Volume 12, Issue 11, November 2021 Edition
Publication for Volume 12, Issue 11, November 2021
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Easy Education Management System[Full-Text ] MD Maruf BillahDigitalization of education system is required now a days. At present, like other sectors, education system is also going digital. Several studies showed that digital education system saves more time and make the education more efficient than previous. There are lots of departments exist in an education system – Personal Information Management, Admission, Attendance, Accounts, Finance, Routine, Results etc.
ICT A SOLUTION FOR BIG DATA IN SOUTH AFRICAN HEALTHCARE[Full-Text ] Paul KankwendeBy digitizing, combining and effectively using big data, healthcare organizations ranging from single-physician offices and multi-provider groups to large hospital networks and accountable care organizations stand to realize significant benefits. Potential benefits include detecting diseases at earlier stages when they can be treated more easily and effectively; managing specific individual and population health and detecting health care fraud more quickly and efficiently. Numerous questions can be addressed with big data analytics.
Investigation of the Transfer Factor and Dose Rate of radionuclides in Some Selected Crops Within Nasarawa State Nigeria[Full-Text ] John Actor Ocheje, Bernadette C. Udochukwu, Alexander A. TyovendaThe activity concentrations of natural radionuclides, dose rate and soil-to-plant transfer factor have been evaluated in soils and crop samples from twenty locations in Nasarawa state Nigeria with the aid of a P- type, High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector. The mean specific activities of 40K, 232Th and 238U in the soil samples were 408.69, 24.08 and 30.71 Bq kg−1, respectively, while the average activity concentration of 40K, 232Th and 238U in crop samples were 142.63 Bqkg−1, 46.06 Bqkg−1 and 17.45 Bqkg−1, respectively.
Hazer Group Limited - Business Study Report[Full-Text ] Gurnoor SinghThis report discusses about Hazer Group Limited, in accordance to a basic micro-economic context such as competition. The environment in which the company operates, how the demand for it corresponds to internal fluctuations consumer income, how it reacts to changes in the prices of related goods, etc. The report analyses the following company’s sensitivity to the macro-economic context, the impact of the recent government proposal on taxation long- term sustainability cuts and practices of the company.
Open and Distance Learning (ODL) for Lifelong Learning: Student’s Perception[Full-Text ] Nworgu, Raymond Buchi., & Chukwuemeka NkechiOpen and Distance Learning gives the students more access to higher education with its flexible style, broader choice of courses, qualitative instructional procedures and cost efficiency. The advent of ICT has made e-learning an essential part of ODL. The advent of open and distance learning has grown to a point where it is crucial to express it inwards as to recognise the system generally for its growth and development. This self-examination of the system can be achieved precisely by the students who are making use of the system.
MODELLING OF MULTILOOP INTERLEAVED CONTROL FOR THREE-LEVEL SWITCH-MODE RECTIFIER IN AC/DC APPLICATIONS USING PID CONTROLLER[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar Myla, Sudhakar Rao DIn this paper the interleaved three-level switch-mode rectifier (SMR) behaves like the conventional boost Type SMR even though two capacitor voltages are imbalanced. It implies that conventional PID control can be applied to the interleaved three-level Switch Mode Rectifiers to achieve the desired power factor correction function. The proposed system is digitally implemented and verified in a Three-Level Boost PFC Converter system.
Global IT Outsourcing, Selecting Providers - The RFP and Vendor Selection[Full-Text ] Kishore KulkarniThis paper looks at next step is Global IT outsourcing process – selecting providers and details in-depth process involved in RFP and vendor selection process. Paper will explore, analyze and explains following areas of Global IT Outsourcing- Selecting providers, RFP and Vendor selection:-
The role of HIV-1 on genetic diversity, drug resistance, response to anti-retroviral, disease progression, and on In vivo HIV control as potential target for therapeutic vaccines Development (Part Seventeen)[Full-Text ] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueCurrent treatment of HIV/AIDS consists of a combination of three to five agents targeting different viral proteins, i.e. the reverse transcriptase, protease, integrase and envelope, and aims to suppress viral replication below detectable levels.
Reshaping the Morphological Elements of Changing Urban Spaces: A Study of Mushin, Lagos-Nigeria[Full-Text ] Uduma-Olugu Nnezi & Adesina John A.Highly urbanized environments have survived countless urbanization conflicts, upheavals, and disasters. Human beings are survivors and have survived on earth, the earth has also survived us. There is more to the ecosystem that can thrive in conjunction with our habitats and landscapes. Mushin community is a thriving mixed-use community with both residential and commercial activities at its peak but it has been entrenched by urban sprawl and urbanization over the years. Commercial activities have overtaken the originally built private residences which have been converted to other uses. The schools, worship centers, and public buildings do not consider the psychological, comforts, and livability of their users, less attention is given to the ultimate wellbeing of the people and the depleting urban spaces. This study is bolstered by the philosophy known as Greenology. It is the art and science of greening using Urban Greening Solutions (UGS) for planning and designing, pushing the boundaries of greening for urban architecture and ecology. Streets are public spaces and the design of the streetscapes for all users is one of the determining factors in the success of a balanced ecosystem and providing comfortable and sheltered conditions required for balancing the needs of pedestrians, public transit, bicyclists, and vehicles. A survey of five hundred (500) questionnaires was distributed to respondents, which consisted of the residents, office owners, and traders. Four hundred and twenty-two (422) were retrieved correctly filled and used for analysis. An updated land use data were also obtained using the Geographical Information System mapping. The paper summarizes the sustainable and adaptive strategies for Urban Green Infrastructures (UGI), addresses the challenges that Mushin confronts, such as preserving historic characteristics, revitalizing the core streets, and developing conceptual frameworks and policies towards incorporating adequate green infrastructure in the urban planning and developments of the metropolis.
An Analysis Of Emotional Intelligence Of Teachers In Bangalore Education Sector[Full-Text ] Bella Thomas, Dr.S.SenithThis paper presents the significance and the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in the professional development of teachers. For teachers is a continuous professional development a necessity, because the knowledge gained in the training process is not sufficient enough to solve various complex and unpredictable situations within modern society and modern pedagogical work.
Application of porous concrete in pavement[Full-Text ] Mubashshir Sayed, Ajaz AhmadNajar, Faizan Shaikh, Aiyaz Ahmed Syed, Dr. Uma Kale & Mr. Sayed Mohammed HadiTo develop smart and sustainable cities in India, we need to develop smart technologies and sustainable construction materials and also to focus on minimizing our defects. In India, the groundwater table is decreasing at a faster rate due to a reduction in groundwater rechargers. As rapidly growing and uncontrolled changes within the natural landscape thanks to human intervention have created a significant problem of rainwater harvesting in many Indian cities. Rainwater is seen getting wasted in the city because of a lack of proper arrangement of drainage systems.
Health Risks Associated to Obesity among adults in Juba[Full-Text ] Okot Isaac WaniObesity is associated with coronary heart diseases, stroke, certain cancers, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Concern about obesity among adults is growing, and research to examine the role of the media in raising awareness on the health risks is needed. The study examined the role of the media in raising awareness on behaviors associated with risks for increased weight in this population as well as those related to physical inactivity and diet among adults in Juba.
Application of Analytical Solutions to Typical Power Distribution Electromagnetic Field Incidents[Full-Text ] Paul I. Audu It has been observed that majority of analytical solutions on the subject of electromagnetic field effect on humans and environment with regards to electric power system has been largely restricted to high-voltage transmission systems. Very few write-ups have been released on medium voltage distribution networks on this subject, yet a great number of fatalities recorded on this subject of electromagnetic field has occurred more on the medium voltage networks.
Integrity of Outsourced data with Extensive Auditing in Cloud[Full-Text ] Ms.Mebal KarnalCloud storage provides facilitative file storage, sharing services for distributed clients. In this project the files are uploaded to the cloud through secure verifications. As the files are uploaded in the secure way the unauthorized user cannot get access to the file. Even though the unauthorized user tries to hack the system to collect or to access the file, the file will be encrypted (the file will be in non-readable format), whereas the authorized users receive the private key, using the private key the authorized user can access the files and can also download the file.
THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA MINISTRY OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] Kayo GaramuFood forms one of the most essential components vital to human living, and with increasing awareness about issues of health, cleanliness and sanitation, consumers have finally woken up to the issue of food hygiene. The main concern of a consumer lies in food safety, quality and authenticity. People have the right to expect the food they eat to be safe and suitable for consumption. Outbreaks of food borne illness can damage trade and tourism, and lead to loss of earnings, unemployment and litigation.
One Unit Scheme in the Federation of Pakistan: A Case Study of Sindh[Full-Text ] Abdul Shakoor Chandio This article would attempt to explore the multi-dimensions of the One-Unit Plan which was imposed by the ruling elite of Pakistan by merging all western federating provinces of Pakistan into a single unit. This study is conducted under the aspect of provincial autonomy which is associated in this article with the theory of federalism. This article would envisage the nature of the federation of Pakistan and to what extent do the provinces enjoy provincial autonomy after the early years of its formation.
BEHAVIOR OF DOUBLE SKIN FLAT COMPOSITE WALL UNDER LATERAL LOAD[Full-Text ] Cezar DasiShear walls are the primary lateral load-carrying elements in tall buildings. The composite shear walls with double steel plates and filled concrete are composed of two steel plates with studs inside, they were developed to enlarge the building space, and to delay the appearance of cracks by using the steel plates as formwork. Double skin composite wall panels can offer high strength and robustness while improving the convenience of construction, with great potential for application in nuclear power plants
ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF GROUNDWATER SAMPLES FROM ABECHE CITY AND ITS SUITABILITY FOR POTABLE USE (CHAD)[Full-Text ] Mahamat Nour A.S, Doutoum A.A, ATTAHIR A, Mahamat Seid A, Sheikh Idress A.A, Oumer A.O and Mahmoud M.AThe aim of this study is assessment of quality of groundwater from abeche city and its suitability for potable use, samples were collected from five wells in two different seasons (summer and autumn), the quality of water assessed based on the physicochemical parameters (pH, TDS, EC, water hardness, Cl-,NO3-, and NO2-) and the concentration of Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Si, Sb, Mo, Ti, V, Zn , sodium, potassium, Magnesium, and calcium; the results obtained from the analysis compared with the world health organization standard for drinking water quality.
IDENTIFICATION, CHARACTERIZATION OF CAROTENOID PIGMENT PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM VEGETABLE, FRUITS AND MINI-SURVEY ON PERCEPTION OF URBAN POPULATION TOWARDS BACTERIAL PIGMENTS[Full-Text ] Chinmayee Mahadik, Neha Manoti, Aafra Zuzar Mujawar, Meera Nambidas Konar, Peenal Arvind Mistry, Sejal RathodPigments are largely exploited compounds due to their chromophoric variations and enticing properties in several applications such as food, dairy, printing, textile and pharmaceutical industries etc. While synthetic pigments are widely used, toxic reactions and effects of the pigments has led to the prompt diversion of consumers towards natural pigment sources such as microbial pigments (MP). MP hold great promise against existent synthetic counterparts with additional properties such as biodegradability, non-toxicity, therapeutics (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer etc.
“KIIFBI” -The Key arm of Government for Infrastructure Development in Kerala[Full-Text ] Shamnamol. RThe infrastructure sector plays a major role in the overall development of an area. The term infrastructure encompasses the physical facilities and systems that serve the public at large. An infrastructure is an indispensable tool for the development of an economy, as it facilitates supporting services, such as Transportation, Aviation, Telecommunication, Power supply, Education system, Banking system, Hospitals, Trade, etc. Kerala state possesses a high literacy rate, highly skilled manpower, and cheap Labour compared to the rest of the world. Kerala is gifted with rich natural resources and the state government is offering all facilities for infrastructure development at the lowest tariffs.
Capacity and Efficiency improvement of Electrical accessories Product line using Lean tools – A Case study[Full-Text ] A. Maragathamuthu, T. KanibalanEvery day the Electrical accessories industry is optimizing their products to meet the changing needs and requirements of consumers. Buyers of electrical accessories are craving for the best electrical product in terms of durability, efficacy, quality, and most importantly price. The huge competition emanated from the business cycle three-principle patterns is tremendously substantial.
Development of outdoor propagation models for frequency scheduling of TVWS Broadband connectivity in rural areas using dynamic spectrum method[Full-Text ] Uchennwa N U, Onoh G NThis paper presents the development of outdoor propagation models for frequency scheduling of TVWS Broadband connectivity in rural areas using dynamic spectrum method. Measurements were then taken using an RF Explorer, to determine availability of TVWS Frequencies. Analysis of the measured Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) proved that there is the presence of TVWS frequencies at Ugbawka in Enuug State Nigeria. A database was created using an android Application where the frequencies required can be accessed on request.
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Climate (Rainfall and Temperature) in the Chaouia Plain: Case of Settat province[Full-Text ] El Mzouri Mohamed Amine, Karima Samir, Kamal Alahiane, El Houssine El Mzouri Morocco located in a hot spot geographic zone for climate change has been experiencing lately significant climatic disturbances. For Moroccan cropping systems, the climate change issue arises mainly in terms, of water deficits induced by the decrease in rainfall received and the increase in temperatures. The objective of this study is to characterize the evolution of rainfall on 107 years data set and that of temperatures (min, max and mean) on 60 years of data within local agro-climatic zones of Settat province.
Comparative study on species diversity, abudance and distribution of mosquitoes in selected habi-tats, Bhutan[Full-Text ] Bala Ram Mafchan, Dhan Bdr Gurung, Tenzin Wangdi, Sheto Kumar Ghalley, Hem Kumar Subba, Bhakti Sharma KoiralaMosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) diversity is an integral aspect of human life as they are medically and ecologically important insects. Mos-quito species diversity study in Bhutan is limited except that of malaria causing Anopheles species. This paper compares the mosquito di-versity in selected habitat types of Punakha and Thimphu dzongkhags. The data was collected from purposively selected habitats over the periods of two months from September to October, 2019.
Organizational Commitment of Administrator and Faculty of State Universities in Region III[Full-Text ] Katherine B. Parangat, Domingo C. EdañoThe study focused on the investigation of the extent of organizational commitment among administrators and faculty members in selected State Universities (SUs) in Region III. Descriptive research design was utilized by the researcher in the analysis and interpretation of data. The questionnaire was the main instrument in gathering data and were adapted from the works of Meyer & Parfyonova (2010) Three Component Model of Organizational Commitment. Govindasamy (2009) Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment. They have done in depth study on the subject matters.
Can reelection incentives influence the incumbent’s policy in the term limit?[Full-Text ] Adjitongnon DenaganThis study aims to examine how reelection incentives can influence the incumbent politician in the term limit. The analysis of the study highlights two round periods which respectively are the first and second term. Theoretical and empirical results highlight two different channels and for the estimation we use the Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) procedure of Pesaran and Bahram (1997) and Pesaran et al. (2001) to test the long and short run association between the reelection incentives, the incumbent politician policy and the term limit.
Impact of Career on Women’s Domestic Responsibility: ACase Study of Women in the Bank Industry, Marina Lagos State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Dr. Edache, A, M. O. Ode,Laura Nkechi M.This study was designed to ascertain the impact of career on women’s domestic responsibility; a case study of women in the bank industry, Marina Lagos State. The shift of women into labour force is dramatically influencing the structure of the family and society. The implication of women in management position and domestic care classify gender and life responsibility. A total of 130 subjects participated. The study used questionnaire for data collection. Mean and t-test data representation was adopted. The research revealed that long working hours of career women and the incompatible working schedules with domestic responsibility reduce women participation in the development and upbringing of the child.
Assessing the impact of Discovery Learning approach on Grade 11 learner Per-formance in learning salts: A case of Nkana Secondary School[Full-Text ] Kamanga Charity, Daka P.S.This study explored the impact of discovery learning on the performance of grade 11 learners in the identification of ions. The research design used was a Quasi-Experimental Control group. Chemistry achievement test (Pre-test and Post-test) and a Likert scale questionnaire were used to collect data.
Comparison and assessment of using Lique-fied Petroleum Gas as a Transportation Fuel in Libya[Full-Text ] S. M. Alburki, A. O.Alsawehli, K. S, Aljfairi, A. A. Alshuierf, J. K. AlfeluoLiquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is used for a variety of purposes around the world, including cooking, heating, energy production, and transportation. It is mostly produced by refining crude oil and processing natural gas. Light hydrocarbon molecules, mostly propane and butane, form LPG in different proportions depending on location and source. LPG is not a greenhouse gas (GHG) in its natural state, and the fumes are non-toxic. It can be kept and transported as a liquid in basic steel containers due to the low vapor pressure. It can be stored and transported in basic steel containers as a liquid.
Solar Charger: A Green Way of Synthesizing & Using Energy[Full-Text ] Prof. Ishan Upadhyay, Soham Pal, Rohan Kolhe, Aabha Kadam, Nishant Choudhary, Jose Akkarapatty, Samay Shetty, Udbhav Kamath8, Ved GaikwadIn this present paper, a speculative analysis has been effectuated to study the thermic attainment of a Solar charger. It is a domestic purpose solar charger & has executed its intended output in the climatic environment of Mumbai, India. It functions on the principle of ‘Photovoltaic effect’. It harnesses the abundantly available solar energy with the aid of solar panels and transmutes it into electrical energy, a vital source to charge the much-used plethora of current technologies , examples of which include smartphones and laptops.
Numerical Modeling of Buckling-Restrained Braces[Full-Text ] Mina Rizkalla, Hussein Okail, Marwan ShedidThe BRBs' use as a lateral force-resisting system became popular in the last few decades; many existing structures do not satisfy the current seismic requirements and are vulnerable to catastrophic damage or collapse in case of future earthquakes. BRBs are commonly installed as concentric diagonal or chevron braces.
MIX DESIGN EQUATIONS, FOR HEAVY WEIGHT, NORMAL WEIGHT AND MASS CONCRETE USING ACI 211.1-91[Full-Text ] Omojola Benjamin AEquations, and graphs for mix design of normal, heavy weight and mass concrete are presented in this work. ACI’s standards practices for normal, heavy weight, and mass concrete (ACI 211. 1-91) provides a wealth of information for the mix designer to be able to carry out the proper proportioning and selections of appropriate materials for the strength and general characteristics of the concrete needed to be produced. While the clearly written text and numerical examples work the designer through a manner in which the civil engineer or the mix designer will be able to achieve the properties of the concretes requires, the heart of the document is in the tables of mixture proportioning data provided in the ACI 211.1-91 for the selections and proportioning of heavyweight, normal and mass concrete.
ExpertMalaria: An Expert System for assist physician to diagnosis of malaria in super endemic area[Full-Text ] Humberto Cuteso MatumueniNowadays, common diseases like malaria, typhoid and cholera become more dangerous problems for people living in this world. The objective is how it can avoid the queue of patients in hospital. In this article, the author has proposed a model of expert systems using the knowledge of physician and other health professionals. The rule based expert system EXPERTMALARIA useful for patients infected with common diseases and this system will give an answer as similar to a doctor or medical expert and also this system is very useful in rural areas where we have young medical experts or have no medical expert.
Optimizing Agronomic Biofortification for effective human health[Full-Text ] AUGUSTINE R and V. IMAYAVARAMBANMicronutrient malnutrition in human population can be very well strategized by using Agronomic biofortification, which remains a key tool for healthy populations and reduced mortality. The approach related to different micronutrient is reviewed. The efficacy studies of various elements like iron (Fe), iodine (I), cobalt (Co), Zinc (Zn) and Selenium (Se) and its concentration in different parts are also viewed. All the five micronutrients were equally important and contribute for better human health nutrition in food crops. Eventhough some nutrients have their own restrictions in the plant, but due to various factors (like, temperature, climate, time of applications, crop adaptability, etc), few micronutrients have played a significant role in the food nutrition making easier access in the plant edible parts by its applications.
NOVEL APPLICATION OF BAMBOO AS A CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL (plywood)[Full-Text ] Fiza keen, Tausif Tamboli, Yash Hiwale, Zeeshan Alsulkar, Dr Uma Santosh Kale, Mr.Sayed Mohammed HadiDemad for efficient infrastructure is increasing and thus the demand for construction material increase. As the material cost is highly increased in order to have economical , sustainable material new search of material is undergone several studies have proved bamboo as an compatible construction material .It is of predominant importance in engineering. Bamboo is characterised as renewable, perishable and cost efficient resource.
Identification, characterization of carotenoid pigment producing bacteria from vegetable, fruits and mini-survey on perception of urban population towards bacterial pigments[Full-Text ] Chinmayee Mahadik, Neha Manoti, Aafra Zuzar Mujawar, Meera Nambidas Konar, Peenal Arvind Mistry, Sejal RathodPigments are largely exploited compounds due to their chromophoric variations and enticing properties in several applications such as food, dairy, printing, textile and pharmaceutical industries etc. While synthetic pigments are widely used, toxic reactions and effects of the pigments has led to the prompt diversion of consumers towards natural pigment sources such as microbial pigments (MP). MP hold great promise against existent synthetic counterparts with additional properties such as biodegradability, non-toxicity, therapeutics (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer etc. Isolation and production of unique microbial biopigments can therefore open multiple avenues into interdisciplinary diligences.
Natural Product Research: An Immense Hope and Sustainability in Present Time[Full-Text ] Dipankar GhoshNatural Product-based drug discovery and development represent a complex, composite and innovative endeavour. It demands a highly integrated interdisciplinary approach and combined proactive participation with all. Several locking and unlocking phases are involved in natural product-based research with a significant number of approaches, explanations, and interpretations. But, the major area of concern needs to be improved.
Hydrological drought characterization within the Comoé river catchment using SDI-Index[Full-Text ] Ismaïla OUATTARA, Léréyaha COULIBALY, Amidou DAO, Dabissi Djibril NOUFÉ, Bamory KAMAGATÉ, Issiaka SA-VANÉKnowledge of the past manifestations of drought is of capital interest, because it allows firstly to make a quantified assessment of socio-economic losses and secondly to set up models for the management of future droughts based on past events. The main goal of the study is to understand the evolution of the Comoé River flow deficit. For that, monthly flows (at least 40-year record) are used to generate hydrological drought called Streamflow Drought Index (SDI).
Modelling gas flow undergoing phase change for investigating liquid loading in gas wells[Full-Text ] Amieibibama JosephProduction from gas wells at inception is usually a single-phase gas flow. However, pressure decline below the dew-point results in gas expansion triggering cooling and thus, the emergence of two-phase gas-liquid flow. The condensation and gradual buildup of liquids is termed liquid loading in gas wells. The rate of liquid dropout depends on several factors such as geometry of the well, the fluid composition, the type of gas reservoir and the operating conditions of the well. The occurrence of two-phase flow makes it difficult to efficiently produce gas wells when flow conditions deteriorates.
ESTIMATION OF ROAD ROUGHNESS INDEX FROM PAVEMENT TO CALCULATE VEHICLE OPERATING COST[Full-Text ] CHINTALAPATI ROHAN BANGARA RAJU, SRI MAHITHA KARUTURI, DANTHULURI PRANAV SAI GAJAPATHI RAJUThe roughness of a road's surface is an important measure of road condition and a key factor in determining vehicle operating costs. It is an important pavement characteristic because it affects not only ride quality but also vehicle delay costs, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. So here we are finding Vehicle operating cost (VOC), which is a major part of road user costs through finding road roughness of few most used road-stretches in Amrita University, Coimbatore.
Analysis of costs and benefits of using computerized, and non-computerized, systems for health information management, Kampfumo District - Maputo City[Full-Text ] Antonio Barros LourencoThis research seeks to answer the increasing availability of new technologies, the growing requirement of users in their relationship with public sector providers, and the issue of cost containment in health information systems. Based on pro-cesses and outcomes resources; the research provides important clues about the costs and benefits of using computer-ized and non - computerized system for the managing of Health Information in District of Kampfumo - Maputo City.