Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2014 Edition
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Clustering Algorithm Combined with Empirical Mode Decomposition for Classification of Remote Sensing Image[Full-Text ] B.Sai Chandana, Dr.K.Srinivas, Dr.R.Kiran KumarClustering is an unsupervised classification method widely used for classification of remote sensing images. As the spatial resolution of remote sensing images getting higher and higher, the complex structure is the simple objects becomes obvious, which makes the classification algorithm based on pixels being losing their advantages. In this paper, four different clustering algorithms such as K-means, Moving K-means, Fuzzy K-means and Fuzzy Moving K-means are used for classification of remote sensing images. In all the traditional clustering algorithms, number of clusters and initial centroids are randomly selected and often specified by the user. In this paper, the estimation of number of clusters and initial centroids using Empirical Mode Decomposition algorithm (ECEMD) for the histogram of the input image will generate the number of clusters and initial centroids required for clustering. It overcomes the shortage of random initialization in traditional clustering and achieves high computational speed by reducing the number of iterations. The experimental results show that Fuzzy Moving K-means has classified the remote sensing image more accurately than other three algorithms.
The Effects of Changing Step-Size Parameter on an Adaptive Noise Cancellation Using Least Mean Square Algorithm (LMS)[Full-Text ] Ouday Nidhal Ameen Hanosh, Baraa Wasfi SalimIn this project the Adaptive filter with Least-Mean Square (LMS) algorithm are used for denoising which is known also Adaptive Noise Cancellation. Noise cancellation is a special case of Optimal filter which is used tan o estimate the noise by filtering the reference input (for example the white Gaussian noise signal) and then subtracting this noise estimate from the corrupted input signal which containing both signal and noise. The adaptive filter used for denoising or noise cancellation has a privilege lies in achieving levels of noise rejection that are impossible to achieve by other signal processing methods or direct methods of removing noise. Finally, this project was built using MATLAB R2012b.
1p0: Theory of Everything[Full-Text ] Neehar SanadhayaIn the present scenario of universe, every scientists and human is trying to find the answer of the existence of universe and itself. Till date none of the theories were able to explain the universe and its dimensions exactly. There is also contradiction among existence of religion, science, history, role of human or behavior of universe and human brain. My theory with mathematical proofs and equations is a step to provide and conclude the knowledge that solves all these contradictions. Below is provided the exact detailed explanation of the beginning or evolution of the universe till it ends.
A review on mining Quantitative, Time series and Binary data using fuzzy mining algorithms with and without minimum support and confidence[Full-Text ] Mr. Rohit Garud, Prof.Mrs. Rajeswari Kanan, Dr.Prof.Mr. V.V.VaithiyanadhanTo mine or to extract knowledge from the data there are many ways Association rule mining, Decision trees, Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy logic with weights, etc in which some of them requires minimum support and minimum confidence values as input from the user as a threshold values. This papers thus gives a review on these techniques with its pros and cons.
Mining time Series Data without the consideration of support and confidence[Full-Text ] Mr. Rohit Garud, Prof.Mrs. Rajeswari Kanan, Dr.Prof.Mr. V.V.VaithiyanadhanThe data in the real world is in the form of quantitative and time related format. The time related data is also called as time series data. It is a combination of quantitative and dynamic data. The values of time series data change with respect to time. As it is dynamic in nature it is difficult to handle time series data. An example is in IPL 2014 the runs scored in each of the over is shown in a time series manner. For each ball the number of scored runs is different. Apriori algorithm is used to mine binary valued data and also use minimum support and confidence values as threshold to generate rules. Fuzzy logic deals with quantitative data but does not deal with time series data. It also use minimum support and confidence to generate rules. To define an appropriate threshold value is still a research topic. Thus in this paper we propose a new algorithm which takes input as time series data and generate business oriented rules without a particular threshold value.
Mathematical Model to Design Rack And Pinion Ackerman Steering Geomtery[Full-Text ] Dipalkumar KoladiaIn order to turn the vehicle, steering mechanism is required. Nowadays most of the fourwheelers are having steering mechanism based on ackerman principle. In order to design steering mechanism based on ackerman principle, one method is to use rack and pinion with tierods. In the present work, new mathematical model is developed in order to design steering geometry mentioned above considering different geometry parameters. This mathematical model includes three equations. By solving this three equations we can get different steering geometry parameters by fixing some variables according to restriction and considering optimum steering geometry with respect to steering effort and %ackerman. This model can be used for ackerman as well as reverse ackerman steering geometry and further it can be used for two wheel steering as well as four wheel steering by applying this model on front and rear steering design.
PERIAR IS ATHEIST?...[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis scientific research article focus that the ‘supernature’ of universe and its existence shall be considered as personised form called ’PERIAR’. The word Periar considered derived from Proto Indo Europe root mean “GOD”. God is Atheist?... (or) Theist?... This article focus that Periar shall be considered as GOD and ATHEIST. This research article further focus that Atheism shall be considered as the fundamental law of Supernature which shall mean “ONE GOD” rather than “NO GOD”.
What is calculation the Quality Costs Using the ABC Method the order Application inTQM[Full-Text ] Dr.R.Vidya, Hossein Niavand, Farzaneh Haghighat niaThe calculation of quality costs is an objective for many institution . Generous principles of TQM are an attraction for many institution . The possibility of calculating quality costs under TQM implementation is a challenge. The purpose of this paper is to present a quality costing methods under TQM implementation. The solution proposed for calculating the cost of quality is the ABC method. To apply ABC method entity must meet certain conditions that are presented in the paper. To implement TQM entity must meet certain specific condition, management entity must decide a certain way of collecting and synthesizing data and compartments entity to assume certain responsibilities. ABC method required additional work from the accounting department and accounting department collaboration with the department of quality. The paper presents the main categories of quality costs to be considered when calculating the cost of quality and how these costs can be calculated using the ABC method. The content of the application presents a detailed example of quality costing and are specified by cost drivers used. The implementation of TQM and quality costing allows managers savings and better allocation of resources.
Prediction of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration Using Artificial Neural Networks in an Urban Area[Full-Text ] Mr.Bobe R.R., Mr.Mane S JThe present work aims at developing an efficient and reliable module, for forecasting concentration levels of respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM) for the Pune city. There is dense vehicular traffic, due to increasing motorization & industrial activities, this has led to increasing population parameters. This present work defines efficient program for operational concentration level of RSPM. The daily RSPM dataset are collected from monitoring station operated by Maharashtra pollution control board for a period of three years (2010-2013). For determination and prediction of RSPM, multilayer perceptron, recurrent, generalized feed forward networks of artificial neural networks are used as network structure. Developed ANN model using multilayer perceptron network efficiently predict RSPM concentration (r =0.96). The trial and error method is adopted o compare network output with desired output in terms of error statistics. The result obtained through proposed models show that ANN can be efficiently used in the analysis and prediction of air quality.
Autonomous Parallel Parking System[Full-Text ] Ayush Shah, Vidhi RavalParallel parking a car is a very challenging task for every driver. A major problem while parallel parking is that the available space is not used in an optimum manner. Also there are high chances of accidents occurring. Human judgment and perception makes it difficult to parallel park cars. In this paper, we discuss in detail a simple and cost effective yet accurate autonomous parallel parking system. External infrared sensors, a parking space detection algorithm and finally, a parking algorithm, enable the process of autonomous parallel parking.
Magnetic Drive Assist System: Real Time testing and its effect on Acceleration performance[Full-Text ] Anirudh Srinivasan, Chandrasekar Sundaram, Santhosh Sivan K, Hari Krishnan RDue to advancement in technology, the world is moving towards electric vehicles. One reason for this is the growing shortage of fuel in the world. But the major problem with E-vehicles has been recharging on the run and the maximum speed and acceleration that these vehicles can achieve. So, people still use IC engine powered vehicles for their transportation and goods carrying purposes. One of the major periods of high fuel usage in IC engines is during acceleration. During acceleration, the engine utilizes more fuel to increase the speed and power of the road wheels. This in turn reduces the fuel efficiency of the vehicle. If the battery of the E-vehicle is completely discharged or the fuel tank of the conventional vehicle is empty, the vehicle stalls. In case of fuel run vehicles, refueling in the nearest fuel station would be good enough to make the vehicle run again, in order to reach the destination. But this is not the same with E-vehicles. Hence charging the battery on the run is the need of the hour. Using a hybrid wheel with magnets for drive assist can solve these problems. This paper aims at improving the charging of E-vehicles on the run and also assist in acceleration of both E-vehicles and IC engine powered vehicles. This can be done using magnets to induce electricity in a coil for charging a battery and also making the stationary coil rotate by increasing the flux inside the coil. Centrifugal clutch was used to provide the mechanism that would help lo increase the flux inside the coil. By this method, the endurance of the vehicle can also be increased. Based on the experimental results, it was evident that the acceleration performance increased.
Analytical Study of Color Harmony in Urban Spaces of Mashhad, Northeast Iran[Full-Text ] Mohammad Rahim Rahnama, Farangis KhavariIn addition to studying the theoretical concepts of color and its application in urban spaces of Mashhad, the aim of the current study is describing the color application and harmony for creating a suitable urban environment which satisfies and solves the problems such as visual uniformity, disorder and anarchy presented in the city. Hence, the main challenge in this paper is studying of the presented condition of applied colors in Mashhad, defining of color harmony in urban spaces and explaining of color application in legibility of different spaces of the city. The method of study is a combination of discovering method including qualitative and empirical methods. The attributive method and field monitoring (direct observation) are used in collecting of information. The results show that the current color condition in Mashhad is far from the chromatics and color application standards in urban spaces. It also notes that the concept of color harmony in urban spaces is predicated to the agreement and correct use of colors in spaces of a city.
FDEAHP Analysis to Reduce Defects in an Al-uminium Extrusion Industry[Full-Text ] Arun Mathews Varikatt, Dr. Haris NaduthodiAluminium extrusions are popularly used in transportation, construction, energy, electrical, manufacturing and defence industries. Technical and economic viability of the process depends on reduction of defects that lead to product rejection or rework. Product rejection can be due to material defects, tooling defects and processing anomalies. Some of the defects found in aluminium extrusions are kink, blister, holes, die lines, length, bend, twist, speed crack, inclusion, damages, off shape, die mark, die scores, dents etc. This paper deals with the collection of defect data from an extrusion facility, analyzing the data so as to find the major defects and find the critical causes for each of these major defects.
Big Data[Full-Text ] Hamza AhmedBig data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured. And big data may be as important to business – and society – as the Internet has become. Why? More data may lead to more accurate analyses. Volume Many factors contribute to the increase in data volume. Transaction-based data stored through the years. Unstructured data are streaming in from social media. Also increasing amounts of sensor and machine-to-machine data are being collected. In the past, excessive data volume was a storage issue. But with decreasing storage costs, other issues emerge, including how to determine relevance within large data volumes and how to use analytics to create value from relevant data.
Application of Nonlinear Concrete Model for Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams[Full-Text ] V. B. Dawari, G. R. VesmawalaThe non-linear behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) beams till the ultimate failure is a complicated phenomenon due to the involvement of heterogenic material properties and cracking behavior of concrete. Behavior prediction of reinforced concrete elements till failure is usually carried out using experimental testing, and the observations are recorded only at critical locations due to restriction in cost of testing equipment and accessories. In order to avoid the destructive testing, reduction of the cost of materials and manpower, the behavior prediction of RC beams is generally carried out using numerical methods. This paper presents study on non-linear flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams. Non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete beams under flexural loading is presented in this paper. Finite element modelling of reinforced concrete beams is carried out using discrete reinforcement modelling technique. The capability of the model to capture the critical crack regions, loads and deflections for various loadings in reinforced concrete beam has been illustrated. Comparison is made between the experimental results and finite element analyses with respect to initial crack formation and the ultimate load capacity of beams. The results obtained in the present study show close agreement with those in the available literature.
ANFIS Based Low Cost Blood Serum Analyzer[Full-Text ] Mr.K.Mohan raj, Ms.G.Ramya, Mrs.M.Kalaiyarasi, Mr.A.RameshA predictive method based on Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) has been developed to study absorbance and pH effects on the equilibrium of blood serum. This technique has been used to analyze serum samples and to predict the calcium concentration in blood serum. The data acquisition system is designed and fabricated using LabVIEW. ANFIS model developed is based on the data collected from calcium test. ANFIS is used to simulate different concentration of calcium (Ca2+) as a function of pH and absorbance, to correlate and predict calcium concentration. The sensor modules were designed and calibrated to measure pH and absorbance. ANFIS network was trained and validated using test data to predict the actual calcium concentration of blood serum.
A New Approach to Cancer Remedy by Radioimmunotherapy with Alpha Particles: A Novel Study[Full-Text ] Mahdi MahjourRadioimmunotherapy (RIT) with alpha particles which have high linear energy transfer (LET) rate and short range and cause to death of cells only by a few strikes is very suitable for controlling of metastatic diseases, hematologic malignancies such as various types of leukemia and lymphoma and local remedies of cancer such as intraperitoneal remedy. Among the suitable radioisotopes for remedial actions, 213Bi is of most application due to its availability via 225Ac – 213Bi generator. The pharmacokinetic of RadioImmuno Conjugate (RIC) is complex and difficult to predict. This issue is directly depending on the tumor type, relative affinity and type of Monoclonal Antibody (MAb). Various methods have been introduced for increasing the concentration in tumor and decreasing it in sound cells such as pretargeting methods, using RICs as liposomal, using the radionuclides which have special absorption in tumor cells and applying of blocking factors of ß-Adrenergic. To obtain a scale for dosage of applied drug, it is necessary to understand the condition of interaction between alpha particles within the cell by microdosimetry. But, it is usual to determine the macroscopic distribution of radioisotopes by imaging or sampling methods and then, to calculate the dosage of various organs by mathematical models or simulating methods. The clinical experience of this method has been initiated since 1996 and research groups reported the improvement of various types of cancer with minimum side effects. Currently, various researches is under consideration for optimizing the RIC compound and its dosage in order to mass production of such radiodrugs.
THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT: Between Freedom and Inter-Religious Harmony[Full-Text ] Supeno, Rosmidah, Imam SyafeiIndonesia is a country which appreciate the basic principles of human rights, including religious freedom. Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right that cannot be limited by anyone because freedom of religion and to worship is a right given by God directly, mandated by the United Nations universal declaration of human rights , universal Islamic declaration of human rights , the Covenant rights, civil and political rights , regulated in the 1945 Constitution and Law No. 39 Year 1999 about Human Rights. Such protection is included in the context of the development and implementation of religion , namely in terms of building a house of worship . In an effort to protect and implement the rights of religion must necessarily maintain unity , security and order of the nation and state , the government has issued to the Letter of Agreement of 2 ( two ) Ministers to regulate the establishment of houses of worship in Indonesia .
Effect of Replacement of Cement by Red mud on the Properties of Concrete[Full-Text ] Sunitha M.Pujar, Dr.K.B.PrakashRapid industrialization leads to the maximum discharge of waste products which in turn causes the environmental hazards. These wastes can be a substitute for conventional material, when utilized in a best way. Red mud is a waste generated by the aluminum industry (an average of 4 million tons/year) in a Bayer’s process and their disposal is a major problem for these industries because of the complex physio-chemical properties of waste products which are highly caustic and causes ground water contamination, leading to health hazards. To overcome this problem it is very much essential to utilize the industrial waste materials and by-products generated, in manufacturing of cement and in concrete construction. Here in this work by taking the cementitious behavior of industrial wastes into account, an experiment was carried out to partially replace the portland cement by red mud in concrete for variable percentages and also there effects on the strength of the concrete.
The Card Management System, CMS, The Multi-service, multi-agent Service Delivery System[Full-Text ] Ass. Prof.. Magdy E. Elhennawy, Dr. Sherief M. BadrThe social and support service delivery systems are a common practice for most developing countries. The Family Card System, FCS, in Egypt, have been developed since 2006. It is responsible for the delivery of governmental support services in Egypt. The FCS starts with one service, today it delivers four services, and other services are ongoing. It proofs good performance, save budgets, allow family database for various statistics, and simplify delivery process. It uses smart cards as a tool to deliver various services. The system uses multi-application smart card technology to allow using one smart card to deliver all services delivered to the one family or individual. But the system suffers from some difficulties due to the delivery of more than one service belonging to more than one service owner having service providers each. Besides, the responsibility of more than one vendor to build applications on the same service delivery tool, smart card. Also, the need to build service delivery application by more than one vendor on the same service delivery unit, Point Of Sale, POS. this might cause the interchangeability and interference between services during service delivery, if not managed appropriately. The above difficulties lead to the need to follow a new approach to build and evolve the current system. This paper introduces a new concept for building the FCS, the introduction of the card management system, CMS. The paper introduces the benefits of CMS, the roles and basic functionalities that are needed to achieve the management and operation of the system more appropriately.
Some New Families of Edge Odd Graceful Graphs[Full-Text ] A.Sasikala, C.VimalaA (p, q) connected graph is edge-odd graceful graph if their exists an injective map f:E(G)?{1,3,…,2q-1} so that the induced map f_+:V(G)?{0,1,2,…,(2k-1)} defined by f_+ (x)=?{f(x,y)/xy?E } (mod 2k) where the vertex x is incident with other vertex y and k = max {p, q} makes all the edges distinct and odd. When the graph admits the edge odd graceful labeling, the graph is called edge-odd graceful graph. In this article, the edge – odd gracefulness of direct sum graph and square of the Graph G is obtained.
COL.Diesis: Interactive Colour Perception Device[Full-Text ] Anuradha Iyer, Ramakrishnan Iyer, Sathyaghan Iyer, Shreya KumarThis device was developed with the primary aim of helping blind and colour blind people perceive colours. It comprises of a colour sensor in a bracelet configuration which is used to detect the colour. The colour information is transmitted to the receiver which will then play the associated music.
Palm Kernel Cake Fermented with Candida utilis for Mannose-Enriched Local Feed Supply[Full-Text ] Sundari and Sonita RosningsihNutritional value evaluation on palm kernel cake (PKC) was conducted using Candida utilis. Experiment was assigned to Completely Randomized Design with two treatments, with fermentation and non-fermentation. Fermentation was carried on at 36°C for two days. Result showed that fermentation increased crude protein level of palm kernel cake from 22.18% to 26.07%, while NFE level diminished from 15.82% to 6.36%. Crude fiber increased not significantly in PKC and Fermented PKC namely 37.43% and 37.,84%, respectively. Crude fat decreased insignificantly, in that crude fiber of PKC and fermented PKC was 9.13% and 8.89%, respectively. Ash was 9.13% and 8.89%, respectively, and mannose increased insignificantly as much as 2.19% and 3.56%. Fiber volume fraction undergoing significant increase was hemicellulose, from 21.12% to 22.93%, while cellulose insignificantly increased from 38.9% to 41.13%, lignin insignificantly decreased from 21.12% to 19.18%. It was concluded that fermented Palm Kernel Cake product provided essential nutritional values for poultry (hemicellulose, mannane and mannose) that potentially improved poultry health.
A study on analysis of 2-stroke petrol engine using ethanol as an additive[Full-Text ] Mr. Soumya Ranjan Nanda, Dr. Prof. Amitabh BiswasThis study will consist of Introduction which is based on Literature and Review and also the effects and benefits of using ethanol. After Introduction comes the Planning of the study, the third one is Analysis of results and Discussion and the conclusion is drawn. The First part is Introduction. It consists of many topics which includes introduction to ethanol and why it is used, it’s chemistry. As our study is based on using Ethanol, so there are various discussions about Ethanol, its production, its properties and benefits. The Second part is planning. This consists of Equipment setup, the various Apparatus required for the Experimentation, their specification and the procedure followed. The Third part is Analysis of Results and it’s Discussion. Here various Experimental results are provided and discussed elaborately on basis of Performance and Exhaust Gas Analysis. This also includes the Experimentation with the ORSAT apparatus. Finally, after the study is completed the conclusion for the study is drawn.
Evaluation of the performance of the process of nitrification in the wastewater treatment plant of Settat[Full-Text ] Asmaa Karboubi, Abdeljalil Zouhri and Abdellah AnouarThis research has attempted to assess the effects of operating parameters (hydraulic retention time T and the C / N ratio) affecting the conversion of ammonium ions of wastewater in the City of SETTAT and optimization of the process conditions of nitrification. The strategy is based on building a statistical model through an experimental Box-Behnken design that accounts for variations in the rate of removal of ammonium based on the C / N ratio and time hydraulic retention T. The process parameters namely, the C / N ratio and hydraulic retention time are optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) from curve resulting polynomial equation of the plane of iso-response experiments designed to find the optimal point.
Bio-mathematical Prey-Predator Model with Marine Protect Area(MPA) and Harvesting[Full-Text ] Dr. Biswajit MondalThis paper has formulated and discussed a prey-predator fishery model with marine protect area (MPA) along with combined and selective harvesting. Marine Protect area (MPA) consists of two zones namely unreserved zone ( harvesting is not restricted) and reserved zone ( harvesting is restricted). Biological equilibria of the system are derived, and the criteria for local stability, instability and global stability are established. The role of marine reserve is analyzed through the obtained results of numerical simulation through computer and MATLAB software of the proposed mathematical model. The results describe that size and existence of marine reserve have a stabilizing effect on population dynamics.
DETERMINATION OF THE RETENTION AREAS OF PELAGIC SPECIES IN IVORIAN COASTAL WATER USING REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS).[Full-Text ] Jean-Baptiste Kassi, Eric Valère Djagoua, Brice Abaka Mobio, Aimé Roger Gougnon, Kouadio Affian, Jacques André Tiemélé, Jeanne Maffoué Kouadio, Cassandre Ziné Dro et Adonis Krou Kouamé In front of the threat of overfishing in the Gulf of Guinea, this study has been involved in the continental shelf of Côte d’Ivoire to have a better knowledge of pelagic species availability according to upwelling prevalency. This study is based on combined analysis of in situ data and remote sensing data. The concentration of chlorophyll from the SeaWiFS and the Sea Surface Temperature (SST), derived Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature algorithm (MCSST) based on channels 4 and 5 of the AVHRR sensor. From the SST data, it calculated the Coastal Upwelling Index (CUI) and the Coastal Retention Index (CRI) The stability of water column due to the wind or turbulence has been calculated from the wind’s speed of ERS I and ERS II data.
Modeling Studies on Formability of Al-Mg-Si Alloy -Computational Solid Mechanics Approach[Full-Text ] M.Prabhu Teja, K.VeeranjaneyuluThe most common terms used in the formability tests are Stretch and deep forming. In the case of stretch forming and deep forming the former process results in thinning and increase in surface area due to the biaxial stretching the later process includes the drawing of the complete blank without changing the thickness. In the present study the a coupled thermo-mechanical finite element simulation software based on the computational solid mechanics(CSM) approach, Deform-3D was used to simulate the real time experimental values with the Numerical simulation. It was also observed that the error percentage between the experimental and predicted (Numerical model) is minimum. The effect of the process parameters such as the blank diameter, nose radius of punch, thickness of sheet and their ability on the formability of aluminum alloy was also simulated using Deform-3D