Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016.
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Evaluation of Nanoparticles in Enhancing Drilling Fluid Properties[Full-Text ] Fatimah HaiderAbdulraoof Al-Ogaili, NorainiSuripThe dramatic increase of industrial demand for energy resources especially the petroleum products has drained the existing conventional reservoirs. Therefore, it is needed to explore and investigate the feasibility of producing petroleum from deep formations or unconventional reservoirs that are normally characterized by High Pressure/High Temperature (HPHT) environment which imposes more challenging drilling and production operations. This increment in the surrounding environmental conditions during the deep water drilling operations adversely affects the behavior of drilling fluid. Consequently, it may sometimes lead to unsafe or inefficient drilling operations.
Brain cancer detection using Curvelet Transform and Neural Network[Full-Text ] Dr. Talib M. Jawad Abbas, Mays YousifIn past few years, Cancer is one of the worst diseases in the world causing death of many people. MRI is one of the widely used imaging technique for detection and classification of brain tumors. Typical structure for this proposed system consists of four stages:The initial stage in the proposed system is the pre-processing using Gaussian filter. FCM has been employed in the second stage for images segmentation. The third stage is the feature extraction of MRI images using Curvelet Transform. The fourth stage is classification that classified the tumor of MRI images using Artificial Neural Network to benign and malignant. The recognition rate of this system is 95%.
REMOVAL OF VANADATE FROM INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER USING SURFACE MODIFIED OF ANALOUGES OF ZEOLITE[Full-Text ] Rashmi Tomar, Dr Vandana Kushwah, kamkshee Sharma Vanadium release from speed-steel and in electroplating industries generally. These industries produce huge amounts of vanadium in wastewater that are harmful to the environment and require treatment to minimize the damaging effects on environment life. It is therefore imperative that advanced wastewater treatment techniques, such as adsorption, which are economically and environmentally essential in the removal of this hazardous contaminant from industrial wastewater, be studied. As such, batch and column adsorption modes were investigated. In the present work surfactant modified ZEOLITE ALPHA, ZEOLITE LINDE TYPE A AND MORDENITE as a low cost adsorbent was used to remove vanadium from industrial wastewater. The effects of sorbent dosage, adsorption on removal efficiency were investigated. Up to 90%-98% removal efficiency was obtained when the 0.25 gm of LTA was used having 25 ml of vanadate solution. The synthesized zeolite was characterized using FTIR, XRD, SEM/EDS and PSA. The outcome of this study reveals that sorbent mass, concentration, kinetics have significant effect on Linde Type A zeolite performance.
Tornadoes are just the largest atomizers on earth[Full-Text ] Ronald B. Hardwig, P.EThis paper brings forth new research on just how tornadoes form and what is their source of energy.Over 1,800 tornadoes were investigated as to how, why, when and where they form, what is their source of energy and why they dissipate. Data was collected as to the relationshipofthe overhead jet stream’s height and velocity compared to the thunderstorms and tornadoes developing below. A definite relationship was noticed. The data showed how a tornado will only form in a thunderstorm which is developing under a jet stream with velocity ≥ 57.4 knots, the Tornado Threshold. Research shows that a tornado forms under these conditions because of the streamline flow of the jet stream passing over any mesocyclone/vortex created by the thunderstorm has the air entrained per the Bernoulli Effect and Entrainment, just like an atomizer.
Model of Service Profit Chain of Hospitality Accommodation in Bali[Full-Text ] KomalawatiThis study aims to determine a model of service profit chain for the hospitality accommodation industry and to find the relationships between the variables forming themodel. It is the first iteration of a three-year research, located in Bali’s Badung, Denpasar, and Gianyar regencies. The population in this study were hotel employees in the selected locations. To determine the representativeness of the sample, respondents were chosen based on non-probability sampling technique. Data analysis used include triangulation (mixed methods) using descriptive statistical analysis, SEM-AMOS analysis, and qualitative descriptive analysis. As many as 150 respondents completed the questionnaire in this study.
TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC RESOURCE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY[Full-Text ] Nikolay Ivanov Petrov, Ventsislav Panev DimitrovThe determination of the technical and economic resource (term of service) is a major point of technical operation agricultural machinery (AM). For this purpose they use variety technical and economic indicators. This article presents algorithm for determining the period of service of AM based on the spent funds to purchase (capital losses) and financial resources for the maintenance and repair of technics. Analyzed the impact of individual indicators on the period of service.
Flood Vulnerability Mapping in the Lower Mono River Basin in Togo, West Africa[Full-Text ] Joshua Ntajal, Benjamin L. Lamptey, Jean MianikpoSogbedjiThe Lower Mono River Basin has been identified as an annual flood hotspot in Togo, where human and ecological systems are negatively impacted. As a result, this paper focused on the assessment and mapping of the vulnerability of communities to flooding. Indicator-based assessment, using the MOVE Framework and GIS technique are used in mapping the vulnerability. The use of indicators in vulnerability studies proved as an effective tool for investigating into the social, economic, and biophysical characteristics of social ecological systems. The vulnerability mapping revealed the various levels at which the communities are exposed, susceptible and lack resilience to flooding. It has been found that all the communities in the Lower Mono River Basin are vulnerable to flooding. Vulnerability is directly related to the degree of exposure, susceptibility and inversely related to the capacity to cope and recover from flood disaster. Identifying, helping, and empowering vulnerable communities are sustainable means of reducing disaster risk.
The Emerging Trends in Green Building Construction Practice[Full-Text ] V.Sumateja ReddyGreen building is already widely adopted globally, with strong growth expected in many countries. Globally buildings are responsible for a huge share of natural resource consumption. The building sector has the greatest potential to deliver significant cuts in emissions at little or no cost. Globally buildings account for 9 billion tones of CO2 annually. If new technologies in construction are not adopted during this time of rapid growth, emissions could double by 2050, according to the United Nations Environment Program. The emerging trends in green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of building; energy-efficient, environmentally sound methods are used in design and construction. This paper is focusing particularly on the innovations done in the last few years in the field of green building construction.
Application of Fuzzy inference system to evaluate elapsed time for Generation, Insertion and Retrieval of QR code from Database[Full-Text ] Karnav Shah, Saahil Shah, Tejit Shah, RohitShinde and Mr. SwapnilGharatQR codes have come a long way since their creation, having first been used to help track parts in the manufacturing process of vehicles .This paper provides idea about system capable of generating QR code, inserting and retrieving it from the database. This paper is divided into two phases.In first phase (encoding phase) alpha numeric string is encrypted and then the obtained string is converted to its equivalent QR code image. In the second phase this Generated QR code is later encrypted using AES encryption technique and stored in database. Fuzzy Inference System is used to evaluate the time elapsed in the process from generation to storing in database as well as retrieval of QR Code from Database. Mamdani model of fuzzy inference system is used to evaluate the total time for insertion and retrieval of QR code from the database.
Fresh properties, rheology and microstructure of fly ash geopolymer with acetylenic glycol, a de-aerator[Full-Text ] Revathi T, Jeyalakshmi R, Rajamane N PGeopolymer, also known as alkali activated materials, are used as alternative to Ordinary Portland cementbased materials for construction and other applications. Though these are deployed on a commercial scale production, still number of areas requires scientific study, particularly in the control of setting time, flow ability and rheology. Addition ofSP toincrease the workability , has the tendency to entrain the air that will reduce the performance of GP mixes. The present study fresh properties, strength and microstructure evaluation of geopolymer prepared using fly ash as a starting materials mixed with acetylenic glycol, a non-ionic surfactant is activated with hybrid alkaline solution of SiO2/Na2O of 0.95 without addition of extra water. The experimental results showed that decrease in viscosity with shear thinning on the addition of AG at 0.5% in the flyash that enhanced the wet-ability without affecting compressive strength. A small negative zeta potential (-18.3mev) of the paste confirming the adsorption process which assisting more gel formation and microstructural surface morphology, confirmed by SEM.
Minimized Structure of NOC Router Using FPGA[Full-Text ] Dr.Raaed Faleh Hassan, Riyam Layth KhaleelThe work presented in this paper concerned with the design of a router as a basic component in the network on chip using Very High speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The router in this network consists of five bidirectional ports, one port for each neighbor node and the fifth port is for local processing element. The designed router deals with packet based data transfer which contains the source of data to be transferred, the desired destination and the data itself. A 25 – bit packets are used in each router port. The architecture proposed in this paper supports five connections simultaneously without any communication bottleneck, and improve the speed of communication on NOC router. Examples are presented to verify the behavior of the designed router and the simulation gives the results as expected.
EVALUATION OF THE COGNITION AND MEMORY ENHANCING EFFECT OF VENLAFAXINE IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS[Full-Text ] Bidyut Banerjee, Dr. Babul Kr Bezbaruah , Dr. Mandeep Sarma BasisthaDementia is a threatening menace to our society with no definitive treatment. The cognitive defects in dementia make it very difficult for the patient to perform day to day activities and their families to provide care. The cognitive defects are thought to be related to the neurotransmitter levels in our body. Hence the present study aims to evaluate the effect of venlafaxine, a Serotonin –Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor, in cognition in experimental animals.
Required Capacitance for Wind-Driven and Constant Voltage Self-Excited Reluctance Generator[Full-Text ] M. Helmy A. Raouf, Ahmed khalil, A. B. KotbWind energy is one of the renewable energy that should be used instead of the originally used energy sources. In this paper, the self-excited reluctance generator (SERG) is presented to be used as a wind driven generator, which may be connected to an infinite bus bar. Therefore, its generated voltage must be kept constant however its prime mover speed is variable. The excitation capacitance required for constant output voltage and corrected power factor have been determined. In addition, effects of the speed variations on the load angle, direct axis magnetizing reactance, and the terminal voltage have been studied and then compensated by using the excitation capacitance. The analysis has been carried out using the MATLAB, which is a widely used simulation tool for optimum design and operation.
Power Savings in Green Cloud Environment Using K-Means Clustering[Full-Text ] Abhilasha Sondhi, Dr. Anupama GuptaCloud computing is a new technology which provides data access, storage services and computation as services to the consumers through the Internet, based on the pay-as-you-go model. Green cloud computing spawned to tackle large amount of energy consumption and the rise in carbon dioxide emission. In the present work, there are three processors running on three different frequencies namely maximum frequency of 100%, DVFS (Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) and threshold frequency which handle the various real time and non-real time cloudlets. The cloudlets are clustered using the k-means algorithm where the Euclidian distance is calculated for the three parameters which are the instruction size of cloudlet, the deadline of cloudlet and the cost paid by the customer. Thus, the priority is decided by clustering of the incoming cloudlets on the basis of these three parameters. After quantitative analysis, significant improvement is noticed over the existing system related to power consumption, total processing time, total turnaround time, waiting time and total processing cost.
Implementation of the Service-Oriented Architecture to manage the Big Data with Hadoop[Full-Text ] Mint Mohamed Lemin Zeinebou, Noura AKNIN, Salihi Mohamed LeminOwning to the fast evolution of the Digital WorldThe data do not cease to increase which obligate us to manage Zettabyte of data, therefore we are requested to discover a new design that can adapt with the new volume of Big Data and can make our existing tools evolve .In this article we present a conception that combine several Hadoop with the help of the Service-oriented architecture, to be able to manage the Big Data.
Design of Hearing Aid Using Variable Bandwidth Filter[Full-Text ] Merlin Livingston L.M, Agnel Livingston L.G.X, Jenila Livingston L.MThe auditory system is a very sensitive and complex network. Diseases, drugs, noise, trauma and aging may have resulted in varying degrees of hearing loss, which makes hearing impairments one of the most common sensory disturbances in the world. A reconfigurable filter was designed based on the Acoustic Signal (AS) and the filter bank consists of Dyadic wavelet transform(DWT ), Recursive Least Square filter (RLS),Inverse Short time Fourier transform (ISTFT) and Dimensional lifting Discrete Wavelet Transform filters. Different kinds of Acoustic Signal (AS) can be acquired under different environmental conditions (indoor, outdoor). The indoor and outdoor Acoustic Signal is processed in Frequency Range Reconfigurable (FRR) filter banks. The different type of Acoustic Signal is classified based on the frequency range and Bandwidth. The proposed method can be applied to 3m/5m/10m distance between source and hearing aid acquired signal with different environmental conditions. The proposed system is more efficient when compared with existing DSP based hearing aid. In this paper, a reconfigurable FRR filter bank is proposed with small complexity and acceptable delay.
Quadratic expression that produces only non-square integer and some properties of a Prime, twin primes & wings[Full-Text ] Debajit Das A quadratic expression of x always produces a square integer when the expression itself is algebraically a square expression and in this case its discriminate is always zero. But for a quadratic expression if discriminate is not equal to zero we cannot say that it will never produce a square integer. Now the question is whether or not there exists any quadratic expression which will never produce a square integer. If exists what are the boundary conditions? This paper contains two kinds of quadratic expressions that always produce a non-square integer of an even and odd numbers. It also contains some divisibility properties of a prime and twin prime mainly based on Wilson’s theorem in Number Theory. An attempt has also been made to prove the famous conjecture that a square of even integer when added with one produces infinitely many primes.
Robust Watermarking technique for color image using DWT and Encryption with QR codes[Full-Text ] Rajkumari Oad, Huang Dong Jun, Ammar OadThe paper proposed a color image watermarking scheme based on the encrypted watermark with QR code and DWT. In this research, we employ a dual image watermarking technique with the latest QR codes and cryptography to achieve the requirements of robustness and security. In this method, the first watermark is encrypted by using QR codes with secret key and embedded into the second watermark and then the result is embedded into the cover image. As well as we take some data from the cover image and add it to the second watermark to confirm the validity of the cover file and reliability of watermark. Also, we hide the secret key into the second watermark, advantages of our proposed methodology is that, watermark is completely invisible in cover image as well as the encryption process is quite simple but robust in nature. Finally, experimental results show that the proposed algorithm enhances the anti- attack capability and the hidden nature of the image, increases the security of the watermarking detection, and has maximum robustness to cutting, random noise attack and JPEG compression.
THE COMPUTER MODELING OF BIO-CHEMICAL UNIT OF COUPLING OF ATP SYNTHESIS WITH ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT IN BIOMEMBRANES[Full-Text ] Farkhanda F.Rzayeva, Arif M.Efendiyev, Amirullah M.MamedovDependence of rate of ATP-synthesis on membrane potential is analysed in frames of proton-chemical hypothesis of energy coupling. Mathematical modeling of this dependence is made by means of equivalent electrical circuit of coupling unit. Computer analysis of the model gives the theoretical dependence of ATP synthesis rate on membrane potential in good quantitative agreeing with experimental data, contradicting chemiosmotic hypothesis.
PATHFINDER FOR THE BLIND[Full-Text ] D.O Kehinde, O.D .Alao, A.O. Adejugba, Y. A. Mensah,O.M Somefun, I.E AfonneSo many things can be accomplished with the help of science and technology in which implementing a device that will aid the visually impaired mobility is not an exception. About 90% of the world’s visually impaired people live in developing countries, but Nigeria which is one of the developing countries haven’t thought of providing a mobility aid for the blind.
Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of the Grunt, Pomadasys jubelini (Cuvier, 1830) in the New Calabar-Bonny River, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Agbugui, M. O., OniyeAspects of the reproductive biology of which included the sex ratio, gonado-somatic index, stages of gonadal development and fecundity of the grunt, Pomadasys jubelini in the New Calabar-bonny River were investigated. Pomadasys jubelini had a sex ratio of 1: 2.1 (male to female). Gonado-Somatic Index ranged from 1.33 to 4.41% (2.89±0.03%). High gonado-somatic indices were recorded from September to October. Two stages of gonad maturation, maturing and mature were observed for male fish while the stages of quiescent, maturing and mature were observed for female fish. Fecundity ranged from 9,085 to 37,926 eggs (25,852±176 eggs). Correlation of fecundity-body weight (r=0.15) and fecundity body-length showed that fecundity was more related to weight than length. Pomadasys jubelini spawned during the rainy season between August and October during which large number of fingerlings and juveniles were obtained fresh water and estuarine environments.
Successful Novel drug regimen for pre-xtensively drug resistant (pre-XDR) pulmonary tuberculosis- A Case report[Full-Text ] Jyoti Bajpai, Anand Srivastava, Suryakant Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and xtensively drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (XDR-TB) both are difficult to treat and have become a significant public health problems. We report a twenty two year old girl with pre xtensively drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed by phenotypic drug susceptibility testing with MGIT culture method. We started treatment with kanamycin, linezolid,co- amoxiclav, high dose isoniazid, terezidone, ethambutol& Q-pas for 24 months in which kanamycin was given for first six months .Her subse-quently sputum smear for acid fast bacilli and cultures were negative .We describe the first case of successful treatment of pre-xDR-TB with this novel regimen.
GRID COMPARISON AND FEASIBILITY STUDY OF AN OFFGRID SOLAR PV/BIOGAS/BIODIESEL HYBRID ELECTRIC SUPPLY SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Demsew Mitiku TeferraThis paper investigates renewable energy resource potential study, feasibility analysis and existing grid comparison of solar photo voltaic, biogas, and biodiesel hybrid electricity supply system for a rural community. HOMER is used as a modeling and analyzing tool. Electrical primary loads for the community were estimated and forecasted for the project lifetime. The resource potential of solar, biogas and biodiesel feedstock are studied and prepared for simulation. The common biogas feedstock considered were animal slurry, human feces and jatropha byproducts where as the biodiesel is considered from jatropha seed. In addition to the cost of equipments, the hybrid system power distribution cost was also considered. Grid comparison against the hybrid system was done to answer which alternative was economical. The optimization result of the simulation demonstrates that the best optimal hybrid system consists of solar photo voltaic, biogas generator, biodiesel generator, converter and battery under load following system control strategy. The best optimal hybrid system has initial capital cost $116,197, net present cost of $273,887, levelized cost of energy of 0.175$/kWh. Based on the data obtained from universal electricity access program of Ethiopia, the total capital cost of grid extension was estimated as $140,892 and its operation and maintenance cost is 235$/km/yr.
Evaluation of the in vitro antibacterial effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Scrophularia striata[Full-Text ] Mohammad Mahdi Zangeneh, Reza Tahvilian, Fariba Najafi, Akram Zangeneh, Narges Souri, Marjan Moeini Arya, Saba ZhalehIncreasing bacterial resistance to chemical antibiotics and their probabilistic side effects cause popularity of medicinal plants, so there is an instantaneous and steady need for novel antimicrobial compounds from plants. As we know, there is no documented proof on antibacterial activities of Scrophularia striata (SS) hydroalcoholic extract against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in west of Iran. As a screen test to discover antibacterial properties of the extract, agar disk and agar well diffusion methods were employed. Macrobroth tube test was performed to specify MIC. The results of agar disk and agar well diffusion tests indicated SS have prevented the growth of P. aeruginosa. Also, by increasing the concentration of SS, the inhibition zone increased (p≤0.001). The MIC and MBC values was 0.031 and 0.062 g/ml for SS, respectively. Thus, the present research demonstrates the antibacterial effects of the medical plant on P. aeruginosa, suggesting to use as antibacterial supplement in the developing countries towards the development of new therapeutic agent.
Finite element modeling and its validation using experimental modal analysis[Full-Text ] Hasan Zakir Jafri, Aas MohammadThe determination of vibration characteristics of a mechanical structure is very essential in order to predict the dynamic behavior of a mechanical system. Finite element analysis (FEA) is a well known numerical technique for determining the dynamic characterstics of any mechanical structure. However, the results obtained by FEA are often error prone due to modelling errors or incorrect boundary conditions. In the present work, the experimental modal analysis of a rectangular plate with known geometrc holes is conducted to determine the vibration characteristics. This plate was excited by impact hammer and the response was recorded using accelerometers. The frequency response functions were obtained by conducting Fast Fourier Transform using a 2 channel FFT analyzer. a Modal software was then used to extract the modal properties of the mechanical system. These results in form of vibration characteristics of the system were then compared by conducting the finite element analysis of the plate using ANSYS. The results were then compared and reported.
Adaptive Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay Settings in Real Brazilian System with Distributed Generation[Full-Text ] F. C. Souza Júnior, H. S. Sanca, F. B. Costa, B. A. de SouzaRecently a large number of small units of electric generation are being installed in the electric power distribution system in Brazil, due to the governmental investments on renewable energy. Modifications in the settings of the protection system may be caused by the high penetration of distributed generation (DG) in the electric system and parameterize the protection system for this new setting is necessary. However, this task is being made with much difficulty in many companies which use the conventional methods. In this paper, an adaptive protection scheme is proposed to determine instantaneous overcurrent relay setting. Frequency estimation was used to determine load and power supply changes in a real Brazilian system, and these modifications on the system were used to the adaptive protection block to determine the update on relays settings. The application of frequency estimation methods to adaptive overcurrent protection presented good results and improvements on the protection of the electric system.
Tidal Influence in the Distribution of Discharged Effluents from Port Harcourt Refinery Company in Okrika Creek, Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Anaero-Nweke, G. N., Fei-Baffoe, B., and Ekweozor, I. K. E.Background: Okrika Creek in Rivers State Nigeria has over the years served as the recipient water body for the discharge of refinery effluents. A study was conducted on the creek and its adjoining river to determine the role of tide in the distribution of discharged effluents from Port Harcourt Refinery Company. Methods: Standard methods were used to determine the physico-chemical parameters of the discharged effluents and the receiving water bodies at four selected sites; Refinery effluent (S1), Point of Discharge (S2), Upstream of the river (S3), and Downstream river (S4).
Total oxidation of CO by CuMnOx catalyst at a low temperature[Full-Text ] Subhashish Dey, Ganesh Chand Dhal, Ram Prasad, Devendra MohanThe copper manganese oxides catalyst was synthesized by using co-precipitation method with different Cu:Mn ratio for carbon monoxide oxidation. The drying of the precursor at 120oC temperatures for 12 h in an oven and calcinations at 300oC in stagnant air, flowing air and in a reactive gas mixture of 4.5% CO in the air known as reactive calcination (RC). The CuMnOx catalyst is prepared into different molar ratio like (Cu:Mn=2:1), (Cu:Mn=1:1) and (Cu:Mn=1:2) for oxidation of CO. The activity of the catalysts was evaluated in a tubular reactor under the following conditions: 100 mg catalyst, 2.5% CO in air, total flow rate 60 mL/min and temperature varying from ambient to a higher value, at which complete oxidation of CO was achieved. The decomposition of mixed copper and manganese nitrate in controlled conditions therefore produced CuMnOx catalyst and it depending on the oxygen concentration and flow conditions of gases during the heat treatment. The prepared catalysts were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDX, XPS and BET techniques. The ability to oxidation state and phase composition of CuMnOx catalysts is a key preparation parameter for controlling the CO oxidation.
Optimum Sizing of SPV Powered DC Irrigation Pumps based on Field Conditions[Full-Text ] Basanagouda F. Ronad, Suresh H. JangamshettiThis paper presents a new method for estimating optimum HP rating of SPV powered DC irrigation pumps. In the proposed method hydraulic head, flow rate and efficiency are analytically obtained using field specific data to estimate optimum HP rating. Hydraulic head offered to pump is assessed by accurately analyzing static elevation and pipe network in the agricultural land. The flow rate is assessed by five hours operation of pump to discharge 70% of the crop water need per day. Efficiency of motor-pump assembly, corresponding to maximum head is identified experimentally. A motor-pump, as per the calculated optimum rating and powered by SPV source is experimentally tested in Energy Park, Basaveshwar Engineering College (Autonomous), Bagalkot, India. Tests are conducted for various discharge heads with varying solar intensities. Experimental and analytical results closely match, indicating the optimum selection of motor-pump. The proposed method helps in economic selection of irrigation pump and effective water management.
Synthesis and Catalytic Performance of SBA-15 Supported Catalysts for Oxidation of Styrene[Full-Text ] Vasu Chaudhary, SwetaCu(II) and Mn(II) anchored on SBA-15 were synthesized by incipient wet impregnation technique. The support and catalysts were characterized by using TEM, SEM and BET techniques. Further, the effect of SBA-15 supported Cu(II) and Mn(II) catalysts were analyzed for the oxidation of styrene at different reaction conditions such as styrene to TBHP mole ratio, temperature and catalyst amount using TBHP (tertiary-butyl-hydro-peroxide) as effective oxidizing agent. Styrene oxide and benzaldehyde were observed as the main reaction products. Maximum conversion of styrene (98.9 %) was obtained at styrene to TBHP mole ratio of 1:4, temperature 80 0C with 20 mg of catalyst.
FAILURE ANALYSIS AND REDESIGN OF FORGING HAMMER SHAFT[Full-Text ] Deepak Ramachandran MenonForging is one of the oldest known metal workingprocesses. Traditionally, forging was performed by a smith using hammer and anvil, though introducing water power to the production and working of iron in the 12th century drove the hammer and anvil into obsolescence.
INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF SCREW PUMP (SINGLE-ROTOR HYDRAULIC-MACHINE) ON ITS OPERATION USING DIFFERENT KINEMATIC RATIOS[Full-Text ] A. A. Shamsuddeen, H. Ismail, I. Salaudeen, U. HassanThe appearance of new technologies in the second half of XX century in various industries, the progress of energy and oil and gas complexes caused rapid development of hydro-machine construction.
A Coaxial Cylinder Type Rotational Viscometer- Design and Optimization[Full-Text ] MdRasedul Islam, MdMahbubur Rahman, Shamim Ahmed, MihirRanjanHalderThe history of viscosity measurements is outspread and is believed to date back to when people began measuring the viscosities of engine oils with the advent of the automobile industry [1]. A rotational viscometer is one which can be used to measure viscosity at different temperature. In this treatise, a coaxial cylinder type rotational viscometer (CCTRV) has been designed, constructed and compared with existing one in order to obtain more accurate data of viscosity of any liquid.Actually, a CCTRV is such a type in which a solid (inner) cylinder is rotated inside a hollow cylinder which contains test sample of liquid. The torque experienced by the solid cylinder due to viscous effect of the test sample is measured and hence viscosity can be calculated.The temperature of the sample is maintained by a temperature controlling bath (TCB).The materials need to fabricate this CCTRV were locally available what results a minimization of cost to obtain it. It has been tried to design and construct it with low cost. However, end effecs is a difficulty when design of a CCTRV is taking place. Many scientist developed empirical equation for compensating it. But in the present design, it was escheweddue to having insignificant gaps in the bottom of the CCTRV. Finally, absolute viscosity of different liquid has been measured with the constructed viscometer and made a comparison with a saybolt viscometer and a correction coefficient has been provided.