Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020
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IMPACT OF LAND USE LAND COVER CHANGE ON SURFACE WATER QUALITY IN LAKE TILLA[Full-Text ] Ishaku J Dibal, Ambrose A Zemba and Umar YarimaIn this study, an attempt has been made to determine the impact of LULCC on surface water quality in Lake Tilla. The study used Landsat imageries for the dates 1986, 1996, 2005 and 2015 with ten (10) years interval spacing. Twenty water samples were randomly collected from selected points using standard methods suggested by APHA (American Public Health Association). Analysis was done using Smart Spectrophotometer machine to determine the concentration of chemical indicators such as nitrate, phosphate, cadium, hardness, sulphate, ammonia, potassium and turbidity for both dry and raining seasons.
THE ROLE OF INVESTMENT IN THE COUNTRY AND ITS THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS[Full-Text ] Guzal G. UmarovaThis article analyzes the issues of creating a favorable investment climate for the strategic development of the textile industry in Uzbekistan. As an important regulatory support for attracting foreign investment, proposals were made on the activities of the Association of Textile Industry, the image of the industry, the formation of a favorable and prosperous investment climate, the promotion and improvement of investment activities.
ISSUES OF IMPROVING THE MECHANIZMS FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL FACILITIES BASED ON PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP[Full-Text ] Farrukh Suleimanov The article is devoted to the topical topic of interaction between the state and private business to solve socially significant problems on mutually beneficial terms. The importance of the formation and development of public-private partnership in the context of the formation of the country's innovative economy is emphasized. The features of the forms of public-private partnership and the factors hindering its development are considered..
EFFECT OF COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIA ON DEVELOPMENT OF THE UZBEKISTAN`S FUND MARKET[Full-Text ] Mansur P. EshovIn the article have been examined scientific and theoretical aspects of the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on stock markets. Also, the changes in the turnover of the Republican Stock Exchange "Tashkent" during the pandemic were analyzed, on the basis of econometric analysis revealed the correlation of factors affecting the turnover of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on the stock exchange. Proposals have been developed to increase the activity of the stock market of Uzbekistan.
HOW DID THE COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMUM AFFECT THE FINANCIAL MARKET OF UZBEKISTAN?[Full-Text ] Aktam U. Burkhanov, Bobir O. TursunovThe article examines the scientific and theoretical aspects of the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on the financial market. Also, changes in world and Uzbek stock indices during the pandemic were analyzed. The factors that negatively affect the market value of shares of joint-stock companies in the stock market of Uzbekistan are identified, proposals and conclusions are drawn up on their reduction.
ASSESSMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS' AWARENESS, PRACTICE AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Mahmoona Ashraf,Marina ManzoorThe present research was conducted to study student�s attitude, knowledge, and practice towards solid waste management. The main object of the research was to study student�s point of view regarding practice, knowledge, attitude and their concern regarding solid waste management. The population of the present study was consisted of students from higher education institutes in Lahore.
ENGLISH TEACHING IN INDIA: ANAPPLIED LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Dr. Shobha, Dr. Vikramjit SinghIndia has a great philosophical and literary tradition. Ancient India was the hub of knowledge emission and learning. The famous Nalanda and Takshila universities years ago, attracted not only Indians but students from many different countries who crossed the seas to grasp the subtle Indian knowledge. But with the introduction of English education, the centre of supremacy and knowledge has shifted to the universities of Cambridge and Stanford. English is a major international language. It is a 'global language', the lingua franca of the contemporary world and presently this language is adopted as the second language around the world.
Isolation, characterization and identification of endophytic bacteria of Hordeum vulgare by molecular sequencing technique[Full-Text ] Aisha parween, Shikha shirishEndophytic bacteria have been found in virtually every plant studied where they colonize the internal tissues of their host plant and can form a range of different relationships including symbiotic, mutualistic, commensalism and trophobiotic. These bacteria colonize the rhizosphere and phyllo sphere and the inside plant tissue.
How to minimize the distance between wealthy and poor people using online platform[Full-Text ] Fakhrul Alam Siddiqei Antor, Meherin AmirWorld is like a bird nest. Where every creation is hungry for something which they do not know will get or not. Some of them can get the desired thing someone not. This planet is also too small so that anyone can reach anyone with just a click in World Wide Web. We implement a system which can do all the necessary tricks to make a bridge between poor and wealthy people. This is a mobile platform base system that can help people independently without needing any middleman.
A RME-based Trigonometry Design Research for Vocational High Schools Students[Full-Text ] Noveria Ningsih, Edwin Musdi, Ali Asmar, I Made ArnawaThis study aimed to produce a trigonometric learning path based on RME to help students find phytagorean concepts, trigonometric comparisons, trigonometric comparison values, inverse trigonometric comparisons, trigonometry special angles and trigonometry related angles.
CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC : ANSWER TO CONCERNS[Full-Text ] Bismillahir Rahmanir RahimAssalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. All the best wishes, peace and tranquility and blessings from Allah be unto you. Today, the 4th April, 2020, the mankind is experiencing a vicious circle due to worldwide spread of Novel Corona, Covid-19 infection. Thousands are dying and more thousands are being infected. Till today about Total 60,000 deaths and more than a million have been infected(Total 954417 deaths and Total 30,675,675 cases up to 20 Sep�20 vide WHO weekly updates 20200921) . Nobody is excluded from the risks of this disease. As NY Governor�s words �It does not matter whether you are smart or not, young or old and how powerful you are� all are exposed to this disease.
Evaluation of the variations of some chemical parameters during the fermentation of the skin of two varieties of mango by their microbial flora[Full-Text ] MOROH Jean-Luc Aboya, KARAMOKO Detto, KONAN Kouakou S�v�rin, KOKORA Aya Philomene, Koussonou Kouadio Baudelaire, COULIBALY AdamaIn the Ivory Coast, more than 30,000 to 40,000 tonnes of mangoes rot in orchards each year. However, in the animal production sector, food remains the only limiting factor, due to the fodder and nutritional deficit, and also to the low valuation of agricultural by-products. These wastes (mango skins) can be used in the manufacture of feed for farm animals. It is with this in mind that this work has been developed, focusing on the transformation of the skin of two varieties of mangoes (Kent and Ameli) through fermentation from their microbiome.
Integrate the Healthcare Services in Iraq by using Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Hussein Muzahim Aziz BasiHealth Information System (HIS) is considered one of the most important sector that is related to human’s lives. The HIS benefit from integrating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) with the health domain to develop an electronic health (e-health) system. The e-health system can be improved by adapting the cloud computing recourses to manage, monitor, and exchange the Patient Health Record (PHR) among the health care’s facilities.
Use of image processing for enhanced security[Full-Text ] Kenwin Patrick, Maurya Vijayaramachandran.Image which has to be sent over the network or transferred using any electronic mode can be secured by the use of image steganography and stitching. There is a secret image and message that has to be sent over the network. The secret image is divided into two phases. The first phase is the Encryption phase, which deals with the process of transforming the plain text (actual secret message) into cipher text using the AES algorithm.