Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019.
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Study on Waterless Chemical Effect on Indigo Rope Dyeing[Full-Text ] Ejajul Hoque, G.M. FaysalWater is life. A pair of jeans is a result of processes that need thousands of liter of water. Various chemicals have been manufactured for indigo and sulfur dyeing under the concept of ‘zero water denim’ or ‘waterless dyeing’. However, dyers are not adopting the new technique for many reasons, including price, shade and colorfastness issues. In this paper, the author experimented with a waterless indigo/sulfur dyeing chemical (Premaclean WF-I) to dye a batch of cotton yarn in rope form with indigo dye.
Twitter Data Analysis of Ministries, Department and Agencies in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adebola K. Ojo, Ahmed B. OlanrewajuThe use of social media tools as a means of communication by various ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in Nigeria started very late compared with personal use or in the private or corporate sector. The social media tool of interest is Twitter which is a microblogging application and it is becoming a momentous element of the public sector social media agenda.
Computational time reduction in Chassis FEA Structural simulations using FEA-Superelement[Full-Text ] Selvamanikandan.M, Venkatesan.SDue to continuous improvements in computer performance, finite element models continue to grow. This means that finite element analysis (FEA) solutions can get in some hours of computation time.
Development of Sustainable Asphalt Pavement Mixture Using Polymers and Waste Engine Oil[Full-Text ] Abdelzaher E. A. Mostafa, Mohamed. S. Ouf and Mohamed M. ElkerdanyRecycled asphalt is a particularly valuable material to the HMA industry, and its value will continue to increase as the cost of virgin aggregate and bitumen rise. In Egypt, there are many tons per year of recycled asphalt materials are not used. The objective of this project is to evaluate the potential for using RAP content mixes as a base layer on medium and high level traffic highways.
SIMULATION OF VISCOUS DISSIPATION ON FULLY DEVELOPED HEAT TRANSFER IN A POWER-LAW FLUID FLOW BETWEEN PARALLEL PLATES CHANNEL WITH CONSTANT HEAT FLUX[Full-Text ] Uwaezuoke, M. ULaminar forced convection heat transfer in a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a channel between two parallel plates has been investigated analytically. Fully developed laminar velocity distributions obtained by a power-law fluid rheology model were used, and viscous dissipation was taken into account. The theoretical analysis of the heat transfer is performed under a constant heat flux case.
Power Frequency Characterization of Resistance Decade Box for Calibrating AC Comparator[Full-Text ] Valentyn Isaiev, Sergii NoskoTo evaluate the accuracy of AC comparators, it was suggested to use the resistance decade box in previous work. In this case, the reactive component of the resistance affects the measurement uncertainty. The results of determining the relationship between the active and reactive components of the P4834 resistance decade box, arising at the power grid frequency, are presented in the paper. Two methods for frequency characterization of this device were applied.
Impact of Commercial Activities on Liveability in Port Harcourt City, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Le-ol Anthony E.N., Okposi B.E. and Kika H.A.The environment is a complex one, thus exhibiting various landuse with complex impacts. Commercial activities is not left out, its impacts can be positive or negative. This study examined the impact of commercial activities on liveability in Port Harcourt LGA, Rivers State, Nigeria. To achieve the goal of the study liveability indicators were considered with a view to making comparison between planned and unplanned areas within the LGA. A total of 397 copies of questionnaire were administered to the residents of the study locations, Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis.
CHANGES IN COGNITIVE PROCESSES[Full-Text ] ZULFAKARWhen there is a gap between what one expects and what one experiences, it leads individuals or groups to ask what is going on and what they should do next. Studies of sense-making in organizations have found that an environmental crisis presents challenges to organizational routines as it disrupts the existing understanding and requires an urgent search for explanations as well as appropriate action. When identity is under threat, people are triggered to engage in sense-making around the sources of threat, acting so as to restore their identity.
Analysis of Public Private Partnership Programs in the Context of Socio-economic Development in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Dr. Khawaja Sabir Hussain, Miss Sidra Swati, Miss.Khadija Awan, Muhammad MahmoodThe main purpose of this study was to analyze public private partnership (PPP) education programs which are being developed and implemented for development of education as socio-economic development in the country can be made. Government of Pakistan recognized financial and physical constraints could not establish infrastructure to accommodate all the children of age 5 to 16 years in public sector.
Towards the Development of Hausa Language Corpus[Full-Text ] Dr. Muhammad A. S, Muktar M. Aliyu, Dr. Sani I. ZimitHausa language is the widely spoken language in the west and central Africa. Despite having about 150 million speakers, native and non-native, Hausa language received little attention in work on Natural Language Processing (NLP). Lack of NLP resources for a language can deny its speakers the potential benefits of NLP technology for computer use and information access.
Application of the water evaluation and planning model (WEAP) to the management of surface water resources in the Ivory Coast basin of the Aghien lagoon[Full-Text ] Dabissi NOUFÉ Djibril, ZAMBLE Armand Tra Bi, DIALLO Seydou, SORO Emile Gnénéyougo, DAO Amidou, DIOMANDE Souleymane, EFFEBI Kôkôh Rose, KAMAGATÉ Bamory, GONÉ Droh Laciné, PATUREL Jean-Emmanuel, MAHE Gil, GOULA Bi Tié Albert, SERVAT Éric.Water, an essential element of life, is of paramount importance in our countries, where it is increasingly scarce and threat-ened; we are constantly maintained by news where pollution, scarcity, flooding are mixed. As a result of current rapid cli-matic and demographic changes, the management of water resources by human being is becoming one of the major chal-lenges of the 21st century, as water becoming an increasingly limited resource.
CAUSES OF MATERIALS WASTAGE IN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS[Full-Text ] Andualem E. Yadeta, Aklilu M. EshetieConstruction materials wastage is a notable issue in construction projects worldwide. This study aimed to study the causes of wastage of construction materials on building construction projects. To achieve the study aim, a questionnaire survey was used to collect data from building construction projects from the respective respondents from Bahir Dar city in Ethiopia.
Comparative Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Starch gotten from different varieties of Yam Consumed in Ozoro Town, Delta State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Austine Uwague, Oghenkohwoyan O. CollinsStarchy roots and tuber crops are second only in importance to cereals as global sources of carbohydrates. They provide a substantial part of the world’s food supply and are also an important source of animal feeds and processed products for human consumption and industrial uses. This study is aimed at the comparative determination of physico-chemical properties of starch gotten from different varieties of yam consumed in Ozoro town.
Access to Justice and International Standards of Human Rights[Full-Text ] Muhammad TayyibHuman Rights are those liberties either recognized through custom or by international agreement and are standard to be adopted by all the nations. UN defines HR as rights inherent to all human beings without prejudice to their colour, nationality, language, residence or any other status. Access to justice is also one of these HR safeguarded through various HR instruments discuss under this article.
PONZI OPERATION EFFECTS ON SUBSCRIBERS’ IN DEVELOPING ECONOMY[Full-Text ] Adesola Adebayo Akande, Sunday Osiweh OgbeindeThis paper examined Ponzi-scheme operations, its attendant problems and effect on different category of subscribers in south-west geo-political zone of Nigeria. A money scheme which rewarded earlier investors with high returns and leave out later subscribers in destitution is a planned financial fraud which needs critical attentions of scholars.
EVALUATION OF THE LEVEL OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONTENTS OF THE NATIONAL COMPUTER EDUCATION CORE CURRICULUM FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Dr Mrs Margaret Ndidiamaka Anugwo, Mr Destiny Ekoyo OnyebuchiThis was a study carried out to evaluate the level of implementation of the contents of the national computer core curriculum for primary schools in Nigeria. This is hinged on the indisputable importance of the primary education. The purpose of the study was to the find out the level to which the contents of the computer education taught at the primary schools in Ebonyi State correspond with the specifications of the National Computer Education Core Curriculum.
Drying Characteristics of Katuwelbatu (Solonum virginianum L.) during Heat-Pump Drying[Full-Text ] Sewwandi U.G.C., Ekanayake E.M.A.C., Amaratunga K.S.P., Fernando A.J., Abeyrathne R.M.R.D.This study was conducted to evaluate the drying characteristic of different parts of Katuwelbatu (Solonum virginianum L.) in a heat-pump drying (HPD) system. A HPD system of 0.62 kW was used to evaluate the drying characteristics of Katuwelbatu plant parts. The HPD system was established in 2.9 m × 2.85 m × 3.6 m dehumidified room.
The effectiveness of a mental-behavioral therapeutic program in reducing depressive symptoms in children with chronic renal failure[Full-Text ] Amgad Mohamed El kalafPurpose: The purpose of the present study is to verify the effectiveness of a mental-behavioral therapy program in reducing the severity of depressive symptoms in a sample of children with chronic renal failure..
Medical Emergency Assisted decision support system using matrix-based classification[Full-Text ] Yousra Bouaiachi, Mohamed KhaldiMedical emergencies are considered to be one of the most critical situations to deal with for health care providers and most challenging and frightening for the rest of us that are no expert in the field. In this paper, we introduce a medical emergency assistance decision support system that aims to help individuals face some serious and urgent medical situations while calling or waiting for professional medical intervention.
EXPERIENCE AND ACCEPTABILITY OF TEACHERS ON MOTHER TONGUE-BASED MUTI-LINGUAL EDUCATION (MTBMLE) [Full-Text ] Necy Cesaria V. Romo, Laura Dane R. RafananThe purpose of this study was to look into the assessment of selected teachers in the Province of Ilocos Sur along Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE). The respondents were categorized according to the place of their work, Barrio Schools and City Schools, and were randomly selected. A survey questionnaire was used for data collection and documentary analysis was also done.
Larvicidal Activity of Papaya (Carica papaya) and Madre de Cacao (Gliricidia sepium) Leaf Ex-tracts Against Aedes aegypti[Full-Text ] Alfredo V. Corpuz, Marlou R. SavellaResistance to chemical insecticides and the harm these insecticides pose to the target, and non-target organisms, including humans and the environment, have been considered obstacle in vector control. This motivated researchers to focus their attention towards natural products of plant origin with insecticidal properties for control of insect pests and vectors.
Potential of Banana Fruit Peel Extract-Based Agar as Isolation Medium for Microorganisms[Full-Text ] Alfredo V. CorpuzMicroorganisms need nutrients and certain environmental conditions in order to grow and reproduce. Culture media used in the laboratory for the cultivation of microorganisms supply the nutrients required for growth and maintenance. As the readily available culture media are expensive, there is a need to develop cheaper and natural source of alternative media for laboratories with less facility.
Transboundary Water Resources “a Comparative Study”: the Learnt Lessons to Help in Solving Nile Basin Water Conflict[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. Ashour, Tawab E. Aly, El-Said M. S. Ahmed, Haitham M. AbueleyonNowadays, in such problematic water situation in Egypt, as one of the River Nile basin countries, on the light of what is being said about the harmful effect of Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, on Egypt's share of Nile water. The attention in Egypt was directed to study the problems of sharing the transboundary water all over the world, to assist in understanding the most proper methods for dealing successfully with such situations to solve the water shortage in some sharing countries.
A Literature Survey on Improving Sapiens Chain: An Improved Blockchain-based Cyber-security Framework[Full-Text ] Ahubele, Betty O.The constant usage of the internet has necessitated the need to improve current cyber-security frameworks. This is because; majority of the current cyber-security frameworks are still vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and also lack trustable measures. In this paper, we addressed the aforementioned issue through a blockchain-based approach termed as an improved Sapiens Chain.