Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019.
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Algorithm to Determine Flow Regimes, Transition Zones and Pressure Gradient of Two-Phase Pipe Flow[Full-Text ] Olusola Oloruntoba, Fuat KaraExisting two-phase phenomenological models for predicting pressure gradient in flowlines and risers are flow regime specific, and rely on pre-knowledge of flow regime. In practical two-phase pipe flow design, several flow regimes occur in typical flowlines and risers which require different flow regime and pressure gradient phenomenological models. Several exiting flow regime prediction methods employ switching between different models with discontinuous boundaries.
Production of Protease Mutant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated form clinical samples[Full-Text ] Hussein A. Hussein, Bushra H. Saleh, Nedhaal S. Zbar During this study, a total 150 clinical samples were collected from different clinical cases (burns, wounds, otitis media and UTIs) from (3) hospital in Baghdad and Bald general hospital during a period from 1/7/2017 to 1/12/2017 for isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Results revealed after microscopic examination and culture on different selective and differential media, then identified by Api20E that give only 92 isolates was related to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, later only ten of these p. aeruginosa isolates was identified by vitek2 system.
Cross sectional Study of Cervical Cancer in and around Madurai District, Tamilnadu, India[Full-Text ] M.Meldintha Mary, Dr.M.Jeyaraj, Dr.V.Eugin Amala‘Cervical Cancer’ is the cancer that forms in the tissues of the Cervix. It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests. Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common and an important public health problem for adult women.
Study of Zinc Electroplating on Steel[Full-Text ] Vivek Upadhyay,Prof. Shantanu RoyElectroplating or Electrodeposition is a process which uses electric current to deposite a more reactive material over a less reactive material. In Zinc Electroplating, Zinc is deposited over steel, where zinc acts as a sacrificial element which enhances Steel’s life.Electroplating is an economical process, often used to protect steel with Ultimate Tensile Strength of 1500 MPa or less.
Application of Operations Research in Gaming and Sports[Full-Text ] Akshat Maharwal, Akshit Sanghavi, Anoushka Jaipuria, Arpan Kapoor, Bhagya BhardwajThis study aims to examine the application of operations research via quantitative and decision-making techniques in the field of sports and gaming. It examined various research papers in sports such as cricket, football, F1 racing and casinos and arrived at its findings. It finds there are certain common applications and elements in field sports such as cricket and football while applications are very different in gaming and dF1 racing.
SEGREGATION CHARACTERISTICS OF SAND BY FLUIDIZATION: A METHOD EMPLOYED IN THE PRODUCTION OF SAND FOR FILTERS[Full-Text ] J.O. Jeje and O.O. FadipeSegregation characteristics of sand has been studied so that useful portion of sand for filters can be obtained from raw sources of erosion or river sand. The useful filter sand portion is defined in this paper as the sand particles passing sieve number 16 but being retained on sieve number 40 of ASTM standard with sieve apertures 1.18 mm and 0.425 mm respectively.
APPLICATION OF BIG DATA ANALYTICS IN NIGERIA MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] OYEKUNLE Olufemi Nathaniel, SANUSI Muhammed, EBELOGU Christopher UOne industry that can reap substantial benefits from big data and analytics is the mobile phone industry. Nigeria in the West Africa is one country where mobile phone market is considerably big. Over 90 per cent of individuals and corporate businesses completely rely on the mobile industry for their day-to-day transactions.
Hyperreality as a tool for resources optimisation for postmodernist era[Full-Text ] Subhadarshini KhatuaAs consumer culture globalizes, there is also the sense, then, of the planetary limits to consumption: that we are literally consuming the planet and our human future at an unsustainable rate (an argument made by James Lovelock (2006) in The Revenge of Gaia). To understand the complexity of marketplace it is necessary to understand postmodern consumers especially in civil engineering related market place.
Development of New Powder Flux Lubrication Compound for Mild Steel Wire Drawing[Full-Text ] IV Okoro and S C NwigboApplication of wax and other petroleum-based compounds as a wire drawing lubrication compound after a very long period is now discouraged due to its carcinogenic nature. There is need for alternative lubrication material. Hence, the development of petroleum-free lubrication material from an agro-waste as a base element with other additives was undertaken using simplex centroid mixture technique, the elements were characterized. Based on the investigated chemical characterization of the developed lubricant, increase in kernel fibre content increased the tensile strength, hardness and uniform wear of the drawn wires.
Estimating Pressure Drop in Natural Gas Pipeline: (A Case Study of Rumuji – Bonny NLNG Pipeline)[Full-Text ] Boms Allen Aka, Nmegbu Godwin Chukwuma Jacob and Ehirim Emmanuel O.Pressure drop estimation in natural gas pipelines is of great importance in the natural gas transmission process. Transported natural gas must reach desired destination, at specified pressure and temperature conditions. This work estimates and analyses the drop in pressure during the transportation process. Interest is placed on what leads to pressure change and the effect of the pipe and gas properties on drop in pressure.
STUDY OF FILTERING TECHNIQUES FOR SALT AND PEPPER NOISE[Full-Text ] Chittabarni Sarkar, Anindita KunduNoise is a very common phenomenon that leads to the distortion of pixels in an image. It is a contribution of the sensors that captures the images. Various kinds of noise exist in the literature. SAP is a very common type of noise where random pixels values get converted to either to a minimum value, i.e., 0 or to a maximum value, i.e., 255 indicating a complete white (salt) or a complete black (pepper) pixel. The Median Filtering (MF) technique promises to be the most effective filtering technique to restore an image with salt and pepper noise. The effect is a blurry image even at low noise intensities.
Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures[Full-Text ] T. S. MustafaOne of the most effective systems in resisting the seismic force is the Moment Resisting Frame (MRF) that is used for reinforced concrete structures. Many of these structures are located in high seismic zones and have been designed based on out-dated design codes where is seismic forces are not considered or underestimated.
THE EXACT SOLUTION OF FRACTIONAL ORDER INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS USING COLLOCATION METHOD[Full-Text ] Unaegbu, E. N., Ejikeme, C. L. and Okofu, M. B.In this paper, the application of standard collocation method on fractional integro-differential equation was carried out by assuming a modified trial solution with Chebyshev polynomial basis. Equally spaced interior collocation points were adopted. Maple 18 was used for the computation of the four illustrative examples, for the simple demonstration of the applicability, validity and reliability of the method. It is however concluded that the method is considered as one of the novel solver of the class of fractional integro-differential equation.
EFFICACY OF BIOLOGICAL CONTROL ON HARMFUL INSECTS, INVASIVE PLANTS AND INTERACTION AMONG THEM[Full-Text ] Devashish Bhandari, Rupak Karn and Manoj PaudelOur study was primarily focused on efficacy of biological control on insects, invasive plants and interaction among them. Biological control uses biological agents viz.predators, parasitoids and pathogens to suppress pest (insects and invasive plants) population. Ecofriendly, high benefit cost ratio, ameliorating the natural balance, self-perpetuating and permanent are the stepping stone for wide use of bio control. By compiling different literatures thoroughly we reviewed that, invasive plants compete with our native ecosystem resulting in the negative consequences of our native ecological niche. Insects belonging to family Chrysomelidae and Curculionidae were effective in controlling invasive plants through reduction in plant size,plant biomass and flower-seed production .
Chemical composition of Lavender (Lavandula int. Grosso) extracts obtained by Accelerated Solvent Extraction[Full-Text ] Petra Strižincová, Michal Jablonský, Aleš Ház, Jozef Šima This paper is aimed at evaluating the chemical aspects and marketing prospects of the extraction of Lavender (Lavandula int. Grosso) by Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE). The extraction was performed at three temperatures (100°C, 120°C and 140°C) and ethanol (96?%v/v) was selected as the polar solvent.
Review on the Inspection Allocation Problem (IAP) in Different Manufacturing Systems[Full-Text ] Doaa Mohamed, Nahid Afia, Lamia A. ShihataThe quality of products in different manufacturing systems has received lots of studying and attention. The aim is how to reach the required quality level on the way to meet customer requirements by using available resources. Applying a proper quality plan at industries is vital to cope with competitive markets and verify customer satisfaction.
CB-SEM and VB-SEM: Evaluating Measurement model of Business Strategy of Internet Industry in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Gede Nyoman Mindra Jaya, Nurul Hermina, Neneng SunengsihStructural equation modeling (SEM) is a very popular statistical analysis technique for modeling a complex system that combines factor analysis and path modeling. Factor analysis constructs the latent variables, and path analysis constructs their relationships. The latent variable or construct is measured using several dimensions, and some indicators for each dimension. There are two common approaches of SEM: Variance Based-SEM (VB-SEM) and Covariance Based (SEM).
Influence of Peer Coaching to Instructional Competence of High School Teachers[Full-Text ] Wenefredo E. Cagape, EdD, PhD, Jamaico C. Magayo, MSciEdPeer coaching provides an opportunity for beginning teachers to improve their instructional competence and to overcome some challenges in teaching – addressing performance gaps, developing pedagogy, and mastering content knowledge. This study determines how coaching competence and extent of coaching experience influence the instructional competence of teachers.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among IT Professionals[Full-Text ] Mary Clare Jochan, Hridya Divakaran, Anand Prem RajanThe reliance on regular repetitive movements of the hand and the wrist has led to an increase in the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) among various professions. Among these professions, it is prevalent among IT professionals. With the widespread use of computing devices and unavoidable uses of mobile phones, the occurrence of CTS is increasing among all age groups. Carpal tunnel syndrome is defined as the numbness, weakness and other problems in your hand due to the pressure on the median nerve in the wrist.
THE ROLE OF LOGIC IN RESEARCH[Full-Text ] DANJUMA GOLESH, ZULAI J. BABA GIREI, FARIDA IBRAHIMThe role of Logic in research is key as it aids in arriving at valid conclusions in research studies. This study aims to establish through a literature review; the branches of Logic, the approaches to research and the application of various branches of Logic to research.
21st Century Skills of Computer System Servicing Students in One State Technical Vocational Institution in the Philippines[Full-Text ] Engr. Joseph Christian P. OliquinoThis study aims to assess the 21st Century Skills of Computer System Servicing Students. The study specifically de-scribed profile of the students; and the significant difference of the 21st century skills in terms of course, gender and age. The study employed the descriptive, evaluative, comparative and correlational methods of research.
Theoretical Model For The Existence Of A D-Medium Inside An Atom[Full-Text ] Saddam Husain Dhobi, Manoj Neupane, Sushma Khanal, Dipak Dhakal, Pooja Shrestha, MD Jahangeer RangrejThe objective of this research work is to develop a theoretical model for the existence of the D-medium inside an atom. D-medium is more effective in between the shell and sub-shell of an atom. This medium disturbed the speed of the electron, when electron goes from one shell to another or one sub-shell to another sub-shell of an atom.
Reduction of Food Wastage through Android Application – Make You Smile[Full-Text ] Mafishan Ali, Sana Sheikh, Yumna SohailIn current era food wastage is being a real issue, on daily basis food is wasted in different places like restaurants, weddings, schools/college canteens, social events and other events. According to a report, 40% of food is wasted in Pakistan on daily basis during different events and weddings. People usually donate food manually to organization working on such purpose or to people who are in need to reduce the food wastage.
The Impact of Organizational Culture Towards Lean Practice Implementation for Improving Organizational Performance of Private Hospitals in Mandalay, Myanmar[Full-Text ] Khin Sanda AungLean management practice becomes a critical role for organizational success and healthcare sectors are applying the lean practice to promote healthcare quality and patient satisfaction by improving organizational performance. The rate of organizational performance is also depending on the firm culture that means how stakeholders accept and think about the organization.
Analysis of the Roles of Organizational Climate in Northern Dullah Island, Sub-District of Tual City, Maluku Province, Indonesia[Full-Text ] Zainal Abidin Rengifurwarin, Josep Antonius Ufi, & MuhtarThe demand for a better Government’s public service performance always persists. In reality, it is far from perfect, including the public services delivery at the Northern Dullah District Office of Tual Islands City. The effect of organizational climate greatly determines the service performance of a public organization. Good organizational climate predicts the level of public service performance.
Differential Response of Zinc Fertilizer on Yield and Quality Parameters Of Strawberry Cv: Chandler[Full-Text ] Adil Rehman, Muhammad Shirin khan, Dr. Ahmad Abbas Malik, Baber Shamraiz, Ihsanullah, Muhammad Shahid, Dr. Sabir Gul Khatak, Dr. Zobia Naheed, Zakaria, Tehseen zeb, Iffat Nawaz and Baber IqbalThe present study investigated the effect of different levels of Zinc fertilizer on yield and quality parameters of Strawberry Cv. Chandler. The treatments under observation were Zinc @ 0, 5, 7.5 and 10 kg/ha. Zn fertilizer application significantly enhanced Strawberry yield and quality. Maximum number of fruit per plant (28.773), fruit diameter (3.3967 cm), maximum fruit length (4.2967 cm), maximum yield per plant (264.89 g), maximum yield per plot (5.2977 kg), maximum total yield t/ha (0.0700 t/ha) and maximum TSS (10.33 Brix) were recorded in treatment supplemented with Zn @10 kg/ha, while maximum pH (3.70), maximum Ascorbic Acid (5.69) and maximum titratable acidity (16.48) were observed in Zn treatment @ 7.5kg/ha.
The real number system is not dense rather than it maintains gap theory[Full-Text ] Prasenjit JanaThe statement that the real number system is dense is wrong. That is density property of real numbers is wrong. If we take two consecutive real numbers a,b then we can get a third real no (a+b)/2=c in between a,b . But we will get two gaps in between a,c and c,b. So we can say real numbers maintains gap theory instead of density property. Like this rational numbers also maintain gap theory, but natural numbers , whole numbers, integers maintains density property .
Temporal Analysis of Climate Variability and Vegetation Change from 2000 to 2017 in Bonny LGA, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] D. DAPPA, B. C. NDUKWU AND A. A. OBAFEMIThe study examined the temporal analysis of climate dynamics and vegetation change Bonny LGA in Rivers State, Nigeria. MODIS imagery to assess the vegetation health through NDVI and point grid pattern of meteorological data for total precipitation (TP), air temperature (AT), and soil temperature (ST) of 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2015 and 2017 were used for the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Findings showed that vegetation health was highest in 2006 (0.4262±0.17) and least in 2017 (0.2544±0.24).
Polymorphism Identification and Genetic Diversity Studies of IRF3 Gene in White Fulani, Muturu and N’Dama Cattle[Full-Text ] Mohammed, A.A, Ozoje, M.O, Ikeobi, C.O.N, Talabi, A.O, Durosaro, S.T, De Campos, J.S, De Campos, O.C, Ilori, B.M and Aderoju, J.AInterferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) is one of the strongest positional candidate genes implicated in a host of health-related phenotypes such as general disease resistance. The study conducted genetic characterization of the IRF3 gene in the Muturu, N’Dama and White Fulani cattle. DNA was extracted from the blood samples using the Zymo-spin extraction kit. ARLEQUIN 2.0001 software was used to estimate the basic population genetic statistics while DnaSP version 5.10.01 was used to estimate genetic diversity indices and test for deviation from neutrality.
Removal of Hg (II) from contaminated water on the bark powder of Syzygium Cumini[Full-Text ] Shashikant Kuchekar, Monali Patil, Haribhau Aher, Bhaskar Zaware and Vishwas GaikwadMercury is a toxic pollutant present in industrial effluent is responsible for environmental pollution. The current work focuses on removal of Hg (II) from contaminated water using a natural biosorbent, Syzygium cumini bark powder. Investigations have been made to study various factors such as biosorbent concentration, initial metal concentration, agitation time, pH, temperature for the maximum removal of Hg (II) from contaminated water.
Experimental and thermal study of a designed linear solar receiver without metal tube[Full-Text ] Djelloul Azzouzi, Adel Lakhdar Ezzine, Mohamed Doucha DhiaeddineThermal efficiency improvement of the concentrated solar power plants is closely related to the thermal performance of their solar receivers placed along the focal zone of the parabolic trough concentrators. In this paper, an experimental and thermal analysis of a linear solar receiver without metal tube is presented. The solar receiver composed of two coaxial glass pipes between them a vacuum annular volume has been realized.
The effect on the photoelectric parameters of non-uniformly light absorption in structures based on a-Si: H[Full-Text ] S.Z.Zaynobidinov, U.S.Babakhodzhaev, A.B.Nabiyev, N.Muydinov, B.F.ErgashevAnnotation. In this manuscript gives the conclusion of an analytical expression that determines the dependence of the height of the potential barrier, which was obtained upon unevenly light absorption of over the thickness of the i-layer in the target of video with n-i-p structures based on a-Si: H, on the light intensity. Also, it was investigated that the dependence of the width of the space charge region (SCR) on certain features of a-Si: H.
Teachers’ Awareness of the Rights of the Child and its Influence on the Perception of the Rights of Children in Guidance and Counselling Programme among Public Primary Schools in East Pokot Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya[Full-Text ] Muraguri Wangui Rose, Barasa Enos, Mbuthia NgunjiriThe African Charter on the Rights and the Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) provisions on the rights and welfare of the child are however, best suited to the African child given that its provisions are autochthonous to Africa as a continent. This is especially considering the rich cultural content of the African people. Kenya is a signatory to International and Regional Conventions and Declarations which protect the child from brutality, cruelty and inhuman treatments.
Photocatalytic degradation of reactive blue 21 using ZnO nanoparticles[Full-Text ] A.A. El-Bindary, A. Ismail, E.F. EladlPhotocatalytic activity of prepared zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) has been investigated using UV light as the energy source. The calculated XRD average crystallite size was found to be 12.24 nm of ZnO. The optical band gap of the sample was found to be 3.21 eV. Optimal experimental conditions on catalysts amount, pH value, illumination time, and dye concentration have been deter-mined.
Veiled-Unveiled Teaching: Essential Comparative Dynamics for their Effective Classroom Management at University Level[Full-Text ] Dr. Summera Malik, Dr. Malik Faisal Azeem , Adil T. ParachaThe study aimed at knowing the difference between the veiled and unveiled university faculty effective class management. Professional responsibilities of teachers demand certain investigations which organize diverse teacher management policies and programs. Teacher-student relationship has its strength in the professional persuit of the teacher in their routine interactions. These class management practices are diverse and engraved well in three major domains of classroom management; organizational, emotional, and instructional.
Hand-Held Rehabilitating Device for Cerebral Palsy Kids[Full-Text ] Usha BheemappaThe Spastic Cerebral Palsy kids have a real problem with their hands. Their fingers are locked into a claw –like structure and even after undergoing the connective tissue surgery to correct it, they need special physical therapy to get stronger. The modern, technological world has fortunately created Artificial Intelligence, biotechnology and mechanical engineering, which today pave the way for the humanity to create various devices that help people with different disorders in their therapies.
Effect of Lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT) and toxicity on human with preventive measure[Full-Text ] Monoj MaitiThe Lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT), a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide used in agriculture as well as on application of public health. LCT is moderately persistent, low water solubility and has high affinity to organic matter. The effect of Lambda-cyhalothrin or ICON as a moderate insecticide in prevention of activities of insects or insect in agriculture (crop), due to the use through different food stuffs (plant or animal product) enter into human body or blood via digestive system.
A Comparative Study on Real Time Data Analysis Frameworks[Full-Text ] O. E. Emam, A. Abdo, A. M. Abd-ElwahabToday we live in the digital world. With continuous data streaming and increasing digitization the amount of structured and unstructured data being generated from various sources – transactions, social media networks, sensors, machines, mobile phones and other real time sources.
Phytochemical Profiling of Six Morphologically Identical Species of Mimoisoideae[Full-Text ] Ebigwai, JK, Ebigwai E, Ubuo, E and Bassey, EEThe use of morphological characters in authenticating Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.), Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. &Thonn.), Albizia adianthifolia (Schum.), Pentaclethra macrophylla (Benth.), Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.), and Prosopis africana (Guill. &Perr.) has been most challenging due to their morphological similarities. This study explored the principle that plant species are reservoirs of chemical compounds, hence could yield discriminatory results sufficient enough for their authentication.
Stressor Elements Inhibiting Natural Mangrove Regeneration along Coastlines in the Cross River Estuary, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ebigwai JK, Bassey, RA and Oden, GNThe planned Assisted Regeneration Programs (ARP) in the Niger Delta is dependent on accurate profiling of the various indigenous stressor elements inhibiting natural regeneration in the area. Twelve permanent plots established under the influence of tidal regimes for stressor elements identification were maintained for this study spanning 2016-2017. Previously altered hydrological channels were redesigned as to emptying deposits on adjoining tidal flats thereby ensuring propagule availability.
Development of an Intelligent Battery Charge Control System using PID and Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Nickel-Hydrogen Satellite Battery[Full-Text ] K.A. Akpado, C.C. Okezie and B.C. Idioha-ChidozieBattery power management in satellite systems continues to evolve with current research working to push the boundaries of depth of discharge and serviceable life further requiring new and intelligent techniques. Moving away from the high cost of human monitoring of battery systems, new and intelligent systems are now becoming mainstream such that battery management task is automated with reduced human influence or intervention.