Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020
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Health risk assessment of trace metals contamination in vegetables (Telferia occidentalis) irrigated with polluted effluent water from mechanic village, Uyo[Full-Text ] U. U. Ubong, E. W. Nsi, A. E. Ite, E. E. Ikpe.This research investigates the health risk assessment of heavy metal contamination in vegetables (Telferia occidentalis) irrigated with polluted effluent water in the study area. The heavy metal analysis of Pb, Cd and Ni were carried out using the Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). The mean concentration of heavy metals in Telferia occidentalis from site A and B ranged from 0.6 -108.2 mg/kg with an increasing trend of Ni> Cd >Pb.
Positive Outlook of Covid 19 on Indian Economy[Full-Text ] Dr. Preemy P. ThachilThe present study elaborates the positive viewpoint of covid 19 on Indian economy. It mainly discusses the impact of Covid on environment and trade .The study found that despite about half of the nation’s businesses being adversely affected, and supply chains having fallen victim to the pandemic, there does appear certain positive effects in India as well.
Isolation and identification of Ferulic acid from Syrian Urtica pilulifera[Full-Text ] Shaza Sitrallah, Joumaa MerzaA phytochemical study of Urtica pilulifera from Urticacea family collected in south west of Hama in Syria, led to isolate and identified the Ferulic acid from ethyl acetate extract. The purification, the isolation and the structural identification of this compound was achieved by means of the chromatographic (CC and TLC) analysis and the spectroscopic: nuclear magnetic resonance with different applications (1H-NMR, 13CNMR, COSY, HMQC, HMBC) and FT-IR spectroscopy.
A comparative study on the impact of COVID-19 on European countries[Full-Text ] Devansh BarmanWith the help of three developed European countries, this research assessed whether the countries would be able to fend themselves off from the negative effects of this pandemic. Factors such as economic growth rate, GDP, sectoral distribution, and specialization were considered, which helped in examining the success of the implemented policies. Each country’s individual demographic and geographic conditions were taken into account to minimize bias towards one country.
Nidovirales: evolving the largest RNA virus genome [Full-Text ] Dr skkhanHydroxychloroquine is a 4-aminoquinoline with immunosuppressive, antiautophagy, and antimalarial activities. Although the precise mechanism of action is unknown, hydroxychloroquine may suppress immune function by interfering with the processing and presentation of antigens and the production of cytokines. As a lysosomotropic agent, hydroxychloroquine raises intralysosomal pH, impairing autophagic protein degradation; hydroxychloroquine-mediated accumulation of ineffective autophagosomes may result in cell death in tumor cells reliant on autophagy for survival. In addition, this agent is highly active against the erythrocytic forms of P. vivax and malariae and most strains of P. falciparum but not the gametocytes of P. falciparum.
THE NEW NUMERICAL METHOD[Full-Text ] Mathematics surpasses the level of just arithmetic. With mathematics you do not only work with numbers, but also with letters so we can make formulas (and equations) and work with them. With these formulas we can express relations a lot easier. Mathematics enables us to communicate without useless human language. Just adding, multiplying, is-equal-to, etcetera. A language that is understood all over the world. The mathematical symbols are the same, whether you speak English, French, Spanish or Dutch.
Privacy Preservation and Malware Detection Methodologies in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Afroz Ahmed, Pranav Kala, Rachana M V N SA huge increase in cyber attacks made data mining techniques a key component to detect massive novel cyber threats. The main objective is to discover Internet threats and any other security-related threats and privacy preservation taking the guidance of domain expert and domain-specific intelligence integration in the account using the data mining methodologies.
SOLAR PHOTO-VOLTAIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT USING UNITARY-AXIS ACTIVE TRACKING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Ayooluwa P. Adeagbo, Ebenezer Obaloluwa OLANIYI, Edward Osita OFOEGBU, Ayokunle Isaiah ABOLARINLow solar-electrical energy output conversion efficiency is a major limitation in the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for power generation. This work aims at determining the degree of effectiveness of a unitary axis solar active tracker. In this work, a unitary axis solar active tracking system by which more energy from the sun can be harnessed was designed and setup. An arduino Uno (Atmega 328p) which is an Atmel microcontroller based board, was used as the main controlling unit to control the operations in the system.
Comparisons of proximate composition, sensory evolution, physiochemical, total phenol, flavanoid content and Antioxidant effect of mixed fruit bar from mango, pineapple and papaya.[Full-Text ] Md. Asaduzzaman, Nazmul Hasan, Kohinoor BegumFruits contain various macronutrient as well as natural antioxidants and secondary metabolites which play an important role in human health. Mixed fruit bar has been proposed as a convenient substitute for fresh fruit. In this study, proximate analysis, various physiochemical such as lycopene, anthocyanin, β-carotene content, flavanoid content, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of various fresh fruit and mixed fruit bars (mango, pineapple, and papaya) were compared. Proximate composition was determined by AOAC, 1998 method, total phenolic content of the extracts was determined using Folin-Ciocalteu assay, and antioxidant capacity of the extracts was determined by 1,1-diphenyl-2picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay. Among the four sample S1, S2, S3 and S4, the sample S3 secured highest score for overall acceptability and ranked as “like very much” by a taste testing panel.
Coliform bacteria presence in the household drinkable water[Full-Text ] Sharat Chandra Coliform bacteria are Gram negative non spore forming, oxidase negative, and rod shaped bacteria which are capable of aerobic and facultative anaerobic growth in the presence of bile salts (or other surface-active agents with similar growing inhibiting properties) and which are normally able to ferment lactose with production of acid and aldehyde within 48h when incubated at temperature of (36±2) ËšC (Research Gate).
Popular use, phytochemical composition and biological activities of Chenopodium ambrosioides L. ( Chenopodiaceae )[Full-Text ] Batcha OUADJA, Gnatoulma KATAWA, Efui H. GBEKLEY, Yaovi AMEYAPOH, Simplice D. KAROUChenopodium ambrosioides is a plant used in folk medicine. The therapeutic and biological effects of its extracts and those of its essential oil (antimicrobials, antiparasiths, insecticides, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory drugs ...) have been documented. This review is an analysis of published data on the plant ranging from its use in traditional medicine to laboratory work.
Assessing the Role played by Technical Universities in Sierra Leone[Full-Text ] Martha Fanta Mansaray, Eric Komba Foyoh Mani, Brian Godson Kargbo, Sylvester S Aruna, John Sao Brima and Mohamed A BeretayThere is necessity for skilled human resource development and practicality for the overall development of any country to improve. This cannot be over emphasized as Technical and vocational education is the one the produces harmonious, sustainable national development. Productivity of a nation is seriously influenced by this technical and vocational education and training of different courses in the polytechnics. It is though, certain that the polytechnic provides most of the skilled labour of the workforce which help the country to succeed and develop worldwide.
The Random Walk Behavior and Market Efficiency of Nepalese & Indian Stock Markets[Full-Text ] Yub Raj Dhungana, PhDThis study examines the weak-form market efficiency of Nepalese stock market and Indian stock market. Daily returns for Nepalese and Indian stocks are examined for random walks using serial correlation coefficient, runs tests, Augmented Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron unit root tests and multiple variance ratio tests. The results, which are based on the different approaches employed, indicate that none of the markets are characterized by random walks and hence are not weak-form efficient, even under some less stringent random walk criteria.
A Comparative Study on Efficiencies of Variants of Convolutional Neural Networks based on Image Classification Task[Full-Text ] Ayush SharmaDeep neural networks have shown their high performance on image classification tasks but meanwhile more training difficulties. Due to its complexity and vanishing gradient, it usually takes a long time and a lot of computational resources to train deeper neural networks. Deep Residual networks (ResNets), however, can make the training process easier and faster. And at the same time, it achieves better accuracy compared to their equivalent neural networks. Deep Residual Networks have been proven to be a very successful model on image classification.
Fake news Impacts and approaches to detect fake news[Full-Text ] Anwar Hashem, Maryam Yousif, Nouf Saif, Safa Faisal, Sanaa ElyassamiFake news troubles the current world due to its disruption of attitudes, beliefs and values for ulterior purposes. This phenomenon is enabled by the continued surge in digital communications that have improved the speed of communication as well as accessibility ton news sources.
Gene Drive Systems: Suitable Solution for Vector Borne Diseases[Full-Text ] Mallika HandaGene-drive systems enhance the likelihood of a sequence passing on to future generations and eventually through a local population and ultimately to all connected population of a species. While genetically engineering an organism means that only that specific organism will carry the specific modifications, using gene drive systems ensures that their offspring will carry the same modifications too which will eventually spread throughout the entire population.
EXTERNAL TRADE AND ITS IMPACT ON ECONOMIC GROWTH IN SIERRA LEONE SINCE 2010 CASE STUDY KENEMA CITY[Full-Text ] MOHAMED KOROMAThe study examines external trade and its impact on economic development in Sierra Leone. The study uses qualitative analysis to look at the country’s trade statistics over periods -2013, 2016 and 2017. Looking at these three periods, it was clearly evidenced that the economy is still recovery from the shock in 2014, when the Ebola epidemic broke out, and as a result mining companies ceased their operations in the country.
Recent Advances in Apricot Dehydration[Full-Text ] Saufishan.T.A, Harimuthiah.S, Ajay Arokiyaraj.A, Arshiya.C, Aravind.G, S.Sangeetha Gandhi, Gowthami.S Fruits like apricot have high water activity and they are highly heat sensitive and easily degradable. About 50% of the apricot fruit produced in a year getting wasted due to the short harvest season and the sensitivity to storage even at refrigerated conditions. For that drying methods are used and dehydration must not only be efficient and economic but also yield high-quality products based on flavour, nutrients, colour, rehydration, uniformity, appearance, and texture.
Exploiting LightGBM Ensemble Method for Stock Prediction[Full-Text ] Vatsal Mitesh TailorThis paper leverages the LightGBM Ensemble Method to predict stock prices. First, the time features are from the dates and these generated features are used to build a regression model. Experiments are performed on the Tesla and the Coca Cola stock historical data to show the effectiveness of the method in predicting stock prices
CORRELATION MODELS OF ASPHALT INSTITUTE AND WITCZAK 1-40D DYNAMIC MODULI FOR PERIWINKLE AND SNAIL SHELL MODIFIED HMA[Full-Text ] MIEFAMA OJU, ENWUSO A. IGWE AND EMMANUEL O. EKWULO.Dynamic modulus, E* a stiffness parameter of hot mix asphalt (HMA) was investigated in this study. The Marshall mix design method was used to investigate the effect of varying amount of periwinkle shell ash (PSA) and snail shell ash (SSA) as mineral fillers on the E* of HMA. E* was calculated with the two most used predictive models, Asphalt Institute and Witczak 1-40D models. In this study also, two models were proposed to correlate the two predictive models by regression analysis using the SPSS software.
The Benefits and Characteristics of IPv6[Full-Text ] Abhay Aggrawal, Isha Arora, Aditya AbhishekInternet has developed exponentially over years and has become an identity. To define a system using internet unique there are addresses provided known as IP address. Rapid expansion of the Internet has created a “success disaster” in terms of IP addresses. The used technology to address systems uniquely was IPv4 but with the time, address provided by IPv4 is soaking. Here IPv6 comes into picture. IPv6 can provide more address as compared to IPv4. Existing studies have discussed the notation that IPv6-centric next generation network are widely developed and applied. In order to gain a good understanding of IPv6, this paper revisits several benefits and characteristics of using IPv6.
Design & Development of Automatic Seed Sowing Machine by Utilizing Solar Energy[Full-Text ] Sai Prasanth, Sathish kumar, Sattanathan periyasamy, Shaolin mathewIn the current scenario, most of the countries do not have sufficient skilled man power in the agriculture sector and it affects the growth of developing countries. So it’s a time to automate the agricultural sector to overcome this problem by using upgraded technology for cultivation activity. To meet the future food demands, the farmers have to implement the new techniques which will not affect the soil texture but will increase the overall crop production. The aim of this project is to design and develop a solar operated seed sowing machine.
Dynamic Nexus between Economic Growth and Total Reserve and Aggregate Consumption Expenditure: An ARDL Approach[Full-Text ] Md. Obidul Haque, Saddam Hossain, Mehedi HasanThis paper tries to see the association among reserve, aggregate consumption expenditure, and economic growth by employing the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model. Both the explanatory variables such as consumption and reserve are statistically significant. The consumption expenditure is strongly affecting the economic growth both in the short and long-term. Performing the ADF and PP test the variables are integrated order of one I(1). The bound test confirmed that the long-term association exists between the variables. There ¬is a unidirectional association found among the variables.
DESIGN OF COMPUTER MODEL FOR OPTIMIZING THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE MADE OF GRANITE AGGREGATES[Full-Text ] ENGR. ADAMU ABDULLAHI AYNIThe traditional methods of mix design employ empirical formulae and are very cumbersome, time wasteful and energy consuming. Therefore, the search for alternative means of producing concrete without extremely affecting the properties of the concrete is a task on researchers, technologists, engineers, and scientists.
Assessing on the Geotechnical Problems Which Causes for the Road Failure from Gilgel Beles to Bahir Dar Road Segment[Full-Text ] Habtamu Washe Mite, Maschal Tilahun ZenebeGeotechnical problems such as problematic soils (expansive soil, organic soil, natural collapsible soils, etc.), problematic rock (shale, weathered limestone), soil slope instability and rock slope instability or rock fall (landslide) which damaged civil engineering structures, such as roads, buildings, dams, railway, and other related structures in Ethiopia. The research was conducted by identifying the geotechnical problems and its effects on road segments in the north west part of Ethiopia, specifically along Gilgel Belles – Bahir Dar road segments. Gilgel Beles – Bahirdar road segment which passes on the hilly and mountainous terrain are characterized by variable topographical, geological, hydrological and land-use condition.
Production and Characterization of Wood Ash Pozzolan of Melina and Cashew Tropical Woods[Full-Text ] Annune J. Eric, Nwafor Christiana, Shawon M. Caesar, Ahmed Yakubu AhmedIn an attempt to find an alternative binding material for construction industry, this study considered the use of wood ash from two different hardwoods namely: Melina wood ash and Cashew wood ash as a pozzolan in cement production. The study investigates the chemical composition (silica (SiO2), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), ferric oxide (Fe2O3), calcium oxide (CaO), magnesium oxide (MgO), sulphur trioxide (SO3), sodium oxide (Na2O) and potassium Oxide (K2O)) of the ashes and the clinker.
Mathematical Study for the Outflow of Aqueous Humor and Function in the Eye[Full-Text ] Sapna Ratan Shah and Shabab AkbarA study of aqueous humor outflow passing through the trabecular meshwork in the canal of Schlemm's is presented in this paper. Canal of Schlemm's is connected by the trabecular meshwork and that passage is considered as a permeable compliant channel. The internal wall of the canal is porous as well as aqueous and humor percolates along it.
Extraction and Ameliorative Effect of Camellia sinensis against toxicity induced by nickel nanoparticles in Sprague Dawley Rats[Full-Text ] Samreen Gul khan, Muhammad Farman, Umar Hayat, Ali Usman, Muhammad irfan, Muhammad AmeeqCamellia sinensis is extensively cultivated in most regions of the world. Camellia sinensis is known to have several pharmacological effects such as hypoglycemia, hypocholestrolemia, antioxidant, laxation, fungicide and appetite stimulation. Extraction of Camellia sinensis was done in Analytical lab of GC University Faisalabad. After extraction the extract were subjected to phytochemical analysis.
Edward Said’s Orientalism: Is it still alive today in the contemporary world?[Full-Text ] Md.Tajul IslamThe article carries informaton about current situation of Orientalism. Especially in the context of Edward W, Said's book Orientalism, the living conditions in Orientalism are discussed. How the West has been exploiting the East since prehistoric period and clonial period, it has been aptly discussed. Moreever, there is a clear idia that current Orientlism exists. In fact this research article has been written based on book reviews. Although there was a lack of information on Orientalism, attempts have been made to provide more information than others articles.
Removal of turbdity from of water using natural coagulant and comparison study with chemical coagulant[Full-Text ] Basavaraj ParutiAmong the natural resources water is the most vital parameter. Turbidity is the cloudiness or haziness of a fluid caused by large number of individual particles that are generally invisible particles that are generally invisible to the naked eye, similar to the smoke present in the air. In this present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of chemical coagulant Alum with Natural Coagulant such as banana peel and orange peel for reduction of Turbidity in waste water sample has been collected from the origin source with impurities present in it.
Revitalization of heritage precincts of Shikarpur(restoring and adaptation of doors and windows of Shikarpur)[Full-Text ] Khadeja NoorThis project will explore the relationships between newly built, contemporary architecture and existing ruins. It will be an architecture that works with historic preservation to highlight the values of the old. It will be an architecture that can be used to integrate historic ruins back into their contemporary settings.
Turning of Cow Stomach, a Slaughter House By-product into Value-added Products[Full-Text ] Umme Habiba Bodrun Naher, Md. Bazlur Rahman and Md. Tanjid Ahmed Zahid This study investigates to turn the stomach of cow into exotic leather and then leather products that would add value to the end of leather industry. For this purpose, three pieces of cow stomachs are taken to convert into leather through pre-tanning, tanning and post tanning operations i.e. soaking, liming, deliming, bating, pickling, tanning, retanning, dyeing, fatliquoring, finishing etc. Some mechanical operations are also carried out, such as drying and stacking.