Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017.
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Etiological spectrum and treatment outcome of Obstructive jaundice at Aseer Central Hos-pital in southwestern Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Faisal S. Alotaibi ,Muhannad A. Asiri , Sami F. Alshehri , Abdullah K. Asiri , Norah I. Almanie, Reem A. Almanie , Majed A. AlHoban , Mohammed A. Asiri , Saad S. saadThis study aims to discuss the etiological spectrum and treatment of obstructive jaundice at Aseer Central Hospital in southwestern Saudi Arabia
Isolation and biochemical characterization of Pseudomonas syringae causing citrus blast disease and its sensitivity test against some antibiotics[Full-Text ] Md. Samiul Islam, Razia Sultana, Md. SaroarJahan, Faqrul Islam, BiswanathSikdar, Md. Khalekuzzaman,Uzzal Kumar Acharjee, Md. FarukHasan, Md. Asadul IslamCitrus blast disease caused by Pseudomonas syringaeis a very demolishing illness in different parts of the world, but with a very limited information about the structure and nature of the pathogen involved. Considering from the above fact, this study reports characterization of P. syringae isolates from infected plant portion using biochemical approaches and determined its antibiotic sensitivity assay. Several biochemical tests including gram staining, motility, MacConkey agar, catalase, potassium hydroxide, Kligler iron agar, triple sugar iron agar, methyl red, and carbohydrate utilization tests showed positive results against the isolated bacteria, while negative to Simmons citrate agar, urease, tween 80, sulfur indole motility, King’s B and mannitol fermentation medium. All biochemical tests ensuring the isolated bacteria is gram negative. Antibiotic sensitivity assay showed that, Carbenicillin (5 mcg/disk) revealed the highest sensitivity pattern with 30±0.5 mm diameter of inhibition zone against the isolated bacteria, where others disk showed moderate antibiotic spectrum. This study help to identify the causal agent of the citrus blast disease and antibiotic sensitivity assays confirm its efficacy.
Observation in Ballistic Evaluation Motor Static Firing: Cracking in Gra-phite Nozzle[Full-Text ] Tejasvi K, V Venkateshwara Rao, Y Pydi SettyBallistic Evaluation Motor (BEM) is the representative of large size rocket motor and is static tested to evaluate the ballistic parameters such as burning rate, specific impulse, thrust etc. In the solid-rocket propulsion studies, rocket nozzle erosion has been a critical issue when the motor is operated at high temperature and pressure. The throat area of the nozzle undergoes the extreme heat transfer, thereby decreasing the thrust and causing severe performance reduction of the propulsion system. Shear and normal forces on the nozzle surface, surface temperature, chamber pressure, and heat transfer to the wall, particle impacts, chemical kinetics, and surface melting are considered primary factors of nozzle erosion. One of the Observations in Ballistic Evaluation Motor Static firing is Graphite Nozzle Cracking. Speciality grade Graphite is used in all sections of small test nozzles. The reason behind the cracking in BEM-1 is Graphite used is relatively brittle and the thermally induced stress cracked the material. Furthermore Graphite does not crack clean. The crack propagated through the material lead to spot erosion. In the case of BEM-1, at two places local spots were observed radially from the throat region where high temperature, high velocity gas flows occurs wherein decrease in pressure (undulations) is observed in Chamber pressure - time trace. Due to this localized nozzle cracking, throat area has increased which reduced chamber pressure and caused performance reduction in the propulsion parameters. In BEM-2, eliminated this problem; thereby performance parameters were obtained as expected which revealed (no undulations) in chamber pressure - time trace.
PSYCHOSOCIAL ESTIMATION OF MOBILE PHONE USAGE: A CASE STUDY OF GRADUATE STUDENTS IN RAWALAKOT (AZAD KASHMIR)[Full-Text ] Sajid Ali KhanThe findings from this study revealed that perceptions on students mobile phone use are not satisfactory. The responses revealed that there were 86.66% who answers"Happy" and 13.34% answers „Unhappy‟. The major themes are maturity of students and legal age. Both these reflect the level of physical and psychological development in students that in turn establishes a confidence to provide them with a mobile phone. Need for the device reflects that mobile phones are a necessity from an appropriate age for some family situations. In this research we observe that colour of mobile effects on psychological behaviour on student. 83% students like black colour, 13% like white, 3% like blue and 1% like green.
A Study on the Viability of Selected Eastern Nigeria Clays as Oil Bleaching Substitute for Foreign Clays (Bentonite)[Full-Text ] Chikwe Ikechukwu.S, Anyanwu Gogo, Chikwe Oluchukwu. B An investigation into the absorptivity of selected clays:- Ukpor,Nteje (in Anambra State), Inyi,Ekulu (in Enugu State)have been done in June 2017.The result obtained when U.V Spectrophotometer (Spectrum Lab 21A) at 350nm and maximum absorbance of 0.6664 was used show that absorptivity of the Palm Oil by the clays is in the order of: Bentonite > Inyi > Nteje > Ekulu > Ukpor. With Mesh, the clays were sieved into particle sizes of 425µm, 1000µm and 2000µm.It was observed that as the particle size of the clays increased, the absorption capacity decreased. (425µm had higher absorptivity than others) Metal characterization of the clays was also done using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Technique. Measurements were performed using an annular 25 millicurie 109Cd as excitation source, that emits Ag-K X-rays (22.1KeV). As many as twenty eight(28) elements were present in each clay sample. Iron (Fe)had the highest concentration of 6.86%. The average metal concentration as observed is specified thus:Inyi > Nteje > Ekulu > Ukpor Inyi clay is therefore recommended as equivalent clay to Bentonite .Vegetable Oil industries can therefore utilize the four sampled clays for increasing the quality of their Oils which may have been done using other chemical methods which may be hazardous to health.
The Universe is not Expanding[Full-Text ] Inside the view/sketch of the universe, other than the first one with nuclear fusion of the gravitation world from the depth of the past, there have been six divisible of the gravitation spheres/world and the first one is a unit and the rest six are collective viz. (1) Primordial black hole of nuclear fusion of universe (before big bang) (2) black hole named super massive or quasar with nuclear fusion of clusters of galaxies (origin of tremendous radiation dimension) (3) black hole named super nova or pulsar with nuclear fusion of cluster of galaxies (the rest of super nova bang) (4) Normal black hole with nucleus of galaxy or nuclear fusion of constellation. (5) The star or the sun with nuclear fusion of planets. (6) The planet or nuclear fusion of minor planet. (7) The minor planet or moons.
Process Intensification of Waste to Energy Power Plants[Full-Text ] Kazi Naziba Tahsin, Navila Rahman NadiIncreasing interest is focusing on plasma-assisted gasification applied to the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW), especially as it may be a new way to increase Waste-to-Energy (WTE) worldwide. The aim of this paper is to redesign a process intensified MSW waste to energy plant and find out the efficiency, level of external syngas degraded and their technical and economic viability. As a means of process intensification, plasma torch is used which is a way to generate heat, via the passage of an electric current through a gas flow. Plasma technology has been used for a long time for surface coating and for destruction of hazardous wastes but its application to MSW has not been explored fully..
Factors Affecting FDI in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Abdullah Khalid, Sahar Akram ChaudhryThis study was conducted to determine the factors affecting foreign direct investment in Pakistan. It was observed that factors like Dictatorship, GDP_PC, GNI, Exchange Rate and Trade openness affect the inflows of FDI in the country. Time series data has been used for the study and ARDL technique is used for analysis of the data. Dummy of dictatorship has been used for the years of non-democratic government. In this study it has been observed that in the years of Dictators the investment inflows reached at the highest level in the history of Pakistan. Good policies and methods should adopted by government to increase the inflows of investment which can lead the country on the road of development.
Chronic Invasive Fungal Sinusitis With Orbital Complication In Immunocompromised Patient[Full-Text ] Abdullah S. Majrashi, Hadi M. Mokarbesh, Furruqh S. Ghouse, Raed H. Rayani, Ali A. Salawi, Mohammed A. Khormi, Mohammed A. Homood, Ahmad A. Mohajer57 years old male patient, a known case of DM disease on oral hypoglycemic drug, presented with headache and bilateral nasal obstruction with loss of smell for 2 year . After 6 months presented again with same symptoms but associate with painless left periorbital swelling . O/E proptosis left eye , limited eye movement with preserved vision, displacement of the eye downward and to left . Confirmed by non-contrast CT scan of paranasal sinuses and brain which helped in planning the best management option . Diagnosed as a case of invasive fungal sinusitis with orbital complication. His condition needed surgical intervention to avoid further complications.
Coconut Harvesting Robot[Full-Text ] Bhargav Joshi, Bhushan Hurali, Prafful Jain, Sanjay Suthar, Uthej DalavaiPrimary goal of the paper is to aid people in the design of a coconut tree climbing robot for the purpose of coconut harvesting. It is very difficult to climb a coconut tree manually due to the structure and the contour of the tree. Generally trees have branches onto which a person can climb and extract fruits, but not in the case of a coconut tree, where there are no branches for support. Due to the risks involved, nowadays farmers hesitate to climb the coconut tree to extract coconuts. Even the agricultural workers employed for coconut harvesting hesitate to do the job because they suffer from musculoskeletal disorders in the long term. The number of workers who can do this job is decreasing by the day. Hence there is a need for a machine/Robot which can do this job in place of humans. In this paper, we aim to discuss the design a mechanism which is simple and easy to operate.
Embedded Real Time Speech Recognition System for Smart Home Environment[Full-Text ] Leila Beltaifa – ZouariThis paper describes an embedded real time speech recognition system developed, integrated and evaluated in a smart home local box. This work has been conducted in the framework of the project "Maison intelligente". The system work continuously and detect vocal commands coming from headset, webcam and smartphone microphones. Several realistic scenarios are defined, recorded, transcribed and tested. In order to improve the speech recognition rate with the respect to the box memory and speed limitations multiple acoustic models have also been considered.
Performance of SWAT Model for Long-Term Runoff Simulation within Al- Adhaim Watershed, Iraq[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Saleh Al- Khafaji and Mustafa Al-Mukhtar and Ahmed Mohena Runoff estimation is a very important aspect in many water resources issues e.g. Watershed management and flood controlling etc. To this end, the hydrological modelling has been identified as a valuable tool. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used in this study to model the runoff flow in Al-Adhaim River northeast of Iraq. The model was calibrated against daily-measured flow for the period from 1Jan. 1983 to 31Sep. 1984 and validated for the period from 1Jan. 1985 to 31Sep. 1985. Coefficient of determination (R2), Nash- Sutcliffe efficiency (NS) and standardization root mean square error (RSR) were used to perform the statistical assessment of the model performance. The statistical values for calibration of runoff results show satisfactory agreement between measured and modeled daily values. R2, NS and RSR during calibration (validation) were 0.76, 0.75 and 0.5 (0.71, 0.69 and 0.55), respectively. Consequently, the calibrated model was run for a long-term period (1986-2013) to assess the causation between runoff and land cover/land use (LC/LU) changes. Therefore, the model was run once with one LC/LU of 1992 (Case 1); and once with two LC/LU i.e. of 1992 and 2001 (Case2). The two cases were compared by computed statistical value to evaluate SWAT model performance for long-term period. The result showed that there is no effects of LC/LU change on runoff simulation in this area. R2, NS and RSR were 0.99, 0.98 and 0.02, respectively between runoff of case 1 and case2. Therefore, SWAT model can be used for detecting LC/LU changes over a long-term simulation in Al-Adhaim watershed.
SHEAR STIFFNESS OF HANDY LAY-UP GFRP I-BEAMS[Full-Text ] MOHAMED A. KHALAFThis research work mainly investigates the local production of 6 built up GFRP I-beams using Hand Lay-Up production method (since up-till now there is no pultrusion industry in Egypt). Overall stiffness characteristics of these beams will determined experimentally and compared to those manufactured by Pultrusion process. A total of 6 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) built up I-beams were locally manufactured by hand lay-up technique for load-bearing structural engineering applications. For design purposes, both stiffness and strength properties of these structural members are required. The shear stiffness of the locally manufactured GFRP I-beams is considered in the present paper. A procedure is presented to account for the effect of shear deformation on the response of the GFRP beams in terms of an experimentally determined beam section shear modulus. An experimental program was conducted to investigate the stiffness characteristics of the six locally manufactured GFRP built-up I-beams connected with three different methods; bolted, bonded, and bolted/bonded. The ratio between shear deflection and total deflection was investigated. The obtained test results declared the importance of the contribution of shear deflection to the total deflection calculations.
Effet des filtrats de fiente de poulet et boue de vache sur les propriétés physicochimiques et fonctionnelles de farine d’algues vertes (Azolla filiculoidales et Azolla caroliniana)[Full-Text ] DIOMANDE Massé, GROGA Noel, KOUAME Kan Benjamin The objective of this study is to evaluate the physicochemical and functional characteristics of green algae meals. Azolla filiculoides and Azolla caroliniana were selected and cultivated on the filtrates of chicken droppings and cow mud for two weeks. These algae were then dried in the shade for three days and then ground into flour. Moisture, fat, ash, protein, and carbohydrate were determined by AOAC methods [8] and the calculated energy value. The functional properties evaluated are the water and oil absorption capacities, the foaming power, the foam stability and the bulk density. The results showed that the carbohydrate (34-39%) and ash (42-49%) contents of the algae (Azolla filiculoides and Azolla caroliniana) are better than those of other algae. On the other hand, protein (6%) and fat (0%) levels were lower. Chicken manure filtrate increased ashes while cow mud filtrate improved (40%) carbohydrate and energy (183 Kcal). Furthermore, the evaluation of the functional properties showed better properties (water and oil absorption capacities, foaming power, foam stability) for green algae. Algae (Azolla filiculoides and Azolla caroliniana) can therefore be recommended in the manufacture of food for infants and children as a dietary supplement and in the feeding of livestock. This would add value to these little-known green algae.
Assessment of Concrete Arch Dam under Possible Earthquake Loading in Sri Lanka: Case Study on Victoria Dam[Full-Text ] Shobitha Tharmarajah and Kamal KarunanandaAlthough Sri Lanka is traditionally considered as non-seismic country, formation of new tectonic plate boundary in the Indian Ocean about 400-600km from southern shore of Sri Lanka can cause a great seismic threat to existing infrastructures in Sri Lanka. Earthquake happening near south coast of Sri Lanka will have an amplified effect on hilly land region due to faults, lineaments and other weak zones present within the central hilly area. The most critical infrastructure situated in hilly land region susceptible to earthquake is Victoria dam. Victoria Dam is the largest concrete dam in Sri Lanka which was built across the river Mahaweli at Teledeniya during 1980-84. Victoria dam is a double curvature arch dam of 122m of height consist 722million cubic meter capacity of reservoir. Numerical model of the structure is prepared according to the correct dimensions data of the dam. Linear elastic finite element analysis of maximum cross section and 3D model is performed with the computer program sap 2000 (version 19). Static analysis is carried out under self-weight and hydrostatic force. Dynamic analysis is performed based on earthquake load and hydrodynamic load. Three Earthquake records are obtained from PEER data base and Westergaard pressure method is used determine hydrodynamic effects during earthquake. Seismic evaluation process of the dam is carried out for 3D model based on demand capacity ratio and accumulated duration of over stress excursion and spatial distribution of stresses. Results of the analysis are discussed and finally structural strengthening methods of the dam from seismic hazards are proposed.
Effects Of Shadow On Canny Edge Detection through a camera[Full-Text ] Srajit MehrotraShadow causes errors in computer vision as it is difficult to detect objects that are under the influence of shadows. Shadow hides the true properties of objects and instead shows false edges and features. Moreover, shadow causes artificial colour nature and shape deformation of objects, which degrades the quality of image and acts as a hurdle in computer vision and object recognition algorithms. In path detection, strong shadows on the path troubles the detection of the boundary between clear path and obstacles, making clear path detection algorithms less robust. Shadows affect many object and edge detection algorithms. This paper focuses on eliminating the errors due to shadow and varying light intensity in Canny edge detection algorithm.
Quantum Computing and its Efficiency[Full-Text ] Srajit MehrotraQuantum computers have put the best encryption algorithms in dilemma. They have provided a solution to the physical limits of conventional computers by using quantum mechanics and nature to explore the limits of computing and processing. Yet, quantum computers, as of now, cannot be used as a replacement for classical computers. Thus arises the question, are quantum computers really necessary? This paper focuses on providing a basic understanding about Quantum Computers and hence provide an answer to this question.
IMPLICATIONS OF RISING DEBTS STOCK ON SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH IN NIGERIA (1986-2016)[Full-Text ] AGU, BERTRAM ONYEBUCHI, NWANKWO, SIMON N.P. This study examined the implications of rising debts stock on sustainable economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1986 to 2016. The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test was conducted for Unit Root Test. Engle Granger and Johansen Co-integration Test was also conducted to ascertain if there is a long-run relationship among the variables. This study found that Debts stock had a positive and significant effect on gross domestic product (GDP) and exchange rate but this effect in the short- run has a bigger effect when compared to the long-run. Debts stock has a negative and significant effect on inflation rate in Nigeria within the period under study
Assessment of Learning Practices Among the Colleges in Mindanao University of Science and Technology[Full-Text ] Amparo Vedua-Dinagsao, Engr Maria Antoinette BacabacThis paper looks into the assessment of learning practices employed by the instructors of Mindanao University of Science and Technology (MUST). Results of the self-reported skill on the use of the assessment practice when grouped according to their characteristics were discussed. The issues and challenges the instructors deal with are also presented. One hundred forty (140) faculty members of the said university participated in the research which showed that majority are regular employees (74.8%) and the four colleges were well represented.
VLF-EM and Total Magnetic Investigations for Identification of Permeable Groundwater Zones in a Hardrock Terrain, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad, Telangana State, India[Full-Text ] DUBBA VIJAY KUMAR, G. RAMADASS and S. SANTHOSH KUMARVery Low Frequency (EM) and Total Magnetic measurements were carried out in the Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad to delineate structural configuration and trace subsurface fracture zones at depth could represent groundwater potential zones. The present investigation consist of Nine (9) VLF-EM and Total Magnetic (AA1, BB1, CC1, FF1, II1, NN1, OO1, QQ1 and RR1) traverses with 10m interval in an area of approximately 6.58 sq kilometers (1627.32 acres) in a granitic terrain.
Attitude and practice towards anemia among Saudi university students[Full-Text ] Nasser Abdullah al-humaidiBackground: Anemia is the condition in which the hemoglobin level is low in the blood, its considered as one of the most important health problems, affecting people of all age-groups in both developing and developed countries.
Defect and Fatigue Damage in Additive Manufacturing Repair[Full-Text ] Ibim GreenThis research involves the use of additive laser deposition and machining processes to repair Aerospace titanium parts (alloy Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64)) and Ship marine crankshaft surfaces, thus extending the service life of these Aerospace and Shipping parts respectively. The study broadly included preparing the defects, laser deposition, machining, sample preparation and mechanical tests. With the aid of the Universal Testing Machine, comparative study of mechanical properties (Ultimate Tensile Strength, Yield Strength and percentage elongation) of the repaired samples to the ideal conditions was taken. The analysis used a virgin substrate whose Ultimate Tensile Strength, Yield Strength and percentage elongation are 850MPa, 780MPa and 13% respectively. The research result indicates thatthe average value of the UTS and YS from the samples with the cutter pull out defect is 893MPa and 826MPa respectively, which is on a higher side of the ideal values.
Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Gibe-III Reservoir Using Reliability, Resilience and Vulnerability (RRV) Indices[Full-Text ] Melkamu Teshome Ayana, NegashWageshoAmencho, Abdella Kemal MohammedThe main objective of this study is to assess the possible impacts of future climate change on Gibe-III reservoir by using the reliability, resilience and vulnerability indices (RRV-criteria). Three greenhouse gas (GHG) emission scenarios; RCP2.6, RCP 4.5 and RCP8.5 from CORDEX archive were used to generate the future climate variables. A hydrological model, HBV was utilized to simulate the water balance. The model was calibrated and validated at Abelti gauge station using 1985-2004 observed hydro-meteorological data. The performance of the model was resulted with NSE of 0.76. Future climate projection as compared to the base line period (1986-2020) shows an increasing trend for both Tmax and Tmin. However, precipitation projection didn’t manifest a systematic increase or decreasing trend during 2021-2065. The net inflow volume to Gibe-III reservoir was estimated by subtracting evaporation loss from Gibe-I and Gibe-III reservoir from the total flow generated. The result shows an average decrease by 9.8% under all scenarios.
The use of ICT by secondary school teachers of Life and Earth Sciences in teaching immunology[Full-Text ] Aicha Tarichen, Rajae Zerhane, Rachid Janati-IdrissiDuring the past decade there has been an exponential growth in the use of information and communication technology (ICT) wich has become one of the basic building blocks of modern society. ICT have been increasingly embedded in education reforms that aimed to develop students’ skills such as, reinforcing self-training, promoting the construction of scientific concepts, to enrich students' knowledge and overcome some learning obstacles.
Detection of Lung Nodules in CT Images Using Features fusion and Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Hanan M. Amer,Hamdi A. A. Elmikati,Fatma E.Z. Abou-Chadi,Sherif S. Kishk, and Marwa I. ObayyaThe aim of this study is to increase the accuracy of early detection of pulmonary nodules through the development of a Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) system. A comparative study of performance for the most commonly used techniques in feature extraction and classification was performed to identify the technique that gives the highest accuracy and lowest false positives. This study was conducted on the pulmonary nodule candidates directly without removing the blood vessels to design a precise automatic detection system to detect the pulmonary nodules in early stage. The main significant features of the pulmonary nodule candidates are extracted by using four feature extraction technique: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features, Computerized Tomography (CT) Value Histogram (VH) features, texture features of Gray Level CO-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) based on wavelet coefficients, and statistical features of first and second order. To make use of the extracted features, a feature fusion technique was used to concatenate the extracted features together and select features in a new hybrid feature vector. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) search based on the classification accuracy rate (CAR)of the utilized classifier was also applied to the hybrid feature vector. To get the highest classification accuracy, three classifiers were selected and their performance was compared. These are: Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBF-NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Three parameters were used to compare the classifier performance: the classification accuracy rate (CAR) , the sensitivity (S) and the Specificity (SP). The results have shown that using the selected hybrid features vector and the SVM classifier gives the highest CAR of 99.6% and a 0.008 false positive per scan.
Kinetics and Thermodynamics Analysis of the Thermal Inactivation of Three Partial Purified Pectinases (Pectin Methylesterase, Polygalac-turonase and Pectin Lyase) Extracted from Papaya (Carica papaya L. cv solo 8) Epicarp[Full-Text ] ADINGRA Kouassi Martial-Didier, YAPI Jocelyn Constant, COULIBALY Souleymane, KONAN Kouassi Hubert, KOUADIO N’guessan Eugène Jean Parfait, TANO Kablan Three pectinases (pectin methylesterase, polygalacturonase and pectin lyase) were partially purified from papaya (Carica papaya L. cv solo 8) epicarp grown in Côte d’Ivoire and its activity, the kinetics and thermodynamic analysis of the pectinases were studied, using pectin and polygalacturonic acid as a substrates. Optimal conditions for enzymatic studies were determined to be pH 7.5; 5 and 8 respectively and 60 °C; 45 °C and 50 °C respectively. Thermal inactivations of pectin methylesterase (PME), polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin lyase (PL) were examined in more detail between 45 and 65 °C and in relation to exposure time. Denaturation of these enzymes, measured by the loss in activity, could be described as a first-order reaction with k-values between 0.0025 and 0.0516 min. D- and k-values decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing temperature, indicating faster pectinases inactivation at higher temperatures. Results suggested that PME, PG and PL are the relatively thermostables enzymes with a Z-value of 21.64, 20.32 and 27.07 °C respectively and Ea value of 21.85, 20.86, and 20.57 kJ/mol respectively. Thermodynamic parameters were also calculated. The Gibbs free energy ΔG# values range from 89.20 to 91.38 kJ/mol. All the results suggest that these pectinases were relatively resistant to long heat treatments up to to 55 °C.
Experimental and Analytical Investigation of a Cascade Type Passive Solar Desalination System[Full-Text ] Monjur Morshed, Md. Shirajul Karim Majumder, and A. N. M. Mizanur RahmanSolar distillation is a process by which desalination of water is achieved in a solar still that absorbs irradiated solar energy and produces potable water by continuous evaporation and condensation process. In this research, experiments were conducted on a cascade type passive solar still, and collected field data have been used to compare system performance with a mathematical model of solar desalination process. The objective of this research is to study the physics behind solar desalination process for cascade type solar stills, compare the theoretical and experimental performance, and investigate the effect of salt deposition in the still bed. Primary investigation shows that cascade type still performs better compared to conventional stills. Findings show that the temperature profiles obtained from the mathematical model are in good agreement with data obtained during experiments. However, the hourly yield and performance predicted by the model is higher than that off experiments due to the imposed assumptions. The deposition of salts also reduces fresh water production when the still is in operation for consecutive days.
DTMF controlled vehicle for surveillance by image acquisition using Arduino and Raspberry Pi[Full-Text ] Jasojyoti Chakraborty,Manav Rajvanshi,Divya Chandan BabuThe objective of designing this robot is simply to facilitate the humans in the future for security purposes. In the present scenario, there are many recent developments of robotics and communication on a large scale. The robot is in the form of a vehicle mounted with a web cam, which acquires and sends pictures to the user by the means of a web application or a web application gateway. The movement of vehicle is controlled by microcontroller in fusion with DTMF module and L293D IC. Our idea is to make a robot to tackle the hostage situation & the worst conditions which cannot be handled by human being. Hence Humans are moved out from direct exposure to potentially dangerous situations. Robotic system can perform many security and surveillance functions more effectively than humans. The main purpose of this project is to build a surveillance vehicle which can be controlled through mobile phone and surveillance through WLAN. This can find many applications in remote warzones where risk of life is very high. Cellular connectivity eliminates the internet accessibility issues and provides a wide coverage area. It can also be used for non-commercial purposes to keep the track of activities which require remote monitoring. This is the robot whose activities can be controlled by a cell phone from everywhere throughout the world utilizing the DTMF flagging and HTTP protocols.
Association between Stroke type and Hypertension, Diabetes and Dyslipidemia: a 7 years record analysis in northern Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Kareem Saleh Alshammari , Meshari Sultan Alsudayri , Rashed Sattam Al-shammri , Ahmad Sultan Shaheen , Alaa Ayman Altowaijeri , Munirah Abdulrahman Alrobian , Soha Khalil Al Mogaiad Our main objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the association of stroke type with the hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. We also included the relation of some other variables with the stroke type; such as age, and gender. retrospective cohort study. Data of 1298 patients (768 males; 530 females) were collected from clinical records on personal history of major patient who were hospitalized in king Khalid hospital in Hail city southern region of Saudi Arabia, between 2010-2016, suffering stroke according to their stroke type, and the presence of one of the major disorders which are (Diabetes or hypertension and dyslipidemia).
APPLICATION OF SMALL AREA ESTIMATION OF MULTIVARIATE FAY-HERRIOT MODEL (MFH) FOR THE AVERAGE OF PER CAPITA EXPENDITURE IN VILLAGE LEVEL[Full-Text ] Hasbi Nuryadin, Budi Susetyo, Kusman Sadik The National Socio-Economic Survey samples are designed to produce estimates of paramaters of planned domains (provinces and districts). The estimation of unplanned domains (sub-districts and villages) has its limitation to obtain reliable direct estimates.
Development of Lithium Ion Battery with Overcharge and Deep Discharge Protection[Full-Text ] Erteza Tawsif Efaz, Abdullah Al Mamun, MD. Rafsan KhanThis paper mainly represents a design of constant current chargers with overcharge and deep discharge protection for lithium ion and lithium polymer based batteries. Analysis of different battery chemistries was carried out to investigate the batteries availability to consumers for low voltage energy storage system. Lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries were chosen as their robust construction and ease of use greatly improve their appeal in use for small form factor power storage system in different electronic devices. The objective was to design an inexpensive and efficient lithium ion or lithium polymer battery charger which will create appeal to the cost-minded customers. The charger circuit must charge the battery to full capacity while minimizing over charging for extended battery life for complete battery utilization.
Effect of Punch Profile Radius on the Deep Drawing of Flat Ended Cylindrical Brass Cups[Full-Text ] Adnan I. O. ZaidDeep drawing is a secondary metal forming process which is widely used in automobile and air craft industries for manufacturing the body and spare parts. In this paper, the effect of the punch profile radius on the autographic records, thickness strain distribution, maximum amount of thinning, maximum drawing force and the total consumed work in drawing of flat ended cylindrical 70/30 brass cups is investigated. The obtained results are presented and discussed.
PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND MICROBIAL ANALYSIS OF THE SOIL CONTAMINATED BY TEXTILE INDUSTRIES LOCATED IN SANGANER INDUSTRIAL AREA, JAIPUR[Full-Text ] Aastha MalikSanganer town (Jaipur) which is famous for its textile printing and dying, having large number of textile units. The industrial effluents discharged from these textile units contains largely alkalies, residual dyes, starches cellulose, soluble salts mainly sodium and calcium, silicate, oil and other impurities. The industrial effluent, which is being generated from these fast emerging textile and dying units is generally discharged untreated, in Amanishah drainage or onto ground surface, due to lack of economically viable technologies for its treatment. As a result, there is a deterioration of soil and even of ground water quality and has potentials for contamination of other biophysical resources along the discharged area. In the present study attempt has been made to investigate the physico-chemical properties and microbial flora and fauna of soil contaminated with the effluents from textile industries. Uncontaminated soil from forest area (Smriti Van; artificially developed man-made forest) was used as control.
Rebound Effect Evaluation of Commonly Used Footbeds under Repeated Foot Pressure[Full-Text ] Md. Imrul Kayes Limon, Muhammad Naimul Hasan, Md. Masud Rana, Shovon AhmedComfort is one of the most important factors for the footwear wearer. Underfoot cushion provides a great extent of comfort. Several materials have been developed to meet this purpose. But some of those do not sustain under repeated compression. In this study several commonly used footbed materials i.e. EVA foam, latex foam, memory foam and fabricated memory foam were taken for investigation. Several tests were carried out for all the cushion materials to identify the best-suited material that exposed rebound effect under recurrent compression. The tests included density test, hardness test, tensile strength test, tear strength test, wear trial, abrasion resistance test and water absorption test. Wear trial was carried out by making two pairs of sandals and wearing them daily almost 2 hours continued up to 16 weeks with every 4 weeks regular thickness observation. The results showed that the thickness sustainability of fabricated memory foam was the most. Moreover, the performance of fabricated memory foam was found the best in almost all related tests. As the memory foam with backing provides the greatest cushioning effect over prolonged usage, it can be used widely in all types of footwear production to relief from the difficulty of discomfort of the foot.
Overview of management approaches of acute bronchitis in children[Full-Text ] Badriah Omar AlOmari, Hajarkhalid Al Shaqhaa, Arwa Ziad Al RomaihThis article covers a variety of problems surrounding acute bronchitis, including epidemiology and also pathophysiology, along with the management, prevention as well as treatment of disease in children. Much about acute bronchitis in children uncertain and this overview was taken on in order to help build a medical definition to serve as a guide for future studies. MEDLINE, AMED, EMBASE, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library were searched in details (for articles published up to October,2017) for relevant articles in English language were included in the review.
Molecular structure, Potentiometric studies of chenodeoxycholic acid and its metal complexes[Full-Text ] M.A. Hussien, A.A. El-Bindary, A.Z. El-Sonbati, Y.G. AkawyComplexes of Mn(II), Co(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) with 3α,7α-dihydroxy-5β-cholan-24-oic acid have been synthesized. The complexes were characterized. Proton–ligand dissociation constants for ML1, ML2 stability constants at room temperature. The selected geometrical structure of the investigated ligand and its metal complexes are calculated by optimizing their bond length and bond angles‎.
PRIORITY OF INSTRUMENTATIONIN SOUTH INDIAN MUSIC[Full-Text ] Dr.S.Darshanan, S.VimalshankarIncreased usage of unmatchable and unnecessary musical instruments simultaneously in a single Music Composition in South Indian Music is nowadays a tragedy to music lovers. This research is to find out the priority order of the musical instruments used in South Indian Music, taken by a Questionnaire survey from 100 university music students.86% of the respondents enjoy the voice of a song, 84% of them enjoy the tune of the song, 68% of them enjoy the meaning of the song lyrics, 65% of them enjoy the percussion instruments and only 50% of them enjoy the tonal instruments.
AN INVENT TO IMPROVE BULLETPROOF VESTS CAPABILITIES[Full-Text ] Asst.Prof.Ehsan Sabah Al-Ameen, Asst.Prof.Dr. Nadhim M. Faleh, Salam Abdulrazzaq HussienWoven laminated Epoxy reinforced with Kevlar and Glass fiber vest plates are subjected to three types of projectiles with three different masses and impact velocities. An invented phenomenon is adopted by using an air gap between two composite plates. The effect of the air gap gave about 20% modification in the total absorbed energy and momentum which made a good decrease in the bullet speed after hitting the target.