the internal pressure on the equivalent stress distribution in the tube. It is found that the stress decreases about 16.54% when the rubber is the media of the internal pressure in case of cosine die and 4.01% in case of conical die and 4.20% in case of square die. So it can be concluded that the rubber media used in bulging tube is much better than the hydraulic fluid.
Optimizing the Performance of a Standing Wave Loudspeaker Driven Thermoacoustic Heat Pump[Full-Text ] Elnegiry, E.A., Eltahan, H.R., Alamir, M.A.This paper investigates the design and optimization steps of a thermoacoustic refrigerator. Matlab code will be used for optimizing the stack length and its position. DeltaEC version 6.3b11 will be used to do the code used for simulating the refrigerator to identify the optimized operating conditions such as the mean pressure and the oscillating pressure. Behavior of changing the operating conditions effect on the performance is discussed.
DESIGN OF AN ARDUINO BASED WIRELESS POWER METER[Full-Text ] Nathan David, Franklyn N Anozie, Franklyn O Ebuka, Sylvia A NzenweakuThe problems of Nigeria’s power sector are numerous. The generation, transmission and distribution sub-sectors are facing their own share of challenges. The issues of non-metering, estimated billing, overbilling and electricity theft have virtually driven the distribution subsector of the Nigerian power sector to a halt. Over the years, electricity consumers have been forced to pay more than they actually consume leading to widespread dissatisfaction. Furthermore, sharp practices such as meter tampering and by-passing of meters have reduced revenue to distribution companies thereby stalling the development of the power sector. In this paper, we attempt to proffer solutions to these lingering challenges affecting the distribution subsector of Nigeria’s power sector.
Analyzing Low Bit Rate Image Compression Using Filters And Pre Filtering[Full-Text ] PNV ABHISHEK, U VINOD KUMAR, PALLA AAKREETH REDDYIn this paper we analyze the performance of B-spline filters, pre filtering and bit-plane coding for low bit rate image compression. The B-spline filters exhibit higher energy concentration in the lower frequency band than other known filters. This property can be exploited for very low bit rate image coding where the higher frequency bands might be very coarsely quantized. The relative information in the low frequency bands of the of the image can be increased by employ of the pre processing technique and bit-plane coding. Averaging technique is employed for image smoothening at low bit rates and bit-plane coding helps removing noise by discarding LSB. In this paper we analyze five techniques for image compression. It is found to be B-spline with one level of decomposition and preprocessing (along with bit-plane coding) gives the appropriate results as compared to the other techniques.
Significance of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Thuhid Noor, Shahjahan Ali, Khandaker Jahangir Alam, Md. Shafiul IslamAs foreign direct investment has been a key element over the analysis of economic growth, this research paper aims to analyze the significance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Bangladesh. The link between gross domestic product (GDP,) foreign direct investment (FDI) and Inflation is measured with the help of multiple regression models. GDP in this model is used as dependent variable whereas FDI and inflation (CPI) are measured as independent variables. According to the results, the model is overall significant with the positive and significant association of GDP and FDI while a negative and significant relationship found between GDP and inflation. Policy proposals are advised to attract FDI in Bangladesh on the basis of the empirical results acquired. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an essential factor for economic growth in the developing countries. FDI allows the transfer of technology, uplift competition in the domestic input market, contributes to human capital development and Profits created by FDI contribute to corporate tax revenues in the host country.
Management of ischaemic heart disease in smokers[Full-Text ] Anam Jawad Siddiqi, Anum Yousuf, Saleha SadeeqaIschaemic heart disease is caused by narrowing of heart arteries. When arteries are narrowed, less blood and oxygen reaches muscles of heart. Smoking is one of the major risk factors which cause ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases. Smokers are more prone towards the ischaemic heart disease and death than are the non smokers. This report emphasizes the management of ischaemic heart disease particularly in smokers both clinically and by changing the lifestyle. A questionnaire based study was carried on 50 ischaemic heart disease out patients who were smokers. The patients were selected randomly at Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore. The aims and objectives of the study were:
On Scheduling Approach for Grid Computing[Full-Text ] Hadeer S.Hossam, Hala Abdel-Galil, Mohamed A.Belal Concept of grid computing was appeared in the mid-1990s and is becoming more prevalent and widespread nowadays. Grid computing is used in many areas, including business, e-libraries, e-learning, military applications, medicine, physics, and genetics In this paper, we compare scheduling algorithms techniques based on directed acyclic graph which considers computational cost considering data transfer cost between resources and dependency between tasks.
Performance Comparison of Through Arch Bridge at Different Arch Positions[Full-Text ] Alika Koshi, Dr Laju KottalilA through arch bridge is a special-shape arch bridge also known as a half-through arch bridge and through-type arch bridge, is a bridge made from materials such as steel or reinforced concrete in which the base of an arch structure is below the deck, but the top rises above it, so the deck passes through the arch. An arch is a pure compression form. It can span a large area by resolving forces into compressive stresses and, in turn eliminating tensile stresses. This is sometimes referred to as arch action. As the forces in the arch are carried to the ground, the arch will push outward at the base, called thrust. Arch height has a great significance in the support forces and stresses. This paper presents the behavioral aspects of through arch bridge with different arch positions and to compare them with the real structure by using 3D bridge model in Finite Element Analysis software – ANSYS.
Histological study of the hot aqueous extracts of chamomile on renal toxicity Induced by- Methomyl 90%In male albino mice[Full-Text ] Ms.c Jenan Mahdi ChaniMethomyl is labeled as a carbamate insecticide. The existent study was projected to research the effect of oral administration of the hot aqueous extract of (Matricaria chamomilla flowers) to (4weeks)on the histopathological alterations of methomex_induced kidney harm in male mice. Methomyl administration caused increment the in grades of creatinine and urea of serum. The histopathological study to kidney appeared the devastation of the normal modality of the renal tissue and significantly existence of several glomeruli showed atrophy with tumescence of bowman's space ,strong stretching of the tissue of cortex tissue and degradation of the epithelium cells which lining the tubules. Pre-administration with Matricaria chamomilla extract as a herbal tea perhaps has preventative influence against methomyl toxic impacts of the kidney.
Theory of Oxy Acids[Full-Text ] Sudhansh ChavanCompounds of oxygen bonded covalently with it and having many lone pairs on the central atom decreses the acidic nature of the compound. Therefore acidic nature is inversely proportional to lone pairs on central atoms.
The Production of Biogas Using Kitchen waste[Full-Text ] VunduruNookaSaiVikram KumarKitchen waste is the best alternative for biogas production in a University level Biogas Plant. It is produced when bacteria degrade organic matter in the absence of air. Biogas contains around 55-65% of methane, 30-40% carbon dioxide. The calorific value of biogas is appreciably high around 4700 Kcal. The biogas yields have been determined using batch anaerobic thermophilic digestion tests for a period of 90 days. Characteristic oscillation was observed in the rate of methane production, which may be due to the presence of methylotroph population in the activated sludge, which uses methane as a carbon source for their growth. The total biogas generated in the system over the experimental period was the sum of methane and carbon dioxide. The anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste produces biogas, a valuable energy resource anaerobic digestion is a microbial process for production of biogas, which consist of primarily methane (CH4) & carbon dioxide (CO2). Biogas can be used as energy source and also for numerous purposes. But, any possible applications require knowledge & information about the composition and quantity of constituents in the biogas produced. The continuously-fed digester requires addition of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to maintain the alkalinity and pH to 7. For this reactor we have prepared our Inoculum than we installed batch reactors, to which inoculum of previous cow dung slurry along with the kitchen waste was added to develop our own Inoculum. A combination of this mixed inoculum was used for biogas production at 37°C in laboratory (small scale) reactor.
Examining Virtualization: A Survey into Fundamentals and Techniques[Full-Text ] DebabrataSarddar, Bhavya Deep, Rajesh BoseAs a force multiplier, virtualization is an invaluable feature to computer systems and information technology, today. The very act of virtualizing physical resources accords flexibility, robustness, and optimum resource utilization. Going virtual has multiple benefits. These can be witnessed in the form of system virtualization, storage, and network virtualizations. Globally, data centers rely almost exclusively on virtualization methods to increase availability while keeping costs under relative control. The key to virtualization is that almost a wide range of dissimilar software can be run on a single physical machine without interference from one another. Advancements made in technology allows us to use even an array of individual physical machines that together act as a unified platform to virtualize independent software environments. In this paper, we discuss the fundamentals of virtualization and examine prominent virtualization products that are currently in production use.
Floral establishment of major honey plants in north western zone of Tigray,Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Haftom Kebede and Samuel GebrechirstosIdentification of flowering calendar of honey plants is critical in improving yields of hive products. This study was carried out to survey plants foraged by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) and to identify them in one wereda (Tahtay koraro) of North Western zone of Tigray. Species identification with their flowering and characterization was made using direct observation, questionnaires, interview and focus group discussion. The result was analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 51 species belonging to 37 families with 16 major species, 13 secondary and 8 minor plants foraged by honey bees was identified. The species Cordia africana, Bidens species, Trifolium species, Carthamus tinctoriu, Parkinsonia aculeate, Zizipus Spina-christi, Carrisa edulis, Mimusops kummel, Diosypros mespiliformis, Acacia sieberiana,Terminalia glauceslcens, Grewia ferruginea, Opuntia ficus-indica, Syzygium guineense, Carica papaya L.and Buddleja polystachya were classified as major honey plants. The months ranging from December to June were identified as scarcity period. Majority of the flowering plants such as Cordia africana, Dodonaea angustifolia,Pterolobium stellatum, Carica papaya L.,Citrus sinensis pers, Psidium guajava, Zea mays, Otostegia integrifolia, Bidens species, Trifolium species, Bidens pachyloma, Carthamus tinctorius, Guizotia abyssinica, Brassica napus, Parkinsonia aculeate, Zizipus Spina-christi, Jasminum floriban, Cirsium vulgare, Capparis erythrocarpus, Acacia pilispina, Capsicum annum, Calpurnia aurea, Persea Americana, Mimusops kummel, Agave sisalana, Datura stramonium, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Vicia faba, Ficus vasta and Diosypros mespiliformis bloom between the months of August and November. Majority of the honey bee plant species (66.67%) propagated through seedling followed by wilding (15%). The source of bees, in order of importance, was from green vegetation, market sites and splitting. Therefore, Training on seasonal management of honey bees through supplementation of feeds during dearth periods, pollen analysis, bee keeping development integrated with crop cultivation and natural resource conservation is recommended.
Classification of Feature Clustersbased on Fuzzy Rules from Satellite Image[Full-Text ] Shrinivas Khandare, Urmila ShrawankarThe features on the earth are changing rapidly. Therefore the need arises to detect the changes occurring on the earth and use in different applications simultaneously. This paper proposes fuzzy rule based technique of feature classification from images. In this technique, first the maximum likelihood algorithm is applied by replacing the central pixel with the surrounding pixels reflectance values forming clusters and secondly the standard deviation and mean of the feature cluster obtained are used as an input in framing the fuzzy rules. Then image is given as input to the fuzzy rule based classification technique. The result obtained is compared with the previously existing algorithms. These techniques were performed on hundred images. The obtained accuracy is 80 % correct classification and 20% for misclassification. This can be applied to various applications of image processing and data retrieval systems.
RPS Alignment of Automotive Body Parts in Virtual Assembly and Deviation Analyses[Full-Text ] Bibek Rai and Liu Shenglan Quality of products depends on various factors. The most important factors are inspection and measurement. The products have to be controlled in all phases of manufacturing. The production of automotive parts, medical devices, sport equipments or any other body parts has to be controlled in all phases of production. The most important usage is in sheet metal work-piece inspection. One of the latest invented techniques is a scanning method with cross scanning laser devices. This paper describes an accurate and efficient algorithm of point cloud registration. The algorithm contains two steps: initial registration and precise registration. We use the best-fit method to do the initial registration. Then, in this coordinate system, we can extract six nominal points from CAD module, then using corresponding measured point extraction algorithm to get the six measured points. According to the 3-2-1 alignment principle, alignment can be performed and also we can do adjustment alignment. Using line profile to evaluate the part condition, the profile tolerance of any line and surface have datum claim, by comparing and analyzing their definition, indication, tolerance zone ,etc. and regard them as position tolerances.
A Study on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Plates[Full-Text ] Rifat SEZER,Muhammed TEKINIn this study, Finite Elements Method was used for the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete plates under gradually loading conditions beginning from zero load to failure load. Layered Composite Material Model was used for the modeling of reinforced concrete plates. The principles of this approach is given in “layered composites mechanics” that it was successfully applied for the nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete plates. This approach differs from the other approaches by considering the effect of tensile rigidity of the concrete between cracks and by using a criterion based on the crack energy concept together with the consideration of the effect of finite element network dimension. Load-displacement relationships were determined according to the Layered Composite Material Approach. The results of the analyses were compared and found to be in agreement with the experimental results and the results of past studies. A computer program prepared with Fortran PowerStation 4.0 programming language was used for the determination of this study’s results.
Effect of Corona on Transmission Lines due to its linked Parameters[Full-Text ] Basit Ali, Imran SiddiqueThe major cause of power loss in transmission lines which is wasteful and adverse is corona on transmission lines. That effect of corona which is power loss can be calculated through the peek’s formula and Preston’s formula further can be simulated through MATLAB. This paper provides some basic steps to tackle the effect of corona and also their relation through MATLAB between corona parameters and loss of power due to corona.
DYNAMIC RESPONSE TO MOVING CONCENTRATED LOADS OF SIMPLY SUPPORTED PRE-STRESSED BERNOULLI-EULER BEAM RESTING ON BI-PARAMETRIC SUBGRADES[Full-Text ] ONI, S.T, JIMOH, AThe dynamic analysis of uniform prestressed Bernoulli-Euler beam resting on bi-parametric subgrades and traversed by concentrated loads having simple support ends conditions is investigated in this paper. The solution technique is based on the Finite Fourier Sine transform with the series representation of the Dirac-delta function, a modification of Struble’s asymptotic method and Laplace transformation in conjunction with convolution theory. Analytical solution and numerical analysis showed that higher values of axial force N, shear modulus G and Foundation modulus K, reduced the response amplitudes of the beam when is under the action of moving concentrated loads. However, higher values of shear modulus G are required for a more noticeable effect than the values of foundation modulus K. Also, the critical speed for the system traversed by moving force is found to be smaller than that under the influence of moving mass, hence resonance is reaches earlier in the moving mass problem than that of the moving force problem.
The Orphanage System “Social Justice”[Full-Text ] Hadeel SabbaghI am excited to share some information about an association in Saudi Arabia which is beneficial for orphaned children in their life. This government program, Al-Wedad, was the first to develop a charity fund to take care of orphans who have no one else to care for them. Al-Wedad provides materials, clothes, food, healthcare, and education for orphaned children in Saudi Arabia. Donors are able to make their donations online and view the children needing care. This program helps orphans succeed and find work in life. Al-Wedad focuses on children in special circumstances without parents to help them never give up and hold high morality throughout their life.
The impact of network parameters in cloud environment. A detailed analysis[Full-Text ] Ms. ShikhaPandey,DrC.kJha ,Mr.Ashok K UpadhayaCloud computing is network based access for computing and data storage services. It aims to shift the location of computing infrastructure to the network, in order to reduce the costs of management and maintenance of hardware along with software resources. With Virtualization as key technology having impact on both the computation and communication performance of cloud services. We have fined that the abnormally unstable network performance can dramatically skew the results of certain network performance measurement techniques andapplications in cloud environment.Therefore, there is a need for elaborate study on the various parameters that effects cloud environment. In this paper we provide a detailanalysis of significance of various network-centric parameters in cloud computing.
Desempenho dos Métodos de Controlo de infestantes no Tomate sob variação dos dias de Rega[Full-Text ] Paulo DimandeO controlo de infestantes no tomate irrigado com défice de fornecimento de água merece uma especial atenção nas zonas áridas e semi-áridas. O trabalho decorreu em Vilanculos entre Maio e Setembro de 2015 com o objectivo de avaliar o desempenho de três métodos de controlo de infestantes no tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. CV. UC-82 B) sob variação dos nÃveis de humidade. O arranjo esperimental foi factorial 4x4 com 16 tratamentos combinando os seguintes factores i) métodos de controlo com recurso a sacha manual, cobertura morta, aplicação de 4 L/ha do Glyphosato e controlo (sem aplicação de nenhum método de controlo) ii) irrigação com variação do fornecimento de água em 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% dos dias de rega estabelecidos. As variáveis medidas foram rendimento médio (ton/ha), altura das plantas em fase de crescimento e no inÃcio da floração, comprimentos longitudinal e transversal do fruto. Os resultados mostraram interacção significativa (p <0,05) na altura das plantas no inÃcio da floração e nos comprimentos longitudinal e transversal do fruto. O rendimento médio de tomate respondeu ao factor rega e de forma crescente com obtenção de 6, 9,98, 12,14 e 20,18 ton/ha respectivamente nos regimes de rega correspondente a 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% dos dias de rega. O rendimento foi significativamente (p =0,02) mais baixo no tratamento de 25% de rega comparativamente ao de 100%. Os frutos de maior comprimento longitudinal e transversal estiveram associados aos métodos de controlo por aplicação de cobertura morta e sacha manual em todos regimes de rega. O tamanho do fruto na sacha manual foi próximo a 40 mm de secção longitudinal e 42-50 mm de secção transversal e na cobertura morta variaram de 38-50 mm de secção longitudinal e 44-51 mm de secção transversal. Em função destes resultados concluiu-se que a combinação de 100% de rega com a cobertura morta e sacha manual tiveram melhor desempenho no controlo de infestantes comparativamente a aplicação de 4 L/ha de Glyphosato.
Recognition of facial expression with Mean distances matrices difference method and classification by using support vector machine[Full-Text ] Moh Rafik, Dr.N.S.Rajput Humans can conveniently interpret face and facial expressions. However, doing the same thing using machine is considered very difficult. There is the problem of accurate classification in automatic facial expression recognition system (AFERS).
Relation between Renal Investigated Parameters with respect to Uranium Concentration for Cancer Patients[Full-Text ] Mohammed K.AlFakhar, Shafik S. Shafik, Huda A. MohammedThe measurement of uranium concentration in urine very important for many reasons, specially, for human health, where is initial index to the presence of cancer in the human body. The uranium concentration in urine measured by using KPA (kinetic phosphorescence analysis) which consider fast and accurate method to measure uranium concentration with detected limits about (10 ng/L), after that the samples were prepared to measurement. In this study, (101) samples of urine, (71) from patients with different type of cancer, (30) from healthy people were collected by taking into account the age, gender, educate, type of water, cancer history for patients. etc. Then, general urine have been analyzed before prepare the samples to measure uranium concentration in urine by KPA. The obtained results demonstrated that the uranium concentration for all healthy people about (1 µg/L) while for healthy ranging from (0.59-3.9 µg/L), therefore, and in general, the uranium concentration for patients higher than healthy people. Moreover, the results showed that the uranium concentration increases with increasing age and with and varied with cancer history for patients. Besides, the uranium concentration for patients who are drinking R.O water higher than the patients whose drinking piped water. Finally, the results illustrated that the RBC and amorphous crystals increase with increasing uranium concentration.
CBMIR: Content Based Medical Image Retrieval System Using Texture and Intensity for Eye Images[Full-Text ] Manoj Kumar, Manglem SinghThis paper aims to develop an efficient visual -content based technique to search, and retrieve images from the medical image database. Various features such as texture, color, intensity, shape, resolution, global and local are extracted from the medical images for the retrieval. In this work; we concentrate on the retrieval of eye images. Intensity and texture feature are used to retrieve images. Both these features are combined to form the single feature vector of the image by using fusion method. Query images are used to retrieve similar images from the database. Euclidean Distance method gives top images matching to our query images.
SVD based digital image watermarking using Linear and Cosine interpolation method[Full-Text ] Anand SinghWatermarking schemes allow a cover image to be embedded with a watermark image, for diverse applications including proof of ownership or for image hiding. In this study, a Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based watermarking scheme using interpolation method is proposed where the watermark is added in the singular values of a digital image using interpolation method. The resultant watermarked image is treated with different distortion operation. Finally, the watermark is extracted for each method and each recovered wa-termark is compared with the original watermark using normalized correlation, Peak Signal to noise ratio and accuracy rate. A better method is prescribed based on comparison results. The selected method is implemented in real world application for the purpose of copyright protection, authentication, integrity etc.
Analysis of TNF, IL2 & IL6 in the serum and aqueous humour of patient with cataract in Basra/Iraq[Full-Text ] Saja Moayeed, Wijdan Nazar, Salah Z. ALAsadiThe expression patterns and function of cytokines during the development of inflammatory cataract remain unknown, so this study was aimed to detect the presence of cytokines in aqueous humor and serum of patients with cataract, in order to detect the involvement of these cytokines in development of cataract. Two types of clinical specimens were collected from seventy vision impairment patients who have a various types of cataract, who underwent cataract surgery in Basra General Hospital. One hundred and forty samples were collected (seventy of aqueous humor and seventy of blood) for serological detection of both TNF-a , IL-2 , IL-6 by ELISA, the procedure were followed according to the instructions of the manufacturers. The level of TNF-a `was positive in (73.3%) of serum and aqueous humor together, while (32.5%) is negative in both of them. The level of IL-2 was positive in serum only in (22.9%) of patients while (77.1%) of patients was negative, (62.2%) of these patients the IL-2 is positive in aqueous humor. In the present study the frequency of cataract patient who were positive for IL-6 in was (61.4%) aqueous humor and 23.3%, in both serum and aqueous humor. In conclusion :this study revealed that high percentage of cataract patients had a positive levels of TNF alph,IL2 and IL6 in aqueous humor than in the serum may indicate that these interleukins may play important role in the pathogenesis of cataract.
Dynamics of an exploited prey-predator fish species with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response[Full-Text ] Tarun PradhanThis paper deals with the combined harvesting of a prey-predator fishery with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response [1,2]. The Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is similar to the Holling type II functional response but contains one extra term describing mutual interference by the predators. Here the prey species obeys the logistic law of growth [3]. The existence of the steady states of the dynamical system is discussed. Both local and global stability of all possible steady states are studied. It is also examined whether the system possesses any limit cycle. Existence of bionomic equilibrium is also examined. All the results are illustrated with the help of a numerical example.
Preparation, spectroscopic, thermal analyses and antibacterial studies of levofloxacin vanadium (V) complexes[Full-Text ] M.S. El-AttarThe new solid complexes [VO(Lev)2L]Cl, where L= aniline (An), dimethylformamide (DMF), o-Tolidine (o-Tol) and pyridine (Py) have been synthesized. These complexes were characterized by melting point, magnetic studies, spectroscopic techniques (IR, UV-Vis, 1H NMR), elemental analysis and thermal behavior of complexes also investigated. The results suggested that the molar ratio for all complexes is M:Lev:L=1:2:1 where levofloxacin acts as a bidentate via one of the oxygen atoms of the carboxylate group and the ring pyridone group and the complexes have the following formulae [VO(Lev)2An]Cl, [VO(Lev)2DMF]Cl [VO(Lev)2o-Tol]Cl and [VO(Lev)2Py]Cl. The activation energies, E*, enthalpies, ∆H*, entropies, ∆S* and Gibbs free energies, ∆G* of thermal decomposition reactions have been derived from thermo gravimetric (TGA) and differential thermo gravimetric (DTG) curves, using Coats-Redfern (CR) and Horowitz-Metzger (HM) methods. The antibacterial activity of these complexes has been evaluated against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and compared with the reference drug levofloxacin. The antibacterial activity of all complexes showed excellent activities against all microorganisms compared with free levofloxacin.
ESSAI SUR L’AVENIR DE L’AIDE AU DEVELOPPEMENT[Full-Text ] L’aide au développement désigne « une action volontaire par un acteur extérieur pour impulser le développement d’un pays tiers (« pays en développement »). Elle revêt donc un caractère international. Le donateur peut être un Etat, une structure publique ou privée ou un groupement de pays.
Heterosis Levels and Yield Improvement: Comparison Between F2 Hybrid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Their Parents[Full-Text ] C.A. Zaidi, A. Benbelkacem, L. Brinis, G. GuerrieroThis work in the north east of Algeria is focused on the comparison between six F2 bread wheat (Triticum aestivm L.) crosses obtained during 2013 wi th their respective parents. This material has been layed out and evaluated in a randomized complete block. The main goal was to select hybrids according to their heterosis estimations. Morphological, physiological and biochemical parameters have been measured. In general, data showed that overall heterosis was noticed for plant height, last internodes length, number of grains per spike, leaf area, number of spikes per m² and grain yield. Five (05) hybrids had values above the mid-parent. By these results, hybrid vigor displayed a marked trend with regard to the variables studied. These hybrids have acquired and maintained a level of higher hybrid vigor in F2 than the mid-parent. Thus, we agreed with the conclusion of several authors that want to use large-scale of F2 or F3 hybrids, given the difficulties and high cost in obtaining F1 hybrids.
Thermodynamic analysis of Solar Geothermal Power Cycle[Full-Text ] Aparna Kottapalli Solar geothermal power cycle was developed with a Flash chamber is used for power production, in which the geothermal mass under goes flashing process for production of steam. In Thermodynamic Analysis of Solar Geothermal power cycle a Heat exchanger is used and analysed instead of Flash chamber in which lot of geothermal mass is extracted for power production, such that there will be reduction in geothermal energy consumption and the efficiency can also be increased with the same available data of the one with flash chamber. For a 50 MW turbine, with an inlet temperature of 533 0C, condenser exit temperature as 50 0C, cooling water circulation at 2 0C, Geothermal mass extraction temperature at 200 0C from earth crust and ambient temperature during day time is taken as 38.1 0C, the solar radiation data can be taken as per the location from NASA data sheets, the efficiency of the plant has been analysed and found it to be improved by 4.7% and the consumption of geothermal fluids is reduced from 44.1kg/s to 13kg/s when heat exchanger is used. Energy and Exergy analysis of each component of Solar Geo Thermal power plant is analyzed to find the losses and to identify the points where rework is required and a computer code using Java language has been generated.
Novel quantitative method for estimation of ketone bodies in diabetic urine[Full-Text ] E.S.Khan, P.Karanjkar, V.N.Ravi Kishore.VDiabetic ketoacidosis is a potentially life threatening acute disease which affects patients suffering from Diabetis Miletus. It leads to accu-mulation of ketone bodies namely acetoacetate [20%], β-hydroxybutyrate [78%] and acetone [2%] out of which acetone is formed in smaller quantities and readily been exhaled out of the body. Most of the ketone bodies estimation methods rely on estimation of acetoacetate and estimation of β- hydroxybutyrate is generally not done. We report a novel method for estimation of ketone bodies which estimate both acetoacetate and β- hydroxybutyrate together. Since β- hydroxybutyrate is formed in 78%, estimating both leads to enhanced sensitivity.
Mobile Learning & Smartphones-QR Codes[Full-Text ] Samer AlmughamisiSmartphones are now part of our lives because many people use their phones for most of the day. Personally, I use my smartphone for regular phone communication, television, internet, fax, radio, and many other applications which connect me with my community. My smartphone is my small office. In this chapter, I read about using smartphones in education. There are both positive and negative consequences of this type of technology. The negative consequence is the lack of control. It is very difficult for teachers to manage use of smartphones in the classroom. The positive consequence is attractive for students because it is convenient to use. Most students carry a smartphone, so they can easily access this technology to help them achieve their goals in the class.
Effects of Binder and Thickeners of Pigment Printing Paste on fastness properties of printed fabric[Full-Text ] Asaduzzaman, Md. Forhad Hossain, Md. Kamruzzaman, Mohammad Raza MIAH, MstZakia sultanaIn this study crocking fastness of pigment printed fabric was improved by the application of synthetic pigment printing thickener EM-PTE (Anionic acrylic polymer).Moreover different percentage of binder with different viscosity of printing paste was taken into consideration. In addition to effect of curing time on K/S, impact of thickeners viscosity on wicking, effects of thickeners viscosity and binder concentration on crocking fastness was investigated. Through analysis K/S values of printed fabric were decreased with increasingcuring time of pigment printing. Moreover thickener viscosity (2%) gave good crocking effect on pigment printed fabric .Furthermore binder concentration of 15% showed optimum results of crocking fastness on pigment printed fabric.
CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF CAPI-TAL STRUCTURE OPTIMIZATION[Full-Text ] Viera Bartosova, Jaroslav JarosBasic task of a liability management in a capital structure is to define the most appropriate alternative of a company capital structure. The objectives of this choice may vary depending on the selection of an optimization criterion. The liability management takes not only the benefits of an interest tax shield but also the costs of financial distress into account when optimizing the capital structure. Over the last 50 years several theories of capital structure have been formulated, their authors are mainly economists from Anglo-Saxon countries. Theories were extended to the whole world from these countries, where they were further elaborated, tested, simplified and adapted to correspondent with the particular context of national economies, industries and specific companies. The main problem associated with their practical application is that the validity of the various theories is not universal. These theories and their outcomes are valid only under certain conditions and with certain limitations. In this work we analyse the most famous theoretical model of the capital structure, the model of M.H. Miller and F. Modigliani and the compromising theory of Brealey and Myers which connects the MM approach with the real market conditions. The article attempts to define the point in which the ratio of these two parameters is the optimal considering the value of the company. It is particularly topical problem as a consequence of the ongoing financial crisis, which involves substantial increase in financial distress, e.g. insolvency and bankruptcy.