Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2015.
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Effect of Processing Methods on the Organoleptic Qualities and Functional Properties of Soyflour (Glycine max. L)[Full-Text ] Olasoju, S. A., Owoseni, J.A., *Amosu, A.O., Hammed, A.M., Oniya, O. O and Adesina, B. S.Soybean (Glycine max ) is one of the most important food crops and a primary source of food for reasonable percentage of the world’s population. This study investigated the effect of processing methods on the organoleptic qualities, functional characteristics and proximate values of soybeans. Flours prepared using four different processing methods were subjected to various analyses. The study showed that the organoleptic properties of processed soybean were not significantly (p ≤ 0.5) different except in taste. For functional characteristics, sample CCPM showed the highest foaming capacity of 10% while sample SRPM has the least value of 5%. The foaming stability of samples OCPM and CCPM have higher values of 80.0 and 83.3% respectively. Highest value of 20.00% for least gelation for sample SRPM and lowest value of 16.00% for sample CCPM were obtained. The water absorption capacity of the samples showed that sample OCPM has the highest value of 2.80 g.g-1 while sample SRPM has least value of 2.00 g.g-1. The data on oil absorption of the samples indicated that there was no significant (p ≤ 0.5) difference in the values obtained. The least value of 2.70 ml.g-1 for emulsion capacity for sample SRPM was observed while the values for other samples range from 3.20-3.71 ml.g-1. The reconstitution index values showed that samples CCPM and SRPM had same value of 1.80 ml.g-1 while samples OCPM and SCPM had 1.20 and 2.00 ml.g-1 respectively while. The proximate parameters examined were not significantly (p ≤ 0.5) different except that sample SRPM had the least moisture content. This study showed that the functional properties, organoleptic values and moisture content of soyflour were not affected by low heat processing.
Multipath Rayleigh Fading analysis and Remedial Measures Technique Based on Healthcare Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks applied to disaster rescue[Full-Text ] Salaheldin Edam, Abuagla BabikerRecently, there has been increased interest in the district of ad-hoc networks, that can operate without infrastructure and capable of handle node mobility as well as dynamic network topologies. Due to these possessions, ad-hoc networks have been used in a lot of critical applications, such as military, law enforcement, and disaster-relief operations. Managing of resources in a disaster is not easy, while a rescue staff spread across broad swaths of the disaster district, situational responsiveness is preserved by hand-written tables and charts, and updates arrive in the form of oral messages using radio or messenger. Hence in this location wireless ad hoc and sensor networks (WASNs) can greatly improve situational awareness by enhancing an automating to update, checking and reacting to status modifies, and increasing data communications across the whole disaster. Thus, statistical model which is the best way for estimating signal and channel behavior in multi-paths fading is done for WASNs system with various probabilities. Moreover, this paper investigates remedial measures against Rayleigh fading by BER performance simulation for Quadrature amplitude modulation QAM, Phase Shift Keying PSK and Differential DPSK with cooperative MIMO. The performance analysis with different modulation modes (M) and diversity order (L) with Matlab simulation shows that bit error rate gain performance is much better when increasing L than when increasing M.
Islanding Detection in Hybrid DG based IEEE 14 Bus System using Negative Sequence Component Analysis[Full-Text ] Bhupendra Paliwal, C.S. Rajeshwari, Anjali PotnisThe paper investigates islanding detection using recently developed negative sequence components based islanding detection technique on IEEE 14 bus system with Wind–solar PV based hybrid Distributed Generations with a brief review of existing islanding detection techniques.The negative sequence components of voltage and current at various buses were retrieved for different islanding and non-islanding cases.The per unit voltages of negative sequence voltages after islanding clearly detects the islanding and standard deviations of the cases differentiates between islanding and non-islanding conditions such as normal operation,sudden load change and tripping of other DGs etc. and the technique is found to be effective.
UTILIZATION OF EDIBLE WINGED TERMITE (Macrotermes natalensis) IN SELECTED COMMUNITIES OF IMO AND RIVERS STATES, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ijeomah, H. M., Oyebade, B.A.and Mazi, E.C.Macrotermes natalensis is an age – old delicacy in many homes and highly cherished by children and rural dwellers who eat it as a snack, but factors militating against their availability and utilization in the study area are yet to be documented. This study investigated various ways of utilizing the species in the study area, effects of demographic characteristics of respondents on utilization of the species, perception of people concerning utilization of the species, and factors militating against the availability, harvesting and utilization of the species in the study area. Data for this study were collected through a set of questionnaires which was complimented with in-depth interviews. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics in the form of percentages, tables and charts while Chi-square was used to test for associations. Consumption of edible winged termites in the study area is not significantly associated (p>0.05) with sex of the respondents (χ2=0.227a), age (χ2=8.945a), marital status (χ2=1.526a), occupation (χ2=13.369a), household size (χ2=10.692a), ethnic background (χ2=0.887a) and educational level of respondents (χ2=16.396a). Macrotermes natalensis is consumed by most respondents in the study area. Consumption of the species is increasing in Ezi-orsu (90.0%) and Opuoma (80.4%) which are rural communities where its consumption was previously forbidden but is decreasing in an urban area, Rumuokwuta (87.5%) and a suburban area, Choba (66.7%); where its utilization was never abhorred by culture. Season was implicated by most respondents as the limiting factor to the availability and utilization of the species in the study area while unavailability of light limits its harvesting. A few respondents indicated that the utilization of edible winged termite is limited by taboos. Edible winged termites are of utmost importance to the diets of rural people as a source of cheap protein especially in the study areas but the high rate of deforestation as a result of development could threaten its seasonal availability.
Heat and Mass Transfer on the Peristaltic Flow of An Incompressible Electrically Conducting Williamson Fluid through a Porous Medium in a Symmetric Channel with Hall current effects and Inclined Magnetic Field[Full-Text ] M.VeeraKrishna and B.V.SwarnalathammaWe studied the peristaltic flow of an incompressible, electrically conducting Williamson fluid in a symmetric planner channel through a porous medium with heat and mass transfer under the influence of inclined magnetic field of an angle of inclination . Hall effects, viscous dissipation and Joule heating are taken into consideration. The non linear partial differential equations that govern that model were simplified under assumptions of long wavelength and low Reynolds number. Then a regular perturbation technique in the Weissenberg number was applied to obtain a closed form expressions for stream function, axial pressure gradient, temperature and concentration profiles. The influence of various embedded parameters on the flow were plotted through a set of graphs and discussed.
Acetylation of Violet Tree (Securidaca longepedunculata) Root Powder[Full-Text ] Barminas, J.T., Maitera, O.N., Donatus, R.B, Tadzabia, K, and 1Tukki O.HThe crude violet tree (Securidaca longepedunculata) root powder was modified by acetylation in a solvent free system using acetic anhydride, catalyzed with 4,4,4- cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) at a control reaction conditions. The modified Violet Tree Root Powder (VTRP) showed effect of increase weight gain at 50.71 ±0.02%, 63.96 ±0.01%, 64.53 ±0.02%, 75.94 ±0.01%, 78.83 ±0.01% and 96.72 ±0.04% due to varied reaction conditions for temperature, time, acetic anhydride and catalyst concentrations on acetylation. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectral analysis of unmodified and modified VTRP revealed declined frequency band of the hydroxyl group (O-H) of the unmodified 3400 cm1 to 3429-3419 cm1 in modified and consequently the absence of 1750-1700 cm1 in specify samples free of acetic acid by-products.
Modification of conventional furnaces into energy efficient Furnaces[Full-Text ] Santanu Saha, Piyush Paliwal, P Sarkar, Dr. D K LikhiOne of the most important parts of metal processing is hot forming of ingots through reheating and subsequent hot forging/hot rolling. Due to abnormal increase in fuel price, reheating cost also is increasing astronomically. Initially before the year 2009, the fuel consumption was around 1T/per ton of processing. Critical analysis was carried out. The study revealed that ceramic fiber has less thermal conductivity compared to that of conventional insulation brick. Suitable ceramic fiber was chosen and furnaces were modified with ceramic fiber. This has drastically reduced LPG consumption from 1T/ton of production to 0.5T/ton of production.
Virtual Parliament – An immediate need of Digitally Ready India[Full-Text ] Dr Sandhya Vyas and Prof K K VyasToday the Information & Communication Technology (ICT) have transformed the life of human being completely. New innovations in ICT continuously gripping and transforming the business, education, society & health Sector. Politics is not immune from ICT. Recent election in 2014-15 witnessed the extensive use of ICT as Mass Media. Even our MPs & MLAs was extensively using Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, UTubes, Whatsapp etc for reaching their followers. During the electoral campaign, some MP and MLAs was also taking the assistance from their back-end computer team to get caste related statistics of an area and make their strategy hourly based. Even the Pre-election prediction was severely affected by ICT campaign & Electronic Media Aids. In a nut-shell, it is an appropriate time to ICTfied the Politics by adopting Virtual Parliament Session. This will be beneficial for our country and make it true Green in all aspects globally. This exploratory paper gives a perception of Roadmap for Virtual Parliament concept. It may be a reality for Digitally Ready India so that the wash-out sessions of parliament can be avoided in future.
Microstructure Effect on Fracture of Stainless Steels[Full-Text ] Faraj A. Emhmmed AlhegagiDuplex stainless steels specimens were heat treated at 475°C for different times and pulled to failure. Fracture toughness testing was performed according to BS 7448, , clip gauge , to monitor specimen displacement. In addition, the direct current potential drop(DCPD) technique was used to monitor the crack propagation. The Crack Tip Open Displacement (CTOD) was evaluated. Computational data, Shear model, were fit to the experimental ones. Discrepancy was observed between the experimental
GEOSPATIAL MAPPING AND ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN THE FEDERAL CAPITAL CITY (FCC) ABUJA, NIGERIA FROM 1990 TO 2014[Full-Text ] Enedah, I.C., Igbokwe J.I., Ojiako, J.C., Igbokwe E.C.The Federal Capital City (FCC) was created in 1976 and physical development of both the city and its region started in earnest in 1980. As a result, there has been a remarkable change in the physical development of the city. There is therefore the compelling need for timely accurate data on the physical development in the FCC. Presented in this study is an approach for mapping the physical development trends in the Federal Capital City (FCC) Abuja. This paper used multi-temporal satellite imageries of 1990, 2002 and 2014. Multi-temporal analysis was performed to derive the extent of physical development in the FCC, Abuja. Land Use/Land Cover maps of 1990, 2002 and 2014 were produced by using the supervised maximum likelihood classification algorithm in ERDAS Imagine 9.1. Post-classification comparison was used for producing growth/change map. Results show that for the past 24 years, 1990-2014, FCC Abuja has been undergoing extensive land cover change. The built up area in the city has grown from 14,693.85hectares in 1990 to 34,425.90hectares in 2002 and to 50,964.21hectares in 2014. The highest rate of urban growth is observed during the first period of urbanization (1990 to 2002) in which the built up area increased more than twice (40.17%) within 12 years, and in the second period of urbanization there was a change of 19.37%. In total, 36,270.36hectares of non-built up land has been converted to urban area. In this study it has been possible to successfully capture the changing subtleties of physical development patterns and trends in the FCC, Abuja. However it is recommended that further studies be carried out about development trends of other areas of the FCT, Abuja, so that a comparative analysis can be made between the FCC and other areas of the FCT, Abuja.
Analysis and Visualization of the Center Line in Large Intestine by Virtual Colonoscopic and Processing Algorithms: A Brief Study[Full-Text ] Satya Prakash RoutThe analysis showcases a virtual colonoscopic algorithms to detect and visualize ‘polyps’ and cancerous outgrowths in the large intestines of patients along with bringing forth a way to materialize the process. Virtual colonoscopic approach targets patients to provide a relaxed and less painful option for spotting cancerous and pre-cancerous outgrowths in the colon. Several 3D image processing algorithms of image skeletonization are used to find the location and shape of colons in the large intestine.
SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Deekshith K , Dhruva Aravind , Nagaraju H , Bhaskar ReddyThis paper deals with the efficiency of solar cell with and without tracking system . It also includes a proposed plan of simple dual axis tracking device which is based on servo motors which are in turn interfaced using arduino microcontroller kit . The instructions to the servo motor comes from highly efficient light dependent resistors which are responsible for moment of PV panels towards maximum light intensity.
A Modified Sepic Converter With Pv Module And Mppt Technique[Full-Text ] Soumya RamanathSolar-electric-energy system has grown consistently over the years. The core of solar power generation system is a solar cell. Modeling the solar cell is required for study of photovoltaic systems. In this paper utilization of a modified Single Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC) for control of photovoltaic power using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control mechanism is presented. The SEPIC is designed to make the power flow from PV module to load effectively and maintain constant output voltage. The model is developed using basic circuit equations of the photovoltaic (PV) solar cells including the effects of solar irradiation and temperature changes. The preferred topology presents low switch voltage with high efficiency for low input and high output voltage applications. This converter topology is the combination of a classical boost converter and a conventional SEPIC converter. The input voltage of the converter is chosen to be 15 V and an output voltage of 120 V is obtained. The output power obtained is of 30W.
Relation of plasma resistin to obesity and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic Egyptian patients[Full-Text ] Emad K. Ahmed, Fatma F. Abdel Hamid, Tahany M. Abd El-Moneam, Heba A. HussienResistin is an adipocyte-secreted hormone proposed to link obesity with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Data from the literature regarding the physiological role of circulating resistin are unclear or conflicting. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between circulating resistin levels, obesity, and insulin resistance markers in Egyptian patients with type 2 diabetes. The study included 43 type 2 diabetic patients and 41 age-matched healthy controls. Plasma resistin was found to be significantly higher in diabetic lean and obese patients, compared to their controls (p < 0.01) with males have higher levels than females. In addition, Insulin resistance markers assessed by homeostasis model as well as total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), fasting blood glucose, and glycated hemoglobin levels, were also higher among diabetic patients than in the controls. Pearson’s analysis revealed positive correlations between plasma resistin and weight, body mass index (BMI), lean body mass (LBM), insulin, homeostasis model assessment-β cell index (HOMA-β), homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), total cholesterol, and LDL-C. On the other hand, a negative correlation between resistin and homeostasis model assessment-hepatic insulin sensitivity (HOMA-HIS) as well as high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) was also observed. These results suggests that circulating resistin is unlikely to play a direct role on the development of type 2 diabetes rather than be associated with obesity and insulin resistance, both of which could, indirectly, contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Egyptian patients.
DEVELOPMENT OF WATERWAYS FOR EFFECTIVE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM AND RECREATION ENHANCEMENT IN SELECTED NAVIGABLE CREEKS AND WATERWAYS IN RIVERS STATE[Full-Text ] Over the years neither the government of Rivers State nor the Federal Government of Nigeria have shown interest in the development a viable water transportation system that would enhance. The importance of water transportation in the development of coastal communities has not been given the required attention by government at the State and Federal Levels. The emphasis has always been on land transportation. The objectives of this research are to find out: whether people living close to the water bodies actually, use them for transportation and recreation purposes; the number, names and characteristics of the major water transportation routes; people’s perception of the water bodies with respect to their value for transportation and recreation and types, ownership and management of watercraft used for water transportation. The research methodology was a multistage as it involved the listing of the major identified waterways and navigable waters in Rivers State and selecting 50% of the most viable economically to Rivers State. The study adopted the ‘passive-observational research design’. A total of 4,660 households were identified, and 100 households representing 2.15% of the households were interviewed, data was collected for analysis. The study established that there were challenges of water transportation in the Port Harcourt waterways and creeks; these range from narrow and shallow creeks and navigable waters, uncontrolled sea piracy, floating debris and water hyacinth along the navigable waterways and the near zero safety measures adopted by some of the boat drivers plying the waterways. The study also revealed that waterfronts of these selected communities in the study area have the potential of becoming recreation and tourist centres which can generate revenue for the state but they are poorly managed and/or neglected. In conclusion, water transportation system in the selected navigable waterways of Rivers State is inefficient due to shallow waterways due to continuous siltation of the creeks. The study recommends amongst others; as periodic dredging and canalization of waterways for effective transportation system and enhancement of recreational activities. The government at the State should provide adequate security along the waterways, the creeks to enhance water transportation and recreational activities in the areas. More so the Ministry of Transport should incorporate schemes to improve the waterways. The marine police should enforce the use of safety jackets and buoyancy aid for commuters and enforcing laws against refuse and excreta disposal in water bodies by residents. The government should encourage conservation and preservation of beach fronts and cultural heritage of the people along the waterways and navigable creeks.
THE REAR SIDE OF MOON[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaScientists focus that only 59% of Moon surface can be seen from the earth all the time because of synchronizing time of moon as it orbits itself as well as earth and the balance 41% of moon surface can not be seen at all. In 1959 Soviet Union claimed about data about rear side of moon and America also claimed seen the rear side through space vehicle Apollo-8 . Now China is also programming to land on rear side of moon by 2018.
Combustion Properties of Briquettes Produced From Finger Millet Straws of Different Particle Sizes[Full-Text ] Hesborn R Ayub, Dennis O Bichang’a, Janet J Kipsanai, Danvas A Kegesa and Beavon N OsumoThe choice of agricultural residue briquette for domestic and industrial applications depends on its combustion characteristics. This paper reports the findings of densifying finger millet straws at room temperature without a binder at 25MPa compacting pressure. The finger millet straws were crashed using an electric hammer mill of circular sieve size openings to obtain particle sizes of 0.425, 0.600 and 1.18mm. Combustion-related properties such as percentage volatile matter, percentage ash content, percentage fixed carbon, moisture content, heating (or calorific) value of the briquettes were determined. Results indicated that different particle sizes produced briquettes of different properties. Density ranged between 0.43-0.76g/cm3; moisture content 9.5-11%; volatile matter 61.5-64%; fixed carbon 19-22%; ash content 6.6-7.5% and calorific value ranged between 4213-4662Kcal/kg for the three particle sizes of the four varieties under study. Assessment of burning characteristic showed that briquettes produced with particle size 0.425mm indicated the highest burning time of 6 minutes while briquettes with particle size 1.18mm had the highest burning rate of 4.6g/minute with low specific fuel consumption.
Risk and Reliability Analysis of the Effect of Underwater Noise Pollution towards MarineAnimals[Full-Text ] Sulaiman Oladokun Olanrewaju, Kader Ab Saman Abd, Azman Shamila, Alwany Magdy A., Trocchia Samantha, Guerriero GiuliaUnderwater sound is important for the underwater creatures. It is useful for the navigation, food finding, mating, and also predator detection. The natural phenomenons in the marine environment that produce noise include waves, wind, surf, lightning, precipitation, animals’ sound and also the earthquakes. The frequency of the natural sound was usually below 100 Hz, but rain and waves sounds dominate higher frequencies. However, some human activities can cause the underwater noise pollution such as the sound produced by the ships, sonar, pile driving, dredging, oil and gas explorations and also military activities. The effect of man-made noise is a main threat to marine animals. Fish, in particular, was less attractive with the noisy environments and avoid areas where man-made noise levels are high.The presence of noise also could keep fish changes their way, behavior and reproduction. Our analysis has determined the cause, occurrence and the effect of the underwater noise pollution in the ocean towards marine animals. The overview from the results shows that shipping operation got the higher risk based on the evaluation of risk matrix rating which the identified risks are come from the high speed of the ships and sound emitted from the engine vibration in the hull of ships. Preliminary calculation involving the energy budget per year for anthropogenic noise shows that Underwater Noise Explosion emits higher energy per year which is 2.1 x 1015 J.
Communicative Language Teaching[Full-Text ] Mohammad AlfehaidThis paper about communicative approach in teaching in the 21st century and how it is effective in teaching and assessment for second Langauge learners and foreign language learners.
New Text Clustering Method Based On Arithmetic Encoding Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mr. Nikhil Pawar, Dr. P. K. DeshmukhIn this paper, we proposed system that uses arithmetic encoding algorithm to encode data instances in to integer, clustering performed on integer instances is much more effective than clustering performed on string instances. This is very effective technique to improve clustering accuracy of text data; it has been observed that traditional clustering methods not perform well on string attributes. Compression ratio of Arithmetic encoding is better than Huffman encoding.
Assessment of the Protective Potential of Annona senegalensis Leaf Extract against Selected Fungal Pathogens of Sorghum, Tomato and Okra Seeds[Full-Text ] Akpor OB, Nwogwugwu JC, Adejobi OI, Oyebanji AO and Babalola OOThe aim of this study was to access the protective potential of Annona senegalensis leaf extract against selected fungal pathogens of se-lected seedlings (sorghum, tomato and okra). Prior to use, the seeds were surfaced sterilized and viability test carried out. In the study, the effective concentration of the extract, optimum soaking time in the extract and infective concentration of the fungal pathogens were determined. The outcome of the effective concentration of the extract revealed the germination percentage of the sorghum seeds to range from 71% to 93.36%. For the okra seeds the result ranged from 38% to 86%, while for that of the tomato seeds the germination profile was observed to range from 28.5% to 71%. With respect to the optimum soaking time, the end result for the germination of the sorghum seeds was seen to be high at100 % which were recorded in most of the soaking time seen at 30 min, 90 min, 120min, 180 min, 210 min. Lowest value of 78.5 % was seen at 240 min soaking time in the extract. In the case of tomato seeds, the germination result revealed a variation from 28.5 % to 71 %, with the lowest and highest seen at soaking time of 240 min and 30 min respectively. The study was able to reveal the protective potential of the extract of the seeds against the fungal pathogens.
COMMUNICATON MANAGEMENT IN THE ELECTORAL CAMPAIGNS[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. Kire Sharlamanov, Asst. Prof. Aleksandar JovanoskiPolitical and especially electoral campaigns are more developed and complex than ever. In order, for an electoral campaign to be successfully performed its necessary to establish communication management and to develop a communication strategy. This paper explores communication management for electoral campaigns in all its phases form strategic study through research of public opinion to development of communication strategy.
Image Enhancement using Dynamic Stochastic Resonance in Discrete wavelet Domain[Full-Text ] Akanksha Singh, Sini ShibuMany images like medical images, satellite images, Arial images and even life photographs suffer from noise. Image enhancement techniques are used to improve the visual appearance of images by reducing noise from images. In this paper, a dynamic stochastic resonance (DSR) based algorithm is proposed to improve the visual quality by removing noise from digital image. Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon in which the performance of a system can be improved by addition of noise. In proposed algorithm salt and pepper noise is added in image with different variance. After applying proposed DSR technique, resultant image is enhanced and results are better in terms of Noise Standard Deviation (NSD), Mean Square Difference (MSD) and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) when compared with other techniques such as Gaussian low pass filtering, soft thresholding and hard threholding of wavelet coefficient.
An Arabic Web search engine using grid computing and Artificial Intelligence techniques[Full-Text ] Mohammed Mahmoud Ibrahim SakreThis research is considered as a result of an accumulative work for many years to demonstrate a model for the heavy computational components of any World Wide Web (WWW) search engine. This architecture is based on the grid computing. The crawling load is distributed over a set of computers to retrieve more crawled pages in less time. The proposed architecture of the indexer distributes the indexing load over a set of computers and supports the dynamic indexing to deal with the frequent changes in the web contents. So, the proposed architectures of the crawler and the indexer support the freshness of the web pages. The used freshness technique is considered in the crawler and the indexer where the dynamic indexer is responsible of determining the old pages and sending them to the crawler to revisit them for updating. The Search module is implemented including Arabic morphological analysis/generation and synonym dictionary which are combined to produce an Intelligent Arabic Internet Search module. The use of these linguistic tools is proved, experimentally, to have positive effects on both Precision and Recall measures where the average precision exceeds the value of 0.92. This design is implemented for Arabic language but it suits any other language with language-related modifications.
Production of Au NPs via PLAL Technique for Optoelectronic Application[Full-Text ] Baha T. Chiad, Falah A-H Mutlak, Luay S. Ahamed and Mudhafar H. ALIIn this paper, Au nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) was prepared.Various affecting parameters were studied such different laser energy (100, 300, and 500 m J) with different number of pulses (100, 300, 500, and 700 pulse), at wavelength 1064 nm, and repetition rate of 1Hz. The structural , morphological and optical properties were discussed. XRD spectra showed the very strong diffraction peak at 37.8° is considered to be of (111) plane facet of the face centered cubic structure, while the diffraction peaks of other Au peaks are found to be much weaker compared to standard Au NPs. AFM showed the average diameter increase with the increase of the energy and number of shots. The optical properties showed decrease absorption spectra at decrease energy and number of shots.
Lossless Huffman coding for image compres-sion using K-Means algorithm with Motion es-timation technique via “3-level HBMA over EBMA” on block size of 16 and 64[Full-Text ] Ali Tariq Bhatti, Dr. Jung H. KimNow-a-days, image compression techniques are very common in a wide area of researches in terms of lossless and lossy compression. Image compression can also play an impact role in video or motion estimation techniques. Motion estimation (ME) is an essential part of any video processing system of determining motion vectors that are representing the transition or motion of objects in successive video frames as store in images. It is use to find its applications in two main areas: reduction of temporal redundancy in video coders and representation of true motion of objects in real-time video applications. In this research paper, the block size of 16 and 64 has been used to compute for part A and part B, so then the analysis of performance metrics. In part A, read an image of 256X256 in any jpg or gif format. Furthermore, Lossless Huffman using K-Means algorithm of block size of both 16 and 64 and choose codebook size of 50 in part A. In part B, record voice video of 128X128 with at least one moving object in any video format such as .wmv, .avi, etc. file with reasonable brightness and contrast using 30 frames/second and convert those video frames into images by RGB to intensity format, applying median filter by using selected motion estimation algorithm via MATLAB implementation. Then, in this research paper, 3-level HBMA algorithm over EBMA for two second voice video is used. Take the anchor and the tracked frames of 2 second voice video are each represented by a pyramid, and the EBMA or one of its variants is employed to estimate motion vectors of blocks in each level of the pyramid. Different frames of image for 3 different videos like 1st, middle, last frame, etc. are used as a original image and motion vector image during this algorithm. Quiver displays velocity vectors as arrows for motion estimation for the videos in that frame of image in this research paper. Moreover, display the original video, motion vector video, threshold video and their results. Also did analysis to compute 1st frame and last frame of the 2 second original video, and first frame and middle frame of the 2 second motion vector video by RGB to intensity format. Compute MSE between the original and the result. Therefore, other evaluation metrics used such as PSNR and MAD for 3-level HBMA over EBMA of block sizes of 16 and 64 via MATLAB implementation. Furthermore, investigate the analysis of performance metrics for part A and part B to be used in this research paper. Finally, there will be a change in MAD and MSE will be decreased when taking larger block size like of 64 in the context lossless Huffman coding for image compression using K-Means algorithm and Video estimation technique via HBMA over EBMA algorithm.
Exchanging Biometric Keys in Secrecy[Full-Text ] Mohammed Mahmoud Ibrahim SakreThe main purpose of the presented paper is to establish a secure way by integrating the biological characteristic as a key with cryptographic applications. A binary string is generated reliably from genuine fingerprint conventions. That key is generated from a subject’s fingerprint image with the aid of SDK, which do not reveal the key. The reproduction of that key depends on the equivalent biometric fingerprint. That’s why the general key distribution problem is always refer to the task of distributing secret keys between communicating parties to provide security properties such as secrecy and authentication.
Modular Graphs with High Cheeger Constant[Full-Text ] Krunal K Patel Modularity and centrality properties in graphs is an area of research that is becoming increasingly important with growing applications in analysing big data, especially social network data, computation for biology, communication network optimization and design, VLSI, etc. to name a few. We want the network to have community structure. At the same time we also want a network to be decently connected so that it can withstand certain amount of failures. We can measure how well a network is connected by its Cheeger constant. In this work in our search for ways to test the modularity properties in networks we focused on possible relationships between the Cheeger constant of a graph and modularity. Although modularity is a local graph property and Cheeger constant is a global graph property, it turns out that there is a relation between them. Low Cheeger constant means that the graph is weakly connected. Such graphs are more likely to have community structure. A paper by Gregory Gauthier on ”Graph Fortresses and Cheeger Values” proves that any network having Cheeger constant less than 1 has positive modularity. They introduced graph fortress and cellular automaton to prove the result. First they proved that any graph having Cheeger constant less than 1 will have a double fortress in it. Subsequently, another result of theirs states that any graph with non-trivial double fortress will have a partition with positive modularity. In this document we first prove that any minimal Cheeger set is always internally connected. This gives us a lower bound on number of edges in a minimal Cheeger set with respect to its cardinality. We then prove that if a graph has two disjoint weak fortress then the graph will also have a double weak fortress. Using these two results we prove that if all minimal Cheeger set having Cheeger value e have cardinality at least 2/2-e then the graph has a non-trivial double weak fortress. Finally we prove that the presence of a non-trivial double weak fortress gives us a partition of vertices of graph with non-negative modularity.
Satellite Images processing and Classification Enhancement for Different Land Covers[Full-Text ] H. I. Abdelkader, M. El-Hattab, A. M. Sakhan, and A. M. NasrImages classification is an important task for many aspects of global change studies and environmental applications. This study aims to improve the accuracy of classification for satellite images by comparing the spectral signature that got from the laboratory measurements of spectral reflectance obtained for 18 samples of different land covers and the spectral signa-ture of the selected regions in this classification. In this study three different classifications for the same satellite image have been compared. The first classification is unsupervised classification while the second and third classifications are supervised classifications. The first and second classifications are traditional in ERDAS software while the third classification depends on the laboratory measurements. The samples include most identified land covers from the previous supervised classifications. All collected samples were prepared and then its spectral response were investigated using the spectrometer device (tec5, Oberursel) which cover the wavelengths range (302 – 1148)nm in 2 nm steps of electromagnetic radiation. These data used to derive the spectral signature for different land covers. This spectral signature is used in the third classification. The accuracy of the first classification was 60% and the second classification was 70% while the third classification accuracy was 85%. This increase in accuracy of classification was lower than expected due to the random regions in the marine area. It is a known problem in LANDSAT7 sensors. This problem has been solved by masking the seawater through making a mask vector by manual digitizing of that class in ARCGIS software which led to an improved accuracy classification of 94.3%.
Continuous Suture Technique for Isolated Mitral Valve Replacement - A Prospective Postoperative Analysis[Full-Text ] Vijayant Devenraj, Sushil Kumar Singh, Vivek Tewarson, Sarvesh Kumar, Akshyaya Pradhan, Navneet Kaur.Background- The deleterious effects of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are well known. Techniques to reduce the duration of CPB without compromising patient’s safety have been evolving. One such technique is the use of continuous suture technique for mitral valve replacement (MVR). In our study we have analyzed postoperative intensive care unit (ICU) course, morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing isolated MVR with continuous suture technique.Methods- From August 2011 through September 2012, 71 patients underwent isolated MVR with continuous suture technique. The study was prospective, and the database maintained by medical record section and phone contacts with patients. After discharge, patients were followed up clinically on day-7, & 1, 3 and 6 months. Echocardiography was done at 1 & 6 months.The statistical analysis was done using SPSS-15 software. The test used were Chi-square test, Student ‘t’test and ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) test. Results- Average CPB time was 50.73+12.48 minutes and mean aortic cross-clamp time was 29.86+8.81 minutes. During ICU course, significant decrease in inotropic support (p=0.004), ventilator time (p=0.037), mediastinal drainage (p<0.001) and shorter ICU stay (p<0.001) were associated with decrease in CPB time. Mediastinal drainage averaged 258.31 ± 172.53 ml whereas 0.94 ± 0.843 units of packed red blood cells were transfused. Incidence of paravalvular leak was 4.2%. There were no incidences of suture breakage or prosthetic valve dehiscence. There was single peri-operative mortality resulting from fatal cerebral thrombo-embolism.Conclusion- Improved post-operative recovery with comparable morbidity and mortality and cost effectiveness mandates use of continuous suture technique for MVR.
Project Management Office in a Waterfall environment[Full-Text ] Meshal AlabdulwahabProject Management Office or PMO works like a business unit to maintain project management activities of an organization. The aims is to standardize the project management methods, processes, and policies in execution of project activities. There are several approaches to project management that PMO can follow such as traditional waterfall approach, agile methods, lean practice or scrum framework. Each of these require specific culture, structure, and processes so that projects could be efficiently and effectively managed. This paper focuses on the issues faced by PMO with regard to project management methodology, relevant strategic impact, and stakeholder response to change in these methods. It also review other alternatives to project management and recommends a preferred alternative.
Reverse engineering of one-way encryption function[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this research is described an approach for reverse engineering of a hash function. Despite that the proposed method may not be the best, it still works and it deserves to be examined. The approach does a bloom filter containing states that may reach the end by adding a suffix with some length. Then it iterates the prefixes of the extra length and notes each one that matches the filter. As soon as it reaches ten thousand corresponding prefixes or ends, it tries to break recursively the difference from the states, reached by comparing prefixes against the end state. If it finds a way to break the difference, the correct prefix forms a pair with the solution of the difference, in order to form a complete solution. Otherwise, it continues, until the prefixes run out.