Volume 12, Issue 10, October 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 10, October 2021
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The Role of HIV-1 genome on biological mechanisms, Molecular function, Interactions between viral and host cell components, Mechanisms of viral entry, Chromosomal integration, and Transcription as potential target for new Preventive HIV-1 Vaccine Development [Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueThe human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) genome encodes a total of three structural proteins, two envelope proteins, three enzymes, and six accessory proteins. Three-dimensional molecular structures can provide detailed information on biological mechanisms and, for cases in which the molecular function affects human health, can significantly aid in the development of therapeutic interventions.
INSTRUCTIONAL COMPUTER ANIMATION: EFFECT ON SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS’ INTEREST IN CHEMISTRY IN AWKA EDUCATION ZONE[Full-Text ] CHIKENDU Rebecca Ebonam, EJESI Nkoli Stella, ABUMCHUKWU Angela AdannaThis study investigated effect of instructional computer animation on secondary school students’ interest in chemistry in Awka Educaiton Zone. Two research questions guided the study and three null hypotheses were tested. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 186 students drawn from two out of 46 co-educational secondary schools in Awka Education Zone. One of the schools was randomly assigned to experimental group while the other was assigned to control group Chemistry Interest Scale (CIS) was the instruments used to collect data for the study.
Software Architecture during Release Planning[Full-Text ] Saleem Zubair, Muzamal RafiqueThis research paper will throw light on the design and implementation of how software architects are involved in release planning of industry and how issues are tackled during this time. Release planning basically deals with the inclusion of products in future release. The basic purpose behind writing this paper is the identification of an unpredictable behavior in systems. The intricacy of investors guarantees the application of results. The prescribed method of release planning is referred to redirect versatile categories and it will help in an organized way. Moreover, difficulties related to danger, personal controls, structures, money or technical needs can be easily implemented into the release planning. Release planning is also referred to as new embodiment of a growing product.
Analyzing the suitability of micro services for IOT systems[Full-Text ] Rana Muhammad Ammad, Naghza Tul Zahra, Saleem ZubairIn today’s time of immense digital transformations, the Internet of Things (IOT) is arising with better-quality data handling instruments, improved analytical procedures and up-to-date standards. Though, above all the main challenge is to specify a unified design which can facilitate with analytical competency for different types of data and support the IOT applications with integrated and strong services in an atmosphere where diversity is one of the big challenges.
A Study on the Effectiveness of the Review Panels in Addressing Appeals in the Public Procurement of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohammed Salah UddinReview Panels (RP) formed within the legal framework of the PPR 2008 are responsible for addressing review appeals in public procurement in Bangladesh. Though the appeals are very few numbers in respect of the total number of tenders in a year, they need to be addressed properly for building public confidence and ensuring transparency, accountability & fair treatment in public procurement. However, with the growing concern about the effectiveness of the Review Panels, this study was conducted to find out the room for improvements. Key Informant Interviews (KII) were conducted, and also data were collected from different stakeholders through a questionnaire survey for the same.
Effects of Individualized and Collaborative Virtual Biology Laboratory on Pre-Service Teachers` Achievement in Animal Dissection in North-East Nigeria[Full-Text ] Abdullahi, Muhammad, Dr. Ofoegbu, T. O. Dr. Asogwa, U. D., Bello Ahmed, Bashehu Saleh, Abdu, Garba BassiThis paper examined the effects of individualised and collaborative virtual biology laboratory on pre-service teachers` achievement in animal dissection. The study was carried out in North-East Nigeria. Three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted a pre-test post-test quasi experimental and 2x2 factorial design. The population of the study comprised all the 2,372 NCE II Biology students in the three Federal Colleges of Education in the North-East zone. The sample of the study constituted 80 pre-service teachers derived from the two randomly selected Federal Colleges of Education in the study area. Data were collected using Virtual Dissection Achievement Test (VIDAT). The instruments were developed by the researcher and validated by the experts.
Household Savings Decision in Debre Markos Town, Ethiopia: An Application of Double Hurdle Model[Full-Text ] Habitamu Alemayehu, Bamlaku AlamirewHousehold saving is one of the most important inducing factors of capital accumulation for investment and growth. In fact, several studies try to understand savers’ behavior. Nevertheless, added to inconsistent conclusions, there is an observed knowledge gap owing to the methods of analysis. Most studies used Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Tobit models by ignoring the two-stage nature of household saving decision which results in biased parameter estimates. Hence, the study tries to investigate the determinants of household savings participation and the amount decision independently.
Can cryptocurrency replace institutionalised banking?[Full-Text ] Dhawal ChawraIn this paper I will be first discussing what bitcoin is, how it reached such prominence and the problems in the bitcoin industry. I will also discuss about the institutional banking structure and the problems with the current banking structure in the world.
Air pollutants and effects of air pollution: A Review[Full-Text ] M. Vijaya Kumar When the quantum of air pollutants exceeds the self-cleaning properties of the ambient air, and its start causing harmful effects on the human health and surrounding abiotic environment. Air pollution can have serious costs, penalties and consequences for the health of human beings and also ruthlessly distress the natural bio-network and ecosystems. The principal aim of this paper is to summarize about various types of air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, Ground level ozone, lead and volatile organic compounds. Besides, these effects of air pollution on human beings and effects of air pollution on environment also discussed. The major consequences of air pollution are global warming, acid rain, photochemical smog, ozone depletion.
The Future of Tourism in Dasmariñas City [Full-Text ] Visita, Katrina Celina U, Quillao, Justine Mhae V, Rebancos, Bianca AThis study was conducted to explore the future status of the tourism industry in Dasmariñas City, Specifically the study aimed to (1) determine the present tourism attractions in terms of cultural attractions, manmade, and superstructures (2) determine the assessments of the tourist in the present development of tourism attractions (3) explore the perception of local tourism official and (4) discover the tourism strategies that can be proposed in the city of Dasmariñas. The study utilized descriptive quantitative and a narrative qualitative method.
Acceleration due to gravity variation of the earth with time[Full-Text ] Anil Kumar Gupta, Kalpana RathodAcceleration due to gravity is the intrinsic and inherent property of matter, if there is mass then there is gravity. Gravity is nothing but it’s just an attraction force acted by systems which are acting continuously on other system which is having unit mass. In fact gravity is described by classical system in which, having a significant mass so that it can influence to other objects too. Acceleration due to gravity of each and every objects depend on the mass and distance of object from the centre of mass of the object which is acting on other body. Same thing is also following by our earth. Our earth is a huge body which is having enormous mass and large radius so that gravity or acceleration due to gravity is held by our earth is in significant amount. Our earth is having significant and affecting acceleration due to gravity and it is around 10 m/s2.
PERCIEVED INFLUENCE IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING OF COMPUTER STUDIES IN AWKA EDUCATION ZONE OF ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Dr. ANUSIUBA Overcomer Ifeanyi Alex, OKAFOR Micheal Chukwuemeka, AMAECHI Chinedum Emmanuel, EKWEALOR Oluchuku UzoamakaThis paper was designed to ascertain the perceived influence in information and communication technology in teaching of computer studies in Awka education zone. Three research questions guided the study while three hypotheses were formulated and tested. Descriptive survey research design was utilized and it was carried out in Anambra state. A total of 270 primary school teachers were selected from the local government areas that made up of Awka education zone. A 23 item questionnaire was developed from literature and used to obtain data for the study. The questionnaire was validated by two lecturers from science education department Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.
Enrollment Performance of B.Tech Course in West Bengal – A Study by using the concept the APLC[Full-Text ] Pramit Das, Dr. Soma Sur, DeanAssessment of enrollment performance over the years is important to understand the marketing effectiveness to each academic program. Academic Product Life Cycle (APLC) is a dominant marketing tool to determine the growth as well as survival strategies for private HEIs. It also showcases the effectiveness of marketing strategies over the years and strategies required for corrective measure. Secondary data of science based professional colleges offering courses like B.Tech in West Bengal were collected. Data of enrollment and intake were collected from All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Periodic APLC (2008-09 to 2024-25) and forecasts were developed by using time series analysis and developing Regression Model thereof.
An Additional Approach to Control the Spread of Covid-19 with Photocatalytic Disinfection by Nanocomposite Painting[Full-Text ] M. M. Darade, D.V.Sawant, R.K.Sharma and S.H.PawarWith all precautions taken suggested by WHO, the spread of Covid-19 is not yet controlled for last 20 months since December 2019. It is likely that the spread may be due to infection of SARS-CoV-2 existing on the surfaces at the public places. The existing technologies of antimicrobial coatings used in hospital may not be suitable, viable and economical to maintain at public placed. In this situation, an additional approach of visible light photocatalytic disinfection with nanocomposite painting is suggested and briefed in this paper.
FACTORS OF CHOOSING THE USE OF KTMB COMMUTERS AMONG WORKERS AT KUALA LUMPUR[Full-Text ] Muhamad Ali Bin RomizanTransportation is an alternative to the world's communication system. Public transport is the essential aspect of the communication system for urban or rural communities. This study aims to study the factors of choosing Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB) commuters as a mode of transportation to commute to the workplace around Kuala Lumpur. A total of 100 KTM users were selected by sampling at the KTM terminals around Kuala Lumpur. This study used data collection methods from primary and secondary sources to meet the objectives of the study.
COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING PRACTICES AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF HIV EXPOSED INFANTS AGED 6- 24 MONTHS ATTENDING eMTCT DEPARTMENT AT GOMBE HOSPITAL, BUTAMBALA DISTRICT[Full-Text ] IBRAHIM KASUJJABreast milk contains less bioavailable iron and almost negligible vitamin D. A gradual decline in tissue stores of iron, vitamin A, vitamin D and other micronutrients occur in infants, starting at birth until infants are 24 months old. Exclusive breastfeeding alone cannot provide the nutrients required by the infants to meet their normal nutritional needs at 6 months until 24 months of age. At 6 months of age, the nutritional needs for energy, protein and micronutrients increases in infants than before the age of 6 months. Breast milk alone cannot fully nourish the infant’s body for physical growth and mental development. It is very important to give infants nutritious family foods in order to meet their nutritional requirements, combined with continued breastfeeding until 24 months old.
A Review on Formulation of nanaoparticles: liposomal formulation[Full-Text ] Dr. Abera Ahmed, Dr. Atiya Akram, Dr. Fauzia Rehman, Dr. Zainab HussainPharmacotherapy is the most appropriate approach for treating a disease and provide the treatment either symptomatic or definite for curing a disease. There are various routes of administration of a drug but the route which is most important and mostly used without any invasive procedure is oral route. But there are some drawbacks of this mostly used route as pre-systemic elimination of drug as well as the first pass hepatic effect of a drug. The most important feature of a drug to give its utmost benefit is its bioavailabiloity and which is also limited of some drugs given orally due to various factors affecting it like membrane permeability, pharmacokinetic features, solubility as well as the rate of dissolution. To overcome all these factors affecting the drug bioavailabulity some modifications are done to get the proper effect of drug like to increase solubility these drugs are prepared in nano formulation to provide the maximum concentration at the required site of action.
The Effect of Education Level and Teaching Experience on Students' Learning Competency and Achievement at SMA Negeri 04 Bombana[Full-Text ] A. Hukminuddin, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, Muh. NurThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of education level and teaching experience on students' competence and learning achievement at SMA Negeri 04 Bombana. The sample in this study were all 50 teachers at SMA Negeri 04 Bombana. This study uses PLS analysis.
Industry 4.0 and Quality Management in Automotive sector[Full-Text ] Goran DespinoskiThe main purpose of this study is to conduct a thorough analysis of existing academic literature related to Industry 4.0 and quality improvements in manufacturing, and to find potential to complement the academic research gap. As a quality improvement methodology Lean Six Sigma is chosen, which is the most efficient one recently recognized in automotive industry. A systematic literature review is carried out to find relevant studies which analyze the contribution of different Industry 4.0 technique to Lean and Six Sigma improvements in terms of quality. Based on findings in this paper, theoretical model is proposed which integrates Industry 4.0 with Lean Six Sigma using Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) structure.
A STUDY OF DEFORMATION AROUND THE KOREA STRAIT PRIOR TO Mw9.0 TOHOKU EARTHQUAKE[Full-Text ] Michael Timothy Tasliman and Yun HongsikOn 11 March 2011, a great earthquake with magnitude 9.0 has occurred in Tohoku, Japan, more than 1,000 km from South Korea. In fact, seismicity rate in South Korea has increased since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, although detailed evaluation of its effects on the Korean Peninsula remains incomplete. Now, the high precision space geodesy techniques play a key role in monitoring the crustal strain state and energy variation. This study attempts to evaluate crustal deformation around the Korean Strait after 2011 Tohoku earthquake through a detailed analysis recorded by GPS. Moreover, this study found a different fault characteristic in Japan affect the station displacement prior to GPS data observed among 2011 to 2012.
Effectiveness use of Mobile Technology of WhatsApp on learners conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills in Thermal Physics: A Case Study of grade 11 pupils at Mufulira sec-ondary school[Full-Text ] Kasala Phineas, Jumbe JackUnique methodologies have emerged due to the use of online social media networks in education to support teaching, learning and knowledge gathering. The social media networks have created a virtual teacher community. This study is a small attempt that was made to investigate the effectiveness of problem solving on learners conceptual understanding of thermal physics through mobile technology of WhatsApp (MTOW) collaboration as a pedagogical supplement for conventional instruction in physics education.
(.e- and e+.) in Brahman" = "the electron and the positron which emerge from light, exist in Brahman ;and, not in Space-Time[Full-Text ] Krishna R. PUTCHAThe scientific significance of this paper is that it resolves the EPR paradox. This paper doesn’t distinguish sharply between Science and Religion, Sirs.
TEACHER-EDUCATORS’ AWARENESS, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF HIGHER DIPLOMA PROGRAMTRAININGS: A STUDAY IN GILGEL BELES COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Tuji EressoThis study attempted to assess the awareness, attitude and current practice of instructors towards application of Higher Diploma Training Skills like: active learning, action research, lesson planning and evaluation in classroom instruction as well as identifying to whether there are possible challenges that hinder the successful application of the training skills. To this end, 20 HDP graduated instructors, heads of the five Departments operating under the college and Dean of the college were participated in the study.
DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND SAFETY FRAMEWORK FOR OIL AND GAS PROJECT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Enyinna Gregory. C, Nkemdirim Victor. U, Okwara Deborah. IDevelopment of sustainable environmental health and safety framework for oil and gas project in Nigeria became very necessary because of practical issues regarding regular occurrence of industrial accidents arising from exposure to numerous industrial hazards that manifested due to in the industries dues non sustainable health safety and environmental (HSE) guidelines that are not strong enough to enforce compliances, full monitoring, implementation and post investigation into HSE operational standards as well as validation to ensure specified quality standards are met during industrial processes. Proactive Health safety and environmental standards improvement approach was developed to help minimise the rate of accident occurrence.
DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL FRAMEWORK FOR GREEN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIVITY IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Enyinna Gregory. C, Okwara Deborah. I, Ogeh Emmanuel U.Sustainable production planning and control is significantly effective in overall productive growth in every industrial processes that require cautious planning from conceptual stage to production of final product enabling control and effective delivery. Thus this research deals with development of sustainable production planning and control framework for green industrial productivity in Nigeria industries, a case study of Mario plastic limited, Owerri Imo state. The data for this research were collected from professionals responsible for production planning in the firm and were analyzed and subjected to statistical test using statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
COST ESTIMATION OF HOUSING ESTATE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Enyinna Gregory. C, Onwuka Ulari , Irobi Grace.This paper proposes a detailed evaluation of cost estimation of a housing estate development project framework using the result of the findings from an already existing housing estate in Abuja, Nigeria. Visitations and verbal interviews were carried out with various architects, artisans and some laborers’ who are presently working on a building project. The cost estimation was made with current market/value prices. The aim/objective of this evaluation is to produce results that can be used in feasibility study by other developers and building project estimators’ especially in/about Nigeria.
Attitude Survey on Stem Education among Primary and Junior High School Students[Full-Text ] Allen A. Tubig, PhDThis study was conducted to assess student’s attitude and confidence from primary and junior high schools of Iriga City towards STEM Education for School Year 2020-2021. Specifically, the study aimed to: (1) evaluate students’ attitude towards STEM education; (2) determine students’ motivation to choose a career in a STEM field; (3) know the education programs or strategies designed to increase students’ attitude toward STEM subjects and careers; (4) develop STEM abilities of students, including those who are not interested in studying STEM fields.
Bromelain: A Potential Therapeutic Solution For COVID-19[Full-Text ] Poorvaja Jagadeesan, Rahul Jagadeesan, Radha RamachandranAccording To World Health Organization (WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus has been a huge challenge to the medical personnel, healthcare systems and governments, infecting about 213 million people worldwide, causing 4.4 million deaths (WHO). There is also a dearth of drugs, vaccines and oxygen support. The present-day plethora of drugs tends to be exorbitant and excruciating for the patients affected with COVID-19.
Genetic determinism of the Rice Yellow Mottle virus (RYMV) in Niger Republic: a particular adaptation of the virus isolates to the genetic background of Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima[Full-Text ] Issaka Souley, Naroua Illiassou, Souley Abdoulaye Moussa Mariama, Djibo HassoumiThe Rice yellow mottle is the main rice viral disease in Africa. It affects all rice fields in Niger Republic were it incidence reached 90 %. The disease was propaged from East to West in Africa where two species of rice are present. These are Asiatic rice (Oryza sativa) throughout Africa and African rice (oryza glaberrima), present only in West Africa.
EXAMINING THE ROLE OF GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH URBAN LAND USE MAPPING[Full-Text ] Ogunlade, Simeon.O (PhD)., Zakari Maikudi .E., Akande Sunday .B.Up to date maps are needed for many developmental purposes. Traditional methods are slow and cumbersome. Akure Urban needs up to date maps both for monitoring and control of development in form of planning, etc. The tools of geospatial technology are available to solve the problem. This paper examined the importance of geospatial technology in national development from the perspective of Urban Landuse Mapping. High-Resolution satellite imagery of Akure (Quickbird of 0.7m spatial resolution) was used to map the Akure urban environment for the years 2010 and 2016, and Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) method to obtain adequate ground control points for the purpose of georeferencing the satellite images.
Blockchain, Crypto Mining, Cryptojacking - A Survey[Full-Text ] Ashwin A, Suriya K, Nadesh SNowadays websites have traditionally used advertisements and pop ups to monetize services that are offered free of charge. When a user visits a website, the ad that displays on the website or the pop up that occurs while clicking anywhere in the website generates ad revenue for the website owners. This approach has been accompanied with a new monetization model named Cryptojacking where the website visitors' computational resources are used to mine cryptocurrencies for the handlers without the concern of the user.
Financial System Development in Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA): A Vector Autoregressive Model[Full-Text ] UKPABI Innocent Ogbu, ONU Calistus and OFOAMA Chukwudi InnocentThis paper investigated the level of financial system development in common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), 1997 to 2019. Analysis reveals that level of financial institutions and markets depth, access and efficiency in most COMESA member countries were below the IMF bench mark for low income countries.
Mathematical Modeling of Stress Relaxation Non-Newtonian Blood Flow through an Artery with Multiple Stenosis[Full-Text ] In this theoretical study a mathematical model is developed for studying stress relaxation property of blood flow through a narrow artery with multiple stenoses. The analytical results for velocity and flux are derived using appropriate boundary conditions. The derived quantitative analysis is performed for the flow velocity, flux, the resistive impedances and the wall shear stress with their variation with time are discussed. The axial velocity as a function for different values of Jeffrey parameter in the stenotic region is presented graphically.
Effect of Safety Education Intervention on Knowledge among construction workers in Port-Harcourt[Full-Text ] Akonde I. E, Oyegun, C.U, Achalu, E.IThis study evaluated the impact of safety education intervention on knowledge towards accident prevention among building construction workers in Port Harcourt metropolis. It adopted a pre-test and post-test quasi experimental design research to determine the impact of safety education intervention on knowledge. Purposive sampling method was adopted for selecting the building construction site locations.
GROWTH AND YIELD RESPONSE OF MAIZE TO VARYING PLANT DENSITIES IN IBADAN OYO STATE[Full-Text ] Atu Obinna A., Ozigbo Emmanuel S., Adunoye Francis O., Murphy Kayode M and Longius Aniekwe.Maximizing maize yield could be achieved through varying Plant densities, hence the following row spacing’s: 75cm x 40cm, 75cm x 50cm and 75cm x 60cm, were studied. A field experiment was conducted under rain-fed conditions in 2015 during the main cropping season at International Institute of Tropical Agricultural Ibadan, Oyo State, to determine their effect on the growth and yield of maize (Zea may L.). The design of the experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three (3) replications.
Application of Nanotechnology in the Permafrost Region[Full-Text ] Rahul PandeyThe drilling and production in the permafrost region are extremely challenging because of the harsh climatic conditions, the drilling fluid often freezes in the subsurface and the remedial procedures are costly and time-consuming, an innovative drilling fluid has been discussed in the paper below which theoretically eliminates freezing and makes the drilling cheaper by adding nanoparticles which increase the viscosity of the mud and also because of the reduced density due to aerated mud.
BIOINFORMATIVE TOOL FOR ACURATE IDENTIFICATION AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIP OF BACTERIA COMMUNITY OF FERMENTING AFRICAN OIL BEAN[Full-Text ] P. C. OKORIE, N. A. OLASUPO, V. O. OFOEGBU, E. T ABIKOYE, L. M. AJAO, and V.O. OKEREAlkaline fermentation of African oil bean seed (Pentaclethra macrophylla) results into a product called ugba which is consumed by over 20 million people in Nigeria. Most works on the fermentation of African oil bean seed into ugba have focused on isolation and identification of desirable microorganisms involved in the fermentation process. These organisms were detected using the routine culture-based method with its inherent weaknesses in detecting and resolving the identity of some organisms, especially the viable but unculturable ones. There is no information on the application of molecular and bio-informative tools in the study of microbial community associated with fermenting African oil bean seed. In this study, molecular (cloned library) technique and bio informative tools were deployed to evaluate the microbial ecology of fermenting African oil bean seed.
The Assessment of Management Accounting practice in Omo Kuraz Sugar Development Project Coordinating organization, in Salamago Woreda, South Omo Zone, SNNPRE, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Tesfaye Edjem Tkapel Hilton and Platt (2011) stated that management accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, interpreting and communicating information in pursuit of organization’s goals. Management accounting is integral part of management process. Hilton and Platt (2011) also stated that management accountants are important strategic partners in an organization’s domestic and international management teams. Usually, the larger the organization is, the greater is management’s need for information. The term management accounting is consisting of two words ‘management’ and ‘accounting’. The word ‘management’ refers to all level managers in the organization. The primary purpose of management accounting in the organization is to help management doing their function by collecting, processing, and communicating information. The word ‘accounting’ not only refer to a mere record of business transaction but also cover other field of study.
The Commodity Basket Monetary System: The Pros, Cons, and Relevance to Developing Countries by Mela Yila Dogo[Full-Text ] The commodity basket monetary system (CBMS) is a system where the unit of account is tied to a basket of commodities rather than to a single commodity. The value of the country’s currency was tied to a value of a basket of commodities rather than to one or two commodities. The CBMS was designed to deliver on a monetary policy that counteracts rather than exacerbates, the effects of swings in exchange rates and the value of money while offering day-to-day transparency and predictability of a currency peg and achieving the goal of stability in a flexible exchange system.
Health Care Facilities Utilization in the Core Area of Akure, Nigeria[Full-Text ] OLUGBAMILA Omotayo BenThis study examined the utilization of health care facilities in the core area of Akure, Nigeria. The study adopted random sam-pling technique in selecting 392 residents drawn from five residential areas randomly selected from the 25 residential areas that made up the core area of Akure. Findings from the study revealed that socio-economic characteristics of the people play a significant role in the utilization and patronage of health care facilities. Further analysis revealed that availability of health care facilities, minimal commuting distance to the available health care facilities as well as the moderate cost of treatment, the fairly adequate facilities are some of the factors that influence residents utilization and patronage of health care facilities in the study area.