Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016.
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Hyper Spectral Face Recognition Using KPCA[Full-Text ] Siddharth Baburao Dabhade, Nagsen Bansod, M. M. Kazi, Y. S. Rode, K. V. KaleBiometric security is challenging task in day to day life because it is difficult to avoid the fraud. In this research paper emerging biometric trait, i.e. Hyper Spectral Face is considered for human authentication system. There are various visible spectrum of electromagnetic spectral bands are considered for face recognition instead of only three RGB bands. Hyper Spectral gives band wise more finite detail information of face. It is very novel and more accurate than ordinary face recognition system. Hong Kong PolyU Hyper Spectral Face Database used for Face recognition. Kernel Principle Component Analysis (KPCA) algorithm gives prominent features of the Hyperspectral Face Dataset. Extracted features are classified by Mahalinobis Cosine (Mahcos) similarity measurement technique. The Recognition rate calculated on the basis of One Rank Level it furnishes 69.20%.
Review on Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Physical, Chemical and Biological Methods[Full-Text ] Asim Kumar SwainThis report is focused on a brief review on methods of synthesis of silver nanoparticles through green process which are being performed in the recent decade. Nano chemistry being a revolutionary change in the research areas from last few decades has wide range of applications starting from the use of semiconductors to biomedical. The synthesis process of nanoparticles mostly involves hazardous chemicals which are a great threat to the existence of human kind and environment. The development of efficient green chemistry methods for synthesis of nanoparticles has become a major focus of researchers. The beginning of green chemistry is considered to reduce the hazardous effects created by the man-made materials and the processes used to produce them. A quick review on green chemistry issues in the last few decades shows many ways that is ecofriendly, efficient and beneficial for researches.
A Probabilistic Approach to Monitoring Maintenance in Aviation Projects[Full-Text ] Mundhir Nasser Al Alawi, Dr. Ahmad Sarfaraz and Dr. A G MathewThe assessment of equipment reliability during operation and deployment gives a clear idea of the replacement of its component as stipulated, at different time intervals. Thus the prediction of maintenance needs, to ensure desirable level of equipment reliability is of great importance to maintenance personnel. The case studied in this project work illustrates the application and use of an operational availability model that is based on aircraft level information extracted from in-service maintenance data of a fleet aircraft, currently in operation. The data is categorized into four major failure categories, viz. repairable failure (avionics), replaceable failure with delay due to sourcing of spares(avionics), repairable failure (mechanical systems), and replaceable failure with delay due to sourcing of spares(mechanical systems). Detection of a failure from the types given above, affects the aircraft availability and an inspection is carried out by the maintenance personnel to decide the type of maintenance. After the inspection, the repairable failures (avionics, mechanical systems) are dealt immediately. In the case of replaceable failures (avionics, mechanical systems), a delay due to sourcing of spares, is observed due to various reasons. It is this phase of maintenance that seriously affects the aircraft availability.
Extraction of Roads from High Resolution Satellite Images by Means of Adaptive Global Thresholding & Morphological Operations[Full-Text ] D.Sandeep Reddy, Dr.M.PadmajaIn the high resolution satellite images the extraction of roads is one of the important research fields. It requires the very efficient database for road network because in the urban region the road map changes due to the expansion of region. The paper deal with the one of the most important algorithm for extraction of roads is adaptive global thresholding. The proposed work consists of three stages. At first the segmented road region is separated using adaptive global thresholding. In the further stages the non-road pixels are separated using mathematical morphology operations. The algorithm is tested on various high resolution satellite images and the results are obtained. The performance or the accuracy can be calculated based on the parameters like correctness, completeness, quality.
Effects of Textile Dye Waste water on Reproductive System of Mice and their Progeny[Full-Text ] Tanjina Amin, Marya Afrin, Ziaul Haque, Mohammad Rafiqul IslamEnvironmental pollution by textile dye waste water is an alarming issue in Bangladesh. This water is very toxic as it contains dyes, alkalis, heavy metals etc. in high concentration. However, no comprehensive study has yet been undertaken in Bangladesh knowing the effects of textile dye waste water in living animal. This study investigated the effects on the reproductive system of swiss albino mice exposed to waste water collected from a textile dye industry. For this purpose, 24 sexually matured mice were divided into three equal groups- control, influent (untreated water) and effluent (biologically treated water) group. Each group contains six female and two male. The mice were exposed to waste water for 30 days through oral route and were kept in the cages in the ratio of 3:1(female : male). Gross study revealed that, no abnormality found in ovary and testis but there was significant (p<0.05) weight reduction in testes while no reduction in weight of ovary. Histologically, lymphocytic infiltration and displacement of seminiferous tubule from basement membrane were found. The magnitude of these alterations was stronger in the influent group compared to effluent group. In case of progeny, from control and effluent group, dams gave birth 4-5 liters whereas no liter from influent group. From this study, it is observed that significant histopathological changes were found in the testes of influent group which may be one of the causes of infertility of that group. In the progeny of effluent group, no abnormalities were observed. So, from these findings it is concluded that, water from textile dye industry specially influent has a toxic effect on reproductive system particularly on male mice.
Molecular structure, conformation and electronic spectra of methyl-3-methyl crotonate[Full-Text ] Ajit VirdiA systematic quantum mechanical study of the possible conformations, their relative stabilities and electronic spectra and thermodynamic parameters of methyl-3-methyl crotonate (MMC) has been reported for the electronic ground (S0) and first excited (S1) states using time-dependent and time-independent Density Functional Theory (DFT) with BLYP and B3LYP functionals and RHF methods in extended basis sets 6-31G, 6-31G**, 6-311G** and 6-311+G**.
Corrosion Protection Study for some alloys in Saline water using Sputtering Deposition by Silicon Carbide as protective coating[Full-Text ] Khulood A.Saleh, Ahmed H. Al-JobouriThin films of silicon carbide were grown on three types of alloys (C.S1045, C.S1137, Al 5083) substrates using DC glow discharge sputtering technique. The morphological analysis was carried out using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The corrosion protection efficiency inspection of each specimen in saline water (3.5%NaCl) at different temperatures (298, 308, 318 & 328K) have been evaluated using potentiostatic techniques with three electrodes cell. the results obtained showed that the rate of corrosion of all alloys increased with increasing the temperatures from 25oC to 55oC, the results showed that deposition of SiC caused to protection efficiency reached 92.14 % for C.S1045, 96.27% for C.S1137 and 89.91% for Al 5083 respectively in 25oC. Change in the enthalpy of activation & entropy were evaluated. Apparent energies of activation have been calculated for the corrosion process of uncoated and coated alloys by DC glow discharge sputtering technique in saline water (3.5% NaCl).
Operating modes of automated production systems: problems and assistance tool[Full-Text ] MABROUK MohamedCompetitiveness and production flexibility in terms lead to production systems more and more automated and efficient. This causes a higher level of flexibility for the operation of these systems and consequently the limits of the operator appear quickly before these complex and heterogeneous processes. The problems related to the Production Automated Systems operation (PAS) are apparent during phases of use and maintenance of these systems. Most notable are the problems associated with incompatible operating modes, including the reconfiguration of PAS that can intervene in case of a failure in the system, change production, recovery or reintegration. Faced with these problems, it is necessary to develop methods and tools for reconfiguration of PAS. It is our goal through this paper.
Smart Grid House: An Effective Solution to Reduce the Environmental Pollution & Electricity Problem in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Ashfaq Mohammad Saad, Arindam BiswasThis paper emphasizes on innovative ways of using power through everyday activities at home. A green approach uses ambi¬ent energy sources such as solar, biogas, hydropower and active/passive human power to generate electricity for home appliances. In Bangladesh demand of energy is increasing day by day but resources are limited. Maximum cases this energy produced from fossil fuel. Product of combustion of fossil fuel are irreversible. Consequently they are causing harmful effect in the environment causing greenhouse effect and various human health problems. To solve the problem best policy is to use renewable energy. This paper discuss on Nano-grid system energy production. If produced energy is higher than required then additional energy will stored in battery which can be used in night purposes. If production is less than requirement then shortage energy will be taken from grid supply. This paper also emphasizing on how produced energy can be converted into Alternative Current (AC) without storage.
MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF POLICE OFFICERS IN REGION XII AS DETERMINANTS OF ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE: BASIS FOR AN INTERVENTION PLAN[Full-Text ] GERMAN BUSANO GUAZA, WILLIAM A. REVISA, EUGENIO S. GUHAOThe study aimed to determine the levels of management skills and organizational performance of police officers and to ascertain if management skills were significant determinants of organizational performance among 416 police officers in Region XII (SOCKSARGEN), Philippines through stratified sampling. This study employed quantitative non experimental research design utilizing descriptive correlation technique. The statistical tools used were mean, pearson r and regression technique. It was found out that the management skills of police officers in the Region were generally very satisfactory, while the level of their organizational performance was satisfactory. Significant relationship between management skills and organizational performance was evident in the study. Further, analysis resulted to the findings that management skills in their entirety were significant determinants of organizational performance. An intervention plan was crafted based on the results of the study.
Granular Characterization of Stoichiometric Hydroxyapatite Powder Prepared by the Neutralization Method at Neutral pH and Room Temperature[Full-Text ] F. Abida, M. Elassfouri, M. Ilou, M. Jamil, B. El ouatli , M. Ezzahmouly, Z.HatimThe precipitation process of the stoichiometric hydroxyapatite in aqueous medium is strongly influenced by the method of preparation and by the operating conditions, and a wide range of apatitic structure of products having calcium / phosphorus ratio and different granular properties can be obtained. This work relates to the characterization of stoichiometric hydroxyapatite powder prepared by the method of neutralization in large quantities at 22°C and at neutral pH. Using the current analysis techniques, we will describe the composition, morphology and dispersion of the grain according to the various preparation steps. The prepared powder formed of nanoscale particles of acicular form, has an atomic ratio Ca/P of 1.664 ± 0.003, a specific surface area of 81.3 ± 0.5m2/g and a density of 2.923 ± 0.019g/cm3. The study of the particle size distribution shows an evolution by grow and agglomeration of the fine particles, obtained before drying, to multimodal populations obtained after drying. The heat treatment of the powder shows a dehydroxylation between 950°C and 1300°C and a decomposition to tricalcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) and tetra-calcium phosphate (Ca4(PO4)2O) at 1450°C.
EFFECT OF INPUT CURRENT AND THE RECEIVER - TRANSMITTER DISTANCE ON THE VOLTAGE DETECTED BY INFRARED RECEIVER[Full-Text ] This paper investigates the effect of the input current and the distance of separation between the IR transmitter and IR receiver on the voltage detected by infrared (IR) receiver Line-of-Sight IR propagation. The research was carried out using IR533C IR transmitter and FDS 100 IR receiver. Regulated digital power supply was used to provide stable 5V supply to the transmitter circuit. A 5V, 100kHz square wave from the signal generator was used to switch the BC338 transistor to modulate the frequency of the IR transmitter. The resistance of the potentiometer was varied from 27Ω to 117Ω. Two high precision digital voltmeters were used in the measurement of the detected voltage and the voltage drop across the potentiometer. The IR transmitter input current was calculated by dividing the voltage drop across the potentiometer by the potentiometer resistance. The distance separating the IR transmitter and IR receiver was varied from 1.4cm to 4.4cm. From the result obtained, it was observed that the voltage detected by the IR receiver increases with the increase in the magnitude of the input current applied to the transmitter. It was also observed that the magnitude of the detected voltage decreases with the increase in the distance separating the transmitter and receiver.
Anthropometric Approach to child Poverty: Assessing Nutritional Status and Vulnerability to Child Malnutrition; Evidence from Assela, Adama and Modjo towns[Full-Text ] Alemayehu EthiopiaThis study will explore the extent of nutritional poverty in Adama, Assela and Modjo towns using micro analytical anthropometrics indices like wasting, stunting, underweight and vulnerability to malnutrition models. In the contemporary world income poverty level of individual is too shallow to explain the overall welfare. These measures are different from traditional income/consumption measures of poverty because they capture wider dimension of poverty and living standard. Growth status of children can clearly implicate the degree of short term exposure to risk and disturbances and long term malnutrition. Moreover, the study will explore pushing factors behind nutritional poverty. Development of the country can only be taken to the peak as long as we settle nutritional system to international standard level development of family that can ensure futuristic, thoughtful and innovative future generation. Econometrics models like logistic and weighted feasible linear regression models have been used to estimate parameters and its correlates in the three towns. Result of the model proves that about 55% of children in the three towns are vulnerable to malnutrition regardless of living standard of their family. Children and family related assets, length of breast feed, food intake level, growth environment and education level are negatively affecting vulnerability to malnutrition, wasting, stunting and underweight of children while fosterage, income inequality, birth order, family size are positively influencing child poverty. It has been widely and deeply observed that children from these towns are highly vulnerable to nutritional poverty. Therefore, food price inflation should be kept minimum to guarantee easy food access by all individuals living in the country to have mentally and physically developed children.
The Role of Sodium Phenylbutyratein Modifying the Methylome of Breast Cancer Cells[Full-Text ] Hussein Sabit, Aya T. El-Garhy, and Mokhtar M. El-ZawahrySodium phenylbutyrate is one of the histone deacetylase inhibitors that play a role as an anti-cancer agent. One of the diseases that could be challenged with sodium phenylbutyrate is breast cancer, which is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in females worldwide. In the present study, the role of sodium phenylbutyrate was investigated along with different chemotherapeutic drugs in controlling breast cancer cells (MCF-7). Two concentrations were used in the current study; 3µM and 5µM. Trypan blue test was employed to assess the viability of the cells after treatment. On the epigenetic level, global methylation has been quantified in the treated cells and compared to the control. Results obtained indicated that the number of viable cells havegenerally decreased significantly (p<0.05) after treating the cells with drug combinations composed of sodium phenylbutyrate, sodium phenylbutyrate combined with procaine, sodium phenylbutyrate combined with carboplatin, sodium phenylbutyrate combined with cyclophosphamide, and sodium phenylbutyrate combined with temozolomide. The global methylation pattern was also assessed, and all the combinations applied have modified the methylation pattern of the cells. Different combinations have increased/decreased the concentration of 5-MethylCytidine significantly compared to control. This study conclude that the most effective treatment was sodium phenylbutyrate when applied solely at a concentration of 3µM and sodium phenylbutyrate combined with cyclophosphamide at 3µM for further in vivo investigations.
A Study of Water Crisis and Occupational Health Hazards among Bidi workers of Purulia, West Bengal[Full-Text ] Dr. Maniklal Adhikary, Chandrasekhar HajraBidi rolling is a popular small-scale industry in Purulia which provides employment for over 1 lakh women bidi workers, particularly in the Purulia west region. Purulia west is a sub division of the Purulia district which, comes under extended part of Chhotonagpur Platue, where major population are of low socio-economic status especially in rural area. A large section of population is dependent of bidi rolling for their survival. A descriptive cross-sectional study has been used to assess the impact of access to sanitation facilities and to safe usable water on the occupational health problems among bidi workers.
MOBILE APPLICATION: DIGITIZED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL IN EDF-204 STATISTICS IN EDUCATION[Full-Text ] Dr. Isidro L. DuranMobile technologies facilitates communication with other people any time in any place. Also, it enables easy access of information and data sharing worldwide. Consequently, mobile applications are embedded in the teaching and learning process of teachers and students. Subsequently, the evolution of newer versions of mobile phone technology and development of such academic related software applications are evidences of innovations in the teaching and learning process. So, a project study “Mobile Application: Digitized Instructional Materials in EDF 204-Statistics in Education” was conducted. Specifically the following objectives gave better perspective of the study: to assess the level of readiness and acceptability of the graduate students on the use of digitized instructional materials using mobile phones; to develop a mobile application on Statistics in Education; to determine the level of usability of the developed mobile application of Statistics in Education; and to test the significance of the developed mobile application on Statistics in Education based on the hypothetical value. Descriptive and developmental research designs were utilized. Survey questionnaires were used to gather data on the level of readiness and acceptability of the graduate students on the use of digitized instructional materials using mobile phones. In the development of the mobile application in EDF 204: Statistics in Education, the researcher used the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model. The results showed readiness on the use of mobile application. The development of mobile application software was realized through the RAD model. Furthermore, developed mobile application was very satisfactorily usable. Also revealed significant difference with respect to the hypothetical value.
Arabic Sentiment Analysis approaches: An analytical survey[Full-Text ] Gehad S. Kaseb, Mona F. AhmedWeb 2.0 has contributed tremendously towards the rapid growth of web contents. People are motivated to develop a system that can identify and classify opinions which are represented in an electronic text. Because of its valuable return in many fields as e-commerce, politics, tourism, etc., Sentiment Analysis (SA) is one of the most active research areas in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most research efforts in the area of opinion mining deal with English text and little work is done with Arabic text. This paper provides a summarization of the work done in Arabic SA. The paper also presents some challenges and open issues that need to be addressed and explored in more depth in order to improve this field.
Effect of water absorption and solubility on dimensional change of self-cure acrylic resin using Ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer; an in vitro study[Full-Text ] Dr. Nimra Tahir, Second AuthorObjective: The objectives of this study are to evaluate the effect of different powder-liquid ratios and water temperatures on the levels of absorption and solubility of an auto-polymerizing resin material and its effect on dimensional stability of self-cure acrylic resin.
Online Business as a Modern Approach to the Market[Full-Text ] Dagmar Hraskova, Silvia ZadnanovaWith the development of society informatization, the information and communication technologies that bring new opportunities in business are improving. Now the Internet is the most effective tool of the global communication of millions users worldwide, because it can work not only as a communication medium, but also as a marketing medium, providing a wide range of options and it is an important tool to improve the competitiveness of any economic subject in the market. Whereas people are increasingly seeking products and services on the Internet, so the participation in this kind of communication is becoming necessary for every successful company. Millions of people, who affect themselves socially, they are influencing others with whom they are sharing their interests and preferences, what is reflected in the on-line environment even more.
Automatic Small Intestinal Ulcer Detection in Capsule Endoscopy Images[Full-Text ] Tonmoy Ghosh, Antara Das, Rosni SayedIn order to detect small intestinal diseases like ulcer, capsule endoscopy (CE) is widely used due to its clear visibility and non-invasive natures. But its problem lies in its reviewing process; a physician has to analyze a large number of image frames, which is very time-consuming and often leads to human error. Hence, to reduce the burden of the physician, an automatic computer aided method is necessary to detect ulcer from CE videos. In this paper, a histogram feature based ulcer detection method is developed using K-nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifiers. Most commonly used RGB color plane is utilized to extract features. Along with individual Red, green and blue plane histogram, a combination of all three color plane histograms is investigated and among them combined histogram feature provides the best detection performance. The performance of the proposed method is tested on several CE images taken from publicly available CE video database and it is found that it offers superior classification performance, in comparison to that obtained by some existing methods, in terms of accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity.
Electrochemical and Molecular Docking Studies on Benzo[d]Oxazole Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Medium[Full-Text ] Hala.M.Hassan, A.Attia, Hussain Almalki, Marwa .R. Elsayad and A.M.EldesokyThe inhibitive effect of newly synthesized benzo[d]oxazole derivatives (1-2) against Mild Steel and its adsorption behavior were investigated in 2 M HCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) techniques. The results showed that the inhibition efficiency increased with the increase of the inhibitor concentration. The benzo[d]oxazole derivatives are a mixed-type inhibitor. The quantum chemistry was used to gain some insight, about structural and electronic effects in relation to the inhibiting efficiencies. EIS spectra exhibit one capacitive loop and confirm the inhibitive ability. Molecular docking was used to predict the binding between benzo[d]oxazole derivatives (1-2) and the receptor of breast cancer mutant 3hb5-oxidoreductase.
Spectroscopic Study of Vacuum Evaporated Crystalline Cadmium Zinc Sulphide thin films[Full-Text ] Aravind Kumar, Pawan KumarVacuum evaporated crystalline thin films of CdxZn1-xS (X = 0.2 & 0.4) have been prepared in the entire composition range from pure CdS & ZnS evaporated on highly clean glass substrate. Their optical properties, (energy band gap, refractive index & extinction coefficient) have been studied. The energy band gap (Eg) of the films has been calculated from absorption spectra by using Tauc relation. The transmission spectra in the spectral range 300-850 nm has been used to calculate the refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k) and wavelength (λ) dependence of n and k of the films have been studied. Optical spectroscopies of the films have been done with the help of the Hitachi Spectrophotometer Model U- 3400.
Challenges in Utilization of Potential Groundwater and the Hypotheses of River for Jaffna for Cultivating Productive Water[Full-Text ] Nirojan, K.,Subramaniam, D.N., and Sivakumar, S.S.Problems of drinking water in the Jaffna is an upcoming problem which mostly depended with increasing the population, growing the cultivation activities, opening the sewage in uncontrollable manner and etc. People of the Jaffna area depend on the ground water for all the activities using open well or tube-well. For all activities, the people extract water from underground, induced the badly behaved of quality of water fluctuating the years and also which case usually not related to one, this related with all people in the Jaffna area. The knowledge area covers the potential effects of the ground water in the Jaffna area and improve the problems and effort to bargain the solution for approaching problems using the collected knowledge and information from four of the previous work done by others are reviewed in this articles. The following five articles are mainly reviewed with other literatures referred. "Groundwater potential in the Jaffna Peninsula and impacts of climate change", "River for Jaffna-cultivating productive water from salt water Lagoons in Northern Srilanka-What the water balance of Elephant Pass lagoon demonstrates", "Water problems in the Jaffna peninsula", "Jaffna peninsula water resources challenges" and," assessment of groundwater resources in Jaffna limestone aquifer”.
APPLICATION OF BACTERIOCIN FROM Lactobacillus acidophilus FOR SHELF LIFE ENHANCEMENT OF FUJI APPLES[Full-Text ] Aruna Bhatia, Pooja Rani, Chiranjeev KaurEdible coatings have been used for preserving the quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The aim of the study was to extend the shelf life of Fuji apples by using bacteriocin of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCDC 343 as coating material and comparison of bacteriocin preservative efficacy with paraffin wax. Bacteriocin coated apples showed a significant delay in weight loss, titrable acidity, total soluble solids and decay in comparison to uncoated apples. A substantial reduction in microbial count on apples was observed by bacteriocin (100ug/ml) coating. It reduced the bacterial and fungal count by 2.6 and 3.35 log CFU/gm respectively as compared to uncoated apples after 20 days of storage at 25°C. The count of Staphylococcus aureus also decreased by 2.1 log CFU/gm on bacteriocin coated apples as compared with apples only inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus. In this study, bacteriocin proved to be an effective preservative and showed a better shelf life enhancing efficacy as compared to paraffin wax. It is concluded that biopreservatives, especially GRAS status bacteriocins, can be a good replacement of chemical preservatives.
Assessment of Heavy Metals in African Giant Snail (Archachatina marginata) and its Parasites Collected from three communi-ties in Edo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Awharitoma, A. O., Ewere, E. E., Alari, P. O., Idowu, D. O. and Osowe, K. A. Archachatina marginata, a mollusk, is highly prized as food in Africa and Asia, and is a vector of parasites and defoliators. The environments where the snails thrive are highly contaminated with heavy metals through various anthropogenic activities. Levels of heavy metals (Fe, Ni, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Co) in A. marginata (parasite infected and uninfected) and its parasites were assessed from three communities (Ugbogui, Ugo and Okogbo) in Edo State to check the pollution status. Samples of snail were collected, cracked and parasites were isolated from the samples using standard methods. The isolated parasites and the snail samples were analyzed for heavy metals using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (FAAS). The parasite isolated from the infected snail was identified as nematode (Rhabditis axei). The mean concentration of Fe, Ni, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Co ranged 38.61 – 70.49mg/kg, 9.09 – 16.58mg/kg, 5.09 – 8.90mg/kg, 4.10 – 7.48mg/kg, 0.39 – 0.71mg/kg, 0.19 – 0.35mg/kg and 0.04 – 0.07mg/kg respectively in infected snail; 14.94 – 28.45mg/kg, 3.26 – 5.96mg/kg, 2.85 -4.79mg/kg, 1.47 – 2.69mg/kg, 0.14 – 0.26mg/kg, 0.07 – 0.13mg/kg and 0.03 – 0.05mg/kg respectively in uninfected snail tissues; 11.34 – 27.61mg/kg, 1.17 – 1.92mg/kg, 1.73 – 4.89mg/kg, 0.51 – 0.87mg/kg, 0.05 – 0.08mg/kg, 0.03 – 0.04mg/kg and 0.04 – 0.05mg/kg respectively in parasite. The result from this study showed that the accumulation of heavy metals was parasites
Synthesis of Low Cost Inverter Using Harmonic Reduction through Pulse Pattern[Full-Text ] Ali Abbas, Tahir Izhar, Umar Tabrez Shami, Adil Salman, Hanya AmjadThis paper focuses on developing a low cost and a low harmonic traditional three level inverter (H-Bridge) using pulse pattern. Multilevel inverter as compared to traditional three level inverters have advantages like low harmonic contents and low electromagnetic interference (EMI) outputs and can operate on several voltage levels. The drawbacks includes: The requirement of isolated power supplies for each stage of the multi converter, cost feasibility and complexity of control system. So there is a need to design such three level inverter using harmonics cancellation which is easy to build, low cost and contain low Harmonics at high ac loads. This paper aims at how we synthesis low harmonic and low cost inverter using three level inverter. The proposed pulse pattern significantly reduces the number of dc voltage sources, switches, and power diodes. The performance of three level inverters with proposed waveform will be simulated in MATLAB.
Evaluations of Omentin as a predictor for type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy[Full-Text ] Isam Noori Al-Kirwi, Sarah Salim Mohammed AL-FahdawiDiabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease and accounts for almost 45% of all new patients requiring renal replacement therapy. Omentin novel proteins were suggested to be associated with insulin resistance. Objective to explore correlation of omentin and diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetic patients. Method : Serum omentin levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA) in 61 type 2 diabetic patients. These patients were classified into two groups according to their albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR), into patients with normoalbuminuria, group C (ACR< 30 mg/mmol), patients with microalbuminuria, group B (ACR=30-300 mg/mmol), twenty five (25) (10 male and15 female) apparently healthy matching the socioeconomic status with diabetic Pearson were selected as a control group (group A).In addition,glucose and lipid profile and morphological characters were assessed. Result: The serum OMT level of group B was much lower than those of group C and group A. While, there was non-difference in OMT level between group C and group A.
Evaluation of some Methyl bromide alternatives on management of cucumber root-rot[Full-Text ] Mansour,M.S.; I. A. Abu Zinada and M. I. M. KhaderSix chemicals alternative to Methyl bromide, i.e. Metam sodium, Metam sodium covered with polyethylene sheets, Dichloroprene + Carbendezim, Metam sodium +Oxamyle , Metam sodium +Oadusafs and Metam sodium + Carendazim, were used to control damping-off and root rot of cucumber plants (cv. Rocket). Isolation trials from rotted roots collected from north Gaza, Palestine yielded five fungal isolates. The isolated fungi were purified and identified as Alternaria sp., Fusarium oxypsorum , F.solani, Pythium ultimum and Rhizoctonia solani . All the tested fungi were pathogenic to cucumber plants and F. oxysporum was the most virulent one and of high frequency during isolation trial. The virulent pathogen has been identified as F. oxysponwn and symptomology and host range studies indicated that this is likely a new forma specialis , i.e. f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum (FORC). Among the six tested chemicals, Metam sodium +Cadusafs was the best alternative treatment to methyl bromide for reducing the number of the causal fungus spores. In addition,l the tested six treatments alternative to Methyl bromide significantly decreased the severity of root-rot with significant increase to the estimated crop parameters of cucumber plants, i.e. fresh weight of the foliage growth and the roots and fruit yield . In all cases, Methyl bromide , although , was the superior treatment in reducing the number of the viability of FORC spores at 20 and 40 cm. depth ,managing root-rot and increasing foliage growth and root weight as well as the produced fruit yield . Furthermore, the six chemicals alternative to Methyl bromide as well as Methyl bromide resulted in improving the growth vigor and the produced fruit yield of the grown cucumber plants and extended the fruiting period compared with the control.
CFRP Strengthened Square Hollow Cold Form Section Subjected to Torsion[Full-Text ] Ammar A. Abdul Rahman., Ali Saleh Shallal Strengthening of structural elements by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) has been recently applied to steel structures successfully due to its great ability in strengthening steel sections compared to the conventional strengthening methods. The purpose of this research is to present appropriate modeling to investigate the torsional behaviour of strengthened steel square hollow sections (SHS) with various thicknesses and calculate angles of twist using the finite element method program [ANSYS 14.5]. Analysis results showed a significant increase in reducing angles of twist for thin-walled sections after strengthening. The amount of increase in the maximum torsional capacity is related to the thickness of the original section. Thin-walled sections with large depth to thickness ratio (high D/t ratio) showed a larger improvement compared with the thicker-walled sections with low depth to thickness ratio (low D/t ratio) in the terms of maximum torsional capacity. The proposed numerical model is used in strengthening cold formed inclined columns of existing tents under the action of inclined forces and torsion. The strengthened model section capability against local buckling and twist is enhanced 64%.
LiFi: The Future for Indoor Wireless Data Communication[Full-Text ] HumaraYaqub, Malik Misbah, Mahjabeena, Rabia Shaheen, Shahbaz PervezThis paper mainly focusing on discussion between existing wireless communication technologies and , their limitations and features and on the other hand it throws a light for a vibrant and one of the most popular future technology. It is the Era of mobile Technology where the connectivity is required all time. So, the demand to increase the bandwidth for these mobile computing devices become essential when live video streaming is required on any end user device. These tasks can vary from medical assistance to providing regular services. The aim of this research is to provide insight view of LiFi technology which is going to be the future technology for data communications due to its high bandwidth all time indoor availability with better connectivity and optimal QoS while having very low or no health effects due to radiation beams.
Urbanization and economic growth: Panel Data evidence from Africa[Full-Text ] Abate Arega GetanehThis study addresses the empirical question of whether urbanization can help to explain the recent pace in African economic growth, furthermore, if it can be policy instrument in the region this time around. Utilizing annual data from 35 African countries and dynamic estimation techniques, the researcher provide evidence which suggests that urbanization is statistically significant determinant of economic growth in the region. The researcher applied Generalized Method of Moments to control estimation related problems and robustness checks to scrutinize the sensitivity of the results to alternative strategies and methods. These findings reveal investment to GDP ratio; openness and average years of secondary schools are significant variables although these economies may be able to achieve more by taking steps on their trade and investment ratio. The sign and statistical significance of growth lag shows there is a conditional convergence in Africa. The study concluded that urbanization is an important factor of economic growth for the region, which stipulates that to take urbanization as a policy instrument is envitable for economic growth to take place.
Transient Stability Improvisation in Power System by Utilizing the Concepts of UPFC, STATCOM and SSSC[Full-Text ] Muhammad Waqar, Dr. N. Khan, Muhammad Adnan, Waqas Khalid, Muhammad Rayyan FazalIn the power grid system, the primary subjects are to transmit power with maximum power factor and high power quality, maximum transient stability, economical and minimum risk of system failure. The constantly increase of electrical power demands and loads, especially non-linear loads making the power system network become more complicate to operate and the system becomes unstable with large power flows without proper control and operation. The advancement in power system with time have brings new challenges and sometimes it is difficult to operate system in stable condition due to complex system network.
A Survey on Current Initiatives on Educational Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Vladimir Gualberto, Fernando AiresThe cloud computing has evolved in recent years as a very promising and popular technology in the implementation of IT solutions for large companies and organizations. It can be observed that it also provides an excellent alternative in cost reductions in high education institutes, because infrastructure maintance is the responsibility of the provider cloud service. This paper presents the current initiatives in the use of cloud computing in education institutes, presenting aspects such as adopted migration strategies and learning environments that use cloud computing for education.
Synthesis of a microwave CMOS active inductor using simple current mirror-based operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA)[Full-Text ] JARJAR Mariem, EL OUAZZANI Nabih This paper deals with the design of a microwave active inductor using 0.18 µm CMOS technology. The proposed circuit configuration is based on the Gyrator-C topology relying on new OTA circuits that can function efficiently in the microwave domain.
MEASURING CURRENT DISCHARGE STORED ENERGY IN CAPACITORS WELDING[Full-Text ] Victor POPOVICI, Delicia ARSENE, Claudia BORDA, Delia GarleanuThis paper presents an alternative for measuring the discharge current welding with stored energy in capacitors. Spot welding equipment with stored energy electrostatic allow very harsh regimes that ensure very short times and high currents. These regimes welding allow precise metering of energy at welds and heat concentration in the desired region. Welding stored energy in capacitors is applied to welding materials and alloys with high thermal conductivity, welding special steels, where thermal cycling tough being put steel in the short time of welding restrict minimal heat affected zone and does not lead to formation of structures fragile at welding materials and alloys of different nature which occurs at the point where alloy weld is very small homogeneous. In the case of thin parts at the welding energy cannot be dispensed to produce apertures. Discharge current (order kA) measurement in phase can be done with a coil-type transducer Regowski. Magnetomotive voltage provided by the Rogowski coil is taken by an integrator amplifier circuit. Chain calibration is shown for measuring the discharge current using Rogowski coil transducer and the experimental results regarding the variation of discharge currents according to the charging voltage and stored energy equipment with and without welding transformer. Experiments are presented on the phenomenon of welding transformer core saturation. Disclosed is a method for measuring current discharge stored energy welding using a Hall transducer.
The Social Protection System in Republic of Macedonia[Full-Text ] Assoc. Prof. Kire Sharlamanov, Asst. Prof. Aleksandar JovanoskiSince the independence of the Republic of Macedonia to the present, social security system had an important function in mitigating the social troubles in the country caused primarily by the enormous unemployment. With time and change of socio-economic conditions the system of social protection was changed. The purpose of this article is to show the transformation of the social protection system and to observe it in a critical way.
DCT-AES Base Image Compression and Encryption Technique[Full-Text ] Muslim Mohsin KhudhairWith the fast evolution of digital data exchange, security of information becomes massively important in data storage and transmission. Due to the increasing use of images in an industrial process, it is essential to protect the confidential image data from unauthorized access. The current paper proposed an image encryption technique that is operated with advanced encryption standard (AES) and image compression using discrete cosine transform (DCT) to compress the encrypted image. The experimental results show that the current technique impressively outperforms other techniques. It is simple, efficient, and more secure.