Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015 Edition
Publication for Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015.
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Using bentonite carbon composite material for adsorption of bromocresol purple and methylene blue[Full-Text ] Farida M. S. E. El-Dars, Hamed M Ibrahim, Heba A. B. Farag, M. Zakaria Abdelwahhab, M.E.H ShalabiThis study deals with the adsorption of bromocresol purple (BCP), and methylene blue (MB) dyes onto bentonite carbon composite material (BCC). Batch studies were perfomed to evaluate the influence of various experimental parameters: pH, contact time (t), adsorbent dose (m) and initial dye concentration (C0). Optimum conditions for removal of BCP, and MB dyes were found to be: m = 30 and40 gram per liter respectively , and the equilibrium between the adsorbate in the solution and the adsorbent surface was practically achieved in 60min for both BCP and MB dyes. The results showed that adsorption kinetics were found to follow a pseudo-second-order rate expression for the two dyes with a degree of inertaparticle diffusion and it was found to be best represented bythe Langmuir isotherm.
Estimation of workload using EEG data and classification using linear classifiers[Full-Text ] Greeshma Sharma, Akansha GomesCognitive workload is a subjective term operantly defined as a worker’s perception of a work performance and work difficulty. To estimate workload through Electroencephalogram (EEG) requires good algorithm with best features. Objective of this research study was to estimate workload using linear classifiers on non linear data. Workload was presented by varying levels of Multi Attribute Task Battery II (MATB-II task). Two non linear features of Hurst exponent and Higuchi Fractal Dimension have been extracted from the data which was acquired from 28 subjects who were all male in the age group 25-40. The classification has been performed using three prominent classifiers i.e. K-Means, K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to test their efficiency in the case of workload data. We have hypothesized SVM classifier to give best results out of the three classifiers. Comparing the performance accuracy of the selected classifiers, we propose a classifier that will give best results for workload classification
Impact of Workforce Motivation on Productivity of Organizations – A case study of Apparel Industry, UK[Full-Text ] Sehrish Anam, Fatima BajwaThe purpose of this research is to investigate Impact of Workforce Motivation on Productivity of Organizations in Apparel Industry of the UK. Relevant theoretical models related to employee motivation, productivity of organizations and employee attitude, moral and job satisfaction are present and analysed in this research. Deductive research approach has been adopted and questionnaire was used as survey tool. Employees filled questionnaire online through tool free online surveys. The findings of the research have significant recommendations for the managers of companies in the apparel industry of the UK, and other organization in general. It has been found that employee motivation is among the major issues faced by organizations, therefore, should be considered particularly if an organizations want to increase its productivity and to enjoy competitive advantage. It is obvious from the research findings that a worker may be doing his/her job duty, but it is not possible to achieve significant success if not willing to work with enthusiasm or motivation.
PHYSICAL PLANNING: A PANACEA FOR URBAN SECURITY CHALLENGES IN PORT HARCOURT MUNICIPALITY[Full-Text ] This research tends to focus on Urban Security Challenges and the Role of Physical Planning in fighting crime. In recent times, Port Harcourt has been faced with the problem of insecurity. The aim of this research is to investigate the urban security challenges and the role of physical planning with the objectives of examining the trend of crime over the last five years, to examine the causes of crime in the study area, to examine the use of urban design to improve on crime prevention. The methodology used in this research is both qualitative and quantitative methods, a random sampling was used and five wards out of twenty wards were selected from the study area. A total of one hundred questionnaires were administered after applying the Taro Yamane formula with a ten percent precision level, a scheduled interview was conducted. Data were presented and analysis through the analytical techniques of using tables, charts and maps. In the course of this research, findings were revealed that the main crime activities were caused by organized urban gangs. Burglary, car theft and armed robbery are predominant crimes in the study area. It was found out that police patrol was adequate in the study area; fences are the protective gear found in the study area. The most causes of crime in the area are based on youth unemployment, overcrowding and poverty. As a result of the findings, recommendation were suggested that government should improve the quality of life of city dwellers by creating jobs, police officers and security agencies should be equipped to effectively fight crime. Physical planners should incorporate the concept of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) in planning neighbourhoods.
Removal of Zinc from Aqueous Solution Using Adsorption Phenomena[Full-Text ] Sushma V RachayyanavarAdsorption is one of the most popular methods for the removal of pollutants from effluents since proper design of the adsorption process will produce high quality treated effluents. The most frequently applied adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal is activated carbon. However it is an expensive material. The use of alternative and perhaps cheaper adsorbents is attractive. In the present study, industrial wastes generated in thermal power plant and in sawmill i.e., coal fly ash and sawdust are used as adsorbents in both active and inactive form, for the removal of Zinc ions from the synthetic zinc solution and to evaluate the adsorptive capacities of the same. Increase in the solution concentration decreases the removal efficiency. The optimum contact time for inactive fly ash, active fly ash, inactive sawdust and active sawdust are 60, 120, 60 and 120 minutes respectively. Increase in mass of adsorbent leads to increase in metal ion adsorption due to increase in number of active adsorption sites. Maximum adsorption at pH 6-7 was observed for sawdust and at higher pH value of 8, adsorption was favorable for fly ash. The Freundlich Adsorption model was best fitted for sawdust and fly ash in active and inactive form for the adsorption of Zinc. The experimental data did not represent best fit for Langmuir Adsorption model. The industrial wastes: Fly ash and Sawdust can be used effectively as adsorbents in removal of zinc.
Novel Approach to Quantization of Hodgkin-Huxley Theory of Action Potential: Revival and Renewal of Mathematical Philosophy[Full-Text ] Muhammad Jamil, Nasir Uddin Khan, Mushtaq Hussain, Nasir JamilA careful analysis of experimental studies carried by Hodgkin- Huxley and Hodgkin-Katz for finding out the electrical impulse produced by sodium ions in the squid axon was done. They described their findings quantitatively in form of a mathematical model for the generation of potential necessary for producing action to be responsible for nerve excitation and current conduction. We are presenting innovative Quantized Model of their theory of impulse generation. It will provide new research platforms in exploring the theory from the point of view of Quantization principles and will make the use of electrodynamical and quantum field theoretical approaches possible in fresh analysis of Hodgkin-Huxley equations and their applications. Some plausible applications and some new conjectures regarding the use of Quantized model will be discussed. This can be thought as an effort supplemented to Revival and Renewal of Mathematical Philosophy.
FIELD CHARACTERS OF BASALT FLOWS, A CASE STUDY OF CHIKHALDARA HILL SECTION (AMRAVATI)[Full-Text ] Subhash Doke, Prakash KulkarniField characters of Basalt Flows give clue to the nature of Deccan Trap volcanicity, therefore to determine field characters of Basalt flows i.e. their thickness, lateral extent, jointing pattern,etc, the Hill Section of Chikhaldara hill station, which is located 100 km. north west of Amravati (Maharashtra), has been selected along which these flows are exposed. This paper is detail geological information of the different types of Basalt flows, obtained by undertaking thorough field survey from R.L.600m (foot of the hill) up to R.L. 1092m. (Chikhaldara Hill Station). The attempt has been made to determine type of volcanic activity either Fissure type or Central type, which has produced these flows of Basalts.
Control of locust Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae ) by using imidaclorprid[Full-Text ] Sabbour M.M and S.M. SingerThe effect of imidaclorprid IMI on the target insect pest Schistocerca gregaria and the C50 recorded, 278, 214 223, 249 and 240 mg/L for newly hatched , nymphs, Last nymphal stage Adult ? and Adult ? respectively. Under semifield conditions, the corresponding LC50 obtained, 221, 243, 254, 256 mg/L for newly hatched , nymphs, Last nymphal stage Adult ? and Adult ? respectively of S. gregaria. Also, under semi field conditions, the number of S. gregaria were significantly decreased after the IMI first applications. The infestation number obtained 1.1±2.1, 9±2.1, 13±3.8 and 21±3.6 individuals after 20, 50, 90 and 120 days as compared to 12.2±3.4, 36±3.5, 58±6.6 and 98±8.7 individuals in the control.
ST Variability Analysis using Triangular Method, Linear Regression and SVM[Full-Text ] S. Thulasi Prasad, Dr. S. VaradarajanThe Cardio vascular diseases (CVDs) like Arrhythmia, Myocardial Ischemia and Myocardial Infarction (MI) may lead to sudden cardiac death if they are not identified in advance. With automated detecting system it is easy and faster for the analysts and doctors to diagnose these diseases from ECG rather than manually. In this paper an efficient and novel method, Triangular method, is proposed to extract ST segments and developed a Linear Regression model to detect ischemic beats for the analysis of ST-Segment Variability (STV). In the proposed method the ECG signal is preprocessed to remove powerline interference, motion artifacts and baseline wander. Later with simple QRS detection algorithm the QRS complex of each beat is detected. Next the RR intervals and the corresponding ST segments are extracted based on Triangular Method (TM) to form feature sets. From these feature sets a linear regression model is designed using Instantaneous heart rate (IHR) and ST segment level to set a reference threshold. Using the threshold set by the regression model the SVM classifier is used to identify the ischemic beats from the test feature sets of ECG signals. The Ischemic Intensity Factor and Ischemic Activity Factors were computed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method and found to be yielding better results when compared to Wavelet Transform based method.
Comprehensive Review on C5, C6 and C9 Chemicals – Production Processes, Applications and Market Analyses[Full-Text ] Hisham A. MaddahA comprehensive study includes the major C5, C6 and C9 chains products and their derivatives. Each chemical product is described thoroughly by showing its chemical structure, industrial manufacturing processes (technologies), applications and market data. More details regarding some process technologies are mentioned to familiarize you with the operating conditions, used catalysts and licensors of each technology. Worldwide statistics showed that china is the dominant producer and consumer for DNT chemical where china supply and demand for DNT is about the half of the total worldwide production and consumption capacities.
Museums as Cultural Tourism Attractions in Ubud Bali Indonesia[Full-Text ] Ida Bagus Kade Subhiksu,I Wayan Ardika,I Nyoman MadiunThis study explores museum management using five museums located throughout Ubud as case studies, including The Blanco Museum, Museum Puri Lukisan, Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA), The Rudana Museum, and Neka Art Museum. The research was conducted between January and June 2014 involving 82 foreigner museum visitors, 79 domestic museum visitors, and five museum owners as participants. Museum management, from the perspective of foreign and domestic visitors, are measured based on visitors’ perception on the architecture, collection, service quality, cleanliness, ambiance, and hospitality of the museum and the degree to which the museum meets the expectations of both foreign and domestic visitors. Museum management from the perspective of managers are based on the founders’ idealism, uniqueness, cultural preservation, and the museum’s role in supporting and sustaining tourism in Ubud, which can be described as follows: Each museum has noble idealism, although there are variance among the museums, still these variance implies noble significance which is to support the sustainability of tourism in Ubud. The role of museums in becoming the main tourism attractions for Ubud, while at the same time as an institution for cultural preservation, is well supported by the local government. The development of Ubud museums as tourism attractions is closely related to the development of other sectors, evidenced by several museum managers creating cooperative packages with several hotels in the area to promote their museums as tourism attractions.
Teamwork vs. Individual Responsibility[Full-Text ] Naif M. AlgashaamThis paper shows the value of working in groups versus working individually, and talks about the sophisticated areas of having successful results.
Image Compression Using ASWDR and 3DSPIHT Algorithms for Satellite Data[Full-Text ] Dr.N.Muthumani,K.PavithradeviCompression is the process of representing information in a compact form so as to reduce the bitrate for transmission or storage while maintaining acceptable fidelity or image quality. Algorithms for image compression based on wavelets have been developed. These algorithms have resulted in practical advances such as lossless and lossy compression, accuracy, resolution and others. We concentrate on the following methods of coding of wavelet coefficients, in this paper. ASWDR (Adaptively Scanned Wavelet Difference Reduction) algorithm and 3D-SPIHT(Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree) algorithm. These algorithms which achieve some of the lowest errors and highest perceptual quality.