Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2019.
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Exponential Entropy Measure Defined On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set[Full-Text ] Bhagwan Dass, Vijay Prakash TomarIn the present communication, exponential intuitionistic fuzzy information measures are introduced and characterized axiomatically. To show the effectiveness of the proposed measure, it is compared with the existing measures. Fuzzy discrimination and symmetric discrimination measures are defined and their validity is checked.
DETERMINATION OF HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGEN (HBsAG) AMONG PEDIATRIC PATIENT ATTENDING EMERGENCY PEDIATRIC UNIT (E.P.U) UNIVERSITY OF MAIDUGURI TEACHING HOSPITAL, BORNO STATE[Full-Text ] Aliyu Isa, Amina B. Majama, Yusuf A. Isa, Ibrahim Muhammad, Abba Ali MThis research work was aimed at determining Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) among children in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Borno State. Total of 50 blood samples were collected from children attending E.P.U, 26 were females while 24 were males. Bloods samples were screened by vertical diagnostic method using one step strip style HBsAg rapid screen test (Global Diagnostic Canada) for HBsAg.
A Universal Wireless Signal Propagation Prediction Model Based on PSO Trained Modified ANFIS[Full-Text ] Omae M O, Ndungu E N and Kibet P LWith the increase in the use of mobile devices, there is need for accelerated studies on these systems to improve on the quality of service (QoS) provided to the users. Different methods have been used in signal modeling including deterministic and empirical models. This study is aimed at developing a universal wireless prediction model using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) trained modified Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (LOG10D-ANFIS) being an improvement to the original ANFIS structure for wireless communication propagation.
Indoor LOS Wi-Fi Signal Coverage Model-ing Using PSO Trained LOG10D-ANFIS with Random Input[Full-Text ] Omae M O, Ndungu E N and Kibet P LWireless local area networks (WLANS) are becoming very popular in our daily communications applications. Currently in kenya a number of internet service providers like Safaricom, Zuku and others are providing internet access using Wi-Fi. I believe this is replicated world over.
Feminist revisionism and restitution as solution to female problems in selected Igbo plays[Full-Text ] The study is on “Feminist Revisionism and Restitution as solution to female problems in selected Igbo plays”. Male and female make up the society so none can be discussed in isolation of the other. The study aims at using feminist revisionism and restitution as solution to female problems in our patriarchal society.
Analysis and Relevance of Z-Transform in Discrete Time Systems[Full-Text ] Engr. Dr Ezeagwu Christopher, O, Mmuo Grace C, Onu ChineduThis research paper presents the analysis and relevance of z-transform in discrete time systems. The computer implementations of majority of engineering and physical systems require discretization of continuous parameters such as time, frequency, temperature, etc. Such systems are called discrete time systems and their dynamics can be described as reoccurrence equations.
Workers Perception on the Influence of Organ-isational, Job-Related and Individual Factors on Employees’ Turnover at Hotels in Ilorin South, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adediran Olabanji JamiuEmployees’ turnover is habitually expensive for all organisations including the hospitality sector. Employee’s turnover always impacts nega-tively on the productivity and quality of an organisation’s products or services. In spite of the considerable amount of studies this issue attracted, employee turnover is still happening.
ADVANCED SMART POWER SOCKET USING IOT[Full-Text ] R.Santhoshkumar, M.Anusuya, N.anand, G.EzhilarasanA high percentage of electricity is lost due to power theft and improper management. However a bulk of these losses is caused by electricity theft. The illegal usage of electricity must be solved by electronic, without any human interaction. The purpose of this work is to provide an implementation methodology for electricity theft detection and controlling which allows violators to be detected at a remote location. In the proposed method GPRS technology is used to transmit the energy reading and alert automatically to the authorized energy provider via an alert message which eliminates the various issues related to the meter reading and theft detection. This also includes controlling device from a remote location through internet which enables efficient use of electricity.
An Integrative Approach to develop E-Waste Management System for Developing Countries: A Review[Full-Text ] Mahendra Garanayak,Satyananda ChampatirayE-waste (also known as waste electrical and electronic equipment) is one of the fastest-growing waste streams worldwide. Given this rapid growth, issues related to e-waste are a serious concern. Increasing amounts of e-waste pose detrimental effects to the environment and public health through improper recycling and disposal techniques.
Perceptions of Master degree nursing students about curricular gaps enrolled in public sector health university of Lahore[Full-Text ] Naveeda Iqbal, Mansoor Ghani, Samina Manzoor, Nuzhat sher,Nursing education is in transition from diploma to degree program. For nursing education to be more effective and productive there is need for an applied curriculum enable to encounter the accessories of higher nursing education. Writers in nursing edification come to an understanding that for teaching learning activities to be efficacious and acceptable, a constant reactive association amongst curriculum and learning is obligatory.
Legal Issues and Challenges in Real Estate Valuation[Full-Text ] Ramanigopal .C, Mani .A, Nandha Kumar .BIn general Real Estate sector plays a crucial role in the economy of every country. A large component of the Indian economy is still in the unorganized or informal sector.Real estate sector is also an unorganized sector in India. Real estate is property comprised of land and the buildings on it as well as the natural resources of the land including uncultivated flora and fauna, farmed crops and livestock, water and minerals.
Application of Zenner-Frank Phase Field Theory for Simulating Cu Depletion Effect in Isothermally Aged SAC BGA Solder Joints[Full-Text ] Naveen Daham Weerasekera, Ahmed Ijaz AbdullaIn this n this paper, thermodynamic study of material transport in Pb free solder joint that is subjected to isothermal aging is performed. Thermodynamic feasibility is done through modeling the process by phase filed method (PFM). Images of evolution of the experimental microstructure of the solder joint is accomplished by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy (OM).
AOMDV Routing Protocol: A New Paradigm of Performance Over AODV in area of Mobile Ad-hoc Network[Full-Text ] Shohada Sharmin, Tahsin Aziz, Md. Rashedul Karim Chowdhury, Mohammad Zakirul Islam KhanA Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a new paradigm in wireless communication thanks to its high significance in various sensitive and emergency operations. Major challenge of Mobile ad hok network is that it must adapt to the frequent and randomly changing network topology. Consequent upon comparison in terms of performance of protocols for MANET, this study found that Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) had generated increased packet delivery ratio and reduced average end to end delay in data transmission than that of Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing Protocol
Knowledge and practice of retail drug sellers on rational dispensing of antibiotics[Full-Text ] Islam, Md ShahariarObjective: Antibiotic resistance is a rapidly evolving health issue. Two thirds of all antibiotics are sold without prescription, through unregulated private sectors around the world. In Bangladesh pharmacies are sometimes first point of contact with the patient. This study aimed at assessing knowledge and observing practice of antibiotic dispensing among retail drug sellers.
An automatic updating process to control the e-learning courseware[Full-Text ] Fatiha ELGHIBARI, Rachid ELOUAHBI, Fatima EL KHOUKHIUpdating courses in e-learning systems is considered one of the main factors to ensure a relevant educational content. Basically, providing to the learner a dynamic learning path that contains the latest trends of information and software tools, and also tracking technological development.
Prediction of Pavement Remaining Life and Maintenance Strategy for Asphaltic Concrete Highways by Pavement Condition Index Study[Full-Text ] Donatus N. MbaezueThis paper presents the results of a pavement condition index (PCI) study for an asphaltic concrete highway. Its aim is to provide a handy method of using the results of such studies to predict the remaining life of the pavement and thereby provide a maintenance strategy for highway authorities in the form of one or a combination of: full reconstruction, surface partial reconstruction, thick overlays, thin overlays, surface treatments and preventive maintenance. The study was conducted on a section of the Lokoja to Abuja highway.
Performance of Hyper Eutectic Al-Si alloys at high Temperature during wear siliding[Full-Text ] Mrs. Chandrika Wagle, Mr. Abhishek Dabb, Mr. Aniket Phatangare, Mr. Chetanraj PatilAl–Si alloys area unit wide employed in completely different fields of trade. High wear resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity, high corrosion resistance, excellent castability, hot tearing resistance, good weld ability etc. make hypereutectic aluminium silicon alloys very attractive candidate in aerospace and other engineering sectors. Aluminium silicon alloys can be strengthened by adding small amount of Cu, Ni or Mg and the presence of silicon provides good casting properties. It has been documented extensively that the microstructure of hypereutectic Al-Si alloys, ready by standard casting routines, sometimes contains a rough primary Si innovate a fibrous mixture matrix
Quantum controlled multipurpose operation. Canonical Functors of Right-Regular Elements and Problems in Singular Combinatorics[Full-Text ] Nikolay RaychevThis study presents a single optimized surface code framework to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computations, which can be used to facilitate the design of hybrid circuits. Our operational integration involves identifying torsional defects with planar code angles. This identification allows us to execute to exchange angles of planar code by deforming the code using single-gate.
Potential of Lime for Stabilization of Subgrade Soil of Gujranwala Region[Full-Text ] Nabeel Liaqat, Muhammad Farjad Sami, Muhammad Umar, Aneel MananClayey soils have degraded properties like low shear strength, low bearing capacity, high shrink and swell potential, low CBR and compressive strength value and high compressibility. These degraded properties are the common reason for most of the foundation failures. With the interaction of water clayey soils undergo volumetric change. With the increase in population density and increased demand of infrastructural development avoiding clayey soils for future construction is not possible. Soil improvement techniques should be applied on such soils before construction.
A Case Report on Iron Deficiency Anemia Due to Abnormal Heavy Menstrual Bleeding[Full-Text ] Ayesha Mushtaq, Natasha Hussain, Sidra Nazir,Rizwan KhalidObjective-- To describe a case of severe iron deficiency anemia due to abnormal heavy menstrual bleeding.
Identification the Factors of Safety and SWOT Analysis of Ready Made Garment Industry in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Ahashan Habib, Md. Ruhul Amin Mondal, Fahria Binte IslamThe Ready Made Garment industry is the lifeblood of the economy of Bangladesh. The industry is at risk in terms of safety and sustainability. Fire accidents are common in garments. Bangladesh earned enormous bad reputation after two worst industrial disasters Rana Plaza Collapse followed by Tazreen Fashion fire killing more than thousands of workers. A practical survey has been done directly on different stakeholders of the industry to realize the current practices and lacks regarding safety and sustainability. From this research, it has been found that building condition, fire safety equipment and fire drill, training on health and safety are satisfactory level at compliance industry but moderate to low and some of the unsatisfactory level at average compliance one.
Knowledge of Life-Saving Rules & Associated Socio-Demographic Factors Amongst Petroleum Industry Workers in Delta State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Andrew M. ABANUM, Ibidabo D. ALABERE, Patricks E. ChinemeremSafety rules and procedures, (SRPs) in any work place are established as a system barrier to prevent incidents and ensure business sustenance. Life-saving rules (LSRs) are integral of SRPs and are popular in the oil & gas (O&G) industry. The introduction of LSRs by the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) greatly improved safety performance for companies who adopted the set of rules.
CSMA/CD with Priority based Persistence Assignment[Full-Text ] Aayush MajumdarCarrier-sense multiple access (CSMA) is a media access control (MAC) protocol developed to verify the absence of other traffic/network signals before transmitting on a shared channel, namely an electrical bus or a band of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Wind Resource Assessment and Wind Farm Modeling in Mossobo-Harena Area, North Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Addisu Dagne ZegeyeAlthough Ethiopia doesn’t have significant fossil fuel resource it is endowed with huge amount of renewable energy resources such as hydro, wind, geothermal and solar power. However, only a small portion of these resources has been utilized so far and less than 30 percent of the nation’s population has access to electricity. The wind enrgy potential of the country is estimated to be up to 10GW. Yet less than 5% of this potential is developed so far. One of the reasons for this low utilization of wind energy in Ethiopia is absence of a reliable and accurate wind atlas and resource maps.
Assessment of Salt Damage Based on Crystallization Test due to High Groundwater Level in Sandstone Monuments, Luxor, Egypt[Full-Text ] A. Mansour, R.M. El AttarThe destruction of the stone-built architectural Luxor's heritage is becoming more and more obvious. A laboratory salt decay simulation is widely recognised as a well-established method to assess the relative durability of the stone-built architectural heritage.
Inter-Organizational Integration (IOI) in Building Refurbishment Projects; an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) Approach[Full-Text ] Adel Noori, Mohammadreza Mokariantabari In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in building refurbishment works due to the change in economic conditions and the emphasis on sustainable development. Increasing demand for building refurbishment projects will lead to an increase in organizational interactions in the construction industry as building refurbishment projects involve interac-tions among many different organizations.
Tuberculosis Diagnosis Using Naïve Bayes Classifier[Full-Text ] Morgan Obi, Kelechi K. Nwauzi, Sylvester AkhetuamenTuberculosis is a highly contagious ailment that can be easily transmitted from person to person if not quickly and accurately diagnosed and treated. In this work, we proposed a model to diagnose this disease and take appropriate curative measure as soon as it is diagnosed. This is done using Naïve Bayes Classifier which is a supervised machine learning technique. We decided to use the Naïve Bayesian Classifier which is based on Bayes' theorem which assumes independent assumptions between predictors for this work because it assumes that the effect of the value of a predictor (x in this case a symptom) on a given class (c) is independent of the values of other predictors.
Random Forest Classifier For Classifying Birds Species using Scikit-learn[Full-Text ] Dr B. Bhoomeshwar, Dr. Y. Nagesh, Dr. K. Raja ShekarA random forest classifier (RFC) is a collection or ensemble of decision trees. Each tree is trained on a random subset of the attributes. We propose a classification technique using voting method with random forests. Random forests are extensions of decision trees and it is a kind of ensemble method. Our proposed method can achieve high accuracy by building several classifiers and running each classifier independently. Accuracy of our proposed method is high compared with other traditional classification algorithms. Voting technique takes outcome from each decision tree and based on the majority of votes it decides which is the actual outcome. Using Scikit-learn tool we evaluated the efficiency of our proposed method.
Formalization of E-Hospital Via Colored Petri Nets (CPN)[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zubair Awan, Muhammad Tauseef Hanif, Saira Latif, Awais Saeed, Abdullah Faisal, Imran SiddiqueHospital Management Systems (HMS) can be large and hence difficult to analyze with specifically targeted objectives. Even with the ever increasing technological advancements, automation requirements of (HMS) systems to improve a hospital’s efficiency and customer based approach demand attention.
Opinion Dependent Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis[Full-Text ] Dr Y. Nagesh, Dr. K. Raja Shekar, Dr. B. BhoomeshwarSentiment analysis has been emerging research field in Computational Linguistics, Text Analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This is the computational study of people’s opinion towards entities and their aspects. Entities refer to individuals, events, topics, products and organizations. Aspects are attributes or components of entities.
A Study on Vibration Intelligence Control Technology Concept of Integrated Automotive Transaxle System[Full-Text ] Shawki A. Abouel-Seoud, Islam Ibrahim Amer, Ahmed S. AbdallahAn active internal vehicle transaxle unit structure is developed and evaluated experimentally to suppress gear pair vibration due to gear transmission error excitation. The main objective of the vibration controller for a vehicle transaxle unit system is to reduce the discomfort sensed by passengers which arises from gear transmission error excitation resulting from tooth profile errors, misalignment and elastic deformation (meshing stiffness).
Intelligent system of advisable learning time in e-learning platform[Full-Text ] Sanae CHEHBI, Rachid ELOUAHBIFor years e-learning has proven its success in providing a diversified and personalized content. Learners have always been motivated and satisfied to be able to consult different online courses without time or space constraints. As a result, they can spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen without being aware that it can affect their eye and body health. It is therefore not surprising that computer vision syndrome has become an important occupational health issue.
ATT (ANTI TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT) DRUG COMPLIANCE WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS AND ITS PREVALENCE IN SOUTHERN PUNJAB[Full-Text ] ABDUL RAFAY, MUHAMMAD KALEEM; GHULAM MURTAZA, HIRA AROOJ, ASAD ULLAH, MUHAMMAD SOHAIB, MUHAMMAD GHULAM ABBASOne third of all human population is dealing with asymptomatic TB. We conducted research to estimate positive pulmonary TB cases and ATT compliance in rural area of Rohilanwali, Southern Punjab. Rural health center (RHC) Rohilanwali’s laboratory was the center for diagnosis and provision of free ATT drugs via National TB control Program (NTP) under DOTS guidelines. Eight villages population was included in study that was almost 3lac, sampling was simply random including male and female of each age group, only PTB positive cases were included in research.
A Demographic Study of Telugu Speaking Fisher Folk Community of Chunnabhatta Village, South Andaman[Full-Text ] MUTHU PANDIThis paper addresses the socio-economic status of the Telugu Speaking Fisher folk Community of Chunnabhatta village of South Andaman. In the sample, majority of the households migrated from Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh fisher folk community. More than 30% per cent of the samples are illiterate.
Challenges and Problems Faced by Pre-service Teachers While Linking Theory into Practice: A Case of Mirpur. AJK[Full-Text ] Saira Farooq Shah, Raiza Rizve, Atya Khushbash, Maryam IqbalEducation has the most significant position in the life of generations to develop one’s own personality, abilities, capacities, attitudes and to know how the balanced personality of a person can help him [2]. The educational institutions are responsible to provide learners such environment that is conducive and in which learner’s potential can be maximized. The teachers and their qualification have great importance in educational system. As the teachers’ education and their skills required for effective teaching have direct link with the students’ performance and results. To ensure the quality result of students we need well qualified and well-trained teachers and for that we need to see the ways and means of teachers’ training [42]. The teachers are considered the kingpin in the whole education system [21].