Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020
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TERRORISM, CAUSAL FACTORS AND ITS PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT IN PAKISTAN’S PERESPECTIVE[Full-Text ] Usman Rasheed Chaudhry , Sana Ullah, Javed Bhatti , Hafeez sheikhThe current study explored the concept of terrorism, its causal factors and its psychological impact in Pakistan’s perspective. The study is solely qualitative while conducting focus group of 7 practicing clinical psychologist working in public sector for more than 10 years of clinical experience. The themes of focus group were generated .The main themes of focus group of terrorism, it’s causal factors and it’s psychological impact in Pakistan’s perspective were lack of political will, executive constraints, poverty, weaker professional role of media and disharmony among political groups on national issues.
THE KINETICS OF NON-ISOTHERMAL DECOMPOSITION OF PERIWINKLE SHELL[Full-Text ] Akande, H. F., Oyawoye, M.R., Ibrahim, A.A. and Nwafulugo, F. U.The paper presents the kinetic studies of periwinkle shell thermal decomposition. Non-isothermal thermogravimetric experiments were carried out at heating rates of 10, 20 and 30 oC/min. For the estimation of activation energy (E), Kissinger-Akahira-Sinose (KAS), Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (OFW) and Coats-Redfern methods were used.
Corporate Culture and Job Performance in a De-veloping Society: Empirical Evidence From the Nigerian Banking Industry[Full-Text ] ELEJE, Edward Ogbonnia ; AGHA, Eze Okechukwu & OYEDELE Oloruntoba Extant studies have in the last few decades tried to establish the possible link between corporate culture and job performance in corporate organizations. Despite this plethora of research efforts, there is yet to exist, widely accepted relationship. A review of existing literature show inconsistent and inconclusive results across countries mostly in the developed nations but with little evidence in developing societies. This means that there is an uncovered research lacuna in developing nations in this respect.
Conducting Ecological Analysis To Determine The Sources And Causes Of Genrating Ecotoxicants In Oil Industrial Enterprises[Full-Text ] C.Z. SamadovDespite the modernization of the technological process and the prevention of harmful compounds released into the environment at oil production and refining facilities, compounds with ecotoxic properties are still released into the environment. In this regard, it is important to study the ecotoxicants released into the environment from these industries, which have harmful effects on flora, fauna, as well as the human body. Therefore, modern technologies, as well as scientific research and the application of new approaches mean obtaining more effective results.
Fabrication and experimental analysis of banana fibers reinforced polymer composite filled with Aluminium-powder filler for automotive body[Full-Text ] Robson BalchaThe rising concern of environmental related issues and attention given to green and clean composite materials and the need of finding realistic alternative to replace heavy metals have led researchers to find for alternative natural fiber reinforced polymer composites. The main objective of this study was to introduce new green composite materials from abundant waste resource of banana stem that have high mechanical and physical properties fiber used for automotive companies.
Assessment of Encroachment on Rumuekpe - Bomu Pipeline Right of Way in Obio/Akpor L.G.A, Rivers State, Nigeria Using Geospatial Techniques[Full-Text ] York, F. Newton and Lawrence HartEncroachment on pipeline right-of-way (ROW) constitutes a major problem for the oil and gas sector of the economy. This research work aims at assessing encroachment on Rumuekpe-Bomu pipeline right of way from human activities using data obtained from remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques. Spatial information from five epochs (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2015) on Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) pipeline network and associated ROW was extracted from shapefiles and satellite imageries obtained from the Office of the Surveyor General of Rivers State.
User Profile Enrichment from His Social Networks[Full-Text ] Elachkar Ibtissam, Rachik Zineb, M’rhaouarh, Labriji ElhoussineRecently information systems have started to develop several mechanisms for improving the user experience on the web, the majority of these mechanisms is based on the use of users profiles, and since these profiles changes from one moment '' t '' to another, they require regular updates and a permanent enrichment, which leads these systems to enrich the profile of each user from the profiles and information of users who resemble him in the same system
Gender Stereotypes of Teachers in the Classroom: Beliefs and Practices[Full-Text ] Elizabeth W. Santos, Reynaldo P. SantosTeachers should practice gender equality since they are the role models of their students, which would be reflected in their beliefs and practices on gender stereotypes. Educational institutions and educators at all levels have a key role to play in promoting a gender equity future generation. This study analyzed the gender-stereotyped beliefs and perceptions of tertiary teachers in classroom practices and settings.
Utilization of Double Exponential Smoothing in Energy Consumption Forecasting for Puerto Princesa Distribution System[Full-Text ] Michael Ernie F. Rodriguez, Alfred Rey G. Vasquez, Roy C. DayupayElectric load demand forecasting plays a vital role in securing the efficient operation of power systems. There is a need for energy providers to track electricity periodically if it is adequate. If they don’t, other alternatives should be handled, such as a new power station, which can provide all of them with ample supplies without interruptions. The researchers believe that evaluating the electricity demand and reliable forecasts can help the power industry supply its energy and eventually draw investors to create electricity. This will no longer trigger rotating brownouts and energy shortages in the region
Adoption of Cloud Computing by Enterprises in Morocco: A survey[Full-Text ] M’RHAOUARH Ibtissam, ELACHKAR Ibtissam, CHAFIQ Nadia, NAMIR AbdelwahedCloud computing is a fashionably term, abundantly used nowadays, to describe a range of technologies. Cloud computing is an ICT solution that offers remote access to resources. The ICT is continually developing to create a more competitive advantage for enterprises and this can be reached by way of flexibility, cost optimization, agility, innovation and scalability. Cloud Computing is now a part of the development strategy of the biggest organizations IT. It is an evolution of the IT management which contains enormous advantages in particular in financial term for any company. It is progressively being adopted by a broad range of users starting from commercial entities to customers.
Factors Affecting Self-Privacy Loss and its Impact on Academic Performance of the Students: a study in Rajshahi University[Full-Text ] Dilip Kumar Mondol, PhDPrivacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude them, or information about themselves, and thereby express them se-lectively. Education is one of the most important factors which are closely related to the socioeconomic development of a na-tion. For the improvement of a nation it is essential to improve the education system. On the other hand, students’ attitude to-wards privacy is one of the vital obstacle factors on the way of achieving satisfactory academic performance (AP).
Evaluation of the variations of some chemical parameters during the fermentation of the skin of two varieties of mango by their microbial flora[Full-Text ] MOROH Jean-Luc Aboya, KARAMOKO Detto, KONAN Kouakou Sévérin, KOKORA Aya Philomène, Koussonou Kouadio Baudelaire, COULIBALY AdamaIn the Ivory Coast, more than 30,000 to 40,000 tonnes of mangoes rot in orchards each year. However, in the animal production sector, food remains the only limiting factor, due to the fodder and nutritional deficit, and also to the low valuation of agricultural by-products. These wastes (mango skins) can be used in the manufacture of feed for farm animals. It is with this in mind that this work has been developed, focusing on the transformation of the skin of two varieties of mangoes (Kent and Ameli) through fermentation from their microbiome.