Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020 Edition
Publication for Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2020
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Hands-on Structured Inquiry Activities in Physics: It’s Effect into Students’ Conceptual Understanding[Full-Text ] Rey-Mark G. BasagreThis study determined the effect of hands-on structured inquiry activities in Grade 9 Mechanics on students’ conceptual understanding. Specifically, it pursued to determine the performance of the students on the Grade 9 Mechanics pre-test, design hands-on structured inquiry activities in accordance with the low performed K to 12 Grade 9 science learning competency and determine the effects of hands-on structured inquiry activities on students conceptual understanding.
A STUDY OF POHLIG - HELLMAN CRYPTOSYSTEM PARAMETERS[Full-Text ] Dolantina Hyka, Katerina Zela, Sediola Ruko, Festim KodraIn this paper we are considering the parameters of the system that generates a strong or diagnostic cryptosystem, so it can be used for teaching purpose or to real life problems that need to be treated with symmetric encryption. First of all we detect the problems that can occur during the algorithm steps calculations. Secondly, the issue of selecting parameters is addressed in order for the system to be as secure as possible.
Mathematical modeling of solar radiation curves as well as the design of an intelligent system for their detection using PV[Full-Text ] Katerina Zela, Dorjan Zela, Dolantina Hyka, Gerild Qordja, Sediola RukoThe rapid increase in demand for PV systems is due to the fact that they produce electricity without damaging the environment, converting solar radiation directly into electricity. However, solar radiation never stays constant. The need to provide sufficient electricity throughout the day, load and network regardless of atmospheric conditions is a major problem. To solve the keye problem it is necessary to connect the PV panel with an intelligent device to help it achieve higher performance.
Development of a Decision Support Model for Establishment a Medical Equipment Maintenance Program[Full-Text ] Marwa A. Abdelhakim and Amr A. SharawiThe healthcare industry is one among the biggest industries in the world which shows a large amount of expenses for any nation's economy. It includes various areas as medical equipment supplies, pharmaceuticals, healthcare services and biotechnology. Medical equipment worldwide are assets that straightforwardly influence human lives. They provide great and sizeable investments, and in many cases they need high maintenance costs.
Dark Matter[Full-Text ] Tanush Bhatnagar This research paper is based on the studies done by Mr. Tanush Bhatnagar, and proving the theoretical presence of these dark matter particles. It also describes the relation between gravitons and the WIMP particles. This research paper is specialized in the fields related to Dark Matter.
App Based – Comparative Study Of PID And FOPID Controllers[Full-Text ] Rahul Chowdary Paladugula, Ramesh Sai Prasanth, Dr. Ananya ParameswaranPID controllers are being widely used in the industry due to their well grounded established theory, ease of retuning and simplicity. A controller is a device that is used to regulate the behavior or response of a process so as to get desired response. Designing a PID controller to meet gain and phase margin specification is a well known design technique but introduction of fractional order calculus in PID controllers gave a start to the new era with addition of two more parameters to tune for efficient system response. This has been compared with the help of an app based on Matlab Script for the designed models of PID and FOPID controllers with DC motor as a plant of the system.
FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ALUMINIUM METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES HAVING ALUMINA AS REINFORCEMENTS AND PROCESSED THROUGH STIR CASTING TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] Bheem Mallappa, Dr Prashant G KambleMetal matrix composites (MMCs) are increasingly becoming attractive materials for advanced aerospace applications because their properties can be tailored through the addition of selected reinforcements. In particular, particulate reinforced MMCs have recently found special interest because of their specific strength and specific stiffness at room or elevated temperatures. It is well known that the elastic properties of metal matrix composites are strongly influenced by micro structural parameters of the reinforcement such as shape, size, orientation, distribution and volume fraction.
GLOBALISATION AS A THREAT TO CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN AFRICA: THE CAMEROON EXPERIENCE[Full-Text ] Njie Makolo Joseph, Nkumbe Enongene Rex The effect of globalization on various aspects of the life of third world countries has always been controversial in nature. The imminent phenomenon of globalization has been mainly explored in academia through the lens of economics and politics. Little attention has been given to the relationship between this phenomenon and culture in Cameroon in particular and Africa in general, and yet the yield of this relationship could be tremendous in Cameroon where people, especially young people no longer take an interest to own culture. This paper thus examines how or the extent to which globalization poses as a threat to cultural diversity in Cameroon.
STUDY OF DIELECTRIC BEHAVIOR AND EMISSIVITY OF RED SOILS OF NORTH MAHARASHTRA AT C-BAND MICROWAVE FREQUENCY[Full-Text ] Avinash A. PatilThe dielectric properties of red soil have been study with various percentage of moisture content. Microwave trans-mission line waveguide technique has been used for this purpose. The dielectric properties including dielectric constant (e’) and dielectric loss (e”) have been measured for the red soil samples collected from the three places located each in the Dhule (S1,S3) and Jalgaon (S2) districts of north Maharashtra region (India) at 5.1 GHz frequency of varied mois-ture content at C-band .
Effect of some Meteorological Parameters of Aviation Operations in Port Harcourt International Airport Nigeria[Full-Text ] PEPPLE, S. B.K; Ideriah T.J.K; Gobo A.E The study assessed trends of meteorological parameters and aviation operations in Port Harcourt International Airport. Records of rainfall, thunderstorm, wind speed, fog, pressure and temperature and three aspects of flight operations (flight diversions, delays and cancellations) from 2010-2018 were collected from secondary source. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the trend of the meteorological parameters as predictors of aviation operations.
Manufacture Systems Modeling and Performance Analysis on sewing firms[Full-Text ] Shimelis Tamene GobenaManufacturing system modeling and performance analysis is one of the tools that have been applied to model and analyze the performance of a manufacturing system. The modeling can be done either by analytical or simulation methods. This paper identified and mitigated the major problems of Gulele Garment Share Company production line. That related with low throughput, high cycle time, low resource utilization, etc.
STRATEGIES FOR MINIMIZING ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES ON SERVICE LIFE OF EXTERIOR WALL PAINT IN A TROPICAL CLIMATE[Full-Text ] Oguntimehin, Abiodun Sunday, Adejugbagbe, John AdewaleExternal walls are decorated with various materials for beautification, protection or for other reasons. Coating materials are usually in solid or in liquid form. The solid materials are bound or pasted while liquid materials are sprayed or painted to walls. Application of solid materials such as tiles for the exterior wall is in decline due to the energy saving requirements. Paint is the most common material used as wall coating in Nigeria and building maintenance is not given necessary attention in policy formulation in the country coupled with the economic problems, cases of frequent maintenance characterized by early and unexpected defects on both public and private building’s façade should be avoided.
EFFECTIVENESS OF SHOCK WAVE THERAPY Vs ULTRA SOUND THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH PLANTAR FASCIITIS – A REVIEW STUDY[Full-Text ] Ms TALLAM PREETH, Dr DEEPAK JAIN, Dr RAJENDRA KACHUWAHATo compare the outcomes of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) versus Ultrasound Therapy (UST) in plantar fasciitis.
Evaluation of Mechanical Characteristics of Basalt FRP Bars[Full-Text ] M. Heshmat, Fareed Elgabbas, Hany El-ShafieFiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) is a vital replacement to the traditional steel reinforcement for concrete structures. However, the newly developed basalt FRP bars offering superior physical and mechanical properties compared to the commonly used FRPs; such as glass and carbon FRP bars. Therefore, basalt FRP became an interesting material for researchers to be investigated and utilized in the construction sector. This paper experimentally studies the mechanical characteristics of newly produced basalt FRP reinforcing bars. The basalt FRP bars used are 12 mm diameter with helical ribs.
Improving Entoto Observatory Optical Telescope for Space Surveillance and Tracking Application[Full-Text ] Dinaol Z. GadisaCurrently, the Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute is endeavoring to enable the country to fully exploit the multidimensional benefits of space science and technology and address the challenges of the country using space technology research and development. One of the project plans of the institute is to deploy the space surveillance and tracking system using the existing infrastructure.
SavoniusTurbine Mechanical Power is calculated based on Wind Force, Rotor Friction and Turbine Weight[Full-Text ] Soebyakto, Hadi Wibowo, Rusnoto, Sri MulatsihThe Force of Wind is wind power divided by the speed of the wind. Electric generator power generated from the data of wind speed and wind turbine shaft speed is by utilizing the kinetic energy of wind into the effective area of the turbine. The broad sweep of the Savonius wind turbine is designed with a rotor diameter, D = 52 cm, and height of the rotor, H = 36 cm.
Menstruation: A Journey towards Transformation[Full-Text ] Debarati Sarkar The onset of menstruation marks reproductive maturity in women and attainment of menarche is deemed as a developmental milestone. But unfortunately menstruation and menstrual practices along with menstrual waste disposal have been put under an envelope of fallacy and stigma. This issue has always been inadequately recognized and it has always been sidelined while designing programmes for improving women’s health. In recent times it has been manifested that the scenario surrounding menstruation has been rapidly changing in an affirma-tive direction.
Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Pavement Wearing Course in Submerged Condition Modified with Shredded Tyre Chips[Full-Text ] Otto, C. G, Igwe, E. A, and Ekwulo, E. OImproving the fatigue performance of flexible pavement wearing course subjected to submergence has been one of the major concerns of civil engineering professionals in Nigeria especially among the Niger Delta people due to flooding. Pavement have been observed to be submerged in water perpetually causing rapid failure which has made the government to spend huge amount of money on road rehabilitation and construction yearly.
Mental Anxiety and Depression Detection during Pandemic using Machine Learning[Full-Text ] Quadir, Ryana & Hossain, Md. FokhrayWith the rise of Social Media usage, web surfing and a long period of uncertainty during the Pandemic time, there is a sheer concern about the mental health and anxiety disorders among people. This increate rate of online social media use (SMU) opened the possibility to identify some common traits among people with various mental disorders and anxiety by the large dataset provided.
Mining Social Media Data for Security[Full-Text ] MohamedAmmar Alnuaimi, Sultan Albloushi, Omran Alhosani, Hassan Al Ali, Khalid AlMarshda, Dr.Sanaa ElyassamiWith the popularity of social media platforms, they have become a rich source of information and a target for knowledge extraction. Twitter is one such social media platform built to discover what is happening in the world any moment anywhere. Twitter messages are mostly text based and well suited for knowledge discovery using data mining techniques. We will review some methods that used to model the machine learning to extract different information in terms of its Topic, data emotion(sentiment) and text analytics.
Investigation the using of internal diaphragms in horizontally curved box girders by ANSYS program[Full-Text ] Hawraa sami malik and David A.M. JawadHorizontally curved tub girder bridges exhibit torsional and distortional behaviour in additional to the bending caused by initial curvature of bridge. The distortion causes in two major stress components, transverse bending and Distortional warping normal stresses, these two components are usually limited to a particular level for effective use of the cross-section by adding internal bracing elements.
Study of Fabric Waste Generated in the Woven Garments Industries in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbubul Haque, Md. Sakhawat Hossain Rizvi, Md. Mominur Rahman, Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury, Mohammad Abdul Baset, Zobair Ahmad NomanThe work reported in this paper is the study of waste generated in various stages of making five different types of woven garments. The three types of wastes that considered were e.g. i. waste of fabric, which were just left unused after completion of the order and is useable for making new apparels, ii. Net waste of fabrics which cannot be used at all may be regarded as hard waste and iii. Waste of completed garments.
The Effect of Social Net-working Site on Social and Academic Performance of Youth in Myanmar[Full-Text ] Dr. Kyaing Kyaing Thet, Sein Sein Aye & Myo Myint KyawIn the recent decades, the users of social networking sites (SNS) have been increasing remarkably. In this study, the effect of social net-working site on social and academic performance of youth in Monywa Township is analyzed by using descriptive and structural equation modeling.
Microbiological analysis of water through MPN[Full-Text ] Md. Ashiqur Rahman; Dr. Rashed NoorWater borne disease outbreaks associated with the drinking of unsafe water containing pathogenic bacteria of fecal origin is common in perspective of densely populated countries including Bangladesh. Present study employed a laboratory scale qualitative analysis of drinking water for the detection of indicator bacteria especially the fecal contamination that is responsible for health associated problems. Total Six water samples were collected from separate household and commercial points in Dhaka city Bangladesh. Escherichia coli was found as indicator bacteria in 1 water sample out of 6 samples as revealed through most probable number (MPN) method.
What Challenges Have Pandemics Posed For International Relations And How Have States Responded To These Challenges[Full-Text ] Dr Sanjay PooranThe quick, global spread of COVID-19 in the first half of 2020 has constituted a major destabilising event in international affairs. The virus is not the first of its kind; it follows smaller outbreaks of the swine flu in 2009, and avian influenza in 2013 and, historically, is paralleled by the rate of fatality of the Spanish flu, the plague or cholera.
USE OF AROMATHERAPY KIN THE RESUCTION OF STRESS LEVEL TO CANCER PATIENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] Vonnavic Racuya-AgadThis study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using aromatherapy to cancer patients in the reduction of stress level. Specifically, it sought to answer the question: “In cancer patients, (P) is the use of aromatherapy effective (I) as compared to NO aromatherapy (C) in the reduction of stress level (O)?”
A Study in the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Identification of Unknown Viruses[Full-Text ] Shreyas Dhake, Smital DhakeNew viruses are always being found. This suggests that there are many more viruses in the environment that we don’t know. Some of which may be harmful to humans. This raises the need of being able to detect and/or predict new, unknown viruses. Artificial intelligence consists of numerous algorithms that could overcome the limitations of traditional detection methods and assist in viral genome classification and therefore detection and prediction of unknown viruses.
The effect of Mucosal, Synthetic Peptides, Live Vectors, Infectious DNA, Inactivated Virus, Secretory antibodies, and Broad Neutralizing Antibodies Vaccines on Humeral immunity and Cellular immunity as potential Invasion Blocker vaccines (Part Nine)[Full-Text ] By Dr. Zelalem Kiros Bitsue, Dr. Martha Fekadu RahmethoMost infectious agents enter the body at mucosal surfaces and therefore mucosal immune responses function as a first line of defence. Despite recent advances in our understanding of HIV-1 pathogenesis and immunology, however, major scientific obstacles remain.
Using the DLC as the Tyre Material for the synthesis of Rubber & Ply; Increasing Tyre’s Life[Full-Text ] Shubham SinghReview on using DLC in making tyres. DLC films have been used as protective coatings for various applications. We can use DLC to improve the tyre’s life especially for sports cars and supercars like Lamborghini and Bugatti Chiron. And also in military vehicles for making the tyres bulletproof. DLC is a class of amorphous carbon material that displays some of the typical properties of diamond. DLC is usually applied as coatings to other materials that could benefit from some of those properties but we can use DLC in the synthesis of tyre’s rubber (for making threads) and ply thus improving the overall quality of the tyres.
The Impossible Trinity: Relevance in Contemporary Economies[Full-Text ] Swasti PatoriaThe infinity trinity or the trilemma has been a significant macroeconomic phenomenon. The emerging, non-emerging market and the industrialized countries approach the trilemma in different ways. The accumulation of International reserves has affected the patterns of trilemma worldwide. The theoretical validity of the trilemma shall be looked upon backed by empirical data showing failure of countries trying to disprove it.
Land Acquisition in Navi Mumbai and Greater Noida for City and Infrastructure Development and Green Belt Development[Full-Text ] P Suresh BabuA fact to consider is half of the people in the World live in towns and cities as per UN, 2016. In India, 34.47 % of the population is estimated, to be living in urban areas by 2019, as per World Bank studies, causing a large no of problems and affecting the quality of life. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecasted in 2013 as changes in climate, may aggravate environmental and social imbalances, particularly in faster urbanization in towns. Urbanization has led to a loss of urban green cover and biodiversity in cities.
Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Effect and Its Practical Applications[Full-Text ] Shashank Kumar Ojha, Gaurav SharmaPiezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. The word Piezoelectric is derived from the Greek piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and piezo, which is Greek for “push”. Was discovered by Paul-Jacques Curie and Pierre Curie experimentally in 1880.
PREVELENCE OF HAMSTRING MUSCLE STRAIN IN FOOTBALL PLAYERS IN FAISALABAD[Full-Text ] Akmal M, Arif U, Ashraf A.M, Haq U.S, Juniad M, Sharjeel MMuscular injuries are a significant percentage of all football injuries. In sports involving sprinting and kicking, hamstring muscle strain injury is one of the most common lesions. Data on hamstring injury rates in football over time are minimal.The main objective of this study is to Prevalence the hamstring muscle strain in football players in Faisalabad.Sample will be taken of 125 football players with hamstring muscle strain injury from Faisalabad.
A Review of Combined Heat and Power Systems for Hospitals Applications[Full-Text ] Daramola Oyewole OlufemiThis study aims at investigating the applicability of combined heat and power systems in NHS Trusts hospitals in the United Kingdom. The ever-increasing demands for quality and reliable energy for ventilation, space heating, hot water and sterilization of medical tools are well investigated in this study using data gotten from NHS Trust official site. Reduction of ?CO?_2 emission in the UK hospitals was also investigated. From data gotten from NHS Trusts official website, it was observed that CHP technology is a reliable source of heat and power for hospitals to run their day to day activities.
Investigation of the Aerodynamics Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotor[Full-Text ] Daramola Oyewole OlufemiIn order to convert wind energy to mechanical energy, the design of the axis wind turbine is very crucial, the rotor is an important component of the wind turbine. This study investigates the aerodynamics performance of horizontal axis wind turbine rotor. By obtaining the power coefficient, we found that about forty percent of the kinetic energy of the undisturbed wind flowing to the swept area of the rotor can be extracted as useful power.
Study of the Impact of Void-defect in 11 kV XLPE Cable Insulation[Full-Text ] M. Alsharif, I. S. Naser Worldwide, electric power distribution relies on a vast network of MV XLPE cables. This paper investigated the variation nature of electric field distribution of typical energized underground 11 kV XLE armoured insulted cable containing void-defects using finite element software. The calculations of electric stress in void-defects based on electric stress of insulation materials are presented with a consideration of the directions of the electrical field stress in voids. The size and location of void-defect as a function of electric stress are achieved.
Overview of Ethiopian space program; policy priority, gaps between motivations and capabilities[Full-Text ] Dinaol Z. GadisaOver the past 50 years, the use of space technology has become affordable, meaning that more countries can afford to take social and economic advantage of space technology. Ethiopia’s ideal desire to develop space programs and use space technology for the well-being of society dates back to the 1950s. However, due to different reasons including weak infrastructure and facility, poverty, corruption, shortage of educated manpower, low governmental attention, and other related matter, Ethiopia’s space program is not matured enough.
Absorbance/Transmittance Property Of Natural And Synthetic Dyes In The Fabrication Of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell[Full-Text ] Ezeh, M.I and Osuji, R.UThere are two sources of sensitizers: natural, from plants and synthetic from organic dyes, for the fabrication of dye sensitized solar cell. This study intends to investigate the absorbance/transmittance properties of both sources in order to ascertain the best. Two natural dyes Tomato fruit and Zobo leaves- plants and synthetic dye- Methyl red have been chosen because of their unique red colour which performs at the Uv-visible region for light harvesting. The Absorbance and Transmittance properties were carried out and Zobo emerged the best absorber and tomato the best transmittance material.
Implementation of Discrete Mathematics in Logic Gates for Electronic Circuit[Full-Text ] Umair Khalid Qureshi, Shahzad Ali Khaskheli, Manzar Bashir Arain, Lata Bai and Syed Hasnain Ali ShahThis research has implementation of discrete mathematics in logic gates for electronic circuit. The idea of research comes from De-Morgan law in discrete mathematics. The proposed logic gates developed with the help of Not Gate, AND Gate, OR Gate, Exclusive OR Gate, conditional OR Gate and Exclusive OR Not Gate. The proposed logic gates give interesting results, such as same truth values and equal truth values of two compound logic gates.
Chemical Composition, Functional and antioxidant properties of mango seed kernel (Kent variety) flour grown in Korhogo (Ivory Coast)[Full-Text ] Oulai Sylvie Florence, Touré Abdoulaye, Kamagaté Tidiane, Kouamé N’Guessan Rodrigue, Koné Monon, Soro Yadé RénéMango is an important tropical fruit in the world. It is widely marketed and produced on a large scale. Unfortunately, a large part of its production is rejected in the form of waste, usually consisting of its skin and core. This leads to huge losses in the mango sector. However, the mango peel and its kernel have high functional and nutritional potential.
Optimization of Arabic Handwritten digits recognition using CNN[Full-Text ] Hamdy Amin MorsyArabic handwritten digits recognition (AHDR) is one of the most challenging convolutional neural networks (CNN) applications due to the difficult nature of Arabic digits and similarity of Arabic digits with other symbols in other languages. In this research paper, we will introduce a new technique for AHDR using CNN and entropy function as an object function. our technique introduced minimum error rate and maximum accuracy compared to other techniques.