Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018 Edition
Publication for Volume 9, Issue 10, October 2018.
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Using Sound Mapping in Enhancing the Hearing Conservation Programmes of Geothermal Drilling Activities In Kenya: A Case Of Geothermal Development Company[Full-Text ] Kachila, P., Njogu, P., and Makhonge, P.Kenya is endowed with 10,000 MWe of geothermal resource spread in 14 potential prospects along the Rift Valley. The government has prioritized geothermal power generation and specially formed The Geothermal Development Company (GDC) in 2008 to drive this agenda. GDC has purchased seven deep drilling rigs that are operated and maintained by a Kenyan crew for drilling geothemal wells. However the geothermal drilling rig has been identified as a high noise hazard workplace, exposing workers to the risk of permanent hearing damage
Students' approaches to learning and perception of learning environment: A comparison between traditional and problem based learning medical curricula[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman Alquliti, ehab abd elmoneim, nisreen albouq, kafaf jalali, sahal arabi, ahmad alshamrani.Background: Teaching and learning are fundamentally different between conventional and problem based learning (PBL) curricula. There is a transformation in the College of Medicine, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia (CMTU) from the conventional to a PBL curriculum.
Cognitive Radio Networks: Defense Against Primary User Emulation Attack (P.U.E.A.)[Full-Text ] Naif AlmalkiThe paper discussed about PUEA (primary user emulation attacks) within a cognitive radio network functioning in the white spaces of DTV (digital TV) band. We recommend a consistent digital TV structure assisted by AES that involves an encrypted source signal by AES, produced at the transmitting end of TV and utilized as the sync bits of the data frames for digital TV. By permitting a shared hidden key between the transmitting and receiving end, the source signal could be reproduced at the receiving end and utilized to accomplish correct recognition of the licensed prime operators. Furthermore, while joint with the evaluation on the auto correspondence of the obtained signal, the existence of the harmful invader could be identified correctly with no obligation of presence or absence of the prime operator. We evaluate the efficiency of the recommended method via theoretical assessment as well as simulation illustrations.
EFFECT OF COOLING SCHEME ON OVERALL STIFFNESS AND ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF R.C. BEAMS SUBJECTED TO FIRE[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. KhalafReinforced concrete structures may be subjected to fire due to different reasons. Behavior of reinforced concrete exposed to fire depends on its mix proportions and constituents and is determined by complex physicochemical changes caused by fire. Effect of fire elevated temperature on mechanical properties of different RC structural elements (beams, columns, slabs, …etc) depends on many factors; these factors are: element dimensions, fire temperature degree, time of fire exposure, properties of concrete and concrete materials, surface area to volume ratio, reinforcing steel ratio, stress level and type of end constraint of the structural element and finally the used cooling scheme.
THE BURNOUT LEVELS OF KURDISH EFL TEACHERS WORKING IN GOVERMENTAL SCHOOL IN ERBIL[Full-Text ] Nawzad Abdullah SalihThis study has investigated the burnout levels of 81 Kurdish EFL instructors working at governmental schools in district of Erbil and attempted to indicate whether there was a meaningful relationship between teachers’ burnout levels and their age, gender, marital status, seniority in profession, educational background. In order to conduct the research, the participants of the study were selected among only English teachers working at governmental schools in district of Erbil.The setting of the study was nearly almost all governmental schools affiliated to the Ministry of Education of Kurdistan in district of Erbil.
POTRET ACCOUNTING HUMAN RESOURCES IN HOME INDUSTRY: AN INTERPRETIVE STUDY (CASE STUDY ON HOME INDUSTRY UD. AGUNG)[Full-Text ] Benny Afianto, Dr. Rosnawintang, Dr. La Ode AntoIn the context of this study, researchers want to find the answer to his curiosity about the meaning of human resource accounting at home industry (UD. Agung). In this research problem, quantitative measurement and statistical data analysis can not be used in the search for answers, so this research uses qualitative approach. Based on the explanation of the philosophical assumptions underlying the research methodology, philosophically this research is placed in a position as research with interpretive paradigm.
Switched Capacitor Inverter for PV Systems[Full-Text ] U. Kavitha, R. Ramaprabha, S. MalathyRenewable energy-based power generation has gained more attention in the recently due to the ever-increasing need for the electrical energy and also due to the pollution caused by burning of fossil fuels for conventional method of power generation. Solar based electrical energy generation is one of the easy and best ways to produce electrical energy. Photovoltaic (PV) panels are used to trap the sun’s radiation and convert them into usable electrical energy. The aim of this paper is to model a power conditioner which works on the principle of switched capacitor (SC) with a single stage inverter and gives an ac sinusoidal wave as output. A hardware prototype of the switched capacitor inverter for standalone operation has been implemented. The SC inverter delivers output voltage corresponding to the input supplied. This converter can be used along with both grids connected and standalone systems. The converter is compact and light in weight. The main advantage of the converter is its reduced THD with increased efficiency.
Robot localization in a mapped environment using Adaptive Monte Carlo algorithm[Full-Text ] Sagarnil DasLocalization is the challenge of determining the robot’s pose in a mapped environment. This is done by implementing a probabilistic algorithm to filter noisy sensor measurements and track the robot’s position and orientation. This paper focuses on localizing a robot in a known mapped environment using Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization or Particle Filters method and send it to a goal state. ROS, Gazebo and RViz were used as the tools of the trade to simulate the environment and programming two robots for performing localization.
Awareness about Sickle Cell Disease among General Population in Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Ghalib Al Ali, Mohammed Alshareet, Mohammed Abdullah Alsultan, Mohammed Al Wabari, Abdulhadi Al Ali, Ali Alshareet, Ahmad Essa AlhejjiBACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is one of the most common hereditary hematological disorder. It is estimated that the number of SCD cases in the eastern region were (145 cases/100000) alone. Even though SCD in Saudi Arabia has huge health and socioeconomic burdens on the country especially in the prevalent areas, however, it is a highly preventable disease. Hence, people awareness of the disease and premarital screening are the golden stone in the prevention. Therefore, the aim of the study is to evaluate community knowledge, awareness and attitude toward SCD in Al-Ahsa region of Saudi Arabia.
Anti-angiogenic targeted therapy in triple negative breast cancer HCC-1806 cell line[Full-Text ] Mohamed A. Abdel-Mohsen, Camelia A. Abdel-Malak and Samar M. NassefTriple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive tumor with poor prognosis, however, chemotherapy is the most important treatment for TNBC. It has been demonstrated that TNBC is markedly sensitive to anti-angiogenic therapy. In this context, PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway may have a regulatory role in angiogenic output.
ILOKANO BELIEFS AND PRACTICES DURING HOUSE CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSE BLESSING[Full-Text ] Wendelyn R. TalboThis study aimed to identify some of the beliefs and practices of Ilokanos during house construction and house blessing. Employing questionnaire, interviews, and observation, it attempted to explain the observation of these beliefs and practices.
ASSESSING THE PERSONALITY OF THE BACHELOR IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION STUDENTS[Full-Text ] Rozen C. Villa, Necy Cesaria V. Romo, Sheree Leen PalecpecThis research aimed to assess the personality of the Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEEd) students. The researchers used the descriptive correlation method. The descriptive method was used to gather and analyze the students’ profile while the correlation method was used to determine the relationship between the personal profile and the personality of the respondents.
Pulsed Compression on single stage compressors[Full-Text ] Mr. Christine CherianThis Study is doing on the basics of the probability to develop a compressor which perform this process under the sophisticated design of the casing of the compressor. In many reason, space agencies and aviation experts are looking for this models such as using hyper sonic jet planes, safest satellite longing and Military operations.
Dynamics of Interacting Species for a Consumer Resource System[Full-Text ] Praise-God Madueme, Godwin C. E. MbahThe nature of interaction in a consumer resource system is very complex and has been studied extensively using different types of functional response. In this study, we consider the hyperbolic functional response to study a consumer resource model with alternative food source. In particular, we were able to investigate the coexistence of interacting species with the presence of unique alternative resources and also look at variations in resources and consumer biomass as a function of their interactions.
Land use land cover study of Bhimbetka Rock Shelters using Satellite Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) Techniques[Full-Text ] Pranita Shivankar, Arun Suryavanshi, Dr. Prabodhachandra Deshmukh, Dr. S. V. C. Kameswara RaoIn recent past, there are several instances where the impact of anthropogenic activities has led to significant changes in the geographical and cultural landscape of an area over a period of time. Bhimbetka Rock Shelters is one of the World Heritage Archaeological Sites dating back to ~1,60,000 years located about 45 km south of Bhopal in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India.
Non-Linear Control Strategy for Type-I Diabetes Mellitus Patient with Luenberger Observer[Full-Text ] Rohit Sharma, Prof. Nitin BhitreLuenberger observer is designed to estimate the states of the Bergman Minimal model of Glucose-insulin to continuously control the blood glucose level of Type-1 diabetic mellitus patient as close as basal value. The controller is designed by philosophy of nonlinear Backstepping method. Observer is designed by considering the linear model of the Bergman minimal model. MATLAB simulation shows the effectiveness of the observer in controlling blood glucose level of the realistic patient.
Land Use Change and Impact on Biodiversity in Bonny Island using Remotely Sensed Data[Full-Text ] Daddy Dappa and Benjamin NdukwuThe study assessed land use change and impacts on biodiversity in Bonny Island using remotely sensed data. Both primary and secondary data sources were used for the study. The primary data sources involved downloaded images of Bonny Island between 1986 and 2016 of spatial resolution 30m x 30m; and the selection of training sites ground trothed along with their geographic coordinates using GPS.
Design and Implementation of a PC based Electronic Stethoscope[Full-Text ] Md. Shakhayat KabirThis paper based on an electronic stethoscope to convert acoustic sound waves to electrical signals which can be amplified and processed for further analysis. The tool was equipped with an electronic stethoscope specifically designed to improve the quality of the auscultation. The electronic hardware was enriched by a software platform to manage auscultations and to provide an assisted diagnosis. Experimental results confirm the accuracy both of the sound detection and for the further analysis of a patient data.
Complex Properties and Chaos Synchronization of a New Chaotic Complex Nonlinear Dynamical System[Full-Text ] Kholod M. AbualnajaIn this paper, we introduce a new chaotic complex nonlinear system and discuss some basic properties of this system including invariance, dissipativity, equilibria and their stability, Lyapunov exponents, chaotic behavior and chaotic attractors are studied. This work presents chaos synchronization between two identical chaotic complex system by using nonlinear control technique.
International Baccalaureate: Physics Extended essay[Full-Text ] This essay mainly focuses on the phenomenon of wireless charging and tries to answer the question: “How does changing frequency, distance and number of turns affect the induced voltage in secondary coil?”. The phenomenon of wireless charging is compared with the workings of a transformer because both the system works on induction.
Triplet based Partitioning on Document Clustering[Full-Text ] Prof. Kalpana Deorukhkar, Ms. Anisa Tuscano, Ms. Malita DodtiNow-a-days information retrieval plays a large part of our everyday lives – especially with the advent of the World Wide Web. During the last 10 years, the amount of information available in various forms especially the data in textual format represented in newspapers, journals, magazines, books etc. has grown exponentially.
WOMEN RIGHTS IN ISLAM[Full-Text ] Zaheer Hussain Soomro, Prof.Dr. Amir Ahmed Khuhro Women rights is the basic principal of Islam, Islamic society paved a very bright way to establish Women rights. Particularly Islam has protected the rights of women, because before Islam there was a great inequality of sex existing in all over the world. Islam not only vanished this Inequality but given a complete code of conduct for the women rights. The great last sermon of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W), said that “all the human beings are the off springs of the Adam and are brothers to each other, further he said knowledge is the obligator for every Muslim.
Influences of Transportation System on Land Use and Predicting the Changes in Khulna Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohaimin Azmain, Mokhlesur RahmanThis study analyzes the characteristic pattern of travel demand in relation with land-use and land cover (LULC) changes in Khulna Metropolitan Area (KMA), Bangladesh. First objective has used spatial data (Landsat Satellite Images) of KMA to identify the nature of LULC change which are classified as ‘waterbody’, ‘vegetation’, and ‘built-up area’.
Diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis, Evidence review[Full-Text ] Athar Mohammed Ahmed Arishi, Thuraya Yahya Mohammed Moafa, Tasneem Mansour Hussain Aboshagah, Fatima Ali Ahmad Alharbi, Shatha Ibrahim Abdu Matabi, Kholoud Ibrahim Hadi MatabiEarly recognition and intervention for rheumatoid arthritis has been shown to improve outcome. In this review, we have summarized the latest evidence regarding managing of RA, side effects of drugs. As well we discuss the diagnosis methods for early detection. We conducted detailed search using the MEDLINE and Cochrane Library databases for all articles concerning Rheumatoid arthritis published up to July, 2018. dynamic course of RA might be minimized or modified by ideal treatment including combination of DMARDs started at earlier duration. Growth of new criteria classify RA patients at very early stage and also allows initiation of therapy for reductions of inflammation as well as lowering illness activity.
An overview of keratitis, Etiology, and management approaches[Full-Text ] Zainab Hassan Muhammad Alhakami , Afnan Mohammad Ali MadkhaliThis review tries to provide current information on most, though not all, aspects of keratitis like etiology, diagnosis and management types. We searched in the PubMed and EMBASE for articles related to the search strategy "(Etiology) AND (bacterial eye infection OR keratitis OR microbial keratitis OR bacterial keratitis)", from the start date of the databases to July, 2018. Management of keratitis continues to be a significant challenge worldwide, more so in low- and also middle-income nations with inadequate healthcare sources.
AN INTELLIGENT COLOR SENSING SYSTEM FOR BUILDINGS[Full-Text ] Gawthami, Humrish.k, Prem.p, Tony Antony AugustineAn intelligent color sensing system using Arduino is made. The developed system can measure the color of various materials. The color sensing system is developed and implemented using Arduino, Light Emitting Diodes and CMOS color sensor. The yield of the shading sensor is specifically corresponding to the light force of occurrence light. It is adjusted so that it can gauge the essential hues, for example, red, green, and blue. A graphical UI (GUI) is produced for showing the shade of divider. ICS (Intelligent Color Sensor) is adjusted effectively. The ICS framework is anything but difficult to work productive and Accurate
Classification of Three Nigerian Cements Using the Chemical and Physical Properties of the Cements[Full-Text ] Mohammed, U.F., Birnin Yauri, U.A., Shuaibu, L.The aim of the study was to analyse and classify three major Portland cement products manufactured in Ashaka (ASK), Sokoto (SKO) and WAPCO (WPC) cements companies into different cements types using the international standard method of classification (ASTM). The method involve the use of chemical analysis to determine the chemical constituents of each cement sample from where the major mineral compounds (C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF) were calculated using Bogue’s mathematical equation. The mineral compositions form the basis for the classification of the cements into different cement types. The results show that ASK cement has the characteristics of cement type II. WPC cement nearly fits cement type III and SKO cement also has the characteristics of cement type II.
Power Quality Improvement In Distribution System Using D-Statcom In Transmission Lines[Full-Text ] Devesh BhatnagarA Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a mis-operation of end user equipments. Utility distribution networks, sensitive industrial loads and critical commercial operations suffer from various types of outages and service interruptions which can cost significant financial losses. With the restructuring of power systems and with shifting trend towards distributed and dispersed generation, the issue of power quality is going to take newer dimensions. In developing countries like India, where the variation of power frequency and many such other determinants of power quality are themselves a serious question, it is very vital to take positive steps in this direction. The present work is to identify the prominent concerns in this area and hence the measures that can enhance the quality of the power are recommended.
ADAPTIVE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND TRAFFIC SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM USING WIRELESS CAMERA NETWORK[Full-Text ] Shivashu Srivastava, R.K.SinghRoad dealings and traffic over-crowding is major problem worldwide. This system uses video surveillance as it comes as the most economical technique for Monitoring road traffic. Researchers have worked on different methodology for video processing. The problems in existing methods are occlusions and variable lightening status.
Impact of Wind Integration on Power Market: A Review[Full-Text ] Muhammad Muzaffar Iqbal, Waqar Tahir, Muhammad Ishtiaq Zahoor, Dr. Intisar Ali Sajjad, Muhammad Athar ShahWind energy generation increases rapidly all over the world. The increase of wind energy generation in European countries is due to the policy objectives set by EU to ensure energy security, environmental change and to increase competitiveness. Due to increasing awareness of climatic conditions all the Europe is moving towards the Renewable energy. Introduction of Wind energy in power systems introduces the technical, commercial, security and government Complexity. Wind generation is highly variable, uncertain and unpredictable thus produces the challenging implications of wind integration for balancing generation and demand.
Linguistic and Cognitive Depth beyond the Surface[Full-Text ] Rodolfo AlvarezLinguistic and cognitive depth are two mysterious phenomena which nevertheless do not seem to be beyond scientific reach. The purpose of this article is to shed light and bring new insights into linguistic and cognitive depth from a post-Chomskian perspective. The idea is to provide an outcome which reveals at least partially some keys to unlock some mysterious aspects of language and the mind, considering spiritual aspects together with the scientific approach we are meant to deal with in research of this kind.
Water Supply and Disability: A Case Area of Vijayawada[Full-Text ] Deen Maqbool Ahmed, V. Geetha Sai Prasanna,India and China are the two biggest economies in Asia which consists of 21 megacities but it has huge inequalities between urban and rural areas especially income based and water inequalities. The water poverty index of Asian sub regions tells us a different story of water injustice despite the fact that it has per capita availability of water is far more than the world average. Safe drinking water is the basic need as well as right of each and every individual irrespective of any form.
Proposing a Capability Maturity Model Toward Adopting Cloud Services[Full-Text ] Mohammed T. Arafa, Mohamed DahabCloud is increasingly becoming the most sought-after method of service delivery for its ability to provide a rich amount of services that aid businesses in countless ways. From data sharing, data storage, and online applications, the possibilities of the cloud are almost endless. However, a significant number of small and medium enterprises (SME) have not made the jump to the cloud, fearing valid risks like security, privacy, and quality. In this paper, after careful consideration of risks, it was concluded that SMEs need a systematic approach to implementing cloud services as well as a method to assess and improve the implementation. Moreover, the paper looked over a few IT approaches and solutions that aid in deducing a possibly better method of acquiring cloud services. Lastly, a model was proposed which is based on the outsourcing lifecycle model and the capability maturity model integration approach. This model is referred to as cloud capability maturity model integration or CS- CMMI.
Occurrence of bacterial diversity in surface and drinking waters in Damietta, Egypt[Full-Text ] Amira A.E. El-Badaly, Ahmed K.A. El-Sayed, Mohamed I. Abou-Dobara, Camelia A. Abdel-Malak Bacterial pathogens in Egyptian water have been reported. While previous studies focused on raw water, correlation between raw and drinking waters quality including water treatment output and distribution networks bacterial pathogens were not explored. Therefore this study monitored the water quality parameters at drinking water treatment plant (DWTP), Damietta County, Egypt involving input, output, tap and distribution networks. Monthly changes in physiochemical parameters were analyzed for one year from (Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2017).
U.S POLICY TOWARD SOUTH ASIA AFTER 9/11 UNDER DEFIES AND REPERCUSSIONS[Full-Text ] Liaquat Ali Chandio, Sarfaraz Ali KorejoAfter 9/11 event United States ties to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India on war of terrorism in South Asia. The main issue was cooperation for US from the Taliban in the drug trade with support of Pakistan and Iran. US-Pakistani ties on the base of counterterrorism against militants. While US-Indian ties on the base of military-to-military relations and develop economic in private sector.
Literature Survey: Data-driven Approach for Selection of an Ensemble Model of Profane Words Detection in Social Media[Full-Text ] Abdulrehman A. Mohamed, Dr. George O. Okeyo, & Dr. Michael W. KimweleStrong language is common to most cultures, but what makes the language blasphemous; vary from region to region of the world. In social media, people chat with each other without necessary face-to-face interaction, hence promoting a sense of being liberal without breaking the cultural norms, resulting in an increased in the use of profanity in cyber space. Although most social media platforms have developed profane filters to censor profanity but the cyber bullies have continuously improve on their profanity techniques to make the existing filters less and less effective.
Need for Sea Transportation Stress Analysis of Large Bore Pipe in a Modularized Project[Full-Text ] Sabiha Begum, Parnika Gupta, Sukumar MIn today’s competitive environment, where costs, schedules and quality govern the market, modularization has become the most important trend in engineering. The advantage of modular project is better quality control, simpler construction at site, flexibility in scheduling and many other benefits
Geochemical Analysis On Major And Trace Elements Of Limestone Deposit, At Kalambaina Formation, Sokoto Basin North Western Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ahmed Bello Bakori, Prof. Pan Jiayong, Dr Jie YanThe study covers the geochemical aspect of limestone and the surrounding rocks such as shale and marl, as they are the main wall rock in contact with the limestone bed of the study area. The limestone bed consist of greyish limestone which is been covered by shale at the top and trapped by marl at the bottom.
INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH CAPABILITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN PHILIPPINES[Full-Text ] Corazon G. Pardo, Petronila E. Florendo, Solita Evangeline S. BañezToday, research institutions operate in the context of a global market. International, national and regional comparisons or rankings of institutions are published with the aim of informing everyone knowledge-seeking external groups about their quality. This study aimed to determine the institutional research capability and performance of the University of Northern Philippines. The descriptive-qualitative methods coupled with regression analysis were used in this study. The respondents were the administrators, and faculty of the University who conducted researches from 2010 to 2015.