Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020
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MASS MEDIA CONTRIBUTION TO SUPERVISION OF HEAD OF VILLAGE PERFORMANCE IN VILLAGE FUND MANAGEMENT IN KONAWE REGENCY[Full-Text ] Emilia Ningsih, Usman Rianse, Ibnu Hajar, Najib HusainThis research aims to determine and analyze: (1) mass media contribution to supervision of the village fund management in Konawe Regency. (2) performance of village heads in the village fund management in Konawe Regency. (3) any factors giving effects on the performance of village heads in the Village Fund management in Konawe Regency. This research used qualitative method. Data collection techniques used (in-depth interview, document study, observation and FGD.
DEVELOPING A FRAMEWORK FOR ENHANCING DELIVERY OF SUBCONTRACTORS’ WORK IN COMPLEX CONSTRUCTION PROJECT[Full-Text ] Daniel Nyongesa, Dr. Abednego Oswald Gwaya, Dr Ahmad AlkizimThe study aims to develop a model for the effective management for the subcontractors on construction site in Kenya. All subcontractors, both domestic, named and nominated were in consideration under this study. The target population identified was projects carried out by NCA 1 and NC2 contractors in Kenya and therefore respondent included consultants, contractors’ site manager and subcontractors involved on the projects under study. 110 participants were identified. Factors affecting performance of subcontractors included proficiency of the construction site manager, the number of subcontractors on a given site, the effectiveness of the subcontractors for a given subcontracted work.
Negation in Kenyang and two related Bantoid languages of Cameroon[Full-Text ] Emilisco J. Enoachuo, Levi MokakeThe issue of under-described and the reconstruction of Bantu grammatical systems is a call for concern. This is an aspect of linguistic and cultural endangerment that is resulting from the increasing lack of intergenerational transmission. The aim of this research is to provide a comparative study of negation particles in three related Bantoid languages of Cameroon: Kenyang, Kendem and Denya (KKD). The expression of negation varies widely among languages (Trask, 1963: 179). Bantoid, just like Bantu languages, make use of a variety of particles to signal negation, even language-internally.
Use of nano-fertilizers in crops-A review[Full-Text ] D. Vasundhara and Vandna ChhabraSoil is the major natural medium that supports survival and regeneration and growth of plants. However, exhaustive crop production with high productivity needs supplemental plant nutrition provided by the fertilizers, which may be provided through soil application or foliar application. These supplements have a vital role in development and growth of the plants. Conventional fertilizers are used on a large scale by the farmers for increasing the crop productivity, although their excessive use is causing problems like environmental pollution, water contamination, toxicity in food items so posing a health hazard for human beings and animals.
SCREENING OF PROMISING HIGH YIELDING MAIZE (ZEA MAYS L.) CULTIVARS FOR DROUGHT TOLERANCE USING CHLOROPHYLL STABILITY INDEX[Full-Text ] HUDA MOHAMMAD and Dr.SADIA FATIMALeaf chlorophyll concentration is an important parameter that is regularly measured as an indicator of chloroplast content, photosynthetic mechanism and of plant metabolism. In the present investigation, an attempt was made for screening promising high yielding maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars for drought tolerance using chlorophyll stability index. Fourteen varieties of maize were evaluated in the present study under drought and rain fed and irrigated conditions. The following investigation was carried out to find out and determine chlorophyll stability index (CSI) in 14 genotype lines of maize as per the technique suggested by Kaloyereas (1958) Murthy and Majmudar (1962).
THE RELIABILITY OF CAPACITY DESIGNED COMPONENTS IN SEISMIC RESISTANT SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] Amin Saleh Aly, Amr Hussein Zaher , Gilane Abdel Hady RefaatAfter the 1992 devastating earthquake that struck Cairo causing destructive damages ranging from repairable damage to total collapse, significant attention has been paid to evaluate how RC structure perform during and after earthquake. This study investigates the importance of the understanding of the capacity design approach in the design of RC structure building subjected to earthquakes, capacity design principles are recently employed in seismic design codes to help ensure ductile response and energy dissipation in seismic resisting systems using the strong column-weak beam concept.
IMPACT OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS ON FINANCIAL LITERACY AMONG RURAL WOMEN OF GORAKHPUR[Full-Text ] Kiran Tripathi, Dr. Divya Rani SinghFinancial literacy is interrelated with the economic growth of a nation. Women are also contributing in this regard. Although rural women are very active in domestic and social sectors but their involvement in financial sector is very poor. One of the major reasons for this is their poor financial literacy of rural women. So, to ensure the positive involvement of rural women in economic growth, it is important to look into the level of financial literacy for them. This paper therefore aims to analyze the impact of socio-economic status and present status of financial literacy and also about various barriers for attaining financial literacy among rural women of Gorakhpur.
DEVELOPMENT OF A COST EFFICIENT INSECT CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON THE DOPPLER SOUND EFFECT PRINCIPLE[Full-Text ] David M. Kirima, Kiroe Anthony, Ominde Calvine F., Elphas M. KhataThe twenty first century has experienced has experienced swift changes in the development and advanced of different bio-insecticide and electr- insecticide based insect management tactics. This is with an aim of controlling various diseases spread by various insects. One such disease is malaria caused by the plasmodium parasite spread through female mosquito bites. However, the current methods employed to control insect’s population in both private and public places are limited in various ways. First, aerosols have known side effects to the people if over exposed, secondly ultrasonic based systems emit high frequency waves known to have side effects o either hearing or human brain when over exposed.
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF A THREE-LAYERED COMPOSITE APPLIED ON OIL PIPELINES THROUGH TENSILE TESTING AND FINITE ELEMENTS[Full-Text ] MSc. Italo Martins Gomes; DSc. Rodrigo Nogueira de Codes; DSc. Alex Sandro de Araújo SilvaThe oil & gas industry has to constantly face equipment corrosion challenges due to the chemical characteristic of the oil, gas and contaminants in the reservoirs. In 2010, a three-layered composite was developed, reinforced with glass fiber, for the terrestrial production pipelines as an alternative to Grade B API 5L steel, which was commonly used and more susceptible to corrosion. In this work, samples of pipes made of this composite were collected from two oil wells, which have been operating with this material for a few years. The samples were analyzed through tensile testing and compared with a new control sample.
Dynamics of Computer-Mediated-Communication (CMC) as an Organization’s Network[Full-Text ] Flora D. Canare, Ed.DThis study determined the preferences, knowledge/ literacy, interaction skills, motivation and satisfaction of the employees in using Computer- Mediated –Communication (CMC). Amongst the various media platforms, Facebook predominantly outscored the employees’ CMC preference, nevertheless, text messaging prevailed in terms of the users’ familiarity, frequency of use and as medium of communicating with people. Similarly, Facebook registered an active communication with friends and family while Email served mostly colleagues and superior in the workplace.
MANUAL/BATCH PROCESSING/PRODCTION OF CASSAVA STARCH (INDUSTRIAL GARRI FROM CASSAVA ROOT TUBER USING MANNAL/BATCH PORCESSING/PRODUCTION)[Full-Text ] OBARAKPOR, IRIKEFE KINGSLEY AND GOBE, AKA OKIEMUTEStarch is a polysaccharide of glucose that is highly versatile in its domestic and industrial uses and applications. It can be used either as a native starch or modified forms. It finds applications in pharmaceutical, adhesive, paint, textile, paper, cosmetics, energy and food industries, to mention but a few. It is obtained from green plant (from cassava root tuber the focus of this article) it is widely cultivated in African, Asia and Latin/south America.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENCY OF NIGERIA STOCK MARKET[Full-Text ] AMUSA, S.O, AGUNBIADE, D.A, AKINGBADE, A.A, OKORAFOR, U. AYODEJI, A.A, IKEGWU,E.MEfficient market hypothesis has been a topical issue in the field of finance since the discovery that financial variables might exhibit long memory properties. The exhibition of long memory properties by asset returns could be exploited by investors to anticipate price movements and earn positive average returns. A large body of literature has documented the behavior of asset returns in the developed stock markets but the literature that focuses on the Nigerian stock market is limited.
DENTO-ALVEOLAR AND BONE TRAUMA IN ADULTS[Full-Text ] M. SIDQUI, K. KHAMLICHThe face is most exposed to trauma. His injuries include both soft tissue, bone architecture and teeth. In severe trauma, we must first address the vital respiratory and circulatory emergencies. In case of poly trauma and other emergencies should also be sought and treated. The management of maxillofacial trauma requires a methodical clinical examination and a thorough radiologic provided mostly by CT.
Reforestration Using Drones and Deep Learning Techniques[Full-Text ] GANDHAM VENKATA SAI LOHITDeforestation is proving to be a major contributor towards climate change. The earth houses around 3 trillion trees (30 % of the planet) and according to a report by TIME, around 15 billion trees and being cut down each year [1]. It is reported that there has been a 46% reduction in the number of trees since the start of human civilization and only 400 billion trees exist in today’s world, according to Thomas Crowther, Yale University. At. this rate it is estimated that the rainforests may disappear in around the next 100 years
INVESTIGATE AND COMPARE ANALYSIS METHOD OF HAMMERHEAD BRIDGE PIER CAPS[Full-Text ] Wana Dagim, S.KarunanidhiiIn ireinforced iconcrete istructures ithe iengineer ioften ifaced iwith iregions iof ia istructure ithat icontains idiscontinuities, isuch ias iabrupt ichanges iin igeometry ior ithe ipresence iof iconcentrated iloads iand ireactions. iThe ipresence iof ia idiscontinuity iresults iin ia idisturbance iin ithe iflow iof istresses iin iregions iadjacent ito ithe idiscontinuity iand itherefore ithese iregions iare ireferred ito ias i“disturbed iregions”. iOne ifactor ithat icontributes ito ithe istructural ideficiency iof ia ibridge iis ilack iof ishear icapacity iin itheir ipier icaps idue ito iincrease iin ithe irequired itruck iloads.
Person Following Robot with 2D LIDAR: A Categorical Overview[Full-Text ] Rabeea khan, Muhammad Zeeshan Yousaf, Asif Ahmed Memon, Sajid HussainFor an autonomous robot, the communication between the person and the robot is the most significant factor. Some human-robot collaborative applications are manufacturing, medicinal services, media outlets, defense and social associations, which require an autonomous robot to have the ability to distinguish and track a person and to follow its human companion. A robot with human following ability is an exemplary however testing issue, especially when executed utilizing low-definition sensors, for example, Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors.
MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING PROJECTS: A REVIEW[Full-Text ] Junaid KhanThis study is focusing on using modelling and simulation in the management of engineering projects. As project management is an important area to be explored but unfortunately has been highly ignored and misunderstood in many areas. Delays and cost overrun are quite common in many projects such as power generation, construction, product development, defence, and software.
Assessment of Childhood TB in Public practice; a difference between Rural and Urban practice, Southern Punjab, Pakistan[Full-Text ] ABDUL RAFAY, QAZI MUHAMMAD SIBGHATULLAH, FAZAL HUSSAIN, FAZALMEHMOOD KHAN, MUHAMMAD IMRAN, MUHAMMAD TAHIR SHAHZAD, IMRAN MEHMOOD KHAN, TAYYABA ZAINABObjective: Tuberculosis is the most severe and complicated infectious disease and responsible for morbidity and mortality globally. Objective of this study was to evaluate the status of MTB infection in children under age of 15.
Ecological Analysis Of The Treatment Of H2S Gas Contained In Waste Process Gas InThe Refinery Industry[Full-Text ] Gunel AbbaszadeThe ecological analysis (research) conducted by us is of great importance. Thus, it can be considered as one of the main directions of research work on the development of an ecologically friendly method of purification of ecologically hazardous H2S gas, which is a mixture of gases formed during technological processes in the oil-refining industry, which can be used and not used.
Test for divisibility of a number by 7,13,23[Full-Text ] Dhirendra NarayanA number of papers have been published in different journals for knowing, without performing actual division, whether a given number is exactly divisible by 7,13,23,having zero remainder, or the number is not exactly divisible by 7,13,23 respectively.
The Environmental Implications of Abandoned Development Projects in Port Harcourt Metropolis[Full-Text ] Development is expected to satisfy a purpose in the life of a people and therefore needs to be planned with a time schedule of commencement and completion. When a project is commenced and for some reasons stopped, without completion over a long period of time it is deemed to have been abandoned. Project abandonment poses both socio-economic and environmental challenges and consequences. This study investigated the different types of development projects that are commonly abandoned; factors responsible for project abandonment and the socio-economic and environmental implications of project abandonment in Port Harcourt Metropolis.
Coverage and timeliness of vaccination among children’s between 12- 23 months in a migrant worker’s community in Gurugram- A Cross-Sectional Study[Full-Text ] Rahul Kumar Yadav, Ankita SinghVaccination has a great impression on reducing child mortality and morbidity by the outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases. The purpose of the study is to find out the vaccination coverage of children ages of 12-23 month and the effect of social determinants on partial and full vaccination among migrant’s community in Kanhai village of Gurugram city.
Present Scenario Of Architecture Education In Relation to the Concept Development[Full-Text ] Ar. Jyoti Singh, Dr. (Prof) Jaya KumarLearning as an interactive process is an important issue in architectural design education. This article looks at architecture students Concept development approach in architecture design with the Design Process. We have witnessed through the literature and practical experience that a large number of students are not able to work on the concept as in architecture education. Concept generation is very important for the design. From the first year of architecture education, students are confused about what is a concept, how it can go with the design, what will be the process to transform concepts into design products. Architecture is an art in which one feeds it’s all ideas, imagination, thinking, and soul.
Histological effects of the smokeless tobacco on the Bowman’s capsule space of the kidneys of the Female Albino rats[Full-Text ] Syna Pervaiz Singha, Amir Derick IsaacSince the last decade the smokeless form of tobacco ST (gutka/snus) has gained popularity in our region. Its easy availability has made it popular among all age groups. However exposure of tobacco in the oral form also bears consequences. Its use is associated with increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, myocardial infarction, liver disorders, cerebrovascular accidents and many other health issues. Use of tobacco in any form either smoked or chewed form leads to the absorption of its constituents especially nicotine which spontaneously moves into the bloodstream.
A Custom made occular prosthesis[Full-Text ] Ahmed Amin Moselhy, and Nasser AlyMutilation of a portion of a face can cause a heavy impact on the self-image and personality of an individual. Acceptable cosmetic results usually can be obtained with a facial prosthesis. Enucleation of the eye is often indicated after ocular injury or for the treatment of intraocular tumors and severe ocular infections. An ocular prosthesis is given to uplift the patient psychologically and improve the confidence. Ocular prosthesis can be custom made or a stock shell.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS OF ABANDONED DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECTS IN PORT HARCOURT METROPOLIS[Full-Text ] Development is expected to satisfy a purpose in the life of a people and therefore needs to be planned with a time schedule of commencement and completion. When a project is commenced and for some reasons stopped, without completion over a long period of time it is deemed to have been abandoned. Project abandonment poses both socio-economic and environmental challenges and consequences. This study investigated the different types of development projects that are commonly abandoned; factors responsible for project abandonment and the socio-economic and environmental implications of project abandonment in Port Harcourt Metropolis.
Internet Usage: significant factors affecting students[Full-Text ] Rana Jyoti Chakma, Sayed Asaduzzaman, Tanjim Mahmud, and Hasin RehanaCurrently, the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives and its use in education is required more than ever. In this research, a data mining approach has been used to determine the key factors affecting students due to Internet usage.
Design Compact Antenna for Energy Harvesting Application[Full-Text ] Reham Mahmood Yaseen, Dhirgham Kamal NajiThis paper proposes a new design approach of two dipole antennas opereating at 2.45 GHz for energy harvesting application. The first designed antenna is a patch antenna (PA) and its complementary strcture, slot antenna (SA), is the seconed design. The propsed two antennas having a radiating structure comprising of three elements: meander line, spiral and folded dipole strucures as strips and slots printed in FR4 subtrate for PA and SA, respectively.
A Review Paper on Security of Industrial Control Systems (ICS)[Full-Text ] Dhruva SantoshIndustrial Control Systems (ICS) are used to operate or automate industrial processes and are an integral part in the functioning of critical infrastructure. The ICSs are tailor-made to the needs of the industry that they are being used in. This research paper provides an overview of the threats and the vulnerabilities that plague Industrial Control Systems, the challenges we are currently facing in our efforts to secure these ICSs and the steps taken to mitigate the associated risks
Face Detection Algorithms: A Comparison[Full-Text ] Nirjhari Bhavsar, Saumya ShahWith the growing technology, the human race has made surplus devices which have helped us in the development of more of that kind. Using Machine Learning was a thought few decades back. But with its exponential advancements, we are now capable to have many other facilities like automation, security, statistical analysis and many other facilities which might have been impossible without the application of Machine Learning.
THREE YEARS AFTER THE ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS : What perception do executives and non-executives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MHESR) have ?[Full-Text ] MOUNDJIEGOUT TessaThe objective of this exploratory research is to assess the perception that the executives and non-executives of the Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Gabon are making of the various reforms three years after their implementation on the one hand, and on the other hand identify the various sticking points if necessary, which would hinder the completion of the process. 42 civil servants, 13 executives and 29 non-executives, participated in this study and the data were collected using a questionnaire and statistical analyses with SPSS 24 show that, according to the occupational categories, the reforms were well on the other hand, the balance sheet remains negative given the difficulties encountered on the ground.
GIS Based Morphometric Analysis of Wadi el-Arish Watershed Sinai, Egypt-Using ASTER (DEM) Data[Full-Text ] Hamdeno Abdel Kader al-AwadyProjected Digital Elevation Model (ASTER-DEM-30m) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques were prepared and used to evaluate the morphometric aspects of Wadi el-Arish watershed. Results of morphometric parameters such as linear (one dimension), areal (two dimensions) and relief (three dimensions) aspects revealed that the drainage area of Wadi el-Arish watershed occupy an area of about 23,765 sq.km. According to Strahler ordering, the investigated drainage watershed has seven stream orders with dendritic drainage pattern and homogeneous nature.
A THROUGHPUT AWARE ADAPTIVE CODING AND MODULATION SCHME FOR EFFICIENT SATELLUITE COMMUNICATION[Full-Text ] R.M Idris, Agbon E. E, and Gajere ESatellite communication is a promising technology due to its ability to serve very large number of users with high data rate services. Communication links are usually organized with a static modulation and coding scheme, stable data rate, and high communication link margin during the worst-case scenario.
Assesing Impact of Channel Lining for Water Management in Sindh[Full-Text ] Qamar Hussain Lakho, Kanya Lal Khatri, Muhammad Arif Panhyar, Fahad Ali SoomroThe cultivated area of 12.815 million acres of Sindh Province gets irrigation supplies for agriculture Purpose from Indus River through three barrage systems at Guddu, Sukkur and Kotri in the order of their locations. The availability of water is limited. The Seepage losses & theft of water occurs during the flow of Irrigation water through existing earthen channels. Seepage losses are up to 40% to 50% from earthen canals causing reduction in irrigation water supply in the canal command area of three Barrages. To reduce these losses and also to control proper water management to assure irrigation supplies at the tail ends, the canal lining of channels with cement concrete is the best way to resolve such issues.
PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS’ READINESS FOR THE ADOPTION OF COMPUTERIZED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Osuji E. C., Nkeleme E I,. Achighu O, Diogu E. OThe advent of real time maintenance control and monitoring approaches such the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) is a trend promising to tackle the numerous challenges encountered in the maintenance of facilities of public institutions. The research aimed at assessing the readiness of public institution to adopt computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) in the maintenance of public facility in Nigeria, with a view to improving the maintenance activities of public facilities.
Biochar and Halotolerant Bacteria in The Improvement of Saline-Sodic Soil Health and Wheat Growth[Full-Text ] Tuba Arjumend and Metin TuranSalt toxicity is a brutal environmental factor affecting crop production worldwide. Biochar, a byproduct of the process of pyrolysis, is a carbon-rich material which has the potential to ease the harmful effects of salinity. Use of microbial inoculants to counteract salinity stress is also a sound option to increase crop growth and yield under stress environments. The present study was conducted to access the combined effect of cotton biochar and salt-tolerant bacteria (PGPBs) to improve wheat growth and the quality of salt-affected soil. Biochar was applied at 10 and 20 t ha-1 rates.