Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015.
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Phytochemical and Pharmacological Screening of Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz) A.DC. (Fam. Rutaceae)[Full-Text ] Mohiuddin Chowdhury, Mrs. Irin Sultana, Msd. Zakya Tasneem, Abdullah Al bin JubairGlycosmispentaphylla(Retz.) A. DC. a beautifully shaped evergreen shrub from the family Rutaceae was investigated for its phytochemical & biological activities. Preliminary chemical group identification revealed the presence of alkaloids, gums, reducing sugars, tannins, flavonoids and saponins. The study was aimed to investigate the biological interest of these compounds of Glycosmispentaphylla(Retz.) A. DC. for antimicrobial & minimum inhibitory concentration, membrane stabilization, anxiolytic activity.In-vitro antimicrobial sensitivity was evaluated against 4 Gram positive and 6 Gram negative pathogenic bacteria and 7 fungi using azithromycin and fluconazole respectively as standard. In disc diffusion antimicrobial assay Glycosmispentaphylla(Retz.) A. DC. showed varying degrees of antimicrobial activities with zone of inhibition ranging from 9.26 mm to 14 mm and 10 mm to 11.33 mm for bacteria and fungi respectively where the growth of S. paratyphy and A. niger were strongly inhibited.In the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test by serial dilusion method a mild to strong MIC’s were observed for the test bacteria. Test extract 1mg/ml and 0.5mg/ml of Glycosmispentaphylla(Retz.) A. DC. produced inhibition of the heat induced haemolysis of RBCsby 55.00 % & 42.27% respectively whereas, the standard, aspirin showed 71.36 %. Which shows membrane stabilization activityGlycosmispentaphylla(Retz) A. DC.showed moderate anxiolytic activity in mice at the doses of 200 & 400mg/kg-body weight as compared to the standard anxiolytic agent diazepam. Sample provide % of open field cross inhibition respectively 26.49 % & 46.75 % compared to diazepam 84.24% and % of hole cross inhibition 42.86 % & 57.14 % compared to diazepam 87.01 %.
Performance Analysis Of Intersatellite Optical Wireless Link Using Multiple TX/RX And CO-OFDM Techniques[Full-Text ] Sona G Dev, Sunu Ann ThomasFSO Communication is the three dimension global communication system with high bandwidth access. Intersatellite communication can be considered as one of the major robust technology of FSO communication. Investigation of various parameters related to intersatellite OWC can be virtually done by using optisystem software. The performance of the system can also be studied. This paper analyzed the performance of multiple transmitter/receiver OWC system and CO-OFDM OWC system.
Structural and Electrical Properties of Nanocrystalline CdO:In thin films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Deposition[Full-Text ] Ali Ahmad Yousif, Mazin H. HasanThe paper presents a review of indium-doped cadmium oxide (CdO:In) films were prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) on sapphire a-Al2O3 (006) and quartz substrates at different deposition condition by Nd-YAG Q-Switching second harmonic generation (SHG). The effect of doping on the structure and electrical properties of the CdO:In films have been investigated by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The result showed that nanocrystalline and (111)-oriented CdO films were obtained.
ELECTRICAL POWER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS USING LCL FILTER[Full-Text ] Noah K. SeremDue to the effects of global warming from greenhouse gas released to the atmosphere by combustion of fossil fuels, high prices of fossil fuels and their unsteady supply, researchers are becoming more concerned in the renewable energy sources. This paper presents a method that is used to improve the power quality by filtering harmonics produced by the voltage source inverter (VSI) used for conversion from DC to AC. MATLAB/SIMULINK software is used for simulation and results before and after filtering are compared and conclusions made.
A Virtualization Approach in Smart phone Using Cloud computing for machine to machine Communication[Full-Text ] Naushad Ahmad Usmani, Mohammed Waseem AshfaqueVirtualization allows instances of multiple operating systems to run concurrently on a single machine Its means that separating hardware resource from a single operating system and Each “guest” OS is managed and looked after by a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), also referred as hypervisor. Because the virtualization system lies between the guest and the hardware resources, it can control the guests OS and use of all hardware resources like CPU, memory, and storage, even guest OS are allowing to switch over from one machine to another. Virtualization and Smart phone or mobile have been two of the greatest trends to hit up enterprises in IT sector. Virtualization from a server perspective has been a disruptive force in the IT world, and these results into the form of VMware, one of the largest software firm in terms of market cap. And hence all over 50% of servers are now being virtualized But implementing some form of virtualization on mobile devices is not yet widely implemented in the enterprise market, and so small companies offering their solution and services, it appears that virtualization on mobile is turning the corner and will be heading towards widespread adoption.
The Effect of Pitch and Fins on Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Double Pipe Helical Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Abdulhassan A.Karamallah, Hisham.A.HoshiLaminar heat transfer and flow investigated experimentally in the annulus of double pipe helical heat exchanger. Experimental study included designing and manufacturing two types of heat exchanger one with inner plain tube and the other with finned tube with three pitches coil 75mm, 50mm and 35mm. The combined effects of finned tube, pitches with different Dean Number range from 394 to 723 were studied and discussed. The combinations gives higher heat transfer enhancement with the smaller pitch in finned tube. This enhancement in finned tube up to 16 % at Dean Number 723.The correlation equation have been developed for predicting for Nusselt number and the maximum deviation between this equation and experimental results is about 10 %.
Low Cost Ferro cement Single Room House: A Revolutionary change in Construction building of Pakistan[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ali ZafarThe major earthquake of Oct. 2005 has left a thought for civil engineers to improve the design practice and quality of construction in Pakistan to endure natural disasters. Engineers are working at individual and organizational level to meet such challenges. This research work is a part of the same process. A design of simple-to-construct single room house which has the capability to meet the strength and serviceability requirements. Ferrocement, a material recommended by ACI 549R-93 is proposed for this house. This paper attempts to review the literature on ferrocement and brings out the design of Roof Panels/beam and Wall Panels for a single room using ferrocement. The salient features of construction, material properties and techniques of applying cement mortar on to the reinforcing mesh makes it easy and virtually require no expertise to practically construct these Roof panels/beams and wall panels. The tool used for this purpose is ETAB. The idea is generally based on do it yourself (DIY) concept to develop an efficient and economical method for construction of ferrocement room and practically reduce the live losses and damage to infrastructures in case of any seismic activity.
A Study: On Impact of Leadership in Corporate Culture[Full-Text ] Muhammad Ali Zafar, Farwah Ahmed, Komal ShamsherThis paper presents a study, in which the effects of decision making of leaders in an organization’s culture and performance are analyzed. The study has been focused on age, gender and experience of the leaders. This research is conducted over different firms, in order to investigate the impact of age, gender & experience on leaders within Pakistan. For this purpose, decision making questionnaire was administered to a sample of 100 participants (79 Men and 21 women) of ages between (25 -70) years, experience from (2-35) years. SPSS tool is used to signify percentages of age, gender & experience of different participants contributing to the decision making.
Load Sharing of Piled-Raft Foundations embedded in soft to medium Clay Subjected to Vertical Loads[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Ragheb, Dr. Tarek Mostafa Abdelaziz, E. Nader Aly AyadMany researches have been performed on pile raft foundation in order to investigate the combined nature of raft and piles that behave as a unit. The load sharing ratio of piled raft has been studied by many researchers and mathematical formulas are achieved to predict the load sharing ratio. In the present study, the closed form equation proposed by Kyujin Choi (2014 which based on tests applied from centrifuge tests on pile raft system) is applied on the case of friction piles embedded in soft/medium clay. The load sharing ratio was calculated in case of different studied parameters and the relationships between the piled raft settlement and load sharing ratio were achieved and plotted. The studied parameters included were cohesion, number of piles, piles length, piles spacing and piles diameter. The study results concluded that the load sharing ration for all studied cases is ranging from 0.73 to 0.96. In addition the load sharing ratio is directly proportional to number of piles, piles length, piles spacing and piles diameter and inversely proportional to piles spacing. Also it can be concluded that the cohesion of soil surrounding the piles has a little effect on the value of load sharing ratio.
Packet-Hiding Methods for Preventing Selective Jamming Attacks[Full-Text ] Guttula PavaniThe open nature of the wireless medium leaves it weak to intentional interference attacks, typically referred to jamming. The intentional interference with wireless transmission can be worn as a launch pad for increasing Denial-of-Service attack on wireless networks. In general, jamming has been addressed under an external threat model. However, adversary with internal knowledge of protocol condition and network secrets can start low-effort jamming attacks that are hard to detect and counter. In this work, we deal with the problem of selective jamming attacks in wireless networks. In these attacks, the adversary is vigorous only for a short period of time, selectively targeting messages of high importance. We demonstrate the advantages of selective jamming within network performance deprivation and adversary effort by presents two case studies; a selective attack on TCP and one on routing. We show that selective jamming attacks can be launch by performing real-time packet classification at the physical layer. To diminish these attacks, we develop 3 schemes that avoid real-time packet classification by combining cryptographic primitives with physical-layer attributes. We examine the security of our methods and evaluate their computational and communication overhead.
The Effectiveness of Lean Manufacturing Tools in Maintaining Quality Control (Assurance): A Case of a Door Manufacturing Company in Malaysia[Full-Text ] Zurinah Suradi, Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, and Noor Haslina YusofThis paper highlighted on the effectiveness of lean manufacturing tools in maintaining quality control or assurance in a door manufacturing company in Malaysia. The company has experience producing defective product at an alarming rates. Hence, Poka Yoke has been applied to reduce waste or defective door components produced in the manufacturing plant. After the application of Poka Yoke method, it has reduced from 29% to 6%. Hence, Poke Yoke method can be used to reduce defective production of a door components at the door manufacturing plant in Malaysia.
GENETIC ENGINEERING: ITS PROSPECTS, FACTS OR FICTION?[Full-Text ] ONUOHA, JUDE ADINDU, UKAH, MICHAEL, OBIALOR, DORIS CHINYERE, OSONDU, MONICAThe gigantic stride genetic engineering has made in the field of knowledge and research is no longer news. It is also a truism that it has contributed immensely to scientific research to improve the human society. The results of these researches have been called to question on how successful they have been. This study is out to give a critical appraisal on the successiveness and un-successiveness of these researches and tends to proffer solutions on the way forward. The percentage of the success recorded by the researchers is quite negligible compared to expectations. Is it worth continuing with or do we look for other solutions? “Knowledge is power”, according to Francis Bacon, falsify a theory in order to build up a stronger foundation for a new theory, according to Karl Popper. These statements of fact are a clear demonstration that researches should be ongoing and there is no end to knowledge. New ideas beget new knowledge.
Auditing Cloud Storage by Key Coverage Conflict in Cloud[Full-Text ] Abhiram Srinivasan, Bharat Mallala, Sree VarunMaintaining data reliability in public cloud acts a vital role in cloud computing. Cloud storage auditing solves the complexity of data reliability in public cloud. In progress auditing protocols are all standard on the statement that the client’s private key for auditing is completely protected. However, such statement probably will not for all time be seized, because of the probably feeble logic of protection and/or low protection settings at the consumer. If such a secret key for auditing is uncovered, nearly every one of the existing auditing protocols would certainly develop into incapable in the direction of exertion. In this paper, we meeting point happening this new fraction of cloud storage auditing. We examine how to decrease injure of the client’s key coverage in cloud storage auditing, and provide the primary sensible solution for this original difficulty setting. We celebrate the meaning and the refuge model of auditing protocol with key- coverage flexibility and suggest such a protocol. In our plan, we utilize the preorder traversal technique and the binary tree structure to inform the private keys for the consumer. In addition to expand a novel authenticator structure to sustain the onward security and the assets of chunk less verifiability. The refuge proof and the presentation examination show that our proposed protocol is safe and proficient.
F&DT Analysis of an Aircraft Wing[Full-Text ] Tejaswini Borra, Ganesh Kumar PamarthiThis paper focuses on estimation of fatigue life of a fastener and crack growth analysis of an aircraft wing of GARUDA - 101. There is no much literature and tools to avoid fatigue damage and failures. Life of the joints, components, and whole aircraft should be estimated to reduce the structural failures due to fatigue. Life after crack initiation should also be estimated.
Some Mathematical Models for Epidemiology[Full-Text ] Vinod Kumar and Deepak KumarThis work is describing the role of dynamic compartmental modelling and their conceptual aspects in epidemiology. The work emphasizes an understanding of different mathematical models applied to the population dynamics of infectious diseases. Also, we are mainly discussing the future aspects of governing equations for different infectious diseases.
THERMAL ENERGY TRANSMISSION IN FREE CONVECTIVE MHD FLOW OF A ROTATING OLDROYD FLUID PAST AN INFINITE VERTICAL POROUS PLATE WITH MASS TRANSPORT, CHEMICAL REACTION AND HEAT SOURCES SUBJECTED TO CONSTANT SUCTION[Full-Text ] M. JenaThis paper deals with the study of thermal energy transmission in free convective MHD flow of a rotating Oldroyd fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate with mass transport, chemical reaction, heat sources subjected to constant suction. Effects various fluid parameters on the flow pattern have been analyzed by graphs and tables obtained from numerical computation. It is observed that increase in rotation parameter increases primary velocity, but reverse effect is marked in case of secondary velocity. Temperature shows uniform decrease with the distance from the porous plate and the concentration falls with the rise of the Schmidt number (Sc).
An infinite plate with a curvilinear hole having two poles and arbitrary shape in the presence of heat[Full-Text ] F.S Bayones & B. M. AlharbiIn this paper, we consider the boundary value problem for isotropic homogeneous perforated infinite elastic media in presence of uniform flow of heat. Then, we use the more general shape of conformal mapping to obtain the complex potential functions for the problem in the form integro-differential equation with singular kernel. Moreover, the three components of stress are calculated. Many special cases are obtained and several applications are discussed from the work. The results indicate that the effect of heat on an infinite plate with a curvilinear hole having two poles and arbitrary shape are very pronounced.
Improving Productivity in Feed Mixing Machine Manufacturing in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Engr.Rufus Ogbuka Chime, Engr,Benedict.N Ugwu, Engr.Samuel I.Ukwuaba, Prof.Abdulrahim Abdulbaqi Toyin, Anthony Igwe, Benjamin Ibe ChukwuThe idea of mixing various feed materials such as grains, feed supplements and other animal feeds to produce a homogenous mix ready for dispensing for animal consumption had being part of man’s activities since the creation of man. This has always been done using crude method such as hands, sticks etc. in this recent time, the advancement in technology has brought about the use of machines to perform the same function much faster, accurate and less energy consuming. It is for this purpose that the feed mixing machine has been designed. The scope of this project are to design a small feed fixing machine, to model and simulate the machine before production, to fabricate component of feed mixing machine based on design specifications and to test the machine after fabrication , while in designing and in material selection consideration was given to the tech-economic status of the micro scale industries who are intended users of the machine.
Design and Analysis of a Low-Voltage Double-Tail Comparator for Flash ADC at 180nm and 90nm CMOS Technology[Full-Text ] Anu, RM SinghLow power double tail dynamic comparator architecture is presented in this paper that performs better in low supply voltage applications. The main idea of this design of CMOS comparator is to increase the latch regeneration speed by increasing the intermediate voltages. For this purpose, two control transistors in a cross-coupled manner are added to the first stage in parallel to input transistors. The results were simulated in Cadence Virtuoso Analog Design Environment with GPDK 90nm technology and 180nm technology. The proposed structure shows significantly lower power dissipation, higher speed compared to the dynamic comparators present in the literature. The average power of proposed comparator in 90nm technology is 83.92% reduced than at 180nm technology due to the decrease in channel length of the transistors and it is 62.78% reduced as compared to the double tail dynamic comparator. The delay of proposed comparator is 28% reduced when compared to the double tail dynamic comparator in 90nm technology. Thus, the proposed transistor is energy efficient when compared to other topologies at 90nm and 180nm technologies.
Impact of the Thread Diameter on the Tribological Parameters of the Friction Lining for the Motor Vehicles Clutches[Full-Text ] Simeon Simeonov, Slavco Cvetkov, Misko Dzidrov, Zlatko Sovreski, Sasko DimitrovThe clutch as a friction mechanism is placed between the engine and the gear box and it transfers the torque from the driving to the working part. It is expected from the clutch to have stabile working and ecological characteristics. The main reasons for the working life shortage of the clutch are the occurrence of sliding in the process of engagement/disengagement, overloading of the clutch and the number of engagements. In order to increase the working life of the clutch a big effort has been done to improve the quality of friction linings. Most of the factors which impacts on the quality of the linings is the thread diameter of the lining. That is why the aim of the research is to determine the impact of the thread diameter on the lining tribological parameters over an extensive experimental testing.
Design and Simulation of Model for Energy Harvesting from Vehicle Tires Using Piezoelectric Modules[Full-Text ] Madan Mohan Behera, Asish Mishra, Pininti Purushottam, Sarthak RoutPiezoelectric materials hold the unique feature of development of electric potential upon application of mechanical stress and vice versa technically known as direct and indirect effect respectively. Many developments in the field of vibration-based energy harvesting in past few decades has been done and the accelerated depletion rate of conventional sources of energy in the recent years has drawn attention of science community towards sustainable energy development and researchers towards development of new energy harvesting techniques to tap the energy lost to the environment. This paper proposes a new design to harvest energy from vehicle tires by the use of PZT modules in the tire carcass utilizing the stresses developed at thetube and tire interface. The design has been modelled in MATLAB Simscape and simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0. The output voltage can be used to charge batteries for energy storage for future use.
Web Mashup Oriented Digital Information Extraction for Tourism Enhancement[Full-Text ] Satyen, Amonkar Nandan, Doddihal Tanvi, Gangan Chintan Pasad, Mrs. Gresha Bhatia Travelling and exploring new locations have become a very common and most attractive hobby for a lot of people. Ranging from a long holiday to some faraway places to a weekend getaway to a comparatively nearby unique spot, every type of touristic activity is highly cherished among the avid explorers. This leads to a demand for a resource that would cater the need of this rapidly growing community. Certain previous research suggests important further development to achieve this goal. It becomes necessary to integrate the relevant researches done previously so as to create a product with better usage. This paper discusses an approach of using Web Mashup technology to extract attributes and spatial data from multiple websites and use it for data analysis thereby enhancing the touristic experience. The main objective of this paper is to provide users with filtered information which is convenient to the users for selecting a tourist spot to visit. It also aims to improve degree of satisfaction of tourists and optimize touristic routes.
The Use of Cassava Leaves as a Potential Reinforcement of Polypropylene Based Composites[Full-Text ] Balogun, O. P, Sanusi, K. O, Rominiyi, A. L, Adetunji, A. RThe use of cassava leave as potential reinforcement of polypropylene based composites is investigated. Cassava leaves particulates was obtained from the cassava leaves with a sieve size analysis of 106µm.The particulates were mixed with 5% MAPP and polypropylene which served as the matrix using a twin screw extruder and compounded into composites sheet using compression molding. The cassava leaves and the composites was characterized using scanning electron microscope (SEM).The mechanical properties was analysed using Instron tensile test, impact strength was obtained using the impact tester while the hardness of the composites was obtained using the Vickers hardness tester according to the ASTM standard of D638, 1S0 197 and ISO 868 respectively. The SEM results show an even distribution of the cassava leave in the matrix with increasing filler loading. The tensile properties, impact strength and hardness of the composites revealed an improvement in the mechanical properties of the composites with the increasing the filler loading. The mechanical properties obtained an optimum with the 7%wt filler loading hardness for the all the composites as compared with the unreinforced composites.
Vulnerability Assessment of Aquifers within the Oban Massif, South-Eastern Nigeria, using DRASTIC Method[Full-Text ] Azubuike S. Ekwere and Aniekan E. EdetThe vulnerability of aquifers within the crystalline basement Oban Massif of south-eastern Nigeria was evaluated using DRASTIC method. The investigation was necessitated in view of the potential risk of groundwater contamination that may result from indiscriminate waste disposal and other land use practices. The objective is to establish an aquifer protection, monitoring and management data platform for the massif. The DRASTIC method is assessed based on the influence of seven environmental parameters; depth to groundwater level, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone and hydraulic conductivity. From computation, DRASTIC assigns a vulnerability index that ranged from 163 – 186 and these values were used to produce a vulnerability map. The vulnerability maps indicate sections of the total aquifer area to be; low vulnerability (˜ 30%), medium vulnerability (˜ 40%) and high vulnerability (˜ 30%). A sensitivity analysis indicates that depth to groundwater table is the key factor determining vulnerability, followed by impact of vadose zone and net recharge. Variation indices also suggest depth to water level exhibits the highest variability, followed by impact of vadose zone and net recharge.
Hybrid DE-SQP for solving dynamic economic emission dispatch with prohibited operating zones[Full-Text ] A. M .Shehata, A. M. ElaiwThis paper proposes a hybrid differential evolution and sequential quadratic programming (DE-SQP) for solving dynamic economic emission dispatch (DEED) problems with prohibited operation zones and transmission line losses. The DEED is a non-convex multi-objective optimization problem where both fuel cost and emission are simultaneously minimized under a set of constraints. The DE is applied to find a near global solution and SQP is used as a local search to determine the optimal solution at the final. To illustrate the effectiveness of the DE-SQP approach, a five-unit test system is used. The results show the effectiveness and the superiority of the proposed method over other methods.
Effects of two food extruded on the growth performance of trout Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their environmental impact[Full-Text ] Idrissi Chbihi Z, Benaabid M, El Harchli E.H, Idrissi.H, El Ghadraoui LThe present work concerns a comparative study of the effects of two extruded foods on the growth performances of the trout rainbow and impacts on the environment. Two diets are used: an extruded imported food "Gouessant" (47 % of gross proteins and 20 % of fats) and another extruded food premises "Happy Fish" (45 % of gross proteins and 24 % of fats). For each of both studied food, we used 900 fishes stemming from the same prize of eggs, with average initial weight of 60 g, distributed in 6 conical ponds in fiberglass, fed with fresh water, in open circuit in triplicate. The food is twice brought a day during two months. The best performances of growth and food efficiency are registered at the local extruded food with low ratio PD/ED. Besides the local food HAPPY FISH presents less negative effect on the environment in comparison with to the imported food.
The Comparison of Bondage Number and the Average Distance of an Interval Graph[Full-Text ] Dr.A.Sudhakaraiah, K.Ramakrishna, T. VenkateswarluInterval graphs have drawn the attention of many researchers for over 30 years. They are extensively studied and revealed their practical relevance for modeling problems arising in the real world. In an interval graph G = (V,E) the distance between two vertices u, v is defined as the smallest number of edges in a path joining u and v. The aim of this paper is to show that the comparison of bondage number and the average distance of an interval graph corresponding to an interval family I.
Analysis of ways to increase accuracy of aviation gravimeters[Full-Text ] Igor KorobiichukThe article considers all types of aviation gravimeters and presents conclusion on the potential of using gyroscopic gravimeters which have significant advantages over others, as they are able to provide higher accuracy and speed, have small dimensions and high sensitivity.
New structural approach to reducing doubly salient variable reluctance motor’s torque undulations[Full-Text ] Abdelmajid Berdai,Abdelhamid Hmidat, Abdelaziz Belfqih, Jamal Boukherouaa, Faissal El Mariami, Valery Titjuk, Vladimir VlasenkoThe Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) is widely applied for high-speed applications, because of its simple mechanical structure and development of power electronics. But a major disadvantage of SRM is the undulations of the electromagnetic torque witch constitute one of the major problems encountered in using variable reluctance machines. SRM torque undulations are caused by motor design and the way in which its phase windings are supplied. Each phase’s level of electromagnetic torque largely depends on the rotor’s angular position in relation to the phase, as well as current values of the phase, which, in its turn, is appreciably nonlinear. Research carried out in this field has had two main focuses:The first concerns finding and implementing the optimal control law by motor phase currents [1-4]. The second aims to come up with more efficient motor designs [5-8], of the magnetic system in particular, through determination of the basic magnetic relationship: number of poles, angles of stator pole and rotor teeth, shape of teeth, etc. This work focuses on finding optimal geometric relations in order to minimise electromagnetic torque undulations.
Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of Regularized Long Wave (RLW) Equation Using -expansion Method[Full-Text ] A.H.M. RashedunnabiIn this paper, the - expansion method is used to seek exact traveling wave solutions of Regularized Long Wave (RLW) equation with the aid of symbolic computation. Some new and more general solutions, trigonometric function, hyperbolic function and rational function are constructed. The obtained results are justified the general -expansion method [20-26]. It is found that the solutions obtained by -expansion method are similar to the solutions given by general -expansion method. All constructed solutions are verified to satisfy the RLW equation by Maple software and some are found to satisfy the given equation and some are found as the modified forms of other solutions.
Algebraic models of transitions between mixed entangled states and specific eigenvalues of systems with two or three levels[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevIn this study are examined the recent theoretical studies and applications of pure and mixed double and triple-entangled states. After getting acquainted with the basic concepts of the traditional methodologies for entanglement, are summarized the main phenomena and observations of the various approaches for multidimensional entanglement. More specifically, we explore the impact of the various parameters of these systems of the entanglement.in this research is proposed algorithmic model for transformation of mixed entangled states, a disappointing qubit can be removed by a GHZ state through the measurement of it along the spin axis perpendicular to the axis of entanglement and with the aid of the result of the measurement to be made a correction of the phase.
Simulation of quantum algorithms for classification of their complexity[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevThis article examines the quantum computational complexity in three fundamental aspects: quantum computations feasible in polynomial time, effective verification of the quantum proofs, as well as quantum interactive proof systems. On the basis of these concepts are defined the classes of quantum complexity, such as BQP, QMA and QIP, which contain computational issues of varying difficulty. The relationships between these classes and the classical complexity classes are presented. Since these concepts and the complexity classes are usually defined within the model of the quantum circuit, this article includes a section, which focuses on the basic properties of the quantum circuits, which are important when determining the quantum complexity. Two different, but closely related areas of study, are not discussed in this article: complexity of the quantum requests and the quantum communication complexity. These discussions are intended only to highlight the aspects of these topics, which are non-standard, require clarification, or have a relative importance for the quantum computational complexity.
IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY IN SCREW PRESS EXPELLER FOR PALM KERNEL OIL EXTRACTION MACHINE MANUFACTURING IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Engr . Rufus Ogbuka Chime.,Prof.Abdulrahim Abdulbaqi Toyin,Benjamin Ibe Chukwu,Engr.Samuel I.Ukwuaba,Anthony Igwe,Engr.Ukwu NwachukwuProduct Lifecycle manufacturing (PLM) is redefining the use of information throughout the product lifecycle and specifically, as discussed here, in the manufacturing phase of the product’s lifecycle. Product manufacturers need to consider manufacturing two aspects products: physical products and the virtual product: the virtual gives the information about the physical product.
Comparative analysis of Seismic Behaviour of Multi-storey Composite Steel and Conventional Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures[Full-Text ] Ashiru Muhammad, Chhavi Gupta, Ibrahim B. MahmoudIn high rise structures there are many members that are monolithically connected to each other and if yielding takes place in any one of them, then a redistribution of forces takes place. Therefore Seismic analysis is very necessary whenever high rise buildings are to be erected, most especially in areas that are prompt to earthquake. In this study a comparative analysis of seismic behaviour of Multi-storey Composite and Conventional RCC Frame Structures at various heights has been carried out and observed that; RCC structure has higher response as compare to the composite structure.