Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017 Edition
Publication for Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017.
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Analysis of Power Supply Operation in a Typical Nigerian Transmission Substation: A Case Study of Ota 132/33 kV Substation[Full-Text ] D. A. Daramola, P. K. OlulopeThis report presents an analysis of power supply operations in a typical Nigerian transmission substation. Ota 132kV substation was selected for the study. The performance and operations problems of the substation were investigated. In order to characterize the substation, power supply to the substation was evaluated using numerical statistical techniques, outage records and basic reliability indices such as mean time between failures, mean downtime, outage rate, reliability and supply availability to the station. In order to obtain efficiency of power supply through the substation, load flow computation was carried out using simulation model created in Matlab. Newton-Raphson method was applied in the load flow computation. The efficiency ranges between 92.3 to 94.4 % for the three scenarios used in the simulation model. The results analyses indicate that load shedding was the major cause of power outages in the substation’s outgoing feeders. Due to both faults and load shedding on these feeders, the outage rate is 0.065 outage/hour and availability is 0.47. The load flow result showed that 200 MVA transformer is needed to service the station as against 100 MVA installed transformer. This is an indication that the present substation is inadequate and needs to be replaced with equipment having a greater capacity to meet present over load and future demand. Therefore, two number of 100 MVA transformers are required to take the total substation load of 200 MVA.
Effects of Maneb (Manganese-BisDithiocarbomate) in cap stage of tooth development in rats[Full-Text ] Mehmet Sinan Dogan, Ahmet Aras, AyÅŸe Gunay, Engin Deveci, Osman Objectives:Maneb contains manganese (Mn), is a fungicide, a nutrient that becomes toxic to humans at high exposures. it has been assumed that maneb's potential for carcinogenicity is due to the formation of the metabolite.The purpose of this study is to investigate the histopathologic and molecular changes tooth structures in the infant rats whose mothers have been treated with maneb during pregnancy. Study design: In this study, pregnant female rats received 250 ppm propineb concentrations in 5 ml distilled water for 16 days of gestation, and then infant rats were obtained by cesarean section. In the histological analysis on the frontal sections, the use of maneb was found effective on odontoblast cell hypertrophia and degeneration in the ameloblast cells. The expression of MMP-2 (Matrix-Metalloproteinase-2) and VEGF (Endothelial cell growth factor) in the connective tissue was evaluated by immunohistochemistry.
Experimental Investigation Into The Use Of Compressed Air For Pumping Of Fluids And The Effects of Geometrical and Operational Parameters (Pipe Diameter, Air flow Injection Rate and Air Injection Depth) on Individual Airlift Pumping Rates and Water Flow Rates[Full-Text ] Ohiwerei Samson Ajayi The chemical engineer is interested in many aspects of the challenges and problems involved in the flows of fluids. In the first place, in common with many other engineers, he is concerned with the transport of fluids from one location to another through pipes or open ducts; this requires determinations of the pressure drops in the system, and hence of the power required for pumping, selection of the most suitable type of pump, and measurement of the flow rates. In many cases, the fluid contains solid particles in suspension and it is necessary to determine the effect of these particles on the flow characteristics of the fluid or, alternatively, the drag force exerted by the fluid on the particles. In some cases, such as filtration, the particles are in the form of a fairly stable bed and the fluid has to pass through the tortuous channels formed by the pore spaces.
PLEURAL EFFUSION IN PATIENTS TREATED WITH LONG TERM HEMODIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Prof.Dr. Lutfi Zylbeari, Prof.Dr.Sadi Bexheti, Mr. Pharm. Sihana Ahmeti Lika, Doc.Dr. Dorentina Bexheti, Dr. sci. Pharm. Edita Alili, Dr. Mr. Zamira Bexheti, Mr. Pharm.Mirlind Behxheti, Prof.Dr. Nasir Behxheti1Chronic Kidney Terminal Injury or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a clinical condition associated with progressive and irreversible damage to the kidney tissue during their various diseases and the urinary tract.As a consequence of the expanded use of long-term hemodialysis and extended life spans, complications of chronic renal failure are encountered with an increased frequency among uremic patients. Such patients may develop many thoracic and extrathoracic problems--most frequently uremic pleuritis and pericarditis, uremic pneumonia, infection, and metastatic pulmonary calcification. Chronic hemodialysis (HD) patients are predisposed to several complications associated with pleural effusion. In addition, uremia can directly cause pleuritis. Among these patients, patients with uremic pleuritis were identified and studied.
Learner Metacognition and Instruction: An Interactive Conceptual Approach in Newtonian Mechanics Instruction in Secondary Schools[Full-Text ] Peter K. KaptingeiSince physics is one of the most important of the physical sciences and plays an important role in technological development, poor performance in the subject in National Examination has been of primary concern. Further assessment on the level of understanding of a concept immediately after instruction has disappointed even the most experienced of teachers on how little their students have learnt especially when instructed using the traditional approaches. As such this study sought to compare the performance of learners instructed using interactive-engagement conceptual approach (IECA) and those instructed using Traditional Approaches (TA). The theoretical framework for the study was based on the constructivist learning theory of Jerome Bruner.
Evaluation of the Effects of Sand and Laterite Excavation in Selected Open Pits in Ondo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ofunim-Omoruyi, B.J, Akande J.M and Olaleye, B.MThe study investigates the degree of land degradation resulting from sand and laterite excavations in eleven selected locations in Ondo State Nigeria. The objectives of the research were achieved through field visitation, digital photography, collection of field data and samples analyses. Well structured questionnaire was also prepared and administered to the people in the field. The collected samples (sand and laterite) were taken to the laboratory for the determination of physical properties, Moisture content, particle density, bulk density, soil texture and the percentage composition of clay, silt and sand and Chemical properties pH, Na, Ca, P, and percentage compositions of the N, P and OM. Water samples were also collected and analyzed in the laboratory using Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS).
CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROM IN UREMIC PATIENTS TREATED WITH LOG TERMS HEMODIALYSIS[Full-Text ] Lutfi Zylbeari, Nasir Bexheti, Dorentina Bexheti, Sihana Ameti Lika, Mr. Dr. Zamira Bexheti, Edita Alili, Sadi BexhetiLong-term hemodialysis (HD) for chronic renal failure began in 1960 with development of the Teflon arteriovenous shunt by Scribner and co-workers at the University of Washington in Seattle. For the next twelve years, the number of patients treated by HD increased only slowly, and dialysis programs were situated mainly in university centers in the United States and elsewhere. Since then, the number of patients has steadily increased in relation to the availability of funding in various countries, and there are now more than a quarter of a million dialysis patients in the United States and more than half a million patients worldwide (1,2,3,4) . Dialysis patients with cardiac disease may need the usual measures to treat cardiac ischemia. In addition to the usual drug therapies, interventions with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, stenting or bypass surgery is indicated for many patients.
Wind Turbine: Solution for Future Energy at Dhaka City (One of the Most Populated Cities around the World)[Full-Text ] Md. Turiqul Islam, Naziah Tasnim, Md. Mahafuzur RahmanThe term wind energy or wind power describe the process by which the wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as grinding grain or pumping water) or a generator can convert this mechanical power into electricity. Renewable energy production and demand growth is gaining momentum in many ways across the world. There is a booming demand of wind power today and all wind energy equipment manufacturers are gearing up to meet the demand and take advantage of it. Wind power is a clean energy source; helps protect our planet by reducing pollution and lowering the amount of harmful emission that contribute to global warming. Above all energy by means of wind is completely renewable and is a domestic source which we need not depend on other countries for. This report will present the scope of wind turbine in Bangladesh. In addition of describing all the testing details and results, the report presents an analysis of our tests for a model wind turbine.
Determination of Antioxidant activity of Mandura Bhasma and Baladi Manduram[Full-Text ] Dr. Kishore Kumar H, Dr. Sridurga CH, Venkata Subbaiah KObjective: Mandura Bhasma is an important preparation obtained by the incineration of Mandura (Rust iron). Baladi Manduram is a herbo-mineral formulation described in Rasakamadhenu Amlapitta Rogaadhikara containing Mandura Bhasma as the major ingredient along with herbal ingredients like Balamula, Satavarimula, Erandamula, Yava, Pippali, Jiraka, Twak, Ela, Patra, Nagakesara and Guda. In the present study, an attempt has been made to find out the antioxidant activity of Mandura Bhasma and Baladi Manduram.
Prevalence of neck pain among undergraduate students of Lahore[Full-Text ] Ayesha Malik,M.Umer Pasha, Sadia khalid, Ashfaq ahmad,Syed Amir GilaniThe main intent of this study was to find out the prevalence of neck pain in undergraduates students.A cross sectional study was conducted which was not derived from experiments. A survey was conducted from the undergraduate students of main universities in Lahore city named as Punjab university of Lahore and University of Lahore.Descriptive statistics focused on bar charts histograms and pie charts were used.Results concluded that out of 402 respondents (56.7%) were suffering with neck pain while (43.3%) respondents were not having neck pain. No association was found between gender and neck pain (p-value 0.351) additionally, there was weaker relation between age and neck pain (p-value 0.785).Neck pain occurring in students was mainly sudden in onset & intensity was mild to moderate of the neck pain. Mostly students were taking medications & physiotherapy treatment for reducing the neck pain.
The Influence of CSR Practices on CSR-HR Capabilities and Organizational Performance among Malaysian Public Listed Company[Full-Text ] Muhammad Nazri Abdul Halim, Hasliza Abdul Halim, Azlan AmranThe issue of social responsibility and how HR plays an important role in executing CSR has become prevalent in the Malaysian government agenda. The combination of HRM in CSR activities is important to be seen as a pioneer and major prerequisite for the realization of national mission and improve the welfare of society. Corporate bodies should take note that CSR is not just helping and giving back to employees only but covers all responsibilities including community life around. Bursa Malaysia commissioned CSR Asia conducted a CSR survey and analysed a random sample of company responses to give an overall picture of where listed companies in 2007 found that companies received low scores and lag far behind, lacking awareness and understanding of CSR concepts as well as CSR issues relevant to their operations. To ensure CSR awareness exists among organizations, the role of HRM should be emphasized. HR managers should be the main actors to make things right CSR activities that are designed to operate successfully.
Effect of sintering time on microstructural and mechanical properties of HA compacts[Full-Text ] Farzana Habib, Shahzad Alam, Muhammad Irfan, Sumaira Nosheen, Hifza AkhtarThe effects of sintering time on mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite, a principal inorganic component of bones and is an implant material for skeletal reconstruction, have been studied. HA obtained from waste material with 5% organic additive incorporation was cold uniaxially pressed at 2500 psi for 3 minutes isothermal hold. The resulting compacts were sintered at 1150oC for different time periods ranging from 0 to 8 hrs.
Usage of mobile phones while driving and its relationship to car accident among medical students of Al-Imam Mohammad ibn Saud Islamic University[Full-Text ] Hamad Abdulrahman AlGaeed,Khalid Abdulaziz AlSugair, Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Dokheal, Mohammed Abdulaziz Alhumid, Mutlaq Mufleh Al Shalawi,Sa’ad Khalid AlMugbelRoad traffic accidents have been a major problem in Saudi Arabia. Being one of the leading causes of death in the country. With the advancement of technology, its accessibility and the demand of keeping up with latest events all of which are attributes that lead to the rise of a new form of distracted car accidents: Hence, augmenting the severity of the problem. This is a cross sectional study of volunteer sampling among 1st, 2nd & 3rd year medical student at Al Imam Mohammad ibn Saud Islamic University conducted in December 2014 studying the prevalence of mobile phone usage while driving, its relation to the importance of the information and forms of using it, in addition to knowing the relation between mobile phone usage while driving and road traffic accidents. Results showed that 93% of subjects were using their mobile phones while driving most in form of calling. 35 subjects were involved in at least one accident while driving. The level of Importance for usage showed that 71of subjects using their mobile phone while driving found it to be a factor, while the 22did not.
Field agrarian survey for Tomato leaf miner insect Tuta absoluta in Nineveh Governorate / Iraq[Full-Text ] Ibraheem M.Aliyas, Mohammed A. Ahmed, Ghanim Y.KasimThe tomato leaf miner(Meyrick) (Tuta absoluta) destroyed Tomato plants in the Northern , Middle and southern region of Iraq , it found in southern and Middle in 2008 before the northern of Iraq in 2010 . Assesses the study the incident of the tomato leaf miner attack by using a survey of questionnaire in the affected Rabia region which consider agricultural area for Tomato located in the Northern part of Iraq by meeting 50 farmers to know the conditions of their spread, reproduction method, life cycle, size damage and control method. a case study of the insect nature were appears the pest attacks tomato leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits.
Physico-Chemical Analysisfor Different Lakes/River of Udaipur City- A Case Study[Full-Text ] Nitish Kumar Rai, Pawan ChouhanThis research paper discusses the water quality parameters for different lakes of Udaipur city. Parameters were analysed during the month of March and April, 2017. For this purpose, five different primary lakes and Ayad river of Udaipur were selected and their physical and chemical water quality parameters were determined. These parameters were determined by normal laboratory methods. For physical water quality analysis, parameters analysed were temperature, colour, odour, turbidity, total solids, total dissolved solids and total suspended solids. And for chemical water quality parameters, pH, alkalinity, hardness, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were analysed. There were little variations in water quality of lakes. These were dependent upon the location and mixing of water into lakes from different sources. Water qualities of these lakes and river are not up to standards. They need to be treated before their use.
To Reveal the Emotional Value of Khanabadosh and Spirit of Huts[Full-Text ] KashifJavedWho defines the standards of living? Is it something that has been given by the society? If it is so then how can people define a standard of living in respect to the space where they lives? Personalization of space not only applies to luxurious homes and commercial offices but people who live in temporary homes like huts and shelters; they also tend to individualize their surroundings. Personalization of space is not dictated or handed down by any authority. It originates from the one who lives in that space, defines it and gives a meaning to it. The individual spending time within a space is actually the one who defines a space and gives meaning to it. This paper discusses the emotional value of people living in huts of Lahore.
Non-Perishable Stochastic Inventory Model with Reworks[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ekramol Islam,Md. Sharif Uddin and Mohammad AtaullahWe considered two stores in the system one for fresh items and another for returned items. Most of the classical inventory models assume that all items manufactured are of perfect quality. However, in real-life production systems, due to various controllable and/or uncontrollable factors the generation of defective items during a production run seems to be inevitable and they should be reworked. In this paper, we considered that defective items will dysfunction before expire date, a service will be provided once it returns to the service center. If the store of rework items is full then the next case will be served at home as early as possible. The arrival of demand for fresh items and for rework items follows Poisson process with parameter λ and δ . From fresh items store, items will be provided to the arrival customer within a negligible service time. When inventory level for fresh items reaches to s an order takes place which follows exponential distribution with parameter γ. When inventory level is zero then arrival customer will be lost forever. The objective of this research is to develop a mathematical model to derive some system characteristics and to investigate the effect ofcostfunction for the production systems. A suitable mathematical model is developed and the solution of the developed model using Markov process with Rate-matrixisderived. Also the systems characteristics are numerically illustrated. The validation of the result in this model was coded in Mathematica 5.0.
Development of Wrinkled Look Faded Effect on Knit Wear through Acid Wash and Investigation on Physical Properties[Full-Text ] AiashaSiddiqua, Md. Mashiur Rahman Khan, FayshalAhammed AkashGarments washing is a frontier area in the field of apparel engineering and contain a great scope for developing new fashion trend. Acid wash on sewn garments is one of the most accepted finishing process which is used to produce irregular fading effects, to improve soft hand feel, also for aesthetic and fashionable look to achieve the buyer standard & expectation. This paper develops wrinkled look faded effect on single jersey 100% cotton knit T-shirt through acid wash (Nylon net bag, Potassium per manganite and Thermocol balls). Typical washing procedures and techniques were followed and analyzed physical properties of wrinkled look faded acid washed knit wear using standard test methods under standard condition. It is found that fabric weight, CPI, WPI increases even though the bursting strength decreases after washing treatment under controlled PH which is 7. There is no change in pilling, colour fastness to wash, water and dry rubbing while a little bit decrease in wet rubbing with improved soft hand feel. This paper developed acid wash on knit wear (T-shirt) with wrinkled look fad fashion appearance.
Identification of Potential Solar Power Production Areas of Pakistan Through Cost Benefit Analysis[Full-Text ] Fazal Muhammad, Muhammad Waleed Raza, Surat Khan, Aziz Ahmed, Faisal KhanThe adequate supply to the increasing demand for electric power generation is constricting due to ever increasing trend in the costs of electricity and the diminution of conventional energy production sources. Economic theory, alternatively, suggests for renewable energy sources such as solar photovoltaic (PV) system and biogas turbines for energy production. Comparatively, a PV system produces electric power costly, at first, to set up; over the years, it has recompense over non-renewable sources available for commercial use. The cost of management and maintenance of a PV system is relatively small in relation to wind and bio gas energy technologies as PV system has longer life time. This research identifies areas for potential solar power production and its venture points in the scale of solar PV grid based on favorable financial analysis of the costs other than non-renewable energy producing means. The comparison is provided on the tool of cost-benefit analysis and the effects on environment by using data taken from sources of Economic Survey (2015-16), WAPDA, and different thermal power stations. The findings have strong policy implications for installation of PV systems on identified potential areas for solar power production based on favorable economic factors of costs and benefits to encounter increasing energy demands with environment friendly attribute of no sulfur oxides waste in the air of green Pakistan.
Knowledge and Attitudes of Parents toward their Adolescents Epilepsy at Middle Euphrates Neuroscience Center in AL-Najaf AL-Ashraf City[Full-Text ] KarrarKadhimJawad Al-Ameri, Fatima WanasKhudairEpilepsy is a global health problem that causes serious problems in children and adolescents, leads to negative results on the physical and psychological level and the associated sense of stigma, and affects the future of adolescents infected with it. Therefore, knowledge of parents about epilepsy is necessary in order to provide the necessary care for their children, which helps in healing the patients.
ASSESSMENT OF THE BARRIERS TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FALL PREVENTION CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE AMONG NURSES IN DHQ HOSPITAL FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Lubna Humaira, Shafqat InayatThe theory of behavioral change in the professional practice of trying to influence the analysis shows that the barriers to change. The purpose of this research has led to obstacles for nurses, an evaluation of the perceived barriers to practice change, and assistants, Faisalabad five acute care hospitals to prevent the fall of a clinical practice guideline implementation. The Clinical practice guidelines for the implementation of the most significant challenges, including: staff and patients' knowledge and motivation, the availability of support staff, facilities, education and health status of patients. Fall prevention in clinical practice Qaeda to use a lot of obstacles. This is an acute care settings to identify barriers to DHQ Hospital Faisalabad clinical practice guidelines in the implementation of the work the foundation for further research.
Contemporary Building Collapse in Modern Society: A Case Study of Buildings in Kogi State of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Obadoyin, S. JThe main purpose of this study is to find out the contemporary building collapse in modern society: a case study of buildings in Kogi State of Nigeria. The instrument used is structured questionnaires. The target population for this study are all the cities, towns, villages in Kogi State. The sample was drawn from all the cities, towns, and villages in Kogi State. The method used was the mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. It was discovered that instability can lead to building collapse or failure in Kogi State of Nigeria. According to Arayele & Adam, (2001) the selecting of materials, components and structures that will meet the expected buildings standard and aesthetic value is paramount. Similarly, it was discovered that defective materials lead to fractures. So, Fredricks & Ambrose (1989) quipped that the overturning of structures owing to heavy wind load, sliding of structures due to lateral loads are major types of failures of building.
Big Data Architecture Framework and Application Tools for Education Institutes[Full-Text ] Paduri Veerabhadram, Dr. Nalina SureshThis paper is a study of the utilization and analyses of huge information on education. However, the massive information and open information technology will actually involve to education sector also. Moreover huge amounts of unused information will profit and improve education system. Academic Institutions of higher education are operating in an increasingly complex and competitive environment. This paper identifies many challenges faced in institutions of higher education worldwide and explores the potential of big data in addressing these challenges.This paper explore the variety of opportunities and challenges related to the analysis and implementation of huge information within the context of upper and higher education.
Molecular Charactrization Of Apple Mosaic Virus (ApMV) Isolated From Strawberry Plants In EGYPT[Full-Text ] R.A. Abd El-Razik, Sahar A.Youssef, Sh. I. EL-Morsy, M. A. EL-Sheikh, and A.A. ShalabyApple Mosaic Virus (ApMV) isolated from symptoms and symptomless strawberry plants and identified with a specific antiserum using Double Antibody Sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA). Survey was conducted through three successive seasons during 2013-20l6 on commercial strawberry fields in four governorates in Egypt. The percentages of infection which recorded through seasons from the survey were 4, 2.1, 2.4% (Al-Dair-region) and 2.8, 5.5, 3.2% (Kafer Al-Sahapy-region) in El-Qalubia governorate. In El-Beheira governorate the percentage recorded 3.7, 2.5, 0.0% (Badr-region) and 1.3, 1.7, 3.7% (Al-Nobaria- region). El- Monofia (Quesna-region) recorded 1.9, 1.6, 2.3%. Ismailia (fayed-region) was recorded 2.1, 5, and 4.5% respectively. ApMV mechanically transmitted from infected strawberry plants onto 16 host species belonging to seven families. Mottling, local lesion, leaf deformation, systemic and dwarf plants were appeared two weeks’ post inoculation on indicator host Cucumus Sativus. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to amplify 262 bp fragment using specific primers for the viral coat protein gene, as a tool for molecular diagnosis. The amplified PCR fragments were cloned, sequenced and compared with other of those sequences available in GenBank. Results observed that, the Egyptian ApMV isolate was A+T, G+C (139, 123) identical content with Yunnan isolate. Obtained sequence comparison with the isolates available in the GenBank indicated that ApMV Egyptian isolate shared 98% identity with Yunnan isolate followed by 97% USA isolate, 95% UK isolate ,94% Turkey isolate, 92% Australia and Belarus isolates, and 89% with India isolate.
Avoidance of Blackouts using Automatic Node Switching Technique through ETAP[Full-Text ] Ishtiaq Marwat, Dr. Faizullah Khan Kakar, Anis Ur Rehman Electric power is transmitted from power generating stations to the far away load centres through high voltage transmission lines. These transmission lines interconnect the power stations and distribution grids.
IMPACT OF BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY ON VALUE INNOVATION: A STUDY OF SELECTED FIRMS’ IN FMCG AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTORS IN SOUTH-WEST NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Odera Ogbogu-Asogwa, Ruby N. Ike, Bamidele S. Adeleke, Geoffrey O. EkojaA fundamental truism gaining momentum in the areas of management discourse is how to effectively grow business so as to achieve a 360-degree opportunities exploitation of both revenue and profit. Long before now, the game rules for surviving in a turbulent environment is through a head-on competition with rivals. Rather than this warfare approach, in this study, we demonstrated the ways in which competition can be render irrelevant through the creation of new market space and business. This very important thought (blue ocean strategy), promises a long-run enhanced business operations.
Role of Biogenic VOCs in Atmosphere for the Production of Tropospheric Ozone in Delhi, India[Full-Text ] Pallavi Saxena and Chirashree GhoshTropospheric ozone is the most abundant of the photochemical oxidants. It is one of the secondary pollutant which is produced during photochemical processes consists of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as its precursors. Tropospheric ozone has deleterious effects on plant as well as human health. Its production in the atmosphere is a non-linear process, therefore it can be produced from various sources. Its very interesting to note that biogenic VOCs (bVOCs) mainly isoprene, α-pinene and formic acid emitted from trees which are produced by vehicular emissions as well as plant species are great contributors of tropospheric ozone.
Influential parameters calculation of vehicles fleet for distribution of beverages with heavy transportation road vehicles[Full-Text ] Ema Berisha-Krasniqi, Ivo Dukovski, Ilir Doçi, Muhamed KrasniqiTransportation of goods with vehicles is a complex logistic process about organization and management of companies that deal with transport and trade. Aim of this work is to present methodology of optimal planning and organization of transportation of goods in order to minimize expenses of distribution and transportation with heavy vehicles that follow predetermined travel routes. For this purpose has been studied and analyzed a case of Local Company that transports final products of liquid material - beer in period of 6 months, starting the distribution from production facility – factory to the 3 distant warehouses-distribution centers.
Floral Diversity and Habitat Assessment of Canbantug Forest, Argao, Central Visayas, Cebu, Philippines[Full-Text ] Enrico L. Replan and Archiebald Baltazar B. MalakiThe secondary forest of Canbantug, covering 49 hectares of forest patch, are one of important habitats for Cebu’s rarest birds. Except for some non-systematic and non-comprehensive rapid surveys conducted in the area, no true plant diversity assessment has been done yet in the mountain. Mt. Canbantug is one of the least botanized karst forest mountains in Cebu as part of the Palinpinon range which is a key biodiversity area. It is safe to say that the plant diversity of. Mt. Canbantug is still unknown. Consequently, the lack of knowledge from these floral resources would mean loss of accounts to biodiversity.
A review on the effect of Rice Husk Ash blending on concrete properties[Full-Text ] Shahzad Asghar Moeeni, Ashhad Imam, Vikas SrivastavaThis paper presents a review on the use of Rice husk ash (RHA) as a mineral admixture in the concrete. Distinctive outcome from several researches have been demonstrated here, particularly emphasizing on the fresh, hardened and durability properties of concrete when blended with Rice husk ash (RHA). The results shown a substantial enhancement in the mechanical properties of concrete when replaced with RHA. It can be concluded that the optimize percentage of replacement with RHA lies in the range of 5-10 % particularly for compressive strength. However the variation of blending goes up to 5-15% in case of split tensile and water absorption of concrete. Sorptivity & electrical resistance also enhances with age and blending percentage.
Review of Communication System Modelling for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Network[Full-Text ] Alade A. A., Ajayi O. B., Okolie S. O., Alao D. O.Communication remains a vital backbone of computer network such as Industrial Control System (ICS), Municipal Area Network (MAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems, isolated inter-company networks and the general worldwide network - the internet. We examine the evolution of communication system model from the forties to the present day. It is observed that while the model evolves, the fundamental role of communication system remains the same which is primarily that of getting the information across (transmits) from the source (sender) to the destination (receiver) with high fidelity. Communication types, transmission media and formal modeling of signal behavior as proposed by Fourier [1] are also considered. The components of the earlier model is compared with the current model and it is found out that variation arises mainly from the inclusion of binary interface that simplifies the process of digitization of source information.
Preliminary Analysis of the Technical Feasibility of Using Spray Dryer in Gypsum Calcination[Full-Text ] Bruno Oliveira, Jorge HenrÃquez, José CostaGypsum’s calcination is the main economic activity of the Araripe region. Its production is comparable to the greatest producing countries and its purity is the best in the world. Despite of already having a great impact in the region’s economy, it has potential to grow even more. From a technological point of view, the calcination furnaces used in the region have been originated in other activities as flour production or cement calcination and, in most cases, they use indirect heating from fossil fuels combustion like firewood, coke and fuel oils. A common aspect in these furnaces is the lack of temperature control and a low thermal efficiency of the process.
Socio-Economic impact on identification and financing transport infrastructure projects[Full-Text ] Muhamed Krasniqi, Verica Dancevska, Naser Lajqi, Ema Berisha-KrasniqiTransport infrastructure projects are largely complex and are both large in size and in financial value, so they inevitably require an extensive preparation, long time for implementation, great financial means, engagement of a large number of people and companies, institutions, oversight, etc. Diversity of financial resources, manner of implementation, diversity of infrastructure (railways, roads, ports, airports) etc. requires detailed knowledge of the projects to achieve the required objectives. Project identification requires detailed analysis and careful approach in defining objectives, volume of activities, funding, etc. The impact of projects on other sectors is different and this should be taken into account when identifying and preparing the project. Some (larger) projects have financial, socio-economic and social impact as well as environmental impact. All of this can have an impact on the overall social relations and the situation in the country or region. The selection of projects of such great magnitude is intensive and important, so often additional special estimates are applied based on economic and other data, in order to avoid all unwanted consequences.