Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2016.
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Enormous Fire at "Chyma" Bulk Chemical Terminal: Evaluation of an Incident's Management and Enviromental Impact Assessment[Full-Text ] Maria STIVAKTA, Michail CHALARISThe Industrial revolution and the advance of technology led to additional risks from serious technological accidents, known as Major Industrial Accidents. A series of such accidents that have recently taken place at European and international level and their pernicious effects on human-health, economy, environment and society as a whole, highlighted the necessity of an institutional framework to address the risks stemming from sites that use hazardous substances. A major accident occurred on the morning of July 26, 2006, at a solvent and chemicals company(Chyma S.A.) located in Lavrion, Attica, Greece, near the sea and adjacent to the premises of Public Power Corporation (P.P.C. S.A.) and chemical company DOW. In the present paper, we have analyzed the Chyma S.A. accident, its impact on human health, environment and the society of the affected area and evaluated its management. Furthermore, we have drawn conclusions and proposals for more effective management of Major Industrial Accidents. Note that when the accident took place, in Greece, SEVESO II Directive was in force of law. Since February 2016, SEVESO III Directive 2012/18/ΕC was conveyed into Greek law by Joint Ministerial Decision 172058/354B/17.02.2016 is legislative applicable.
Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Systems[Full-Text ] Arjun satishIn recent years the aerospace industry market expanding, much at the expense of a huge demand for launching services, such as the orbit placement of communication satellites, but also due to a growing interest in space tourism and the decommissioning of space shuttle. Therefore there is a need and market for a rocket that allows lower costs and greater simplicity, while ensuring a good level of performance. Hybrids typically enjoy higher specific impulse than solids, can be throttled, stopped /restarted, and have more flexibility in their packaging configuration. Hybrids are more compact and easier to throttle than liquids and have similar performance levels. This paper introduces the features of the Hybrid rocket propulsion system with its working, applications and demonstrates for future space exploration missions.
Design and Implementation of Temperature Sensor Using PCF Infiltered by EBBA Liquid Crystal[Full-Text ] Suha Mousa Khorsheed, Hussain T .Saloom, Soror A.MahdiThe use of efficient sensor design gains most interest due to its close relation with the improvements happen in application fields and manufacturing. The photonic crystal fibers are receiving increased attention as a newly tool to establish an active sensors when they are infiltered by a sensitive fluid. In this paper, the photonic crystal fiber is used to design a sensor is sensitive to temperature. This sensor is operating on large mode area of photonic crystal fiber (LMA-10 PCF) infiltered by EBBA liquid crystal. The test shows that EBBA is very sensitive to the temperature variation. The temperature sensor design requires passing through multi sequenced stages till reaching the operating mode. The operating test results show that the proposed temperature sensor is operated along wide range of temperature, and measures an accurate value at little changes may happen in the temperature. The determined sensitivity of the proposed sensor was highly estimated, which ensures the ability of proposed temperature sensor to be applied in the manufacturing field.
Influence of Wire and Cone Particle Contamination on Maximum Electric Field for Rod-Plane Gaps[Full-Text ] Amr A. Youssef, Sayed A. Ward, Hala F. Abd El Sattar Non uniform gap like rod-plane gap and its electric field distribution has a great importance in high voltages. The maximum electric field of rod-plane gap is strongly affected by geometry (shape and dimentions) of two electrodes and the distance between them. The Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used throughout this work, for its favorable accuracy, to calculate the electric field distribution for rod-plane gaps.This paper studied the effect of the rod diameter, the plane diameter and the gap space on the maximum electric field of rod-plane gap. Influence of wire and cone particle contamination that settled on the grounded electrode on the electric field distribution of rod-plane gap is carefully researched in this paper as well. Effects of wire particle length and radius on the maximum electric field are also studied. Finally, effect of cone particle length on the maximum electric field is implemented.
An Enhanced Query Processing Algorithm for Distributed Database Systems[Full-Text ] Njoku Donatus O., Nwokorie Chioma E., Madu Fortunatus U.The growth of the web and the unlimited use of database management systems have brought to the forefront and integrated interconnection of diverse and large numbers of information sources known as distributed databases. The major problem in such an environment is the time taken to responds to query and the cost of transmission across the distributed site. This paper aimed at developing an enhanced query processing algorithm for distributed database systems, the proposed architecture and algorithm, uses the Iterative Dichotomizer 3 (ID3) as query optimizer that forms a decision tree, which decides the rules, patterns and the best execution plan to execute query at the barest minimum time. The applications of this work in organization, will automate the administration of operations, by providing user interactive platform for all stations to make queries and update their records. The object oriented analysis and design methodology was used in the study and the application was developed using MySQL, PHP and XAMP sever. The result shows that due to train dataset in the design of the database, the execution time of the algorithm in search, updating and querying of databases information in distributed sites, was less when compare to system search engine running time.
Measurement of Magnetic Field Emitted from Electrical Appliances in CSE Labs and Classrooms of Southeast University, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Munima Haque, Md. Quamruzzaman, Shahina HaqueThe aim of this survey is to investigate whether the Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) emitted from various air conditioners and switch boards affect the students, faculties and employees. There is a standard threshold value recommended by WHO for both electric and magnetic fields. Electro-Magnetic Field also named Non Ionizing Radiation is emitted from high power transmission lines, computer monitor/video display unit, radio waves of different frequencies, telecommunication, satellite, radar etc. which causes health hazards to living system and environment. There has not been much study performed in Bangladesh. The data were collected from various Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department labs and classrooms at Southeast University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Both threshold values of Electric and Magnetic fields were measured for various air conditioners and switchboards. The maximum value of the magnetic field results showed that in many cases the magnetic field radiated from the different sources are greater than the threshold limit, which are the main point of our findings.
Clinical Utility of Red Cell Distribution Width in the investigation of Non-Hematological Disorders, in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Case Control Study[Full-Text ] Melatwork Tibebu, Melaku Tamene, Amaha Gebremedhin, Aster Tsegaye Background: Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a measurement of the degree of anisocytosis, or the degree of red cell size variability present in a blood sample. RDW has been reported as a significant diagnostic as well as prognostic laboratory marker for many non-hematological disorders. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical utility of RDW in the investigation of non hematological disorders at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Testing of a Serpentine Flat Plate Solar Water Heater[Full-Text ] Gutu Birhanu, Dr. A. V. Ramayya, Dr.Getachewu Shunki The aim of the study is to improve thermal performance of passive serpentine flat plate solar collectors using striped technique. Striped mechanism was applied on absorber plate so as to diminish thermal fusion in the plate and investigation enhancing practice of energy conversion from the collector units to the working fluid. Study was conducted or carried out with numerical simulation and experimental testing to compare results for validation. Demand of domestic hot water has mostly been filling with conventional flat plate solar collectors. Conventional solar collectors are relevant for high flow rate that requires high operational costs. In the past, serpentine solar collector was ignored due to large pumping requirements at higher flow rates. However at low flow rate, serpentine collector is more economical and efficient. Therefore, striped absorber plate of the serpentine solar collector in varoius modes were designed by ANSYS 14.5 relase FLUENT and simulated using computational fluid dynamics. The effect of the configuration parameters of striped serpentine solar collector was investigated and good result was obtained.The anaysis was done by decoupling the last striped from whole system. So that the result of the second stripe became inlet boundary condition for the last of four segments. For the collector mass flow rate of 0.00285kg/s and solar radiation of 650w/m2, temperature of absorber plate(Tp) and water at collector exit (T0) became 360k and 338k respectively. The same collector model was manufactured and experimental investigation was carried on with similar conditions as did for simulation. Therefore, absorber plate (Tp’) and water at exit of the collector (T0’) during the experimental test attained maximum temperature of 353k and 336.9k respectively. There fore, numerically predicted temperature distribution on the striped absorber plates was agreed with experimental obtained data with little discrepancy. This inconsistency was due to variatiance of solar radiation and data measurement error. Collector heat removal factors obtained with both numerical study and experimental testing was similar in figures and remarkable with other research.
On Certain Class of Multivalent Analytic Functions Involving Linear Multiplier Operator and Subordination[Full-Text ] Jayashri J. Bhamare, S. M. KhairnarIn this paper, we introduced a new class of multivalent analytic functions in the open unit disk U defined in terms of a linear multiplier operator containing the generalized integral operator. The aim of the paper is to investigate inclusion relation, integral preserving property, and argument estimate by making use of subordination.
Thermohydrodynamic Characteristics of Journal Bearings Lubricated with Ferrofluid[Full-Text ] Zeinab S. SafarIn this work the thermohydrodynamic (THD) characteristics of journal bearings lubricated with ferrofluid is investigated. Based on the momentum and continuity equation a pressure differential equation was obtained taking into consideration the dependence of the lubricant viscosity on the temperature. Assuming linear behavior for the magnetic material of the ferrofluid the magnetic pressure was incorporated into the Reynolds equation. In this treatment the shaft is taken to be isothermal and the bearing conducts heat in the radial direction, this last assumption reduced the iteration scheme and the solution required the satisfaction of the Reynolds equation and the energy equation together with their boundary conditions to arrive at lubricant temperature and pressure fields. Results showed that thermal effect should be taken into consideration in the design of journal bearings operating at higher values of eccentricity ratio whether the bearing is using conventional lubricant or ferrofluid one. Also it is confirmed that when compared with conventional lubricants, ferrofluids enhance the bearing performance characteristics especially when taking into consideration thermal effects.
Significant Factors Influencing On-site Construction Productivity: Road Contrac-tors’ Perspective[Full-Text ] Belay Assefa, Yolente C. Macarubbo, Getachew KebedeConstruction industry in Ethiopia suffers with low productivity performance. The available research materials in this understudied area are small in number and productivity in road projects was not assessed as compared to the attention given to this construction sector in Ethiopia. This research chooses Addis Ababa City Road Authority (AACRA) and Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) employed road contractors and looks closely the internal process to identify factors influencing productivity. The main objective of this study was to assess the significant factors affecting on-site construction productivity in AACRA and ERA employed contractors. The target total population is 50 high level local road contractors.
Small and medium-sized enterprises in the global economy[Full-Text ] Alzbeta Bielikova, Jaroslav Mazanec The article deals with the topic of small and medium-sized enterprises which play a significant role in shaping the market, GDP, employment and increasing competitiveness of a country in the global economy. They can be considered the backbone of the European economy and the basic pillar of the national economy of each country. In OECD countries, they represent over 95% of the total number of all businesses. Business in small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is specific mainly for its flexibility and rapid adaptation to the conditions of turbulent market environment compared to large enterprises. Each country provides different conditions for business within its capabilities and this is reflected in different quality of the business environment. This area of business has great potential, which can be further increased by the use of support at different levels, use of knowledge and implementation of innovation. The significance of these enterprises is not only at national, but it achieves international level. European Union also acknowledges importance of small and medium enterprises, which is declared in a key document for these enterprises: European Charter for Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises.
Multiple Generators in Onshore Niger Delta[Full-Text ] Azuoko George-BestThe presence of multiple generators in onshore Niger Delta has been established through detailed velocity analysis using 3D seismic data from an onshore field in the area. This involved extraction of velocity semblance plots from the data and subsequent picking of velocities on a semblance panel. Validity of the picks and geological plausibility was ensured by tying the velocity picking to corresponding locations on seismic. These picked velocities were further used to generate interval velocity-depth models and ultimately, used to migrate the seismic data in the PreStack depth domain. Results from the study demonstrate the presence of higher interval velocities which contrast with the bordering lower velocities. Alternations of high and low interval velocities were also observed on interval velocity model, which was also observed on prestack depth migrated section. Contrasts in strength of reflection events are observed between the bordering sections of the main boundary fault and the area behind (and at the footwall) of the main boundary fault (the shadow zone). These stronger reflection events are adjudged multiple generators, which are responsible for the “curtain of noise” short path multiples in the shadow zone, and the multiples mimicking a section of the overlying stretch of strong reflectors. Thus with this contrast in reflection events as a result of contact between materials with varying density/compaction and velocity of propagation of sonic waves, 3D seismic data from the field of study exhibits adequate acoustic impedance contrast necessary for the generation of multiples in onshore environments.
The new repair technology the spiral heat exchangers[Full-Text ] Delia Garleanu, GabrielGarleanu, ClaudiaBorda, DeliciaArseneThe paper presents a new technology for repair welding of industrial spiral heat exchangers made of 316L using the WIG process.Are shown defects in service, the old technology of repair and new way to repair with its advantages.By using new technology, decrease repair costs and time spent by 80%. Some defects can be rectified without having to shift the heat exchanger out of installation.Due to the small distance between the coils, approximately 18 to 20 mm and a depth of about 1 m, the current method of repair involves scraping the outside to the inside of the coils to achieve access to the area with defects.The new repair technology involves how punctual intervention using a TIG welding head Micro Torch modified or removal and repair of inner coils and they will be re-welded instead.
Optimal Operational Analysis of Off-Grid Hybrid Renewable Energy System with Multiple Storage Facilities[Full-Text ] OludamilareB. Adewuyi, OlusolaA. KomolafeThis paper discussed the benefits of integrating multiple storage facilities into hybrid renewable energy system(HRES) configuration.A scheduling algorithm was developed for a hybrid renewable energy system that consists of wind and solar energy sources, pumped-hydro and battery storage with diesel generator as backup, for a selected site. The sequential quadratic programming (SQP) approach for solving convex non–linear optimization problems was used to determine an adequate and cost-effective capacity for each of the incorporated energy systems. An algorithm for supervisory controller for optimal scheduling of the hybrid renewable energy system was developed and simulated on Matlab. The cost analysis of the hybrid renewable energy system was carried out using the cost per kW of each component for obtaining the total installation cost and the cost of consumed diesel for each of the considered scenarios. These costs were compared with the cost of grid extension and the cost of electricity using the current Nigerian electricity tariff. The results showed that an off-grid energy system that consists of renewable energy sources, with multiple storage facilities, is capable of meeting the energy requirement of the studied site with little or no contribution from the backup diesel generator in most of the considered scenarios. The simulation outcomes showed that renewable energy contribution varies between 17.26% of the total load demand, during weekdays of normal academic period in the dry season and 96.11% of the total load demand, during weekends of holiday periods inthe rainy season. The contribution from storage facilities to the energy contribution from the renewable energy sources was between 9.21% and 29.15% of the total load demand. In terms of the installation cost, supplying electricity from the grid was found to be more economical for a distance of up to 180 km, but the free relatively low or free running cost of the hybrid renewable energy system made it a better option in the long run.
Image Processing using FPGA[Full-Text ] Shrikant Subhash Warghade, Manu Vyas, Mani Kunnathettu Rajee, Prof Alex Noel Joseph Raj Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) have become a staple of the current innovation trend because of their flexibility and potential. A fast-growing area of FPGA implementation is Image Processing. In this paper, a ZYBO (ZYnq BOard) Zynq-7000 series has been used for image processing. The paper elaborates on the process of developing the system functionality through VHDL using the Xilinx Vivado 2015.1 software. The paper discusses the working of the system in detail. Furthermore the advantages of this method, over a fully software-based implementation i.e. using MATLAB for the same operations, have been discussed. The paper concludes by summarizing the important results.
Various Issues & Challenges in Security of Mobile Requests in Cloud[Full-Text ] Sadaf Hussaini, Prof. Amit SaxenaCloud Storage is an developing model, changing the computing and storage capabilities to exterior service providers. In particular because of this failure of express manage on outsourced data; users are unenthusiastic for implementing cloud services. The promising cloud technologies suitable to their different distinctive and good-looking assets are developing with remarkable force and quickly being approved during the IT industry various security encounters that happen in combination of cloud-based services and present a set of novel solutions to address them.
The observation process in the universe through the database[Full-Text ] Slavko SedicThe goals of the research, which has been conducted from 2003. till 2015., were to find out why the space between the objects in Universe is dark; furthermore, to find evidence that space is not empty and to determine its characteristics; to answer the question, is there an interaction between radiation and space; and finally, to determine the reasons of differences in temperatures in Universe.
Performance Analysis of AF & DF Cooperative Communication Protocols with various Signal Combining Techniques in TSR[Full-Text ] Gangavaram Kranthi, R.Raja KishoreThe wireless communications are playing a vital role in sending the information. However, many wireless devices are limited by size or hardware complexity to one antenna. Over the past few decades lot of research lead us for new techniques. The Cooperative communication is to process the overhead information at the surrounding information exchange points and retransmission towards the destination to improve the quality and reliability of a wireless link. To achieve the quality and reliability the researchers are developed many cooperative communication protocols. Among all those cooperative communication protocols the Amplify and Forward, Decode and Forward are the protocols which provide the good quality and reliability. The Performance parameter Bit Error Rate, outage probability is used to estimate the quality and reliability. Here the proposed work is to provide the performance analysis of Cooperative communication protocols Amplify and Forward, Decode and Forward. At the destination for combining the signal combining techniques are used. To evaluate the performance the signal to noise ratio, Probability of error and Bit Error Rate Parameters are need to be calculated and tabulate.
Transient Expression of CCL21Chemokine in Tobacco via Agroinfiltration[Full-Text ] Maria Beihaghi-Hasan Marashi-AbdolrezaBagheri-MojtabaSankianSecondary lymphoid-tissue chemokine (SLC/CCL21) is a CC chemokine that is basically expressed in different lymphoid tissues and binds to chemokine receptor CCR7 on active dendritic cells (DCs) and increase T-cell activities. Two methods of expressing recombinant proteins in plants exist; transient expression by Agroinfiltrationand stable transformation of plant genome.each having advantages depending on the goal of study. Transient transformation of tobacco leaf is a fast technique for assessing gene before generating stable plant lines using a more time-consuming technique. Transient expression takes from 3to 7 days whereas transgenic linesare generated after 2-4 months. Soagroinfiltration as a rapid method for production presence of recombinant antigen of C-C chemokine ligand 21 (CCL21) intobacco leaves.Foreign gene expression was evaluated using semi quantitative RT-PCR, Real time PCR , protein dot blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and western blot,All results show that the foreign gene was transcribed in transformed leaves. Finally, the efficacy of agroinfiltration for transient expression of CCL21 recombinant protein in tobacco was illustrated in this study.
Ethnomedicinal Plants: In vitro antibacterial effect of essential oil of Pistacia khinjuk[Full-Text ] Reza Tahvilian, Rohallah Moradi, Hossein Zhale, Mohammad Mahdi Zangeneh, Akram Zangeneh, Hossein Yazdani, Majid HajialianiPistacia khinjuk is a native plant in Iran, which the plant has been used as an indigestion, tonic, toothache, antiflammatory, antipyretic and astringent in Iran. The aim of the current study was to determine chemical composition of P. khinjuk essential oil and evaluate its antibacterial activity against common pathogens (Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus) with broth macro-dilution and agar well and disk diffusion methods. The chemical composition of the essential oil was identified using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer detector (GC-MS). The antibacterial activity of P. khinjuk essential oil was evaluated by macro-dilution method in Mueller-Hinton broth medium and agar well and disk diffusion methods. According to results of GC-MS analysis, γ-terpinene (81.14%) (w/w) was the abundant component of the essential oil. The results revealed that the essential oil exhibited strong levels of antibacterial activity against E. coli and S. aureus. Regarding the MIC and MBC values E. coli were more sensitivity to the essential oil than S. aureus. Our findings indicated that P. khinjuk essential oil had a potential to be applied as antimicrobial agent.
OPTIMAL FISHING VESSEL DESIGN FORMULAS BASED ON POWER, SPEED AND DEADWEIGHT[Full-Text ] STEPHEN CHIDOZIE DURU This work presents 75 formulas derived from regression analysis of the main dimensions of 199 fishing boats taken from world fleet. These formulas have vessels main dimensions and ratios as dependent variable on one hand and main engine power and its derivatives on as independent variables on the other for the whole analysis.
Eco restoration of Urban Wetlands-A case study Of Silsako Beel, Assam[Full-Text ] Nilakshi Chakravarty Wetland is highly related to tourism and the two supplement each other.Assam, is a place endowed with the beauty of such wetlands namely Deepor Beel, Silsako, Son Beel and many more. At one hand, wetland possesses conditions and sites for tourists to have various activities such as boating, fishing and watching wild animals; on the other hand, income gained from tourism can provide financial support to wetland protection and realize a sustainable development of this rich biodiversity. At the same time, people’s expectation and environmental problems resulted from tourism will make government to attach importance to the protection and management of wetland. Carrying out wetland ecotourism will not only promote sustainable development of the regional economy and protect ecological environment of the wetland but also promote and increase concern about ecological civilization construction through practical environmental education and knowledge to tourists. The conservation of lakes is with the vision intended to bring people close to nature and to make them understand and respect nature once again and to preserve the diverse habitat of birds, aquatic and terrestrial animals.The infrastructures designed in the study have been done using softwares –Autocad and Google Sketchup.
THE INFLUENCE OF THECONFIGRATION OF HEAVY VEHICALES AND THE GRADE ON FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT[Full-Text ] Lecturer Dr. Ahlam K. RazzaqOne of the major sources of distress in roads is the rut that appear in flexible asphalt pavements. Combined wheel , thermal load , and grade induced rutting in the form of longitudinal rut and horizontal shoving . In this project, combined effect of wheel loads and grade is considered in field measurement of flexible pavement layers. The deformed effect (deflection) under various distance from the wheel load in order to draw the deflection basin curve predicting for the pavement .The maximum value has been recorded at center of wheel of heavy vehicle.
Effect of Platelet-rich Plasma on Acute Dermonecrotic Injuries Caused by The Venom of LoxoscelesIntermedia[Full-Text ] Camila Maria Ribeiro PachecoI, Ana Isabel Bernuci Gouveia Horbux do AmaralI, Ivo IlvanKerppersII, Thais Barbosa de OliveiraII, Larissa GulogurskiRibeiroII, Marcos Paulo PoloweiRolãoII, Andressa PanegalliHosniII, Andressa Leticia MiriIILoxoscelism is a term used to describe cases of accident with spiders of Loxosceles gender. The injury caused by the spider bite varies from 1 to 30 cm of diameter, with a red halo covering the circumference and a pale area, which is denominated marmorata plate. Platelets have properties related to adhesion, platelet aggregation, release of growth factors, which induce angiogenesis, and promote vascular growth and proliferation of fibroblasts. Therefore, platelet-rich plasma is a product able to potentialize the grafts integration, as well wounds healing. The present research has the intention of studying the PRP action in dermal-necrosis induced by Loxoscelesintermedia venom. In this research three New Zealander albino rabbits were used. Four areas were marked to a posterior intradermal injection. In one of the areas saline (PBS) was injected as a negative control, in the other three areas an aliquot of 10 mg of crude venom diluted in saline was injected. One of these areas was used as a control, in the other one 150 μL of PRP was applied and in the third one, 300 μL of the same substance was injected, being the respective doses applied again in each of the injuries. When analyzing the results, it was shown that the PRP is able to soften the superficial symptoms like bruising, redness and swelling in dermal-necrotic lesions caused by the poison in the acute phase. Obtaining an accelerated process of wound healing.
AdverseEffects of Cell Phone Radiation on Human Health[Full-Text ] Raja Sohail Ahmed Larik, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Ali Mallah, Prof. Dr. Mir Muhammad Ali Talpur, Prof. Dr. Aamer Saeed, Fayaz Ali Larik, Abdul Karim Suhag, Sajida KarimThe development of cell phone technology has caused biological effects on human.The cell phone is an integral part of our everyday life.It is used for multipurpose like a voice call, video call, browsing (Facebook, whatsApp, Viber, twitter, LinkedIn, online shopping etc.), chatting, listening music, meeting games, reading books etc. It implies that the usage of a cell phone is more than 16 hours a day.The purpose of this work is to find out the effects of cell phone on human wellness through this survey from students and docs.The cell phone emits the microwave radiations that are dangerous to different human body functions like the head, male/female organ, heart, eyes, ear damage because the human body holds 70% water.It surveyed from the various staff of medical doctorsof various hospitals and Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur Students.According to thesurvey, the cell phone is more usable device besidesother gadgets and in the result,there are 95%.
Unconventional marketing strategies of E-Retailers in India[Full-Text ] Deepika JindoliyaThe past decade has seen emergence of many e-retailing companies in India. The phenomenal success of e-retailers like Amazon.in and Flipkart.com has redefined and restructured the scene of Indian retail market. On-line retailers are making their presence felt by capturing a big segment of market. The full potential of Indian retail market is still untapped so there is scope for new entrant. Every day new companies are entering in the field of e-retailing. In such stiff competition it is of great significance to adopt the apt marketing strategies in order to attract new customers and retain the existing ones. There is a requirement of some radical thinking in formulating marketing strategies and implementing them according to the conditions. Many e-retailing companies are now adopting unconventional marketing practices using all kind of marketing tools available. Adopting these marketing strategies can be lucrative but it is of utmost importance to study and analyse the effectiveness of such marketing tools. They should be customized according to requirements of e-retailers. As e-retailing is worth millions of dollar business, It is of great importance for the e-retailing companies to know the degree of impact their new marketing strategy or campaign would have on potential and existing customers and devise an optimal mix of marketing strategies accordingly. This paper delineates the status and prospects of electronic retail in India. It describes and analyzes various marketing strategies adopted by e-retailers. It emphasize on the importance of devising the optimal mix of marketing strategies in order to maximize the marketing efforts. It would help them in channelizing more money and effort towards the strategy which has maximum impact on consumer psyche.
Toggle Antenna for Next Generation Portable Devices[Full-Text ] Mr.Saqib Zia Nasir, Mr.Shahbaz Nazir, Engr.Irfan Riaz Shohab, Engr.Hassan RasheedAdvancement in the field of communication and emerging technologies raised the need of multifunctional communication devices. Antenna is the basic building block of any communication system or device so antennas used in communication devices of present generation should be multifunctional which can change their operating frequency or radiation pattern etc. Conventional antennas cannot perform multi-tasking as they cannot adapt different operating frequencies according to environment changes. So multi conventional antennas can be replaced by one smart antenna. Hence reconfigurable antennas can fulfill the need of present communication systems, as they can change their operating frequency according to environment like in cognitive radio where system parameters changes with varying conditions.The aim of this thesis was to design a multiband reconfigurable patch antenna that operates in 700 MHz, 1700 MHz, 1900 MHz, and 2100 MHz bands and equipped with the capability to tune its operating frequencies independently. High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) will be used to design required antenna. Reconfiguriable is automatically tuning to the differnet frequency bands, so I give the name to this design Toggle antenna.
Static Stress Analysis for Three Different Types of Composite Materials Experimentally and Numerically[Full-Text ] Assist. Prof. Dr. Hikmet A. Sh. Al-Gharrawi, Mohammed Wael SaeedIt is important to analyze and compare the stresses induced in different composite material types during load application to know which type of composite will behave as preferred under the loading in the same circumstances. This study was aimed at measuring and comparing the stresses induced in Filtek â„¢ Z350 XT (3M ESPE) composite, Tetric EvoCeram ® (ivoclar vivadent) composite and BRILLIANT â„¢ NG (Coltène/Whaledent) composite experimentally and numerically. Data were analyzed statistically by One-way ANOVA test and Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. One-way ANOVA test and LSD test results showed a highly significant difference (P<0.001) presented between groups A and B, groups A and C and between groups B and group C. The Stress induced in BRILLIANT â„¢ NG composite after load application was the lowest stress value followed by Tetric EvoCeram ® composite and followed by Filtek â„¢ Z350 XT composite which was the highest stress value experimentally and numerically.
Inhibitory Action of Aqueous Extract of Anethum graveolens on Staphylococcus aureus[Full-Text ] Karzan M. Khalid Tenisolates of bacteria were collected from Rezgari hospital in Erbil city (KRI). The identity of isolates were emphasized as they demonstrated culturally, microscopically and some biochemical properties. Among these isolates, only two isolates (S3 and S7) characterized as Staphylococcus aureus. The susceptibility of S3 and S7 isolates against five different antibiotics (Amp, Amc, Amx, Cip, Tet) was screened, and isolate (S3) was resistant to (Amp and Amc), while isolate (S7) was resistant to (Amc).
The role of bis4-(4Í-hydroxy-3Í-methoxy benzylidine aminophenyl) telluride in protecting rat’s testis from sodium nitrite induced damage[Full-Text ] ShakerA.N. AL-Jadaan, Mohammed A. Al-Diwan ,Haithem J. KadhumOxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of infertility. A considerable interest in organotellurium compounds as potential antioxidants in living systems. The aim from this study is to investigate the role of a novel organotellurium compound, [4-(4Í-hydroxy-3Í-methoxy benzylidine amino phenyl) telluride],in protecting testicular rats from oxidative stress induced by NaNO2. Forty adults male rats divided into 5 equal groups are used in this study. The 1st group is control, the 2nd group treated with 0.2% NaNO2 in the drinking water, the 3rd and 4thgroups given the novel compound orally in addition to the NaNO2at a dose of 11 and 5.5mg/kg respectively, whereas the last group given the novel compound only (11mg/kg).
Effect Of Cycle Time And Signal Phase On Average Time Delay, Congestion And Level Of Service: A Case Study At Hager Astedader Signalized Intersection in Addis Ababa[Full-Text ] Tarekegn Kumala, Prof. Emer T. Quezon, Bogale ShiferawHigh urbanization rate and Economic development have caused many challenges to transportation systems. Among these, long time delay and high fuel consumption of vehicles at congestion places are a few to mention. Many literatures have revealed that road traffic congestions are caused by inadequate infrastructures, long signal cycle time and poor traffic management, such as incapable roads, inefficient public transit, and high travel demand. The research study was focused on the effect of traffic congestion on average time delay at selected signalized road intersection in Addis Ababa. The study area was Hager Astedadrerroad traffic signal intersection. The methodology that has been employed for the study was a quantitative descriptive research design method. The data needed were; road geometry data, signal data, traffic vehicles flow data including the pedestrian data were collected on peak hours (with 15minutes interval) from 7:30 - 9:30 AM and from 5:30 – 7:30 PM for the four consecutive working days. Data of traffic classes were extracted manually on a separate worksheet. The volume of each vehicle category was converted to the same vehicle category using passenger car unit (PCU) of each vehicle class. Data analysis and processing have been performed using SIDRA (Signalized and Unsignalized Intersection Design and Research Aid) intersection software in order to know the traffic flow condition at the intersection. The result of average time delay was used to know the corresponding level of service and operational performance of the intersection. The outcomes of the research work minimize average time delay by adopting different improving strategies that range from low-cost measures such as improvements to signal timing and phase numbers, to high-cost measures such as intersection reconstruction, which be applied in the study area after knowing the amount of average time delay as well as the types of the level of service within the intersection area.
Arabic Sentiment Analysis approaches: An analytical survey[Full-Text ] Gehad S. Kaseb, Mona F. AhmedWeb 2.0 has contributed tremendously towards the rapid growth of web contents. People are motivated to develop a system that can identify and classify opinions which are represented in an electronic text. Because of its valuable return in many fields as e-commerce, politics, tourism, etc., Sentiment Analysis (SA) is one of the most active research areas in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most research efforts in the area of opinion mining deal with English text and little work is done with Arabic text. This paper provides a summarization of the work done in Arabic SA. The paper also presents some challenges and open issues that need to be addressed and explored in more depth in order to improve this field.
A Research on Supply Chain Network of RMG Sector of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Sadman Alam, Md. Shafiul Alam, Md. Irfan Uzzaman, Mohammad Shakilur RahmanReadymade Garment (RMG) industry is one of the strongest sectors supporting the economy of Bangladesh and proper business strategies need to be applied to maintain its growth. One way to decrease the supply time is layout improvement and a better forecasting method. Here, different forecasting methods, comparison between them and improvement of plant layout are mainly focused using data collected from several factories. To determine the future demand (forecasting) of a certain company different methods (exponential smoothing, weighted moving average etc.) are used. By analyzing and comparing; a better method is proposed to predict more accurate future demand. Production efficiency and Achieved target are also found from collected data. In this research, an improved layout is proposed to a company; where line balancing is better and lead time is minimized making the supply chain more efficient. With all these analysis and data collection, a better and improved supply chain network can be used in Bangladeshi RMG sector.