Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016.
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Analysis of Thermal Conductance on a Two Stage Adsorption Chiller[Full-Text ] S. SultanaSilica gel/water based adsorption cycles have a distinct advantage in their ability to be driven by heat of relatively low, near environment temperature so that waste heat below 100°C can be recovered, which is highly desirable. One interesting feature of refrigeration cycles driven by waste heat is that they do not use electricity or fossil fuels as driving sources and hence are energy savers. From this context, many researchers investigated the performance of advanced adsorption refrigeration cycle which can be operated by the heat source of near ambient temperature (60°C) with the cooling source temperature 30°C.
A Model to design a Product and its Extended Supply Chain integrating PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Solution[Full-Text ] Oulfa Labbi, Latifa Ouzizi, Mohammed Douimi, Youssef AouraThe aim of this study is to propose a new model of the extended supply chain where design of new products is integrated into the process of designing the supply chain. The paper deals with a recent approach that tackles the product and the supply chain design issues at the same time and proposes a methodology of an optimal design of the product and its extended supply chain. We also propose UML conceptual models of the digital mock up where new product design specificities and constraints of old supply chain partners are both integrated.
The impact of a strategy for effective learning in the critical thinking to students in grade average in the history of the Arab Islamic[Full-Text ] Zaid Elwan AbbasDR. JABBAR RASHAK SHNAWAThe research aims to know the impact of a strategy for effective learning in the critical thinking to students in grade average in the history of the Arab Islamic to achieve this chose two researchers design two sovereign chose randomly (lots) a sample of students in grade average in medium El Razi of the Center for the preservation of the academic year (2015-2016) with choir ii, formed the study sample of (60) students by (30) called for each group وكاÙئا statistically researcher between the students of the two groups in a number of variables are (age timetable, artificial intelligence, former collection of history, the test of critical thinking.
PHOTOVOLTAICSWITH NANOTECHNOLOGY[Full-Text ] Ansh AgarwalIncreasing pressure on fossil fuels for energy and their non-reliability in the near future has caused to look towards the renewable sources of energy to meet the present as well as future demands of energy. Many researches are being carried out to find a solution to get clean and reliable energy source. One such renewable source of energy is the solar energy photovoltaic that convert the sun’s energy to electrical and heat energy.
Smart structure application for Euler – Bernoulli beam vibration damping[Full-Text ] Aly M. El zahaby, Ayman Ibrahim Mohamed Bakry, M.A.Kamel, M.Rabea HamadaActive control methods can be used to eliminate undesired vibration in engineering structures like beams and blades. In this paper, the dynamic behavior of a smart beam which consists of an aluminum cantilever beam with piezoelectric patches works as actuators and sensors is studied. The Lead ZirconateTitanate (PZT) is used. The natural frequency of the beam was obtained using analytical method and also by finite element method (FEM) (ANSYS software). The transient analysis of the smart beam is conducted then the active vibration control using proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller) is applied to suppress the beam vibration.
Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii Infection in Domestic and Wild-animals in Korea Detected by Real-time Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)[Full-Text ] Tazminaz Sultana, Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, Ho-seong ChoBackground: Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) is an obligate intracellular bacterium and causative agent of Q fever that has been considered as a zoonotic disease worldwide, animals and humans can be infected by this bacteria. Rapid detection of the infection by this microorganism is difficult due to its two phase’s infection as acute and chronic. Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is an appropriate diagnostic tool due to its rapidity, sensitivity and specificity.
Trust-Based Data Conveyance by Collaborative Spectrum Sensing In Cognitive Radio Network[Full-Text ] G. Elanagai, C. JayasriEnergy efficacious-cooperative spectrum sensing (EE-CSS) protocol based on Trust and Reputation Management (TRM) unit is proposed. This protocol reduces the number of sensing reports exchanged between secondary users and its base station. Trust and Reputation Management unit was proposed to alleviate the malicious behaviour in Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) and to ensure there is no link disconnection in secondary users in the network. The Experimental result shows that the energy consumption in the proposed protocol can be much lowered than other Traditional spectrum sensing method.
The experiment compares the changing mass of the earth between Perihelion (January) and Aphelion (July)[Full-Text ] Donald Louis HamiltonThis is the 2nd year (July 2016) of a 2 year experiment I did to compare the mass of the earth at perihelion (earth nearest the sun) and aphelion (earth furthest from the sun). The results of the 2nd year experiment has confirmed my theory that the earth is slightly more massive around aphelion than at perihelion. I now have confidence that I can predict when the mass of the earth is greater or lesser. The results of both of these experiments (2015 & 2016) indicated that the earth is slightly more massive at aphelion ("test weight" 4511 grams than at perihelion ("test weight" 4505 grams) when considering the galactic motion of the sun. At aphelion the earth (fastest) is passing the sun in the sun's galactic orbit and at perihelion (early January) the sun is passing the earth (slowest). (July 3, 2016 is Aphelion) - Don Hamilton, July 7, 2016
Studying the Liberation Points of the Sun-Earth-Moon System[Full-Text ] A.H. Ibrahim, M.N. Ismail, K.H.I. KhalilThe restricted four-body problem is formulated; liberation points for the system are obtained and compared with those of the three-body problem. A MATHEMATICA code was constructed to compute trajectories for the positioning of spacecraft at any liberation points by numerical integration, using the Runge-Kutta forth order method. The Sun-Earth-Moon model is used as the main system, with the spacecraft as the fourth body. Gravitational forces are considered, while zero velocity curves for the restricted three-body (Earth-Moon-Spacecraft) and restricted four-body (Sun-Earth-Moon-Spacecraft) problems are obtained and plotted.
Influence Of Subsurface Courses Materials On Pavement Performance: A Case Study in Yebu-Agaro Road[Full-Text ] Anteneh Geremew, Prof. Emer T. Quezon, Getachew KebedeThe properties of subsurface materials would vary from place to place while it is true the performance of pavement along the route also differs. The research study had been undertaken at Yebu-Agaro road section with the main objective to determine the Influence of Subgrade Soil on pavement performance. In order to realize the desired objective, a systematic methodology was adopted which includes field investigation, field test and laboratory tests. While the purposive sampling method was used to extract soil samples from the road section that are severely damaged showing different failures types and non-distress surface. Those severe types of failures observed along the road section are reflective crack, pothole, rutting, alligator crack and block crack. From these failure types, five representative samples were extracted at different locations along the failures section and one non-distress pavement of road section using a manual hand auger.
Urbanization and change detection of Kirkuk City, Iraq for Developmental planning through integrated geoinformatics Techniques[Full-Text ] Waleed Mohammed QaderLanduse is influenced by economic, cultural, political, and historical and land tenure factors at multiple scales. Land use refer to the type of utilization to which the man has put the land it also refer to the evaluation of the land with respect to various natural characteristic, but land cover describe the vegetal attribute of land. Land use and land cover data are essential for planner decision maker and those concerned to the land resource management (Ndukwe,1997) Since both landuse/landcover are closely related and are not mutually exclusive they are interchangeable as the former is inferred based on the land cover and on their contextual evidence.
Etude des lois de l’Esprit relative au discours mythique et à la parole chez les peuples premiers[Full-Text ] Cette approche tente de redéfinir à partir de la vision devenue classique si l’on veut bien s’approcher des invariants des lois de fonctionnement de l’esprit humain, de la structure des mythes telle que celle-ci a été démontrée par C. Lévi-Strauss ! (A.S.I 1958)Â
Democratic approach to Hamas Movement Between theory and practice[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. OSAMA M. ABUNAHEL, Dr. AHMED J. Al- WADEYAAfter the victory of Hamas in Palestinian legislative elections, held on 25 January 2006, approximately 70 % of the number of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council, did not want to form a Government alone, knowing in advance that obstacles will be placed in its way to frustrated, so Hamas offered from the outset on other Palestinian factions to participate in this Government, despite ideological differences, differing political agendas of these factions, between them and Hamas religious ideology and its political Programme, that, which accept a Palestinian State on the borders of 4 June 1967, But without formal recognition of Israel, but for a long-term truce. However, the factions refused to participate in the Government of Hamas, hoping failure of Hamas.
Production and characterization of a bioflocculant produced by two bacterial strains by using Response surface methodology[Full-Text ] Nidhi Singh, Jibin Jose, S. Vivek Kumar, Dinesh Kumar andJayanthi AbrahamTwo very potentexopolysaccharidebioflocculantproducing strains were isolated from compost pit and named as JA1 and JA2. They were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence method. FTIR analysis was done to confirm the presence of bioflocculant produced by the two bacterial strains. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize the production medium for increasing biomass production for bioflocculant using a Plackett-Burman experimental design to aid in the first step of optimization. Edible glucose, magnesium sulphate and ammonium chloride were found to be significant factors affecting biomass production. Based on the response surface and canonical analysis, the optimum concentrations of the critical components were obtained as edible 9.7814 g/l glucose, 0.4887 g/l magnesium sulphate and 1.1704g/l ammonium chloride.
Design and Development of a SOLAR TREE[Full-Text ] Mr A P R SrinivasIn this work, a new product called, ‘solar tree’ has been designed to increase the power output by many folds by consuming solar energy. It can be installed on the sides of heavy traffic roadways and on roof top buildings. The tree consists of numerous solar panels connected to one another in series and parallel connections. The solar tree consists of number of branches welded to a stem and each stem has a solar panel mounted on it. It adds up voltage in series and current in parallel connection. The paper calculates the sun earth angles at different times of the day and designs solar tree based on these sun earth angles. It lights up a CFL lamp of 5 watts continuously for much time.
DISTURBANCE OF LIPOPROTEIN LIPASEAE (LPL) IN PATIENTS WITH GLOMERULONEPHRITIS CHRONICA[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. SHEFKET DEARI, Prof.Dr. Dije Deari, Prof. Dr. Nasir Behxheti, Prof.Dr.Lutfi Zylbeari MD, PhDGlomerulonephritis is a group of diseases that injure the part of the kidney that filters blood (called glomeruli). Other terms you may hear used are nephritis and nephrotic syndrome. When the kidney is injured, it cannot get rid of wastes and extra fluid in the body. If the illness continues, the kidneys may stop working completely, resulting in kidney failure. There are two types of glomerulonephritis—acute and chronic. The acute form develops suddenly. You may get it after an infection in your throat or on your skin. Sometimes, you may get better on your own. Other times, your kidneys may stop working unless the right treatment is started quickly. What causes chronic glomerulonephritis?Sometimes, the disease runs in the family.
STABLE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION FRAMEWORK: REQUIREMENT VOLATILITY PERSPECTIVE[Full-Text ] Mohammad Faisal, Dr.Md.Rizwan Beg, Halima SadiaSoftware development life cycle constitutes of various stages, among which collection of requirements is carried out in an early phase. Requirement provides the foundation of the software development process [1]. Requirements form the basis of various software activities such as cost estimation, planning project schedules as well as for designing and testing specifications [2]. Requirements keep on changing throughout the SDLC. These Volatile requirements are considered as a major risk factor during system development. These changing requirements have a significant impact on project schedules & cost overruns. This paper proposes a framework to manage the requirement volatility in this rapidly changing environment.
Discussion of production ‘theory’ best fits in the construction industries with highly efficient in terms of their production and environmental impact[Full-Text ] Saikat MaitiConstruction business holds prime importance for the economy of any country due to its high level of contribution to GDP. There have been a number of revolutions in the industry over the past few years. With the introduction of newer methods and advanced technologies, the approach that is followed has had a number of major changes and modifications. This report explores various trends in the construction arena and makes an attempt to understand how modern building production impacts the environment and the tradeoffs that are made while choosing between the best production method for construction and sustainability of the building.
PREVALENCE OF URINARY SCHISTOSOMIASIS AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOLSTUDENTS IN CHIKUN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, KADUNA STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Nathaniel Yacham Musa, Anthony John Dadah and Auwalu UbaThe prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis among secondary school students between the ages 10 – 15 years was investigated in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Urinary schistosomiasis is caused by Schistosoma haematobium. S. haematobium is a class 1 carcinogen and has also been shown to increase the risk of infertility, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection. Two hundred and forty two (242) urine samples were collected and examined for the eggs of Schistosoma haematobium using sedimentation and microscopy method. Questionnaires were used to obtain demographic data from the study subjects. Chi-Square test for independence was carried out and P < 0.05 was considered as level of significance of association. This study revealed a 12.8% prevalence rate of urinary schistosomiasis based upon direct egg detection method. It was observed that, urinary schistosomiasis has no direct association with the following demographic risk factors; Gender (P 0.144), washing in streams or stagnant water bodies (P 0.102), swimming in river or stagnant water (P 0.889), Walking through a river or stagnant water at (P 0.125), the location of river or stagnant water body close to the houses (P 0.727), the practice of irrigation farming (P 0.303). Individual’s socioeconomic status (P 0.134). The result of the survey indicates the presence of Bulinus globosus in one of the water bodies visited at Angwan Boro. Chikun Local Government Area could be a moderate risk community, based on the World Health Organization (WHO) standard. The direct egg detection method is both sensitive and specific. Unlike other methods it gives the picture of current infection.
Identification of Road Traffic Accident Blackspot locations and its countermeasures in Oromia Region, East Wollega Zone[Full-Text ] Gashaw Fekadu, Prof. Emer T. QuezonOne of the input for the economic development of a country is the expansion of road network, which is important for the transportation of people and freights from place to place. With this expansion, the occurrences of a road traffic accident is increasing in all parts of the world from time to time, killing the lives of many peoples and damage to properties. This problem is growing with the highest rate in sub Saharan African countries like Ethiopia. The general objective of this study is to identify the hazardous locations of road traffic accidents and suggest countermeasures to mitigate the occurrence of road accidents. The study area was conducted in the East Wollega Zone of Southwestern part of Ethiopia in Oromia Region. Districts exposed to high traffic volume are sampled using purposive sampling method. Those sampled districts include Digga, Sibbu Sire, Nekemte town, Wayyu Tuka, Guto Gidda, Gobbu Sayyo, Leka Dullacha and Jimma Arjo. Road accident data are collected from all administrative districts from September 2012 to June 2015 (2005 -2007 E.C), and it was used for the analysis. In addition, a field survey was made to observe the existing geometry, environment of the roadside, traffic flow regulators and markings of the road sections. To rank each of the sample districts, evaluation of Priority value had been used consisting of a number of deaths, minor and major injuries occurred for three years. Based on these parameters, each of the districts was listed from highest to lowest (i.e. Digga, Nekemte town, Sibbu Sire, Wayyu Tuka, Guto Gidda and Gobbu Sayyo) out of the whole sample districts.
THE COMPARISON OF THE INCIDENCE OF HYPERTENSION AND HYPERGLYCEMIA IN CHILDREN WITH NORMAL AND HIGH LEVEL OF BMI[Full-Text ] Ferizat Dika - Haxhirexha, Kastriot Haxhirexha, Ledia QatipiChildhood obesity is increasingly growing problem around the world and is one the main causes of developing cardiovascular complication and type 2 diabetic mellitus later in life.
Carbon Capture and Storage[Full-Text ] Shubham Das, Jayant KumarThe blue planet is thawing and the consequences of climate changes could be detrimental, lest we act very soon it may well turn out to be a grey planet. What if we could prevent the CO2 released from entering the atmosphere? This idea is one of the hottest topics in the field of energy technology and is widely referred to as ‘‘carbon capture and storage/sequestration’’ or shortly CCS. It’s an innovative approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming. If statistics are candid then CCS will contribute to 1/6th of total CO2 emission reduction come 2050 – as quoted by the International Energy Association. CCS enables capture of CO2 from energy intensive industries viz. cement, iron and steel, chemicals and refining, its transport via ships and pipelines and its subsequent storage. The three methods employed for CO2 capture are pre-combustion, post combustion and oxyfuel. Pre-combustion and post combustion involves capturing CO2 before and after combustion respectively. The last method represents storing all the gases produced as a result after burning the fuel in more oxygen. Critics assert post-combustion as the best and there-by affirm it to be applied to any power plant burning carbon based fuel. The liquefied CO2 is transported and stored by EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) practicing companies for tertiary recovery by reducing the oil density and hence mobilizing the oil. These are also used for Enhanced Coal Bed Methane recovery (ECBM), for extracting methane gas. CCS involves storage in deep geologic zones like deep saline formations and depleted oil reservoirs. It is also deployed at commercial natural gas processing, fertilizers production, synfuel production and hydrogen production facilities. Its future endeavors includes storage in basalt and shale basins although much has not been said about the same. Currently, there are 12 active CCS projects, 8 of which are being practiced in US. Investment for carbon capture is scrutinized for being expensive and a wastage of money which could be utilized in perfecting renewable sources like wind energy and solar energy. Furthermore, there exists uncertainty in the CO2 storage regulations which leads to a hindrance in its investment. Is it worth it? It certainly is. How do we know if we don’t try? We ought to implement large scale CCS commercialization with further improvisation in face of what we will lose through climate disruptions.
Analysis of Noise Filtering and Speaker recognition[Full-Text ] Pragati GaurIn this advance technical era being able to speak to your personal computer, and have it recognize and understand what you say, would provide a comfortable and natural form of communication. It would reduce the amount of typing you have to do, leave your hands free, and allow you to move away from the terminal or screen. You would not even have to be in the line of sight of the terminal. It would also help in some cases if the computer could tell who was speaking. If you want to use voice as a new medium on a computer workstation, it is natural to explore how speech recognition can contribute to such an environment. Here we will review the state of speech and speaker recognition, focusing on current technology applied to personal workstations. The objective of this paper is to provide some explanation of the speech and speaker recognition data input of the user. An algorithm which efficiently determines the optimum coordination with H.M.M has been successfully designed with the help of MATLAB. Authentication of the user can be determined by the threshold value being set by the standard variance.
Role of eating habits after treatment of hepatitis “C” patients[Full-Text ] Khalid Mahmood Anjum, Muhammad Ismail, Aijaz Zeeshan Khan ChacharInvestigators suggest that high protein diet or rich energy diet (nitrogen, calories), vitamin B and D, dairy products, fruit, fish and soybean with 5 or more cups of green tea reduce the time of treatment and progression of liver diseases as well as hepatitis C. Some people claim that more than 3 coffee cups with dose PEG-INF and Ribavirin treatment will be beneficial to improve the virology response. To diagnose the effect of food factors which disturb health of reoccurred patients of hepatitis “C” and may support for reoccurrence? A cross sectional observational study was conducted in Department of Statistics at Minhaj University, Lahore, from September 2013 to September 2014. It is concerned with the interlock of inquiry under which research has been carried out. Only those patients were enrolled who again had relapse of hepatitis “C” after getting treatment.
GANDHI’S CONCEPT OF WOMANHOOD: A CRITICAL STUDY[Full-Text ] In the present scenario the empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns of everybody. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of Our Nation, played an important role to uphold the dignity of womanhood, in society. For Gandhi, women were not mere toys or dolls in the hands of men neither their competitors. Men and women are equal and they are together responsible for finding solutions for social problems. He firmly believed that India’s salvation depends on the sacrifice and enlightenment of her women. He was indeed one of the greatest advocates of women’s liberty and throughout his life he stood to improve the status of women in his country. He wanted women to become sisters of mercy by serving the poor and unfortunate. He saw women as a potential force in the struggle to build a new social order as they are the first nursery of human beings and more important than men for the society to develop and grow in right direction. The present study intends to discuss Gandhiji’s thought on womanhood.
EnhancedQoS in Distributed System Using Load Balancing Approach[Full-Text ] Arju Malik, PankajPratap SinghA load balancing approach is undertaken to methodically characterize the average overall conclusion time in a distributed system to improve the quality of services. This comes close toconsider the delays imposed by the communication medium. The load balancing approach is developed to improve the certain parameters of quality of services that dynamically reallocate the incoming external loads at each server. One of the most important issues in distributed systems is to design of aproficient dynamic load balancing algorithm that improves the taken as a whole performance of the distributed systems. Scheduling and resource management plays animportant role in achieving high utilization of the resource in grid computing environments. Load balancing is the procedure of distributed the load betweendiverse nodes of a distributed method to find improved both job response time withreservedeployment while also avoiding a situation where altered of the nodes are deeply loaded while other nodes are idle or lightly loaded. The performance the load balancing approach is shown in a simulated way using progress bars that shows how progress bar at each server performs before using load balancing approach and after using load balancing approach.
An Improved Intrusion Detection System using Random Forest and Random Projection[Full-Text ] Susan Rose Johnson, Anurag JainCommunication plays a significant role in everybody’s life. Computer network is a type of communication network where information can be passed from one individual to another. Most of the services of various organizations, companies, universities, schools are processed via internet. Computer network was developed with a motive to make communication easier amidst individuals. The remarkable growth in network and ease of access to internet increased the security issues in the field of network. As the number of network attacks has increased, the security issues have been affected over past few years. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to watch unauthorized activities through the network. It can organize the unidentified records as regular class or attack class. In this paper, two classifiers random forest and support vector machine along with random projection is implemented. Then the same classifiers are used without the help of random projection. These classifiers classify the unidentified data into attack classes such as probe, DoS, U2R, R2L. The NSL – KDD dataset is used to assess the IDS. The random projection procedure is used to choose the applicable attributes from the data set after which the classifiers random forest and SVM classifies the unidentified data. The performance of IDS is evaluated by the data set. A comparison between the classification algorithms has been made. The outcome shows that the detection rate of random projection along with random forest is approximately 100% which is more efficient than random projection and SVM, random forest and SVM without random projection.
Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance pattern of bacterial isolates among children suspected for septi-cemia and urinary tract infections at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Melese Hailu, Gebru Mulugeta, Daniel AsratBackground: Blood stream and urinary tract infections are the major causes of mortality and morbidity of the pediatric population. Hence the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance pattern of bacterial isolates among children suspected for septicemia and urinary tract infections.
Tillage effects on soil proprieties and plant development in a clay soil in Algeria[Full-Text ] FEDDAL M.A, AMARA M, ECHCHERKI S, BOUDHAR L, BENTAHAR DThis study aims to evaluate the work of assessment methods of soil preparation tools to characterize their actions on the soil structure. The experiment was conducted during the 2015/2016 crop year at the Central Farm of National High School Of Agronomy. The objective of this study is essentially the analysis of the effect of three chains of agricultural tools (chain 1: deep plowing, chain 2: agronomic plowing, chain 3: Working without plowing), for the establishment of a durum wheat, on soil physical properties and the impact on root development and yield wheat. The results clearly show that the technique used has an effect on the evolution of moisture, porosity and cone index. The technique with agricultural labor has the best positive effect on moisture, porosity and soil penetration resistance. Root density is better in plots plowed in depth, root diameter meanwhile is best in the art without plowing, while root elongation is more important in agronomic plowing. it was concluded that the length of roots is strongly affected by soil parameters.
Application of unsupervised clustering algorithm on a data set of Insulin like Growth Factor Receptor sequences[Full-Text ] R Rambabu, Dr. P Srinivasa RaoClustering can be considered as the most unsupervised learning problem. A component being considered in a clustering algorithm is the distance measure between data points in the given set. In this work, we present a modified single and complete linkage clustering techniques were implemented in python language and applied on a dataset of IGF1R (Insulin like Growth Factor Receptor) protein sequences to generate orthologous clusters of sequences and the phylogenetic trees in each case were presented. From analysis, it was observed that IGF1R_XENLA and PIG sequences formed one group in single linkage whereas IGF1R_XENLA and RAT appeared under one clade in complete linkage algorithm.
Biomechanical effect of the use of anti-adhesive membranes on reconstructed rabbit-model flexor tendons[Full-Text ] Konstantinos Katakalos and Dimitrios KapoutsisThe effects of anti-adhesive membranes on repair sites of injured tendons in animal models have been extensively studied especially in recent years. Our study focuses on the biomechanical influence of the anti-adhesive membrane Divide (Johnson-Johnson) on a tendon deficit that is reconstructed with an autologous tendon graft. Totally 14 tendon-specimens were tested under quasi-static tension with the INSTRON 5969 testing-rig. All specimens had been used as autografts to bridge a 3cm artificial tendon deficit in zone II of a rabbit model. Half of the specimens had been coated with the anti-adhesive membrane, whereas the rest had been not. As a result, 7 pairs of tendon specimens were investigated. All tendons had been surgically excised from the right forepaw of a rabbit. For each tendon-specimen the load-extension diagram was obtained. Results showed that after a 6 week post-operatively period, no statistically significant difference was detected in mechanical strength (maximum load before rupture) between tendon-grafts with the membrane and grafts without it (p=0.511>0.05). On the contrary, grafts coated with the membrane resulted in a significant increase of flexibility (greater maximum elongation before rupture, p=0.029<0.05).
Correlation of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) With Index Properties of Soil: A Case Study AtWelkite- Arekit-Hossana Road[Full-Text ] Dino Abdella, TadesseAbebe, Prof. Emer T. QuezonSoil properties vary from region to region and season to season as it appears naturally. Studying this variation in different soil types and origin are a very important task for Geotechnical engineers. To overcome the effects of this variation, the Geotechnical engineers as well as other professionals attempt to develop empirical equations specific to a certain region and soil type in order to use the soil for different purpose. However, these empirical equations are more reliable for the type of soil where the correlation is developed. Hence, it is good practice to develop empirical equations that best fit in the soil available in the area that we can access. On the flexible pavements, sub-grade is considered to be an ideal layer to resist wheel load, and its CBR value is considered as the strength measuring parameter. Conducting CBR test is an expensive and time consuming procedure. In addition, it is very difficult to mold the sample at a desired in-situ density in the laboratory.
A Spiral Structure of Universe[Full-Text ] Suraj KumarIn this paper it has been tried to establish as analogous image of spiral structure of Universe to that of spiral structure of elementary particles [1]. It describes the distribution of potential along the axis of evil of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. The roots of the zeta function are derived from the multipoles of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation which is in turn used to establish the eigenvector for the spiral structure of elementary particles which creates a unified view at both the scales. The geometric pattern in the partial sums of Riemann’s zeta function provides the mirror symmetry between the partial sums and the centre of spiral structures at different scales across the axis of evil of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation which is tried to be quantized with the Approximate Functional Equation.