Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2014 Edition
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A Review on Web based Embedded System for Remote Monitor and Controller[Full-Text ] Dr. R. Lakshmi Narayana and Prof. K. Nagabhushan RajuAn embedded web server enabled web access to distributed measurement or control systems and provides a scalable networking solution that is optimized for instrumentation, industrial and home automation. The web based monitoring and control system, applied to an industrial rotational moulding plasitc oven. Embedded control system is based on real-time ethernet to provide information environment for integration of real-time control and information exchange. Using embedded ethernet simplifies the integration of a real-time communications network of an intelligence type robot system. TCP/IP compatible hardware real-time protocol (HRTP) is proposed for real-time capability. The microcontroller based remote monitor and controls the external hardware/devices over the internet.This illustrate the internet capabilities imparted to a microcontroller for the use of embedded ethernet for data communication.
A NEW ERA OF HADOOP – HADOOP 2.X[Full-Text ] P. Praveen Yadav, Dr. A. Suresh Babu, Smt.S.J.SarithaHadoop 2.X is an extended version of Hadoop [1](also called Hadoop 1.X).This contains fundamental changes in the architecture, taking the compute platform beyond MapReduce and introducing new application paradigms. Hadoop 2.X storage subsystem also supports other frameworks besides HDFS. This new version improves scalability and performance in both the compute and storage layers, with disk performance up to five times faster. The compute layer scaling to clusters are increased with more than100k concurrent tasks. The failover of main node servers will be reduced and high availability is provided. All other key Hadoop 2.X features are discussed here.
Ultrasound Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology with Evaluation of Pathological Distribution of Thyroid Nodules and Correlation with Post Operative Histopathology in Malignant Nodules[Full-Text ] Laly Jose, Sara Ammu Chacko, Simi.A study was conducted to evaluate the pathological distribution of thyroid nodules by ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology. In this study 150 subjects referred from surgical OPD of Dr SMCSI Medical College Hospital, Karakonam, Thiruvananthapuram for a period of 3 years were included. Study was done using Siemens - Sonoline 50 ultrasound scanner with colour and duplex doppler features. Linear (7.5- 15 MHz) probe was used. Fine needle aspiration cytology of the nodules was done under ultrasound guidance. Correlation of FNAC of malignant nodule with post operative pathology was also done. The commonest lesion was colloid nodule (n=89) followed by follicular adenoma. The commonest malignant lesion was papillary carcinoma. There is a very good correlation between FNAC and post operative pathology of malignant nodules in this study.
Assessment of Growing Stock of Matta Forest Subdivision of Swat Forest Division[Full-Text ] Majid Ullah, Sarwat Naz Mirza, Aamir SaleemEvaluation of planting trees is very important for the present time and future for the scientific management of forests. This study was conducted with the same purpose in the Matta forest sub- division of Swat forest division KPK Pakistan. For this purpose, the technique used was random sampling with a sample intensity of 0.5%. Therefore, the total forest area of 17,501 hectares was studied by taking a sample of the 30 plots. Each plot of one hectare was used for collecting data on tree density, age, increment, diameter, form factor, and the size of the basal area of trees. Based on the information that has been collected, volume tables were prepared which suits the local conditions as the previous volume tables were not suited to the local conditions.
Heavy Metal Concentration in Peri-urban Soils and Crops under Untreated Wastewater[Full-Text ] Shazia Akhtar, Shazia Iram, M. Mahmood ul Hassan, Vishanda Suther, Rizwan AhmadIn present study four peri-urban agricultural areas (Multan, Kasur, Lahore and Gujranwala) were selected and surveyed. Total 138 Soil samples, 131 plants and 52 wastewater samples were collected. Soil samples were analyzed for their physiochemical parameters which were particle size distribution, pH, electrical conductivity, percentage organic matter, lime contents and heavy metals contents. Wastewater samples were analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity, chloride ions, carbonate, bicarbonate, sodium, potassium and heavy metal contents. Plants samples were also tested for heavy metals contents. Soil and effluent samples were also processed for fungal isolation. Results indicated that lead (Pb) and chromium (Cr) were found above than recommended permissible levels in Multan, Kasur, Lahore and Gujranwala soil samples. Whereasexceeded level of copper (Cu) was observed in Multan and Gujranwala locations. In overall assessment Pb and cadmium (Cd) was showing high level of contamination in the studied areas. Accumulation of metals in crops was also estimated with major problem of Cd in crops and fodder plants and incase of Kasur Cr was found maximum. Exceeded concentration of Pb, Cd and Cr was also observed in Lahore and Gujranwala. Maximum fungal diversity was found in Multan followed by Kasur, Lahore and Gujranwala peri-urban agricultural areas. Aspergillus is the main dominant and wide occurring genera in heavy metal contaminated samples which indicates its resistance towards harmful heavy metals. This preliminary assessment concludes that at vast scale remediation procedures required for the treatment of industrial, domestic and sewage wastewater and used for irrigation purposes.
Effect of chelating agents on heavy metal extraction from contaminated soils[Full-Text ] Shazia Akhtar, Shazia IramIn the present study shacking and incubation experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the changes in heavy metal solubility in the studied soils by addition of different concentration of Ethylene dinitrilo tetra acetic acid (EDTA), Diethylene triamine penta acetic acid (DTPA), and Nitrilo tri acetic acid (NTA). The effects of EDTA, DTPA and NTA application on solubility of Copper (Cu), Lead(Pb), Cadmium(Cd) and Chromium(Cr) in soil were evaluated. In shacking experiment, maximum Cu, Pb, Cd and Cr were solubilized by DTPA extractant. It was found that with increasing chelating agent doses metals availability was increased and 5.0 mM doses of EDTA, DTPA and NTA was noticed the best optimum dose for further experiments. For shacking time significant results were obtained at 120 hours by applying EDTA and NTA where as DTPA behaved well at 24 hours. In incubation experiments more Cu and Cd were extracted by DTPA 6.65 and 6.67 ppm respectively. EDTA was proved good extracting solution for Pb which has solubilized maximum concentration of Pb (22.816 ppm). Maximum concentration of Cr (1.335 ppm) was solubilized by NTA as compared to EDTA and DTPA. For incubation experiment day 20-30 were more suitable for solubilzation of metals. Chelats has potential for the remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils either as on-site soil washing agents or for in situ remediation. These findings can be used to develop a predictive tool for the target metals contaminants and for assessing chelation remediation efficiency based on chelates dose and contact time test results.
Secure Strategy for High Speed Transmission & Efficient Collection of Data in WSN Research[Full-Text ] Kamal Kr. Gola, Bhumika Gupta, Zubair IqbalWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of small nodes with sensing, computation and wireless communications capabilities. Wireless sensor networks utilize large numbers of wireless sensor nodes to collect information from their sensing terrain. Once they are deployed, it becomes impossible to replace or recharge its battery. So the battery power of the sensor node is very important. As we know that Energy efficient routing is one of the key issues in wireless sensor network because all the nodes are battery powered, so failure of one node affects the entire network that’s why Energy saving is always crucial to the lifetime of a wireless sensor network. Many routing protocols have been proposed to maximize the network lifetime and decrease the energy consumption. But these algorithms do not provide any security at that time when the data has to be sent to the node as well as to the base station and also do not define how to collect high speed data in efficient way. We proposed an algorithm to provide these two services. The main purpose of the proposed algorithm is to reducing the time in the collection process of data in the wireless sensor networks and also provide the security at the time of transmission(among the node and node to base station) using.
METABOLISM OF APOLIPOPROTEIN C – III (ApoC-III) IN UREMIC PATIENTS TREATED WITH CHRONICAL HEMODIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Dr. Sci. Med. Lutfi ZYLBEARI, Gazmend Zylbeari, Zamira BexhetiIt is known that patients with terminal chronic renal insufficiency are presented with early atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis praecox) with serious cardiovascular and cerebrovaskular complications and peripheral arterial damages are noticed in a large number of yang patients compared with the healthy ones (1,2,3,4). Cardiovascular diseases (27) and disorders of metabolism of apolipoproteins are the main cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with uremia. In patients with terminal chronic renal insufficiency the lipoprotein disorders are present in early stages associated with metabolic disorders of Apo-C-III, hypertriglyceridemia as well as increased aterogen concentrations of triglycerides rich with lipoproteins – TRLs – Triglyceride-Rich- Lipoprotein. Aim of the paperwork: the aim of our study is examination, kinetics and evaluation of Apo C-III levels and the lipidic profile at patients with terminal chronic renal insufficiency treated with HD.Material and methods: the total number of subjects included in the research is N?= 240, 120 subjects are patients diagnosed with terminal chronic renal insufficiency treated with HD, 120 subject are healthy patients that served as a control group. 54 (45%) patients treated with hemodyalisis were female and 64 (55%) patients were male, the average age was 58.00±18.0 (all treated more than 12 years with hemodyalisis in the Nephrology Clinic of Skopje and Clinic Hospital of Tetova). The controlling group of healthy patients was 120 (54 - 45% female and 64-55% male ) identical with the experimental subject according to demographic data.Statistical elaboration: the basic statistical method used in this study were: arithmetical average value, standard deviation X±SD, Studentov “t” test, Mann Whitney U test, Wilcoxon test. The statistical significance of the differences between subjects of the experimented group and control group for the gained parameters of lipids or ApoC-III was analyzed with “Anonova Two Factor ” with statistical value for ,,p” lower than 5% <0.0005 with statistical certansy for “p” smaller then 1% p<0.0001.
Improving the Performance of Efficient Electro-Hydraulic circuit in Energy Saving Using ANN[Full-Text ] Ayman A. Aly, Kamel A. shoush and Farhan A. SalemIn the past few years, considerable effort has been made to improve the power efficiency of electrohydraulic systems; many energy saving strategies have been successfully developed and used. However, most of them can only be useful in specific applications. For instance, displacement control and secondary control only focus on those systems in which the efficiency concerns are more important. Although these systems have very high efficiency, they are not designed for applications in which the flow rate is varied during the duty cycle. Compared with pump controlled systems and other energy efficient systems, the valve controlled system demonstrates good dynamic performance and controllability especially for inertia dominated loads but at the expense of power efficiency. In this study, the performance of soft computing methodology, trained Artifcail Neural Network (ANN) based on the classical PID controller, is used for the control of a swash plate displacement while the compensation of the effect of the back up pressure is implemented by inverse ANN model. The feasibility of system is simulated and issue of implementation such pumps control is established. It is seen that the use of the proposed methodology results in some desirable characteristics.
Plasma Speaker[Full-Text ] Sagar Samant, Mohammed Husein Sabuwala, Bhargav Gokalgandhi, Amit PandeyA plasma speaker is an audio playback mechanism that uses an arc between two electrodes as a sound source. It works by heating air, causing it to expand. In short, Plasma speakers are a form of loudspeaker which varies air pressure via high-energy electrical plasma instead of a solid diaphragm. This releases a pressure wave, which is heard as sound. A plasma arc speaker is an improvement on the traditional diaphragm loudspeaker because the driver, electrical arc has very little mass and low inertia, reducing distortion. A plasma arc loud speaker has a better frequency response far exceeding the material of speaker cones. High quality plasma tweeters are very expensive, rendering them unsuitable for use in an average household. In this paper we discuss different types of plasma speakers, and present the electronic design and testing of a low cost plasma speaker. The technique is an evolution of William Duddell's "singing arc" of 1900, and an innovation related to ion thruster spacecraft propulsion.
Efficient Adaptive Routing Packet Transmission in Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] P. V. S. Srinivas, D. Naga SwethaAdaptive Routing is the progression of locating a clear path from a source point to a destination point across a network of nodes that could amend at any point. Mostly, Adaptive Routing algorithms make sure that data packets can move from one point in the network to another, even if one or more nodes in between are unavailable. To overcome the poor delay performance and complexities arise while implementing, a new and efficient adaptive routing algorithm has been developed. Here, to reduce the delays significantly, extra link activation is used by ignoring network coding. Every node maintains a counters set for scheduling the components of the algorithm with the help of probabilistic routing table. This algorithm assures less complexity and efficient adaptive routing.
CONTENT-BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL USING FEATURE AND COLOR ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Akshay Shinde, Akash Malbari, Salahuddinn AwaiseAn image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, searching and retrieving images from a large database of digital images. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is the application of computer vision techniques to the image retrieval problem, that is, the problem of searching for digital images in large databases . This Content-based image retrieval system is based on an efficient combination of both feature and color algorithms. Text-based Image Retrieval operates by augmenting images with keyword-based annotations and the search process always relies on keyword matching techniques. In CBIR, visual features, such as color, texture, and shape information, of images are extracted automatically.
CMOS VLSI Design Technology and SRAM Design System[Full-Text ] Assistant Prof. Yasmeen SaundattiThe microscopic dimensions of current silicon integrated circuits make possible the design of digital circuits which may be very complex and yet extremely economical in space, power requirements and cost, and potentially very fast. The area, power and cost aspects have made silicon the dominant fabrication technology for electronics in very wide range. The combination of complexity and speed is very wide ranging for VLSI system in digital processing. The overwhelming majority of VLSI system in silicon utilizes NMOS, CMOS or BICMOS technology [1]. Fast low power SRAMs have become an important and critical component of many VLSI chips. This is especially true for microprocessor, where the on-chip cache sizes are growing with each generation to bridge the increasing divergence in the speeds of the processor and the main memory [1-2]. Simultaneously, power dissipation has become an important consideration both due to the increased integration and operating speeds, as well as due to the explosive growth of battery operated appliances
Optimum Water Management of Pitcher Irrigation under Iraqi Extreme Climatic Changes[Full-Text ] Najah M. Lateef Al Maimuri, , Kareem Fadil Abood, Abbas Ahmed HussianAn optimum water management study based on field test of pitcher irrigation system has been conducted to assess the amount of water demand for many local agricultural plants in Iraq and adoption the strategic scenario to irrigate water necessary for plant tissues provided that plant production is unaltered.
Modeling and Optimization of Performance of Four Stroke Spark Ignition Injector Engine[Full-Text ] Okafor A. A., Achebe C. H., Chukwuneke J. L., Ozoegwu C. G.The performance of an engine whose basic design parameters are known can be predicted with the assistance of simulation programs into the less time, cost and near value of actual. This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical model of the performance parameters of four stroke spark ignition engine. The essence of this research work is to develop a mathematical model for the analysis of engine performance parameter of four stroke spark ignition engine before embarking on full scale construction, this will ensure that only optimal parameters are in the design and development of an engine and also allow to check and develop the design of engine and it’s operation alternatives in an inexpensive way and less time, instead of using experimental method which requires costly research test beds. To achieve this, equations were derived which describe the performance parameters (sfc, thermal efficiency, mep, and A/F). the equations were used to simulate and optimize the engine performance of the model for various engine speeds. The optimal valves obtained for the developed bivariate mathematical models are: sfc is 0.2833kg/kwh, efficiency is 28.77% and a/f is 20.75.
Study on Environmental Management and Performance of Central Effluent Treatment Plant at Dhaka Export Processing Zone[Full-Text ] Dr. Engr. Md. Zahid Husain Khan, Md. Masud AlomThe Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) is the official organ of the Government of Bangladesh to promote, attract and facilitate foreign investment in the Export Processing Zones (EPZ). The primary objective of an EPZ is to provide special areas where potential investors would find a congenial investment climate free from cumbersome procedures maintaining all environmental aspects accurately. The export processing industries in Bangladesh has experienced an unprecedented growth over the last three decades and become a fast growing industry in Bangladesh. This industry plays a vital role in the country in terms of export earnings, employment generation, poverty alleviation and empowering women. For development of this sector, Bangladesh needs to emphasize on the factory working environment, social issues, labor relations and compliances with codes of conduct. In order to minimize environmental pollution due to small and medium scale industries in DEPZ cleaner production technologies and formation of waste minimization circles are being encouraged. Besides, collective treatment at a centralized facility, known as the CETP is considered as a viable treatment solution to overcome the constraints associated with effluent treatment in small to medium enterprises. A best environmental management practice (BEMP) is defined as the most effective way to implement the environmental management system by organizations in a relevant sector that can result in best environmental performance under given economic and technical conditions. This study serves to bring environmental best practices from an international perspective to DEPZ enterprises as well as highlight those enterprises within the EPZ that already exhibit some best practice techniques within their operations. The study report is based in part on environmental survey that was conducted at the 12 selected enterprises and practices that were observed there.
Gesture Controlled Accelerometer Using Wireless RX-TX[Full-Text ] Varun Varadan, Antara Sharma, Dhruvin Sheth, Aakash ShroffWe use a simple concept of using hand gestures to control a bot. The bot is controlled wirelessly using radio frequency receivers and transmitters. We also use an Arduino Software to program the accelerometer so that it can move according to the hand gestures. Additionally, a motor driver is used as an interface between Arduino and robot motors to limit the current flowing through the motors. The end result of this is pretty accurate according to what is set in the program. The bot can move forward ,backward ,left and right by mere hand gestures.
SIMULATION OF PARABOLIC-TROUGH COLLECTOR (MODEL TE38) USING SOLAR POSITIONS COORDINATES OF BAUCHI[Full-Text ] I. S. Sintali, G. Egbo and H. DandakoutaThis paper presents the simulation of parabolic-trough collector (model TE38) using solar positions coordinates of Bauchi. The model equations included the universal time (UT), day (n), month (M), year (Y), delta T (?T), longitude (?) and latitude (?) in radian. The heliocentric longitude (H), geocentric global coordinates and local topocentric sun coordinates were considered in the modeling equations. The thermal efficiency ?_th of the PTC considered both the direct (E_gd ) and reflected (E_gr ) solar energy incident on the glass-cover as well as the thermal properties of the collector and the total energy losses (Q_losses ) in the system. The model equations were used to simulate the PTC (Model TE38) using meteorological and radiative data of Bauchi. The results show that the temperature of the glass-cover (Tg), absorber-tube (Tt), and the working fluid (Tf) increases with increase in time from 35oC, 61oC and 39oC to 43oC, 125oC and 117oC respectively. The efficiency of the PTC increases with increase in time to a maximum value of 95% at 11:00hrs and reduces gradually to a minimum value of 62% at 19:00hrs.
License Plate Recognition System Using Haar Wavelet[Full-Text ] Vijay Laxmi, Dr. Harish RohilIn present world, crimes are increasing day by day with a rapid speed and criminals use vehicles in crimes. When we go at a crowded place, we see that people does not follow traffic rules during driving. So license plate recognition system is designed to control crimes and to make traffic system neat and clean for public safety. License plate recognition system (LPRS) is composed of three parts, which are license plate detection, character segmentation and the character recognition. In recent years template matching was used for license plate recognition but it is sensitive to noise. In this paper, Haar wavelet is used for license plate detection, and feature extraction of license plate characters. Haar wavelet requires least time for license plate detection, character segmentation, feature extraction, and for training. As number of license plate images in training database is increased, recognition rate increases but at the same time training time also increases. The proposed system has been implemented in MATLAB.
Experimental and Simulation based comparative analysis of UFAD and OHAD in Air-conditioning of room[Full-Text ] Omprakash Ahirwar, Neeraj kumar Ahirwar, Ishwar SinghThis research compared the air use for under floor and over head air supply displacement ventilation system in a close chamber. It has several potential advantages compared to conventional overhead (OH) mixing systems. However, most of the energy simulation programs widely used by the industry are not able to represent two distinct features of UFAD systems: room air stratification and the underfloor supply plenum. This study reports a field study of simulation of the result analysis UFAD and OHAD system in terms of relative humidity, ventilation performance and temperature stratification one of the sources of energy use. Overall, the performance of UFAD was substantially better than would be expected for an overhead mixing ventilation system.
AN IMPROVED DETERMINISTIC HEER PROTOCOL FOR HETEROGENEOUS REACTIVE WSNS – USING NETWORK LIFETIME AND STABILITY PERIOD[Full-Text ] Navneet Kaur, Manjinder Singh Kahlon and Raman KumarWireless Sensor Networks are playing a vital role in real world applications. As the features of the resource-constrained and battery-aware sensors are concerned; in these networks energy utilization has found to be a major interesting subject of research. Such networks are composed of battery-powered nodes which are connected with the base station to for certain action or task. As sensor nodes are battery-powered i.e. will become dead after the consumption of the battery which is also called lifetime of WSNs. Therefore using the energy in well-organized way may result in prolonging the lifetime of the WSNs. In this we proposed a improved HEER protocol which is deterministic in nature instead of randomization i.e. based on the probability. The proposed technique is designed and implemented in MATLAB. The comparison among the proposed and existing HEER has shown that the proposed HEER has better results in terms of network lifetime and stability period.
A Review of the Real-time intelligent alarm system of driver fatigue & Driver Drowsiness based on Emotive EPOC[Full-Text ] Sumegh Tharewal, Sangramsing Kayte, Mohammed Waseem Ashfaque, Sayyada Sara Banu , Dr.Bharti GawaliDriver safety is of utmost importance in the Indian, a country with approximately 308 million licensed drivers (Our Nation’s Highways, 3010). Driving while distracted or drowsy decreases performance and endangers lives. Yet in today’s bustling society, driving when distracted and/or sleepy is unfortunately more often the norm than the exception. In order to construct appropriate countermeasures to drowsy and distracted driving, it is important to understand how distraction and sleepiness affect driving. Therefore, we examined how objective markers of physiological sleepiness and simulated driving performance were influenced by time awake and cognitive distraction (referred to in this thesis as cognitive engagement) by using a 30-min driving simulation during 24-hrs of continuous wakefulness. In general, increased markers of physiological sleepiness and decreased driving performance were associated with increased time awake. Our results suggest that during extended wakefulness.
Optimization of Low Thermal Disintegration of Sewage Sludge for Improved Biogas Yield Us-ing Box Behnken Design[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sani Shehu, Mudi Kehinde Yusuf and Hassan Funsho AkandeModeling and optimization of low thermal disintegration of sewage sludge for enhanced biogas yield was carried out using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Box–Behnken design of experiment. The individual linear and quadratic effects as well as the interactive effects of temperature, stirring rate and time on the degree of disintegration were investigated. The results of Analysis of variance(ANOVA) and multiple regression analysis showed that the optimum variables for the thermal disintegration are: 88°C, 227 rpm and 21 min, with actual degree of disintegration (DD) of 55.4%. Linear and quadratic effects of temperature are most significant in affecting the degree of disintegration. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 99.5% confirms that the model used in predicting the degree of disintegration process has a very good fitness with the experimental variables. The disintegrated sludge increased the biogas yield by 60% v/v compared to non-disintegrated sludge. The RSM with Box–Behnken design is an effective tool in predicting the optimum degree of disintegration of sewage sludge for increased biogas yield.
Innovative Information retrieval Framework on dedicated cloud using Map Reduce & Hummingbird primitives[Full-Text ] Dr.Piyush Gupta, Kashinath ChandelkarCloud computing is an upcoming Technology comprising of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). A hosted instance of Hadoop Cluster in cloud termed as “Qubole” is tested for a job that helps to retrieve information for end users using Hummingbird Algorithm. A chunk of data called “Big Data” is a challenge to extract information and utilize for real time decision making. Since hummingbird supports voice based real time information retrieval is used in support with map Reduce in dedicated cloud.
The Causal Relationship between Health and Education Expenditures in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Faez S. Al-shihriThe purpose of this research paper is to examine the causal relationship between health and education expenditures in Saudi Arabia over the period of 1990-2013, using multivariate Granger causality approaches. The result suggests that education Granger-causes health expenditure in both the short run and long run. The findings of this study implied that the Saudi government places preference on education expenditure rather than health. This preference is not unexpected as generally, an educated and knowledgeable society precedes a healthy one. Before a society has attained a relatively higher level of education, it is less aware of the importance of health. Thus, expenditure on education should lead expenditure on health.
Anxiety and Depression in parents of children with impairments[Full-Text ] Jagjiwan Kaur, Nidhi PanditThe present investigation was conducted to gain an insight into the extent of Depression and Anxiety in parents of children with impairment and to find out the differences in the Depression and Anxiety experienced by their mothers and fathers . The study was conducted on 120 mothers and 120 fathers of 60 boys and 60 girls in the age group of 5-14 years, randomly selected from the special schools of Chandigarh. Standardized tools namely Beck depression inventory (1996) and Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety test (1995) were used. The results showed that mothers reported greater Depression and Anxiety as compared to the fathers. 40% of the parents reported minimal depression followed by moderate depression (33%) and mild depression (20%).0nly 7% respondents reported severe depression.35% of parents reported normal anxiety followed by high anxiety (29%), low anxiety (17.5%) and extremely high anxiety (11.5%). Extremely low anxiety was reported by only 7% parents. Depression was greater among parents of children with physical impairment on variables related to irritability, loss of interest and crying as compared to mental retardation, speech impairment and visual impairment. Guilt feelings and pessimism were greatest in parents of mentally retarded children. Tiredness was reported maximum by parents of visually impaired children. Anxiety was greater in parents of children with visual impairment as compared to physical impairment, speech impairment and mental retardation.
Applications of Electronic Nose using Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Varun Varadan, Antara Sharma, Naman UdeshiIn this paper we have used a metal oxide sensor based electronic nose (EN) for two very useful applications: a) To identify quality of Tea: To analyse five tea samples with different qualities, namely, Drier Month, Drier Month again over fired, Well Fermented normal fired in oven, Well Fermented over fired in oven, and Under Fermented normal fired in oven. The flavour of tea is determined mainly by its taste and smell, which is generated by hundreds of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Non Volatile Organic Compounds present in tea. These VOCs are present in different ratios and determine the quality of the tea. For example Assamica (Sri Lanka and Assam Tea) and Assamica Sinesis (Darjeeling and Japanese Tea) are two different species of tea giving different flavour notes. Tea flavour is traditionally measured through the use of a combination of conventional analytical instrumentation and human organoleptic profiling panels. These methods are expensive in terms of time and labour and also inaccurate because of a lack of either sensitivity or quantitative information. In this paper an investigation has been made to determine the flavours of different tea samples using an EN and to explore the possibility of replacing existing analytical and profiling panel methods. The technique uses an array of 4 metal oxide sensors (MOS), each of, which has an electrical resistance that has partial sensitivity to the headspace of tea.