Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2014 Edition
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Behavior of Total Electron Content over Auroral Region at Maitri, Antarctica[Full-Text ] Prakash Khatarkar, Purushottam Bhawre, Varsha Kachneria, P. K. Purohit and A. K. GwalThe dual frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver provides an opportunity to determine Total electron content widely used to study the dynamics of the ionosphere. For this purpose a dual frequency GSV 4004A GPS receiver is installed at sub auroral region over Indian base polar station Maitri (71.45 S Lat,11.45 E Long), Antarctica. In this paper to discuss the behavior of TEC has been studied using GPS data. The diurnal and seasonal variation of VTEC is studied for different seasons. GPS derived TEC is than compared with International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2007 model. From the analysis we observed that TEC achieves its highest value during the summer as minimum in winter. Also observed maximum TEC value of Polar Day month (December) because during these months the polar cap receives the solar radiation round the clock as compared to Polar Night month (June). We use only those GPS satellite data whose elevation angle is greater than 300 for TEC during at low solar activity period December 2009 to December 2010.
Vision based Quality Monitoring and Control Using Adaptive Threshold Technique[Full-Text ] Karim M. Taha, M. A. Metwally, F. M. Ahmed, G. El-NasharIn this paper, a real time quality monitoring and control in multicolor printing is proposed using online mechatronic system based on computer vision. Theoretical and practical study for automatic detection of register marks through an adaptive threshold value selection algorithm. The proposed system provides an automatic control of the press machine to be able to quantify and compensate the miss-registration happens in printing setup or during operation. The proposed mechatronic system uses a CMOS image sensor to capture the printed register mark image data in real time. Further image processing and analyzing is carried out under MATLAB environment. The color segmentation algorithm involves an adaptive threshold value selection technique to enhance the overall system performance. The geometrical color to color deviation is compensated through DC motor controlled by the decision making algorithm. The system was applied to a pen plotter as a simulation of press machine and succeeded to achieve the required task.
Relevance of ERP Implementation and Critical Success Factors in SMEs of Developing Countries[Full-Text ] Majid Aarabi, Hadi Ghafoorian,Muhamad Zameri Mat SamanSmall and medium enterprises (SMEs) with their crucial role in generating employment and supporting trade are encountering numerous challenges. Meanwhile, towards to stay alive in a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business environment, SMEs are improving their usage of information systems (IS) and increasingly implementing of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. However, successful implementation and utilization of ERP systems requires adequate attention to a proper and comprehensive implementation framework and considering of significant critical success factors (CSFs) in implementation phases. Expert panel with ten experts and interview instrument was conducted in this research. This study aims to contribute three major goals: to find the required characteristics of SMEs' framework and then propose a conceptual framework and seek the relevance of critical success factors (CSFs) along the four phases of proposed framework for implementation of ERP systems in SMEs of developing countries. These findings aim to saturate the proposed frameworks that can help SMEs of developing countries towards improving the ERP implementation success rate. The case study in Iranian SMEs was used to validation of the final proposed framework
Symbol Generation and Enhanced Capacity in LTE-A Network using MIMO-OFDM[Full-Text ] Md. Faizan Hasan, Md. Javed Hossain, Mohammed Humayun Kabir, Mohammed Nizam UddinThe development of networks is running toward wireless systems. To attach more services to the handy devices, the demand of more bandwidth as well as better data rate in wireless systems are hiking. Even in developing countries, this demand is increasing. While the service providers are providing telecom services using GSM, EDGE, CDMA, WCDMA, WiMAX, HSPA, HSPA+ etc. technologies, it is call from time to move with better technologies which will facilitate the provision of ubiquitous and affordable broadband (very high speed) wireless connectivity. The ultimate goal of LTE-A network is to design a real wireless world without facing obstacles of the earlier generations. Modulation and Multiplexing has been the main issues in higher capacity, quality, cost and design. So most reliable OFDM with efficient modulation techniques like as QPSK, 16-QAM & 64-QAM are seen as main backbone principles for LTE-A network. This paper aims at highlighting the concepts of LTE-A network, its architecture, features, comparative studies with preceding technologies, applications and the possibility of betterment.
Advanced Group Key Distribution Protocol with Hardware Token Security[Full-Text ] Soni Davi D S, Arun Kumar MNow a day’s providing security for messages in group communication is more essential and critical one. So the Key establishment protocol needs to provide security, confidentiality, authentication and integrity for session keys to be sent messages to any system in network. Key distributed protocols fully rely on trusted Key Generation Center (KGC) to compute group key and to distribute the group keys to all communication parties in a secured and secret manner. The secret key is generated using RSA algorithm .In this proposed protocol the secret key is encrypted by using DES algorithm and stored in the database. In this paper also describing a method to overcome the problems created by hackers by providing a secondary security using a hardware token device.
Large Vocabulary Isolated Word Recognition Using Syllable, HMM and Normal Fit[Full-Text ] Hemakumar G., Punitha P.This paper addresses the problem of large vocabulary speaker dependent isolated Kannada words recognition using the syllables, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Normal fit method. This experiment has covered 5.5 million words among the 10 million words from Hampi text corpus. Here 3-state Baum–Welch algorithm is used for training. For the 2 successor outputted ?(A, B, pi) is combined and passed into normal fit, the outputted normal fit parameter is labelled has syllable or sub-word. Our model is compared with Gaussian Mixture Model and HMM (3-state Baum–Welch algorithm). This paper clearly shows that for normal fit applied for HMM will reduce the memory size while building the speech models and works with excellent recognition rate. The average WRR is 91.22% and average WER is 8.78%. All computations are done using mat lab.
An Optimization Model for Reactive Power and Voltage Controls of Super High Voltage Grid Systems Using Pseudo-Inverse Method[Full-Text ] Najim Abood Hamudi Al-ShaikhliThis paper develops an optimization model to control the excessive MVAR generation by super high voltage grid systems for maintaining the nodal voltages within the required acceptable margin. The model enhances an approximate solution on the condition of balanced real power. The Pseudo-Inverse Method of optimization is implemented as an optimal means of solving non square systems of equations based on Lagrange's Theory of optimization. It recommends the locations and ratings of the minimum required reactors from the preinstalled ones that to be in service for optimum nodal reactive power and voltage controls The model had been tested on the Iraqi Super High Voltage Grid System (400kV), and it proved to be efficient in the obtained results and reliable in convergence.
Single Electron Transistors[Full-Text ] Radha KrishnanNanotechnology is ushering in the era of self-replicating machinery and self-assembling consumer goods made from raw atoms
MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF STIFF AND NON-STIFF INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION USING MATLAB[Full-Text ] D. Omale, P.B. Ojih, M.O. OgwoMany important and complex systems from different fields of sciences are modeled using differential equations. Due to the complexity of these systems, analytical methods are often difficult or impossible to implement for such problems and so numerical methods are the way out. The advent of computer applications like MATLAB starting from the mid 20th century has made a drastic improvement in numerical solutions for differential equations. In this work, we present the solvers in MATLAB for obtaining numerical solution for initial value problems of ODEs – ode45, ode23, ode113, ode15s, ode23s, ode23t, ode23tb. Six problems are solved, three of which are stiff and three non-stiff using the relevant MATLAB solvers and the solutions are presented.
Access to Geo-Fenced resources from registered locations[Full-Text ] Anusha Salam, Arunkumar MNowadays companies prefer to restrict access to their resources. Geo-fencing can be used to restrict access to such resources within the fence. These resources can include data or management and utility tools. With geo-fencing; it will be advantageous to access such resources at n different locations providing the flexibility of working from home location for all staff. In such a scenario, access control must be ensured based on location along with some rewards. Location accuracy is ensured by considering verification mechanism based on information from multiple sources such as Global Positioning System (GPS), Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) and IP address. This system adds more security as well as benefit passionate IT professionals.
Insulin Resistance, a surrogate marker, in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus[Full-Text ] Suresh Kumar PType 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is an insulin resistant state associated with accelerated atherosclerosis, hypertension, dyslipidemia and abnormal vasomotor responses to insulin. One hundred and thirty nine T2DM patients were included in this study. Out of the total 139 patients, 120 (86.33%) had hyper-insulinemia. According to the NCEP-ATP III criteria, the prevalence of IRS was 103 (74.1%) among the total patients. But, among the hyper-insulinemic group alone, 79.15% had IRS. There is lesser prevalence of diabetes in the 7th decade and beyond. The results showed that WHR has better correlation with IRS than the BMI. The control of diabetes was poor among nearly 2/3rd of the patients. 1/5th of males and 1/3rd of females had CAD. 67.21% of males and 71.19% of females had hypertension. 50% had positive family history of diabetes among 1st degree relatives. The lipid abnormalities were of lesser classical nature. More number of patients had abnormal LDL levels than having TGL or HDL abnormalities. 52.1% of males and 55% females had statistically significant lower calcium levels, whereas the uric acid levels were normal in more than 90%. The study also showed that the fasting insulin level is higher (90.4µU/ml for males and 72.3 µU/ml for females) and that it correlates well with the degree of insulin resistance. It may therefore be necessary to measure insulin level along with blood glucose and lipids in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Agenesis of maxillary primary and permanent lateral incisor[Full-Text ] Rena Ephraim, Shubha M.Dental agenesis is one of the most common developmental anomaly in humans and is many a times associated with several other oral abnormalities. Hypodontia is uncommon in the deciduous dentition with a prevalence that ranges from 0.5% to 0.9%, with the maxillary lateral incisor being the most affected unilaterally or bilaterally. The absence of a deciduous tooth is associated strongly with an increased prevalence of a missing succedaeous tooth. A tooth is defined to be congenitally missing if it has not erupted into the oral cavity and has not been extracted or accidentally lost or is found missing in the radiograph. A disturbance during the early stages of tooth development can result in its congenital absence. Hypodontia can occur either as an isolated condition involving one tooth, a few or many teeth or can be associated with a condition or syndrome essentially reflecting the genetically and phenotypical heterogenecity of the condition. It is also more frequently observed in females than in males. In primary dentition early diagnosis of missing anterior teeth is not usual, and might go undiagnosed till the age of 12 years, till aesthetic treatment is sought, for missing permanent maxillary incisors. Hobkirk et al reported that in 451 patients treated for hypodontia, more than 50% were older than 12 years and all reported for aesthetic or prosthetic rehabilitation.An early x-ray examination, using periapical and panoramic techniques, and if necessary computed tomography, may be necessary to correctly diagnose the particular situation and get information regarding the treatment modalities. The delay in diagnosis and treatment of this condition can lead to an unpleasant smile, facial asymmetry, midline diastema,dental arch discrepancy,occlusal disharmony, canine impactions, decreased periodontal health and pschycoligical conditions. The objective of this article is to bring awareness among the dentists and to stress upon the importance of early diagnosis of missing lateral incisors in the early mixed dentition period, its consequences and the possible earliest management during this period to restore aesthetics and function to the affected patient.
Evolutionary Algorithm for the Bi-Objective Green Vehicle Routing Problem[Full-Text ] El Bouzekri El Idrissi Adiba, El Hilali Alaoui AhemdThe amount of pollution emitted by a vehicle depends on many factors such as the total distance travelled and its load. In this paper, we present and define the bi-objective Green Vehicle Routing Problem (bi- GVRP) in the context of sustainable transportation. The bi- GVRP is the problem of finding routes for vehicles to serve a set of customers while minimizing the total travelled distance and the total emissions of dioxide of carbon (CO2). We apply the genetic algorithm to solve bi- GVRP benchmarks and perform statistical analysis to evaluate and validate obtained results. The algorithm shows obtains good results and proves the explicit interest grant to emission emitted by vehicle and total distance minimization objective.
Proposing a Comprehensive Software Metrics for Process Efficiency[Full-Text ] Dr. Latika KharbFor an effective test measurement, a software tester requires a testing metrics that could measure the quality and productivity of software development process along with increasing its reusability, correctness and maintainability. In order to ensure that we produce better quality code; what we need is development of efficient testing measurement techniques that could assist in the creation of high quality software within limited time and resources along with user satisfaction. Efficient test process measurement is essential for managing and evaluating efficiency of final software product. In addition, there is increasing demand for enhancement of operational capabilities of a software product so as to be able to get more and more output with a reduced investment plan. Effective usage of our proposed metrics can serve as an important landmark for identifying efficiency and effectiveness of a software testing process and then on the basis of its analysis, it would help us to identify the areas of improvement and guide us to devise subsequent plans. Keeping this demand in mind, in this paper, we’ve proposed three metrics for software process quality testing; which could be used as one of the approaches for further guidance in software process quality testing. The intention behind our proposed set of metrics is to inculcate a complete improvement in overall software testing life cycle.
The Use of Laboratory Method in Teaching Secondary School Students: a key to Improving the Quality of Education[Full-Text ] Hamidu M. Y., Ibrahim A. I., Mohammed A.Laboratory experiences have been reported to promote central science education goals including the enhancement of students' understanding of concepts in science and its applications; scientific practical skills and problem solving abilities; scientific ‘habits of mind’; understanding of how science and scientists work; interest and motivation. This paper looked at the use of laboratory method in teaching secondary school students: a key to improving the quality of education. It highlighted the concept of science laboratory, quality education. It examined the role of laboratory method of teaching in improving the quality of education, strategies for effective use of laboratory method and the problems facing the effective use of laboratory method in teaching science. The paper recommend among others: Teachers, Laboratory Attendants and Gardeners must be made to attend, at regular intervals, relevant workshops, seminars, conferences and shorts courses that will update and upgrade their knowledge and experiences from time to time and Government should provide Physical resources, and curriculum development that will enhance the use of laboratory method and improve the quality of science instruction in our schools.
Premature adulthood in boys: persistent exposure to high energy food, adult societies and sexualized media[Full-Text ] Ghulam Nabi, Muhammad Amin, Yousaf Khan, Sardar Ali, Nigar GulPuberty is a temporal and a sequential process. The pubertal stage today’s still persisting but its timing is changed due to changes in nutrition, body weight, social stress, and exposure to adult societies. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of persistent exposure to adult societies, media, cattle rearing and meat in male children for pubertal timing. Five groups were made, each group contained 20 children. All children were examined by a physicians and morning serum total testosterone were measured in their blood by using Bio-check (USA) kit. Total serum testosterone was significantly (P**** ?0.0001) higher in butcher children (102.3± 21.15 ng/dL), workshop children (98.20± 23.53 ng/dL), media exposed children (101.9± 18.38 ng/dL) and shepherd children (90.70± 13.64 ng/dL) as compared to age matched control group (45.10± 9.25 ng/dL). It is concluded that persistent exposure of children to adult societies, Medias, cattles and eating meat for a long time positively affects pubertal timing, propelling the children to premature adulthood abruptly as compared to age matched control group.
Performance Evaluation of Proportional Navigation Guidance for Low-Maneuvering Targets[Full-Text ] K. David Solomon RajA missile system employed with homing guidance can sense and detect the target, guide itself to steer towards the target by generating commands to its own control surfaces. Proportional Navigation (PN) as an effective guidance law is implemented in most of all the homing guidance systems. Since its inception PN is one of the best proven techniques which has been used extensively in past and present homing systems. This paper presents overall survey of the performance evaluation of the Proportional Navigation which is very effective for the missile to intercept the low-maneuvering target. Here two simulation examples are presented. In the first one, even though if the missile is launched in the wrong direction by a heading error of 50 deg, the PN can enable missile to hit the target. The second is to observe how PN was effective to hit a maneuvering target. Also it is explained why linearization of engagement model results in performance projections with consistent accuracy to make it worthwhile for developing design relationships. In order to show how Proportional Navigation work fairly well against maneuvering and constant velocity target, this paper presents a simulation of a two-dimensional missile target engagement geometry in LabVIEW for a point mass missile and target.
Development of Smart Fusion Technology Based Customizable System-on-Chip For Monitoring of Polyhouse Parameters[Full-Text ] S. S. Shaikh, S. C. Pathan, P. V. Mane-Deshmukh, S. K. Tilekar and B. P. LadgaonkarIndeed, the development of mixed signal (Analog+digital) based System-on-Chip (SoC) for dedicated application is an ubiquitous field. Moreover, in the field of VLSI design the Smart Fusion technology is emerged, which introduces the configurable analog cores along with customizable digital cores. Employing SmartFusion device from Microsemi USA, the A2F200M3F, the mixed signal based System-on-Chip is designed for monitoring of environmental parameters of polyhouse, where crops are cultivated in precisely controlled environment. Deploying dynamically reconfigurable resources of A2F200M3F, such as Analog Compute Engine (ACE), Signal Conditioning Block (SCB) etc, the Signal Conditioning stages for respective signals are designed. The analog front end (AFE), of the device provides ultra high input impedance, which helps to read the analog signals, very precisely. Moreover, on deployment of on-chip ADC and configuration of the same to 10 bit realizes the enhancement in the resolution. The device comprises ARM CortexM3 as a processing core, which ensure the 32 bit processing capacity. This results into increase in the processing speed with low power consumption. An IDE Libero SoC is used for design and customizing of hardware of System-on-Chip, whereas the firmware is co-designed by employing SoftConsole vendored by microsemi. To measure environmental parameters of polyhouse, the sensors such as SY-HS-220(Humidity), LM35 (Temperature) and BPW34 (Light intensity) are deployed. The system is calibrated and standardized to respective engineering unit. The results of implementation exhibit the high preciseness and reliability of the system.
The globalization of financial news and information data, their effective on the financial market[Full-Text ] Farzaneh Haghighatnia, Hossein NiavandThis study presents the correlation between the globalization of the financial news and information data, their effect on the financial markets. The national news are replaced by international news or by the national news caught in a global frame. For instance, a certain text extracted from the body of a piece of news can determine the investors to buy company's X stocks or to sell company's Y stocks. It is obvious that financial news have a significant contribution to the evolution of the financial market. As a direct consequence of this fact, and also as a side effect that there are no more barriers in front of capital flows found into the global financial system, during the last decades appeared companies that were exclusively dedicated to this type of news. The most relevant example for the above-mentioned idea is company Bloomberg L.P. Therefore, at the end of this study we will analyse the evolution of this company and we will look over the market share distribution inside the financial data market.
FRICTION AND WEAR OF EPOXY FLOORING FILLED BY RECYCLED POLYMERS[Full-Text ] S.Z.EL-Abden, Abo El-Wafa, W.M. and El-ShANAWANY M.M.Polymers are widely used to coat the flooring material in indoors such as schools, sport halls and yards, hospitals, factories and washrooms. Thus because it has many advantages such as low manufacturing cost, low shrinkage, great chemical corrosion resistance, low creep, high stiffness and good mechanical properties. In the present work, the main objective is to develop flooring epoxy composites by filling by recycled polymers in order to increase wear resistance and friction coefficient of the flooring composites. The friction coefficient and wear of the tested composites will be investigated.
A New Approach to Genetic Factors of Men’s Infertility: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Ali SaeeidiInfertility is one the most prevalent hygienic problems in the world which about 15% of couples are subjected to this problem. Male factor is effective in half of these cases. The etiology of infertility in men is multi-dimensional and many genetic and environmental factors are affected the infertility problem. The genetic factors including chromosomal malformations and single gene mutations are responsible for 10 to 15 % of factors in infertile men. In the current paper, we have discussed about genetic aspects (chromosomal and single gene malformation and polymorphism of effective genes), the role of mitochondrial mutations, the relationship between miRNA and infertility and reports of new effective genes in infertility problem during recent years.
The Study of Canadian and Persian Perceptions of (lm)politeness in Intercultural Apology Forms[Full-Text ] Mehrdad SafizadehAcademic study of the relationship between language and culture has long been of great importance. Here, politeness or apology is focused. The current study attempts to explore the degree of perceptions of (im)politeness and apology, exclusively, by Canadian and Persian speakers. The study is based on a sample conversation in English and its equivalent translation into Persian in the form of a questionnaire and questions. It is given to Canadian and Iranian male and female students to reveal their gender and cultural differences. This analysis aims to hypothesize that there are cultural and gender differences in the (im)politeness level of perception. The present study provides useful implications in developing conversation materials and learning and teaching conversations for teachers, students, writers and translators.
Comparative Analysis of Sugarcane Baggase Using Different Methods[Full-Text ] Protibha Nath BanerjeeTo find reliable analytical methods to ensure an accurate analysis of structural compounds in plants is always challenging due to structural diversity of constituents in different lignocellulosics. The non-cellulosic carbohydrate in sugarcane baggase was analysed by acid methanolysis followed by gc analysis. Our results showed that 3 hours of acid methanolysis is more sufficient to obtain high yield of monomeric pentoses and uronic acid units. To determine total carbohydrate content the optimum condition for acid hydrolysis was found by the comparison of reaction kinetics using different acids (sulfuric, trifluoroacetic and ortho-phosphoric acid) at different concentrations and different reaction time followed by HPLC and GC analysis. The lignin content was determined by conventional klason method as well as by AcBr method. The effect of perchloric acid on lignin determination by AcBr method has also been evaluated and the optimum condition for sugarcane baggase has been found. Acetyl group content in non-cellulosic carbohydrate was analysed after mild alkaline hydrolysis followed by hplc.
An Experimental Study on Improving the Thermal Storage of ICWS[Full-Text ] Suha Abdulelah MohammedThe integrated collector water storage (ICWS) systems are simple type solar water heaters that can be used for the supply of hot water for domestic purposes. The present research is an experimental study on of a storage solar collector .This was done by modifications in the design by (sabah, 2005) . The design is simple and low cost compared with other solar water heaters. Giving a capacity of about (210 liter).The collector was tested during the period from February to July (2011), under Baghdad climatic condition. The experimental results show it is possible use to a storage solar collector for domestic hot water applications, where possible heating 210 liter of water to different temperatures depends on stratification phenomenon. It is noted that maximum temperature for 7 February is 51.5 °C and minimum temperature is 31 °C , while the average temperature is 37 ° when is initial temperature of water equals 15.9 °C , This means rise water temperature of 22 °C