Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015.
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Crushable Finite Element Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Titanium Foam[Full-Text ] Nada S. Korim, Mohammed Y. Abdellah, Montasser Dewidar, Ayman M.M. AbdelhaleemTitanium foam is attractive material in bio-system applications, due to its biocompatibility as well as stable fixation in human bone. Obtaining sufficient information about mechanical and failure behaviors of such material are of great intense and it needs to be will studied. Finite element model based on crushable foam model will be used to simulate the mechanical and failure behavior of titanium foam of vary densities as 59.9 %, 62.5 % and 65 % porosity. Compression test is commonly test for foam material to measure compressive strength and flow behaviors of titanium foam with pervious porosity. Whereas, stiffness properties to be measured three point bending test is getting good. The three point bending test is used to measure both flexural strength and flexural stiffness or young modulus. The numerical modeling results are validated with other available published. The results are in good agreement with the published experimental data.
Study on Enumeration, Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Coagulase positive Staphylococci Isolated from Hand Pump Water[Full-Text ] Naaz Abbas, Zainab Abbas and Iqbal Ehsan BaigA study was conducted on bacteriological analysis of hand pump water for determining the quality and extent of contamination. A total of 100 hand pump water samples were studied for enumeration of typical staphylococci (TS) and Coagulase positive staphylococci (CPS). On m-staphylococcal agar 82% samples yielded typical staphylococcal colonies, 79% of which was in the range of 1-20 cfu/100ml, 15% in the range of 20-40 and 2% were between 100-500 staphylococci/100ml. Coagulase positive staphylococcus were found in 25 samples, of which 76% had a range of 1-20 and remaining 24% had count less than 100 cfu/100ml of hand pump water tested. Minimum value was 1 and maximum 364 for TS while for CPS minimum value was 2 and maximum was 86 cfu/100ml, with a mean value of 80.5 and 15.86 respectively. From 82 samples, 106 colonies randomly selected among 1733 golden to orange colonies of TS obtained on m-staphylococcal agar, were subjected to coagulase positive test. Thirty two coagulase positive strains from 25 positive samples were isolated and characterized. Twenty five were Mannitol fermentation positive while seven were negative. In our study 30% typical staphylococci were found pathogenic i.e. coagulase positive. A varying degree of resistance and susceptibility was found against twelve antibiotics. Ampiclox was found 100% effective for these CPS strains.
Slight Heterogeneity in Multi-core Architecture: An Experimental & Comparative Study[Full-Text ] Abdullah Al Mamun, Hilal H. Nuha, Sultan Anwar, Hassan AliThere is a growing consensus that heterogeneous multicores are the future of CPUs. These processors would be composed of cores that are specifically adapted or tuned to particular types of applications and use cases, thereby increasing performance. The move from homogeneous to heterogeneous multicores causes the design space to explode, however. An architect of a heterogeneous processor must make design decisions per processor core rather than once for the entire processor as before. Currently, there are no methods for handling this design complexity to yield a processor that performs well for real workloads. As a step forward, we propose weak heterogeneity. A weakly heterogeneous processor is one whose cores are different, but not significantly so. The cores share an ISA and major microarchitectural features, differing only in minor details. Limiting the design space in this way allows us to explore the heterogeneous space without becoming overwhelmed by its size. We show preliminary results suggesting that a design space so constrained still has interesting trade-offs among performance, power consumption, and area.
Enhancement of Expansive Soil Properties Using Lime Silica-Fume Mixture[Full-Text ] Qassun S. Mohammed Shafiqu, Ahmed S. Ali and Haider Naeim Abdul-Hussein Al-HassanyExpansive clayey soils are generally found in arid and semiarid regions where they cover vast areas around the world. Due to the presence of some clay minerals such as montmorillonite, these soils exhibit significant volume changes upon wetting or drying. They are considered potential natural hazard, which can cause extensive damage to civil engineering structures if not adequately treated especially to lightly loaded structures such as single to double storey houses, pavements, walkways, floors, canal linings etc.This study investigates the effect of adding Lime-Silica Fume Mixture (LSFM) to expansive clayey soil in order to enhance its engineering properties. LSFM has been added in different percentages 0%, 4%, 8% and 12% for lime with 0%, 8%, 13% and 18% for silica fume by soil weight and consequently (16) specimens of treated soil were obtained by mixing these percentages.
IMPACT OF WORKFORCE DIVERSITY ON ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN THE EDUCATION SECTOR OF KARACHI PAKISTAN[Full-Text ] Hafiza Sumaiyyah Iqbal, Faiza Maqbool ShahDiversity is gradually used and accepted as a significant organizational resource in esteems to whether the objective is to be an employer of choice, to offer outstanding customer service, or to sustain a competitive advantage. It also has verified to have controlled to an opinion of being essential for organizational performance. This ultimate faith forces managers to hold and understand the theory of workplace diversity, its benefits and barriers. The purpose of this research is to discover the impact of diversify workforce towards organizational performance which focus into the education sector. The research also emphases on workforce diversity which contains the gender, ethnic and education background of the employees which is the utmost critical variables amongst all the others. The research was done by distributing 100 questionnaires to the faculty members of 5 different universities of Karachi. The questionnaire outcomes show that there is an impact on performance when diverse workforce is working in the education sector.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF BUILDING FRAME 2X2 PILE GROUPS EMBEDED IN COHESIONLESS SOIL[Full-Text ] B.BULLI BABU, K.NAGA SREENIVASA RAO, M.NARENDRAThis works presents experimental study of model building frame supported by 2x2 pile groups embedded in cohesionless soil (sand) through the results of static vertical load tests. The experimental investigation model plane frame supported by pile groups embedded in cohesionless soil (sand) under the static loads (central concentrated load, uniformly distributed load (UDL) and eccentric concentrated load) is necessary to establish the fact that the soil interaction greatly alters the design parameters. The effect of soil interaction on displacements and settelement and rotation at the column base and also the shears and bending moments in the building frame were investigated.Results revealed that, shear force and bending moment values which were back calculated from the experimental results,showed considerable reduction of the ssi.
Biological, cytopathological and molecular studies of Potato virus Y isolated from pepper grown under greenhouse conditions in Egypt[Full-Text ] Om Hashem M. EL Banna, Aya A. Hassan and A. H. HamedPotato virus Y (PVY) was isolated from naturally infected pepper leaves collected from greenhouses in Egypt. Host range and symptomology of pepper isolate of PVY mechanically inoculated into the local lesions host Chenopodium amaranticolor. The virus isolate reacted with mild mosaic symptoms and vein clearing on Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. White Burely, Dark green mosaic, curl and deformation on Capsicum annum L. cv. California Wonder, on Lycopersicum esculentum L. cv. Castle Rock. No symptoms were observed on Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Diamond. Electron microscopy of the virus dip preparation showed flexuous rod shaped particles. Pinwheel and laminated inclusion bodies by electron microscopy of ultrathin sections prepared in pepper infected plants but not in those of healthy pepper plants. induced by PVY were observed and there were change in the different tissues and cells organelles under electron microscope in infected epidermal strips of pepper leaves. PVY could be effectively detected using RT-PCR. The primers used in this study amplified of full length of the viral coat protein gene (800bp). PCR positive samples were sequenced. The coat protein gene was deposited in the Gen Bank by accession no. (LC060904.1) and PVY isolate was compared with those of other PVY isolates available in the NCBI database with the program BLAST.
Equilibrium and kinetic studies of Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solution using DiaionSA20A exchange resin[Full-Text ] F.H.G.Mesbah, T.M.Zewail, H.A.FaragThe removal of Cr(VI) from aqueous solutions by the use of ion exchange ( Diaion SA20A) resin has been investigated. Batch sorption processes were carried out to investigate various physicochemical parameters such as pH, equilibrium contact time, initial metal ion concentration, rpm, resin dosage, and temperature. The optimum pH for Cr(VI) removal was found at 4.28. The equilibrium data were tested using three isotherm models namely, Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin. The present equilibrium data was found to be best described by Langmuir isotherm model with a high correlation coefficient. The maximum adsorption capacity of the resin was found to be 166.6 mg/g. The present kinetic data are well described by the pseudo second- order reaction to a great extent. The results revealed that both film diffusion and intraparticle diffusion contribute to the rate- determining steps.
An Evolutionary Testing Solution of Rational Unified Process Model to Develop ERP Software in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Sabahat Tasneem, Mr. Akmal RehanIn Pakistan, The evaluation phase of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Development Life Cycle is facing Product Risks and Project Risks due to its infancy. All of these risks must be nipped in the bud, before they become monstrous and threat about the software. In this research paper, a systematic technique based upon Rational Unified Process (RUP) Model and hybrid testing technique based upon Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD), Pair Testing, State Transition Testing and Exploratory Testing Techniques, which can be adopted in Rational Unified Process (RUP) to mitigate these risks, involved in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Testing, effectively in a tight time frame, has been presented to use in Pakistani Software Houses. Quantitative and Qualitative Techniques were used to gain better results in research.
Pestalotia leaf Spot a New Disease affect Guava Trees in Egypt[Full-Text ] Moustafa M.S.H. , Hala A.M. El – Dakar and Asmaa M. A.AlkolalyDuring March of 2009 uncommon leaf spot was noticed on guava trees scattered in an orchard (35 feddan) located at El-Sadat district , Menofeia governorate, Egypt. The diseased leaves showed cup shape. Eexamination of these leaves showed powdery mildew like spots on the lower surface, especially on leaf margins. Microscopic examination showed acervuli covered with spores of multi cells and spindle shape. Later the diseased spots turn into brown color and expanded, especially on the leaf margins and covered most of the leaf surface and turned into dark brown. At later stage the infected leaves become dry and defoliated .The causal fungus was isolated, purified and identified as Pestalotia psidii. Pathogenicity test and reisolation from the inoculated leaves revealed that Pestalotia psidii is the causal organism.
Oscillation Based Testing for Low Voltage Two Stage Operational Transconductance Amplifier[Full-Text ] Maninder kaur, Jasdeep KaurThe paper describes the design for testability (DFT) of low voltage two stage operational transconductance amplifiers based on oscillation based testing (OBT). The oscillation-test strategy is a low cost and robust test method for mixed-signal integrated circuits. Being a vectorless test method, it allows one to eliminate the analog test vector generator. Circuit under test is transformed to oscillators using very simple techniques. The tolerance band of the oscillation frequency is determined by a Monte Carlo analysis taking into account the nominal tolerance of all circuit under test components. Seventeen bridging faults and nine open faults have been analyzed in proposed work. Simulation results for two stage operational transconductance amplifier using a 0.18µm CMOS technology show that the proposed oscillation-based test strategy has more than 92% fault coverage and, with a minimum number of extra components, requires a negligible area overhead.
A Preliminary Assessment of Wind Energy in Dujaili Site at Wasit Province – Iraq (Case Study)[Full-Text ] Dr. Firas A. Hadi, Dr. Mohammed A. Salih, Dr. Kamal H. LatifThe adoption of sustainable energy systems for the purpose of generating electricity at any site requires real good readings and an estimate of wind source in any site. This paper includes an assessment of wind energy source in Dujaili site using data available in the wind Geosun map. Then this data was used to guess the purpose of the potential energy of the site. It was also estimate the number of working hours by using Weibull coefficients of the site and specification of certain wind turbine, in addition to the economic feasibility study which serve the investor to determine the investment benefit extent in that region.
A Study of Testing Pitfalls in Graphical User Interface Testing and Its Elucidation[Full-Text ] Iqra Tariq, Tasleem MustafaThe process of testing a product's interface is called graphical user interface testing conceded out to make certain that it meets its written specifications. Testing includes booming set of errands and evaluating the result with the estimated output and capability to recur equivalent set of chores several times. It includes different data inputs but same level of accuracy. GUI’s provide large interaction space to the users. During testing, it is important to “adequately cover” this interaction space. Implementing GUI testing in earlier phases of the software development life cycle improves excellence, speeds up progress process and reduces risks towards the end product. Manual selection requires a tedious code inspection and does not scale. This research will uncover factors that affect product testing, and will evaluate them with fault related factors in GUI testing. The approach is to provide elucidation for these testing pitfalls.
A survey on Personalized Query Recommendation System for Database Exploration[Full-Text ] Shiny Nair, Varghese S ChooralilAn effective information mining process necessitates an extensive exploration of the database. Analysis and study of large volume of data available in data marts are inevitable for knowledge discovery. For example, for scientific exploration, scientists need to query large databases for scientific data. However, all users may not possess the expertise in Structured Query Language that is generally required to query relevant data from the database. Considering complex relational databases, seldom will novice users have the knowledge and expertise of the underlying schema of the database and association between relations and attributes. The QueRIE system that supports users by presenting personalized query recommendations. The QueRIE framework identifies similarities with previous users’ information needs and recommends queries to the current user. This paper studies the different algorithms and systems for query recommendations with focus on a QueRIE framework instantiation that attempts to identify similar queries as recommendations to the user, based on a set of query fragments from users’ session.
A Survey on Mining User Opinion from Texts and Emoticons[Full-Text ] Nasiya Najeeb, Sangeetha JamalOpinion mining is a type of natural language processing for tracking the mood of the public about a particular product or topic. Lots of people write their opinions in forums, micro blogging or review websites. This data is very useful for business companies, governments, and individuals, who want to track automatically attitudes and feelings in those sites. Today Social Network Sites (SNS) allows people to express their feelings and convey their emotions via texts as well as emoticons. Information in terms of texts are extracted and clustered into emotions and then classified into positive, negative and neutral. Today the most common approach followed by users is using emoticons along with texts. An emoticon is generally more likely to affect a sentence in which it occurs since it provides a better sentiment expression of a web user. Emoticons are of two types: textual emoticons and graphical emoticons. In this paper, we have described the different approaches used for mining opinion from both texts and emoticons to assist future research in this area. We have performed a systematic literature review process to conduct this survey.
A SURVEY ON ONLINE FEATURE SELECTION AND DIFFERENT METHODS[Full-Text ] Catherine Mathew, Varghese chooralilThis survey paper talks about the online feature selection. The paper talks on online learning method working on partial and full inputs. The paper discuss on various sparsity regularization methods and how they prevent from over fitting of datasets. Truncation techniques are used to reduce the computation time of processing and discovering relevant datasets.The major advantages is that data used are data points rather than whole datasets. The data sets taken are from UCI machine learning repository. The results of various experiment depicts that the proposed algorithms are fairly effective for feature selection tasks of online applications and more efficient and scalable than some state of the art batch selection techniques
Presenting A Model For Developing A Strategic Program In Bank Meli of Mazandaran Province[Full-Text ] Dr.Mahmood Samadi Laragani, Hossein Shahbazi Dolat AbadiThe aim of this study is to provide a model to develop a strategic planning at the National Bank of Mazandaran province. The statistical population in this study comprised of all managers and experts of Bank in the year 2014-15 and 40 specialists were chosen to perform this study using purposive sampling method. The present study is a survey analytical-descriptive one. To review the research questions, researcher-made strategic planning has been used. For statistical analysis of data, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used. The result shows that the model of developing strategic planning includes four main components: organization’s strategies development, developing strategic plans with regard to the great values of the organization, mission and goals of the organization and internal and external analysis which are in order of priority and preference and these dimensions interact with each other.
SKILL ACQUISITION: AN ENTREPRENEURIAL FACTOR IN JEWELRY MAKING[Full-Text ] Musa S., Wuritka E.G., Zipporah Z.ESkill acquisition, entrepreneurial factor in jewelry making is a minimum requirement for competent jewelers in jewelry making. This paper discusses basic concepts, procedures, stages and essential indices for acquiring entrepreneurial skills in globalized jewelry enterprises. It also provides justification for acquisition of entrepreneurial skills in jewelry making and the essential techniques that can be used by jewelers. The study conclude that the role of entrepreneurial factor in jewelry making cannot be overemphasized as it clearly vindicated on how to acclimatized with modern entrepreneurship solution which promote employment in this area of endevour.
Experimental Behaviour of Beam Column Joint By Using Reactive Powder Concrete[Full-Text ] D.Karthik, C.Mathan kumar, M.SivarajaNow a day many inventions comes in civil engineering field like pre-fabricated technology, usage of high strength concrete, different types of composite panels,etc.One of the technologies is reactive powder concrete which contains cement, fine aggregate and sub-cementitious materials like fly ash, silica fume, quartz powder and some additional material based on quality improvement. In our project, initially we casted mortar cubes of sizes 70.6mm 70.6mm 70.6 mm to determine the strength of concrete comparatively with normal concrete for 10 trial mix ratios (cement : fine aggregate : fly ash : silica fume : quartz powder) which have simultaneous reduction amount of sand and increment of sub-cementitious materials. From the test results, we casted beam column joint for maximum grade mix with 1% of steel fiber. The result shows that increment of cementitious matter will enhance good bonding character and consequently reduce permeability and also the steel fiber addition increases the flexural, compressive strength of concrete.
Application Of Geo-Resistivity In Soil Corrosivity Rating To Aid Cathodic Protection Plan for Under-ground Oil and Gas Utilities In Elelenwo Area of Rivers State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Etimita Osuwake Omini, Beka Francis ThomasGeo-resistivity method was applied in soil corrosivity rating to aid cathodic protection plan for underground oil and gas utilities in Elelenwo area of Rivers State, Nigeria. Underground utilities in the study area are affected by corrosion due to variations in soil pH, resistivity, dissolved oxygen, anions, bacterial content and poor drainage condition of the environment. The soil is generally lateritic sandstones with varying amounts of sand, silt and clay. The geo-resistivity values obtained within the study area show that at less than four meters depth, the soil corrosivity increases with depth, and ranges from 1.086?m to 390.480?m, indicating extremely corrosive to essentially non-corrosive soils, respectively. The results indicate that corrosion control measures should be applied on underground utilities in the area based on utility depth of burial. The adopted cathodic protection design should aim at enhancing conditions that prevent corrosion based on the soil corrosivity rating for study area.
Application of Very Low Frequency Method and Ground Penetration Radar in Underground Utility Investigation, Onshore Eastern Niger Delta[Full-Text ] ETIMITA OSUWAKE OMINI, BEKA FRANCIS THOMAS AND OLORY MAGNUS AKPANGGround penetration radar and very low frequency methods were used as novel approach to identify the presence of the increasing installation and application of underground oil and gas industry related utilities in part of the onshore eastern Niger Delta. The dominant underground utilities in the study area are pipelines and electrical cables, mostly buried at depths of less than two meters from the ground surface. It is therefore, necessary to investigate the presence, position and nature of these underground utilities for proper designing and safety of new construction and engineering projects. Failure to carryout subsurface utility checks prior to inception of new and potentially subsurface infrastructure- impacting projects may result in utility damage and serious accidents. The results of the study indicate that the applied geophysical methods prove to be accurate, effective and feasible, and are recommended for underground utility investigations in the onshore Niger Delta.
Design an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System to Enhance the Performance of Perdawd CCGS in Kurdistan of Iraq[Full-Text ] Dr. Eng. Wassan Adnan. HashimThis paper describes a design procedure for an ANFIS based power system stabilizer (ANFIS-PSS) and investigates their robustness for a single machine infinite bus system. Speed deviation of a machine and output power active is chosen as the input signals to the ANFIS-PSS. A Perdawd CCGS that connected to Kurdistan Regional Power System of Iraq (KRPS) is used as the case study. Computer simulations for the test system subjected to transient disturbances i.e. a three phase fault, were carried out and the results showed that the proposed controller is able to prove its effectiveness and improve the system damping when compared to a conventional lead-lag based power system stabilizer controller. Finally, several fault and load disturbance simulation results are presented to stress the effectiveness of the proposed ANFIS-PSS in a station studied and show that the proposed intelligent controls improve the dynamic performance of the ANFIS-PSS and the associated power network.
Derivation of Surface Soil Water Content Using a Simplified Geometric Method in Allahabad District, Uttar Pradesh India[Full-Text ] Abba Aliyu KasimSurface soil water content (surface moisture availability) is the principal indicator of soil physical fertility. A simplified geometric method is presented for estimating surface soil water content in Allahabad district using remotely sensed multispectral satellite data (Landsat 7ETM+). Surface radiant temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)/Fractional vegetation cover were derived from optical/thermal satellite imagery. The method utilizes the relationship between these satellite measurements to infer surface soil water content. The derived surface soil water content values were correlated with ground measured volumetric soil water content. A poor correlation coefficient was found to exist (R2 < 0.2) on all the dates under study, presumably indicating that soil surface water content has become decoupled from the soil water content at deeper layers. Surface soil water content maps were created to show spatial and temporal variability in surface soil water content in Chaka block (sub-study area). The merit of this method is that it does not require any other parameters (surface data or model output), however, it has great potential to work as any other more sophisticated approach for estimating surface soil water content.
The impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in telecom sector of Pakistan. An empirical study of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Author Sidra Ansar, co author Samreen LodhiToday's successful organizations serving in telecom area of Pakistan these organizations need to undertaking through service quality they attempt to fulfill customers by giving best quality services subsequently this research concentrates on finding the effect of service quality on consumer satisfaction in Telecommunication sector of Pakistan. All Telecom service provider companies; U fone, Warid, Telenor, Zong and Mobilink are taken in this research and design is to investigate the effect of service quality on consumer satisfaction of these telecom sectors. An organized questionnaire was composed and gathers the information from 200 customers. Correlation and regression analysis were conducted utilizing SPSS to analyze the data.
Level,distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in urban community garden soils in Baghdad City, Iraq[Full-Text ] Emad A. M. Salah, Kadhim H. Yassin, Safa Abd-AlsalaamFourteen composite samples were collected from the gardens soils in Baghdad City in order to determine concentrations, spatial distribution and contam-ination assessment of heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Fe, Pb and Zn. The mean concentrations are as follows: 18.64 mg/kg for Cd, 3.65 mg/kg for Cr, 15.64 mg/kg for Cu, 9114.28 mg/kg for Fe, 30.71 mg/kg for Ni, 1.99 mg/kg for Pb and 23.71 mg/kg for Zn. The mean concentrations of heavy metals were compared with USEPA soil guideline and the world reference value. The mean concentrations of Cd and Ni exceeded the guidelines while the other metals did not exceed. Positive and negative significant correlation relationships between the metals were reported. ANOVA showed that there were sig-nificant differences (at p < 0.5) in concentrations Cd, Ni and Zn metals between the sampling sites and insignificant (at p < 0.5) in concentrations of Cr, Cu and Pb. The metal contamination in the garden soils was also evaluated by Appling enrichment factor (EF), pollution load index (PLI), integrated pollution load index (IPLI) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo). Based on enrichment factor (EF) , the gardens soils in Baghdad city are extremely high enrichment with Cd and moderate enrichment with Cu and Ni. Pollution load index (PLI) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) indicated that Baghdad gardens soils are polluted by Cd and unpolluted by other metals. The integrated pollution load index (IPLI) values showed that the gardens soils in Baghdad are polluted with heavy metals. The sources of Cd in Baghdad gardens soils may be from traffic and industrial emissions and may be from phosphate fertilizers.
Risk factors of nosocomial infections in the Gharb region, Morocco[Full-Text ] N. Saouide el ayne, A. Boukhraz, N. Auajjar, S. hamama, A. Soulaymani, A. Echchelh In Morocco, the published data on the epidemiology of nosocomial infection are rare. The aim of this prospective study was to determine the prevalence and the epidemiology of nosocomial bacterial infections in the services of Kenitra Regional Hospital and to identify the main risk factors associated with these infections.
Android Speech-to-speech Translation System For Sinhala[Full-Text ] Layansan R., Aravinth S. Sarmilan S, Banujan C, and G. FernandoCollaborator (Interactive Translation Application) speech translation system is intended to allow unsophisticated users to communicate in between Sinhala and Tamil crossing language barrier, despite the error prone nature of current speech and translation technologies. System build on Google voice furthermore also support Sinhala and Tamil languages that are not supported by the default Google implementation barring it is restricted to common yet critical domain, such as traveling and shopping. In this document we will briefly present the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) using PocketSphinx, Machine Translation (MT) architecture, and Speech Synthesizer or Text to Speech Engine (TTS) describing how it is used in Collaborator. This architecture could be easy extendable and adaptable for other languages.
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as Alternatives for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Zaman, E.Y., Otiwa, G., Yahaya, U., Oloyede,Y.E., Odey, B.O & .Adaaja, BClimate change is a glaring reality the world faces as one of its latest and most serious challenges to sustainable human development. It is an outcome of both natural and anthropogenic factors, of which the most prominent is the preponderance of Green House Gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, growing population and industrialization have greatly contributed to this. The forecast that in the absence of mitigation and adaptation measures, climate change could result in a loss of between 2% and 11% of Nigeria’s GDP by 2020, rising to between 6% and 30% by the year 2050 is a great cause for concern. Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures have traditionally amongst other measures, focused on the forest option targeted at only trees as means of creating and protecting forest carbon stocks. Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as relatively fast growing components of forests are posited in this paper as veritable alternatives or complements towards a more wholistic approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation against the background of their contribution to multiple income streams, and carbon sequestration. In addition, the current global dependence of about 2.6 billion people on biomass for cooking and other domestic needs presents a robust potential for bio-fuel production and utilization.