Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015.
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SOIL RESISTIVITY AND SOIL pH PROFILE INVESTIGATION: A CASE STUDY OF DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING COMPLEX[Full-Text ] OYUBU A.OElectrical resistivity,the ground’s potential to pass an electrical current, is utilised in designing grounding (earthing) system for buildings, substations or specialist plants, and for measuring the corrosion susceptibility of buried pipelines and other steel structures. Electrical resistivity is influenced by factors such as soil composition, moisture content, pore- water chemistry, presence of organic materials and chiefly soil pH. Therefore apart from the soil’s resistivity, a knowledge of the soil’s pH, a measure of the soil’s acidity or alkalinity also becomes necessary in earthing system design. The Wenner four point method used for this investigation which was carried out on the Engineering Faculty complex of the Delta State University, Abraka, Oleh Campus was chosen over other methods because it helps overcome some of the problems associated with the requirement for knowing the electrical centre of the earthing system being tested. It employs four probes (stakes) digital earth resistance meter (Tester) such as Kewtech, Metrel, Metrohm, Seaward and Megger earth resistance meters (Testers) among others. Megger earth résistance meter (Tester) was used for this investigation.
Role of Cultivars , Growth Regulators and Biocides on the Incidence of Mango Malformation in Egypt[Full-Text ] Azza M. K. AzmyIsolation trials from malformed mango inflorescences frequenty yielded Fusaraium mangiferae .Seven local mango cultivars, i.e. Ewasy, Fagri klan, Hendy , Hendy Sennara , Keitt, Kent, and Saddeka of 10 years old were evaluated fot their ability to the natural infected by malformation disease during 2012 growing season. Data revealed that Saddeka cv. followed by Ewasy cv. were the most susceptible ones to the disease incidence and Keitt was the lowest affected one. The effect of three commercial growth regulators, i.e. Agrotone (NAA), Berelex (GA3), Cultar (paclobutrazol) and four biocides, i.e. AQ10 (Ampelomyces quisqualis), Bio-ARC (Bacillus megaterium) , Bio-Zeid (Trichoderma album ) and Blight Stop (Trichoderma spp.), on the incidence of mango malformation was evaluated in the field under the natural infection by the disease during 2012 /2013 and 2013/ 2014 growing seasons. Results indicated that the two growth regulators ,i.e. Cultar and Agrotone and the biocide Bio-Zeid were the most effective treatments in reducing the disease and increasing the produced fruit yield than the other treatments when each of them was used alone. However, the combination treatment between the growth regulator Cultar and the biocide Bio-Zeid was the most efficient treatment in this regard.
A Filtration System for Treatment of Kitchen Waste Water for Re-Use[Full-Text ] Nwakonobi, Theresa Ukamaka, Onwuegbucha, Chidinma Nwadiuto, and Obetta Samuel EnyiA system was developed to provide suitable media conditions through filtration and chlorination for treatment of kitchen wastewater and comparing them for suitability. Such quality parameters as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Ammonium-Nitrogen (NH4-N) and pH were measured before and after treatment of the waste water. The effects of treatment media (i.e. Filtered, Filtered-chlorinated and Control) and meal time on the tested parameters were determined. The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5 at 200C) average values of (10.22±1.58) mg/L, (7.99±1.12)mg/L, and (5.10 ± 0.53) mg/L obtained for the Control (CM), Filtered (FM) and Filtered-chlorinated (FCM), respectively, satisfied the FAO 1985 benchmark figures for safe discharge. The COD values of (755.11±52.62) mg/L, (634.33±61.88) mg/L, and (430.78±42.34) mg/L, recorded for the CM, FM and FCM, respectively, were outside the FAO reuse range. The mean values of NH4-N obtained; (9.09±2.50)mg/L for Control, (5.49±2.18) mg/L for Filtered, and (2.32±1.34) mg/L for Filtered-chlorinated were within the FAO 1985 reuse range. The pH values of (8.61±0.43) and (7.28±0.63) obtained for FM and FCM, respectively, agreed with the FAO 1985 and USEPA standards for irrigation water. While (10.52±0.94) obtained for the Control medium is not within the set limit. Appreciable improvement on the kitchen waste water quality was therefore achieved using this system.
Efficiency of Neuropsychological Methods in Enhancing the Comprehension of Students Suffered from Developmental Dyslexia[Full-Text ] Reza AhmadiThe goal of the current research is determining the efficiency of HSS (Hemisphere Specific Stimulation) and HAS (Hemisphere Alluding Stimulation) neuropsychological methods in enhancing reading comprehension of students of third, fourth and fifth classes of elementary school, suffered from dyslexia. Twelve students, who identified are of reading disorder based on clinical interview, intelligence test and reading and comprehension tests, were individually received neuropsychological task in 30 sessions. Reading and comprehension tests were used in pre– and post–tests. After one month, follow up test was performed. Statistical data was analyzed using visual analysis of chart and improvement percent. The results were shown that the reading and comprehension performance of students in post–test was better than in pre–test. Applying such treatment methods was led to stability of treatment effects in these children after one month. The current results emphasize the importance of working with neuropsychological tasks and show that using HSS+HAS methods can lead to increasing the comprehension in people suffered from reading disorder.
Automated Prediction System For Various Health Conditions By Analysing Human Palms And Nails Using Image Matching Technique[Full-Text ] Nityash Bajpai, Rohit Alawadhi, Anuradha Thakare, Swati Avhad, Sneha GandhatIn recent years, palm print identification technology has been widely carried out and used in fields such as identity recognition. At the same time, some features of palm and skin vividly reveal information about diseases and health condition of the human body. We can research the application of palm diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine with the help of digital image processing technology. In the field of medical science, practitioners observe nails and palm of patient to get assistance in diagnosis of the disease. Also human eyes have some limitations in case of minute observations. A branch of palmistry, known as medical palmistry is one branch where scientific study of human palm and skin is done to identify or predict the diseases. It has been found that today computers are used in healthcare domain for storage purpose but not for taking decision regarding diagnosis or prediction of diseases, i.e. the experts, who can predict or identify the disease by observing color of nails and palms, do not have support of computer system. To bridge this gap, the model of decision support system for healthcare based on medical palmistry using the techniques of digital image processing and analysis is designed and implemented to identify or predict the disease.
Production Optimisation in the Niger Delta Basin by Continuous Gas Lift – A Case Study of Iduo-Well-A06[Full-Text ] Okoro, E.S, and ©Ossia, C. VIduo-Well-A06 with 58*106STB initial oil reserve was producing at 5,000 STB/day rate with 31/2 inches tubing in 1993. After 5 years of production the rate dropped to 1,200STB/day at 50% water-cut and 831 psig average reservoir pressure. Gross production recorded in 1998 was 2.8*106 STB, leaving about 55.2*106 STB reserve .Hence, there was need for reserve recovery. This work seeks to design a continuous gas lift technique using PROSPER® software to increase production rate. Therefore, models were constructed to determine the best-fit correlation for PVT matching. Design input parameters were: operating pressure of 1,900 psig, minimum valves spacing of 500ft, and the differential pressure across valves of 250 psig. The valve type used was casing sensitive. Results showed that Glasso and Beal et al correlations were found to be best-fit. Furthermore, the optimal production rate of 4,601,57 STB/day was achieved with 8.0MMscf/day continuous gas injection rate at 20% water cut using 41/2 inches tubing. Also, unloading and operating valves depths were 3,952.75ft and 7,577.72ft, respectively. Further injection rate increase yielded lower production rate, as 4,524.01STB/day production rate was achieved using 9 MMScf/day optimal injection at 1,865.1 Psi minimum pressures.
Magnetic properties of bilayered Fe67Co18Si1B14/Co66Fe4Ni1Si15B14 amorphous alloy core[Full-Text ] Michal Nowicki, Roman SzewczykIn this paper, we present the investigation of magnetic characteristics of bilayered Fe-Co amorphous alloy ring-shaped core. They were measured on the specially designed measurement stand, called the hysteresisgraph. Highly nonlinear behavior, such as double hysteresis, was observed. The obtained B(H) and µ(H) characteristics are distinctly different from the typical, single-phase ferromagnetic materials.
Methodology of vibroacoustic isolation selection for utilization in checkweighting systems[Full-Text ] Pawel Nowak, Marcin Kaminski, Roman SzewczykPaper presents methodology of vibroisolation selection on the example checkweighter system. Analyzed system was simplified - main modules are represented by the concentrated masses, connected by universal models of bonds. In paper two ways of determination of bonds parameters are presented. First way requires physical presence of analyzed system and can be utilized for applying vibroisolation on developed system in order to minimize vibration transmission to the system. Second way can be applied during system development. Utilization of Finite Element Method analyses allows to design proper shape of bonds between modules. Presented method utilizes numerical simulations for different parameters of vibroisolation. Multiparameter optimization provides significant reduction of vibration transmission to the crucial elements of checkweighter system. Due to that mass measurement accuracy can be significantly improved.
Techniques to compensate mutual coupling effects in a Multiple Switched Beam Smart Antenna with Beam Shaping Capability[Full-Text ] Freeborn Bobor-Oyibo, Stephen J. Foti, David SmithA smart antenna for mobile applications incorporating an array of ± 450 polarised stacked patch elements 4 columns wide excited by a multi-beamforming and beam shaping network is described. Four narrow overlapping beams, one wide “broadcast channel” beam and right and left shaped beams can be provided. The later shaped beams are to provide high capacity coverage in a specific narrow angular sector while low capacity coverage is maintained over the remainder of a 1200 sector. Results are presented for the simulation of this smart antenna using CST EM simulation software. In addition, a demonstrator array has been constructed and tested which has yielded a positive conformation of the simulation results. It will be shown that the effects of mutual coupling degrade the beam shapes, particularly for the broadcast beam producing a significant reduction in gain over the centre of the pattern. Results are included to show the effects of applying modified complex excitation weights for compensation of mutual coupling. Whilst this technique can be shown to restore beam patterns it is also shown to introduce unacceptably high return loss at the antenna input ports. An alternative technique for producing Wide Angle Impedance Matching (WAIM) is described which is shown to improve return loss but degrade beam shapes. This work describes how both techniques can be combined to maintain good beam shapes and preserve good impedance matching, with consequent good return loss, over wide scan angles and also for shaped beams.
Teradata: The global leader in Data Analytics[Full-Text ] Rushabh Shah, Prof. Neha Mendjoge Katre, Prof. Kriti SrivastavaTeradata just like Oracle is a RDBMS that is capable of processing complex queries more efficiently and smoothly handling huge databases. This paper mainly focuses on what Teradata is, what are it's applications, how Teradata evolved, different Teradata products and services launched, the features of Teradata, the functional overview and architecture of Teradata. The primary objective of this paper is to explain how essential Teradata is for a business and other needs of Teradata.
Using Energy Trace and Barrier Analysis Method for Risk Analysis of Automated Excavation Work: A Novel Approach to Huge Tunnels[Full-Text ] Jafar JafariToday, Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is usually used for automated excavation, especially in huge tunnels with high operation rate. In recent years, numerous accidents have been occurred in tunneling projects, especially in excavation by TBM. Hazards should be controlled through risk management process. The current study is aimed to evaluate the risks involved in an automated excavation project using TBM. In the current descriptive case study, energy trace and barrier analysis were used for performing risk analysis. Observation, experience and judgment of personnel, checklist, related codes and standards as well as accidents and near misses recorded in safety office were used in data collecting process; identifying the resources of energy, goals, possibility and consequences of hazards were performed in numerous workgroups by experienced experts. The identified risks were prioritized and controlling measures were recommended. In the current study, 51 hazardous energy resources were identified in six energy groups. While 29.4% of the identified energy resources were related to the physical energies, 19.6%, 41% and 8% of the identified energy resources were related to chemical, mechanical, and electrical energies, respectively. However, only 2% of those resources were natural. The crane with 19.5% and the cutter-head and shield with 10% of total hazardous energy resources were the most and the least dangerous parts of tunneling process with TBM. According to the results of the current study, TBM operation involves various and numerous hazard resources. It can be possible to use energy trace and barrier analysis method ad an effective method for analyzing the risks involved in TBM operation.
ACRS: Arabic Character Recognition System Based on Multi Features Extraction Methods[Full-Text ] Mustafa S.Kadhm, Asst. Prof. Dr. Alia Karim Abdul HassanThis paper proposed a new architecture for Arabic Character Recognition System Based on Multi Features Extraction Methods and SVM Classifier (ACRS). An Arabic handwriting dataset proposed as well for training and testing the proposed system. Although half of the dataset used for training the SVM and the second half used for testing, the system achieved high performance with less training data. Besides, the system achieved best recognition accuracy 99.64% based on several feature extraction methods and SVM classifier. Experimental results show that the linear kernel of SVM is convergent and more accurate for recognition than other SVM kernels.
Estimation of Thermoelastic Behavior of Three-phase: AA1100/Ni-Coated Boron Carbide Nanoparticle Metal Matrix Composites[Full-Text ] A. Chennakesava ReddyThe objective of the present work was to estimate non-linear thermoelastic behavior of three-phase AA1100/Ni-coated B4C metal matrix composites. The thermal loading was varied from subzero temperature to under recrystallization temperature. The RVE models were used to analyze thermo=elastic behavior. the load bearing capacity of AA1100/Ni-coated B4C composite was reduced with increase of temperature. The elastic and thermo-elastic strains were high in the direction of tensile loading for temperatures higher than 0oC whereas these were high in the direction normal to tensile loading for temperatures lower than or equal to 0oC. As the temperature increased ductile mode of failure was witnessed in the composites.
Feature Selection Technique Using Ant Colony Optimization on Keystroke Dynamics[Full-Text ] Shivam SharmaThe work is concerned with the use of Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for feature selection of Keystrokes Dynamics and comparison of classification accuracy of Multi-SVM and KNN classifiers. There are various approaches used for feature subset selection but, ACO algorithm gives good performance than other feature selection algorithm like Genetic Based algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization. In this, first all features are extracted from benchmark dataset, then Multi-SVM and KNN classifiers are trained using all features and their classification accuracy is compared with same training set and test set .Then, features are reduced by Ant Colony Optimization algorithm and then Multi-SVM classifier is trained using reduced features and performance is compared before and after feature selection. The study deals with the use of this technology in ID Password authentication in computer systems, Mail Service Provider and where ID Password is used.
A Compact U-slot Dual-Band Antenna for WLAN/Wi-MAX and RFID Applications[Full-Text ] Avinash Garhwal, U. S. Modani, Raj Kumar Sharma In this paper a U slotted dual-band monopole antenna with a shorted strip fed by a coupling microstrip line for wireless communication in the wireless local-area network (WLAN) band is studied. The proposed antenna can provide two separate impedance bandwidths of 927MHz(2.071GHz-2.998GHz) and 6879MHz(5.1760GHz-5.8639GHz) respectively. Consistent omniderectional radiation patterns have been observed in both the frequency bands 2.4 GHz and 5.5 GHz. The proposed antenna is simple in design and compact in size. It exhibits broadband impedance matching, consistent omnidirectional patterns and appropriate gain characteristics (>2.8 dBi) in the RFID and WLAN/Wi-MAX frequency regions.