Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020
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A CASE REPORT OF ANGINA AFTER CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFTING: CORONARY ARTERY SUBCLAVIAN STEEL SYNDROME COMPLICATION[Full-Text ] Khudija Mushtaq, Sana SeharAn important syndrome is a coronary subclavian steal syndrome in which the subclavian artery indicates neurological features because of the backward flow in the vertebral artery. The surgical intervention of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is affected due to coronary subclavian steel syndrome. Due to simultaneous stenosis of the subclavian artery that contraries the blood flow from the left anterior descending artery to the left internal mammary artery causing in myocardial ischemia.
Age factor in second language acquisition[Full-Text ] Raed Mohamed AbdellahThe field of second language acquisition has been widely investigated since the second half of the past century. It established its features on the basis of the first language studies. Soon, a sharp distinction between first language acquisition and second language acquisition became clear. These studies covered the concept of CLA, how L2 acquisition takes place and what variables affect this complex process. The term “SLA” has more than one definition according to the perspective of different researchers.
Guideline for Designing Strip Footing on Sand Mat underlain by Thick Soft Clay[Full-Text ] Sharifullah Ahmed, Dr. Sarwar Jahan Md. YasinShallow foundations on soft soils deposit without any ground improvement can undergo a high reduction in volume after consolidation and secondary settlement. For low and medium rise building projects on such soil condition, a deep foundation may not be economically feasible. In such cases an alternative to deep foundations may be shallow strip footings placed on a double layer foundation system in which the upper layer is untreated or cement treated compacted sand to reduce the settlement of underlying natural soft clay to a permissible level.
Stem Cell Therapy for T1 D and T2 D Diabetic patients[Full-Text ] Nandakumar RavichandranDiabetes is a chronic condition that causes several diseases. Type 1 and Type 2 dependent diabetes are shown more concern in today’s world. Type1 dependent patients suffers from inability of the Beta cells to produce insulin whereas Type 2 dependent patients suffers from insufficient insulin production. Diabetic Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Critical Limb Ischemia and impaired glucose tolerance are some of the major risk factors of Diabetes. Diabetic Retinopathy is a major complication of Diabetes causing blindness in working age adults.
MODERN TECHNOLOGIES AND FISCAL CADASTRAL SYSTEM REFORM FOR EASTERN REGION INFRASTRURAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN[Full-Text ] Nzekwe, P. O., Ono, M. N. Ukebho, F. O.The Cadastral system has developed significantly over the past decades. Land, together with its associated buildings and developments is one of the most important financial assets in any country. The fiscal cadastral system is a system of generating and accounting for revenue in the state or country.
Comparative Study on the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Half Pipe Breakwater[Full-Text ] Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed, Osama Ashour MohamedIn the context of constructing mega coastal projects, this research was initiated with the objective of carrying out a comparative study to the hydrodynamic behavior of half-pipe breakwater. Primarily, literature was reviewed in the field of breakwaters. A half pipe breakwater was modeled numerically, where many parameters were varied during the simulation process.
Cotribution of Thajji towards Rural Development among Yobin Community of Aruna-chal Pradesh[Full-Text ] Tenzin ChoephelPersimmon is an oriental fruit that has been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years. It belongs to the genus Diospyros. There are about 200 species of persimmon found all over the world. Literally, it is means 'Food of the god' which is said to have originated in China. Persimmon is the national fruit of Japan. Besides, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttaranchal, it is also grown in Vijoynagar and Gandhigram areas of Arunachal Pradesh by Yobin community since 20th century.
Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Poverty Reduction in Myanmar[Full-Text ] Soe Myint Than, Naris PenpokaiPromoting living standards and reducing poverty are becoming challenges for all developing countries. Scientific researchers and scholars believe that developing small and medium enterprises in poor and developing countries can bring positive changes to the country's economic growth. The primary objective of this study is to analyze the impact of SMEs' development on poverty alleviation in Myanmar. This study mainly focused on two research hypotheses: (1) There is no impact of SMEs' development on poverty alleviation, and (2) There is no effect of training of SMEDA on employment generation in Myanmar. The quantitative data collection method and analysis tools used to test the hypotheses.
A Review of Deep Learning Architectures for Speech and Audio Processing[Full-Text ] Taiba Wani and Syed Asif Ahmad QadriWhile artificial neural systems have been in presence for over 50 years, it was not until year 2010 that they had made a huge effect on audio and speech single processing with a profound type of such networks. Belief reviews of earlier studies on neural networks and on (deep) generative models relevant to the introduction of deep neural networks (DNN) to speech and audio processing several years ago is given. Deep learning is machine learning subfield that addresses algorithm inspired by the structure and function of the brain cells called ANNs.
MODELING THE DETERMINANTS OF BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Okeke, C. Charles and Awogbemi, C. AdeyeyeThis study assessed the determinants of balance of payment performance in Nigeria using time-series data for period the 1975-2012. The determinants of balance of payment performance in the areas of money supply, exchange rate, real interest rate, terms of trade, openness of economy, gross capital formation and political instability were sourced from the Kenya Economic Surveys, Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) reports, Kenya statistical abstracts and World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) publications data. The determinants of balance of payment performance were used as the independent variables while the Balance of Payments (BOP) for Nigeria was used as the dependent variable.
GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF MATERNAL MORTALITY IN BAUCHI TOWN[Full-Text ] Umar Yusuf Abdullahi, Abubakar Abdullahi, Ahmad Abdullahi, Garba Mohammed Bandi, Mashkura Ahmed Usman and Salisu Isah KwanoThe study aimed to Analyze Spatio-Temporal Pattern of Maternal Mortality in Bauchi Town, which was achieved through knowing the maternal mortality frequency from Jan 2018 to June 2019 in Bauchi Town, identifying the causes of maternal mortality in the region through hospital records, knowing spatial distribution of maternal mortality in the study area and identify the socio-cultural and demographic characteristic of maternal death among women of reproductive age in the study area.
Smart Grid Input Power Optimization Using Wind Turbine[Full-Text ] Barua.Niloy, Ahmed.Md.Shakil , Alam.Md.Jahangir, Md.Shatil, Abu HenaAlthough this paper is made for smart grid technology which is a future technology to emerge, the same method can be applied to contemporary grid. By using wind turbine output equation, we tried to find out which is the efficient turbine speed to provide generated power to smart grid by wind turbines.
An Investigation into Some Engineering Properties of Dracaena arborea Nuts[Full-Text ] R. A. Busari, A. Yusuf, and O. O. AdeyanjuMeeting the food and energy needs of the ever-increasing population has always being a challenge. Due to this unending demand, there is a need to explore some crops which were hitherto underutilized. Among the plant which could play major role in this crop diversification is Dracaena arborea. This study investigates some engineering properties of Dracaena arborea, a plant that is currently being underutilized.
Design and Analysis of Photovoltaic System for a Rural House in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Dr. Raton Kumar Nondy, Md. Turiqul Islam, Sumon Islam, Md. Sariful IslamA reliable, affordable and secure supply of electrical energy is important for the socio-economic development of any country. Bangladesh as a developing country is now looking forward to develop its renewable energy sources in addition to its traditional sources of fossil fuel. It has very limited nonrenewable energy sources of its own but it is endowed with renewable energy sources like solar, biomass, wind and hydro. Bangladesh is recognized to have excellent solar PV potential because of its geographical position.
Effect of Attendance, Compensation, and Satisfaction Againts Effectivity of Ferformance Employee at Regent Enrekang Office[Full-Text ] Muhammad Nur, Rosmawati, Abdul KarimThe performance is one of the parameters that could measure the success or failure of the target that has been planned. An em-ployee's performance is an individuality because every employee has a different capability to do the work. Employee perfor-mance could be improved by providing an excellent example of a leader, such as give them motivation and attention. Besides, the presence of the worker correlates to the performance. The absence of the employee is the condition that would not be available to do their responsibility.
Gaucher’s Disease: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Haya H Ezadeen, Mohammed A Mahnashi, Mohammed N Sharahili, Afrah A GhawiGaucher’s disease (GD) is an uncommon genetic disorder with an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. It is known as the most common lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) worldwide and occurs due to a deficit of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase owing to a mutation in the acid-β-glucosidase (GBA1) gene. This characterization of this metabolic defect is abnormal accumulation of glucocerebrosides in the lysosomes of cells. It is exhibited with wide range of phenotypic variations; abdominal swelling, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and bone diseases. Diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of identification of deficiency of glucocerebrosidase activity.
Middle Mongolians under European culture[Full-Text ] Tuvshinbayar Damdinsuren MAIt says that English culture has been studied since 1990s because the relationship between Mongolia and European countries has been developing since communist period. But we can see clearly that history European culture belongs to the middle Mongolia and here is said that the new empire was that of Chingis Khan (1167-1227). Matthew Paris, a European writer of the time, sums up the sentiments of those who experienced the invasion:
A Critical Assessment of the Role of Non-State Actors in Combating Corruption in Ethiopia: Opportunities and Challenges[Full-Text ] Tamene Ena HelisoCorruption is a cancer that seriously affects the overall country’s development in general and fair enjoyment of citizens’ human and democratic rights in particular. It is usually committed clandestinely and as such, combating corruption requires multi-faceted anti-corruption measures.
A Centralized Health Information System: Effective tool for health record Management[Full-Text ] Solomon T. AdagbaThe process of keeping patient information in different health facilities in a particular country leads to data redundancy, and also affects the time it takes a physician to attend to a patient when they first visit. This work attempt to build a data model where a country can save all its patient record in what is referred to as a centralize electronic medical record, using Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB. Azure Cosmos DB provides the ability to embed data into one single file called JSON with the simplicity to read and write data, and allows such data to be replicated in other regions where intended users can access it..
Utilization of industrial granitic waste as adsorbent for phosphate ions from wastewater[Full-Text ] Neama Ahmed Sobhy Ahmed, M. L. Abdel- Latif, Samah Adel Sanad, Samah Abdel Razik MohammedRecently, Granite waste is represented as one of the natural wealth which could be exploited by eco-friendly methods. In the cur-rent research, innovative application of using raw and fired granitic waste powder in the field of water treatment depended on the adsorption process by its two main mechanisms (chemical and mycological). The aimed metal that the granitic wastes play an important role on its removal is phosphate ion from wastewater.
Cardiac Emergency Care Related Delay and Its Factors in Seeking in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Jinnat Rehana, Nazma, Md. Anwar HossainBACKGROUND: Acutemyocardial infarction (AMI) which is Cardiac Emergency among cardiac diseases, is considered as the first leading cause of death and disability worldwide. So, early diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction can prevent life-threatening complications such as dysrhythmias and death. The aim of this study was to determine cardiac emergencies related to delay and its related factors in seeking carein patients with myocardial infarction in Bangladesh.
Coronavirus Pandemic and Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Dr. M. A. QuaderEnvironmental Pollution and Coronavirus phenomenon in Bangladesh are studied and analyzed. Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh is much more severe than the Coronavirus. In almost all attributes environmental pollution is getting worsened. Fortunately, life expectancy is increasing and death rate is decreasing. A couple of statistical models developed. Like all other countries of the world, Coronavirus has created a havoc. Unfortunately, this is being overlooked. There is a link between Coronavirus and Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh. Evidences are there. More studies are underway.
Nutrition and Health[Full-Text ] Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease. Nutritionists use ideas from molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics to understand how nutrients affect the human body.Nutrition also focuses on how people can use dietary choices to reduce the risk of disease, what happens if a person has too much or too little of a nutrient, and how allergies work.Nutrients provide nourishment. Proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water are all nutrients.
Carbon nanotubes and carbon nano composites, Prevention that we should do in Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus Aureus: A systematic review[Full-Text ] Peni K Samsuria MutalibThe use of Antibiotic Resistance Marker Genes (ARMGs) in Genetic Modified Organism (GMO) has changed the risk of Antibiotic Resistance incidence, from the known one, caused by using antibiotic with low indication. The last one has been socialized to physicians and health workers intensively for the last 2 decades, and we lose the war. Nowadays, Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) morbidity is reported going to change the Comorbid mortality in this COVID-19 pandemic, ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) in ICUs mostly 47,1% caused by MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Interference: Say No to ARMGs in superior seed in tropical rainforest area also losing the society 5.0 in industry 4.0.
Analysis Of Emotion Recognition Using Facial Expression With OpenVINO[Full-Text ] Albert Yakobus Chandra, Ine Shinta Dewi The Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the culmination of technological developments that have brought new changes from the digital era to the global information era that integrates all fields fundamentally to achieve effective and efficient productivity. With the rapid development of technology that has experienced breakthroughs in all disciplines, including of artificial intelligence. The interaction between human beings and computers will be more natural if computers are able to perceive and respond to human non-verbal communication such as emotions.
Non-linear Finite Element Analysis for the Behavior of Punching Shear in Flat Slabs with Openings[Full-Text ] Fatma Sheta, Ezz El-Din Mostafa, Ayman KhalilThis study presents a theoretical investigation aiming at studying the effect of different opening size and location, and different column aspect ratio on the punching shear behavior of flat slabs with openings. A detailed parametric study is conducted on ten full scale reinforced concrete flat slab modeled using ANSYS 19. The investigated specimens are of dimensions 3000x3000x200 mm and flexural top reinforcement over column with constant ratio equal to 0.80%.
A Critical Analysis and a Glimpse of New Education Policy -2020[Full-Text ] Deep KumarIt was a long wait of 34 years for the country to see a New Education Policy 2020. The drafting committee gave its final draft to the union cabinet for its approval and it was accepted and approved on the 29th of July 2020. The new policy aims to pave the way for transformational reforms in school education and higher education systems in the country. This was one of the major steps taking to bring a much-needed reform in the education system of the country.
Role of Science, Technology and Innovation and their Scientific Contributions to Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic[Full-Text ] Seid Nigatu Fentaw The role of science, technology and innovation has played an important role in addressing the health crisis. The objective of this article is to discuss the various aspects of science, technology and innovation at different scales, including digital innovation technology, Mobile Application and Innovations, Data Analysis and Information provision, Biological Sciences and medical science. Extensive review of literature has been made based on well-known databases like Web of Science, Pub MED, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Scopus. This paper reviews the current literature and intended to contribute to better understanding of the scientific role of science and innovation technology to fight COVID-19.
Performance analysis of QUIC protocol in comparison with HTTP and HTTPS servers[Full-Text ] T. AnjaliSince the discovery of internet, we have always managed to use http and TCP protocol. Google developed a new user interface protocol called QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connection) that uses UDP as its basis. This research paper is an experimental proof of the performance analysis between QUIC and HTTPS on the basis of speed of transfer of accurate data.
Solitary Formula for Commercial Use as Corrosion Inhibitor Related to Tubing Corrosion in Production Wells of Oil and Gas Industry[Full-Text ] Wael Abdelmoez, Mo’men M. Ali and A. M. El-ShamyThe current study purposes are defined the specific formulation of a commercial corrosion inhibitor and provide understanding the key factors controlling corrosion in production wells of oil and gas industry. Decomposition of oil and gas pipelines have been and will remain a major problem. There is no resistance to corrosion attacks in any of the major three patterns of this manufacturing, namely, the upstream, midstream, and downstream markets. Nevertheless, outstanding to extreme conditions such as high temperature and pressure, multi-stage flow, complex chemistry of water, presence of acid gases, etc., the sector of upstream and gas processing facilities are more vulnerable to erosion.
Decoration of Calcium Carbonate on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: An Efficient Removal of Crystal Violet from Aqueous Solution[Full-Text ] Amira F. Sallam, Mohamed M. El-Halwany, Ashraf A. El-Bindary, Mahmoud H. MahmoudMulti-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs-COOH) were decorated using calcium carbonate by a single stage chemical co-precipitation process for the preparation of calcium carbonate/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CC/MWCNTs) for elimination of crystal violet (CV) from aqueous solution. CC/MWCNTs were categorized by field emission SEM, EDX, FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy and specific surface area.
Normative Voice Data On Selected Parameters For Young Adults Using VISI PITCH IV[Full-Text ] Vidushi Dhir, Sadhana A. RelekarThe purpose of the present study is to obtain and compare the normative values of Relative Average Perturbation (RAP), Noise to Harmonic Ratio (NHR), Soft Phonation Index (SPI) and Voice Turbulence Index (VTI) in young adults. For this purpose, 200 individuals were taken and divided into two groups, group 1 young males (18-40 years) and group 2 young females (18-40 years). Each of the groups consisted of 100 participants.
THE ISSUES OF POWER QUALITY IN POWER SYSTEMS, CORRECTIVE MEASURES AND STANDARD GRID CODES[Full-Text ] EDAFE LUCKY OKOTIE, NICK OBINNA IHEDI-OKONKWOThis paper reviewed the main problems/challenges of power quality in power systems at distribution ends. The causes, solutions, acceptable grid codes and network standards were presented. The power quality of the power system is affected by such issues as harmonics, voltage fluctuation and flickers, voltage sags and swells, long and short duration interruptions among others. These issues impact adversely on the performance of the power system causing malfunctioning power system equipment and components.
Manufacturing of Novelty Leather from Sheep Stomach[Full-Text ] Md. Farhad Ali, Md Tanjid Ahmed Zahid and Tanvir Siddike MoinThe aim of this research was to explore the feasibility of converting sheep stomach into new leather and leather products that add value to Leather Park. For this purpose, nine pieces of raw sheep stomach were taken into leather processing operation i.e. soaking, liming, de-liming, bating, pickling, tanning, finishing etc. After that some physical and chemical tests are subsequently performed i.e. tensile strength, tearing strength, stitch tear strength, color fastness, shrinkage temperature etc
A Review On Major Fungus Associated With Black Pepper ( Piper nigrum L. )Diseases In Malaysia[Full-Text ] Siti Nur Syazana Binti Zakaria, Nuraini Binti Mohd NoorBlack pepper or Piper nigrum L.is widely known as king of spice and among the most important spice in the world. The commercial value is from the dried matured fruits call berries. Black pepper was a perennial woody climbing plant which belong to family Piperacea.
Investigating the peeling strength of resin & crepe rubber when attached to leather by means of solvent-based adhesives[Full-Text ] Md. Farhad Ali, Md Tanjid Ahmed Zahid, Tama Rani Sarker and Tanvir Siddike MoinThe modern technology of footwear and other construction conduct extensive use of adhesives; in exception with sometimes uppers are attached with sole by sewing or in some cases like attachment of heel with nails etc. In this study twenty types of upper, two types of soling materials i.e. resin and crepe rubber and solvent based adhesive are used for assembling forty types of upper- sole combination and corresponding bond strength are determined based on peel test following SATRA adhesive test method.
Wetland value and livelihood assessment of lower Turag-Bangshi river basin dependant population at Kaliakor of Gazipur district,Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Abdullah Al Hafiz, M. Niamul Naser, Farzana YasminWetland resources have certain economic values which in turn play a significant role in the livelihoods of wetland-dependent people thus playing role in addressing poverty issues of Bangladesh. An attempt was made to address the valuation of wetland resources and its impacts on the livelihoods of wetland-dependent people at the lower Turag-Bangshi river floodplain basin at Kaliakor of Gazipur District.
Artificial Intelligence: A means to curb the increasing suicide rates[Full-Text ] Yosha SandraWHO stated that close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. Moreover, there are indications that for each adult who died by suicide, there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide. However, suicides are preventable and it has been found that 50 to 60 percent of all people who died by suicide gave some warnings of their intentions to either a friend or a family member. The purpose of our research is to find a way to implement artificial intelligence in preventing suicides.
Embedding Procedural Justice in Performance Management Systems[Full-Text ] Syed Sajid Ali RizviProcedural justice is the sole opinion of organizational fairness such as policies and procedures, process, methods and mechanism used in evaluating their work. In this regards, it refers to the fairness or process. As a result, outcomes are to be paid but not exactly to the fairness outcomes. It is usually appraised on the basis of whether organizations equally apply rules and regulations to every member of the organization, avoid bias in the decision-making process, ethical in correcting mistakes, adequately notify employees before decisions that affect the organization to be heard, appeal, receive accurate information and make input in the decision process. Procedural Justice helps to solve problems and assign wealth.