Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2014 Edition
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Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Some Biochemical Parameters in Healthy subjects[Full-Text ] Haleema AlNahari and Hamed KoujaDuring the fasting month of Ramjan, Muslims are obliged to fast during daytime hours and restrict food and drink intake to the period after sunset.
The Effect of Using Nanofluid on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Butterfly Valve.[Full-Text ] Mohamed H. ShedidThis study has focused on the prediction of valve flow coefficient and torque coefficient of butterfly valves when using nanofluid instead of pure water. Al2O3/Water is a working nanofluid. Five models were constructed and discretized according to five opening angles of 0, 20, 30, 55 and 75o. The effects were tested for three different inlet velocities of 1, 2 and 3 m/s. For this reason, it was carried out numerical analysis using commercial CFD code FLUENT. The results revealed that here is no effect on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the butterfly valve when replacing the nanofluid instead of water.
Riemannian Geometry and Multilinear Tensors with Vector Fields on Manifolds[Full-Text ] Md. Abdul Halim, Sajal Saha, Md Shafiqul IslamIn the paper some aspects of Riemannian manifolds, pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, Lorentz manifolds, Riemannian metrics, affine connections, parallel transport, curvature tensors, torsion tensors, killing vector fields, conformal killing vector fields are focused. The purpose of this paper is to develop the theory of manifolds equipped with Riemannian metric. I have developed some theorems on torsion and Riemannian curvature tensors using affine connection. A Theorem 1.20 named “Fundamental Theorem of Pseudo-Riemannian Geometry” has been established on Riemannian geometry using tensors with metric. The main tools used in the theorem of pseudo Riemannian are tensors fields defined on a Riemannian manifold.
ACCIDENT IDENTIFICATION WITH AUTOMATIC AMBULANCE RESCUE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] SRAJAN SAXENA The usage of vehicles are rapidly increasing and at the same time the occurrence accident is also increased. Hence, the value of human life is ignored. No one can prevent the accident, but can save their life by expediting the ambulance to the hospital in time. A new vivid scheme called Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is introduced. The objective of this scheme is to minimize the delay caused by traffic congestion and to provide the smooth flow of emergency vehicles. The concept of this scheme is to green the traffic signal in the path of ambulance automatically with the help of RF module. So that the ambulance can reach the spot in time and human life can be saved and the accident location is identified sends the accident location immediately to the main server. The main server finds the nearest ambulance to the accident zone and sends the exact accident location to the emergency vehicle. The control unit monitors the ambulance and provides the shortest path to the ambulance at the same time it controls the traffic light according to the ambulance location and thus arriving at the hospital safely
A Survey on QoS-Aware Evolutionary Web Service Composition[Full-Text ] Fernando A. A. Lins, Nelson S. RosaCurrently, the use of Web services and service-oriented approaches to software development is a key topic in the computer science area. In addition, these services are being used in conjunction to build Web service compositions, which support the development and use of more complex systems through the combination of simpler functionalities. In this context, new services are being developed constantly, and these services may differ not only on its functional aspects (i.e., on its main functionalities), but also in non-functional aspects (e.g., performance and security). Considering this scenario, the service composition may evolve to a more suitable state (based on specific quality parameters) if the system is able to search for new services and evolve to another configuration (e.g., by switching services) that presents more advantages in comparison to the current status. This work presents a survey on the area of evolutionary Web service composition, in which evolution is guided based on QoS factors such as performance, security and cost. Current and relevant initiatives of these area were divided in three main dimensions, in order to better structure and present these initiatives.
Comparative Analysis of 132kV Grid Stations from Distributed Generation Perspective[Full-Text ] Anis Ur Rehman, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan, Khadim Ullah JanPakistan is facing severe power crisis where power demand is greater than the total generated power. Distributed generation (DG) is a preferred scheme to improve system efficiency and to meet the power demand for domestic and commercial applications. This paper investigates those areas where DG installation is necessary to overcome power crisis. Comparative analysis of all 132kV grid stations of Peshawar has been carried out on the basis of overloaded transmission lines, MWh energy losses, line losses, and duration of load shedding. Statistical analysis of the data collected for more than fifteen grid stations shows the locations where DG is necessary to be installed to meet power demand and to avoid load shedding. The newly introduced type of DG renewable energy sources are more suitable in the selected areas of Peshawar based upon different weather conditions.
Design & Analysis of Low Voltage A/D Converter Based Latched Comparator Using 0.18µm Technology.[Full-Text ] Annapurna Bera, Jayashree DashAnalog-to-Digital conversion process is an electronic process in which an analog signal is changed, without changing its necessary contents, into a digital signal. Latched comparators use positive feedback mechanism (aids in the input signal) to re-generates (amplifies) the analog input signal into a full scale digital level output signal. This paper presents the analysis of conventional comparator and latched comparator. The proposed design will improve the comparator performance by reducing the propagation delay and power consumption.The analysis and simulation results are obtained in 0.18µm with supply voltages of 1.8V respectively. The schematic of comparator is captured using EDA tool.
CUSTOMIZED DATA ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Ritu ShuklaData security is one of the most difficult aspects in the web and network applications. Internet and networks applications are mounting very fast, which is increasing the importance and the worth of the exchanged data over the internet or other types of media. We constantly endeavor to get enhanced algorithms which can work to secure the data wholly. A variety of good algorithms is available and has been used in the cryptography. Mainly stream and block ciphers are accessible and International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) is one of them, which was regarded debatably as one of the best for the purpose of encryption. The attacks like brute force and the combination of weak sub-keys reduce its security.
Robust object Recognition Using SURF feature model applied in NAO Robot[Full-Text ] Vahid Rahmani , Vahid RostamiObject recognition is one of the most important processes for robot soccer in the standard platform robot league. Main task of the vision system of robot soccer while playing is recognizing and tracking the objects like ball, goalposts, robots of the same team and rival robots in the game. The basic idea of several object recognition methods, especially in robot soccer and RoboCup environment, is to use the algorithms based on the color feature of pixels. One of the significant challenges in color feature-based algorithms is the illumination changes of an environment. Since colors are different in different illumination conditions and are influenced by environmental factors like noise, the vision system of a robot will be disturbed if the environment’s illumination changes. Therefore, in this paper a robust object recognition approach against illumination changes of an environment is proposed by using the matching algorithm based on SURF feature. Experimental results on 5 different datasets obtained from the top 5 teams of the world shows that the proposed approach has a good result which includes a recognition rate of more than 96% and an error rate of 4%.
Evaluation of Antioxidant and Chelating activities of Seeds extracts of Aframomum sceptrum[Full-Text ] Oladoye, S. O, Ibikunle, G. J, Akintola, A .OAframomum sceptrum (zingiberaceae) is a native spice commonly used to enhance cooking flavour, aroma and palatability in Southern parts of Nigeria, particularly among the Urhobos,Itsekiris and Ijaws. The seeds of Aframomum sceptrum were studied with the aim of evaluating the antioxidant and chelating activities of the seeds extracts in three different solvent (n-Hexane, ethylacetate and ethanol). The antioxidant activities were evaluated using in vitro assay which utilized the DPPH scavenging method. Antioxidant activities of the extracts were obtained by their reducing power. The extracts produced concentration dependent increase in antioxidant activities in 2, 2-diphenylpicrylhydrazyl photometric assay when compared with the standard gallic acid. The chelating ability of the examined extracts was also assessed in vitro. The extracts showed a dose dependent increase in chelating ability. The values of chelating ability for graded dose (5-25mg/ml) were 77.60%, 81.56%, 86.60%, 86.22% and 94.67% in the n- Hexane extract which has the highest chelating ability. The chelating abilityof the extract is comparable with that of the standard curcumin. These results suggest that seeds extracts of Aframomum sceptrum may be a potential source of antioxidants protection against oxidative stress and iron overload damage.
INFLATION TARGETING WITH DYNAMIC TIME SERIES MODELLING – THE NIGERIAN CASE[Full-Text ] Olanrewaju I. Shittu, Raphael A. YemitanIn recent times, inflation figures used by policy makers and investors are usually at lag one (i.e. previous month’s inflation rate). The reality of the present day situation where changes in the economy increases with a high degree of uncertainty, decision of monetary policy tools requires the use of current figures of macroeconomic indicators such as inflation. This paper, therefore aims at modelling and forecasting Nigeria’s inflation rate for the current period, using the random walk with drift. The result will enable policy makers and investors determine inflation rate ahead of the time the official figures will be released. Our result shows that in the last 12-months, there has been a high degree of correlation (99.8% ) between the forecast values and the official data from the National Bureau of Statistics. The results also indicate the need to study the long memory properties of the series.
Advanced Instrumentation System Using ARM Controller for Blood Analysis[Full-Text ] B.Dodda Basavanagoud, Dr.K Padma PriyaModern bio medical sciences incorporate soft tools to diagnose various parameters of human fluids. Conventional method of blood sample analysis makes use of laboratory technique of titration, which is operator dependent and could result in lot of errors depending on the skill of the operator. In order to eliminate the human errors involved in the conventional method, In this paper an attempt has been made to present a capillary centrifuge technique driven by high speed state of art DC motor controlled by a powerful processor resulting in accurate analysis of the blood samples. This paper brings out the various advantages of the proposed blood measurement technique in the form of accuracy of blood analysis, quickness and at a low price.
Criticalities encountered in Construction of (HRT) Head Race Tunnel of Kameng Hydro Electric Project (600MW), In Arunachal Pradesh, India.[Full-Text ] Md.Hadi Alam, Mr. M.K.SharmaThis paper presents some of the criticalities encountered in construction of (14.45 Km) head race Tunnel of (600MW) Kameng hy-droelectric project in Arunachal pradesh, India located in North East Himalayan Region. As the region has complex geological formations and is considered to be the best field laboratory to learn Rock Mechanics and Tunneling Technology for weak rockmass. The ongoing excavation of HRT in Kameng H.E Project encountered various criticalities and geological problems thereby hindering the overall progress. The rock class encountered during the excavation of HRT varied from good to fair quality (class II to VIA &VIB as per Q system of rock classification). The HRT support system was designed for different classes of rock mass and the same was implemented with some modification as per the site conditions and some additional strengthening work also taken up in the crown portion of erected steel rib (ISMB200X100) in the squeezing zones. The Rock mass encountered along the excavated tunnel profile, mainly comprised of faults, folds, fracture and share zones of poor geology. Thus the experiences of tunneling in this tectonically disturbed, young and fragile Himalaya are precious for the tunnel engineers all over the world. The experience of tunneling in 600MW Kameng H.E project for last Ten years is a boon for all of us. It was a challenging job to construct a long Tunnel with high overburden and in this young and tectonically disturbed Himalayan terrain. Geological surprises (faults/shear zones) causing cavity, loosefall, blowout, high ingress of water and squeezing ground conditions were common phenomenon that encountered along tunnel profile. As such deep and long tunnel should be carefully planned to avoid too high overburden causing squeezing ground condition or rock bursts; it was experienced and realized that under different overburden conditions of tunnel excavation the same rock strata which is safe at lower overburden may pose severe tunneling problem at a very high overburden due to increase of in-situ stresses. In this paper some of the criticalities encountered during the excavation of HRT and the cause of the criticalities as well as rehabilitation measures adopted are analyse and discussed.
A New Features Extracted for Recognizing a Hand Geometry Using BPNN[Full-Text ] Dr. Firas M. Al-Fiky, Zainab Salih AgeedThe biometrics plays a vital role in person recognition, in this method a 66 features has been calculated and determined for the right hand, the method has two main phases, the first contain the data collection and preproecessing, while the second contain the training and testing of an artificial neural network. The proposed method suggested the BPNN for training with one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer. The recognition rate RR for the neural network after testing and using propsed features was clearly shows an enhancement in results through the comparison between the previous works and the proposed method.
Developing a Decision Support System Using Cancer Data Warehouse[Full-Text ] P.Ramachandran, Dr.N.Girija, Dr.T.BhuvaneswariA data warehouse is a powerful repository of large, multi dimensional data cubes that answers complex queries and helps in decision making process. Data warehouses often act as a predecessor in the data mining process. Data warehousing has become essential in medical intelligence. This paper reviews the implementation and use of data warehouse in health and service sector specific to cancer disease. Initially A Clinical Data Warehouse is developed which integrates data by automatically performing the ETL procedure i.e. extracting the data from different sources, transforming and gets itself loaded to supports the data mining system which could be used by doctors and medical analysts as a Decision Support System (DSS), to predict cancer in its earlier stages and provide the needed treatment. A sequential methodology to develop the data warehouse architecture using cancer databases is discussed at length in this paper.
Implementation of Open Core Protocol transaction Verification IP using System Verilog UVM methodology[Full-Text ] Siddaram Patil, Arun Kumar, Dr.v.VenkateswarluThis paper presents Implementation of the Reusable Open Core protocol (OCP) transaction Verification IP (VIP) using universal verification methodology (UVM) and very easy to implement the functional coverage and SystemVerilog assertions (SVA) using powerful System Verilog (SV) Language. As verification of the design has become most challenging task, verification is important factor for achieving time to market (TTM) of the product. This paper address briefly on how the UVM methodology and SV enables developing VIP easier and quickly over traditional Hardware description language(HDL) verilog or VHDL and Hardware verification language(HVL) Specman.
Use of Fuzzy Logic in Determining Quality of Water[Full-Text ] Antara Sharma, Naman Udeshi, Varun VaradanThere is no hard and fast rule for defining an environmental factor, with respect to a person. For example, a person might find a certain day ‘cold’ while someone else might find the same day ‘mild’. Does that mean one of them is wrong? The above example illustrates that language can tend to be imprecise and a simple concept like a cold day does not have well defined boundaries as such. The use of Fuzzy Logic helps us to process such data, by extending classical set theory to handle partial membership. Classical set theory deals with crisp sets, i.e. members are either in or out. With fuzzy logic we can deal with partial membership too. Fuzzy sets can be applied to environmental science. Environmental issues deal constantly with fuzzy concepts such as hazardous, acceptable, safe, etc. It is difficult to have an absolute distinction between such assessments. Fuzzy concepts come largely from the field of soft computing, and have links to many earlier influences. Working with fuzzy concepts requires skills like constructing fuzzy sets, performing logical operations and also arithmetic operations on these sets. Traditional classification methods of the water quality parameters use crisp sets, and the concentration values which are close or far from the limits are considered in same classes. Moreover, usually, several parameters are considered in quality determination; therefore, differences of the classes of the parameters may be vagueness, especially, in public consideration. In this paper, we consider how fuzzy logic and fuzzy arithmetic apply to risk assessment and environmental policy and, specifically, how these concepts apply to a case-study assessment of water quality in India’s Mithi. River. Our goal is to consider whether and to what extent this approach can be applied more broadly for environmental assessments.
Microstructural Stability of Spray-atomized FeAl Alloys[Full-Text ] M. Amaya, J.M. Romero, L. Martínez and R. PerezThe role of boron and alumina particulate on the microstructural stability of as-atomized FeAl40at% base alloys in the temperature range of 600-1200°C was evaluated. The alumina particulate reinforcement combined with the boron microalloying prevents the abnormal grain growth and enhances the microstructural stability. The anomalous grain growth behavior which occurred in the temperature range of 600-900 °C was related with an onset of the recrystallization. The presence of a hardness peak observed at 900°C in the as-atomized FeAl base alloy was strongly diminished with the boron microalloying and alumina particulate reinforcement.
Edge Detection Based on Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Sagar Samant, Mitali Salvi, Mohammed Husein SabuwalaEdge detection is an essential feature of digital image processing. It is an approach used most frequently in image segmentation based on abrupt changes in intensity. Edge pixels are pixels at which the intensity of an image function changes abruptly, and edges are sets of connected edge pixels. In this paper we propose a very simple but novel method for edge detection without determining threshold value. We have developed a fuzzy inference system in MATLAB in order to get a simple fuzzy rule based edge detection technique. Here the pixel under comparison is basically compared in a cross fashion to its neighboring pixels. Depending on the level of intensity change in the corresponding pixel, the overall pixel binary level is adjusted and used for edge detection. The results thus obtained are compared to popular edge detection methods like Sobel and high pass filter. The execution time as well as the visual feasibility were examined and were found to be better.
Structural, Potentiometric and Thermodynamic Studies of 3-Phenylaminorhodanine-5-azosulfadiazine and Its Metal Complexes[Full-Text ] A.Z. El-Sonbati, M.A. Hussien, I.M. El-Deen, U.S. Said3-Phenylaminorhodanine-5–azosulfadiazine (H2L) has been synthesized and characterized using different spectroscopic techniques. The energy of HOMO & LUMO, HOMO–LUMO energy gap and additional electronic charge were calculated. In ad-dition, absolute electronegativities, chemical potentials and absolute hardness have been calculated. The proton-ligand dissociation constants of 3-phenylamino rhodanine-5–azosulfadiazine (H2L) and the stability constants of its metal-ligand complexes with (Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+) have been determined potentiometrically in 0.1 M (KCl) and 40 % (by volume) ethanol-water mixture and at (298, 308 and 318) K. The order of the stability constants of the formed complexes increases in the sequence Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+. The effect of temperature was studied and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters (?G, ?H and ?S) were derived and are discussed. The dissociation process is non-spontaneous, endothermic and entropically unfavourable. The formation of the metal complexes has been found to be spontaneous, endothermic and entropically favourable.
Optimized Reconfigurable UWB Monopole with WLAN Band Notch Using C-Shape slot & MEMS Stubs[Full-Text ] Bhanu pratap, Navjot Kaur, Swati SharmaTwo CPW-fed trapezium monopoles were designed on FR4 substrate, dielectric constant is 4.4 with height 1 mm and 26*30 mm2 plane area with reconfigurable rejection band (band-notch) characteristics in the frequency range between 5 and 6 GHz. The first antenna uses a ?/2 long, C-shaped slot and the second antenna uses two symmetrically placed ?/4 long, inverted L-shaped stubs as resonating elements. Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) switches are used to activate and deactivate the resonating elements without the need of dc bias lines due to use of a novel MEMS switch. Surface current distributions are used to explain the effect of the additional resonating elements. Reflection coefficient radiation pattern and gain measurements are presented to verify the design concepts featuring a very satisfactory performance. The antenna shows satisfactory gain uniformity with stable omnidirectional radiation patterns across the UWB bands (3.1 to 10.6).
Deployment Model of an Underwater Sensor Network in a Swimming Pool Environment with a suitable Localization Scheme[Full-Text ] M.Caroline Joyce, K. VanithaSwimming Pool is one of the places where most of the children wish to be. But mostly the swimming pools do not have proper security measures to be done, in case of any emergency. In the world, in totality the reason for death of children is due to drowning while swimming in the pools. To overcome such mortality due to drowning, a new system has been devised to prevent such occurrences using mobile underwater sensors. The system is designed for children who weigh below 10 kilograms. In a specified swimming pool, a number of mobile underwater sensors are deployed. For every child a mobile sensor node is allocated and it is designed to move along with the child. The mobile sensor which is moving along with the child monitors the movement of the child. Researchers have identified the time a normal child can hold its breath is 35 seconds. If a child lies below the water surface for more than 35 seconds, the sensor identifies the child as drowning. So in the starting of the 30th second the sensor passes the message to an alarm and the alarm is activated. The alarm will ring with 100 decibel sound. Here in this real time deployment, PSO algorithm is used to localize the mobile sensor nodes in the swimming pool environment. Thus the proposed work would help saving a child from drowning in a swimming pool.
Analysis of Software Fault and Defect Prediction by Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy C-Means Clustering[Full-Text ] Pushpavathi T.P, Suma V, Ramaswamy VFaults are related to failures and they do not have much power for indicating a higher quality or a better system above the baseline that the end-users expect.The system faults are the defects that brim in executable files. Conventional approaches employ the experts to navigate directly into the source code errors. However expansion in system size grew the complexity of task exponentially and generated a scope for new methods in fault classification.Experimental studies have shown that miniature bugs are reason of faults. In a considerable size of system the faulty labels and non-faulty labels are marked during modular phase. This paper presents the adaptive-neuro fuzzy c-means clustering for fault classification via fuzzy c-means clustering.Experimental studies confirmed that only a small portion of software modules cause faults in software systems.The NASA pc1 database is used for experiments and the results in this approach is enhanced than previous clustering based approaches.
Coordinator Based Suspicious Url Detection and Prevention of Malicious Url Attacks in Twitter’s [Full-Text ] Sandra G, Shanavas K A, Saheeda AOnline Social Networks (OSNs), a fruitful product of technological advancement, have now become an integral part of modern social life. Twitter holds a top position among the most popularly used online social networks. As their popularity increases, security becomes a compromising factor. Many methods have been developed to prevent attacks on them. Twitter is also subjected to these attacks, which is constantly increasing. In this paper we suggest a coordinator based twitter attack detection and prevention method. The key factor of our approach is real time attack detection method which not only detects attacks, but also prevents them. Ours is a coordinator based system which always makes users land on safe sites.
Business Administration and Data Warehouse[Full-Text ] Hafedh Ibrahim AlfouzanThis paper describes the aim of operating the database administration on organizations, and the strategies of the database administration’s position (Database Administrator (DBA). In addition, it states the differences of DBA certifications. Moreover, it presents the idea of applying the data warehousing and its benefits.
Medicinal, Industrial and Environmental Relevance of Metal Nitrosyl complexes: A Review[Full-Text ] R. C. Maurya and J. M. MirThis review sums up the necessary research upsurges that occurred since nitric oxide (NO) was declared as the signaling molecule in the cardio-vascular system and some recent trends in its study. Metal nitrosyl complexes are the mimicking biological models that exhibit the properties of nitric-oxide-synthase. Their roles in medicine, industry and environmental equilibrium are of immense importance. Besides these, their role in plant pathogenicity is recent research tool in botany. Cancer studies also reveal the nitric oxide, the median line to cancer disease.