Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015.
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Study of Electromagnetic Field Effects on Human[Full-Text ] A.Balasubramanian, K.Kalpana, G.BalasubramanianElectric and Magnetic field from the power transmission line is an important issue. The possible health effects on humans have arised. The magnetic field in turn induces the current in the human body. It is very necessary to compute the induced current and specific absorption rate to evaluate the effects associated with the electromagnetic fields. Hence in this study an attempt has been made to study the electromagnetic field effects on the human body under EHV transmission lines. Human body is modeled and the simulation is done using Finite Element Method. The human model is placed under 380kV lines the Magnetic field and induced current is found with the help of ANSOFT 2D software.
Synthesis And Characterization of New Hetero Ar-omatic Polyamide From benzo[1,2-d:4,5-d']bis(thiazole)-2,6-diamine[Full-Text ] Adesh Telvekar, Sunder Kelkar, Prakash MahanwarA novel hetero aromatic polyamide has been synthesized using benzo[1,2-d:4,5-d'] bis(thiazole)-2,6-diamine, a diamine monomer, copolymerized with terephthaloyl chloride (TPC) by condensation polymerization. The yield of purified polymer was found to be more than 60% and was confirmed by FTIR and NMR analysis. . It shows inherent viscosity of 0.4 dLg-1. The thermal behavior of the polymer was studied by using Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA). The glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer was found to be 201 oC by DSC analysis. The polymer was found to be stable up to 403 oC which confirm its high temperature performance. It also shows good solubility in aprotic polar organic solvents. The high thermal performance and good solubility, make it easily processable for desired application.
Typology of online shoppers in India: An empirical study in Uttar Pradesh[Full-Text ] Ram Komal Prasad, Milind K. GautamThis research paper aims to examine the online buying behavior among a group of online users. The present study develops a typology based upon motivations for online shopping. We have used exploratory factor analysis to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the items. We have identified five types of online shoppers those are labeled as fear shoppers, convenience shoppers, novice seekers, trusted buyers and traditional shoppers. The fear shoppers worried about their security and privacy concern. The convenience shoppers are more motivated by convenience. The novice seekers are substantially more motivated by information seeking across retail alternatives. Trusted buyers are moderately motivated by quality and variety seeking. The traditional shoppers are more motivated by physical store orientation. Confirmatory factor analyses successfully validated the items used to measure five type buyer of online shopping. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS version 16 was used for model testing and to verify the five types of online shoppers. Shoppers’ types were profiled in terms of background variables and the propensity to shop online. The managerial implications of the research outcome are also discussed for the typology of online buyers.
Implementation of Mathematical Series Functions on CUDA Platform-A preliminary result[Full-Text ] Dr. Raj.B. Kulkarni, Madhavi P. PatilHigh Performance GPUs originally designed for graphics processing. But GPUs also offer small to very high calculations with CUDA, the multithreaded approach of compute unified device architecture. In this paper we evaluate efficiency of computation in many core GPU platform such Quadro FX 1800 from NVIDIA and compare the performance with multi-core CPU execution. It presents introductory concepts of parallel computing from simple examples to debugging both logical and performance.
Improved Space-Time Coding Scheme over Nakagami Fading Channels[Full-Text ] Ilesanmi Banjo OluwafemiIn this paper, the performance of space-time coding scheme is investigated over Nakagami fading channels. In the first part, the performance of super-orthogonal space-time trellis code is presented while the performance of its concatenated version is presented in the second part. The concatenation coding scheme with iterative decoding involves convolutional code as the outer code and super-orthogonal space-time trellis code (SOSTTC) as the inner code. The pairwise error probability (PEP) for the coding schemes were derived and their performances evaluated by computer simulation. Simulation results shows that the diversity order of the coding schemes guaranteed by quasi static fading channel increases by m times in the presence of Nakagami fading with inverse fading parameter m and the coding gain varies with the general Nakagami fading channel.
MICROWAVE ASSISTED SOLVENT FREE SYNTHESIS OF FEW THIAZOLE DERIVATIVES AS POTENT ANTIFUNGAL AGENT[Full-Text ] Sonal D.Boob and P.R. SolankiIn this research work one pot synthesis of 1,3-substituted thiazolidin-4-ones,(IVa-IVh) have been carried out from carbonyl compound, amine and thiocarboxylic acid in molar proportion under microwave irradiation for 1-2 minutes, in solvent free condition. In vitro assay of newly synthesized compound were carried out to test antifungal activity by disc diffusion method against Fusarium oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani.
EFFECTIVENESS OF WEB-BASED CASE NOTE OVER PAPER-BASED CASE NOTE IN HEALTH CARE DELIVERY[Full-Text ] Adebimpe Omolayo Esan, Bolaji Omodunbi, John B. OladosuWeb based case-note, provide a platform for health care givers where they can easily access patients’ case note online. It enables physicians to record patient histories, display test results, write prescriptions, enter orders, receive clinical reminders, use decision-support tools, and print patient instructions and educational materials. It has the potential to improve quality of health, streamline workflow and increase efficiency in health care delivery. The study was conducted at three hospitals in Nigeria. 100 medical doctors, 100 nurses and 100 medical health record officers who have used the web based case note were interviewed using a well structured questionnaire and oral interview. Parameters used in measuring the performance of web enhanced patients case note over paper based case note include: accuracy, accessibility, retrieval time and confidentiality. Result obtained were analysed using the spss software. Mean ±SD and t-value of Retrieval time, confidentiality, accessibility and accuracy were significantly higher in web based casenote compared to paper based casenote.
Temporal Evolution of Viscous Fingering in Hele Shaw Cell: A Fractal Approach[Full-Text ] Zakade K.R, Gulam Rabbani, Khan A.R, Yusuf H ShaikhViscous fingering in radial Hele Shaw cell is studied and the temporal evolution of patterns in terms of the structural complexity of shape is presented using concept of fractal and fractal geometry. HP90, a viscous servo gear oil is used as viscous medium and the low viscosity medium is air. Air is suddenly injected between the two plates of the Hele Shaw cell and fingering patterns are recorded using video camera to study time course of evolution of the fingering patterns. From the video recording Frames at suitable time interval are selected and are separated for analysis. The images so obtained are converted into gray scale and using appropriate threshold they are converted into two colour bitmaps. Box counting is implemented on the two colour bitmap images for determining fractal dimensions at various stages. It is found that the complexity of shape and structure remains more or less the same as is revealed from the associated fractal dimensions, details are presented.
Inverse Domination Number of Euler Totient Cayley Graphs[Full-Text ] A.Mallikarjuna Reddy, K.BudadoddiG= (V, E) be a simple graph. D is a subset of V is said to be a dominating set if every vertex in V-D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D. The minimum cardinality of a dominating set is called domination number and it is denoted by ?. In this paper we investigate the inverse domination number of Euler Totient Cayley graph.
Galvanostatic Removal of Lead from Simulated Chloride Wastewaters using a Flow-by Fixed Bed Electrochemical Cell: Taguchi approach[Full-Text ] Ali Hussein Abbar, Abbas Hamid Sulaymon, Sawsan A. M. MohammedThe Taguchi parameter design approach was used to find the optimal conditions for electrolytic Pb(II) removal using a flow-by fixed bed electrochemical cell composed of a vertical stack of stainless steel screens. The investigated process parameters were initial metal ion concentration, current, flow rate, and mesh number of screen. Removal, current efficiencies, and energy consumption were considered as responses for the optimization of metal removal. An orthogonal array L9, the signal-to-noise(S/N) ratio, and the analysis of variance were used to analyze the effect of selected process parameters and their levels on the performance of Pb(II) removal.The results indicated that concentration and current have the major effect on performance of lead removal. Flow rate and screen mesh number have lower contribution on the performance of Pb(II) removal and their contributions are close in all responses. The optimum values of control factors were Pb(II) initial concentration 200ppm, current 0.58A, flow rate 7l/min ,and mesh number 40 wire/in. The highest current and removal efficiencies were 48.5% and 89.7% respectively with energy consumption (2.43kwhkg-1). The results of confirmatory runs under the optimum conditions indicated that this methodology is more efficient in optimizing the process parameters.
An Efficient Spam Filtering using Supervised learning SVM[Full-Text ] Ravi Chakravarty, Prof. Rajesh NigamWith the growth of networking the usage of mails are also enhanced. Due to rapid growth of internet, dependency of communication is mostly based on electronics mails for both commercial and business purposes. According to today’s scenarios electronics mails are also plays vital role in marketing or production advertisement. Hence numerous marketing firms used e-mails as a tool for promoting their products and services. These types of mails are generally called spam mails. Sometimes it is quite difficult to identify important mails among such group of spam mails. Because of this identification of such types of mails are essential so that they can keep away from important mails. The methodology implemented here is an efficient technique in which k-mean clustering is applied for the classification of spam.
Treatment of ethylene spent caustic pollutant using sulfuric acid[Full-Text ] ALI FARZI, SAEID MOSLEMI BAYRAMICaustic soda is used in naphtha cracking units and petroleum refineries for sweetening of hydrocarbon streams. The generated caustic waste is an environmental pollutant and must be removed. Several methods are proposed for treatment of spent caustic such as wet air oxidation, biological treatment, etc. Spent caustic used in this work is prepared from Tabriz Petrochemical Company. In this work sulfuric acid was used for treatment of spent caustic which not only removes the waste, but also generates valuable product of sodium sulfate. In each experiment, 1L of spent caustic was taken and its color and phenol were removed by oxidization with H2O2. Then, 50 mL sulfuric acid was added and treatment process was performed. Different samples were taken at specified time periods to calculate percent waste conversion. The results showed that after 2.5 minutes it was about 79%, 84% and 92% at 25, 35 and 45°C, respectively.
Extraction of Agro Farm Power by Using Rice Husk Data in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Salama Jahan Nipa, M. A. HossainRice husk is an agro processed product by technologically. Husk power systems is a startup company based in Bihar, India, Indonesia, South Korea that provides power to thousands of rural peoples in the world. In developing country like Bangladesh, the demand of electrical power is very higher than the available production. Bangladesh is an agriculture based country and the production of rice is increasing in tremendous amound in the last decade. Rice husk based power plant is already installed in few countries. However, there are some locations in which rice husk based power station projects could be feasible in Bangladesh. By analyzing the previously collected data on the selected locations, this work has been carried out to predict if these resources are sufficient for rice husk power, in the hope to extract electrical power to use in agro farm machineries, agro product processing
Effects of Surcharge on the Behavior of Passive Piles in Sandy Soil[Full-Text ] Mahdi O. Karkush, Ghofran S. JafarThe effects of adjacent embankment on the behavior of pile in sandy soil, river sand, had been investigated through manufacturing an experimental model of steel. The soil sample classified as (SP-SM) according to USCS of dry unit weight 13.5 kN/m3. The pile model was an aluminum tube of 10 mm outer diameter. An incremental surcharge was applied at distances of 2.5D, 5D and 10D from the edge of pile model, where D is the outer diameter of model pile. Also, two embedded lengths were investigated Le = 360 mm which classified as rigid pile and Le = 420 mm which classified as flexible pile. The effects of these parameters had been studied on axially loaded pile (LP) and unloaded pile (UP). The results obtained from the model piles are: the displacement at the soil surface, the rotation at the soil surface, bending moment profiles, pile deflection profiles, pile rotation profiles, and shear force profiles. Some of these results are measured experimentally an others are calculated theoretically based on measured values.Based on the results of tests, it was concluded that increasing the distance between the embankment and pile reduces the effects of embankment on the pile, also the axial loading on pile reduces the effects of embankment on the pile. While, increasing the embedded depth exhibited more effects for the embankment on the pile.
STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR ENTERPRENUERSHIP STUDIES IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN PROGRAMMES[Full-Text ] Wuritka, Enoch GotringAlthough Industrial Design Programmes constitute some of the curricular arrangements in Nigerian Institutions of higher learning for the purpose of establishing a strong foundation for entrepreneurship studies, there are strong indications of summountable problems. According to Blake (2011) there are problems of traditionalism and conservative beliefs which have largely failed to exploit the roles of effective communication in emphasizing the importance of the curricular underpinnings. Industrial Design Programmes being interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies with commitments linked to entrepreneurship must embrace the sense of innovations. These factors according to Onwuka (2010) are meant to explore and capitalize on the development and advantages of appropriate resources for the purpose of rationalizing instructions on entrepreneurship education in Industrial Design. While this paper highlights the role of appropriate instructional resources in relevance to entrepreneurship studies in Industrial Design, institutional policies and realities on ground have also been reviewed.
Effect of solar cell temperature on its performance[Full-Text ] M.K. El-Adawi, S.-E.-S. Abd El-Ghany, S.A.Shalaby, M.A.AttallahEffect of solar cell temperature on its performance is studied through the dependence of the solar cell’s parameters such as I_sc (short circuit current) and V_oc(open circuit voltage) on the cell temperature . The two –dimensional Laplace integral transform technique has been used to solve the heat diffusion equation for a solar cell subjected along the local day time to the incident global solar radiation. Mathematical expression for the temperature of the cell is obtained. As an illustrative example computations are carried out on a silicon solar cell at different operating conditions. The obtained results indicate that the increase in solar cell temperature make a degradation in its performance.
The Isolation and Bio-chemical Identification of Clostridium tetani[Full-Text ] Nazar-ul-Islam and Hajra HaneefThe Clostridium tetani is causative agent of tetanus, spastic paralysis, a vaccine preventable disease, caused by the second most poisonous substance known, the tetanus toxin (TetX). Tetanus is more remarkable and globally prevalent disease of human and vertebrate animals. The estimated worldwide deaths from tetanus were 213,000 in 2002 including 198,000 in children under 5 years of age including neonatal tetanus This study aimed for isolation of causative agent of tetanus, C.tetani its animal and biochemical testing along with the antimicrobial susceptilbility. The achievements of present study was isolation of tetanus causative agent by clinical identified tetanus patients and from deep puncture wound.
Literature review on WSN based transport management for courier[Full-Text ] Miss Devyani Mahajan, Dr. K. P. RaneLogistics encompasses all of the information and material flows throughout an organization. It includes everything from the movement of a product or from a service that needs to be rendered, through to the management of incoming raw materials, production, the storing of finished goods, its delivery to the customer and after-sales service. The scope of logistics has changed since the emergence of new technologies and strategic alliances in order to complete on flexibility and responsiveness. The growing importance of logistics arises from companies becoming globalized to gain access to new markets, realize greater production efficiencies, and tap technological competencies beyond their own geographical borders. A reduction in trade barriers and the emergence of advanced technologies have led to a great interest in logistics in recent years.
Voltage Profile Enhancement In A Dwindling Electric Power System[Full-Text ] J. N Onah, B. O Anyaka, V.C Ukwueze, U.C OgbuefiN-1 secure was carried out in a 27-bus of 330kV transmission grid to investigate the low/high voltage violations using Fast Decoupled load flow (FDLF) method owing to its time per numerical iteration in MATLAB environment. It was assumed that voltages less than 0.95pu and greater than 1.05pu are cases of voltage violation scenarios. In order to improve the voltage profiles and increase the grid robustness, unified power flow controller was injected into the buses with voltage violations and the simulation results show improvements in the voltage profile of the network.
Hybrid Model of Change Management Strategy: A Case study of Tapal Tea Pakistan[Full-Text ] Nadia Zubair Ahmad Khan, Qasim Ali Nisar, Adnan Tariq Alvi, Irfan AliTapal Tea started its venture as a private and local company with a single product in the market that gained profit of 6 billion rupees in 2005. With the step by step change implementation process of the overall re-structuring of the organization and the deep market analysis, in 2009 it has the highest sales (volume) than any other tea product. Today Tapal has the largest market share as compared to its competitor ‘Lipton’ in Pakistan and is the only local privatized company that has grown four times of its own than any other company in Pakistan. The purpose of current study is to make contrast of the old and new change management processes and activities in the respective tea industry in terms of its competitors and to give recommendations on the bases of conducted analysis. According to the study and analysis conducted in overall change management process of Tapal tea, a ‘Hybrid change model’ is suggested which fits best on the activities and practices. As Tapal is integrated organization, their whole organization depends on every single department. Dependency on one another makes them vulnerable. Application of this model will be helpful for this organization to apply the change management process in effective manners to gain the expected fruitful outcomes.
Lerner index and Boone indicator to Albanian banking sector[Full-Text ] Arjan TUSHAJ, Albana HASHORVAThe dynamic changes of Albanian banking sector have affected the banking concentration and behaviour. The article examines the banking competition using Lerner index and Boone indicator through the panel datasets of Albanian banking sector during 2005 - 2011. Applied results on the banking competition using Lerner index and Boone indicator confirmed the competitive behaviour into market structure. The comparative statics demonstrated that banks in Albania held the higher market power compare to European countries excluding the few countries and no high market power by banks during 2005 -2011. This article highlighted the robust support linking to the assessment of banking competition through the non – structural approaches.
Vehicular Cloud Computing Exposures[Full-Text ] Pallavi B. Tembhurnikar, Prof. S.S.BardeVehicular systems administration has turned into a mainstream research zone in light of its particular gimmicks and applications, for example productive movement administration, road security and business perspectives. Vehicles are relied upon to convey generally more correspondence frameworks, ready for offices, stockpiling and expanded sensing force. Consequently, numerous advances have been sent to keep up and advance Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). As of late, various arrangements were proposed to address the difficulties and issues of vehicular systems. Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) is one of the arrangements. VCC is another engineering that has a recognizable effect on activity administration and road security by in a flash utilizing vehicular assets, for example, figuring, stockpiling and web for choice making. This paper shows the condition of the overview of secure communication in vehicular cloud computing. In addition, we exhibit a scientific categorization for vehicular cloud in which extraordinary consideration has been dedicated to the broad applications, cloud developments, key administration, protection and security issues. Through a far reaching survey of the writing, we outline building design for VCC, organize the properties needed in vehicular cloud that help this model. We contrast this system and typical Cloud Computing (CC) and talk about open exploration issues and future headings. By evaluating and examining writing, we found that VCC is an innovatively beneficial and monetarily reasonable innovative moving standard for joining canny vehicular systems towards self-ruling movement, vehicle control and recognition frameworks.
Impact of Working Capital on the Profitability A Case of Pakistan State Oil[Full-Text ] Zill-e-Huma, Faiza Maqbool ShahWorking capital is required for daily operations of the firm. The primary aim of the study is to assess the impact of working capital management on the PSO’s profitability. For such assessment, Pearson correlation and simple linear regression methods are applied in which the data of 10 years (2005-2014) has been taken to analyze the relationship between working capital and profitability of PSO. The results unveiled the negative relationship of debt ratio and positive relationship of current ratio with the profitability. However, cash conversion cycle has insignificant relationship with the firm’s profitability. Thus, PSO should work on the reduction of debt ratio and maintenance of the current assets to the optimal level.
A Comparative Evaluation of The Heavy Metals Content Of Some Cereals Sold In Kaduna, North West Nigeria[Full-Text ] OA Babatunde and Uche Emeka-OhaHeavy Metals (Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn) concentrations of Cereals were investigated using the Atomic Absorption spectroscopic technique (AAS). The mean concentrations of Cd, Fe, Pb and Zn (mg/kg) obtained in Maize ranged from 0.1118 to 0.1155, 0.1846 to 0.5223, 0.1053 to 0.1715 and 0.0394 to 0.1768 respectively while in Sorghum, their concentrations ranged from 0.1110 to 0.1151, 0.1528 to 0.4921, 0.1234 to 0.1763, 0.0539 to 2510 respectively. In Millet, their concentrations however, ranged from 0.1151 to 0.1159, 0.1088 to 0.4819, 0.1026 to 0.1562 and 0.1705 to 0.2988 respectively. These values were found to be below the joint WHO/FAO (2001) safe limit for heavy metals in Cereals but the values obtained in all the samples for Fe and Zn as micro nutrients of great importance in human nutrition were found to be far below the recommended daily allowance for them. Analysis of the variation in the Heavy Metals concentrations at 95 % confidence level showed that their concentrations differed significantly at 95 % confidence level while the correlation coefficients obtained after a comparative evaluation of the heavy metals concentration of the samples showed varying levels of relationship ranging from null, through weak to moderate. Hence, the concentrations of the heavy metals in samples depend to some extent on their nutrient content but to a larger extent could depend on environmental factors.
Ranked Phrase Search Using Order Preserving Encryption For Cloud Documents[Full-Text ] N.Jayashri, T.ChakravarthyCloud Computing has been considered as the next-generation architecture of IT Enterprise. This exclusive paradigm produces many new security issues, which have not been well recognized. This paper presents a new framework for privacy preserving multikeyword rank-ordered search and retrieval over large document collections. The proposed framework not only protects document/query privacy against an outside intruder, but also prohibits an untrusted data center from learning information related to the query and the document collection. We introduce practical methods for proper combination of relevance scoring methods and cryptographic techniques, such as order preserving encryption, to protect data collections and indices and provide efficient and accurate search capabilities to securely rank-order documents in response to a query and related document collection. The proposed methods thus form the steps to bring together advanced information retrieval and secure search capabilities for a wide range of applications including managing data in government and business operations, enabling scholarly study of sensitive data, and facilitating the document discovery process in litigation.
Pros and cons of different types of geometry[Full-Text ] Areej AlshareefGeometry must be as longstanding and deep rooted as humans’ fight for the sake of survival. Making a good hunting bow and the different kind of arrows having different shapes surely involved some special kind of intuitive gratitude of distance, space, direction, and kinematics. In the same way, delimitating the enclosures, constructing the shelters, and accommodating the little hierarchical or classless communities must have presumed an appreciation for the ideas, concepts and designs of center, length, equidistance,area, straightness and volume.Some of the above mentioned illusorily “clear” terminologies remain vague as human beings are not very well servedand aided all the time by different kinds ofmathematical acculturation that encompasses even one of the finest available instruction in fundamental geometry. Different shapes need different kind of rules to relate them with real world and different kind of geometry types are used for this purpose.
Lossless Huffman coding for image compression and decompression based on block and code book size using K-Means algorithm in spatial and frequency domain[Full-Text ] Ali Tariq Bhatti, Dr. Jung H. KimImages are basic source of information for almost all scenarios that degrades its quality both in visually and quantitatively way. It is one of the best techniques to apply in spatial and frequency filtering domain. Image compression using K-Means algorithm is an area characterized by need for extensive experimental work to establish the viability of proposed solutions to a given problem which is highly used in all applications like medical imaging, satellite imaging, and in optimization problems, etc. In this research paper, read an image of equal dimensional size (width and length) from MATLAB. Initialize and extract M-dimensional vectors or blocks from that image. However, initialize and design a code-book of size N for the compression. Quantize that image by using K-Means Algorithm to design a decode with table-lookup for reconstructing compressed image of different 8 scenarios. Compute the histogram equalization, discrete fourier transform, and fourier spectrum for the original and reconstructed image. Hence, perform that image compression in spatial filtering domain to distinguish it with the frequency filtering domain. To get in more detailed and experimental purposes, how this compressed reconstructed image pass through low pass and high pass filter from different techniques (Ideal, Gaussian, and Butterworth) in frequency filtering domain. With the help of vector quantizing K-Means clustering algorithm, evaluate and analyze the performance metrics (compression ratio, bit-rate, PSNR, MSE and SNR) for reconstructed compress image with different scenarios depending on size of block and code-book. Once finally, check the execution time, how fast it computes that compressed image in one of the best scenarios. The main aim of Lossless Huffman coding using block and codebook size for image compression in spatial and frequency domain is to convert the image to a form better that is suited for analysis to human by using K-Means algorithm. In this research paper, performance metrics also notifies from scenario (figure 57(c), when M=16 and N-25, if threshold=0.1) to perform lesser entropy and higher the average length for lossless Huffman coding on image compression using K-Means Algorithm,. Finally, in this research paper that scenario 8 from figure 3, image has a higher PSNR, SNR and lesser Compression ratio shows a better quality of reconstructed image using K-Means algorithm in terms of Lossless Huffman coding in spatial and frequency domain.
Road Network Extraction Using Support Vector Machines[Full-Text ] Swati A.Ghule, T. Rajani MangalaIn this paper, a unique approach for road extraction using support vector machines (SVMs) is explained. Roads are probably the most important topographic object and it is necessary to have very short updating cycles for road networks. Hence for road network extraction satellite images are taken and from that images road network is extracted with the help of SVMs. Different types of satellite imagery like ALOS, IKONOS, QUICKBIRD, WORIDVIEW-1, SPOT-5 etc. can be used to extract particular road network. Here K means algorithm is used. Different types of ANNs and SVMs can be used for feature extraction. Here focus is on road network extraction using support vector machines.
An experimental investigation for the coolant temperature effect on the exhaust emissions for a spark ignition engine fuelled with gasoline and CNG[Full-Text ] Mina B. R. Abaskharon, Fawzy M. H. Ezzat, Ali M. Abd-El-Tawwab, Mohamed R. El-SharkawyIn the present work a comparative assessment has been made for the exhaust emissions of a spark ignition engine fuelled with gasoline and CNG. The engine under test was operated separately by gasoline or CNG using a conversion switch. The produced hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) of both fuels were measured at coolant temperature of 80°C, 90°C and 100°C.Tests have been conducted at full and half load operating conditions with a speed range from 1000:5000 rpm. The results showed that reducing the coolant temperature from 100°C to 80°C increased the produced hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide and reduced the carbon monoxide for both fuels at full and half load conditions. Furthermore, the CNG produced less HC, CO and CO2 than the gasoline at full and half load operating conditions.
DNA Sequencing Similarity Analysis: Graph theory Application[Full-Text ] Dr. Anjaneyulu G.S.G.N , Arush Kamboj, Somanshu KalraGraph theory is study of mathematical structures called graphs which are represented by nodes (or vertices) and edges. As we know, during evolutionary history, not along with DNA mutation subsequent rearrangements also occurred for individuals. This study involves the use of graph theory to construct a mathematical descriptor for similarity analysis based on various mutation phenomena. As a DNA sequence can store considerable amount of computational data, a weighted directed graph will be set up for each DNA sequence.
Comparative Analysis of Posture Controllers for Tracking Control of a Four-Wheeled Skid-Steered Mobile Robot in Case of Non-Zero Initial Position and Course Errors[Full-Text ] Maciej Trojnacki, Przemyslaw DabekThe paper is concerned with the problem of trajectory tracking control of a four-wheeled skid-steered mobile robot in case of non-zero initial position and course (posture) errors. Object of the research, its kinematics and dynamics were described. Structure of robot motion control system containing posture controller and drive controller is shown. Six solutions of the posture controller which allow realization of tracking control as well as a methodology of controller tuning are presented. Effectiveness of particular solutions of posture controller is benchmarked in the simulation studies. Evaluation of the analyzed solutions is carried out using the introduced quality indexes.
Optimization of Chip Load for Improved Surface Finish In Milling Inconel718[Full-Text ] Faisal .M. Ali, S.C.BorseIn this study, an attempt has been conducted to investigate the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness during End milling of Inconel718 material By taking into account the taguchi method .The experimental results have revealed that the Chip load and cutting speed has most significant effect on surface roughness. The present approach and results will be helpful for understanding the machinability and surface characteristics of Inconel718 during End milling for the manufacturing engineers Analysis of variance is used to study the effect of process parameters and established correlation among the chip load, speed and depth of cut with respect to Ra. The result are further confirmed by experiments. Finally output parameters like surface finish can be optimized for economical production.
A Review on Theories Used for Decision Making in Project Management Studies[Full-Text ] Khairul Azizan Suda, Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, Hamzah Abdul Rahman, Wang ChenThis paper is a review on theories used in previous studies for decision making in project management studies. A mapping of most frequent theories being used forwarded for discussion. Theories identified are resource based theory, action based theory, utility theory, contingency theory, game theory, fuzzy theory, and reliability theory. Reviews from past studies forwarded from various industry, on strategic risk management, project management and project management were highlighted, and some of the theories being used across the board. Those are the theories that might be relevant to be used for project management studies in order to ensure project success and eliminate project failures in the future.
Emerging trends in analytics[Full-Text ] Sami AlosaimiIn this paper we discuss the technology and enterprise-adoption trends in the area of business analytics. Also, you are able to see example and research results.
Adsorpitivity and corrosion inhibtion performance of 2-(alkyloxy)-N,N,N-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-oxoethanaminium chloride using DFT Approach[Full-Text ] Elshafie A. M. Gad, Jabir H. Al-Fahemi Density function theory (DFT) study on adsorpitivity and corrosion inhibtion performance of reported molecules 2-(alkyloxy)-N,N,N-tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-oxoethanaminium chloride (where R= C6, C12 and C18) on carbon steel (Type L-52) in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. The relevancy of quantum chemical descriptors to the performance of these molecules as corrosion inhibitors was investigated. These descriptors were EHOMO; energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital, ELUMO; energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, ?E; the energy gap, ?; Global hardness, S; global softness, I: ionization potential, A: electron affinity, X: absolute electronegativity, ?N; the fraction of electron transferred, ?; global electrophilicity index, ?E Back-donation ; the back donation, f +, f - ; Fukui indices for local nucleophilic and electrophilic attacks and s+, s- local softness. The result of descriptors calculation pronounces that the theoretical approach comply with the reported experimental data.
Pronunciation Problems Arab Speakers Encounter While Learning English[Full-Text ] Mohammad AlfehaidArabic is an official spoken and written language in 23 countries. Arabic is the most important language for 1.5 billion Muslims around the world because it is the language of The Quran, which is the book of Islam and the different are ways of using the language. Pronunciation in Arab countries varies due to the distances and cultural differences. In Morocco, Arab speakers use a certain pronunciation and accent that cannot be understood by Arab speakers in the Middle East, such as people from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. (Wahba, Taha, and England. 2006. Page 3). These differences might affect learners’ speaking and pronunciation such as using the plural s and stress. “The Arabic and English phonological system are very different, not only in the range of sounds used, but in the emphasis placed on vowels and consonant in expressing meaning (& Smith, 2001, page 195-196). These variations mean Arab speakers might encounter different problems pronouncing some vocabulary, but usually they encounter similar difficulties. In Arabic there are 28 letter which are easy to comprehend and be heard as sounds.