Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016.
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Child Neglected in the United States and the Social Welfare Policies[Full-Text ] Fadwa AlharbiIn this literature review paper, the researcher illustrates the history child neglected in the United States and its history since 1974 till present. Even though there are several programs and policies have been developed and presented to prevent children form neglected, the number of child neglected has been increased from one year to another. In this paper, the history of those programs and policies is presented and their critiques. Also, the researcher illustratessome alternative proposals that have been presented by some expertise in the field of social work.
Novel Materials from Clay and Functionalized Clay Nanoparticles: Application in Remediation of Lead, Cadmium and Pentachlorophenol from Water[Full-Text ] Marikah David, Wanyika Harrison, Gatebe ErastusThe importance of water purification especially removal of both organic and inorganic contaminants cannot be overemphasized, hence the need to develop water purification materials that are cheap, easily available and efficient. This would ensure realization of the Clean Water and Sanitation Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). The current study involves isolation of clay nanoparticles (CNP) and functionalizing them with Cetylpyridinium Chloride (CPC) and Tetradecyltrimethylammonium Bromide (TTAB) to form C-CPC and C-TTAB respectively, so as to increase efficiency in removal of lead, cadmium and pentachlorophenol (PCP) through batch process. Clay was acquired locally, purified and CNP isolated by sedimentation and centrifugation. The CNP, C-CPC and C-TTAB were characterized using Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). HRTEM revealed a particle size of 12-15 nm for the three adsorbents. CNP had a lead removal efficiency of 88% at initial concentration of 80 ppm and 94% for Cadmium at initial concentration of 50 ppm, while C-CPC and C-TTAB had lead removal efficiencies of 98%. For cadmium removal, C-CPC and C-TTAB had 98.2% and 98.6% efficiencies respectively. In pentachlorophenol (PCP) adsorption, CNP, C-CPC and C-TTAB had removal efficiencies of 85.6%, 87.7% and 84.6% respectively. The findings suggest that isolation of CNP and consequent modification with the surfactants increases adsorption efficiency of clay against the water pollutants.
Economical Implication of Foreign Direct Investment on Development of Stock Market in Pakistan (1992-2015)[Full-Text ] Syed Zeeshan Zafar, Haroon Ahmad, Dr. Tahir Ahmad KhanThis study conducted to analyze the role of “Foreign Direct Investment” in the development of stock market in underdeveloped country like Pakistan. in of some other variables like domestic savings, inflation and exchange rate in Development in Stock Market along with foreign direct investment which our main independent variable. The variables become stationary at level so the model is analyzed by the by simple method named Ordinary Least Square (OLS) by using the time series date from 1992 to 2015 to examine the relationship between variables. Result shows that foreign direct investment and domestic saving have is positively affected to the development of stock market in Pakistan. Whereas rate of exchange and inflation are negatively affected to the development of stock market.
Impact of Physical Abuse on Behavior of School Age Children[Full-Text ] Wameedh Hamid Shaker, Murtadha Kanim A.AL-Jeborry, Ibrahim ALwan KadhimObjective: To determine the impact of physical abuse on Behavior of School Age Children in Al-Najaf Al- Ashraf city and to find out association between the School age Children Behavior and their demographic characteristic (age, gender, Residence, educational level and parents' occupation)
Loss of Offsite Power Probability Assessment using Fault Tree Analysis[Full-Text ] A. M. Agwa, E. A. Eisawy, H. M. HassanThe loss of offsite power (LOOP) probability is assessed using fault tree (FT) analysis. The method combines alternating current (AC) load flow analysis with FT technique. The probability of LOOP initiating event is assessed based on the unreliability of the power delivered to the house load of the nuclear power plant (NPP). Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the constructed FT, the probability of the LOOP initiating event is assessed. The FT results include the importance measures which enable identification of the most important elements of the power system from the aspect of nuclear safety. The effect of modifications on the power system unreliability is evaluated. The verification of the method was performed on the IEEE test system.
An optimization and lifetime improvement using AI in VGDRA Protocol for mobile sink WSN[Full-Text ] Maninder Singh, Ricky DeviIn wireless sensor networks, emergence of sink mobility has been considered as a good strategy to maintain the nodes energy dissipation. According to previous approaches the Dynamic Routes Adjustment (VGDRA) plan that acquires slightest correspondence cost while keeping up almost ideal courses to the most recent area of the portable sink. The proposed plan parcels the sensor field into a virtual matrix and develops a virtual spine structure included the cell header hubs. A versatile sink while moving around the sensor field continues changing its area and associates with the nearest marginal cell-header for information accumulation. Utilizing a set of correspondence guidelines, limited number of the cellheaders participates in the courses recreation prepares along these lines diminishing the general correspondence cost. The proposed approach is to minimize energy utilization and maximize network lifetime by implementing optimization technique Biogeography Based Optimization (BBO) as selection algorithm for route adjustment. The simulation results represented improved network lifetime of existed VGDRA comparison with VGDRA-BBO using ns2 as a simulation tool.
Determinants of Agricultural Sector Growth in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Akram Gilal, Muhammad Ajmair, Dr. Khadim HussainIn this paper, we used annual data from 1976 to 2014 and autoregressive distributed lag approach to examine determinants of agriculture sector output growth in Pakistan. Choice of sample period is based on break up of Pakistan in two parts in December, 1971. General to specific based approach results show that lagged agriculture sector growth, external debt, foreign trade, gross fixed capital formation, gross national expenditures, inflation, population growth and real exchange rate are the relevant determinants of agriculture sector output growth in long run. Residual tests indicate that estimated model is fitted well and is stable over a time.
Study on Drying and Quality Characteristics of Tray and Microwave Dried Guava Slices[Full-Text ] Sneha Tripathy, John Diamond Raj, Mayank MishraUniform sizes of guava (Psidium guajava L.) unblanched, blanched and blanched with KMS samples were dried at three different temperatures (50, 60 and 70°C) at constant velocities and power (20, 40 and 60W). Dried samples were evaluated for quality attributes, viz. moisture content and drying rate. The samples were heat sealed in low density polyethylene bags (LDPE) and stored at room temperature. The initial average moisture content of unblanched, blanched and blanched with KMS samples were observed to be 551.8905% (db). Drying rate of unblanched guava slices had highest at 50°C and 70°C and the drying rate of samples at 60°C had highest for blanched samples in tray drier. In microwave, the drying rate of KMS blanched samples had highest at 20, 40 and 60W. Moisture loss increased from guava with increased in power of microwave and time of drying. The drying rate of guava slices under tray drying decreased as the drying time progressed and finally attained zero drying rates.
EXPERIMENTAL WORK ON STEEL FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE[Full-Text ] Avinash Joshi , Pradeep reddy ,Punith kumar and Pramod hatkerThe various aspects covered are the materials, mix proportioning for M20, M25, M30, M40 grades of concrete. As the concrete is weak in tension, a work has been carried out to investigate the improvement in tensile, shear, flexure, and even compressive strength of concrete and also to investigate the cracking strength and reserve strength of concrete & FRC.M20, M25, M30, M40 grades of concrete have been added to investigate the compressive strength, tensile strength & shear strength of concrete. Steel fibers acts as a bridge to retard their cracks propagation, and improve several characteristics and properties of the concrete. Fibers are known to significantly affect the workability of concrete. The aspect ratio (50) and variable in this study were percentage of volume fraction (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5) of steel fibers. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength of the concrete were determined for the hardened properties. Their main purpose is to increase the energy absorption capacity and toughness of the material. But also the increase in tensile and flexural strength is often the primary objective. A marginal improvement in the ultimate strength was observed. The addition of fiber enhanced the ductility significantly.
Sensitivity Log Analysis of Rock Properties for Fluid & Lithology Discrimination: A Case Study of Gugu Field in the Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Valentine Uwechie, Julius Adesun,Andrew AvwunudiogbaTo mitigate uncertainties associated with conventional approaches in determining lithology and discriminating pore fluids using well logs, a quantitative rock physics analysis has been carried out and presented in this technical paper. Density, compressional wave velocity and shear wave velocity were used as inputs and applied in an integrated approach to identify and delineate hydrocarbon charged reservoirs in Gugu oil field, Niger Delta. Shear wave velocity was derived empirically using the Castagna’s mud rock line relationship. Fluid replacement modeling was used to obtain correct shear wave velocity readings over hydrocarbon bearing zone of the target reservoir. A sensitivity log analysis by means of cross plotting of P-impedance & Vp/Vs Ratio, P-impedance & S-impedance, Lambda-Rho & Mu-Rho, Lambda-Rho & Vp/Vs were carried out to discriminate lithology, pore fluids or both. Cross-plot pairs responded in a unique fashion, showing visible separation and identifiable cluster trends. A cross-plot of P-impedance vs Vp/Vs, Lambda-Rho vs Mu-Rho, Lamb-da vs Vp/Vs gave a clear distinction between of both fluids and lithology discrimination. P-impedance vs S-impedance on the other hand discriminated hydrocarbon bearing sand but failed to delineate brine sand and shale zones. Consequently making it not suitable for lithologic discrimination.
Comparative study on betel nut chewers and non-chewers in Karachi Female[Full-Text ] Tahseen Fatima, Viqar SultanaNumerous studies have shown that long-term chewing betel nut in different form is associated with increases in serum aminotransferases in hepatocellular damage. Which leads to the increase risk of cirrhosis of liver .The habit of chewing betel nuthas been linked variety of problems albuminuria in diabetic patients, disruption of gastric mucosal barriers, aggravation of asthma, induction of pyramidal syndrome, milk alkali syndrome, induction of pyramidal syndrome, cancer of oesophagus and liver and low birth weight of new born babies of betel nut chewing mothers. It also associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and total deaths and clinical ischemic heart disease in diabetic patients. It stains the teeth dark red to black and is thought to cause tooth decay, and cause serious lesions of the mouth and throat.
NumericalCalculation of Leakage and Rotor Dynamic Coefficients for Tapered Annular Gas Seal[Full-Text ] Mohamed KAMOUNITapered annular seals are mechanical devices used to reduce secondary flows in gaps between rotating and stationary parts of turbomachines. However, lateral fluidforces inducedin these seals may cause rotor deflection and vibration whichcan damage the machine. This paper presentsa bulk-flow model to determine leakage and rotordynamic coefficients of tapered annular gas seals. This model derives from theNavier Stokes equationsand uses the Moody's turbulent shear stresses. For a small motion of the rotor about a centred position, the gouverning equations are linearized with respect to the eccentricity ratio leading to zeroth and first order perturbation equations. Theseobtained equations are numerically integrated to determine zeroth and first order perturbation solutions. Zeroth order solution provides theaverage leakage flow. Lateral fluid forces acting on the rotor are calculated by integration of the pressure perturbation along and around the seal. The linear dynamic equation relating reaction force components to the rotor displacement is introduced to determine rotordynamic coefficients of stiffness, damping and added mass. First, the model has been validated on Dunn et al. experimental results of stiffness coefficients for a straight annular seal. Then, the effects of pressure ratio and inlet swirl velocity, on leakage flow and rotordynamic characteristics of a partially tapered annular gas seal,are presented.
Design of Variable Geometry Waste Heat Recovery Turbine for High Efficiency Internal Combustion Engine[Full-Text ] Julius Thaddaeus, Apostolos Pesiridis, Apostolos Karvountzis-KontakiotisThis study was carried out for a 1.25L Zetec-SE DOHC engine model but its application is generic to gasoline engine (light-duty engine) applications. An ORC model with a radial turbine sub-model is implemented in a light-duty gasoline I.C engine model, to evaluate the impact of the ORC with VGT on the engine fuel consumption, net power output and finally the ORC system efficiency as compared to ORC with FGT. The results showed that VGT can improve ORC system efficiency and net power output by an unweighted point of 5.6% and 3.07kW respectively at partial to high load conditions while benefits are even higher at the lower loads therefore making it an attractive technology given its ability to recover low-grade heat and the possibility to be implemented in decentralized lower-capacity power plants
Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance of Undergraduates Students: A case study of the University of Abuja, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ugwulebo Jeremiah Emeka and Okoro Sunday NyecheThis research work is a study on the Impact of Internet Usage on Academic performance of undergraduate students using University of Abuja, Nigeria as a case study. The research design adopted was the survey method using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection. The population of the study was the entire students of the University of Abuja, with students randomly selected from each level making a total sample of 375 students whom were issued questionnaires. Out of the 375 questionnaires distributed, 200 were dully responded to and returned to the researcher. Data collected were analysed using inferential statistics, frequency table and percentage. The findings revealed that Internet is one of the beneficial tools in this era of IT not only for business but for academic point of view and enhances the skill and capability of students which assist them in studies and professional life. It also revealed that some of the problem encountered in the usage of Internet includes lack of computer skills, slow internet server and problem of paying for online services. The study recommends that the university should embark on Information literacy/sensitization programme for student’s in order to effectively harness the various web based electronic resources it is subscribed to.
Ferrimagnetic glass ceramics nanoparticles produced by high-energy ball milling technique[Full-Text ] Nehal A. Erfan, Ibrahim Hamed M. Aly, Salwa A. M. Abdel-Hameed, Barbara J. Muller-BorerIn the present study soft ferrimagnetic glass ceramic nanoparticles (MNPs) were prepared by high energy mechanical ball milling utilizing a planetary ball mill. Various MNPs samples were produced by changing the milling time from 1h to 5h, in the constant milling speed of 1200 rpm. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) analysis were performed to determine the characteristics of primary (unmilled) and milled samples. Using high energy planetary ball milling technique, nanoparticles with a very narrow particle size distribution and uniform spherical shaped morphology were obtained. The average particle size reached after 5 hours milling was 10 nm. Moreover, it was found that the saturation magnetization decreased with increasing milling time. The coercivity decreased and after that increased to reach 88 Oe after 5 hours milling.
COMPARISONS OF THERMAL RESPONSES OF DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE SENSORS[Full-Text ] Delvina Japhet & Kelvin NdaiThree temperature sensors; thermocouple, thermistor and BME280 environmental sensor were developed and their thermal responses were assessed to find out which among the three has a quicker thermal response. When thermocouple and thermistor were touched and then released, the thermocouple had a quicker thermal response than the thermistor, taking 400 ms and 1600 ms respectively. When hot air was blown to the thermocouple and thermistor they both showed same low response spending 1600 ms. When hot air from the hair dryer was blown to both the thermistor and the BME280 environmental sensor, the thermistor took 0.12 computer clock cycles to respond to the thermal energy increase while the BME280 responded instantly after the introduction of the thermal energy change. According to the results obtained in this experiment, the BME280 environmental sensor had a quicker thermal response than the thermistor and the thermocouple when determining thermal energy changes in the air. On the other hand, the thermocouple had a quicker thermal response than the thermistor when used to investigate thermal energy change in solids.
A Divide and Conquer strategy for Document Clustering using Reformed K-Means[Full-Text ] V.R. Mounika, Dr.B. PrajnaClustering documents based on the topic is an interesting challenge. The actual challenge is that a text document comprises of various topics, and hence it is hard to put it in a cluster representing one concrete topic. In this paper an attempt to cluster the documents having variety of topics based on the divide and conquer rule along with a reformed K-Means algorithm which is based on the extracted keywords using cosine similarity is proposed.
Comprehensive Gaseous Hydrogen Storage Reservoir Design Study[Full-Text ] Ammar Alzaydi, Mohammed Alusail, Pratic Patel, Satyam PanchalThe main purpose of this paper is to design the Hydrogen tank which fits in Toyota Prius. The stress analysis and material selection is also reported in this project. The various technical characteristics of Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is also considered in terms of their design, power source configurations, and cost benefits in order to see their socio-economic and environmental impacts. Effects on energy consumption as well as global warming are also discussed in this paper in addition to providing recommendations on how to increase the efficiency of these vehicles which would help to reduce the cost. The scope of this paper is mainly limited to design and characteristic of Toyota Prius Fuel cell tank design. The recommendations provided are fairly general while the analysis and study done can be applied to other vehicles in automobile manufacturing industries.
Subcarrier Level Performance Investigation Of Post Compensated Direct Detection Optical OFDM System[Full-Text ] Divya Dhawan, Neena GuptaHigh data rate demand owing to the extensive internet based applications has compelled the researchers to investigate and explore the advanced modulation formats together with the multiplexing techniques in optical fiber based communication systems so as to satisfy the needs of current applications. One solution proposed which has growing interests in optical communication systems is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). One main short coming of optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing is that it is susceptible to nonlinear fiber effects due to its high peak-to-average power ratio. Several digital signal processing techniques have been investigated for the compensation of fiber nonlinearities, e.g., digital back-propagation, nonlinear pre- and post-compensation and nonlinear equalizers (NLEs) based on the inverse Volterra-series transfer function (IVSTF). Digital Back Propagation suffers from computational complexity due to FFT in DSP domain, Pre and post compensation has complex and expensive design. OFDM based transmission systems suffer from one major drawback i.e high peak- to-average power ratio (PAPR) of OFDM signal. In this paper a Volterra based equalizer is used to perform non linear equalization and subcarrier level performance is investigated.
Performance Evaluation of BigData Analysis with Hadoop in Various Processing Systems[Full-Text ] Ms. Preeti Narooka, Dr. Sunita ChoudharyIn recent years BigData has become most popular area for research and development. In Business, Organizations need to focus towards their data-driven approach for gaining the competitive advantage. When more data is processing, interacting and integrating it provides meaningful data for making good decision.
GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT OF POMADASYS JUBELINI (CUVIER, 1830) IN THE NEW CALABAR-BONNY RIVER, RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Agbugui, M. O., Oniye, S. J., Auta, J., and Bolorunduro, P.I. The mouth, teeth and intestinal tract of 20 out of 413 specimens of Pomadasys jubelini obtained from the New Calabar-Bonny River were examined macroscopically, microscopically and histologically; features of biological interest were captured photo-microscopically. The terminal mouth possessed by Pomadasys jubelini opens up to 20% of its total body length. The mouth has multiserial bands of setiform teeth; the pharyngeal teeth on the roof and floor surfaces of the mouth are modified into smooth pebble-like stones. The intestine of P. jubelini is short, about 50% of its body length and not coiled. Six to seven pyloric caeca were observed in all the species sampled. Histologically, the gastro-intestinal tract (oesophagus to the rectum) consists of the Serosa, Outer longitudinal muscle layer, Inner circular muscle layer, Submucosa, Muscularis mucosa and Mucosa.
Sensor system for a continuously and in real time measurement of soil mechanical and physical properties[Full-Text ] L. Boudhar, M. Amara, M.A. FeddalThe System of Sensors for a continuous and real time measurement of soil strength is a set of electronic circuit made around the Arduino Mega 2560. It consists of an alphanumeric display, a keypad, a conditioning circuit for strain gauges, a Bluetooth module, two 2.4Ghz RF Modules, two pressure sensors, four distance sensors, an electrical soil conductivity sensor, two rotation speed sensors, and GPS. It communicates with an Android system where the application managing all of calculation and decision-making operations is installed. The system embarks on a two-wheel drive tractor. The Android application for calculation and decision-making operations uses mathematical equations developed by researchers linking the cone index to the slip, and the drawbar pull. Information are stored on the Android system that can be a smartphone or a tablet, for later use.
Measurement Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Medical Students and applied medicine toward occupational health hazard in Jazan region,KSA[Full-Text ] Nasir A Magboul, Omar A Madkhali, Ali M Alhazmi, Mohammed F Basehi, Ahmad F Basehi, Albaraa A juraybi, Abdulhameed A alhazmiThe health aspect of the important aspects of the elements of progress and development of societies, Moreover, the number of workers in the health field has gone up dramatically, and has increased the urge for a greater number as well. Therefore, maintaining the level of awareness and safety among the members of this staff is an important condition for continued progress in the field of health services.
DIABETES MELLITUS AND DYSLIPIDEMIA IN UREMIC PATIENTS-TREATMENT[Full-Text ] Doc. Dr. DIJE DEHARI , Doc.Dr.Shefket Dehari, Prof. Dr. Nasir Behxheti, Prof.Dr. Luti ZylbeariDyslipidemia has been established as a well-known traditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the general population and it is well known that patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) exhibit significant alterations in lipoprotein metabolism. In this review, the pathogenesis and treatment of CKD-induced dyslipidemia are discussed. Studies on lipid abnormalities in predialysis, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients are analyzed. In addition, the results of the studies that tested the effects of the hypolipidemic drugs on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD are reported.
Impact of safety in Resin Manufacturing industries[Full-Text ] Bhagyshree Mahendra BhoirIndustrial safety is needed to check all possible chances of accidents for preventing loss of life and permanent disability of any industrial employees, any damage to machine and materials as it leads to the loss to whole establishment.
A Review of Project Risk Management[Full-Text ] Mohamed, H.FSince project risk management is of particular importance in the execution of all projects, special attention should be given to large scale projects as they have many areas of risk through the whole project life cycle. During the preliminary phase of the project life cycle, important strategic decisions are taken thus a professional risk management is needed in this phase to improve the identification and implementation of suitable response actions. This review paper contains a review of recent research relating to project risk management. It presents an overview of the basic concepts in risk management by conducting its different processes, projects lessons learned, and projects debriefing methods. It considers project risk management using the technique of risk breakdown structure. Related areas of risk management in large projects are called upon in this paper so this paper can act as a source document for further study. The risk cube technique and questionnaire survey technique which are two of the simplest and effective techniques in the risk load of the various project elements are discussed within this paper .Finally the risk elements associated with executing large scale projects influence the time; cost, technical achievement, and quality are discussed and concluded.
An Analysis on Class Disruptions in the College of Computer Science, DMMMSU-SLUC[Full-Text ] Agustin R. Veras Jr. and Emely A. MunarEstablishing effective discipline practices is important to provide a good learning environment thus disruptive behaviors within the academic community may be damaging to ignore and must be immediately and effectively addressed. It was the intent of this study to analyze classroom disruptions in the College of Computer Science of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University – South La Union Campus by determining the cause of class disruptions and the corresponding teachers’ responses. A quantitative questionnaire was distributed to the teachers, and students taking up Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, in both the Straight and Ladderized Education Programs of the College of Computer Science (CCS) in DMMMSU-SLUC, Agoo, La Union during the 2nd semester of the school year 2013-2014. Results show that there were behaviors which the respondents perceived to be causes of class disruptions, students of any gender, age and year level may exhibit disruptive behaviors in class, that there were measures implemented to manage class disruptions, and that there was no difference in the perceptions of the teachers and students as to effectiveness of the responses of the teachers and effectiveness of the College policies in place to handle disruptive behaviors.
The influence of walnut flour quantity on the quality of wheat bread[Full-Text ] Rosen Chochkov, Valentina Chonova, Grozdan Karadzhov, Ralica NedelchevaIn the present study influence of addition walnut flour at different concentration (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 15 %) to the wheat bread was studies and the quality of bread was investigated. Based on investigation results it is found that, with the addition of walnut flour to the wheat four at concentrations 1, 3 and 5 % favorable results were achieved, represented by good specific volume of produced bread while, in the other hand, addition of higher percentages (7, 10 and 15 %) lead to reduction in bread volumes. Following a sensory analysis, it is found that the addition of walnut flour in concentrations 1, 3 and 5 % achieved best results compared to the control sample. There is improving in the porosity of bread. For all samples, the characteristic odor was rated as strong. Addition of high concentrations of walnut flour increased intensity of bread crust.
Strategy management accounting in Vietnamese enterprises: TPP integration and challenges[Full-Text ] Hung Tran NgocIt is not accidental when Bloomberg has recently appreciated Vietnam as a “new tiger economy of Asia” in coming future. Vietnam now has so good opportunities when the process of negotiation of TPP should be completed within this year. But TPP not only brings chances but also challenges: how Vietnamese enterprises should survive and compete with powerful competitors such as multi-national corporations coming from over the world, when the trend of M&A in Vietnam seems coming to booming stage.Facing this situation, it requires Vietnamese management boards to apply the new management techniques in order to cope with the change of business environments. One of effective management tools is strategic management accounting.The aim of this study is firstly to examine the difficulties when implementing the strategic management accounting – the gap between theory and practice, and secondly to recommend some solutions for the government and related parties in identifying, building and implementing successfully the strategic management accounting for both of teaching direction and practice. The secondary data and official documents were firstly collected from Vietnamese General Statistic Office, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, VCCI in order to examine how the strategic management accounting had been implemented in Vietnamese enterprises. After that, using the qualitative method we conduct surveys via interviews with representatives of Vietnamese enterprises’ management board such as CEO, CFO …, professors in universities. The findings of this study were argued that the major difficulties on implementation of strategic management accounting were related to insufficient Vietnamese executives’ viewpoint about strategic management accounting as well as staff competency.
Games and Exercises Applied to Rehabilitation Adaptable Environments for Mobility of Elderly People and/or People With Low Mobility[Full-Text ] H. BARBOSA, H. LEAL, A. VIEIRA DE CASTRO, E. CARRAPATOSOThere are several approaches in the area of rehabilitation that invoke technology for a more comprehensive and dynamic learning process aimed at the physical and psychological recovery of a disabled person, with a view to their reintegration and possible recovery. The existence of collaborative tools used to support the rehabilitation by using communication and cooperation between patients, family and therapists on knowledge sharing and collaborative knowledge building has been the subject of studies.
Petroleum Distillation Column Electronic Internal Temperature Controller[Full-Text ] Nosiri C. A., Agubor, C. KPetroleum fractional distillation columns are highly complex and non-linear, with variables changing at different rates. Efficient control of the product of the fractional distillation columns is one of the challenges faced by engineers in the distillation of petroleum raw feed in most refineries. An extreme and frustrating case of this occurs during rainfall and at night when the fractional distillation column external temperature drops, greatly affecting the column internal temperature. The variation in the internal temperature of a distillation column is the most difficult parameter to control in a fractional distillation column system as it exhibits high process and measurement lag and can also be ambivalent as a measure of composition. Consequently, it is difficult to maintain the stability and purity of the distillation column system products in relation to the internal temperature of the column. This research is aimed at designing an Electronic Internal Temperature Controller for a Petroleum Fractional Distillation Column. The material balance and energy balance models have been used to achieve the transfer function and state equation of the system. A suitable fine-tuned PID controller has been designed and integrated to the system. Simulation results obtained based on Root Locus and Step Response show a significant improvement on the performance of the system.