Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020
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Isolation and identification of Lupeol from Syrian Euphorbia Helioscopia[Full-Text ] Shaza Sitrallah, Joumaa MerzaA phytochemical study of Euphorbia Helioscopia from Euphorbiaceae family collected in south west of Hama in Syria, led to isolate and identified the Lupeol from chloroformic extract. The purification, the isolation and the structural identification of this compound was achieved by means of the chromatographic (CC and TLC) analysis and the spectroscopic: nuclear magnetic resonance with different applications (1H-NMR, 13CNMR, COSY, HMQC, HMBC) and FT-IR spectroscopy.
Calls for the Amendment of Vital Registration Act No. 69 of 1992 for Multi-Stakeholder Participation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Obenade Moses, Ogungbemi A. Akinleye, Alimba R. Uchechukwu, and Okpiliya I. FrancisVital registration is considered as the continuous, permanent, compulsory, and universal recording of the occurrence and characteristics of vital events such as live births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages, divorces, and other civil status events pertaining to the population as provided by law, in accordance with the legal requirements in a country. This paper examined live births registration in Rivers State from 2007 to 2014 where an unusual situation was observed in 2008.
A study of carbon sequestrating pathways in microorganism for the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere[Full-Text ] Dr. S.SAI SUBHASHINI & Dr.S.KALIAPPAN Climate has a major influence on life that is existing on the earth. Change in climate can have dominant effects on the types of soil and the vegetation that is growing on them. Humans are more dependent on this vegetation as there are the essential sources for the food production, health, and comfort. Humans are the major reason for the transformation of the environ-ment, which in turn results in the climatic change. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) can primarily be done by better land man-agement techniques like planting forests, grasses, crops.
Automated Decentralized Compartmental Proprietorship System (ADCPS)[Full-Text ] Vedant Ajay Deoghare, Anjali Bera, Deeksha Mohanty, Shreya Suman, Abhishek Adarsh Mishra, Ashish SinghReal Estate properties and lands have been at the center of interest for humans for ages. A well-established system for Real Estate properties is already in existence and even though the conventional system is very consistent, it needs to be changed due to major problems like the time it consumes, extra expenses taken by third-party agents, unreliable property dealers, and many more.
Les Partenariats Publics Privés (PPP): d’un concept à un concept contextuel[Full-Text ] Chorouk DRISSI EL BOUZAIDI, Jihad JAMÃLes exigences de l'environnement du territoire sont de plus en plus complexes et en constante évolution, les défis posés par le développement territorial tels que l'amélioration de la performance de la fourniture publique relève une nécessité pour plusieurs pays développés et autres pays en développement, ce qui favorise la pleine mobilisation des différents acteurs à l'intérieur du territoire.
Scientific writing automation applied to the mathematics of learning[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezThe purpose of this article is to shed light on the relation between scientific writing automation and the mathematics of learning, being the former applied to the latter. It is expected this research helps finding a rigorous way into the study of learning from a mathematical perspective, like previous research related to this.
Human Activities Recognition using 3D Pose Based Body Joint Angles[Full-Text ] Md Matiqul IslamThis paper represents, the classification of user activities such as standing, walking and running, based on right shoulder, left shoulder, right elbow, left elbow, right knee, left knee and heap 3d angles data. Four supervised classification techniques namely, k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are compared in terms of correct classification rate, F-measure, recall, precision, and specificity.
Construction of Super Saturated Design Using Hadamard Matrix and Its E(S2) Optimality[Full-Text ] Salawu, I.SSupersaturated design is essentially a fractional factorial design in which the number of potential effects is greater than the number of runs. In this paper, a super-saturated design is constructed using half fraction of Hadamard matrix of order N. A Hadamard matrix of order N, can investigate up to N - 2 factors in N/2 runs. Result is shown in N = 16. The extension to larger N is adaptable.
Effect of Aquatic Exercises on Balance and Quality of Life among Cerebral Palsy[Full-Text ] Maharani Hina Khatri, Dr.Sumaira Farooqui, Muhammad Abid Khan, Dr. Syed Abid Mehdi Kazmi, Dr. Amna KhanCerebral Palsy (CP) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder of non-progressive brain lesion that occurs during infancy or up to the age of five years and the disability persists lifelong that increases the socioeconomic burden on family and society both. Hence the objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of aquatic exercises on balance and quality of life among spastic Cerebral Palsy GMFCS level III and IV children. A single-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted at tertiary care hospital with Spastic Diplegic CP Children with GMFCS III and IV Level.
Change of Static Balance with Respect to Age for 8-12 Years School Girls[Full-Text ] Md. Zillur Rahman, Md. Zafiroul IslamBalance is a coordinative factor of motor ability of an individual. Balance is broadly classified into two types – static balance and dynamic balance. Balance performance has been reported to show an inverted U-shape relationship with age across the life span. Purpose of the present study was to analyze the change in static balance with respect to age for 8-12 years’ schoolgirls. One hundred schoolgirls equally distributed into five age groups from eight to twelve years were selected as subjects. Static balance of the subjects was tested by Stork Stand test.
ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS IN SOME SOILS OF IKWUANO LGA ABIA STATE NIGERIA: IMPLICATION FOR COCOYAM PRODUCTION[Full-Text ] OCHUBA C.OHeavy metals status of agricultural soils were monitored in order to prevent soil-plant pollution. This study evaluates the effect of automobile emission, waste dump, and agricultural practices on the level of some heavy metals and with respect to cocoyam production.
A Short Review of Phonon Physics[Full-Text ] Frijia MortuzaIn this article the phonon physics has been summarized shortly based on different articles. As the field of phonon physics is already far advanced so some salient features are shortly reviewed such as generation of phonon, uses and importance of phonon physics.
Enhancing the Scientific Literacy of Junior High School Biology Students[Full-Text ] Kennedy A. BeltranThis study investigated the scientific literacy of Grade 7 Junior High School biology students along the five domains of framework set by the Department of Education. Specifically, it sought to determine the level of scientific literacy of the students in biology along: (a) Informed Decision Making; (b) Stewardship of Nature; (c) Effective Communication; (d) Innovative / Inventive Thinking; (e) Creative/ Critical Problem Solving
Analysis of Stock Price Prediction using CNN model based on the Historical Stock Prices[Full-Text ] Vedansh Sanjay KokraForecasting stock price is an essential financial subject issue that has concerned researchers’ concentration for numerous years. Demanding of stock price prediction is rapidly increased as it plays major role for company or individual to do prediction for better investment and profit. Deep convolutional neural network model is prepared with four convolutional 1D layers and two fully connected layers.
Evolution of Delhi Architecture and Urban Settlement[Full-Text ] Janya AggarwalDelhi remains one of the oldest surviving cities in the world today. It is in fact, an amalgam of eight cities, each built in a different era on a different site – each era leaving its mark, and adding character to it – and each ruler leaving a personal layer of architectural identity. It has evolved into a culturally secular city – absorbing different religions, diverse cultures, both foreign and indigenous, and yet functioning as one organic.
Prevalence of Neonatal Sepsis and Associated Factors among Neonates Admitted to Yirgalem General Hospital, Sidama Region, Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Amelo Bolka Gujo, Assefa Philipos Kare, Bisrat Fisseha Teklu, Nigussie Yohanes YoteNeonatal sepsis is a global public health problem and causes a massive burden in developing countries including Ethiopia. Despite the presence of a few studies, there are some inconsistencies regarding the predictors of neonatal sepsis. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of neonatal sepsis and associated factors among neonates admitted to Yirgalem General Hospital, Sidama Region, South Ethiopia. Randomly selected 246 charts of neonates admitted in the neonatal intensive care unit were reviewed.
DOES AUDIT COMMITTEE EFFECTIVENESS AFFECT EXTERNAL AUDIT FEES? EVIDENCE FROM LISTED HEALTHCARE COMPANIES IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] FASUA, Kayode Olushola, MAMMAN, Suleiman & OJO, Lukman OlatunjiThis paper investigated the effect of audit committee effectiveness on external audit fees of listed healthcare firms in Nigeria. The paper adopted ex post facto design. The source of data was secondary which were collected from the published annual reports of the studied healthcare firms in Nigeria.
An Alternative Irrigation Approach of BMDA Over Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems[Full-Text ] Sumanta K.BasakThis paper describes the development process of modern irrigation management technology in respect to water saving and management of water resource in Barind Area. Our growing demand of food entails intensifying land productivity and developing modern agricultural technology. Unfortunately, our country is lagging behind in comparison to other developed countries regarding technological innovation and development.
VIRTUAL REALITY (VR) SYSTEMS, APPLICATIONS AND EXPERIENCES IN IMPROVEMENT FOR STUDENT LEARNING AND GENERALIZATION OF SKILLS TO THE REAL WORLD – BLENDED LEARNING[Full-Text ] NEHA SIDDIQUIAdoption of immersive virtual reality (I-VR) as an interactive tool in education has challenged the conceptual definition of what constitutes a learning environment. VR learning have allowed students to explore complex subjects in a way that traditional teaching methods cannot. This research is focusing on learning outcomes, intervention characteristics, and assessment measures associated with I-VR use has been sparse.
Study the Parameters Affect on Pump Intake Design Using CFD[Full-Text ] Gamal Helmy Elsayed, Mohamed Fayek Abd Rabbo, Mostafa Abuzeid, Elzahry Farouk Elzahry, and Ashraf GhanemThe basic purpose of a pump intake is to supply water with a uniform velocity at the entry of an impeller. The fluid flow in Pump intakes is rather complex involving expansions and turns together with fluid-structure interactions. The intake of pumps is usually designed analytically, based on standard designs, best practices and also previous implementation experience.
Business Programs in the Laguna State Polytechnic University: An Assessment[Full-Text ] Marissa L. DimarucotThe objective of this research was to assess the status of the business programs in LSPU, regulate the control of its level, and determine its competencies and the relationship between the competencies and the control level of the business programs LSPU. A descriptive survey method in gathering and treating the data for this study. The research instrument was formulated to the fifty (50) faculties and administration.
Development and Acceptability of Papaya Body Scrub[Full-Text ] Marites B. BartolomeIn the Eastern world, a century long tradition exists whereby a light complexion is regarded as equivalent to youth and beauty. Therefore, development of preparations for bleaching or to safely achieve overall whitening is one of the challenges for cosmetic industry influencing other countries including the Philippines as well. This is why, in recent years, the interest in skin whitening has grown tremendously.
Effect of McKenzie extension in chronic low back pain patients[Full-Text ] Iqra Yaseen, Ayesha asif, Heena habibBack pain that continues for more than 7–12 weeks is defined as chronic back pain. It may also defined as pain that remains beyond the expected period of healing, and admitted that chronic pain may not have well-defined underlying pathological causes. At department of Physiotherapy in Mayo Hospital Lahore a Randomized controlled trial study were conducted. Sample of 40 patients of age group of 20-60 years and placed into a two groups. The McKenzie extension exercise technique was applied on chronic low back pain patients for 4 weeks.
Analysis of Out-Mobility of Population in Gombe Local Government Area, Gombe State[Full-Text ] Umar Yusuf Abdullahi, Abubakar Abdullahi & Abdussalam AbubakarThis study examined the effects of out-mobility on households in Gombe L.G.A. Relationship between household and the out-migrants, reasons, destinations as well as household’s perception on out-migrants in the study area were studied and analyze. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample 317 households in the study area. Descriptive statistic was used to analyze data obtained from the field. It is evident from the results; out-migration has both positive and negative influence on households in the study area. Most of the households (84%) in the study area were happy about their members moving out because of the remittances received from them, only a few households (16%) considered out-mobility of their members as a waste because they are not benefiting from their movement.
Device driver programming: Implementation of Linux USB Device Driver[Full-Text ] Sharanya MukherjeeThis paper focuses on the implementation of USB Pen-drive utility program aims at handling the sensible information of operating of modules and kernels where we tend to find out how the module is loaded in the kernel for the execution of the code. The paper also jointly aims at registering the device within the UNIX system. The module where we tend to write the fundamental registration and deregistration program for the USB pen-drive ,has been written in C language . The module file is saved with .o extension within the kernel file.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF I.C. ENGINE PISTON AND PISTON-RING ON COMPOSITE MATERIAL USING CREO AND ANSYS SOFTWARE[Full-Text ] ADEL MOHAMMED ABDO ABBAS,SACHIN KAMBOJ In this Paper the stress distribution is evaluated on the four stroke engine piston by using FEA. The finite element analysis is performed by using FEA software. The couple field analysis is carried out to calculate stresses and deflection due to thermal loads and gas pressure. These stresses will be calculated for three different materials. The results are compared for all the three materials and the best one is proposed. The materials used in this project are aluminium alloy, silumin and Gray cast iron composite material.
Evaluating the Effect of using different filters in Thyroid SPECT Image Reconstruction[Full-Text ] H.I.AbdelKader, H.Gad, Omneya FodaIn nuclear medicine, thyroid disorders is diagnosed using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging. Noise reduction is one of the important tasks in SPECT imaging. In this study thyroid of thirty patients was imaged using gamma camera. Images in the transaxial direction were reconstructed by order subset expectation maximization (OSEM) technique.
Existence of bounded solutions of linear Sylvester system of first order differential equations[Full-Text ] Kasi Viswanadh V. Kanuri, Yan Wu, SriRam BhagavatulaIn this paper, we establish bounded solutions of linear first order Sylvester system of matrix differential equation and deduce the existence of -bounded solution as a particular case.
Depositional Environments and Reservoir Quality Assessment of the “AKJOM Field,” Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Omoboh Jonathan O. and Minapuye I.Odigi. The two sand bodies C and D studied in the Akjom field, at eastern portion of the portion of the Niger Delta Basin were deposited in shallow marine environments. Sand C was deposited in Fluvial, shoreface and tidal environments. Fluvial environments occur towards the western portion of the field caping a shoreface environment which occur throughout the field at the bottom. The D sand was deposited in shoreface and tidal environment (shallow marine environment). Predominantly shoreface environment was capped with minor tidal channel eastwards.
Administrative Practices of Principals and Teaching Staff Job Performance in Secondary Schools in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Chinonye Gift IGONIThis study investigated the administrative practices of principals and teaching staff job performance in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlational survey design. The population of the study comprised 287 senior secondary schools having 287 principals. A sample of 150 principals was drawn using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was questionnaire.
INTEGRAL SIMILAR TO GAMMA FUNCTION [Full-Text ] PREETPAL SINGHMathematics acts as a universal language which allows various intellectuals to communicate and study the different patterns in universe. Without mathematics we can't even imagine how this world would have survived. Without mathematics subjects like Physics would not be completed as there would have been no proof to prove theories.Inshort it provides platform to various other fields of science. So it’s very necessary to contribute in mathematics.
An Overview on Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Process and its Waste Treatment[Full-Text ] C.Arshiya, G.Aravind, S.Sangeetha Gandhi, A.Ajay Arokiyaraj, T.A.Saufishan, S.HarimuthiahThe pulp and paper industry has a great impact in the world. It has been manufactured for ages and ages, it is still booming up as industry in small scale and large scale levels. Despite the fact that they produce printing and writing papers, paper rolls, packaging material etc. they also produce large amount of waste materials from their Industry by Manufacturing. This when left untreated leads to environmental pollution, harsh contamination and so on.
A study to find the best alternative for maximum returns on Mutual Funds using Systematic Investment Plan, Lump-sum & Value Averaging Investment method[Full-Text ] Poojan Patel, Sarvesh ShindeThe major aim of this paper is to understand which of various available investment options in mutual funds yield maximum results. Mutual Fund Investment had gained huge momentum in the past few years. Investors have been having doubts regarding the investment methodology while investing in mutual funds.
Physical therapist approach towards the management of low back pain among post � partum females: A perception-based Questionnaire of Current Clinical Practice[Full-Text ] Dr. Yusra Abdul Muhammad, Dr. Syed Abid Mehdi Kazmi, Dr. Sumaira Imran Farooqui, Dr. Amna Amir Khan, Dr. Sagar Kumar, Dr. Zuhaira FaruquiThere are wide variations in the treatment of low back pain including monotherapy, multidisciplinary therapy and reductionism. The purpose of this study was to identify practical preference of physiotherapists between core stability and flexibility exercises to treat post-partum low back pain there is currently limited evidence to support the use of specific therapies targeted for postpartum LBP and considering the lack of evidence based work done in gynecological rehabilitation.
EFFICACY OF SUBCUTENOUS STIMULATION IN INDIVIDUALS WITH GRADE 1 OBESITY[Full-Text ] Dr. Muhammad Rabi Kamran, Dr. Syed Abid Mehdi Kazmi, Dr. Sumaira Imran Farooqui, Dr. Sagar Kumar, Dr. Yusra Abdul Muhammad, Dr. Zuhaira FaruquiObesity is a considerable epidemic health complications; the prevalence of increasing body weight indicates that we are reaching to a situation that will be difficult to reverse. Obesity is one of the leading cause of CVD, Diabetes, Cancer (colorectal). Mostly treatments to reduce body fat are expensive or they possess massive side effects like medications and surgical approaches where as comprehensive modifications for instance Diet, Physical activity and Behavioural therapy are time consuming and emotionally stressful so the integration of subcutaneous stimulation will be able to produce cost effective and timely results.
Effect of Compound Weir and below Circular Gate Geometric Characteristics on its Discharge Coefficient[Full-Text ] Mahmoud A R Eltoukhy Fahmy S Abdelhaleem, Tarek H Nasralla, Shaimaa ShabanWeirs and gates can be combined together in one device to minimize sedimentations, depositions and floating materials problems, so that water could pass over the weir and below the gate simultaneously. The purpose of this paper is to explore the discharge coefficient Cd variations for different geometric characteristics of a combined hydraulic measuring device consists of compound weir, which have two rectangular notches with trapezoidal notch between them and circular sluice gate installed on the weir bottom.
The Kinetics of Hydrolysis of Breadfruit Husks using HCl[Full-Text ] Christian N. Chukwujindu, Joseph T. Nwabanne & Chibuzo, K. ChukwujinduThe aim of this work was to study the effects of process parameters on the kinetics of the acidic hydrolysis of breadfruit husks. Breadfruit husks were obtained from dumpsite close to Oye Market in Emene, Enugu State Nigeria. The husks were pretreated and characterized, and it was found to contain 46% hydrolysable celluloses and hemicelluloses. In view of the appreciable amount of hydrolysable components, and thus its potential use for bioethanol production, the kinetics study, a path way to process design and sizing of equipment, was deemed necessary.
Facial symmetry recovery is reduced in patients with Bell's palsy and metabolic risk factors[Full-Text ] Gabriela Flores-Mondragon, Javier Gonzalez-Damian, Saul Renan Leon-Hernandez, Norma Angelica Hernandez Campos, Antonio Verduzco-Mendoza, Rogelio Paniagua Perez, Cesar Zavala Hernandez, Brigida Herrera Lopez, Beatriz Angelica Alvarez Garcia, Andrea Pegueros PerezBell's Palsy (BP) is the most common neuropathy of the facial nerve. Diabetes and hypertension are independent risk factors for developing permanent sequels. However, there is no research on the correlation between facial symmetry and metabolic risk factors in Bell's palsy. A prospective pilot observational study of patients with Bell' Palsy treated in our institution was conducted evaluating the facial asymmetry to follow-up patients' recovery.
Nutritional Composition of Black Potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.) (Synonym: Solenostemon rotundifolius)[Full-Text ] Gomathy Sethuraman, Nur Marahaini Mohd Nizar, Fatin Nadia Muhamad, Tengku Adhwa Syaherah Tengku Mohd Suhairi, Ebrahim Jahanshiri, Peter J. Gregory, Sayed Azam-AliPlectranthus rotundifolius (synonym: Solenostemon rotundifolius) (black potato) is an underutilised nutrient-rich crop that has the potential to contribute to food and nutritional security. We examined the macronutrient and selected mineral content of black potato bought at a morning market located in the state of Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia.