Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2019 Edition
Publication for Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2019.
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Experimental comparison of the Performance of a Domestic Vapour Compression Refrigeration system using hybrid (circular-triangular) finned- and single-finned Condensers[Full-Text ] Ayodeji, O. Z., Akinola, A. O. and Fapetu, O. P The performance of a domestic refrigeration system using hybrid and single geometry finned condensers is evaluated in this paper. The Test Rig comprised a 1/8 sized domestic refrigerator working on R600a refrigerant, developed hybrid condensers and instrumentation part (temperature data logger 3 pressure gauges, temperature recorders) Results showed that circular-triangular hybrid finned condenser is more efficient than the existing conventional type with average coefficient of performance of 0.683, 0.710, 0.727, 0.710 (for hybrid), and 0.683, 0.721, 0.710, 0.058 (single) over the load variations of ambient, 30 oC, 40 oC, and 50 oC. Hybridization of extended surfaces is another passive method of augmenting the heat transfer rate of heat exchangers
Statistical Relevance of Variations in Condenser extended surfaces geometries and Heat loads on Properties for estimating Performance of Components of Refrigeration System[Full-Text ] Ayodeji, O. ZThe performance of any system is a joint function of the performance of its individual components. This paper presents statistical interpretations of the effects of variation in condenser enhancing surface geometries and inherent thermal loads of refrigerating items on measured thermodynamic properties used in estimating the performance of components of household refrigeration system. Statistical analysis of the experimental data obtained was done with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique using Minitab software.
A study on impact of Consumers preference (7 P’s) and consumers buying behavior towards soft drinks with special reference to youth[Full-Text ] Dr. Vanitha Esaimani It is well known that consumers brigs business to organizations and hence is a critical aspect in the context of stable business. It is thus required to understand their behaviour as a key aspect in developing and implementing any marketing strategy. Consumer behaviour is the study of why they buy (price, promotion), what they buy (product), where they buy (place), how they buy (shopping methods) and so on. It is also the study of factors that affect the behaviour both internal and external such as, self-concept, social and cultural background, age, family, attitudes, personality and social class.
Study the Effect of Sheet Pile Under The Floor of Kufa Barrage In Iraq by Using the Finite Element Software (ANSYS)[Full-Text ] Mohammed Hamid Rasul, Laith Falah Hasan, Nimran Faris HamadIn this research, a finite element software (ANSYS) has been used to simulate one of the important problems of most hydraulic structures which is seepage and piping under Kufa barrage in Iraq. A Sheet pile would be used to control it and would discuss several cases for location and number of sheet piles under floor of structure.
The Versaille Peace Treaty and Post Conflict Resolution in Europeand The World[Full-Text ] THEOPHILUS, OYIMEADEJUMOThe contemporary world is pregnant with a lot of battles. More often than not, these wars end with post-conflict resolution mechanisms. This paper examines the ‘unfair’ treatment meted out to Germany by the League of Nations at the Versailles Peace Conference of 1919, in the aftermath of World War 1. From the fundamental premise, the paper addresses the following questions among others: what were the terms of settlement?
Numerical Analysis of Photon and Electron Size, and Verifying One to One Correspond Rule of Einstein Photoelectric Effect[Full-Text ] Saddam Husain Dhobi, Chhatra Bahadur Tamang Lama , MD Jahangeer Rangrej, Tika Ram Karki, Yogendra Limbu , Santosh HumagainIn this paper we compare the cross-section area of electron and red photon and and found that the cross-section area of red photon is greater than that of electron. The value is cross-section area of red photon is found to be
ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF PAH’S IN URBAN AREAS OF AZERBAIJAN. STUDY CASE: YASAMAL, SABAIL, NASIMI DISTRICTS[Full-Text ] S.R. Hajiyeva, Z.T. Veliyeva, O.B. HajiyevPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH?s) are chemical compounds considered as pollutants of high priority due to their carcinogenic potential. PAH?s can appear in water, soil or in the atmosphere as adsorbed on particulate material or in the gas phase. An increased number of studies on atmospheric PAH?s in urban areas have been published in the last decade, especially in the last years.
How to Overcome Troubled Speeches?[Full-Text ] Saman Bareen AshrafThe use of speech based assistive technologies has been coined by a misused term named as “troubled speeches”. “Troubled Speeches” are not aiding in communication as communication problems are being overcome by modern research and technologies. There came certain stages in boosting such technologies as a result of certain issues in interpretation and issues in problems of serving others with rich and superfluous languages. Speeches are generated to disabled as a result of inculcating latest technologies by lowering and increasing pitches of the specifications of the machines.
Polypyrrole doped with 4-amino-3-hydroxynaphthalene sulfonic acid for an efficient removal of hexavalent chromium[Full-Text ] M. L. SALL, A. K. D. DIAW, D. G-SALL, N. OTURAN, M. A. OTURAN, A. C-BIRAUD, J.-J AARONThe presence of heavy metals in the aquatic environment is a major global health problem as heavy metals are toxic and lethal to humans and aquatic life. Chromium is one of the most toxic heavy metals because it is highly carcinogenic. The most common oxidation states are trivalent III and hexavalent VI. However Cr6+ is 1000 times more toxic than Cr3+. Hence the need to find effective techniques for the removal of these pollutants harmful to human and his environment.
COMPARISON BETWEEN POST CONTRAST T1 WEIGHTED AND T2 WEIGHTED FLAIR AXIAL SEQUENCES IN VARIOUS INTRACRANIAL PATHOLOGIES[Full-Text ] IMTIAZ ATHAR, SHAHZAIB ALI KHAN, MUHAMMAD AWAIS BUTT, SARAH MARYAM, HASEEB MANZOOR, MUHAMMAD FAIQ BUTT, SANA ALI,YOUSAF GELLANI,ZAIN UL ABIDINMRI is an imaging modality that uses magnetic field and radio frequency waves instead of ionizing radiations to produce diagnostic images. To detect intracranial pathologies, post contrast T1 weighted sequences are being commonly used these days. T1 shortening effect results in contrast enhancement, as compared to T1 weighted images enhancement of meninges is easy to notice on post contrast FLAIR images due to nullification of cortical vessels and CSF signals. post contrast T2 FLAIR do not show enhancement in vessels due to slow blood flow.
SOCIAL NETWORK ON GLOBAL BASED TOURS& SERVICES (SNGB)[Full-Text ] Dr. Gandla Shivakanth,Dr. P. Laxmi Devi, Dr.CNV.Sridhar, P.Ganesh Kumar let clients to achieve check-in and share their check-in data with their contacts. In particular, when a user is roaming, the check-in data are in fact a travel route with some photos and tag information. As a result, a massive number of routes are generated, which play an essential role in many deep-rooted research areas, such as mobility calculation.
A Study to Assess the Stress and Coping Strategies among Family Members of Schizophrenic Clients who Attend out Patient Department in Selected Hospitals at Bagalkot with a View to Develop an Information Guide Sheet[Full-Text ] Nagaraj SunagarIn the modern concept, mental health is not merely an absence of mental illness. Some psychologists have defined mental health as the ability of an individual to make personal and social adjustments. These adjustments relate to one’s daily life in relation to others, at home and at work. Health in its modern concepts as defined by WHO implies, dynamic state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease. Mental health contributes to physical health and vice-versa.
ALPHABETICAL MUSIC THEORIES-WORDS AND MUSIC[Full-Text ] Let us talk about some new things, that can touch lives in new ways and can reach new destinations.
Gall Bladder Perforation in a Young Male of 17 years due to Cholelithiasis: A Case Report[Full-Text ] Dr. Unsa Athar, Dr. Muhammad Moiz Tahir, Dr.Taimoor Jamil, Dr.Muhammad Tahir AzeemGall bladder perforations are reported rarely. They tend to have a high mortality rate as they are not diagnosed in a timely manner. One of the reasons behind this is the fact that the clinical signs and symptoms are vague. Investigation and imaging are also the least helpful in such situations because of non-specific findings. Since it is an emergency, a prompt decision to open the abdomen can be life-saving.
Classification of Remote Sensing Image using Deep learning[Full-Text ] Muhammad Sanusi, Odulu Lydia, Amina Ajibola, Efron Gajere, Mustapha LawalMachine learning has witnessed a lot of research, in the area of image classification. Different algorithms have been proposed in the area of natural image classification, the common practice is to pertain a deep learning (DL) model using a data set with a large number of labeled samples, such as ImageNet, and then to fine-tune the model using a data set which contains limited training samples. However, Remote Sensing (RS) data are more complex than natural image, parts of them are typically even acquired by the use of different remote sensors with different design characteristics.
Smart Home Water Monitoring System[Full-Text ] Rishabh KansalThe amount of water we have on Earth is limited and freshwater even more so. In this day and age, we use water very freely and forget about how scarce it really is. My smart water monitoring system aims to solve this and reduce water consumption in households. When users are informed about their water usage and can track their daily consumption in a convenient place, they do become aware and judicious about their usage. This is basic human behavior and my aim is to put this information into their palms - the smartphone.
Nexus of Social and Technological Approaches to Floods Early Warning System (EWS) in Disaster Risk Management[Full-Text ] Khadija Javed Khan; Zohra Bano, Sohaib ur RahmanNatural disasters are becoming more frequent and treacherous. Hundreds of lives are lost each year due to lack of preparedness and timely emergency warning to vulnerable population threatened by disasters. Pakistan features in the list of ten most vulnerable countries impacted by disasters during the last two decades.
ON THE UNIFICATION OF THE FORCES[Full-Text ] Rosemary AinslieThis first part uses the dialectic to argue that a primary magnetic force may comprise an underlying dipolar material. These dipoles include varying sizes and form the basic building blocks of matter. Here it deals with their field assemblies, which are enabled through their compulsive aggregation into strings.
Positive Discipline: A Unique Method to Replace Corporal Punishment[Full-Text ] Dr. P.V Gouri PrabhaPunishment is about controlling or regulating a child’s behavior through fear. This method is usually practiced by the teachers in school and parents at home. It has a lot of negative impact on the child’s personality. No doubt change can be brought in the behavior of the child through punishment but nit is for a short period. In other way positive discipline is change of behavior through teaching not by punishment which has positive impact on the child for its life time.
ROLE OF PRANAYAMA IN ENHANCING MEMORY SKILLS OF STUDENTS LEADING TO BETTER ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE[Full-Text ] R. MALATHI and V.RAMADASYoga is an ancient philosophical and religious tradition thought to have originated in India in 5000 BC. It has been incorporated into modern medicine during the few decades because of increasing incidence of diseases of modern civilization such as obesity, hypertension, coronary artery diseases, and diabetes mellitus, which are rooted in faulty lifestyle and psychological stress. Yoga is the best lifestyle modification, which aims to attain the unity of mind, body and spirit through asanas (exercise), pranayama (breathing), and meditation.
PERFORMANCE OF RIGID RAFT FOUNDATION RESTING ON SOFT CLAY IMPROVED BY GRANULAR PILES[Full-Text ] Ahmed M. Abdel Galil, Tarik Abdelfattah Youssef, Mohamed I. ElsalhyFoundations on soft cohesive soils suffer from excessive settlement and low bearing capacity. The granular piles technique is widely used to improve the bearing capacity and settlement performance of soft cohesive soils. In this paper, a three dimensional finite element analysis is performed using PLAXIS 3D to investigate the performance of a uniformly loaded rigid raft resting on soft clay soil improved by granular piles.
AN ANALYSIS OF STOCK AND BOND RETURNS CASUALITY: CASE STUDY OF EMERGING AND DEVELOPED COUNTRIES[Full-Text ] Haseena NawazThe purpose of this research is to examine the causality bond returns of five year and stock returns in the case of two developed and two emerging countries USA, Germany, China and Russia respectively. For empirical analysis data from the year 2008 to the year 2017 has been used. The stationarity of the data has been checked with the help of ADF unit root test. The Johnson method has been applied for checking the long term correlation between the variables. Vector error correction methods have been applied for checking the causality between the variables.
Comments on "A simple method to compute economic order quantities"[Full-Text ] Bozhi Wang, Zhiyuan ChenThis study examines Teng [1] that was published in European Journal of Operational Research 198, 351-353 to provide a simpler solution procedure for EOQ/EPQ inventory models by using Arithmetic-Geometric-Mean inequality.
NIKHIL-ANKITA Theorem: Number cannot be certain it is always uncertain[Full-Text ] NIKHIL By viewing the contents you agree to the Terms and Conditions. All punishments subject to jurisdiction at Ranchi 834001. All protocols are valid. Statement - A number should always be represented as: A+-Ni , where A is magnitude of real part, N is magnitude of imaginary part, i is the imaginary iota symbol. The angle Tan^-1(N/A) is calculated with sign to obtain phase.
Everything is the situation or event can be expressed as probability[Full-Text ] Prasenjit janaEverything can be expressed as a situation. 0,2/3,0.5 may be numbers,but 0 means the event nothing happens,2/3 means divide 2 ,3 times.0.5 means likewise. Now velocity, distance or any measurement are events. Distance is the comparing of a large unit. 2m means 2/10dam so we can expressed in a probability of 2 out of 10 in dam scale. Likewise everything can be possible to compare with the big scale . Every real or every activity can be converted as different types of event also. We know all events have probabilities from 0 to1.
The Effect of Steel Fibers and Silica Fume on The Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete[Full-Text ] Wathiq Jassim Mhuder, Samir Mohamed ChassibIn last century, a lot of attempts were performed to upgrade and improve the mechanical behaviour of the concrete mix. By using several additions, concrete properties can be enhanced. Most important additions were the steel fiber and silica fume which give the concrete mix an enhancement in the compressive, tensile, and flexural strength.
A Modified Standard Score Algorithm for Secondary School Recommender System[Full-Text ] Bright, C. and Onuodu, F.E.The drop in educational standard has resulted in low level of academic achievements among secondary school students. This decline in the delivery quality of education is the outcome of certain factors such as: poor funding, unqualified teachers, inadequate learning infrastructure and lack of teaching aids, inadequate school environment and ultimately the proliferation of schools.
THE PRINCIPLE OF CAUTION AND THE THREAT OF DESTRUCTION OF THE CORAL REEF IN THE CARTAGENA´S BAY IN COLOMBIA, LATIN AMERICA[Full-Text ] Elizabeth Ramirez Llerena PhD, Luis Fernando De Avila, Jorge Luis Batista, Nilson Figueroa Atencia y Aniu Margarita Fi-gueroa RamirezThe objective of this work was to determine the application of the principle of environmental denomitae precaution, as the adoption of pertinent measures to prevent damage to the environment with the construction of the Varadero Canal in the Bay of Cartagena, since after the enlargement of the Panama Canal, due to the arrival of the Postpanamax Ships, the extension of the Pass Channel is required to reach the Bay of Cartagena
Oscilloscope Calibration & Laboratory Accreditation –Assignment of Unrealistic CMCs & CAPA[Full-Text ] I.S.PrasadMeasurements are Essential & Measurement Correctness or Traceability of measurements is assured by Calibration. There are millions of Calibration laboratories that claim & perform calibration of oscilloscopes and claim superiority over others by virtue of Accreditation. This Paper gives insight in to the Quality of Assessment of Labs by the Accreditation body through analysis of “Open Source Data” available in “Public Domain”
Uncertainties in Building Refurbishment Projects; an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) Approach[Full-Text ] Adel Noori, Mohammadreza Mokariantabari Building refurbishments involve improvement, repair, retrofit, renovation, and upgrading of existing buildings. It is an important sector of the construction industry. Building refurbishment projects are more uncertain than new-build projects. This paper adopted the quantitative approach and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) to grouping uncertainty in building refurbishment projects in Malaysia. The questionnaire sent to managers and professionals from construction and architectural firms in Malaysia
Selection of Suitable Land Areas for Creating Urban Park within the Jaffna Municipal Council Area, Jaffna, Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Kabilan Suntharamoorthy This descriptive study was aimed to identify suitable land area for creating Urban Park within Jaffna Municipal Council (JMC) area. The ultimate objectives of this study were (1) to identify criteria that are important to consider in the process of creating urban park within an urban area and (2) to evaluate the interdependency of the identified criteria based on the priority of influence on finding a suitable area to create urban park with in a urban area.
Modular Modified DynamicNeural Network Controller For Load Frequency Control[Full-Text ] T. Rathimala, M. KamarasanIn this paper the Modular Modified Dynamic Neural Network (MMDNN) Controller for load frequency control of two area power system is presented. The performances of MMDNN Controller and conventional MNN controllers are compared for Single area and two area power system with non-reheat turbines. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is compared by applying load disturbances. The dynamic response of the load frequency control problem is studied using MATLAB Simulink package. The results indicate that MMDNN Controller exhibits better performance.
Russo-Chinese Pact in The Aftermath of Soviet Dis-integration in Central Asia & It’s Implications For India[Full-Text ] Saptarshi MajumdarThe march of Shanghai Five1 started in 1996 by Russia, China and the three bordering post-Soviet Central Asian states – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan which afterwards turned into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the year of 2001 on June 15th with the inclusion of the 4th former Soviet Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan into the organization, provides the formal structure of Sino-Russian strategic partnership in Central Asia. It began with confidence building measures (CBMs) on the border and subsequently included other fields of cooperation.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Aggressive Septic Sacroiliitis – A Case Study[Full-Text ] Brcaninovic Adel, Delic Adila, Corovic Halil, Salkica Nusret, Šešic Zec Tanja.Sacroiliitis is an inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (SI), usually resulting in pain. Often it is a diagnosis of exclusion. The sacroiliac joint is one of the largest joints in the body and is a common source of the buttock and lower back pain. It connects the bones of the ilium to the sacrum.
ANALYSIS OF ONLINE LOAN SERVICES AT FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES IN INDONESIA[Full-Text ] Putri Viyola Simarmata, Willy PutraThe development of technology and information have brought to light new innovations in the financial sector. Financial services are currently developing in the financial technology industry or what is called Fintech. Fintech is a type of innovation in the field of financial services. A new company that's developed in an online form of loans with no collateral or filing done through an app on a smartphone.
FAILURE INVESTIGATION OF A STEERING BEARING IN MATIC MOTORCYCLE 125 cc[Full-Text ] Nur Aidi Ariyanto, Sri Nugroho, Rifky IsmailA Motorcycle is light vehicles that have a lot of systems that work together and link each other such as chassis system, power train system (engine), brake system, electrical system, suspension system, etc. Bearing is one among other supporting parts of a motorcycle. It’s steering bearing and wheel bearing. Steering bearing is usually exchanged faster than wheel bearing. Steering bearing is a thrust bearing type that able to support axial force, transversal force and also impact force. Failure was happened in steering bearing because of miss assembling, overload carrying, bad road condition and lack of grease.
Random Forest Classifier For Classifying Birds Species using Scikit-learn[Full-Text ] Dr B. Bhoomeshwar, Dr. Y. Nagesh, Dr. K. Raja ShekarA random forest classifier (RFC) is a collection or ensemble of decision trees. Each tree is trained on a random subset of the attributes. We propose a classification technique using voting method with random forests. Random forests are extensions of decision trees and it is a kind of ensemble method. Our proposed method can achieve high accuracy by building several classifiers and running each classifier independently. Accuracy of our proposed method is high compared with other traditional classification algorithms. Voting technique takes outcome from each decision tree and based on the majority of votes it decides which is the actual outcome. Using Scikit-learn tool we evaluated the efficiency of our proposed method. Scikit- learn is a machine learning tool which is extremely used in various machine learning applications for predicting the behavior of data
Adaptive Re-Use of Sahib Mahal to Small Hotel in Badin District, Sindh, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Geeta Khatri, Dr. Sabeen Qureshi, Dr. A.KIt is a method that turns a disused building into a new building that can be used for another purpose. So, for this research, we concentrated on one form of adaptive reuse of sahib mahal to small hotel, based on four major changes and impact issues. Criteria have been developed for change and impact, physical change, economic change, change in value and social impact. The aim of this research is to explore the changes and impacts of adaptive reuse as a small hotel on heritage buildings.
Effects of pH and Temperature on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Crop Residues by Fungal Cellulases[Full-Text ] Caroline Mariana de Aguiar, Alessandra Rodrigues Rufino, Salah Din Mahmud Hasan, Sérgio Luiz de LucenaLignocellulosic materials such as the crop residues are abundant in the world and they can be an important source of cellulose for bioprocesses such as the production of cellulosic ethanol. Cellulose is a biopolymer formed by glucose units that can be hydrolysed by cellulase enzymes under specific physical and chemical conditions.
Leveraging End-to-End Speech Recognition with Neural Architecture Search[Full-Text ] Ahmed Baruwa, Mojeed Abisiga, Ibrahim Gbadegesin, Afeez FakunleDeep neural networks (DNNs) have been demonstrated to outperform many traditional machine learning algorithms in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). In this paper, we show that a large improvement in the accuracy of deep speech models can be achieved with e ective Neural Architecture Optimization at a very low computational cost.
FORMATION OF "HARD ENDPOINTS" IN PATIENTS WITH CORONARY HEART DISEASE IN THE PRESENCE OF PAIN SYNDROME AND ISCHEMIC CHANGES ON ECG[Full-Text ] Kayumov U.K, Kalandarova U.A, Ibragimov A.Yu, Nuritdinov Sh.F, Ariphodjayeva F.Z, Ismailov K.YaThe effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures in relation to cardiovascular diseases depends largely on their early detection and subsequent treatment and prevention. The most accessible and widely used methods of HDD diagnostics during mass preventive examinations of the population is a survey to identify the pain syndrome and an ECG study. Adequate assessment of these indicators is an important prerequisite for early detection, effective prevention, and treatment of CHD, as well as the prevention of premature mortality of patients.