Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 10, October 2019.
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Cloud Computing Security: Challenges, Approaches and Solutions[Full-Text ] AMGHAR Sara, TABAA Yassine, MEDOURI AbdellatifDespite all the research that has been done in this area, the security in the cloud computing still one of the biggest problems that prevents customers to use the cloud service. In this work, we survey various research works on cloud computing related to security challenges and privacy issues. The main aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the security challenges of cloud computing and identify approaches and solutions which have been proposed by several researchers.
GENDER ROLE IMPLICATIONS ON WOMEN BEAURUCRATS CAREER PROGESSION IN NIGERIA: AN ANALYSIS IN 2017[Full-Text ] ALAO, Bukola AdenikeIn general, societal prejudice tends to limit the scope of women’s career choice and progression on the job. As such many women tend carefully follow the traditional expected pattern of acquiring sufficient basic and general education to be able to relate with their educated husbands, brother children and obtain employment compatible with their qualification, roles as tagged by the society.
Reservoir Fluid Properties Estimation and Analysis of Haripur Gas Field, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mst. Rehana Akter, Md Shaheen Shah, Rafsanjani Rafi, Rashed Alom Emon, Sujon Kumar Gain, Farjana Afrin RimaHaripur gas field is one of the most important gas fields in Bangladesh which lies in surma basin. The research work has been conducted on the gas field and here, it has been analysed the gas properties, water properties and rock properties. Pseudo critical properties, pseudo reduced properties, gas formation volume factor and gas expansion, gas compressibility and compressibility factor and gas viscosity has also been determined of the gas field.
On the Autoregression Model of a Multimolecular Chemical Reaction[Full-Text ] Zaza Khechinashvili,Ketevan Makhashvili, Guram TkemaladzeUnimolecular chemical reaction model is considered. For the reaction product process autoregression scheme is proposed and representations of the reaction speed are obtained.
Corporate Tax Rebate: It’s Impact on Indian Economy[Full-Text ] Aishwarya DatalkarThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of corporate tax rebates on the Indian economy. The slashing corporate tax rate will revive corporate sentiments, provide impetus to companies to start a new plan, improve compliance and give India a competitive slot amongst leading economies of the world is expected. The extent of the final impact on credit profiles of Indian corporates will depend on how they utilize the surplus earnings for reinvestment in the business, debt reduction or high shareholder returns.
Analyse production performance with Stack-driver Profiler[Full-Text ] Sanjam singhGoogle Stackdriver could be a freemium, mastercard needed, cloud computing systems management service offered by Google. It provides performance and medicine information to public cloud users. Stackdriver could be a hybrid cloud answer, providing support for each Google Cloud and AWS cloud environments.
Fire Risk Assessment of Sonadanga Residential Area at Khulna in Bangladesh by Risk Value Indexing by Expert Opinion[Full-Text ] Pronab Kumar Debnath, S.M. Tariqul Islam and Subinoy Biswas NayanFire is the most frequent man-made hazard in Bangladesh. Khulna is one of the most rapidly growing cities in Bangladesh and Sonadanga residential area is planned residential area in Khulna. There are 305 buildings in this area. This study has been done to find the state of fire safety using and to identify the amount of risk. The data has been collected by a questionnaire survey and based on the data and expert opinion risk value has been set. It has been found 64% of apartments are at high risk.
Treatment of Industrial Effluent Containing Metal Ions With Rubber Seed Coat Based Activated Carbon[Full-Text ] G.A.O. Ajoku, M.K. OduolaActivated carbon derived from rubber seed coat has been employed in the removal of heavy metals from an in-dustrial wastewater. The rubber seed coat was washed, dried, grounded, carbonized at 300oC, activated using hydrochloric acid and used to carry out adsorption process. The activated rubber seed coat was then used to car-ry out adsorption of heavy metal from waste water collected from the refinery.
Energy efficiency of polycrystalline cells installed in Laâyoune -Morocco[Full-Text ] LOTFI Hicham, BOUBKER Omar and IZBAIM DrissPresently, Moroccan government has authorized the introduction of electrical energy produced from photovoltaic technolo-gies into the low-voltage electricity network under Law 58/2015, and in this context a project '' Propre.Ma '' has been pro-posed and managed by Cadi Ayyad University and funded by IRESEN, its primary objective is to provide useful information to investors on the performance of three technologies of silicon photovoltaic cells (polycrystalline, monocrystalline and amorphous) and to produce monthly and annual productivity maps Morocco using actual data collected from 21 installations in 21 cities.
Harmonious balance between Supply and Demand in Communication center[Full-Text ] Jayanta PalThe service industry works hard to satisfy their customers. Most organizations face challenges to minimize the disparity between their supply and the demand of their customers. Therefore, most of resources remain underutilized or lead to failure in fulfilling the customer demand. However, what matters the most is achieving success in this competition than just surviving the competition.
Assessment of Sickle Cell Disease Awareness and Knowledge among Saudi Arabians: A Cross Sectional Survey[Full-Text ] Yousef M.Aljeshi. Pharm.D, Didi M. Hameed. Pharm.D, Mohammed AlGhadeer. Pharm.D., Alaa A.Alturaik. MD., Hassan H.Alawa. MDThe aim of this study is to assess awareness and knowledge of sickle cell disease (SCD) among Saudi population. This was performed to assess if more awareness educational programs regarding such disease are needed to be held for the community in Saudi Arabia or not.
Iterative Curvelet Thresholding Scheme for Image Recovery[Full-Text ] Ayush Sahay and Arun KumarIn this paper, we present an optimized sampling strategy based on curvelet for the data acquisition, which leads to better performance by the sparsity-promoting inversion in comparison with random sampling scheme. One of motivation is to provide a new direction of applications of the curvelet transform for data aggregation in image recovery.
NATURAL CONVECTION OF AIR IN A RECTANGULAR CAVITY WITH PARTIALLY HEATED AND COOLED SIDE WALLS[Full-Text ] Ramonu O.J, Afolabi S.I, Akinyemi T.ONatural convection of air in a two-dimensional rectangular cavity has been studied numerically using a Galerkin weighted residual finite element method. In the present study, the top and bottom walls are considered adiabatic while the left vertical wall is maintained at constant high temperature Th with the remaining parts of the left wall considered adiabatic. The cold right vertical wall is maintained at a constant low temperature Tc with the remaining parts of the right-vertical wall considered adiabatic.
Numerical analysis and CFD simulation of fluid flow in T- Junction pipe By using ANSYS CFX[Full-Text ] Netsanet Anteneh FeredeThis Project deals with the fluid flow in the T-junction with the 90° angle of the adjacent branch and horizontal pipe having 100 mm diameter and the vertical branch 10 mm diameter. The flow is organized as a combining flow. It means that there are two inlet branches and only one outlet branch. There are two possible kinds of the flow combinations for this T-junction.
The Role of Fundamental Factor in Mediating The Effect of Macroeconomic Factor on Banking Performance in Indonesia[Full-Text ] Wa Ode Harliyanti Unga, Buyung Sarita, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, SujonoThis research aims to find out and examine the role of a fundamental factor in mediating macroeconomic factors on the banking profitability in Indonesia. The sample of this research was determined by using purposive sampling method, which was a sampling method based on objectives/criteria, where the criteria used in determining sample members were banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and issuing annual financial statements for the period 2011 to 2017 totaling 22 banking companies, or banking companies that published audited financial statements using the financial year ending December 31.
A study on Plant Species Identifying using Digital Infrared Thermal Image[Full-Text ] V.S.Narayana Tinnaluri, Proof. Dr. Anil KumarThermography produces thermal images that helps to identify intensity of color. The intensity of color helps to recognize meaningful object in the image, image segmentation plays a significant role to discover the region of interest in the Leaf image. The average temperature in the middle part of the leaf is 0.94OC higher than the leaf apex and 0.81OC higher than the leaf base. The results also showed that the leaf temperature is higher than that of the stem. And the average temperature of the whole blade is 24.07 OC, which is higher than the background soil temperature (19.53 OC).
Operations research in insurance[Full-Text ] Mohit Samal, Naman Agrawal, Nangthiseng Daosong, Palak Kamdar, Paresh PatelIn this paper, we explore the use of Operations research in the Insurance industry, an industry which is said to grow at 15% in the next five years. Insurance industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Insurance sector is ripe with endless possibilities of model building. Our objective of the study was to identify the different techniques used in Operations Research and link them to those used by the Insurance sector. We identified the needs and issues in the insurance industry and how efficiently can they be solved with the help of OR. We have mainly focused on the three most frequently used techniques in Insurance; Linear Programming Problem, Goal Programming and Monte Carlo Simulation. There has been no use of quantitative data for analysis in this research paper.
The Chemistry of a Platinum Anticancer Drug: A Theoretical Study[Full-Text ] Saksham MalikThe paper gives a full detailed account of the discovery and development of {cis-diamminedichloro Platinum} or cis-DDP. The development of the famous anticancer drug is described with a possible explanation of its biomolecular chemistry. Cisplatin is widely used for cancer treatment and this study on its biomolecular mechanism will help in the development and synthesis of improved anticancer drugs.
Identifying and Comparing the Cross Culture Difference Affecting Marketing Strategies of Honda in Different Regions[Full-Text ] Fayez Al JumaydiPurpose: To identify the performance marketing techniques used by Honda in China, USA and UK and to analyze and compare the cross-cultural differences, which can effect on marketing techniques. Likewise.
A Review of Natural Language Processing and its Application in Education[Full-Text ] Mr. Zahoor Ahmed, Yaseen Ali Wadha, Umair Ahmed, Dr. Mazhar Ali Dootio, Dr. Aftab Ahmed ShaikhNatural Language Processing (NLP) is one of the most developing methods that help to improve different learning environments. In addition, the implementation of NLP includes the promotion of training through the acquisition of trademarks as part of the instructions. Therefore, this research has conducted taking into account suitable approaches to answer various questions and problems in the education setup using the NLP application (Bell et al, 2018).
ELECTRON DENSITY DISTRIBUTION IMAGING IN COMPTON SCATTERING TOMOGRAPHY[Full-Text ] O. O. Adejumo, G.G.O Egbedokun and F. A BalogunInterest in this work was prompted by the potential advantages of the use of Compton scattering tomography, CST method over X-ray computed tomography, CT. The CST method can image directly the electron density of materials using transmitted scattered photons rather than attenuation coefficients as in the case of CT, also the detector does not have to be on opposite sides of the source and object as is required in CT technique.
FORCED CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER BEHAVIOURS OF NEWTONIAN FLUID IN A CHANNEL BETWEEN TWO PARALLEL HEATED PLATES[Full-Text ] UWAEZUOKE, M.U., OYESANYA, M.O.Laminar forced convection heat transfer in a Newtonian fluid flow in a channel between two parallel plates has been investigated analytically. Fully developed laminar velocity distributions obtained by variable separable method was used, and viscous dissipation was taken into account. The theoretical analysis of the heat transfer is performed for three different cases of constant heat boundary conditions.
The effects of chemical reaction, Hall and ion-slip currents on MHD flow with variable thermal conductivity[Full-Text ] S. S. Mustafa, Rasha A. MohamedIn this paper, the problem of heat and mass transfer to the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a micropolar, viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting fluid with suction and blowing through a porous medium under the effects of chemical reaction, Hall, ion-slip currents, and variable thermal conductivity is studied numerically by using finite difference method. The governing fundamental equations on the assumption of a small magnetic Reynolds number are approximated by a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equation.
EMPLOYEE COMPETENCY BUILDING IN IT BASED MANAGEMENT[Full-Text ] RIZWAN AHMEDWe see each one wishes to have a competency in his field of work yet they don't know how to get and improve their fitness shape a solitary individual to national level. For example, by 1980, it was apparent in the United Kingdom that there was a huge weakness of the normal abilities required to meet the anticipated difficulties of the following decade. In light of this national need, the British government rebuilding its arrangement of professional training and set up another across the country bound together framework focused to enhanced professional skills (Winterton and Winterton, 1999).
DIVERSIFICATION, CAPITAL STRUCTURE, FREE CASH FLOW, AND PROFITABILITY ON ASEAN-5 BANK: A PVAR APPROACH[Full-Text ] HANITA FITRIYANI, MARIA ULPAHThis study examines the bidirectional causal relation between diversification, profitability, free cash flow, and leverage on ASEAN-5 Bank. This reserch utilizes data from top 100 bank in ASEAN-5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philliphine, Vietnam) developing countries with 8 years observation period from 2010-2017.
Therapeutic Aspects of Indian Music and Steps to Impart Awareness for Music (Raga) Therapy in Indian Masses[Full-Text ] Dr. Shambhavi DasModern science and medicine are now rediscovering the healing powers of music. It’s a yoga system through the medium of sonorous sounds. Depending on its nature, a raga could induce or intensify joy or sorrow, violence or peace, and it is this quality which forms the basis for musical application. Music therapy carries a great vintage in the ancient holistic medical science of India.
AWARENESS ABOUT ORGANIC FARMING -A STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CUDDALORE DISTRICT[Full-Text ] Dr. E.sahaya ugin maryIndia is a agricultural country nearly 60% of the people are engaged in agriculture..Each and every country should give importance to agriculture. Most of the educated people depend upon government jobs. But if they concentrate with the agriculture, they can earn more income than any other jobs. In order to achieve the target due attention should be given to find out the problem faced by the cultivators and give solution to their growth and development for production and marketing.
Agronomic Prospects of Organic Farming [Full-Text ] Dr. E. Sahaya Ugin MaryAgro ecosystems are ecologically complex units where soil, water, air, wildlife, insects, pathogens, plans and human interact. When farmers make management decisions, they influence interactions among crops, livestock, beneficial organisms, pests and the physical environment. While biological and ecological considerations play a role in these decisions, so do a number of economic, social, and legal considerations. To achieve sustainability, farmers should be aware of the short-mid-and long term consequences of these management decisions. The respondents rating on Agronomic Prospects of organic farming considers the following variables.
Mortality And Morbidity Influenced By Intensive Care Unit Acquired Infections And Their Management In Different Hospitals In Khartoum State[Full-Text ] Tarig Osman, Abdulwahab Hassan, Kamal Elhag, Ahmed Abu SalabHospital-acquired infection is a serious problem in the ICU. Infection in ICU is associated with increased mortality, morbidity and carries a substantial economic burden. This study was carried out to explore the current situation regarding the mortality, morbidity, as well as length of stay caused by ICU, acquired infections in different governmental hospitals in Khartoum state.
M.S.H. Biswas crypto-intensive techniques[Full-Text ] Md Shamim Hossain Biswas M.S.H. Biswas crypto-intensive techniques in combination of Encryption algorithm, Signature generation algorithm, Signature verification algorithm and Decription algorithm. Michael O. Rabin Signature scheme uses random padding to validate signature. Analogously the proposed techniques uses same padding system including additional quotient and residuum. The only difference is that Rabin signature is pair or triple in some special cases but proposed model uses forefold signature system.
Investment management under the condition of Post-Financial Crisis[Full-Text ] Chen WeiNaIn the post-financial crisis era, the characteristics of the capital market showed different characteristics from the previous capital market, especially in terms of its nature, and its capital characteristics also had certain differences. Therefore, when the current investors are grasping the investment direction of the post-financial crisis era and the strategic adjustment of some management aspects of investment in the post-financial crisis era, there are relatively many issues that need to be fully considered. This is not only a test for investors, but also a test for investors. It is also an important basis for the stability of the investment market
Research on Project Management Innovation from the Perspective of Marketing[Full-Text ] Chen weinaStarting from the purpose of promoting enterprise project management level and marketing management performance improvement, it is proposed that enterprises must implement reasonable and scientific project management when conducting marketing. Based on the perspective of marketing, this paper analyzes the status quo and problems of the specific management implementation of Chinese enterprises, discusses the necessity of project management when enterprises conduct marketing, and finally proposes a suggestive strategy for implementing project management innovation when marketing
Credit Risk Management of Credit Clients in Finance Companies and Countermeasures[Full-Text ] Chen WeinaWith the continuous improvement of China's financial institution system, the continuous emergence of financial institutions and credit business has made the competition in China's financial market fierce, which has increased the credit risk of China, making the importance of credit risk management in financial companies’ constant. improve. The article firstly gives a brief overview of the credit risk of financial companies, and analyzes the current status of risk management work of financial companies. After that, it puts forward some suggestions for the problems existing at the current stage, hoping to provide some help for the credit risk management of financial companies in China.
Internal control of insurance company fund management[Full-Text ] Wu wenmingWith the continuous development of the global economy, China's market economy continues to improve, and China's financial market has also improved. The insurance industry, which is an important part of the financial market, has also developed rapidly in recent years. In order to continue to develop, the insurance industry must pay attention to the improvement of the internal control system of the enterprise.
Comprehensive budget management and performance evaluation of listed companies[Full-Text ] Wu wenmingIn the new era, listed companies have introduced the application of comprehensive budget performance management as an advanced management tool, and established a comprehensive budget management and performance evaluation system to help companies standardize financial management, improve economic efficiency, and ensure strategic goals.
The current situation of the company's comprehensive budget management and suggestions for improvement[Full-Text ] Wu wenmingBudget management is a modern enterprise management tool that has been proved by practice. It is widely adopted by large and medium-sized group companies in China, but there are still many problems in the implementation process, which affects the all-round advancement of budget management. This paper analyzes the current situation of the overall budget management of the group company, and puts forward the suggestions for improving the overall budget management of the group company based on the problem. It hopes to provide reference for the management of similar enterprises.