Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2014 Edition
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Output Voltage Regulation of the DC-to-DC C´uk Converter Using a New Brain Emotional Based Intelligence Controller[Full-Text ] Alimorad khajehzadeh, Hamzeh Afzalineya, Reza SayediIn this paper, a new approach for the design of an output voltage regulator for the DC-to-DC C´uk Converter using a new Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller (BELBIC) is presented. The BELBIC is a new type of intelligent controller based on emotion processing mechanism in the brain. In the proposed method, a tuning system is applied to tune the BELBIC parameters dynamically during control procedure based on the system error and its derivative. To investigate the controller performance, some numerical results are presented on an averaged model of the DC–to–DC C´uk converter. The simulation studies show that the designed controller has good capability to solve the output voltage regulation problem for the DC–to–DC C´uk converter.
A Systematic Approach towards Transformation of Presentation Web Goal Oriented Requirements Language to Presentation Design Model[Full-Text ] Sangeeta SrivastavaA number of modeling approaches are being used to design web applications.However, they mostly focus on design aspects and many a times they are unable to meet the real goal and expectations of the users. Goal Oriented Requirement Engineering is a popular approach for Information system development but has not been explored much for Web applications. Goal driven requirements analysis helps in capturing stakeholders’ goals very finely, they enhance the requirements analysis in many ways, as the requirement clarification and the conflicts between requirements can be detected at an early stage and design alternatives can be evaluated and selected to suit the require ments. In this paper, we take a step from the requirements phase to the design phase. While adheringto the web based goal oriented requirements engineering in the first phase we move to the A-OOH design models using a model transformation strategy to derive web specific design models supported by a UML profile. This helps in seamlessly generating the web specific design models namely the content, navigation, presentation, business process and adaptivity models. In this paper the focus is on transformation of WebGRL Presentation model to its Presentation design model. The model transformation approach aims at automatic transformation of the repeatedly refined and resolved alternatives presented by us in the WEBGRE framework as an input to the design models supported by a UML profile. This would lead to a better design and high quality of product development which captures the stakeholders’ goals very closely.
Web Mining Framework for E-Commerce Security[Full-Text ] Fourcan Karim MazumderInternet sales are increasing rapidly as consumers take advantage of lower prices offer by wholesalers retailing their products. But until now e-commerce is not fully effective for people because of security problems are harming e-commerce business. Web mining algorithms and security algorithms provide security on e-commerce websites. Web mining algorithms are used to develop web mining framework in e-commerce website. This paper describes the usage of web mining framework to provide security for e-commerce websites.
Development of Digital Weighing Scale for Finding Adulteration & Cost Standardization[Full-Text ] Kunal.D.Gaikwad, Dr.P.B.DahkarIn today’s scenario there are lot of advancement in digital weighing scale but there is no weighing scale that find the percentage of adulteration in food sample .Adulteration is big issue as fas as food samples are concern. Due to eating of adulterant food causing many diseges to human body .Childs are infected by this adulterant food very soon , So all this difficulties are solved with the help of new digital weighing scale . This scale is used to find not only weight of food sample but also it gives the percentage of adulterant in food sample with the help of machine vision camera.This scale is a complete solution for coustomer side.
Ultrasonic Drilling of Titanium: Surface Roughness and Geometrical Form Assessment[Full-Text ] A.Rajesh, Prof Dr.A. DhanapalThe objective of this work is to find out the difference between the Geometric forms of holes which are drilled in Grade 5 Titanium using Ultrasonic machining by two different approaches. One is with single tube trepanning drilling and other is with multiple tubes trepanning drilling. The optimized Parameters for machining are taken from Literature Survey. The Geometric forms which are taken into consideration are Conicity, Oversize, and Surface Roughness. These Geometrical forms are assessed with the help of Video Measurement System and Talysurf Non-Contact Surface Measurement system. From experiment and further analysis, it is concluded that geometric forms are apparently equal in both the machining process. It is further identified that, among the three holes which are drilled with three tips trepanning drilling have difference in the geometric forms along the direction of slurry flow. The effects of the Geometric form in two different approaches are compared, for application in Medical implant and Spectacle frame industry.
Taguchi method and Pareto ANOVA: An approach for process parameters optimization in micro-EDM drilling[Full-Text ] A.Rajesh, Prof.J. VenkateshTechnological advances have facilitated many developments in the MEMS, electrical, medical and aerospace industries in recent years. As the devices commonly found in these industries have become smaller, so the requirements for high-precision machining techniques have become ever more pressing. Nowadays, micro-machining processes are playing an important role in satisfying these requirements. Among the various stages of micromachining, the fabrications of holes and pins are the most basic ones. Micro-hole drilling, is becoming increasingly more prominent in various precision industries, such as the production of automotive fuel injection nozzles, watch and camera parts. Micro-drilling can generate deeper holes with better straightness, better roundness and smoother surfaces. In this work, an orthogonal array, signal to noise (S/N) ratio and Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA) are employed to analyze the effect of the micro drilling parameters such as feed rate, capacitance and voltage. The Taguchi technique for the design of experiment and the interaction of micro-EDM drilling parameters are investigated. From the experimental result and analysis shows that low feed rate, capacitance and voltage such combination of optimized parameters gives low value of surface roughness. The experimental result shows that the most influential parameter on the surface roughness is capacitance. Also from the analysis shows that Taguchi technique is suitable to solve the above problem with minimum number of tests.
An Efficient Technique for Smart Grid Communications using IBE-ECIES[Full-Text ] Rishi Kushwah, Sini ShibuSmart Grid Communication is one of the best technique used for transmission of data from sender to receiver. But during the transmission of data security is important such that the data is secure against various attacks in the grid communication. Although in the existing work various parameters are implemented for grid communication with Dynamic Encryption technique [1] but the technique implemented needs further enhancements regarding encryption and security of such data. Hence an efficient technique is implemented for the security of data in grid communication using identity based encryption with elliptic curve integrated encryption scheme. The proposed scheme provides security against various attacks and provides less storage.
A Novel Approach for Road Lane and Vehicle Detection[Full-Text ] Soney R NadhApplications with autonomous navigation of vehicles has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to the challenging scenarios it has to face while road scene analysis. The system introduced in this paper has a robust detection of road lane marking and vehicles. But challenges like large appearance variation in lane marking caused by occlusion, shadows and changing lighting conditions of the scene makes the problem harder to solve. The main objective of the system is to address these issues through some learning based approach using usual inputs captured from a camera mounted in front of a moving vehicle. In order to make the system more intelligent and automated vehicle detection using a new descriptor based on log-Gabor functions is included. Log-Gabor filter banks are proven to yield better results than Gabor filter banks.
Optimized Colorization based Coding on Separated Geometry and Texture[Full-Text ] Bhagya DDue to the rapid growth of multimedia revolution, there is an increasing demand for better image compression techniques. Colorization based coding is a class of image compression technique that uses colorization methods. In the colorization approach, the color values of an image are obtained from a few pixels having color information. The color information of these pixels is propagated to neighboring pixels by colorization methods making the whole image colorized. The encoder chooses the pixels required for the colorization process, which are called RP (Representative Pixels), and maintains the color information only for the RP. Then, the decoder restores the color information for the remining pixels using colorization methods. The main issue in colorization based coding is how to extract the RP such that the compression rate and the quality of restored image becomes good. High visual quality and compression rate can be achieved by formulating RP selection problem into an optimization problem, that is an L1 minimization problem. Another issue in colorization based coding is that the decoded chrominance lose the local oscillation that the original images had. By performing separate encoding for geometry and texture, the visual quality of the reconstructed image can be improved. In this method, the geometry and texture of an image are separated using total variation regularization .The texture components are compressed into coefficients that represent the correlation between luminance and chrominance, and the geometry components are compressed by formulating the RP selection problem into an L1 minimization problem. Thus the image can be compressed with reconstructed image having high visual quality.
THE IMPACT OF RICE STRAW MICRO FIBRES REINFORCED EPOXY COMPOSITE ON TENSILE STRENGTH AND BREAK STRAIN[Full-Text ] Hala A.Salem, N.S.M. El-TayebRice straw residuals are considered one of the natural wastages that are found with huge quantities. Burning method is the commonly used way to get rid of these wastages, and this is done in an open area that causes harmful impact on environment. Rice residuals are observed to have good mechanical properties that could be usefully used. The present research focuses on rice straw due to the large amount produced relative to the rice husk. The measured responses were tensile strength and break strain of Rice straw microfibers reinforced epoxy composite, while the controllable variables were the filler size (small, medium and large) and filler volume fraction (3%, 6%, 10% and 15%). Experimental Results showed outstanding enhancement in the break strain especially for small RSF composite that reached over 350% in case of 3-wt %, enhancement in tensile strength was observed at small size RSF composite especially at 3wt% that reached 40%.
Improvement in xylitol production from wheat straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate achieved by the use of immobilized Aspergillus terreus cells[Full-Text ] Alka Tangri, Ruchi Bajpai and Lalit K. SinghAspergillus terreus cells were immobilized in Ca-alginate beads and used for xylitol production from concentrated wheat straw hydrolysate during successive fermentation batches, each lasting 48 h. The maximum yield (Yg/g) and volumetric productivity (Qp, g/L.h) of xylitol by the immobilized Aspergillus terreus cells were calculated. Although the results were very close but the inoculum to polymer ratio of 1: 2 showed better results with 0.84 g/g yield and 1.74 g/L.h volumetric productivity than the other ratios tested. Thus 33% v/v Aspergillus terreus mycelia inoculum with respect to 3% sodium alginate was found suitable for immobilization of Aspergillus cells with the ultimate aim of xylitol production from wheat straw hemicellulose hydrolysate.
Analysis of the Energy Efficiency and Packet Error Rate in Amplify-and-Forward MIMO Cooperative Networks[Full-Text ] Manar Al-Kali, Li Yu, Ali MohammedIn this paper, we focus on the energy efficiency issues in cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay networks. We employ an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay scheme, where a static multiple antennas relay station cooperatively forwards the relaying packets to the destination. Under the assumption of Rayleigh fading channels and time division multiplexing (TDM), we analyze the effect of average received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on energy efficiency. We derive the new exact closed form expressions for the packet error rate and energy efficiency in terms of SNR and Q antennas. Subsequently, we validate our analysis by performing Monte Carlo methods. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves a significantly higher efficiency performance, when compared with the existing relay schemes.
Study of Dementia in Diabetic patients with particular reference to Cerad and Trail Making Test[Full-Text ] Suresh Kumar P, Greeshma C, Sreekumaran EThe objective of this study is to determine whether people with diabetes have an increased risk of cognitive impairment and cognitive decline. The subjects under study were classified into three groups: test, control and general. In the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) ten-word list, a person’s ability to recall is measured. The trail making test is a short and convenient estimate of cognitive functions, principally attention and working memory. The cognitive scores obtained were compared using statistical analysis (One-way ANOVA). The performance in trail making test varies significantly in relation to gender, age, family history and duration. Family history and duration have no significant role in CERAD test, but sex and age have significant role in this test. Males performed better in CERAD and trail making test. Diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy (PN) are prone for Cognitive dysfunction compared to diabetics without PN and non-Diabetics. The results show that tests like Trail Making Test and CERAD are useful tools in detecting cognitive dysfunction associated with diabetic PN.
WIRE DRAWING IN DIE-LESS CONICAL PRESSURE UNIT[Full-Text ] Dr. Yassr Y. Kahtan, Asst. Prof. Talal Y. M. Al-NaibA theoretical study of the die-less wire drawing was carried out in which the conventional die is replaced by a die-less conical orifice reduction unit. The process involves pulling the wire through the conical die-less unit which is filled with a polymer melt, the pulling action causes yielding of the continuum and a reduction in area is then obtained. A Newtonian behavior of the polymer melt and a rigid non-linear strain-hardening continuum were considered in which non-linear equations are formulated for the pressure and the stress increment in the die unit. A finite difference numerical technique was applied to solve these equations for the plasto-hydrodynamic pressure and the stress, which enabled prediction of the non-linear deformation profile of the continuum, the pressure distribution, and the percentage reduction in area for various drawing speeds. The maximum reduction in area for wire drawing is (5.5%). The maximum pressure lies in the rear half of the die unit for various drawing speeds and it was found to be larger than that obtained by previous experimental work, however the drawing stress attained in this technique was less than that obtained using conventional dies.
A conceptual analysis on the proposal on re-induction of forest growth in the North-western region of Batticaloa district, Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] S. Arutpavai, G. Naveendrakumar, G. Nirupha, S. Fahmitha and S. SuthamathyIn recent past, abundant forest covers of Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka especially in the north-western region of the district have been destructed due to various reasons, which led to emergence of lesser reproductive grassland ecosystem. With an advent of recent efforts by the government to develop east, there is an urgent need to re-induce the forest growth in these grassland areas to replenish the dynamic equilibrium of nature and the interfaces between human societies. Considering this pronounced ‘need’, this paper lays out a methodology to re-induce forest growth in that region. What is proposed is an eco-friendly and sustainable method which uses livestock power as voracious grazers to remove the grasses, and allows free space for emergence. Once the seedlings reach certain height they starts to shade the remaining grasses beneath them and retards further establishment of grass as such, the forest starts to develop densely. This method of re-induction of forest trees using traditional livelihood method, for which the region is famous for, i.e livestock farming, is expected to produce significant national-wide benefits.
Analysis of Market Clearing Price (MCP) in Deregulated Electricity Market[Full-Text ] Neeraj Kumar, Rohit Verma, Satish SinglaThe electricity market has been restructuring throughout the world for maximum utilization of the resource and system is expended to maximize social welfare. The reason for the competitive electricity market is to serve the consumers at a reduced price. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss the price determination based on demand and supply side bidding strategies . MCP has been analyzed in both supply side and demand side bidding scenarios for linear bid trading models. MCP calculations have been based on Labview.
The noise power Tradeoff of Poly SiC Ka Band of IMPATT diodes[Full-Text ] J.Banejee, K.Roy, M.MitraThe Noise properties and performance of SiC-based DDR IMPATT diode at Ka Band frequency has been investigated through modeling and simulation technique. SiC-based IMPATTs with its different poly types (3C, 4H, and 6H) are modeled, designed and a comparative study among three are presented in this paper. A noise analysis model was also developed to compare the noise characteristics of 3C, 4H and 6H SiC-based IMPATTs. The results show that 3C-SiC based IMPATTs have better power delivery capability whereas 4H SiC-based IMPATTs are less noisy. An iterative method has been used to obtain the noise power tradeoff of these devices. It has been found that 4H SiC can generate 115.4 mW output power with 16.89 dB noisemeasure at 34 GHz. This device model has been designed in this work.This results also show the effect of negative conductance on the noise performance of the device. It is also found that 4H SiC based IMPATT has minimum shot noise ratio. Results of the analysis presented in this paper will be useful to find out a noise power tradeoff for different poly SiC based IMPATTs at Ka band frequencies.
Kinetics of Fluoride Adsorption on Mixed Oxide Nanocomposites: Analysis[Full-Text ] Joseph Govha,T. Bala Narsaiah, Milton Manyangadze, P. Akhila swathanthraThe prevalence of high fluoride concentration in water is a global problem. High fluoride concentration is a health hazards which results in dental and skeletal fluorosis. In an effort to reduce the detrimental effects of fluoride a number of technologies are in use but adsorption has proved to be the most effective and economic fluoride removal technology. The advent of nanotechnology introduced nanoadsorbents as an alternative to bulk adsorbents. Nanocomposites are an important class of adsorbents that have gained wide interest from researchers.Sorption kinetics is one of the most important parameters that are used in evaluation of the efficiency of an adsorbent. There are various mathematical models in use but in this paper attention is paid to adsorption reaction models which are mainly used by researchers to fit kinetic data for nanoadsorbents.
Ageing Time Optimization for a Low-Cost Beta (LCB) Titanium Alloy[Full-Text ] Khaled M. Ibrahim, Abd El-Fattah M.Khourshid, Saad EbiedIn this work The effect of ageing time on microstructure and mechanical properties of low-cost beta (LCB) titanium alloy with a chemical composition of Ti-6.6Mo-4.5Fe-1.5Al- was evaluated. Increasing ageing time tended to increase the volume fraction of the secondary a-precipitates, ß-grain size and partial spheroidization of primary a-phase. the samples aged at 500 °C for 0.5 h shows The maximum tensile strength 1565 MPa, while sample aged at 500 °C for 0.25 h shows the minimum one of 1310 MPa .
Benzene utilization as growth substrate by a newly isolated Aerococcus sp. strain BPD-6 indigenous to petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated oily sludge[Full-Text ] Ranjit Das, Priyadarshini Dey, Poonam Choudhary and Sufia K KazyMonoaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene have been found in sludge created by oil production facilities and industries. Benzene is considered as a carcinogenic substrate and biodegradation, primarily under aerobic conditions, is an important environmental process for water and soil associated benzene remediation. Aerococcus sp. strain BPD-6 isolated from petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated oily sludge was characterized in terms of its growth in presence of benzene (50–1000 mg L-1) as the sole carbon and energy source in mineral salts medium. The growth kinetics of the strain was analysed and the Haldane model was found to be a good fit for the experimental data with kinetic constants maximum specific growth rate (µmax) = 0.02157 h-1, half saturation constant Ks = 19.56 mg L-1 and substrate inhibition constant Ki = 1584 mg L-1. The biodegradation rate kinetic parameter was obtained for the first order kinetic model and thus the results indicate that this Gram-positive strain can potentially be utilized in bioremediation of benzene containing oily sludge.
SOME NEW FAMILIES OF TOTAL VERTEX PRODUCT CORDIAL LABELING OF GRAPHS[Full-Text ] Seema Mehra, Neelam KumariI.Cahit introduced cordial graphs as a weaker version of graceful and harmonious graphs. The total product cordial labeling is a variant of cordial labeling. In this paper we introduce a vertex analogue product cordial labeling as a variant of total product cordial labeling and name it as total vertex product cordial labeling. Finally, we investigate total vertex product cordial labeling for many families of graphs, namely fan graph, wheel graph, helm graph, double Star graph, cycle and fully binary tree graph.
WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION[Full-Text ] Mystica Augustine Michael DukeThe technology for wireless power transfer (WPT) is a varied and a complex process. The demand for electricity is much higher than the amount being produced. Generally, the power generated is transmitted through wires. To reduce transmission and distribution losses, researchers have drifted towards wireless energy transmission. The present paper discusses about the history, evolution, types, research and advantages of wireless power transmission. There are separate methods proposed for shorter and longer distance power transmission; Inductive coupling, Resonant inductive coupling and air ionization for short distances; Microwave and Laser transmission for longer distances. The pioneer of the field, Tesla attempted to create a powerful, wireless electric transmitter more than a century ago which has now seen an exponential growth. This paper as a whole illuminates all the efficient methods proposed for transmitting power without wires.
Knowledge Management in Chemical Industry: Supplier Unit[Full-Text ] Merlin Priya Jacob, Dr Kamal Shah, Aaditya DesaiOver the last few decades, chemical industry is considered as one of the largest industries for emerging countries like India. All the products supplied to consumers on day to day basis are manufactured from the chemical industry. In order to manage information in large supply chain industries like chemical industry, knowledge management techniques are essential. Integration and collaboration among various departments in the supply chain can enable us to provide with information flow with a better clarity. Knowledge about supply chain can be classified as organizational and problem specific So we need to come up with techniques that will enhance the communication between various manufacturers and suppliers so that there is no information delay between them, and the end customer is satisfied with the product delivered on time. Knowledge Management techniques can be used for the same. These techniques help in providing with expertise which will be useful in decision making of the organization and help the organization to improve its overall performance. Specific Knowledge Management theories and constructs are identified as potentially contributing to theory and practice in supply chain contexts. The study focuses on the concept of integration of knowledge management with supply chain management (SCM) in chemical industry for supplier units.
MD framework, Approaches and Guidelines for Mobile Applications Development[Full-Text ] S. Mahmood, B.Amen and J. LuThe high demand and fast growth of smart devices apps have been introduced into the market regardless of their operating systems and platforms in the récent years. The mobile apps are designed to provide an efficient response to the user from touch screen despite of how the application has been developed. The fact, In order to design and to measure the quality of application standard, it’s compulsory to have a strategic vision, mission and sets of core values. Meanwhile, based on having different issues in mobile application design, evaluating the requirements and finding appropriate solutions within mobile application are some of the crucial factors to design valuable applications. Although, conducting a set of guidelines and techniques for designing the standard application is an important approach in mobile application development. In this paper, we have proposed an extensive framework and details of how to conduct the new Mobile Design (MD) framework. Then, MD includes structural architecture, design guidelines, principles & concepts and techniques as four main elements.
Detecting Digital Image Forgeries using Color Constancy[Full-Text ] Jiji GeorgeThere is a gradual increase in the number of composite pictures containing people. Due to the existence of such compositions, the trust in photographs is reduced. Due to the invention of powerful digital image editing tools, it has been so easy to manipulate images. Approaches that consider the illumination inconsistencies in digital images are of particular interest because a perfect illumination adjustment in a digital composite is very difficult to obtain. The proposed method is build upon the ideas by local illuminant color estimation of scenes, edge-based and texture-based color constancy analysis. Here, an illumination information provided by statistics based color constancy method is used. The method requires minimal user interaction for tampering decisions. For this, first the illuminant color is estimated using a statistical gray edge method, and treat this illuminant map as texture maps, then extract information using HOGedge algorithm and gabor texture features. These informations are then provided to a machine learning approach for automatic decision making. The classification is based on the well-known SVM classifier.
Spectrum Handoff Mechanism in Cognitive Radio Networks using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Prudhvi Raj Metti, K. Rushendra Babu, Sumit KumarIn the wireless networks, there is the problem of spectrum inefficiency and spectrum scarcity. The above problems can be solved by introducing the cognitive radio (CR) technology. Cognitive radio can be simply called as intelligent radio that self-detects the available channels in the wireless spectrum. The CR networks have the functionalities such as spectrum sharing, spectrum sensing, spectrum mobility and spectrum management. In this paper, we discuss the spectrum mobility in the CR networks (CRN), Spectrum handoff mechanism using fuzzy logic. For the channel representation, it is essential to discuss the artificial neural networks (ANN) concept. In this paper we addressed the fuzzy logic concept to solve the spectrum handoff issues in CR network.
Quantitative Association Rule Mining using Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Jayashree Piri, Raghunath DeyAssociation rule mining is a technique of discovering interesting correlation among items present in a dataset. To discover such interesting association rules, more than one objective need to be optimized rather than exploiting a single objective. This motivated to pose the association rule mining algorithm as a multi objective problem and use particle swarm optimization based multi objective metaheuristics to solve this problem as they tend to explore the global search space effectively in less time. This paper considers confidence, comprehensibility, interestingness as three objective for mining association rule and use a pareto based Particle swarm optimization to extract useful and interesting rules from quantitative database. The results of these algorithms are evaluated on various quality measures and are found to be suitable.
Hybrid Distributed Renewable Power (HDRP) Generation for Rural Area: Bangladesh Perspective[Full-Text ] Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Sourav Barua, and Mushfiqur RahmanEnergy is one of the essential needs of human life. A good energy system adds value to the lives of people in a society. This energy generation involves both non-renewable and renewable energy sources. Among them renewable energy becoming more and more popular as it is a sustainable, and environmentally friendly source of energy. Moreover, it requires less maintenance than traditional generators. Like other developing countries energy is the most important factor in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is still struggling to solve the energy crisis of the large population. So it is essential to look for other sources which can compensate the deficiency of the existing power system. Already the use of different types of renewable sources like solar energy, bioenergy, wind energy, has come into focus of several government and non-government organization. In this paper we mainly focused on providing the need of energy of a typical rural village with a Hybrid Distributed Renewable Power (HDRP) system which includes solar energy and Biomass. A model of off-grid HDRP generation and distribution system is analysed in HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric and Renewable) to find the optimal size and cost of different components of the system.