Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2014 Edition
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Optimum Channel Estimation using BFO and GA in MIMO-OFDM System[Full-Text ] Navneet Kaur, Ramanpreet KaurThe amalgamation of Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems in wireless communication has always remained as one of the promising solution for improving data rate and spectral efficiency from past 10-20 years. It provides high diversity, and spatial multiplexing gain considered as their key features. The terminology used, to reduce the multipath propagation problems introduced over the channel. The effect of these problems can be evaluated from the channel for proper detection of symbols at the receiver side by performing Channel Estimation. In this analysis, the basic aim is to reduce the length of guard band until the signals get collide with each other. Then basic channel estimation techniques have been adopted such as Least Square (LS), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Minimum Mean Square Error (MSE). The results of these techniques have been further applied to two evolutionary algorithms named as Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) that will optimize the estimation results. The performance of such algorithms has shown extreme trade-off between the performance of Bit Error Rate (BER), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Signal to Noise ratio (SNR). The entire recreation is taken place in MATLAB environment.
Defect Prediction in Software Projects-Using Genetic Algorithm based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Random Forest Classifier[Full-Text ] Pushpavathi T.P, Suma V, Ramaswamy VSoftware project success is based on prediction of defects at early stages of software development. Aaccurate prediction of defect prone modules in software development process enables effective discovery and identification of the defects. Such prediction approaches are valuable for the large scale systems, where verification experts need to focus their attention and resources to problem areas in the system under development. Identifying and locating defects in software projects to measure the project success is a difficult task. Especially, when project size grows, this task becomes expensive with sophisticated testing and evaluation mechanisms. Context: Software project failures are often caused by mistake made during the project, and such failures make a strong economic impact. It analysed software engineering projects such as product development project of a company, different software engineering projects and the projects were planned to be delivered to customers.Objective: This study reports an analysis for predicting defect prone modules using integrated approach of genetic algorithm based fuzzy c-means clustering with random forest algorithm.Method: This method was developed using Genetic Algorithm based Fuzzy C-means clustering with Random Forest classification applied on empirical data set and analysis was performed. Finally it is validated with five NASA public domain defect data sets. These data sets vary in size, but all typically contain a small number of defect samples in the learning set. For instance, in project PC1, only around 7% of the instances are defects.Results: The overall accuracy maximization is the goal, then learning from such data usually results in a biased classifier, i.e. the majority of samples would be classified into non-defect class.Conclusion: In order to achieve project success, it is better to understanding of the defects. It is reasonable to suggest that a notable portion of project defects are due to mistakes made during the project development in the case of accuracy based software engineering projects.
Improvement for Radio Jove Telescope Antenna Using Directive Angle Yagi[Full-Text ] Kamal M. Abood, Moretadha J. Kadhim, Mohammed I. Abd-Almajied, and Zinah F. KadhimThis paper presents a new technique to design the yagi antenna in order to receive radio signals from Jupiter at 20.1MHz from Baghdad city at (44.45, 33.35) latitude and longitude respectively in the period (2005 to 2020). EZNEC+ 5.0 package has been used in order to build a yagi with three and seven elements. The elevation angle was matched with the elevation angle of Jupiter for the same period. In order to increase the efficiency of the yagi and to cover all the elevation angles of Jupiter at Baghdad location because yagi didn't cover all the elevation angle at Baghdad. The yagi with directive angle has also been designed by raising the yagi with an angle above ground where it has assumed three and seven elements.
Concentric Slot Antenna Design for Dual-Band Application[Full-Text ] Praveen Kumar Sharma, Ayush Kanodia, Vasundhara SharmaThe antenna is designed to work in dual frequency band i.e., WLAN and Wi-MAX. The dimensions of the patch are 40mm × 30mm. The substrate used has relative permittivity of 2.2. A coaxial feed is used to feed the antenna with input impedance of 50?. Two concentric circular slots are introduced on the patch that resonates at 5.2 GHz and the feed pin resonates at the frequency of 2.4 GHz. The design is simulated using HFSS and Gain, Directivity and VSWR are studied.
MINIMIZE THE NOISE ERROR USING SIMULATION OF DISCRETE KALMAN FILTER[Full-Text ] Msc. Samir I. AboodThe linear Kalman–Bucy filter has seen considerable application to engineering problems involving both linear and nonlinear systems. The generally successful application of this procedure has been marred by the not uncommon appearance of the so-called divergence phenomenon. In our paper the “Kalman filter” is used as recursive estimation which is sufficient important to minimize the errors in discreet system by using matlab simulation.
The Power Optimization of Linear Feedback Shift Register Using Fault Coverage Circuits[Full-Text ] K.YARRAYYA, K CHITAMBARA RAOA new fault coverage test pattern generator using a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) called FC-LFSR can perform fault analysis and reduce the power of a circuit during test by generating three intermediate patterns between the random patterns by reducing the hardware utilization. The goal of having intermediate patterns is to reduce the transitional activities of Primary Inputs (PI) which eventually reduces the switching activities inside the Circuit under Test (CUT) and hence power consumption is also reduced without any penalty in the hardware resources. The experimental results for c17 benchmark, with and without fault confirm the fault coverage of the circuit being tested.
Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Network: With Auto Reconfigurable Routing and Power Optimization[Full-Text ] Abhay Kshirsagar, Nishant Shetty, Jatin JacobIn this paper, we present Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Network (R-WSN), which will improve the reliability of wireless links in health monitoring system in case of failure or fault at the default router i.e. Personal Data Processing Unit (PDPU), by automatically reconfiguring data routing. Along with re-configurability, we also present a power optimization algorithm to be implemented in standby router.
Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt doped Nickel - Ferrites Nanocrystalline by Co-precipitation Method[Full-Text ] Mohammed A. Ati, Hayder Khudhair, Shadab Dabagh, R. M. Rosnan, Ali A. AtiImproving the magnetic response of nanocrystallite nickel ferrites is the key issue in high density recording media. A series of cobalt substituted nickel ferrite nanoparticles with composition Ni1-xCoxFe2O4, where x= (0.0, 0.2 and 1.0), are synthesized using co-precipitation method. These synthesized compounds are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scan electron microscopy (FESEM), Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectrum, energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDX) and TGA-DTA. The XRD spectra revealed the single phase spinel structure and the average sizes of nanoparticles are estimated to be 16–19 nm. These sizes are small enough to achieve the suitable signal to noise ratio in the high density recording media. The lattice parameter and coercivity shows monotonic increment with the increase of Co contents ascribed to the larger ionic radii of the cobalt ion. The FTIR spectra of the spinel phase calcinated at 600 °C exhibit two prominent fundamental absorption bands in the range of 350–600 cm-1 assigned to the intrinsic stretching vibrations of the metal at the tetrahedral and octahedral sites. The role played by the Co ions in improving the structural and magnetic properties are analyzed and understood. Our simple, economic and environmental friendly preparation method may contribute towards the controlled growth of high quality ferrite nanopowders, potential candidates for recording.
Multi-Code and Multi-Carrier CDMA Systems for Next Generation Wireless Systems[Full-Text ] T.D.V.A Naidu, Kankipati VamsiThis paper proposes a Multi-Code Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) scheme for next generation wireless communication systems. This system retains the advantages of Multi-Carrier CDMA in combating multipath and rejecting interference, and provides variable and adaptive data rates through the use of Multi-Code scheme. The rate adaptation algorithm proposed computes the user data rate as a function of the instantaneous channel condition and application dependent data rates. Exploiting the channel informa-tion improves the effective data rate and overall capacity of the system. The performance improvement of the proposed system to the Mul-ti-Code CDMA system is shown through simulations. Walsh-Hadamard, Gold and Kasami codes are explored as possible choices for the multiple codes in the system.
Review paper on Design and Computational Analysis of Air Flow through Cooling Duct[Full-Text ] Mr. Virendra V. Khakre, Prof. Avinash M. WankhadeThis paper focuses on study of design and modifications air cooling duct using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis considering all air flow features relating to the duct system efficiency. Adequate tools and methods are now to design efficient air-cooling systems. Failure in correctly applying different load conditions to the structure of ducts and the layout of the ducting system leading to problems such as uneven cooling across the cooling space, greater frictional losses, steeper installation costs & increased noise and power consumption levels. The above cooling issues highlight the need for optimizing duct design especially to provide improved flow conditions. It combines theoretical and software enabled tools to provide a detailed comparative analysis of the costs and benefits involved in selecting a particular shape (rectangular or circular) of duct for a prescribed situation. The focus of this paper will be on using CFD software tools to study velocity distribution of air in the duct at various sections, pressure difference at various outlets and distribution of air flow for different load conditions.
Finite Element Analyses of Seismically Isolated Buildings with Variable Geometric Configurations[Full-Text ] Dr. Haider S. AL-Jubair, Fareed H. MajeedMulti-story hypothetical reinforced concrete buildings of variable geometric configurations (symmetrical, vertically irregular, horizontally irregular); with fixed base and isolated bases via high damping rubber bearing and friction pendulum systems, are analyzed by using finite element method under seismic load function (North-South component of the ground motion recorded at a site in El Centro, California in 1940). The bilinear hysteretic model of base isolation system and the Rayleigh damping framework for superstructure are adopted. It is proved that, the base isolation is very effective technique in reducing the earthquake responses and that, the friction pendulum system is more efficient in reducing the earthquake responses compared to the high damping rubber bearing isolators of the same design displacement and fundamental period. Also, the results showed that, the isolators still highly effective in reducing the earthquake responses for the horizontally and vertically irregular buildings. The twist due to the horizontal irregularity is magnified due to the presence of isolators, especially for the friction pendulum system.
Invariant Property Based Algorithm for Solving Linear Programming Problems[Full-Text ] Idorenyin Etukudo, Mfoniso UmorenThis paper presents an invariant property based algorithm (IPBA) for solving linear programming problems. This new algorithm which uses the principles of optimal designs of experiment shows that the direction vector used for obtaining optimal solution of a given linear programming problem (LPP) is the same as the gradient of the objective function, thereby disregarding the need for partitioning the experimental region, the calculation of the information matrices and their inverses, the calculation of the Hessian matrices and average information matrix as well as the response vector before the direction vector could be obtained as in the case of the modified super convergent line series algorithm (MSCLSL). This new algorithm further simplifies and guarantees the existence of a solution to the LPP. An illustrative example shows that IPBA for solving linear programming problems is quite efficient and the result obtained was similar to that obtained by using the simplex method or Karmarkar’s interior point method.
Impact strength of poly propylene fiber reinforced PMMA[Full-Text ] Merin Mathew, Kamalakanth Shenoy, Ravishankar K. S.PMMA is one of the most widely accepted biomaterials due to its acceptable advantageous but the limitations associated with these materials make them far from being ideal. So the present study is to achieve desirable impact strength by reinforcing PMMA with poly propylene fiber. Determination of impact strength of PMMA by varying the weight percentage of poly propylene fiber (2.5wt%, 5wt%, 10wt%), and by varying the aspect ratio (3mm/220µm, 6mm/220µm, 12mm/220µm) of poly propylene fiber. Specimens prepared using a standard cylindrical mold of 8mm diameter and 45mm length. A total of 100 samples prepared (10 samples in each group) Polymer –monomer ratio 2.4:1 by Weight used to prepare samples. Impact strength tested using Hounsfield balanced impact testing apparatus. The micro structural analysis performed using SEM. Detailed statistical analysis done by one way ANOVA.Highest impact strength is obtained with 12mm long fiber reinforced in 10weight percentage concentration.
CLOUD DELIVERY MODELS FOR EFFECTIVE TRANSFORMATION OF WORKLOADS[Full-Text ] Varinder SinghMoving workloads on to cloud, promises to be an attractive investment for enterprises planning for a sustainable IT landscape. However, leveraging the existing IT investment of an organization and moving them over to the cloud environment with minimum business disruption and costs, seems to be the biggest challenge in adopting cloud based modernization. Enterprise workloads move into cloud delivery models with varying levels of transformation effort, return on investment and productivity gains. Like any transformation effort, migration to cloud can also be viewed as a phased transition/journey. In this respect, studying the various migration patterns, it is found that a common theme emerges that have been depicted in this paper. The authors have illustrated an approach that takes a portfolio view of applications and assesses highest degree of cloud affinity considerations that includes complexity of the selected workloads, target environment, organization maturity etc. The paper also discusses the taxonomy of cloud migrations and the overall migration model.
Spectroscopic and thermal properties studies of Schiff base and its metal complexes[Full-Text ] A.A. El-Bindary, S.A. EL-Korashy, J.A. Hasanen, I.M. El-Deen, M.A. Hussien, S.M. AL-Sayed The synthetic method of some transition metal complexes with selective Schiff base containing nitrogen and oxygen donor ligand derived from the condensation of 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde with N,N`-dimethylamino aniline have been developed, characterized and presented. The prepared complexes fall into the stoichiometric formulae of [M(L)2.2H2O]nH2O(A) [M = Cu(II), Co(II), Mn(II)] and [Zn(L)2(OCH3)2](B), where two types of complexes were expected and described. The ligand and its metal complexes have been characterized by different physicochemical methods, elemental analysis, molar conductivity, (UV-vis, Mass, Infrared, 1H NMR spectra) and thermal analysis (TG and DTG) techniques. The optimized bond lengths, bond angles and calculated the quantum chemical parameters for the ligand (HL) are investigated. HOMO–LUMO energy gap, absolute Electronegativities, chemical potentials, and absolute hardness have been calculated. The IR data of the ligand suggested the existing of a monobasic bidentate binding involving azomethine nitrogen and O-atom of phenolic hydroxyl. ESR spectra show the simultaneous presence of a planar trans and a nearly planar cis isomers in the 1:2 ratio for all N,O complexes. TG curves reflect a lower thermal stability of complexes compared with Ligand due to the presence of water molecules in outside of the coordination sphere. The activation thermodynamic parameters, such as activation energy (Ea), enthalpy (?H*), entropy (?S*), and Gibbs free energy change of the decomposition (?G*) are calculated using Coats–Redfern and Horowitz-Metzger methods.
Analytical Study of a Modified PS10 in Aswan[Full-Text ] M. Qenawy, S. Abdelhady, W. Abdelfadeel, M. ShabanAccording to the Egyptians' need to a renewable energy source for electric power generation, it is proposed to install a similar power plant as PS10 with a modified thermal energy storage system in Aswan. This study is a theoretical analysis of installing PS10 plant with the modified storage system to determine the performance of its operation in Aswan. In this study, a comparative storage capacity is developed between the existing PS10 in Sanlúcar la Mayor- Spain, and a modified storage one of similar specifications operated in Aswan, Egypt. The modified storage system has two tanks of suitable molten salts. The study includes cyclic operation of the two tanks during plant operation. It is expected to increase the storage capacity of the excising PS10 plant. Such solution is found very promising to accommodate the life in arid zones in Aswan.
Characteristics And Composition Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste in Kano, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Lawal Abdu Daura,Prof. Joseph Enaburekhan, Dr. A.I. RufaiThe municipal solid wastes (MSW) in Kano, Northern Nigeria are disposed in open waste dumpsites. The existing waste disposal sites in Kano are not properly engineered or managed and characterized by odour, smoke and green house gas emissions which cause pollution problems to the environment which can lead to serious health hazard. Solid waste characteristics and composition analysis are major factors which are considered as basis for the design of efficient, cost effective and environmentally compatible waste management system. In this study the characteristics and composition of municipal solid waste in Kano were estimated and analysed. Solid waste sampling and analysis from four major dumpsites in the municipality were carried out to determine the waste composition and proximate analysis (moisture, content, volatile matter, ash content and fixed carbon) according to the random sampling method based on the American society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard. The result of the study shows high percentage of earth /garbage(30.97% -21.67%), plastics (29.22% -27.88%), agricultural waste has percentage composition ranging from 21.785 to 15.54%, textile waste (11.48% -5.13%) paper(12.68% - 4.70%), food waste (7.49% - 0.67%) while the least are glass (3.63%-1.57%) and metals (0.19% -0.00%). As municipal solid waste is a potential energy source, the analysis shows heat values ranging from 10.123 MJ/kg (2419.35 kcal/kg) to 8.923MJ/kg (2132.73 kcal/kg) which indicates the feasibility of waste to energy plan such as incineration to produce electricity.
Non-linear Model predictive control of particle size distribution in batch emulsion polymerization[Full-Text ] Parul Arora, Alok GuptaA non-linear model predictive control has been developed for batch emulsion polymerization. Process variables can be easily measured in most reaction system but only few variables can be measured in batch system during process e.g. temperature, pressure and flow rate of jacket fluid are available. In the absence of steady state in emulsion polymerization that operates in batches is factor that shows the need of a robust control system. Temperature of polymerization has an important role on end-use property of polymer. The emulsion polymerization of Methyl methacrylate is chosen for this study, and an appropriate mathematical model is developed, which is detailed enough to explain the particle size distribution of the product. Heater power is used as manipulative variable and the result of MPC is compared with traditional controller.