Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2014 Edition
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PERFORMANCE OF CARBON STEEL- POLYPROPYLENE FIBER REINFORCED SELF COMPACTING CONCRETE[Full-Text ] K J SAGAR, Dr. K. B. PARIKHThe effect of carbon steel fibers and polypropylene fibers in self compacting concrete was studied in this paper. The self compacting concrete is a concrete that can be placed and compacted by its own weight. Self compacting concrete provides several economic and technical benefits and the use of fibers in self compacting concrete extents its possibility. Various researchers were performed the slump flow test, compressive strength test and flexural strength test to study the effect of fibers on fresh and harden properties of self compacting concrete. Polypropylene – carbon steel fiber reinforces self compacting concrete shows 29.36 % increase in compressive strength when compared to the control mix because it obtain benefits from both fibers. Maximum flexure strength with the use of both fibers in self compacting concrete can be achieved at 0.1 % use of polypropylene fibers and 1.0% carbon steel fibers as 71.58 %.
Toxic Metal Effect On Filamentous Fungi Isolated From The Contaminated Soil Of Multan And Gujranwala[Full-Text ] Anam Rasool1, Shazia IrumConsidering the importance of filamentous fungi for bioremediation of wastewater and contaminated soils, this study was planned to investigate the metal tolerance potential of indigenous filamentous fungi. Certain metals are important to biological actions. However all metals, whether essential or inessential will show toxicity at certain levels. During 2012 total 17 fungi were isolated and preserved from contaminated peri-urban agricultural areas of Multan and Gujrawala for further detail investigation of heavy metal tolerance. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus isolated from both soil and water samples while Aspergillus terreus and Penicillium sp were only isolated from soil samples of Multan and Aspergillus versicolor, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium oxysporum, Aspergillus niger which were isolated from contaminated soils and water samples while Penicillium sp was isolated from only water samples of Gujranwala. These few fungal isolates were selected for tolerance to metal Cu (SO4)2.5H2O, Cd (NO3)2, Cr (NO3)2 and Pd (NO3)2. The tolerant strains were selected with increasing metals concentration of 100ppm and compared to control in the medium. The degree of tolerance was measured by radial growth (cm) in the presence of various heavy metals and compare to the control, which contain no heavy metals. The present study investigation concludes isolates Penicillium .sp and Aspergillus flavus isolated from soil of Gujranwala show maximum tolerance index 2.1 at 100ppm toward Cr and 4.8 at 100ppm toward Cd respectively. Aspergillus Versicolor (isolated from waste water) exhibit considerable highest tolerance index toward Cu and Pb while show a sensitivity against other metals. The present study indicates that in future similar strains will be tested with other heavy metals for the confirmation of tolerance and tolerant strains will be used for bioremediation of heavy metals.
Comparison of Incidence, Prevalence and Severity of Post-Harvest Fungal Diseases in Pakistan improved integrated management orchards and conventional practices blocks[Full-Text ] Shazia Iram, Anam Rasool, Iftikhar AhmadA comprehensive survey was undertaken in 12 orchards with the objective to record disease distribution during 2013 for assessing the status of major post-harvest diseases of mango in the orchards (farmer and demo block) of Punjab and Sindh province of Pakistan. The data regarding prevalence, disease incidence and severity was collected and the associated fungal pathogens were isolated through tissue segment method on general and specific media. Total of n=60 fruits from each location were studied and predominant fungus was Colletotrichum spp. and Lasiodiplodia spp. in every case. Each fruit was scored on the 0–5 point scale 0% no disease, 1-5% trace, 6-25% mild, 26-50% moderate, 51-71% severe and 76-100% very severe disease. In both provinces Diseases observed were generally the same but incidences, severity and prevalence varied according to management practices employed by individual farmers. Disease incidence was relatively less in 2013 than the surveys of 2011 and 2012 in demo block as compared to farmer block. Disease incidence was highest in Multan (Punjab) i-e 90% during 2013. In farmer block anthracnose disease incidence was ranged from 1-70 % , stem end rot was from 15-80% while in demo block anthracnose disease incidence was 1-38% , stem end rot was from 13-60%. Present investigation also revealed that Colletotrichum spp. and Lasiodiplodia spp. were the fungal pathogens involved in anthracnose and stem end rot and these were the most prevalent post-harvest diseases that damage mango fruit.
Clipping techniques for PAPR reduction in OFDM system[Full-Text ] Anita.R.Jadhav ,A.N. JadhavOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has become the popular modulation technique in high speed wireless communications. One of the main disadvantages of Orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing (OFDM) is its high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR), which significantly reduces the efficiency of the High Power Amplifier (HPA). Due to the simplest way for PAPR reduction, clipping techniques are frequently used in practice for OFDM PAPR reduction. In this paper, Classical-Clipping (CC), ,Deep-Clipping (DC) and Smooth-Clipping (SC) are implemented for reducing the PAPR of an OFDM system.. The effectiveness of these techniques in terms of PAPR-reduction average power variation and total system degradation are evaluated.
Theoretical analysis of distributed reflector laser for low threshold current operation[Full-Text ] Syeda Zinath Aman, Nusrat Ferdous, Saeed Mahmud UllahA large portion of future networks will rely on high speed optical fiber communication systems as fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) which is commercially available at a low cost now a days. For a high-speed large capacity optical fiber network, the functionality of every optical communication equipments should be increased as well as their size should be minimized. Therefore, to increase the functionality of optical communication equipment, it is necessary to improve the performance of individual optical components. This study is mainly focused on analyzing a very low-threshold, high-efficiency and high speed semiconductor laser, which is one of the most important components of the photonic network. In this thesis, distributed reflector (DR) lasers, consisting of a DFB (distributed feedback) laser with high reflection DBR (distributed Bragg reflectors) on one end, is studied by considering wire-like active regions for the DFB section. Performance of the DR lasers with quantum wire structures has been analyzed here on the basis of dependence of threshold currents on Facet Phase, effect of Phase Shift, and on the number of Quantum Wells (QW) present in the laser structure. The theoretical results observed ensure high potential of DR laser for very low threshold current operation with high efficiency.
Large-scale kinetic parameters in metabolic network of Escherichia coli using local sensitivity analysis[Full-Text ] Mohammed Adam Kunna, Tuty Asmawaty Abdul Kadir, Aqeel S. Jaber, Rofilde HasudunganThe usefulness of any dynamic model depends on the accuracy and reliability of its outputs, because a precise input data are rarely available. So, in order to optimize a large kinetics dynamic model is complicated, which require the sensitivity analysis to reduce the numbers of kinetics. Moreover; the rapid development and application of sensitivity analysis techniques have a great impact on a kinetic parameter metabolic network model of E. coli. For that, we apply one-at-a-time sensitivity measures for large-scale kinetic parameters which contain more than 100 kinetics and the model output are 53 metabolites and fluxes represent five pathways with acetate formation and PTS system and quantify our result by using the Mean for each kinetics. The formal analysis shown that, there are seven kinetics are affected on the model output.
Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Parallel Data Processing in Cloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] Vinayak V. Awasare, Sudarshan DeshmukhThe dynamic resource allocation in cloud computing has attracted attention of the research community in the last few years. Many researchers around the world have come up with new ways of facing this challenge. Number of Cloud provider companies has started to include frameworks for parallel data processing in their product which making it easy for customers to access these services and to deploy their programs. The processing frameworks which are currently used have been designed for static and homogeneous cluster setups. So the allocated resources may be inadequate for large parts of the submitted tasks and unnecessarily increase processing cost and time. Again due to opaque nature of cloud, static allocation of resources is possible, but vice-versa in dynamic situations.
The Review of Seismicity of Central Mid-Atlantic Fracture Zones[Full-Text ] Monday. A. Isogun and Adekunle. A. AdepelumiThe seismic activities between 1990 and 2009 in the Mid-Atlantic Fracture Zones (between Latin America and West Africa) have been analysed using 688 sets of seismic parametric data obtained from the International Seismological Centre bulletin. The analysis of the data showed that the epicentral locations of majority of the earthquakes were along, Romanche and Saint Paul Fracture Zones. The focal depth of most of the earthquakes is 10 km and their body wave magnitudes range between 3.5 and 6.3 with magnitude range of 4.0 – 4.4 and 4.5 – 4.9 being dominant having 246 (36%) occurrences each. The surface wave magnitude ranges between 3.0 and 7.0 with magnitude range of 4.0 – 4.4 being dominant with 219 (32%) occurrences and moment magnitude ranges between 4.7 and 7.0 with 5.0 – 5.4 magnitude range having 91 (50%) occurrences. Empirical relationships between correlated magnitudes were mb = 0.701Ms + 1.544, Mw = 1.062 mb - 0.205 and Mw = 0.711Ms– 1.997. The yearly and monthly time occurrences of earthquakes did not show any clear characteristic period. The b-value for the year interval 1990 – 2009 was 0.88. The result of b-values over two decades suggested that there was no likelihood of earthquake with surface wave magnitude > 7.0 before 2019.
Trend Analysis of Rainfall in Nigeria by some States from 2002 to 2012[Full-Text ] Chinelo Mercy, IgwenaguThe issues concerning global warming/climate change cannot be over emphasized since it affects virtually every part of live. The pattern of rainfall in Nigeria using data on the average rainfall for a period of eleven years was examined. The result showed a continuous increase in the pattern of rainfall for a period of five years within the period under study. However the pattern was inconsistence for the remaining year with some kind of fluctuations. Sequence plot showed a clear presence of trend with the peak period being the seventh year corresponding to 2008 within the period under study. Analysis result shows that the test is significance with p-value of 0.006 and coefficient of determination - R2 value of 0.581. The model built was used to make predictions for a period of six years ahead; which shows continuous increase in the pattern of rainfall based on the available data. The irregularity in the pattern of rainfall calls for serious commitment in joining the force for climate change abatement process.
Enhancing Male and Female Secondary School Students’ Achievement in Basic Science Using Inquiry - Based Teaching Strategy[Full-Text ] Anyafulude, Joy Chinelo (Ph.D)This study was designed to investigate the effect of inquiry - based teaching strategy on the academic achievement of junior secondary school students in Basic Science. The study was a quasi experimental pre – test, post test, non equivalent control group design involving intact classes without randomization. The study was guided by two research questions and two hypotheses. A sample of three hundred and fourteen (314) junior secondary school two (JSS ll) was drawn using purposive sampling technique from four co-educational secondary schools in Nsukka Education Zone. Intact classes were randomly assigned experimental and control groups. Students in all classes were pre – tested before the instruction and post - tested after instruction. Basic Science Achievement Test (BSAT) was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three research experts and a reliability co – efficient of .78 obtained using Kuder Richardson 20 (KR - 20) formular. Data obtained were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions, while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) tested at 0.05 level of significance was used for testing the hypotheses. The results obtained revealed that the female achieved slightly higher than the male counter parts in the past achievement test. Further investigation with the ANCOVA revealed that there is no significant difference in the achievement of male and female students in their mean achievement score. On the other hand, there is a significant interaction effect of treatment and gender on students’ mean scores in the post achievement test. Therefore, this study suggests that innovative strategies like inquiry – based teaching should be employed in the teaching and learning of science subjects.
Effective Prediction Of Heart Attack by Fuzzy Clustering on Medical Data[Full-Text ] Kanchan Jadhav, Rajesh PhursuleThis research involves data mining techniques on patient database. We are applying association rule mining on the available data set from a patient data repository. After applying the Apriori algorithm certain rules are generated. To get better results we are going to modify and transform the data. For this purpose we are going to use the fuzzy c means clustering algorithm. The fuzzy mining algorithm uses linguistic terms for data modification. The Apriori algorithm is then again applied in this data. With the help of this we get more complete set rules and helps in better prediction of heart attack in the patients.
Virus Detection Techniques and Their Limitations[Full-Text ] Anita Thengade, Aishwarya Khaire, Devaj Mitra, Alok GoyalThere are a variety of viruses out there infecting computers in newer ways that are difficult to trace. The most common way of detecting a virus is waiting for the virus to spread its reach on many computers, recognizing its mechanism and then designing a method to fight against that specific virus. However, this means that we can only devise a solution after a number of computers have been infected. Moreover, the metamorphic viruses are designed such that they are capable of changing their structure after every attack. Static signature detection can do little against viruses of these types. In this paper, we explore the different types of viruses so as to better equip ourselves to determine methods to detect them. We then study various virus detection techniques and shed light on the limitations of these techniques.
Toxicity studies of aqueous, methanolic and hexane leaf extracts of Guiera senegalensis in rats[Full-Text ] Hauwa'u Yakubu Bako, Maryam Ibrahim, Ja’afaru Sani Mohammad, Maimuna Zubairu, Timothy Bulus.Toxicity of aqueous, methanolic and hexane leaf extracts of Guiera senegalensis in rats was investigated. An acute toxicity study was carried out to determine the LD50 of the plant’s extract. Sub-acute toxicity study was carried to determine the effects of the extracts on serum concentrations of liver function indicators, heart enzymes and electrolytes. The extracts were administered orally up to a dose of 5000mg/kg for the LD50 determination. In the sub-acute toxicity, 40 rats grouped into 10 of 4 rats each, were orally administered with the aqueous, methanolic and hexane extracts at a daily dose of 250mg/kg, 500mg/kg and 1000mg/kg of each extract respectively for 4 weeks. No death was recorded during the acute toxicity test which may imply that the plant is practically non toxic. No significant difference was observed in liver function indices but levels of potassium and bicarbonate were found to be significantly higher (P<0.001) at 500 and 1000mg/kg following the administration of the methanolic extract. Levels of bicarbonate at 1000mg/kg, potassium at 250mg/kg and bilirubin at 250,500 and 1000mg/kg were found to be significantly higher (P<0.001) as well as that of alanine aminotransferase at 1000mg/kg and potassium at 500 and 1000mg/kg (P<0.05) after the administration of the hexane extract for 4 weeks. Administration of the aqueous leaf extract of the plant showed that levels of bilirubin and potassium at 250 and 500mg/kg respectively and bicarbonate levels at all 3 doses administered were significantly higher (P<0.001), while bilirubin Level at 500 and 1000mg/kg as well as potassium level at 1000mg/kg were significantly higher (P<0.05) when compared to the normal control. However the methanolic and hexane extract at 1000mg/kg and the aqueous extract at 250, 500 and 1000mg/kg led to a significant decrease in chloride levels (P<0.001). The above finding may indicate that the leaf extract may have erythrocyte haemolytic effect which may lead to hyperkalemia and could lead to a disturbance in acid- base balance when administered at higher doses.
Electrical Performance of Composite Material Insulators[Full-Text ] Nawfal Al-Araji, Luay Tareq Aal Dhabi, Wissam T. AlshammariIn this paper, the results of tests on sixteen different composites materials insulators samples were presented. The results shows, that the grain size of composite materials affected the loss factor (Tan d) of the insulators, (Tan d) decreased with the decreasing in grain size and increased as the applied voltage increased. The capacitance C [F] of insulators decreased as the frequency increased and it's increased as the insulator length increased. Also the results show that the high percentages of raisin and Portland cement in composite insulators decreased (Tan d).
Meliorated detection mechanism for the detection of physical jamming attacks under AODV protocol in MANETs.[Full-Text ] Upma Goyal, Mansi Gupta, Kiranveer KaurSeveral studies in the literature have been addressed by the researchers to solve security dilemmas of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET). Due to the wireless nature of the channel and specific characteristics of MANETs, the radio interference attacks cannot be mitigated through conventional security mechanisms. These attacks cause a significant degradation on overall network throughput, packet transmission rates and delay on the MAC layer since other nodes step back from the communication. A malicious node can continually transmit a radio signal in order to block any type of legitimate access to the medium and/or infer with reception. This phenomenon is called as jamming and the malicious nodes are termed to as jammers. MANET routing protocols could improve system performance by increasing throughput and data dropped. To minimize the impact of the disruption, it is important to identify its presence. So, in this paper, a meliorated detection mechanism has been proposed in order to detect the physical jamming attacks in Ad Hoc On Demand (AODV) Routing protocol thereby increasing the throughput and decrease the delay. The results of the proposed technique are compared with the existing techniques USM and RAS.
Performance of CFRP Retrofitted RC frames subjected to Broad band excitation[Full-Text ] S.Gobianth, DR.S.V.Itii, DR.S.Suresh BabuModerate and severe earthquakes have struck different places in the world, causing severe damage to reinforced concrete structures. Retrofitting the existing structures is one of the major challenges to face. One of the retrofit techniques of RC structural members is confinement with a composite enclosure. This external confinement of concrete by high strength Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer composites can significantly enhance the strength and ductility and will result in large energy absorption capacity of structural members. Beam-column joints, being the lateral and vertical load resisting members in framed RC structures are more vulnerable to failures during earthquakes and hence strengthening of the joints is often, the key to achieve successful seismic retrofit strategy[2].This paper depicts experimental investigations carried on RC frames subjected to broad band excitation, which are conducted to study the performance of wrapping on retrofit effects on it & the influence of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer wrapping on aseismic performance of RC Frame. Wrapping is done externally at beam-column joints. For this purpose, a single bay three storied scaled down RC frame is subjected to dynamic loads under broadband excitation using servo-controlled hydraulic actuator, till model frame fails & this failed frame is strengthened by using Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer. The retrofit frame is subjected to the same intensity of dynamic excitation, till it fails. The uni-axial accelerometers is used at various storeys to quantify the absolute accelerations and the extent of its decay[1]. The above investigations conducted on the RC frame revealed the performance of the retrofit measure adopted as diagnostic alternates.
An analytical overview on meaning of message and catalytic nature of communication element like medium[Full-Text ] Mr. Alekha Sachidananda Nayak, Dr. Pradosh Kumar RathThis article stretches the radius of communication study beyond present explanations, theories, models by discussing catalytic behaviour of communication elements. Everybody knows the catalytic nature of some chemical substance. Without involving in chemical reaction simply their presence increases the rate of the chemical reaction. These catalytic natures of chemical substance are being mimicking by communication elements of communication process. It is essential to understand and analyse this catalytic nature of communication element like medium.
Cryptographic Techniques for Data Security and their limitations[Full-Text ] Abhishek Goyal, Alok Goyal, Parag Bhavsar, Nadeem KapshikarCryptographic techniques have long been used for secure communication of secret messages across an unsecure medium. The message in plaintext is encrypted, to keep the information safe and secure from prying eyes. In Steganography the secret message or information to be secured is hidden in a multimedia file (generally an image file) in such a way that there is no noticeable change in the appearance (in case of an image file) or working (in case of sound file) of the original file. Visual Cryptography is yet another cryptographic technique which is used for securing the image files by dividing the image in ‘n’ shares such that no individual shares can reveal the data, but when the shares are stacked on top of each other, the hidden data is revealed. Although many different algorithms and techniques have been developed for each of these cryptographic algorithms the secrecy of data is still not guaranteed. There have been various instances where these methods or some variations of them have been broken and the security of data been compromised. In this paper we review the traditional methods of securing data and their limitations. In the end we propose to develop an algorithm for secure transmission and sharing of images across an unsecured medium by combining all these three techniques and its applications.
PROCESSING & CHARACTERIZATION OF TITANIUM CARBIDE & TITANIUM OXIDE PARTICULATE REINFORCED ALUMINIUM METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE FOR AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS[Full-Text ] Mr. Azeem Dafedar, Prof. Rahul Bhandari, Dr. T. R. VijayaramIn this research, a composite material containing Aluminium (Al), Titanium Oxide (TiO2), and Titanium Carbide (TiC) are mechanically manufactured by method of powder metallurgy which will be effective in aerospace application. The composites will be tested by using different percentage composition of materials. The process will start by mixing Aluminium matrix with Titanium Oxide and titanium Carbide reinforced with different percentage composition and the results will be compared with the values of pure Aluminium. The phase composition and morphology of material will be evaluated from hardness test. The microstructure of specimens will be revealed to investigate on continuous distribution of TiO2 and TiC in the metal matrix, which will be responsible for enhancement of tensile strength of the material. This feature is very likely and due to addition of Titanium Carbide (TiC) and Titanium Oxide (TiO2) in Aluminium (Al) matrix, there will be a good interface bonding of uniformly dispersed submicron size of reinforced materials. Good stiffness, high strength to weight ratio, good thermal properties which are very beneficial for aerospace applications are emphasized in the current paper.
Big Data[Full-Text ] AnasAlarfajThe modern world is digital and huge amount information is being generated on millisecond basis. The generated information has to be stored in digital format for further processing and analysis. Big data is the data bank with data getting accumulated as a continuous process. This accumulated data can be structured or unstructured. This data can be relevant and useful to the company only upon proper analysis. The size of the big data is in ranges of petabytes and exabytes (Steve Lohr, 2012). There are many forms of big data. Some forms of big data are data generated through social network sites, smartphone data, e-mails, climate predictions, data from intelligent devices and many others. Data generated through the mentioned means are normally unstructured and are not easy to analyze. These databases have fields that are not properly ordered, have no well defined rules, varying data rate and many others. Analysis of this data can give fruitful information and can uplift a company in multiple ways. Analysis of big data is said to be “Big Return on Investment” (Steve Lohr, 2012). Through big data analysis companies have achieved 20% decrease in patient mortality, 99% increase in placement of power generation resources and 92% decrease in processing time of the production industries (IBM, (2014).
High-performance liquid chromatography method for the analysis of sodium benzoate[Full-Text ] Vila Khade, Sunil MirganeSodium Benzoate use as perservative in pharmaceutical and food industry. Only titrimetric methods are available in pharmacopeias for the determination of sodium benzoate assay.
Acid Rock Drainage Generation Characterization of Rock Samples from Open Pit mine using Acid Base Accounting and Column Test Prediction Procedure[Full-Text ] Akesseh Raphael, Dr Gawu S. K. Y, Daniel ApauThe gold mineralizations in most of the concessions in Ghana are associated with sulphide minerals. The oxidation of these sulphide minerals has the potential to generate Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). Acid Base Accounting test was conducted on 20 grab samples made up of basalt and felsic porphyry (FPO) obtained from Subriso East and Subriso West pits of Huni-Butre Benso (HBB) concession of Golden Star Wassa limited, Ghana. The samples were tested for CO2 and % total sulphur. The MPA was calculated based on the % total sulphur obtained. The neutralization potential was determined using the EPA (Sobek) method. The NNP was calculated and the NNP results were used to classify samples as acid generating or non-acid producing. Other classification plots such as NPR vs % total sulphur and NP vs MPA were also used to classify the samples. The ABA test results showed that the basalt and the felsic porphyry all have a potential to generate acid. As a confirmation test for the static test column test, a type a kinetic test was conducted on both lithological units. The result after one month of testing showed that the water quality parameters that were measured were all within accepted limit.
Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Hardness Value Change with Diametric Distance of Heat Treated Steel[Full-Text ] Aondona Paul Ihom, Aniekan OffiongThe work ‘Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Hardness Value Change with Diametric Distance of Heat Treated Steel’ has been carefully undertaken using data generated empirically at the University of Jos, Makurdi Campus, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering heat treatment laboratory. A large data was generated through the carburization of carburizing steel using 80 wt% charcoal/ 20 wt. % cowbone. The operation was carried out at 900OC for 6 hrs using electric furnace. The quenching was done in water and tempering was done at 150OC. The data was subjected to statistical analysis and it was discovered that there was strong relationship between the hardness and the distance below the surface of the carburized steel. This was reflected in the coefficient of determination (r2) which was +0.98. A mathematical model was developed for the prediction of hardness at any point below the surface of the heat treated steel and the accuracy of the model was determined using various parameters like standard error, confidence limits and significance tests.
Spatial changing pattern in land use/land cover using GIS: a case study of Sukhna choe watershed, India[Full-Text ] Yangchan.J, Jain, A.K, and Tiwari, A.KThe Knowledge of Spatial land cover information is essential for proper management planning and monitoring of natural resources. The objective of this study was to provide recent perspective for land use and land cover change that has taken place in the last 24 years, using Remote sensing and GIS capabilities in the Sukhna Choe (Small rivulets) watershed located in Chandigarh, partly in Punjab and Haryana. The study was carried out through GIS approach using SOI Toposheets, Satellite imageries for 1989 and 2013. Digital land use/land cover classification through unsupervised classification method based on field knowledge is employed to perform the classification. Erdas imagine 9.1 and Arc GIS 9.3 GIS software were used for data processing. The twenty four year period from 1989 to 2013 show the major type of land use change. Closed forest, scrubs and Agricultural land were decreased. Closed forest decreased from 2277.18ha in 1989 to 1834.07ha. in 2013. Scrubs reduced from 723.3ha in 1989 to 126.54ha in 2013 and agricultural land from 292.85 ha (1989) to 260.3ha in 2013. Meanwhile, water bodies Increased from 112.13ha to 292.39 ha during the corresponding year, which shows positive result for Sukhna Lake. Remote sensing and GIS data of different time periods is very useful for the detection of changes which are taking place in short time period.
The Influence of Employer Brand in deciding the Workplace, Perception of Prospective Employees[Full-Text ] Mrs. Kanchana Vinoth, Dr.S.VasanthaThis paper examines the influence of Employer branding in choosing the workplace, with the final year students. It is a great challenge for any organization to acquire the right talent and for any candidate to choose the right job. This study more over focuses on challenge of young talents in choosing their right job or a company. What role does Employer Brand play in attracting the right talents? The study has been explored with the budding employees in Chennai. It tries to bridge the gap in existing literature. Simple random sampling method was used to attain the required sample for the research. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The total of 364 respondents have participated in the survey. The study found that surprisingly psychological benefits provided by the company have high priority to choose a work for the potential employees when compared with other functional and economic benefits.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in Acid medium[Full-Text ] T.Sathiyapriya, Dr. G. Rathika, K. KanagavalThe inhibition efficiency of the extract of Caesalpinia pulcherrima for the corrosion of mild steel in 1N H2SO4 was investigated by weight loss, Potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) techniques. The results indicate that leaves of AF serve as a good corrosion inhibitor of mixed type with efficiency as high as 83.72% at 0.9% v/v inhibitor concentration.
Deadline and Cost Based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Scheduling Workflow Applications in Hybrid Cloud[Full-Text ] Lovejit Singh, Sarbjeet SinghHybrid cloud is the best solution for organizations to scale their resources when demand increases. They store their confidential data on private cloud and can hire the instances of public cloud if there is brisk need of resources to handle the overload of organization operations. In this paper, Ant colony optimization algorithm has been proposed that schedule workflow applications in hybrid cloud. ACO finds the best schedule which results into reduction of execution cost while meeting the deadlines of workflow applications in hybrid environment. The performance of Ant colony optimization algorithm has been compared with other workflow scheduling algorithms such as genetic algorithm, min-min algorithm and max-min algorithm.
Vibration reduction, stability and resonance of a dynamical system excited by external and parametric excitations via time-delay absorber[Full-Text ] Sherif Elbendary & M.SayedVibrations and dynamic chaos are undesired phenomenon in structures as they cause the 4D. They are: disturbance, discomfort, damage and destruction of the system or the structure. For these reasons, money, time and effort are spent to eliminate or control vibrations, noise and chaos or to minimize them. Vibration control is classified into two main categories: passive control and active control. In this paper, the analytical solution of the nonlinear dynamical system using multiple time scale method up to and including second order approximations are obtained. All resonance cases from analytical solution are extracted. The numerical solution of the non-linear dynamical system using Runge-Kutta method of order four are obtained. The stability of the dynamical system at the worst resonance case is studied. The behaviors of the system at different values of excitations are investigated. The effects of various parameters on the behavior of the system are studied. Comparison with the available published work is reported.